HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-06-19-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JUNE 19, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Clarke Middle School auditorium, 17 Stedman Road, Lexington, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Galaitsis with members, Chase, Davies, Harden, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall - Taylor, and Tap present. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** COMPREHENSIVE PLAN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Transportation Element RFP, Candidate Finn Interviews Mr. Garber reported on the June 15 interviews with the two engineering consulting firms that responded to the RFP for the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, Howard/Stein-Hudson and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin. He said that both firms are extraordinarily qualified for the work. The two proposals differ in style but both are good. The staff is in the process of calling the firms' references. Gail Wagner, Lexington's transportation coordinator, will interview them this week as well. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** End of June, July_ Schedule Ms. McCall- Taylor reported that a public information meeting for the Johnson Farm preliminary cluster subdivision plan on Bedford Street is scheduled for the June 26 Planning Board meeting. No meeting is scheduled on July 3 so the next Planning Board meetings will be on July 10 and 24. Ms. McCall Taylor said that she would be on vacation on July 10, while Mr. Garber will be on vacation on July 24. Mr. Garber noted that a sizeable cluster subdivision plan might be filed soon as well as a reduced frontage subdivision plan. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Metropolitan State Hospital, Metropolitan Parkway, Definitive Subdivision Plan, Judith Nitsch Engineering, Inc., PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Galaitsis opened the public hearing on the Metropolitan State Hospital subdivision and parkway plan, dated May 16, 2002, at 7:50 p.m. Present for this item were Mr. Stephen Benz and Mr. William Maher, engineers with Judith Nitsch Engineering, Inc., Ms. Cynthia Keliher, attorney with Gadsby & Hannah, and Mr. Robert Cohen, deputy director with the state Department of Capital Asset Management, the applicant. There were eleven people in the audience. Mr. Benz, chief engineer for the project, presented a definitive lotting and parkway plan for the Metropolitan State Hospital site, located in Lexington, Waltham and Belmont. He noted that the plan is the result of four years of his firm's effort and a decade of planning and negotiating by the stakeholders. The plan shows the layout of a roadway that will provide access to the main development area and describes the waivers needed. He said that housing development is not an aspect of this plan. Mr. Benz described the six new lots (and their disposition). Lots 3 and 6 are the development parcels. Lot 1 will go to the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC). Lots 4A and 4B and Lot 5 combined with a Waltham park will be a proposed golf course. Lot 3 is the main development parcel in Lexington. MDC's Lot 1 would surround Lot 3. Mr. Benz described how the south segment of the parkway provides a connection with the north segment through the parking lot for the golf course. Only emergency direct access would be allowed. He said the parkway follows the path of the current driveway on the site. It includes traffic calming elements, including a traffic circle at one point, and it was designed to the topography, which makes some of the waivers necessary. He said that MDC would be responsible for the entire roadway's maintenance. Minutes for the Meeting of June 19, 2002 0a Regarding utilities to the development parcels and along the parkway, Mr. Benz said that they would be provided through the City of Waltham's infrastructure. The roadway will have the usual utilities, all underground, with conduits for electric and telephone service. There will be two auto travel lanes twelve feet wide and a parallel ten foot wide bike lane. Mr. Benz commented that the plan is now before the Lexington Conservation Commission, and its hearing has been continued to July 9, 2002. Questions from the Board Mr. Kastorf asked for more information about the traffic circle. Mr. Benz replied that it is a traffic-calming device used successfully in other parts of the country and he believes Massachusetts residents will get used to it. He said that the DCAM would construct the road and Mr. Benz believes that they will "do it right ". Ms. Chase asked to hear a list of the requested waivers. Mr. Benz said that most of them arise out of the road's designation as a "collector" road, rather than as a "local" road. He explained the waivers, which comprise Appendix B of the application. Mr. Galaitsis asked if MDC's road maintenance responsibilities are spelled out somewhere. Mr. Benz said that they are in an official Care and Control document. In reply to Mr. Galaitsis' question about taxes, Mr. Benz answered that the property would be taxed proportionally by each town it lies in. Mr. Harden asked about maintenance responsibilities other than the road. Mr. Robert Cohen and Ms. Cynthia Keliher assured the Board that MDC takes pride in its properties. In answer to Mr. Harden's further question about emergency access, Mr. Benz explained the route through the parking lot and the fact that the bike lane has a stable surface capable of supporting emergency vehicles. Mr. Davies asked about the parking situation. Mr. Benz replied that there are two parking areas: one for the golf course and another for the MDC headquarter building, a year -round facility. In response to Mr. Harden's question, Mr. Benz said that the capacities of the water and sewer systems are based on the allowable build -out capacity for the site. The Lexington Conservation Commission may ask that the wetlands replication to be used to restore the Vine Brook, rather than occur on the site. Questions from the Audience Mr. Gilbert Garber, Potter Pond, expressed concern about traffic generated by development on the site using Walnut Street, which is so narrow. Mr. Galaitsis asked who would police the parkway. Mr. Albert Giroux asked what would prevent the reconfiguration of the parkway in the future. He was assured that it would take a two- thirds vote by the state legislature to change it. Ms. Katherine Kaddish, Potter Pond, asked if a study had been done as to an increase of traffic generated by development on the site on Concord Avenue. Mr. Benz replied that any increase in traffic can be equal only to the amount of traffic generated by the State Hospital when it was in use. Answering her question about who would police the parkway, Mr. Benz answered the local police through whose town the street runs. Mr, Kastorf added that current mutual aid agreements will be in place for fire emergencies. Mrs. Jacquelyn Davison noted that the parkway would not be a convenient cut through for traffic. Mr. Galaitsis commented that it is not a dead end road so its length presents no problem relative to the Lexington Zoning By -Law. In reply to a question from Mrs. Natalie Riffin, Mr. Benz answered that Waltharn and Belmont will hold their own hearings on the plan. Waltham's meeting will be on June 26. In summing up the proposal, Mr. Benz said that he believes the plan satisfies the mutual concerns of all the stakeholders in the Met State Hospital site reuse. Much effort certainly went into it and he asked everyone to work with them. Minutes for the Meeting of June 19, 2002 Several Board members asked some questions on procedural issues, which were answered. The Board reviewed the list of waiver requests and agreed that they seem reasonable and consistent. Mr. Davies praised the inclusion of a bike lane and the appearance of the planting strips. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously to approve the definitive subdivision plan, entitled Definitive Subdivision Plan, Metropolitan Parkway, Metropolitan State Hospital ", dated May 16, 2002, granting the waivers continued in Appendix B of the application, as well as a waiver of side slopes. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously 5 -0, to close the hearing at 9:30 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE Election of Officers Mr. Harden nominated Mr. Galaitsis for chairman of the Board. Mr. Kastorf seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to re -elect Mr. Galaitsis as chairman.. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously to elect Mr. Harden vice - chairman. On the motion of Ms. Chase, seconded by Mr. Harden, the Board voted unanimously to elect Mr. Kastorf clerk. Work Program Mr. Garber gave the board a list of current known commitments, based on performance measures. Some of the subjects that will probably demand a great deal of time and energy are work on the transportation element of the comprehensive plan and dealing with the large house issue. Concern was expressed about the large house issue taking time and effort away from the comprehensive plan work, which is so important. Mr. Kastorf asked if there is a public groundswell for taking on mansionization. Mr. Davies said he feels it is important but hopes a resident will come forward to take the lead. Site coverage /size of lot, grade limits, and earth removal were suggested as mechanisms to explore. Mr. Davies asked staff to determine the acceptability of limiting the floor area ratio to control house size, as that might solve the problem. Mr. Harden brought up the issue of the Board's Inclusionary Housing Policy, as affordable housing is a high priority subject. Mr. Kastorf commented that there seems to be a move afoot to revitalize the center. The possibility of creating housing in the center, above businesses, came out of the comprehensive planning process. He suggested tapping into the revitalization impetus by building relationships to make such proposals acceptable. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m 1 Sara B. Chase, Clerk