HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-21-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 21, 2004 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in the Guard Room in the Police Station, was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Harden with members Chase, Davies, Galaitsis, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall - Taylor, and Tap present. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUBDIVISION OF LAND Clelland Road Definitive Conventional Subdivision, continued Public Hearing: Mr. Harden called the continued public hearing for the Clelland Road Conventional Subdivision to order at 7:45 p.m. Present were Mr. Rasko Ojdrovic and Ms. Miljana Bovan, the applicants. Mr. Ojdrovic is the designing engineer for the proposal. There were 20 people in the audience. Mr. Ojdrovic presented an overview of the definitive plans and drawings for his proposed two -lot subdivision on Clelland Road. He believes his plan will improve the safety of the intersection of Clelland Road with Lisbeth Street and improve access for emergency vehicles by widening and grading Clelland Road and adding curbing on the downside of the roadway, repairing the retaining wails, adding a new hydrant and providing a better turnaround for vehicles on Clelland Road. Requested waivers from the Development Regulations are: — connect to an intervening street — 30 -foot right -of -way — hammerhead turnaround instead of a full cul de sac — three -foot wide road shoulders Mr. Ojdrovic said that he has addressed the comments by Assistant Fire Chief Middlemiss and the Engineering Division, though he just received a memo from Assistant Town Engineer David Carbonneau today. He countered claims made in letters from some abutters that were sent to the Board and circulated among the abutters. Some of these claims were: — inadequate access by emergency vehicles to the new houses on Clelland road --- additional run -off of storm water ---- the possibly oversized scale of the new dwellings would not hit well into the neighborhood — the potential construction damage to the fragile woodland character of the street Mr. Ojdrovic stated that the new turnaround was designed using a template provided by Mr. Middlemiss. He is malting improvements to the sewer cleanout and believes he can do all of this work in a sensitive manner. He will continue to work with the neighbors. Board Questions and Comments: Concerns expressed by the Board were: how the work could be accomplished without the abutters' approval (Mr. Ojdrovic said that his work would be only within the 30 -foot right -of -way). Discussing the public safety concerns is not the same as solving the problems that the fire department and engineering division identified, demonstrated by the memo from Mr. Carbonneau today, which listed his concerns. (Mr. Ojdrovic has not had time to talk with Mr. Carbonneau.) Audience Questions and Comments: Many of the abutters were very concerned about the potential for increased run -off from Clelland due to the new dwellings, added road surface and removal of vegetation. A number of neighbors living on Massachusetts Avenue say that they already have problems already with water in their basements. Mr. Ojdrovic indicated that he tools all of these conditions into account when he designed the drainage system. There will be underground chambers, as required, to recharge the groundwater, resulting in less runoff. He will remove few trees and will seek input from the nearest abutters regarding plantings. Minutes for the Meeting of January 21, 2004 2 The difficulty that vehicles have in driving up Lisbeth Street was documented with photographs provided by some of the neighbors. One showed the recycling truck driver walking up the street to collect recycling Ieft at curbside. Others showed vehicles, with chains on their tires, parked at the bottom of Lisbeth during icy conditions. One neighbor indicated her support for the proposed road improvements as she feels her children are in danger from cars backing down Clelland Street because it has no proper turnaround. The increased maintenance liability was noted for the street and drainage structures for those who live on the two unaccepted streets, which will have more infrastructure, if the proposed work is done. Others perceived a lack of detail in the landscaping plan. Mr. Ojdrovic noted that the paving he would do will improve the function of the manhole. In response to Mr. Davies' question about the proposed retaining walls, Mr. Ojdrovic said he would have to renegotiate the agreements he thought he had with several abutters. Mr. Davies also suggested that a higher curb on the downside of the roadway would be needed to hold cars onto the road, if necessary. Some questioned the need for a guardrail or handrail. Mr. Harden stated his two main concerns about the road improvement plans, which make it difficult for him to vote in the affirmative for the plan: • Traffic safety • Improvements that do not have the assent of the neighbors. Mr. Galaitsis concurred, indicating that he believes the site to be too difficult and too many waivers are requested, so he cannot vote for the plan. Mr. Kastorf observed that the present conditions are dangerous, and, while there are no guarantees that it would be safer if Mr. Ojdrovic implements his plans, the likelihood of an improved situation is there. He moved that the Board approve the Clelland Road Subdivision plan. Ms. Chase seconded the motion. On a vote of 3 -2, Mr. Harden and Mr. Galaitsis opposed, the Board approved the definitive subdivision plan entitled "Clelland Road Street Construction ", dated October 15, 2003. Mr. Harden closed the hearing at 10:00 p.m. The Board agreed to add two conditions to the Certificate of Action: 1. A guardrail shall be installed along the north side of Clelland Road; 2. There shall be a maintenance -of facilities agreement, satisfactory to the Town, between the owners of the two new houses. DETERMINATION OF GRADE AND CONSTRUCTION OF UNACCEPTED STREETS 8 .Bird Hill Road Street Construction Plan, Mr_ Paul Pedini Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pedini were present to explain their request for a determination of grade and construction of Bird hill Road as it provides frontage for 8 Bird Hill Road. They want to build a contemporary home on a vacant lot in the Moon Hill Road area. Mr. Pedini presented photographs of the existing condition of the road. He would like to improve the road after his house is built. Ms. McCall - Taylor noted that he would have to provide surety for the work. Mr. Pedini agreed to this. Staff suggested that they walk the site with an engineer to determine the extent of the improvements needed and report back to the Board. Minutes for the Meeting of January 21, 2004 3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ARTICLES FOR 2004 TOWN MEETING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Impervious Surface in Residential Developments The Board discussed the pros and cons of bringing to the 2004 Town Meeting its proposed amendment to the way impervious surface is calculated in cluster - type residential developments. Mr. Garber indicated that the amendment would basically codify what has been the Board's practice in recent years. Mr. Galaitsis indicated his preference for not going forward with the amendment as it already gives away too much to developers. He indicated that he would present a minority report if it does go forward. Mr. Kastorf supported taking it to Town Meeting, as did Mr. Davies. Mr. Harden indicated that he does not see the necessity of doing it this year, as it would probably raise broader questions about cluster developments. It was agreed to take it to public hearing, set for February 11, to see what kind of reaction there would be. Center Parking Amendment Mr. Garber reported that he received a codified version of the Lexington Center Committee's proposed amendment to the CB District Parking bylaw. He said that the analysis of their proposal that he had provided to the Board tonight was based on an earlier version, still in the pre - codified bylaw format, but the article's substance appeared to be nearly the same as that of the earlier version. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the mee ' g at 11:00 p.m. John L. Davies, Clerk