HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-07-21-PB-minThe meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Kastorf with members Galaitsis, Harden, Manz and planning staff Garber and Tap present. Mr. Davies and Ms. McCall - Taylor were absent. Joining the Board were the following members of the Lexington Center Committee: Mr. Fred Johnson, Mr. Jerome Smith, Selectman Richard Pagett, Mr. Jerry Michelson, Ms. Mary Jo Bohart (Chamber of Commerce), Ms. Elaine Dratch, Ms. Sara Arnold, and Mr. Robert Bicknell. Carl Greenberg, an interested resident, was also present. LEXINGTON CENTER INITIATIVE Lexington Center Physical Enhancement Project Mr. Kastorf briefly recapped the joint meeting of the Planning Board and Center Committee on June 9, 2004. Since then, everyone had received a copy of Lexington Center Analysis 2004, compiled by Taintor and Associates, Inc. with staff assistance, and Mr. Kastorf asked for their reactions to it. In general, they were very pleased with the information it presented. It defines the general issues and the parking comparison of Lexington Center to other roughly comparable municipalities is especially useful. They were glad that the report contained some concrete recommendations, along with a digest of information on the center from past studies. It was agreed that what is currently needed is effective action toward some visible center enhancements. Parking The "400 pound Gorilla ".• Potential changes to the way parking in the center is approached were weighed. Employee parking in prime customer spaces is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Among the sub - topics were: satellite parking areas, with or without shuttle service; rethinking of contract parking; employer incentives to encourage alternate commuting and parking by employees; and cooperation between employers. Signage: Ms. Bohart reported that the Tourism Committee is working toward coherent "themed" signage for visitors, starting at Route 95/128. More "way- finding" signs are needed. Adding to the challenge of moving forward on this, signage in the center must meet the Historic Districts Commission's standards. Connectivity: Basic improvements to the center to provide convenient parking and to promote pedestrian - circulation emerged as a top - priority goal. Under this topic, the participants discussed how to "establish an action - oriented, expedited program of small scale physical enhancements at selected locations in Lexington Center, for the following purposes: removing barriers to pedestrian access between properties; improving pedestrian and vehicular circulation; providing better information on the preceding for users and customers; pursuing other pedestrian amenities; beautifying, where feasible, in the public and private domain." (from General Outline of Action Plan, 7- 16 -04) Daphne's list mentioned. – The Bicycle Advisory Committee has drawn -up a plan for enhancements at the Meriam Street parking lot entrance. – Funds for immediate improvements need to be "cobbled together ". It was suggested that a Business Improvement District (BID) --- comprising the stakeholders —would best accomplish such improvements. In response to those who worried that a BID would end up providing basic services like snow plowing and trash collection, Mr. Garber indicated that the Town must provide certain baseline services, to which BID members assent. It was agreed to invite a representative of the Hyannis BID to come to Lexington to explain their proven success. It was agreed that there must be a fundamental change in the approach to Center Business District issues. Ms. Arnold indicated that the Transportation Advisory Committee wants to be involved. The group agreed that participation should be widened., in increments, and that meetings should tackle one topic at a Minutes for the Meeting of July 21, 2004 time. Also from the General Outline N Suggested Participants: --- Lexington Center Committee lead, particularly via its smaller Working Group, with some technical and coordinating backup from Planning Department. — Secondary involvement from Public Works /Engineering; Possibly some involvement from Chamber of Commerce, volunteers. Mr. Smith indicated that some impetus is needed from the Board of Selectmen, which appoints the Center Committee and to which the committee reports. Stakeholders: Property owners in Center; businesses in Center; Board of Selectmen; Historic Districts Commission; Zoning Board of Appeals; Traffic Safety advisory Committee; Design Advisory Committee. General Outline of Project — Identify set of potential enhancement sites in Center. — Identify property ownership in each case, and identify other likely stakeholders. — The "de nainimus" Plan -- analyze each site and propose a general set of improvements for it, using simple graphics and text to briefly describe the objective for each location. — Create simple, efficient means of communicating key information to stakeholders and the public. — Establish a streamlined, expedited process of consensus building among property owners and stakeholders and reach agreement on an action plan for the priority and/or most feasible projects. — Seek financial resources for funding projects from all available private and public sources — Implement selected projects over time, as resources allow. Mr. Harden indicated that he would like to see an effort to craft another center parking zoning amendment to Town Meeting 2005. Relative to the 2001 VHB parking study, the group wants to discuss it and give a progress report to the Selectmen. Selectman Pagett noted that the Selectmen will have their goal- setting meeting on August 24. Based on that, the group decided to meet again before that date, on August 18. The joint meeting ended at approximately 9:30 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** REGIONAL, INTERTOWN ISSUES Middlesex Coun , Hospital Land Disposition of Lot 6 : Mr. Kastorf reported that a public hearing will be held by the MA Department of Capital Asset Management (DCAM) on its intended sale of a 6.4 -acre parcel of land off Walnut Street in Lexington and Waltham. It is part of the former Middlesex County Hospital property, on which there was a doctor's residence. He said that the Town's position is that the underlying zoning of the site, RO, Single - Family Dwelling district, should be adhered to. At a meeting with DCAM earlier in the week, the Selectmen and the agency agreed on this. Mr. Kastorf noted, Minutes for the Meeting of July 21, 2004 however, that the Conservation Commission and the Audubon Society see that land as part of an established wildlife corridor and wish the land to remain open. Leasing a portion of the land to Roseland Walnut LLP, developer of the Lexington Hills cluster subdivision off Walnut Street, would help that entity gain its emergency access to the development. DCAM also intends to sell a 40 to 50 -acre portion of the hospital site, a process for which is being developed. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 20 Avon Street Teardown, Request for Determination James and Hilary Rush, were issued a demolition permit to raze their house at 20 Avon Street. But when they applied for a foundation permit, it was realized that the portion of Avon Street in front of their house is an unaccepted way and the Rushes might be obligated to improve a portion of the street. Because the cost of improving part of the road would be a severe financial burden on them, they first wanted to ask the Planning Board if it would determine that the road is of adequate grade and construction. Mr. and Mrs. Rush and their engineer, Lawrence Hildebrand, were present The Board reviewed the application material and photographs the Rushes had provided and noted the unusual circumstances of this case. The Board will require the Rushes to gravel fill and grade sufficiently to make the roadway accessible and safe enough to provide public access, because its present condition for a segment is not adequate for reasonable passage. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was determined that the portion of Avon Street adjacent to 20 Avon Street is of adequate grade and construction to allow issuance of a building permit only on the condition that they put down enough gravel on the road to assure safe public access, and do so on a yearly basis. A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until this work is done. 5 Camden Street, Request for Determination The Board reviewed application materials and photographs received from Merce Crosas and Robert McCarroll to support their request that the Board determine that the unaccepted portion of Camden Street adjacent to 45 is of adequate grade and construction. The couple's house and belongings were destroyed in a fire. The Board reminded the applicants that residents who live on a private way, such as that portion of Camden Street, are obligated to maintain sufficient gravel surface for safe public access. Upon a motion duly made and seconded, it was determined that the portion of Camden Street in front of ##5 is of adequate grade and construction to allow issuance of a building permit so the owners can build a replacement dwelling on the condition that sufficient gravel surface is maintained to assure safe public access. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** BOARD SCHEDULE AND ORGANIZATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** August Meeting_ Schedule The Board set meetings for Wednesday, August 11 (tentative) and Wednesday, August 18 (Joint meeting with the Center Committee). Minutes for the Meeting of July 21, 2004 4 REPORTSx *x Planning Board Liaison Reports Vision 2020 Fall Campaign: Mr. Harden gave the Board an update of the Vision 2020 Committee's fall "campaign" to address the five issues identified by neighborhood focus groups held several months ago. On the first weekend in October, there will be a four -hour event with speakers, then meetings of small groups. One of the topics will be Economic Development and the CBD. Ms. McCall - Taylor and Ms Candy McLaughlin, management analyst in the Town Manager's office, are slated to give a 10- minute presentation on the subject. Housing Partnership Board (HPB), Zoning Subcommittee: Mr. Harden reported that the Zoning Subcommittee of the HPB met recently and identified three initiatives they want to pursue, each of which is a potential zoning article for TM 2005: inclusionary housing; adaptive reuse of non - residential properties to housing, in residential and commercial zones; creation of accessory apartments and the conversion of single - family dwellings to two - family. 31 & 35 Cary Avenue, Sheldon Corporation: Mr. Harden reported that Mr. Todd Cataldo had called him to ask him his thoughts in regard to Mr. Cataldo's sketch cluster subdivision plan for land at 31 and 35 Cary Avenue. The Board compared opportunities to protect open space in a cluster vs. a conventional scheme, which led to a discussion of troublesome aspects of the cluster bylaw. It was agreed to continue examination of the cluster provisions in September. PLANNING STAFF REPORTS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Mr. Garber reported the following: Rowland Avenue: A lot adjacent to a parcel of land that was the subject of a subdivision proposal successfully challenged by the neighbors, has been purchased by the developer of the first lot. A two -lot subdivision plan for the land may be in the offing. Part -time Planner Position: An ad for a part -time planner has been run in the Boston Globe. It is hoped that this third professional position will help staff respond to the many and increasing demands made on it. It will be important to carefully prioritize tasks over a two -year time frame as for the first time in several years no money for consultants is available for planning. Center Parking: Mr. Harden noted that a center parking amendment is rather expected from the Planning Board, as it was instrumental in the defeat of the parking amendment to the Zoning Bylaw put forward by the Lexington Center Committee in 2004. Mr. Kastorf left the meeting at 10:35 p.m. Hazel Road Definitive Special Residential Development: Staff is trying to get an engineering review of the Hazel Road drainage plan, on a pass - through basis. Assistant Town Engineer Carbonneau will review the proposed street and utility systems. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:40 p.m. f Wendy Manz 1'0erk