HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-07-PB-minPLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF JANUARY 7, 2004 The meeting of the Lexington Planning Board held in Room G -15, Town Office Building, was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Harden with members Chase, Davies, Galaitsis, Kastorf and planning staff Garber, McCall- Taylor, and Tap present. MINUTES ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Review of Minutes The Board reviewed and corrected the minutes for the meeting of December 10, 2003. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes as amended. * * * * * * * * * * ** ADMINISTRATION OF LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUBDIVISION OF LAND Luom Farm Lane Conventional Subdivision Eu ene Luon o Public Hearing continued from December 10 2003: Present for this item were Mr. and Mrs. Luongo and their children Gregory and Theresa; Mr. Gary Larson and Mr. Chris Bailey, landscape architects, of Larson Associates; Mr. Dylan James and Mr. Brian Timm, engineers, of Meridian Associates; and Mr. William J. Dailey, Jr., attorney for the Luongos. There were 38 people in the audience. Mr. Harden opened the hearing at 7:45 p.m. He noted that the public hearing had been continued from December 10 because the Board felt it needed more information about the conservation restriction on land at the back of lots four and five, assurance about the design intent for all of the houses and adequate sight lines for traffic at the new intersection. Mr. Larson covered five points: 1. The design team found it could include a five -foot wide sidewalk with two curb cuts along the front property line on Pleasant Street; they propose none on the new subdivision street. 2. They looked at the possibility of narrowing the new street, but believe that the Town would not accept it as a public street, which is Mr. Luongo's goal. 3. They investigated the use of a looped water line but discovered that it would require a 20 -foot easement, hence the removal of many trees, Mr. Larson advised that it would be too disruptive to the site plan. 4. Concerning the impact of the view of the proposed houses from Pleasant Street, he showed that due to the slight curve of the proposed road, the line of sight to the rear houses would be shielded by trees. He believes that people on Pleasant Street would see only the front two houses. 5. The existing retaining wall along Pleasant Street will be altered relative to the new roadway so that traffic sight lines meet all town standards. Mr. Brian Timm, the Project Engineer, reported that the plan complies with all requirements for safe sight distances for traffic at the new intersection. Board Questions and Comments: There were several questions about the traffic sight distances and Mr. Timm's methodology. Mr. Timm explained how he got the data and reiterated that the plan exceeds the minimum distances set by the Lexington Development Regulations and AASHTO's national design standards. The Board still had concerns about the finished grade and height of the houses closest to Pleasant Street, on lots one and seven, and asked the applicant to lower them, even if it meant deleting the basements. Mr. Davies noted that the houses should be made to adapt to the site instead of making the site adapt to the house. The Board also sought assurances that the character of all seven houses would be as presented so far, showing a unity of character. Mr. Larson agreed that unity of character was a goal of the Luongos Minutes for the Meeting of January 7, 2004 2 and suitable language to assure this could be put in a covenant. Relative to possible wetlands issues on the land at the back of lots four and five, the future owners of those lots would have to file a notice of intent with the Conservation Commission before building their houses. Audience Questions and Comments: Comments from the audience included: The proposed development does not honor the character of the area. This should be a cluster subdivision. The development will exacerbate traffic on Pleasant Street, an already overburdened street. Why are there no affordable units offered? Will Milliken Road remain? (Yes) The garages of the houses should not be the main feature facing the street. Could the Conservation Commission prevent the building of some of the houses? (No) Discussion by the Board: The intersection sight distances troubled the Board and they asked Mr. Luongo to pay for a peer review of Meridian's work on that issue. Mr. Luongo indicated that he would talk to his lawyer about this, as this approval process has been going on too long. Mr. Timm commented that the plans show the truncation of the retaining wall along Pleasant Street and noted that thinning out the front vegetation will improve visibility. Mr. Kastorf spoke to the dislocation of Mr. Edelson, characterizing it as tangible damage and contrary to the goals of the Board's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. William J. Daley, Jr., Mr. Luongo's attorney, suggested that Mr. Edelson could get his name on the Lexington Housing Authority's list of persons eligible for affordable rental units in Lexington. Mrs. McCall - Taylor noted that the deadline for filing a decision on this subdivision is January 21, 2004, unless the applicant requests an extension. The Board voted to recess the hearing for twenty minutes to allow the applicant to consider his options. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Harden polled the members at 10:45 p.m. The Board voted to go into Executive Session to discuss litigation, with intent to return to public session before adjourning the meeting. The Board returned to public session at 11:15 p.m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant an extension of 90 days to the time within which the Board must act on the 47 -53 Pleasant Street conventional subdivision, as requested by the applicant. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to continue the public hearing for the 47 -53 Pleasant Street Conventional Subdivision to Wednesday, February 4, 2004, at 7:45p.m. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn /Xo p`�.m. y r n L. Da vies, Clerlc