HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-02-13-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 2002 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chainnan Galaitsis with members, Chase, Davies, Harden, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, Tap and Tyson present. There were 25 people in the audience. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Metropolitan State Hospital Site Reuse Mr. Garber reported that the stakeholders in the Met State reuse process have been meeting weekly of late, trying to come to agreement on the second amendment to the reuse plan for the hospital site. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications To Be Heard on February 14 2002: Ms. Chase gave an oral review of the following applications: ■ 44 Bloomfield Street — Special permit to restore original front porch and expand the second floor of an existing nonconforming single- family dwelling ■ 92 -100 Boston Properties — Special permit to install new, proposed signage on the existing sign base ■ 79 Hancock Street — Variance to construct additions to a single - family dwelling that will have a front yard setback of 21' and a side street side yard setback of 12.7', and a special permit to expand nonconforming portions. ■ 7 Hartwell Avenue — Special Permit with Site Plan Review for the rezoned parcel The Board agreed to snake no comment on the applications ARTICLES FOR 2002 TOWN MEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ZONING AMENDMENTS Article 16, Change of use to allow athletic facilities in the CRS Distric Mr. Galaitsis opened the hearing at 7:50 p. m. As the proponent was not present, he asked for comments from the audience. Mr. David Kanter, town meeting member in Precinct 7, asked why the proponent asked for the use to be allowed in only the CRS zone. Why not all of the commercial zones? He asked if there was a particular business wanting to use a particular site. Referencing the Planning Board's recent Comprehensive Plan draft, he asked if this change would further the plan's stated goals. Deirdre Neimann, Niemann Associates, the proponent of Article 16, arrived at 7:55. She presented reasons why she has requested the Board to add athletic facilities to the allowed uses in the CRS zoning districts. Showing photographs of existing commercial development the CRS zones, she argued that the use would be suitable in all of them. She said she realizes that the Zoning By -Law was designed to protect residents but that this change to the use table should be allowed, as it would support a local business person. She said there is adequate parking space behind the building and on town -owned land on the other side of the bike path. Planning Board members asked if there would be a size limitation and how big was the lot? Ms. Niernann answered that the building has 2,850 square feet of space and that the lot was small, perhaps 5,000 square feet. In response to Mr. Galaitsis' question about parking, Ms. Niemann answered that there is plenty of parking in the surrounding area. Ms. Niemann said the Town owns the parking area land adjacent to Mal's Autobody. Ms. Dawn McKenna asked for more information about parking. She said the neighbors should not be burdened with parking on residential streets. Mr. Frank Sandy, town meeting member, precinct 6, asked what the parking requirements in that zone are. Mr. Garber that the parking is &termined by use, not Minutes For The Meeting Of February 13, 2002 2 zone, and the use requires parking "as needed." Ms. McCall - Taylor said that parking off -site does not generally fulfill the parking requirements for a business. She said that the Building Commissioner has the final say on a parking plan's appropriateness. Mr. Kanter requested the Planning Board not to make a global change to the CRS zone for the desired use change because of the off -site parking issue. Mr. Douglas Touart, who owns 3 Bow Street and would like to establish an athletic facility there, said that he is amendable to having the use be allowed by special permit in the CRS zone. Mr. Kanter asked if this variation in the amendment would be within the "scope" of the article as submitted to the town meeting warrant. He said he believes the proposal is too site specific. The applicant was urged to talk with the Moderator and to Town Counsel. Ms. Niemann summed up her presentation, saying she believes that the proposed use is appropriate for the CRS zone Mr. Galaitsis closed the hearing at 8:40 p.m. Article 15 Rezone a parcel of land on Waltham Street at the Lexington/Waltham line to CRS: Mr. Galaitsis opened the hearing at 8:45 p.m, The proponents for the rezoning of land on Waltham Street at the Lexington /Waltham town line (town property map 95, lot I IA) were: Charles Proia, Watertown Savings Bank, the applicant, Frederick Conroy, attorney, Mr. Ted Vrettoes, architect, of Royal Design Builders; Mr. Terrence Parker, landscape architect, of Landforms, Ltd., and William Scully, traffic engineer, of MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Mr. Vrettoes presented a plan showing the proposed layout of the site on which the Watertown Savings Bank would like to build a branch office building. The land is currently zoned RO, single- family residential. Mr. Galaitsis explained to the audience that the bank presented a sketch plan of their project in November 2001, and the Planning Board gave them a favorable reaction. Mr. Vretttoes explained how the plan responds to the direction given them by the Planning Board in November. The curb cut has been moved so that it is 85 feet away from the nearest entrance to the shopping mall adjacent to the site in Waltham. He described the flow of cars through the site. He said the Conservation Commission has delineated the wetlands and the bank won't build within 50 feet of that line. Mr. Scully, the traffic engineer, explained his study of traffic related to surrounding businesses, including traffic counts and egress /ingress patterns. He said a branch bank does not generate much traffic; he estimated between 40 and 50 trips per day. He predicted a net increase of 30 trips north and 30 south per day on Waltham Street. He said there would be a small increase in delays at nearby traffic lights, but traffic on Waltham Street would flow pretty much as it does now. It is a four -lane road so a car turning left will not block all traffic behind it. He noted that the landscaping was designed not to interfere with driver sight lines and a sidewalk is planned across the front of the site to accommodate pedestrian traffic. He said he had approached the shopping center owners about improving their entrances into the parking lot as they need more definition. Mr. Galaitsis asked for questions from the audience. Mr. Ephraim Weiss, town meeting member, precinct 5, stated that he did not want to hear about the bank's proposed building, etc. He demanded to hear why they think the rezoning to CRS is appropriate for this piece of land. Mr. Davies said that he hopes that the development team will join the effort to get some kind of safe crossing for residents on the other side of Waltham Street, as the need has existed for a long time. Mr. Minutes For The Meeting Of February 13, 2002 3 Scully replied that they are in favor of a marked crossing with good signage. In response to Mr. Kastorf s question, Mr. Scully answered that they are working with the Town on this issue. Mr. Conroy added that the bank is willing to participate in the study and design of a solution for safe pedestrian traffic, including donating $20,000. Mr. Kastorf inquired as to the nature of the barrier between the bank property and the adjacent shopping center parking lot. Mr. Parker answered that it is a wrought -iron fence on a granite base. Ms. McCall - Taylor read Mr. Joseph Marino's letter of support for the rezoning. Mr. Marino is the Town's Economic Development Officer. Mr. Frank Sandy, town meeting member, precinct 6, asked why the presentation seemed to be like that of a CD rezoning but with no legal mechanisms in place to ensure that the presented plans will actually be followed. Mr. Conroy responded that it just evolved that way. The bank is willing to enter into legal agreements if that is desired. Mr. Garber commented that this could be done. Mr. Kanter suggested that such arrangements might not be within the scope of the article. Invoking the comprehensive plan again, he said that a persuasive argument for changing the zoning of this parcel of land had not been made tonight. He later added that the issue of dwelling units on the site ought to be addressed at town meeting, as providing housing is a very high priority in Lexington. Mr. Galaitsis suggested that the bank talk to LexHAB about this issue. Mrs. Angela Frick, 1010 Waltham Street, a member of the Conservation Commission, said that she believes another curb cut will only add danger for pedestrians. She added that the bank would need another wetlands hearing if the land is rezoned. Mr. David Kessler, town meeting member in Precinct 3, said the site is too ugly for a residential use. But he agreed that another curb cut would increase the danger there. He urged access to the bank through the shopping center parking lot. Mr. Arthur Katz, South Lexington Civic Association, stated that the SLCA is unanimously against the rezoning because there is too much traffic already in that area along Waltham Street. Mrs. Natalie Riffin, 6 Field Road, commented that she wants to see something attractive done on the site, as it is an eyesore and a very unattractive gateway to Lexington. Other resident comments had to do with snow removal and storage and the Avalon property north of the site. The Board said that it would like to see more material from the proponents and agreed unanimously to continue the hearing to February 27, after the scheduled public hearingsthat night. Following these public hearings the board discussed their position on article 16, change of use to allow athletic facilities in the CRS district. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Harden, the Board voted 4 -1, Ms. Chase opposed, not to support Article 16 due to lack of infonnation. Regarding Article 15, RO to CRS, rezoning of land on Waltham Street, on the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously to continue the public hearing to February 27, 2001 Article 20 House Impact Review, threshold for Site Plan Review Discussion: Mr. Garber thanked assistant planning director McCall- Taylor, Ms, Deborah Tyson, intern, and Mr. Galaitsis for their data gathering and analysis work for article 20, the house impact review zoning amendment. He said the amendment is still a work in progress. Ms. McCall - Taylor gave a summary of the work done in the past week and handed out copies of the material to those remaining in the audience. She said that where to Minutes For The Meeting Of February 13, 2002 "draw the line" above which a proposed large house would be submitted to site plan review, is still hard to define. Board members commended the staff on their work. A working session followed on the technicalities of the measure. Questions and comments from the audience were heard. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The Board scheduled a meeting for Wednesday, February 20, 2002, to continue discussing Article 20, house impact provisions. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Sara B. Chase, Clerk 4