HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-06-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER b, 2004 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Kastorf with members Davies, Galaitsis, Harden, Manz and planning staff McCall - Taylor, and Tap present. REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES Redevelopment of Metropolitan State Hospital, AvalonBay Communities Inc The AvalonBay development team for Met State site was present to show the Board the plans that it will submit to the Board of Appeals for a special permit. It will be heard on October 14. Mr. Michael Roberts explained the reasons for several changes to the site plan, a number of which would require variances. Others improve circulation and make the "green" more inviting. In response to Board member questions, the following was learned: — Work on the Metropolitan Parkway is out to bid. It is hoped that construction will start on the parkway by the end of the year. AvalonBay anticipates getting a building permit by the end of March. — Farade materials will be a combination of brick and vinyl siding. — Restrooms in the shared areas e.g., Kline Hall, will be refurbished. AvalonBay will provide standard specifications for the areas in which it has offered "shell" construction. — Weston & Sampson, engineers, will review the plans for the Board of Appeals and the Conservation Commission. In response to Mr. Kastorf s question, Mr. Roberts said that the Board would be able to visit the site periodically during construction. He agreed to send the Board copies of the elevation drawings. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** LEXINGTON CENTER INITIATIVE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Joint Meeting with the Lexington Center Committee Present for the joint meeting were the following members of the Center Committee: Mr. Jerome Smith, Ms. Mary Jo Bohart, Ms. Joan Zhaka, Ms. Daphne Politis, Mr. Richard Pagett, Mr. William Levison, and Mr. Jerry Michelson. The major topic of discussion was parldng in the central business district, using Mr. Harden's memo as a guide. Basic questions are: do the parking regulations help the situation; and, would their absence make it worse? Things to consider: A master plan for the central business district Connectivity improvements Parking overflow into surrounding neighborhoods The importance of public transit A parking structure Look at parking separately from the uses Vitality of business mix Allowing residential uses on upper floors of buildings. Selectman Richard Pagett noted that the unenforceability of the parking regulations engenders cynicism. He also reported that at the Selectmen's goal setting session on September 22, center business district issues were unanimously seen by the members as a priority. Many other priority items were within the Planning Board's purview. These included the subjects discussed tonight as well as re- examining the commercial floor area ratio regulations, restoring the economic development officer position and resolving the traffic mitigation funds issue. He indicated that the Selectmen wish to find the best way to work with the Planning Board and Center Committee, recognizing that they set their own agendas. Minutes for the Meeting of October 6, 2004 2 Mr. Kastorf remarked that the groups' issues are remarkably similar. The rest of the Planning Board members agreed that they wish to go forward with a well - researched and well- prepared parking initiative, as it is clearly important to Town Meeting members too. Ms. Manz and Mr. Levin agreed to look at the bylaw language. It was agreed that communication with the Historic Districts Commission, Design Advisory Committee and neighborhood groups would be important. The next joint meeting will be in November. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TRAFFIC MITIGATION IMPLEMENTATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Improvement of Marrett/Spring/Bridge Intersection Mr. Kastorf reported on the Marrett/Spring/Bridge ad hoc committee's appearance before the Board of Selectmen. The group recommended hiring a consultant to do stakeholder consensus building as the first step toward improving traffic flow and safety at the intersection of Marrett Road, Spring Street and Bridge Street. Laying out past studies of the area would provide a sense of the options to the neighborhood. Mr. Dean Curtin, who owns property adjacent to the intersection, has said he would sue to prevent any work that he considers not in his interest from taking place. Ms. Manz suggested enlisting the State's help, as Marrett Road is a state route. All indicated their willingness to participate in this endeavor. STAFF REPORTS * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * ** x * * ** x * * ** Ms. McCall- Taylor reported the following: Grandview Avenue Subdivision Appeal by Abutters — The judge annulled the Planning Board's decision pertaining to the subdivision application because the abutting property owners with interest in Grandview Avenue did not sign the application. The grandfathered status of the lots was upheld. Pre -BRAC Planning Grant — The Town of Lincoln has been heading an effort to get a planning grant to help plan for the possible closing of the Air Force base at Hanscom. HOME Consolidated Plan This has been submitted to the Metrowest consortium. The Planning Board may have to hold public hearings to get residents' input. MAPA Outstanding Planning Award — The Planning Department has nominated the Met State Hospital Redevelopment Plan for an Outstanding Planning Award from the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Planning Association in the Planning Project category. Planner Eve Tapper assembled the package with some aid from AvalonBay. Winning entries will be announced in December. Potential Rezoning Articles — The Sheraton Hotel on Marrett Road is on the market and staff has been fielding numerous queries about the site. The property is zoned CD, Planned Commercial District and would require rezoning for a non -hotel use. As well, the parcel of land on the Lexington town line adjacent to the McDonald's restaurant on Waltham Street, which is currently zoned RO, may be the subject of a rezoning petition. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Plannin g Director Search Mr. Davies reported on his meeting with Acting Town Manager Linda Vine and staff relative to the planning director search. A schedule for action was developed. A classified ad will be placed in the Sunday Boston Globe and on the Globe's Internet classifieds pages and in a number of other outlets. Mr. Kastorf reported on progress toward assembling an interview team. Interviews are Minutes for the Meeting of October 6, 2004 3 projected to begin by November 15. Ms. Manz, Mr. Davies and representatives of the Board of Selectmen, Conservation Commission, Board of Appeals and TMMA will be on the interview team. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. t e V n d yyt � M C lerk