HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-05-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF FEBRUARY 5, 2003 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Guard Room, Lexington Police Station, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Galaitsis with members Davies, Harden, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall - Taylor, Tap and Machek present. Ms. Chase was absent. MINUTES Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of November 6, 2002 and January 22, 2003. On a motion duly made and seeonded, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes, as amended. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATIO.N OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Mr. Kastorf recused himself. Hazel Road Special Residential Development, Ronald Lope : Present for this item were Mr. Ronald Lopez, North Shore Construction and Development, applicant; Mr. Dylan James and Mr. Jason Himi.ck, Meridian Engineering Inc., engineers; and Mr. Edmund Grant, attorney. Mr. Himick presented three sketch development concept plans for land off Hazel Road. Twelve dwelling units, a mix of single - fancily and duplex units on a cut de sac, are proposed. Average unit living -area would be around 2,000 square feet. Two single - family units would face Winter Street. Board Comments and Questions Mr. Harden asked if there would be any affordable units. Mr. Grant responded that the Special Residential Development provisions have no requirement to include affordable housing. Mr. Harden said that a 12 -unit development is quite intense for the site's size. Where is the public benefit? Mr. Lopez responded that he is looking for the Board's input tonight. Mr. Galaitsis stated that a new development should not put the Town in a worse position relative to the Department of Housing and Community Development's ten percent threshold of affordable housing. Questions about the paper portion of the street being made part of the development arose. Mr. Grant pointed out that Mr. Lopez owns both sides of the paper street so he could use it. Ms. McCall - Taylor asked him to provide case law on this issue. She also asked how the usable open space requirement would be met, as the site is very step. Mr. James said that grading has been done which helps to solve that problem. Site coverage is 12.4% not counting the road; it is 15% including the road. There is water service in the roadway. Mr. Davies expressed his hope that the houses would be designed to fit the site well. Audience Comments and Questions A Pine Knoll Road resident expressed his concerns about runoff. Blasting was another concern; the area recently suffered through blasting for the Lexington Park development, off Winter and Sullivan Streets. The Board asked the developer to come back with another sketch plan with fewer units of not greater than. the size shown tonight. Mr. Kastorf rejoined the meeting. Minutes for the Meeting of February 5, 2003 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Housing The Board welcomed Mr. Philip Herr, of Philip Herr Associates, consultant for implementation measures for the housing element of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Herr presented the results of his research into the changing socio- economic character of Lexington residents and its effect on residents and its effect on the housing stock, It listed three major points: I. The income stratification that everyone generally knows is occurring Is very real, very rapid, and very Likely to change the kind of Town that Lexington is unless strong steps are taken to counteract that. 2. The numbers of units being subsidized and restricted over time to affordable levels is small, but those units are critical. They are almost the only ones in Lexington that remain affordable for people at or below the median income for that region. 3. The housing price and income stratification problem is larger than local, and therefore will require larger than local efforts at .remedies, with which Lexington should be an active participant. Discussion of ways to preserve and protect affordability followed, including: • institute a demolition delay process for the smaller older homes being targeted for demolition and replacement; • stay aware of the new governor's fiscal reform measures, which might include rewards to towns proactive in producing affordable housing; • take advantage of the opportunities in the Met State development; • investigate possibilities for using town -owned land; • join a housing consortium, like that in Newton; • support the new zoning reform legislation; • explore regulatory means; • consider providing reduced permitting fees for affordable housing • employ residential special permit authority to induce or require provision of affordable housing; • define a housing incentive overlay district; • negotiate 40B projects wisely Exploring ways to work with the Lexington Housing Assistance Board, the Housing Authority, chtweh. housing advocacy groups and others was seen as important, along with an intense public relations campaign. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS Bartlett Avenue Definitive Street Construction Plan After a brief discussion, on the motion of Mr. Davies, seconded by Mr. Harden, the Board voted unanimously to determine that the existing, unaccepted 40 -foot section of Bartlett Avenue adjacent to Assessors .Map 29, lot 43, was presently of adequate grade and construction to provide access to the lot. The Board found that this determination was only for access to a single- family house on the one grandfathered lot and that no further subdivision would be permitted. RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS Applications To Be Heard on February 13, 2003 After an. oral review of the following applications, the Board agreed to make no comment on the applications. • 11 Joseph Road — Variance from front and side yard setbacks for additions to a nonconforming single - family dwelling (Continued from 1123103) • 150 East Street - Doran Greenhouses --- Renewal of a special permit to operate roadside stand fro the sale of flowers, plants and other nursery and farm goods and for the seasonal sale of Christmas trees and wreaths • 65 Munroe Road — Variance from front yard setback for addition to nonconforming Minutes for the Meeting of February 5, 2003 3 single - family dwelling - • 30 Forest Street — Variance from secondary street setback to construct additions to nonconforming single- family dwelling 0 88 Winter Street — Variance from front yard setback to construct additions to nonconforming single- family dwelling The Board agreed to defer to the recommendations of the Design Advisory Committee on the following two applications: ® 29 Hartwell Avenue — Special permit to erect two new standing signs (Continued from 1/9103) • 475 Bedford Street -- Boston Sports Club — Special permit to erect externally illuminated sign (Continued from 119/03) EXECUTIVE SESSION * x * * * * * * ** x xa * * * * ** x Mr. Galaitsis polled the members at 10:15 p.m. and the Board voted unanimously to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation against the Town. The Board agreed to reconvene in open session only for the purpose of adjourning. The Board returned to open session at 10:50 p.m. On a motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:50 p.m. arl P. Kastorf, Cleric