HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-26-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 26, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Galaitsis with members Davies, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall - Taylor, and Tap present. Mr. Harden and Ms. Chase were absent. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** MINUTES Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meetings of May 22 and June 12, 2002. On the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Kastorf, it was voted unanimously 3 -0 to approve the minutes as amended. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Metropolitan State H_ ospital Site Reuse The Board, having voted unanimously at their meeting on June 19, 2002 to approve the plan entitled "Town of Lexington, Definitive Subdivision Plans for Metropolitan Parkway, Metropolitan State Hospital, Lexington, Waltham & Belmont ", dated May 16, 2002, signed the Certificate of Action. Aaron Road Subdivision, New England Construction Co., Inc., Endorse Plan The 20 -day appeal period having passed without an appeal being filed with the Town Clerk, the Board endorsed the definitive subdivision plan entitled Aaron Road Development, dated October 10, 2001, and revised on December 5, 2001. The applicant had not chosen to move forward on an endorsement at an earlier date. Johnson Farm Preliminary Cluster Subdivision Plan, Bedford Street, JMG Development, Public Information Meeting Mr. Galaitsis opened the public information meeting at 7:50 p.m. Present were Mr. Joseph M. GeIormini, applicant, JMG Development LLC; Ms. Pamela Brown, attorney, Brown & Brown, PC; Mr. John Noonan, engineer, Noonan & McDowell; Mr. Michael Weinmayr, landscape architect, Weinmayr Associates; and Mr. William Hubner, architect, Incite Architecture. There were 14 people in the audience. Ms. Brown introduced the development tearn and outlined the development process thus far for this proposal. Mr. Gelormini previously presented two sketch plans for this property and Ms. Brown described how the current plan responds to the Board's suggestions made at the earlier meetings. It proposes 17 dwelling units, eight of which are attached and two of which would be affordable according to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development's (DHCD) definition. The two units would count toward DHCD's requirement that ten percent of a municipality's housing stock be affordable. Until ten percent is reached the municipality is vulnerable to comprehensive permit developments. Mr. Weinmayr presented 17 plan sheets including an aerial view of the site, an iso -topo map and a proof plan showing a 12 -unit conventional subdivision layout. Thirteen buildings, housing a projected 84 persons, are proposed. Thirty -three percent of the site will be common open space. The street will be 564 feet long. Mr. Weinmayr said that over 200 trees with a diameter of eight inches will be retained and 80 trees planted to make up for trees inevitably lost during construction activity. Mr. Hubner described the housing units, saying they are modest in size and have common design elements with a "Cape" (Cod) feeling. They will be designed to reflect the abutting residential streetscape. He said that porches and rooflines would vary so as to break down the mass and add variety. Entrances to duplexes will be on different sides of the buildings. Materials will include wood clapboard with shingled gables. Minutes for the Meeting of June 26, 2002 2 Mr. Noonan explained the drainage system. Because the high point of the site will be changed during site construction, less water will drain to Bedford Street. Mr. Gelormini commented that they tried to satisfy all the Planning Board's concerns. Mr. Galaitsis thanked him for persevering with a cluster subdivision scheme. Questions from the Board Mr. Kastorf asked what comprises the surface of the emergency access way. Mr. Noonan answered that it will hold up under snowplowing. Mr. Galaitsis asked Mr. Noonan to provide the Board with the impervious surface calculations. Questions from the Audience Ms. Mimi Aarens, 314 Bedford Street, the Parker School condominiums, expressed concern about traffic, warning that the development's drivers will have trouble, as she does, getting out onto Bedford Street. Mr. Noonan said that the vehicle trips from the development would be less than the Planning Board's guidelines for cluster trip generation. In response to her question about sidewalks, she was assured that they would be constructed to standards along Bedford Street. Ms. Aarens also expressed concern about the proximity of the development to her building. Ms. Lise Robinson, an abutter, had several questions about a buffer between her property and the new development. Mr. Weinmayr said that new trees, along with the retention of some existing ones, would provide a visual buffer. As for the drainage impact on her property, her storm water nmoffwill drain with that of the development due to identical topographic flow. In answer to another question, Mr. Noonan answered that the State Department of Environmental Protection will not allow them to impact the wetlands near the development and Ms. Robinson's property. The developer said that he will make conscientious efforts to accommodate abutter requests and address their concerns. Ms. Robinson said that she believes the developer has "done a great job" but she is against the project because is will impact her quality of life adversely. Ms. Aarens commented that she is concerned about traffic but likes the plan. Mr. Gelormini said that he understands the abutters' concerns. He noted that he has responded to the Board's stated requests. Mr. Davies commented that he hopes that every effort will be made to save tree; particularly when it is certain what size the detention pond will be. Mr. Kastorf said he wants to see minimal tree destruction and wants clear access for the residents to the open space in perpetuity. He asked for clarity of language about the pumping system. There was a discussion about the size of the units, how the impacts are measured and about terminology used by the applicant vis a vis terms and definitions in the Zoning By -Law. Mr. Gelormini commented that he is waiting until Mr. Marshall Derby, Chairman of the Lexington Housing Assistance Board, returns from vacation to talk with him about the two affordable units. Ms. Brown added that deed restrictions spelling out the continued affordability conditions would run with the land. This will assure that they will count toward Lexington's "ten percent affordable housing." Mr. Galaitsis said that he had thought that the two units were to be given to the Town. Ms. Brown responded that to the developer C 6 giving" meant that the affordable units will pennanently "count" for the town relative to DHCD's definition of affordable housing. The information meeting was closed at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Davies said he likes the plan's concept and asked the staff to handle the numbers. Mr. Galaitsis said that he wants to see the calculations the applicants used for size of the units and for the impervious surface. He said the Board may ask for a mid -term review before a definitive plan is submitted. Mr. Kastorf agreed that this would be desirable so the Board can detennine that the buildings did not get bigger, check that the affordable units will be deed restricted, get more infonnation on the detention pond and look for open space pathway identification. Minutes for the Meeting of June 26, 2002 3 Mr. Kastorf informed the audience that the requested calculations will be available at the public hearing on the definitive plan. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES Middlesex County Hospital Site Reuse: Mr. Garber reported on a meeting in Waltham on the subject of establishing a courthouse at the former Middlesex County Hospital site off Trapelo Road. He said that the State Department of Capital Asset Management is under some pressure to site the courthouse but that residents along Trapelo Road are up in arms at the prospect of it being on the hospital property. He said that State Representative Stanley is trying to get DCAM to accept a site somewhere in or near the large Route 128 office /industrial belt. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mr. Garber reported that the owners of the Lexington Sheraton Hotel want to demolish and replace their existing building off Massachusetts Avenue. A fall town meeting may be requested for the purpose of rezoning. Mr. Davies commented that Lexington needs a good hotel. Mr. Kastorf added that Sheraton usually uses attractive designs. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mr. Galaitsis gave an oral review of Board of Appeals petitions scheduled to be heard on June 27, 2002. 28 Harding Road —Variance for driveway setback and side and rear yard setbacks for a garage The Board agreed to recommend that the applicant be urged to seek an alternate solution not requiring a variance and to suggest that one option would be to move the garage so it would not be within setbacks. 20 Maple Street — Variance to allow conversion of single - family to two dwelling units and special permit to construct a dormer over a nonconforming portion of the dwelling. The Board had no comment except to express their sympathy for the restoration of a nice old house. 60 Bedford Street — Walgreen's Drug Store — Appeal of a decision of the Zoning Enforcement Officer that a drive - through window is not an allowed use; or if appeal is not granted, a variance from table 1, Line 18.1 of the ,Zoning By -Law. Although no comment was offered at this time, the Board and staff expressed concern about this petition and are likely to further explore the details. The Board had no comment on the following applications: • 14 White Pine Lane — renewal of special permit to continue to use a portion of a residence as an office for part-time medical psychiatric practice • 66 Pleasant Street —Variance from side yard to expand a garage and a special permit to add over the nonconforming portion of the garage • 71 Asbury Street — Variance to install a driveway with 2' side yard setback • 58 Reed Street — Variance from front yard setback for a front entry The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. K rl P. Kastorf, Clerk