HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-18-PB-minPLANNING BOARD ML\aYFES MEETLNG OF RJNE 18, 2003 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Harden with members Chase, Davies, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, and Tap present_ MINUTES Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of June 4, 2003. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Johnson's Farm Cluster Subdivision, 3MG LLC, Release of Lot Mr. Joseph Gelormmni, the developer, and Ms_ Patricia Brown, attorney, were present for this item. Mr. Gelorrim would like the Board to release lot five of the Johnson's Farm subdivision even though the public facilities are incomplete. He said that the Selectmen postponed until June 30 acting on his application for permission to connect into town water /sewer so he could not complete the road work and utility connections, but he has worked out something with the engineering division. for June 23, Mr_ Gelormini said the subdivision covenant can act as surety on lot five and he has asked the developer, a friend of his, who is buying lot five, for a landscaping bond_ He reiterated that he has no doubt that the house on lot dive will relate appropriately to the rest of the cluster development On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, it was voted 4-0 to release lot five of the Johnson's Farm Cluster subdivision, provided all existing homeowners covenants run with the lot. On the motion of Mr_ Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Harden, it was voted to authorize Mr. Garber to add the necessary warding to the lot release and to sign it for the board- 47-53 Pleasant Street Preliminary Conventional Subdivision Plan, Mr. Eugene Luongo, Pu blic Information Meeting Mr. Eugene Luongo and Mrs_ Jeanne Luongo, the applicants, and their son; Mr_ Gary Larson and Mr. Chris Bailey, landscape architects, Larson and Associates; and Mr. Richard 4Vaitt, Meridian Engineering, were present. There were 10 people in the audience_ Mr. Larson presented a plan showing seven house lots on a new cul de sac off Pleasant Street. The existing buildings house, garage and shed —will be demolished and the trees and brush along the front of the site thinned out and shaped up, though most of the trees will remain. They plan to retain the stone wall along Pleasant Street. There will be a permanent easement over the wooded portions of back corner of the tract; along Pleasant Street there will be a 30 foot -wide easement across lot one and a 20 -foot wide easement across lot seven. The smaller of the proposed houses, which will range in size from 2,200 to 2,450 square feet of livin space, will be situated on the lots closest to Pleasant Street. Mr. Larson noted that the amount of usable open space in the plan exceeds the minimum required. The amount of impervious surface is less than the maximum allowed. No waivers are requested_ Their intent is to have the town accept the new road as a public way. Beard Questions and Comments: Mr. Harden noted that Mr. Luongo's had presented a sketch plan for his land at 47 -53 Pleasant Street in November 2002_ At that time the Board encouraged Mr_ Luongo to consider developing a cluster subdivision. Minutes for the Meeting of June 18, 2003 2 Mr. Kastorf pointed out that the corner of the proposed house nearest Pleasant Street is actually closer to the street than the existing dwelling. Ms. Chase asked about the proposed street width. Mr. Larson said that 24 feet is the required width and asked if the Board would prefer a narrower road. Responding to her question of why they are showing a buffer along Pleasant Street that is less than the Planning Board had asked for, Mr. Larson said that a 50 feet buffer is not needed. They plan to supplement the current vegetation and create some terracing. Proposed plantings will be shown in the definitive plan_ Mr. Harden voiced concern about the proposed dwellings' height. Mr. Larson said that the architectural work has not been done yet and new vegetation will screen them. Mr_ Davies and Ms. Chase thought the first floor elevations seemed high. The height of the proposed terracing also concerned the Board. Audience. Questions, and Comments Mr. Russell Morash, 41 Pleasant Street, warned of serious existing water intrusion problems in the area and asked if the development is far enough away from the wetlands. Mr. Larson answered yes and said they will have to file a Notice of Intent with the Conservation Commission when the parcel closest to the wetlands is built on. Also, there will be an adequate stormwater system to store the water and return it to the soil. Mr. Waitt provided details on the drainage system. Other abutter concerns were oil drums and other trash on the site; the position of the new road relative to Milliken Road; screening for the existing houses; insufficient sight distance for drivers entering Pleasant Street; the number of houses proposed (Five houses instead of seven was suggested as being preferable); potential blasting; and the length of the construction process_ Someone asked if the owners of the new houses would be able to add on. to them. Mr. Larson replied that they probably could, within the limits of the Zoning Bylaw. In response to Mr. 1V orash's question, Mr. Luongo said that it is not decided yet who will actually develop the property. Direction from the Board: The visual impact of the development along Pleasant Street is a concern in this subdivision_ This includes the transition between Pleasant Street and the front two lots of the development, and the scale and massing of the proposed dwellings and retaining walls. The Board would like to see fewer house lots, perhaps 6, in a cluster scheme that would preserve more of the character of the site. This would solve the major problems the Board has with this plan. The stone wall alonb the front shall be retained. A mid -term review will be required. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted 4 -0 to approve the preliminary plan for 47-53 Pleasant Street with the understanding that the Board would not approve seven lots or offensive massing and scaling. The .plan shall show more appropriate massing scale and landscaping than does the preliminary plan_ Architectural elevations should be provided. All efforts should be taken through design and placement of the houses to minimize the height of the houses and to avoid the appearance of them looming over Pleasant Street. Further conditions of the preliminary plan approval that must be addressed with all necessary additional detail at the definitive plan stage are: a sidewalk must be provided within the subdivision, or a waiver sought frorn the requirement; all trees to be retained will be indicated on the plans and in the field, and efforts will be made to retain as many trees as possible within the site and along the borders; the applicant should make clear the purpose of the conservation areas and whether any disturbance to the areas will be permitted; the plans will show the required minimum yards of 30 feet for front yards on both streets and 25 feet for side and rear yards (unless the house sizes are reduced to below 2,500 square feet of gross Moor area, in which cases side and rear yards -nay be 15 feet). There will be no vehicle access to the subdivision lots from the paper street shown as Milliken Road on the plans. Minutes for the Meeting of June 18, 2003 3 Aaron Road, Request For Changes To Road. Design Ms. McCall-Taylor reported that some of the abutters to the Aaron Road subdivision would like the Board to approve some design changes to the road. After some discussion, the Board decided that the original plan should be followed as the engineering division and fire department approved the design. Also, there wasn't consensus among the neighbors at the time the plan was approved and that has not changed. Some do not want the road design altered_ HOUSING Comprehensive Plan Implementation. Review of Memo from Consultant Philip Herr The Board unanimously applauded the work program that Mr. Philip Herr prepared describing tasks that he plans to accomplish over the next year relative to implementing the housing element of the Comprehensive Plan_ Some of the tasks to be addressed include affordable housing development guidelines, an affordable housing overlay district and inclusionary incentives_ RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Mlications To Be Heard on June_ 26 2003 Mr. Davies gave an oral review of the following applications: 99 Follen Road — Permit to add fill 10 Muzzey Street — Dabin Restaurant — Renew special permit to operate restaurant IS Preston Road -- Variance to allow 3 -story addition 10 Tavern Lane — Variance to allow garage within 30' setback The Board had no comment on the above applications and agreed to defer to the Design Advisory Cornrnittee regarding the application below. 60 Bedford Street — Special permit for internally illuminated wall mounted sign The Board agreed that due to time constraints they would ask staff to review Board of Appeals applications and bring to the its attention only those that involve planning issues. PLANNING BOARD ORGANIZATION, SCHEDULE Meeting Schedule The Board set meetings for July 9, 16 and 23, and for August 13, 2003_ The third housing meeting will be held on August fifth or sixth, depending on the committee members' availability. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously y (#oUrn at 10 rn. L_ Davies, Clerk