HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-22-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 22, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 6:04 p.m. by Acting Chairman Harden, with members Davies, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, and Tap present. Mr. Galaitsis and Ms. Chase were absent. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND King: Street Conventional Two-lot Subdivision, Taylor Made Carpentry, PLUBLICHEARING Present for this item were Mr. Daniel Taylor, the applicant, Mr. David Goslin, engineer, and Mr. Christopher Emilius, engineer, of GEOD Engineering. Mr. Harden gave a brief overview of the progress of the King Street subdivision thus far in the permitting process and then gave the floor to Mr. Emilius. Mr. Emilius described how the plan before the Board tonight responds to the Board's comments on the previous sketch plan. The number of lots has been reduced from three to two. He went through the locus, site analysis and the utility plans and described in some detail the storm water drainage plan. A hydrant has been added, according to the wishes of the Fire Department. He said that the storm water management system is designed to contain all of the runoff on site. The landscape plan shows mixed plantings in the cul -de sac and white pines elsewhere. Improvement of King Street Mr. Emilius said that his research revealed a X1857 plan of King Street showing a 20 -foot right of way_ Another surveyor, Hayes Engineering, offered another approach, which they incorporated in the version shown tonight. Those revisions are not on the plan the staff and Board reviewed. The plan shows pavement 18 feet wide the full length of King Street, with curbing on both sides and two utility poles installed within the right- ofway They propose putting a crown on kern Street that would direct runoff to a catch basin at the foot of Fern Street. (In answer to a later question from Mr. Kastorf, Mr. Emilius said that they had not yet analyzed the flow of water down Fern Street.) Questions from the Planning Board Mr. Davies asked if the plan's boundaries line up with those of the abutting properties. Mr_ Goslin said that the abutters would have to hire a surveyor to determine that because various plans over 200 years show varying survey landmarks. The current plan shows the road centered on the existing King Street pavement. Mr. Kastorf asked why they did not request a waiver from the curbing requirement, as so much more water will be running off the additional impervious surface. Mr. Emilius replied that the Board previously said they wanted curbing. Ms. McCall- Taylor said that the curbing shown does not meet Lexington's standard detail specifications_ Questions from the audience Ms. Judith Jackson, 18 Bridle Path, asked if the development's effects ota properties along Bridle Path have been assessed_ She said that there is a great deal of ledge in the area_ Mr. Emilius replied that he had not encountered any ledge in his deep pit tests and that water runoff would actually be less due 'to the new drainage system. Ms. Jackson also asked how big the proposed houses would be and if their size had been factored into the drainage calculations. Mr_ Emilius said that the size of the catch basins could be enlarged as needed. In response to a question, Ms. McCall - Taylor said that upkeep of the road would be the responsibility of the abutters and that it was quite unlikely that the Town would ever accept the street. Minutes for the Meeting of May 22, 2002 2 Relative to property boundaries, an abutter said that they talked with Mr. Emilius but he did not place any stakes after that. Ms. McCall - Taylor said that the Planning Board can act on the plan, but cannot decide if upgrading the road, a private way, is legal or if it infringes on abutters' property rights. Someone suggested putting the utilities underground. Mr. Emilius said that that.is quite expensive. He said the power poles would be moved. Mrs. Whitcomb, 29 Fern Street, said she had given a copy of a 1922 survey to the Town Engineering Division. She also expressed concern that the intersection of King and Fern Streets be improved to keep cars off the edge of her land. In response to a question from Mr. Albert Gauthier, Mr. Emilius said that Parcel A would become part of King Street. Mr. Gauthier said he thinks. the road reconstruction would improve safety on the upper portion of King Street and hoped that the lower part can be worked out somehow. Mr. Hayg Boyadjian, 43 Fern Street, asked how the point of connection of King with Fern was determined. Ms. Valerie Upham, 10 King Street, asked how many trees would be cut down for power pole placement. Mr. Emilius answered none. Mr. Mishack Yegian, 8 King Street, listed a number of - problems he has with the development team. He said he hired Hayes Engineering because he suspected that GEOD's plans are inaccurate and the abutters have not even seen the plans presented tonight. Also, GEOD had earlier agreed to meet with the abutters; they did not. Deeds to properties were available; GEOD did not use them_ Mr. Garber asked if curbing would increase the velocity of runoff onto neighboring properties. Mr_ Emilius answered yes. Mr. Kastorf commented that he is very concerned about this development for several reasons: too many variances are needed; lower King Street is apparently very hazardous; more discussion with the neighbors is needed; in sum, many questions remain_ He wants to see much better solutions_ Mr. Davies agreed that property lines need to be determined. He said he is not ready to endorse this plan. Ms. Chase also agreed saying that she drove to the site and saw that the intersection of Fern and King really seems to be unsafe and that the issues of storm water runoff, property boundaries and the presence of ledge on the site also need to be resolved. Mr. Harden listed the unresolved issues, including the undergrounding of utilities to improve safety_ He urged all parties to talk to each other. Mr. Emilius said that the grade at the intersection of Fern and King Street is very difficult. Mr_ Kastorf replied that if improvements can be made that please everyone, the negatives may be overcome, but that communication between all parties is key_ On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously to continue the King Street public hearing to Wednesday, June 12, 2002. REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Metropolitan Sta Hospital Reuse Mr. Garber reported that a subdivision plan was filed in the planning office on Tuesday, May 21, 2002_ A public hearing on the lotting plan and parkway, which will facilitate the reuse plan, will be held on Wednesday, June 19 in Lexington. Mr. Kastorf commented that if the layout of the parkway were not considered a through road it would be a dead -end road exceeding current regulations. If it were so considered, a solution must be found, as it was a major issue of the reuse plan. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications To Be Heard on May 23, 2002: Mr. Davies gave an oral review of the following applications. ■ 31 Justin Street --- Variance from front and side yard setbacks to allow a single -family house The Planning Board agreed to recommend that the Board of Appeals satisfy itself that all options have been explored with respect to products offered by the pre- fabricated house Minutes for the Meeting of May 22, 2002 company, whether a site -built house conforming better to the site has been compared, and if so why it was not selected. There appears to be no way to mitigate setbacks unless a house with a smaller footprint was to be selected. ■ 24 Hartwell Avenue —Global Insight — Special Permit to install a wall sign larger than that allowed by right above the first floor. The Planning Board agreed to defer to the judgment of the Design Advisory Committee_ The Board agreed to make no comment on the following applications: ■ 4 Page Road — Variance from side yard setback to erect a storage shed ■ 14 Taft Road — Special Permit to add second floor and enclose an existing porch ■ 60 Chase Avenue - Variance from side yard for an addition ■ 25 Woodeliffe Road — Special Permit for placement of approximately 92 cubic yards of fill ■ 11 Ledgelawn Avenue — Variance for 2.5 story limit and Special Permi to add second floor to existing nonconforming single - family dwelling. (continued from 519102) The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Sara B. Chase, Clerk