HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-19-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MARCH 19, 2003 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Galaitsis with members Chase, Davies, Harden., Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, and Tap present. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ARTICLES FOR 2003 TOWN MEETING Article 21, Resolution on Comprehensive Permit Procedures, Ms. Judith Uhrig Mr. Galaitsis recognized Ms. fudith Uhrig, member of the Board of Appeals, wh.o asked to speak with the Board about Article 21, a citizens' petition. The petition asks Torun Meeting to adopt a resolution urging the Board of Appeals (ZBA) to apply current MassHousing land acquisition guidelines as a condition to granting a Comprehensive Permit Permits. She said she was mostly concerned with the perception of what is going on. with. Article 21. The relationship of the Planning Board and Board of Appeals has improved in recent years and she feels that relationship would be damaged if the Planning Board supports Article 21, in essence telling the Board of Appeals bow to conduct its business. Mr. Harden responded that his concern is that the Board of Appeals should be provided with a more uniform and precise tool to help them with future 40B proposals, which he believes Article 21 would do. Ms. Chase made analogy to the historic preservation guidelines, which help decision — making bodies. Mr. Galaitsis recused himself and left the room as he is one of the abutters to the 536 -540 Lowell Street Comprehensive Permit project. Mr. Kastorf commented that the Planning Board and Board of Appeals would be working together on the Met State Hospital development when it comes to Town Meeting next year. He wondered if they should have joint meetings? Ms. Uhrig agreed that the two boards should work together on a process and suggested that a representative of the one Board could attend a meeting of the other on the subject (or vice versa) but in an informational, not advisory, role. After Ms. Uhrig left the meeting, the Board endeavored to come to an agreement on a statement to make at Town Meeting about Article 21. STAFF REPORTS Land Use Reform Act, Update Mr. Garber reported that the "heavy hitters" —both for and against the Land Use Reform Act are beginning then lobbying. He said that the Act will have profound and much needed effects if it is passed as it would curtail many special interest exemptions in the Zoning Act and the Subdivision Control Law. It seems to be gaining momentum but will need every bit of support possible. Mr. Galaitsis rejoined the meeting. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ARTICLES FOR 2003 TOWN MEETING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Article 18, Ledgemont Rezoning, Revised PSDUP The Board reviewed the amended Preliminary Site Development and Use Plan for The Beal Companies' petition to rezone its land at Spring Street and Hayden Avenue. Ms. McCall - Taylor listed the main changes: ® The building is ten feet less in height ® One layer of the parking structure has been eliminated ® Increased land put under conservations easement After some discussion the Board agreed, however, that their initial reactions to the proposal have not Minutes for the Meeting of March 19, 2003 2 changed: the additional. building, increase in the floor area ratio to .34 and parking structure would be too intense for the site and generate too much additional traffic in the area. Article 17, Zoning Bylaw, Technical Correction Having reviewed the draft report to Town Meeting on Article 17, Technical Correction, on the motion of Mr. Harden, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously to approve the report, which recommends approval of the technical correction having to do with reference in the Zoning Bylaw to the Trip Generation Manual prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Ms. Chase will present the article to Town. Meeting, Article 19, Zoning Bylaw, .Banks in the CS Districts Having reviewed the draft report to Town Meeting on Article 17, Banks in the CS districts by special permit, on the motion of Ms. Chase, seconded by Mr. Harden, the Board voted unanimously to approve the report, which recommends disapproval of the citizens' petition. Mr. Davies will present the article to Town Meeting. Article 20, Zoning Bylaw, Amendments to Sign Bylaw Mr. John Bartenstein and Ms. Lorraine Fournier, proponents of Article 20 were present. The Board recessed briefly to read a memo from town counsel on the proposed amendment to the sign bylaw. After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval of Article 20 to Town Meeting. The Board thanked Mr. Bartenstein for his very fine work: in drafting the amendment. Mr. Galaitsis will present the Board's report to Town Meeting. Article 21, Resolution Re 40B Comprehensive Permits Mr. Galaitsis left the meeting. The Board discussed whether or not to voice support for Article 21, which asks Town Meeting to adopt a resolution urging the Board of Appeals to apply MassHousing land acquisition guidelines as a condition to granting a Comprehensive Permit. Members agreed that they support efforts to strengthen Lexington's negotiating position with developers of Chapter 40B housing. However, the resolution gives the appearance of a reprimand of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Davies suggested the following wording for a position statement: "The Planning Board respects the independence of the work of the Board of appeals and takes no position on Article 21, The Board endorses the content of Article 21 and urges the Board of Appeals to use it as guidance as it sees fit." The Board agreed to continue discussion at their meeting on March 24, Article 23, Transfers of Land to Conservation Mr. Galaitsis rejoined the meeting. Having reviewed a draft of its report to Town Meeting on Article 23, Land Transfers to Conservation, on the motion of Mr. Harden, seconded by Ms. Chase, the Board voted unanimously to approve the report. The Board supports the transfer of a parcel of land on Highland Avenue to Conservation as it is wet and not developable and favors placing a conservation easement on the small parcel on Bedford Street, rather than transferring it to Conservation at this time. On the motion of Mr. Kastorf, seconded by Mr. Davies, the Board voted to adjourn the rxaeeting at 11:45 p.m. Karl P. Kastor£ Clerk