HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-12 Health Benefit Review Report Town Of Lexington Report of the Health Benefits Review Committee I . . .11 i September 12, 2005 1 Introduction The Health Benefits Review Committee (HBRC)was appointed b` the Board of Selectmen in October 2004 to review and analyze health benefits provided b` the Town of Lexington. The HBRC was created to explore ways for Lexington to reduce an anticipated 15%growth in health insurance costs this year and in the future' For the charge to the committee and committee membership see Appendix A. 1.1 The Background The nation recentl` has experienced double-digit increases in healthcare costs annuall` 2 Lexington is projected to spend roughl` $15 million of its $125 million budget for FY 2005 on health benefits for participants in its plans One committee member calculated that if health benefit costs continue to grow even at 10%, and assuming the Town s other costs increase at 3%(a common assumption for inflation) within 10 years the portion of the Town budget devoted to health benefits will double It is this fact, and the inexorable growth in the cost of providing health insurance that drove the establishment of the HBRC 1.2. Health Benefits in Lexington For a brief history of health benefits in Lexington, see Appendix B In fall 2004 there were 3616 total subscribers (employees, retirees, dependents and others) Of these 3616 individuals covered b` Town Plans,b` far the most(1994) are non-retirees covered under the HMO Blue plan. Almost half that mans (982) are covered under retiree plans Of those not under HMO Blue the remaining are mostl` split between Harvard(301) and Blue Choice School/Town(285) with a few in TEFRA and Managed Blue Part time employees who work 20 hours or more are eligible for health benefit coverage and pa` the same portion of the premium as full time employees This is similar to coverage offered b` other towns For Plan Descriptions a complete details of the health benefits offered b` the Town, see Appendix C With approximatel` 29%of school employees 55 years old or older we will continue to see the retiree population growing' Under state law the Town is responsible for retiree benefits for an individual who retires from a Lexington teaching position even if that person worked for another town for the majont` of his or her career The Town s Earl` Retirement Initiative in fact added to our health costs disproportionatel` When an employee retires, we reap a short-term savings in salary if we replace them with a less experienced, lower salaried employee However we also retain the responsibilit\ for retiree health benefits and have likel` added the new employee as well, and if the retiree is not eligible for Medicare costs are high. Other forces also increase Lexington enrollees When Raytheon closed its local office and Polaroid ended retiree coverage mans famil` members were added to Lexington s coverage 1 Source. Group Benefits Strategies 2 Boston Globe Nov 24 2004 3 Enrollment Breakdown Ind,Famil` 'Total Subscribers covered b` plans Email from Susan Bottan,Nov 19 2004 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 2 1.2.1 Economic Factors Affecting Health Benefits in Lexington There are three additional factors that need to be taken into consideration in looking at the future of health benefits in Lexington. First,benefits offered b\ the Town are on the whole ncher and cost less to employees than those offered b\ other employers While the Committee was unable to obtain data on benefits offered b\ pnvate employers, a report b\ the Worcester Regional Research Bureau documented that pnvate employers spent a much smaller component of their compensation costs on health benefits than did Worcester In fact, Lexington s share of the health insurance premium, co-insurance and co-pays are among the most generous of the comparable towns we surveyed. The committee believes that because the benefits offered b\ Lexington are better than those offered b\ other employers, Town employees whose spouses work elsewhere usuall` choose to take the Town benefits, thereb` increasing costs to the Town. There ma` be increasing discomfort if citizens find themselves paying for health benefits for Town employees that exceed what the\ themselves receive even though the benefits package is part of a larger picture and ma` be part of what allows Lexington to remain competitive in hinng Another issue which the Committee discussed is the probable need to fund future obligations for health insurance Because the Town is required to insure retirees and their dependents,there is a large but uncalculated, future obligation. The Government Accounting Standards Board s (GASB)new standards, which are slated to become effective sometime in 2006 will require that funds for retiree health be kept in segregated trust funds available onl` for that purpose Wellesle` has alread` begun funding theirs and the bond-rating agencies have begun to use compliance with these standards in their evaluations Additionall` Medicare Part D the pharmaceutical benefit will become operational on Januar\ 1 2006 At this point, in the absence of detailed information about the program, its consequences are not clear However the Town should remain alert to the possibilit` of saving mone` on retiree pharmaceutical benefits 1.3 Structure of Health Benefits in Lexington 1.3.1 Administration The Town is self-insured and engages a consultant, Group Benefit Strategies (GBS) to help with financial reporting,bids, Requests for Quotations (RFQs) administration and some minor legal issues Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Harvard Pilgnm Healthcare handle the claims The Committee thought there was considerable value in the services provided to the Town b\ GBS The Town operates a Flexible Spending Account allowing Town employees to reduce pre-tax income for eligible healthcare and other expenses In 2004 the Town introduced a pilot `Opt-Out program, in which one-time payments were made for Worcester Regional Research Bureau. `Condition Serious,Prognosis Uncertain. The Impact of Muncipal Employee Health Insurance on Massachusetts, Cities,Report No 05-01 February 28 2005 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 3 employees who dropped Town coverage and enrolled in a plan maintained b\ their spouse or partner s employer 1.3.2. Legal Framework • Chapter 32B of the Mass General Laws governs the provision of benefits (http.//www.mass gov/legis/laws/mgl/gl-32b-toc.htm) People eligible to receive health benefits include current employees, retirees, surviving spouses of retirees,people who have left the emplo\ of the Town but continued benefits under COBRA, and members of these groups families • Health benefits are subject to negotiations, and the Town cannot change most elements of the plans unilaterall` 1.3.3. Fiscal Components The Town pays out the following items to cover health benefits • Town share of premiums for insured plans (including Dental) • Claims up to the stop-loss limit • Administration of benefits • Purchase of stop-loss insurance (covering catastrophic claims over the set limit, currentl` $90 000) • Flu vaccine clinics The Town receives or sets aside mone` in the Health Insurance Trust Fund to pa` for health benefits from. • Appropnation of mone` from the Town budget • Participant premiums • Reinsurance reimbursements Lexington operates on the principle that insurance premiums (and re-insurance premiums) are ultimatel\ priced to include a nsk premium or profit to the compan` Insurers ma` lose mone` on an occasional basis because their pncing is based upon statistical averages Over a period of several years,however insurance companies will pnce their products so that the\ receive their desired nsk premium or profit margin. Histoncall` Lexington has realized savings through self-insurance as compared to the full\ insured rates quoted b\ the insurance companies in the vanous Requests for Quotations conducted b\ the Town. These savings, as a result of other budget pressures,have been passed directl\ to the operating budget, instead of funding the health insurance trust fund and increasing the reserves Over the last several years, the level of reserves in the Trust Fund has declined. The Town purchases re-insurance for costs incurred b\ an individual dunng a plan year in excess of$90 000 thereb\ limiting the Town s exposure to catastrophic claims Town officials penodicall` review this level and pnce out the insurance costs at vanous levels to make sure the cost is competitive and that the Town is properl` protected against undue nsk. The reinsurance level has been raised penodicall` and was recentl` increased from $75 000 to $90 000 in order to save on premiums Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 4 To better understand the costs of Lexington health benefits and the health benefits marketplace for eastern Massachusetts municipalities,the Committee conducted a surve` of comparable local cities and cities We selected towns used b` unions for comparison purposes in wage agreements and selected other cities and towns with similar demographics and financial status A surve` instrument was developed and modified based upon feedback from town staff and committee members Twent\- nine towns were contacted b` phone the surve` was faxed and phone follow up was conducted as needed. Twent\-four towns responded with most of the requested information. Information included health plans offered,benefit levels, employee premiums, and questions about other benefits offered, including dental benefits, chiropractic coverage and pharmac` benefits Lexington offered to share the results of the surve` with respondents The results of the surve` are spelled out in detail in Appendix E In general,the Town s costs, premiums and benefit levels were similar or a little better than average 2. Summary of Recommendations (see table that follows for additional details) The committee found that health benefits have been quite well-managed b` the Town over the years As the Committee raised options it found that mans had been tned previousl` often in partnership with the Coalition of Town Employees,the bargaining unit for health benefits Claim costs are low relative to other groups insured b` Blue Cross/Blue Shield according to their own calculations 6 Despite these positive aspects,the Town has a problem of costs growing beyond its capacrt` to pa` Based upon our review we would agree with the general feeling that the benefits offered b` the Town are better than those provided b` local industry however employees ma` have foregone pa` increases or accepted increases which were below market rates in order to maintain the current benefit levels The Town and collective bargaining units negotiate wages with each unit separatel` but health benefits for all units are collectivel` bargained. Legislation is under consideration which might allow towns to bargain wages and benefits together as cities are able to do now If such legislation is passed,the Town should consider whether it is more cost- effective to continue to provide ncher benefits in lieu of salary increases dunng a penod when medical inflation is higher than the general inflation rate The Committee offers the following recommendations for changes in health benefits structure and financing b` the Town. Even though these benefits are subject to collective bargaining, our goal is to present a comprehensive set of recommendations for the short and long-term. Further explanation of these recommendations and the advantages and disadvantages associated with each are contained in the table that follows Other options that were considered and rejected b` the HBRC are also included in that table 6 Email from Kevin Walsh,Nov 30 2004 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 5 2.1 Short Term Recommendations and the Rationale for Them 2.1 1 Implement a Carve-Out Pharmacy Benefit Program and Increase Incentives for Generic and Mail Order Drugs. The carve-out of pharmac\ benefits, recommended b\ GBS would establish a separate administrator for all pharmac` benefits with estimated savings of 30%to 50%in cost-growth. Changes in co-pays can be used to increase use of genenc drugs and mail-order suppl` contributing to the reduction in costs 2.1 2. Strengthen Claims and Enrollment Audits The effectiveness of the membership claims and other audits currentl` being performed b\ the town and its insurers, should be validated b\ an independent firm. These audits,which can be done at a reasonable cost,help ensure that claims being submitted are legitimate potentiall` saving mono. The Committee also recommends that the Town review the capabilities of the town s accounting software to support this activit\ in the future 2.1 3. Consider Premium Structure and Plan Design Changes Options that the Committee recommends be considered are a change in ratio of premiums so that enrollees pa` more and a standard dollar contribution b\ the Town. Non-pharmaceutical co-pays are relativel` low and should be reviewed perodicall` 2.1 4 Consider Separate Plan for Out-of state Enrollees Because of the need to provide coverage to those who live outside of Massachusetts (e.g retirees who have moved, children of employees or retirees who are awa` at college) the Town currentl` offers Blue Choice the most expensive option. B` creating a separate plan solei` for those living out-of-state the Town could choose a single and most cost-efficient plan for the great majont\ of enrollees who live within Massachusetts 2.1 5. Expand Health Promotion Locally Among the most likel` nsks facing Lexington enrollees are smoking,high blood pressure high cholesterol and being overweight. Reducing nsk factors means a reduction or dela` in the onset of diseases and a healthier work force would be a more productive work force with reduced absenteeism Little is known about these nsks within the covered group so data needs to be obtained. 2.1 6. Develop a Strategy to Expand Case and Disease Management Case management coordinates care and seeks to ensure that it is delivered effectivel` and in the least costl` setting Although there are indications (e.g cases reaching the reinsurance cutoff point)that case management could provide savings and better care data is not currentl` available to ascertain the number of cases Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 6 2.1 7 Continue to Consider Alternative Providers,Stop-loss Levels and Insurance vs. Self-insurance as a Part of Rebidding Process The Town has done a good job of this in the past and should continue to review these issues penodicall` 2.1 8. Ensure that the Health Benefits Trust Fund is at the Recommended Level of Three Months. The Town has penodicall` made decisions not to fund the trust fund, instead using these funds for general operations This is dangerous and runs the nsk of the Town having to appropnate additional funds should expenses be higher than anticipated,as has happened in the past. 2.1 9 Review Implementation of This Report on an Ongoing,Perhaps Ouarterly Basis. In order to provide adequate oversight and progress on these issues,the Board of Selectmen should request the HBRC or its successor to review progress at set periods 2.2. Long-Term Recommendations 2.2.1 Implement Strategies for Expanded Case Management and Health Promotion See 2 1 6 above 2.2.2. Explore Group Purchasing in Tandem with Review of Premium Structure and Plan Design Although Lexington has not been successful in finding a satisfactory group in previous attempts,group purchasing would,b\ increasing the size of the covered group reduce costs and spread risk. With effective leadership Lexington ma` be able to develop its own group 2.2.3. Explore Implementation of Consumer-driven Health Plans. Appendix F contains a detailed discussion of consumer-dnven health plans A first step toward this would be the provision of Explanation of Benefits for all services so that enrollees understand what services actually cost. Currently Blue Cross does not provide this 2.2.4 Begin Funding Future Obligations for Health Benefits The Town will soon be required b` GASB standards to account for its health benefits more transparently To maintain our bond rating and to ensure that we meet our future obligations,it would be wise to fund these trust accounts adequately The table that follows provides further information on these recommendations and discusses options which the Committee does not recommend at this time Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 7 2.1.1 Implement a Carve-Out Pharmacy Benefit Program(and strengthen recent pharmacy changes) Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Carve out Pharmacy ' Recommended by GBS. ' Unifies administration and benefits across ' May impact local pharmacy business, Would establish a separate administrator all plans. depending on how many employees use the and plan for all pharmacy benefits. ' Estimates of 30°0 to 50%reduced growth pharmacies to get prescriptions. in claims costs(by GBS)with increased ' May increase admin.costs. genencs and mail order Significant improvement in data and reporting. Increases transparency of pricing and uses of rebates. Increase incentives for ' More information is needed on current ' Decrease pharmacy costs ' More use of mail-order and genencs generics and mail order utilization to evaluate. requires changes in patient and physician through changes in behavior pharmacy co-pays Purchase drugs from • Not a long-term solution,and not • Short term savings I Legal issues if not approved by FDA. Canada or the European recommended by the HBRC • May have higher administrative costs, Union particularly for switching. May impact local pharmacy business. 2.1.2 Strengthen claims and enrollment audits Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Claims and Enrollment • Use an independent firm to review • Uncover errors. • Amount of savings not clear Audits effectiveness of current audits by town and • May identify additional savings • May increase administrative cost. insurers. opportunities Review the capabilities of the town s • Eliminate cost for ineligible participants. accounting software to support this activity Provide Explanation of • Blue Cross does not currently provide these • Enable participants to identify errors in • May increase administrative costs. Benefits(EOBs)for all for Town enrollees. claims. services • Increase awareness of the cost of services and could therefore impact long-term behavior Develop incentives for • Develop incentives to encourage • Uncover billing errors. participants to review participants to review bills and EOBs to • Make participants aware of cost of services bills ensure that billed services were provided. Could be 0 o of$recovered. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Conunittee Report 8 2.1.3 Consider premium structure and plan design changes(includes 2.1.4 on out-of-state plan considerations) Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Premium Structure Change ratio of premium ' Lexington is near the low end of the ' Save the Town$. May encourage those ' Forces participants to bear higher costs. contributions middle-range for the employee share of with alternative health plans to opt out of Subject to union negotiations. premium for comparable towns. Lexington the Lexington plan. maintains different employee shares for different plans(e.g.12°0 for HMO Blue, 20%for Blue Choice and 15%for HPHC). These could be equalized,or each adjusted toward enrollee paying more. Create a standard dollar ' Same Town contribution for individual or ' Can be structured to have no cost increase ' Forces participants to bear higher costs. contribution by Town family coverage regardless of plan chosen, for HMO Blue enrollees. Provides ' May result in adverse selection,with those in predictability for Town share of costs. poorer health paying less for a less expensive plan while using more services. Subject to union negotiations. ary required ' We reviewed this alternative and contributions based on concluded that it is not viable because salary(see Globe article) there are not enough highly-paid employees. Limit entry to Blue ' It is necessary to maintain a Plan which ' May decrease use of out of network ' Many who elect Blue Choice do not actually Choice Plan or increase can cover out of state employees and providers. go out-of-network. Their premium the premium to encourage retirees. contributions will decrease if they go to lower in-state enrollment HMO Blue(Town would pay more). Plan Design Increase non- ' Based on our survey the$5 co-pay is still ' Higher co-pays,deductibles might impact ' Subject to union negotiations. pharmaceutical co-pays common among cities and Towns. Plans in utilization and thus reduce costs,but the ' May make it harder to recruit. and/or deductibles industry often have$10 or$15 co-pays. savings will not be great.The 2003 RFQ ' Lower paid participants may forego medical Consider setting the co-pay at a°o of the showed a slightly greater than 1°o change services they need.Percent co-pays may discounted cost of the service. in funding rate by raising BCBS from a$5 increase provider administrative costs. The Town has reviewed the impact of to a$10 office visit co-pay • Forces participants to bear higher costs. changing co-pays and deductibles on a • Setting the co-pay as a percent of the regular basis and should continue to do so. charge will make people more aware of the real cost of services. See Appendix F for discussion of high deductible plans. Modify Expand Opt-out Lexington is the only town that reported an May decrease health plan participation and • May increase total costs,if those who opt out Program opt-out program. This is still uncommon in thus lower costs. May save$if the payment would have moved to alternate plans without many industries. This program and the is less than the approximately$10,000 cost of any incentive payment. amounts paid need to be explored further each new enrollee. • Added administrative costs. Subject to union negotiations. The PAB originally voted against this program. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Conunittee Report 9 Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Plan Design Review the new law re Adequate information is not available at this Medicare Coverage for time. prescription drugs to determine whether any changes should be made to retiree coverage. 2.1.4. Consider separate plan for out-of-state enrollees Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Create separate plan for The majonty of participants are located within May achieve lower total administrative ' Possible higher administrative costs for out-of out-of-state participants MA. It may be more efficient to split out costs. Town would have more options for state group. those who are out-of-state and use a separate in-state plans because it would not have to ' May not be able to exactly duplicate benefits third-party administrator or insurance provide Blue Choice to accommodate those for out-of-state group. company for that group and then design for who are out of state. ' Town would have to find a national company the remaining programs to be most efficient with a network that fits for out-of-state within MA participants. 2.1.5 Expand health promotion locally Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Increase health promotion ' Information is needed on the major health ' Reducing risk factors would mean a ' Cooperation is needed from insurers,providers, and disease prevention risks of the Lexington enrollees in order to reduction or delay in the onset of and enrollees. activities. institute activities to reduce these nsks. illnesses such as diabetes,heart disease, ' There would be some additional costs for Among the most likely risks are smoking, or stroke,resulting in healthier enrollees savings that would occur later and be hard to high blood pressure,high cholesterol,and and reduced costs. measure. being overweight. ' A healthier work force would mean more productive employees with reduced absenteeism. 2.1.6 Develop a clear strategy to expand case management and 2.2.1 Implement strate y for expanded case management and disease promotion Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Ensure that there are ' More data is required about the current ' Effective case management and disease ' Dependent on cooperation of providers, effective case costs and the extent to which case and management will result in more effective insurers and enrollees. management and disease disease management are being applied to treatment and reduced costs. ' Data is hard to obtain. management programs. Lexington enrollees,particularly on an ' Hard to monitor,particularly for conditions for ambulatory basis. which there is no hospitalization. Responsibility split. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Conunittee Report 10 2.1.7 Continue to consider alternative providers,stop-loss levels and insurance vs.self-insurance as a fart of rebidding process Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Consider alternative ' Lexington has requested competitive quotes ' Bidding keeps BC BS administrative ' United and CIGNA networks are not as health plans and at each renewal(two years). We pncing competitive. Account may get more strong in MA. Some participants may have providers recommend continuing that practice. attention from BCBS,HPHC and more to change providers. Consider Tufts,United Healthcare,& active management from GBS. ' Increases the administrative workload. CIGNA. In the past,Tufts has been more expensive and United and CIGNA networks have not been as good as BC,BS,Harvard Pilgnm,&Tufts. Review ' The reinsurance and stop loss levels are ' Reduced premiums ' Increased risk—a report the committee ReinsurancelStoploss reviewed on a regular basis and we reviewed showed only 25(de-identified) (Increase retention levels, recommend that this practice be continued. people responsible for$2M in claims,so a e.g.the portion of risk Currently individual stop loss is set at few extra people having adverse health retained by the Town.) $90,000 Last year 6 cases exceeded the experiences can increase claims costs stop-loss level which was set at$75 000 significantly in any one year Compare premium savings from increased levels to expected value of claims being assumed by the Town. Review self-insured ' This has been done at each renewal,and ' Self-insurance costs less in the long run and ' Insured quotes may be low at first to gain versus fully insured this practice should be continued. Currently gives the Town more control over benefit the business,but is more expensive in the plans Blue Choice,Network Blue,HPHC& design. Estimates were that risk premiums long run. Medex are self-insured and the dental and may ultimately cost an additional 3°0-5°o. ' Need to pay runout claims if switch to a)medical retiree programs(other than Medex)are Self insured plans do not have to offer some insurance. insured. Less savings to self-insure dental mandated benefits for insured plans and ' Must keep appropriate reserves. Current due to smaller average claims size and high avoids premium taxes. reserves are below two months.The claims volume. recommended level is 3 months. b)dental ' Dental insurance is not self-insured because self-insurance cost more. Continue to review this on an annual basis. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Conunittee Report 11 212 Explore group purchasing(in tandem with review of premium structure and plan design) Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Re-explore group This has been tried in the past,with negative Possible savings because of larger group size ' Less control over benefits offered. purchasing results. and more negotiating power. ' Other Towns may have worse experience than Lexington. Each Town may only have one vote,regardless of size. 11inuteman?vashoba This is a new group. Health Group 11111A Tried in the past. Did not obtain stop loss ' Lexington may not be allowed to re-enter the coverage. group. West Suburban Tried in the past. One vote per Town was a HPHC rate is lower than the Lexington rate. ' Lexington may not be allowed to re-enter the problem for Lexington as a larger Town More choice of plans available. group. ▪ Lexington rate is currently lower for HMO Blue(our highest enrolled plan) Other Form a new group9 Added advantage in the ability to select ' Long term option only Will take an members and rules. investment of time and resources to organize. ▪ Illegal to pool with local businesses. 2,23 Explore implementation of consumer-dnve health plans Option Comments Advantages Disadvantages Explore Consumer • This is a long-term project,requiring • Plan design may encourage participants to I Requires additional administrative resources Driven Health Plans additional study and extensive participant compare prices and use health care more to implement and administer the program. education. wisely thus decreasing costs. Requires extensive participant education. This type of health plan is only now • May increase consumer choice. • For Health Savings Accounts(HSAs),plan emerging and has little public sector • Potential long-term change in behavior by design may encourage lower paid acceptance. patients and providers. participants to pay penalties and use funds Increased focus on patient education for non-medical purposes and leave them through web based and other content. without the resources to pay for health care High visibility of products. when they need it. All require high deductible levels. May encourage people to forego needed care. Lexington would be one of the first municipalities to adopt such a plan. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Conunittee Report 12 2.2.4 Begin funding future obligations for health benefits Option Comment Advantages Disadvantages Assess future obligations Lexington s future obligation for retiree ' Beginning to fund obligation now will ' Will take money from other requirements and begin funding, benefits has not been calculated but it is large. reduce its impact later It seems likely that there will be legal or ' Will establish the principle that the regulatory requirements to fund this soon—see obligation exists and needs to be funded GASB standards. Bonding agencies are ' Would prepare Town for future looking at this. requirements Lexington Heath Benefits Review Conunittee Report 13 Appendix A The Health Benefits Review Committee Members were suggested b` individual Board members and invited b` the Chair The Committee met 9 times on November 3 November 17 December 1 December 15 (2004) Januar\ 5 Januar\ 19 Januar\ 26 February 2 and August 24 (2005) The charge to the Committee was "Description Thoroughl` review and analyze current components of health insurance being mindful of employee pnvac` rights Compare Lexington s benefits with other communities and pnvate sector operations Suggest possible changes to operation which could reduce the cost and/or rate of increases to the Town and subscribers Consider all options including benefit plan designing,pooling with other Towns and/or local businesses, self-insurance etc Report back to anoint meeting of the BOS School Committee and Appropnation Committee findings and recommendations for additional work to be done in three months Membership criteria. Cntena for membership shall include Health Care Consultants with experience in health insurance one subscriber and citizens with good analytical skills Staff Support: Rose Ducharme (municipal) Susan Bottan(School) Membership Bob Beckwitt, Richard Doughert\ (Co-Chair) Tom Goodwin,Nanc` Meadows, Tom Rand, Linda Roemer Claudia Sheffield, Deborah Strod (Co-Chair) Maggie Oliva, a subscriber attended the first meeting but was unable to continue and Claudia Sheffield was asked to take her place Update March 2005 Bill Kenneth will continue as a member of the committee Update August 2005 Tom Rand has moved out of town. Liaison Paul Hamburger and Rick Eunch (Appropnation Committee) Bill Kenneth (Selectmen) Tom Gnffiths (School Committee) Evelyn Silber(Personnel Advisors Board) Update March 2005 Hank Manz was assigned as the Selectmen Liaison. Meetings Two per month The Health Benefits Review Committee recognizes that mans of its recommendations are subject to collective bargaining State law provides that the Town cannot unilaterall` change the management of health benefits plans,but rather that choices are subject to bargaining Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 14 Background of Committee Members and Staff Bob Beckwitt is Portfolio Manager Tnlog\ Advisors Former Managing Director at Goldman Sachs Former Portfolio Manager at Fidelit\ Investments He holds an SM in Finance from MIT and a Pnnceton BA in Economics Susan Bottan is Director of Budget and Finance for Lexington Public Schools Update Jul` 1 2005 Ms Bottan has left the position. Richard Dougherty is an organizational psychologist with significant expenence in public sector procurement,finance Medicaid and child welfare polio. He has assisted businesses and government agencies in a range of development and change-onented projects, involving managed care implementation, qualit\ improvement and organizational and strategic change often with a focus on consumer and stakeholder input. Rose Ducharme is Revenue Officer/Benefits Manager for the Town of Lexington. Rick Eurich is a member of the Appropnation Committee Thomas W Goodwin is a partner in a local CPA firm and former chairman of the Finance Committee in Wakefield Mass For 6 years earlier in his career he was responsible for the employee benefits of a 600-person multi-state employee group Tom Griffiths is past-Chairman of the School Committee He is also a principal in Evans Gnffiths &Hart,Inc where annuall\ he reviews the company's health care plans and their costs Paul Hamburger is a Member of the Appropriation Committee and Town Meeting Member Bill Kennedy is a Selectmen Liaison. Nancy Meadows is a subscriber and has expenence in benefits administration. Tom Rand owned an employee benefits consulting firm that was sold to a national firm Linda Roemer is Professor Ementa of Health Care Administration at Simmons College and a former Chairperson of the Lexington Board of Health. Claudia Sheffield is Administrative Assistant, Town Manager s Office Evelyn Silber has 20 years of experience in corporate benefits and 7 years of experience in HR consulting She is co-chair of the Personnel Advisors Board and has served on the Town-wide Compensation Committee and search committees for a Superintendent and Intenm Town Manager Deborah Strod worked for 10 years at Massachusetts General Hospital in technolog\ transfer and has done some graduate work in public health. She is a Town Meeting member in Lexington. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 15 Appendix B Brief History of Health Benefits in Lexington? • 1987— The Town switched from premium-based healthcare to a self-insured plan • 1993 —Lexington reduced the number of plans and replaced one costl` plan with more aggressivel` managed plan— $1.3 million dollars saved(had been a projected increase of 15%or$800 000) A change in Massachusetts law allowed this step to take place • 1993 —Dental benefit added with benefit cap • 1995 —Access was limited to another plan to consolidate the nsk pool • 1994-1999—Health insurance appropriation was level dunng a time when other Towns increased appropriations b\ double-digit amounts • 1997—Third part\ administration b\ Blue Cross/Blue Shield avoided$500 000 in plan increases Dental cap eliminated • 2003 — Co-payments increased, employee cost of plan increased,plan administration changes, avoided$1.5 M anticipated cost increases • 2004— One time opt-out pilot plan implemented, Express Scnpts implemented (prescription b\ mail) • 2004/5 — adjusted the Town s stop-loss insurance levels, increasing to $90 000 Lexington has participated twice in group-purchasing of health insurance once with the West Suburban group and, once with the MIIA. In each case Lexington left the group after an unsatisfactory experience In West Suburban, Lexington had the largest population but onl` one non-weighted vote and the others in the group chose plans too expensive for Lexington. In the case of MIIA,the group failed to provide promised re-insurance which was only recovered after a great deal of time passed. It should be noted that the Coalition of Town Employees has repeatedly bargained with the Town about ways in which to reduce health care costs See Lexington Minuteman Mat-24 2004 b\ former Town Manager Richard White Coalition of Town Employees Health Insurance Bargaining History provided b\ Vito LaMura,Lexington Education Association President. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 16 Appendix C Plan Descriptions The current census and medical premium structures are summanzed in Exhibit I. Benefits covered under the vanous plans are summanzed in Exhibit II. Currentl` the Blue Choice Network Blue HPHC and Medex programs are self-insured and the HPHC First Seniont\ the Managed Blue Senior Plan, and all the dental programs are insured. The Town purchases stop-loss insurance for protection against claims in excess of$90 000 for the self-insured programs In the corporate environment,the cost of providing retiree health care is reduced somewhat when the employee reaches age 65 and qualifies for Medicare Some Town employees ma` never quahfh for Medicare unless the\ or their spouses have had jobs outside of state or local government. The Committee understands that this currentl` involves onl` one or two retirees Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 17 2.3 Exhibit I November,2004 Census and Monthly Premium Structure(per Employee/ Retiree) Town Town Employee/Retiree Total Plan Coverage Enrollment % Contribution Contribution Working Rate Medical Blue Choice Individual 151 80% $440 80 $110.20 $551 00 Blue Choice Family 116 80% $1 143.20 $285 80 $1,429 00 Network Blue Individual 337 88% $337 92 $46 06 $384 00 Network Blue Family 576 88% $872 96 $119 04 $992 00 HPHC Individual 43 85% $369 75 $65.25 $435 00 HPHC Family 73 85% $885 80 $156 30 $1,042 00 Medex Individual 548 80% $252 80 $63.20 $316 00 Mngd Blue Srs. Individual 44 80% $221 61 $94 98 $316 59 HPHC 1st Seniority Individual 40 80% $153 60 $38 40 $192 00 COBRA Blue Choice Individual 1 $0 00 $551 00 $551 00 Network Blue Individual 7 $0 00 $384 00 $384 00 Network Blue Family 2 $0 00 $992 00 $992 00 HPHC Individual 2 $0 00 $435 00 $435 00 HPHC Family 1 $0 00 $1,042 00 $1,042 00 Dental Delta Premier Individual 498 50% $21.30 $21.30 $42 60 Delta Premier I+ 1 454 50% $34.23 $34.23 $68 46 Delta Premier Family 382 50% $54 77 $54 77 $109 54 DeltaCare Individual 88 50% $11 92 $11 92 $23 84 DeltaCare I+ 1 27 50% $22.34 $22.34 $44 68 DeltaCare Family 12 50% $33 63 $33 63 $67.26 COBRA Delta Premier Individual 8 $43 45 $0 00 $43 45 Delta Premier I+1 1 $69 83 $0 00 $69 83 Delta Premier Family 3 $111 73 $0 00 $111 73 DeltaCare Individual 1 $24.32 $0 00 $24.32 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 18 Exhibit II- Benefit Summaries Blue Choice Blue Choice In- Out of Network/ Network Self-Referred HMO Blue HPHC HMO Deductible Not applicable $250 per person Not applicable Not applicable $500 famil\ Co-Pay per Visit $5 20°o coinsurance $5 $5 after deductible No routine care Out of Pocket Not applicable $1,250 per person Not applicable Not applicable Maximum $2,500 famil` Lifetime Maximum $2,000,000 $2,000 000 None None Hospital In-Patient Covered in Full 20°0 coinsurance Covered in Full Covered in Full (including after deductible maternity) Hospital Out- Covered in Full $25 20°0 coinsurance Covered in Full $25 Covered in Full $30 Patient emergene` room after deductible emergene` room emergene` room copa` if not copa` if not copa` if not admitted. admitted. admitted. Skilled Nursing Up to 100 days, year 20°0 coinsurance(up Up to 100 days, year Up to 100 days, year Facility to 100 days, year) Laboratory Tests Covered in Full 20°0 coinsurance Covered in Full Covered in Full after deductible Doctor Visits $5 Co-Pa` 20°0 coinsurance $5 Co-Pa` $5 Co-Pa` after deductible Mental Health General Hospital Covered in Full 20°0 coinsurance Covered in Full Covered in Full after deductible Specialty Hospital Biologicall` based 20°0 coinsurance Biologicall` based Up to 60 days year conditions covered after deductible Up conditions covered in full Other to 60 days year in full Other conditions to 60 conditions to 60 days, year days, year Out-Patient $5 Co-Pa` Up to 20°0 coinsurance $5 Co-Pa` Up to $5 Co-Pa` Up to 24 visits per year after deductible Up 24 visits per year 24 individual visits to 24 visits per year or 25 group visits per year(to a maximum of 25 total visits) In-Patient Drug/ Up to 30 days, year 20°0 coinsurance Up to 30 days, year Up to 30 days, year Alcohol in a substance abuse after deductible Up in a substance abuse facilit\ to 30 days, year facilit\ Unlimited in general hospital. Out-Patient Drug/ Up to 8 visits per 20°0 coinsurance Up to 8 visits per Up to 20 visits or Alcohol year$5 copa` per after deductible Up year $5 copa` per $500 in benefit visit to 8visits per year visit value,whichever is greater $5 copa` for first 8 visits,$25 thereafter $5 copa` for group therap` Home Health Care Covered in Full. 20°0 coinsurance Covered in Full. Covered in Full. after deductible Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 19 Blue Choice In- Blue Choice Out of HMO Blue HPHC HMO Network Network/Self- Referred Prescription Drugs $5 generic$10 $5 generic$10 $5 generic$10 $5 generic$10 preferred brand'$25 preferred brand'$25 preferred brand'$25 preferred brand,'$25 non preferred non preferred non preferred non preferred pharmac` Up to a 30 da\ Up to a 30 da\ Up to a 30 da\ $10/$20/$75 mail suppl\ from a suppl\ from a suppl\ from a order pharmac` or 90 da\ pharmac` or 90 da\ pharmac` or 90 da\ suppl\ mail order suppl\ mail order suppl\ mail order Up to a 30 da\ suppl\ from a pharmac` or 90 da\ suppl\ mail order Medicare Supplement Plans(Plan coverage plus Medicare) Medex Managed Blue HPHC First Seniority Deductible Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Co-Pay per Visit None(No routine care) $10 $15 Out of Pocket Maximum Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Lifetime Maximum Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Hospital In-Patient Covered in Full Covered in Full Covered in Full (including maternity) Hospital Out-Patient Covered in Full Covered in Full $50 Covered in Full $50 deductible for emergent emergene` room copa` if room unless admitted. not admitted. Skilled Nursing Facility Full coverage for 100 days Covered in Full Covered in Full $10,da` for 101-365 Laboratory Tests Covered in Full Covered in full Covered in Full Doctor Visits Covered in Full $10 per visit. $15 per visit Mental Health General Hospital Covered in Full 20°0 coinsurance after Covered in Full up to 190 deductible days Specialty Hospital Biologicall\ based Biologicall\ based Covered in Full up to 190 conditions covered in full conditions covered in full days. Other conditions to 60 Other conditions to 60 days, year days, year Out-Patient Up to 24 visits per year $10 per visit. No limit for $15 Co-Pa` visit 1-8,$25 biologicall\ based. Up to for 9-20 then 50°0 $15 24 visits per year for other for group visit 1-20 then 50°0 In-Patient Drug/ Up to 30 days, year in a 20°o coinsurance after Up to 90 days in a Alcohol substance abuse facilit\ deductible Up to 30 days, Medicare covered hospital. year Additional Lifetime reserve of 60 days. Out-Patient Drug/ Up to 8 visits per year$5 $10 per visit. Up to 8 $15 Co-Pa` visit 1-8,$25 Alcohol copa` per visit visits or$500 per year for 9-20 then 50°0 $15 for group visit 1-20 then 50°0 Home Health Care Covered in Full. Covered in Full. Covered in Full. Prescription Drugs $50 deductible then full 25°0 copa generic 50°0 $10 generic$20 preferred coverage for generics and preferred brand,75°0 brand brand'$35 non preferred 80°0 for brands at pharmac\ $20, $40, $105 pharmac` Mail order$5 $30, $50 for mail order 90 da\ suppl` Mail order$2 $10 for 90 Up to a 30 da\ suppl\ from da\ suppl\ a pharmac\ or 90 da\ suppl\ mail order Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 20 Dental Programs Delta Premier DeltaCare in Network DeltaCare out of network Deductible for out-of- Not applicable Not applicable $100 per person,no famil` network services maximum Preventative Full coverage for most Full coverage for most The Plan will pa` 20°o less diagnostic and preventative diagnostic and preventative than it would have paid for services once ever\ 6 services once ever\ 6 services in network. months months Combined Deductible for $50 Individual, $100 Not applicable Basic& Major Famil\ Restorative Basic Restorative Covered at 80°0 after Copayment schedule b\ The Plan will pa` 20°0 less deductible type of service $1 000 than it would have paid for maximum per calendar services in network. year for oral surgery endodontics,& periodontics Major Restorative Covered at 50°0 after Copayment schedule b\ The Plan will pa` 20°0 less deductible type of service $1 000 than it would have paid for maximum per calendar services in network. year for oral surgery endodontics,& periodontics Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 21 Appendix D Discussion of Options In this section, we detail more of the Committee's discussions about the options we recommend the Town investigate further or begin to implement, and other ideas we refected after an initial look. For ease of reference, we use the same number as in the initial summary page and chart. 1 Short-Term Recommendations 1.1 Implement a Carve-Out Pharmacy Benefit Program 1 1 1 Pharmacy Benefit Management Carve-out Pharmac\ Benefit Management(PBM) companies have grown considerabl` in recent years b\ offenng strategies for clients to lower pharmaceutical costs One wa` in which this is done is through management of the drug formular\ A drug formular\ lists the pharmaceuticals that will be covered b\ insurance often in three-tiers with genenc drugs costing the least and drugs not on the formular\ the most. PBMs also use retail drug card programs, encourage the use of mail order and provide other clinical management programs Maintenance drugs dispensed b\ mail tend to be cheaper because the distributor can negotiate lower prices because of volume Express Scnpts currentl` provides some pharmac\ benefit management services for Lexington enrollees The consensus of the Committee and GBS consultants was that significantl` more savings could be realized through more aggressive benefit management procedures For a number of its municipal clients, GBS intends to develop a pharmac\ carve-out plan, where pharmac\ benefits are separatel` administered from the health benefits,providing a higher level of attention to benefit management, improved reporting and increased transparenc\ of costs GBS estimates that pharmaceutical cost growth could be reduced b\ about one-third if the most aggressive plans are implemented. These savings are obtained b\ increased incentives for enrollees to order drugs for delivers b\ mail and b\ encouraging doctors to prescribe genenc drugs where possible 1 1 2. Mail-in prescriptions and generic drug use Express Scripts,the Blue Cross PBM,was implemented in Lexington in 2004 Express Scripts has over 50 million lives under coverage representing $24 billion in pharmaceutical spending each year In 2003 the compan` managed 379 million retail prescriptions and 32 million mail prescriptions Express Scripts helps its clients select plan design features that balance the need for cost control with member convenience and satisfaction. The most common benefit design options offered to its clients are financial incentives and reimbursement limitations including formularies,tiered co-payments, deductibles, or annual maximums, incentives for generic drug utilization, incentives or requirements to use onl` network pharmacies or mandator\ mail delivers of maintenance drugs and reimbursement limitations on the amount of a drug that can be obtained within a specific penod. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 2 2 Lexington currentl` benefits onl` from the filling of prescriptions b\ mail and the substitution of generic drugs for brand name ones Significant savings can accrue from each of these with the largest savings coming from increased use of generic drugs There is an almost even split between prescnptions which are filled b\ genenc versus brand name drugs Therefore there is considerable room to grow the use of generics,through incentive or other programs Reports provided to the committee ( `Drug Payment Dnlldown from BCBS) indicate that for Network Blue subscribers, onl` about 10%of the prescnptions are being filled b\ mail. Thus,there are also large potential savings from increasing mail order prescnptions There has been controvers\ in the field about the transparent` of drug pricing and perceptions of conflicts of interest in the use of rebates and other manufacturer incentives Express Scnpts has had some rebates from pharmaceutical manufacturers but has committed to reducing the amount of fees that it receives from manufacturers, which ma` result in some additional savings A familiar feature of pharmac` benefits is tiered co-payments, in which Express Scnpts or the client activel` seek to educate individuals about formularn drugs, programs that activel` promote lower-cost therapeutic and generic interchanges Whereas clients typicall` have selected a plan with an open formularn toda` an increasing number of clients are selecting formularies that offer financial or other incentives (such as three-tier co-payments)to encourage the selection of preferred drugs (While Lexington offers a tiered co-payment scheme it is questionable whether the difference in prices is large enough to save the Town mono ) These approaches help contain the rate of cost increases for clients and encourage greater involvement b\ beneficianes in the decision making process Some clients opt for even more restrictive closed formularies, in which benefits are available onl` for those drugs included on the formulary In 2003 54%of all claims fell into three- tier or closed categories, compared to 42%for 2001 indicating increased efforts to reduce costs Express Scripts uses its electronic claims processing system to appl` the client s benefit plan design parameters to submitted claims and to enable monitoring of the financial performance of the plan. At the end of 2003 Express Scnpts operated seven mail pharmacies, located in Missouri,New Mexico Pennsylvania,New York and Arizona. These pharmacies provide members with convenient access to maintenance and specialt` medications, while helping the compare` manage drug costs through operating efficiencies and economies of scale Since mail order pharmacies are directl` involved with the patient and member the` are generall` able to achieve a higher level of generic substitutions and therapeutic interventions than is tvpicall` achieved at retail Within its mail pharmacies, Express Scripts maintains a large inventor\ of brand name and genenc drugs,which it purchases either directl` from manufacturers or through wholesalers Other services are available from Express Scnpts These include disease management and education programs to plan beneficianes in an effort to help manage clinical outcomes and the total healthcare costs associated with certain Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 23 chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease These programs are based on the premise that better-informed patient and physician behavior can positivel` influence medical outcomes and reduce overall medical costs Express Scripts identifies patients who ma` benefit from these programs through analysis of claims data or through self-enrollment. Express Scnpts offers a tiered approach to member education and wellness, ranging from information provided through its Internet site to educational mailings,to its intensive one-on-one registered nurse or pharmacist counseling The programs include providing patient profiles directl` to their physicians, as well as measurements of the clinical,personal and economic outcomes of the programs However Lexington enrollees do not appear to benefit from these additional services Express Scripts contracts with retail pharmacies to provide prescription drugs to beneficianes of the plans Express Scripts manages In the United States,the compan` negotiates for discounted prices at the pharmacies which will provide drugs to plan members More than 57 000 retail pharmacies, representing more than 99%of all US retail pharmacies,participate in one or more of its networks Express Scnpts also manages pharmac` networks that are customized for or under direct contract with specific clients These networks can alert pharmacists to opportunities for genenc substitution and therapeutic intervention as well as formular\ compliance issues It is not clear that this is done for Lexington enrollees In conclusion, Express Scripts provides a fairl` comprehensive set of strategies to control the cost of prescription drugs Lexington ma` need to evaluate each option so it can determine whether it has reached the optimal balance between cost containment and member convenience and satisfaction. 1 1 3. Canadian or European Drug Reimportation The Town staff had been poised to tr. importing drugs from Canada two years ago but it did not move forward because of Selectmen s concerns At this point,the consensus of the HBRC is that the possible short-term benefits which might have been(or might even still be)realized are not worth the effort now Whatever benefits might accrue in the short term will decrease over the long term There has been considerable stud` concerning the potential to reimport drugs from Canada into the US to save mono. Currentl` it is estimated that the reimportation business from Canada is over$1 billion because mans drugs can be as much as 50% cheaper than in the US There are mans who claim that this will grow considerabl` in the next few years While the FDA has not approved the reimportation of drugs from Canada,mans states, such as Louisiana,North Dakota, Minnesota,Wisconsin, California, Massachusetts,New Hampshire Maine Illinois and Mars land are attempting to structure and implement Canadian drug reimportation. Some political leaders have stated publicl` their intention if necessary to defy the FDA which believes that such importation is illegal To date the FDA has not approved reimportation pnmaril` due to safet` concerns In recent testimon` officials of the Food and Drug Administration, as well as representatives of other government agencies,have noted the potential dangers associated with reimportation, including individual importation,the purchase of drugs from foreign sources over the Internet, and counterfeit drugs entenng the Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 2-1 United States In testimon` on this subject,William Hubbard, Senior Associate Commissioner for Polio. Planning, and Legislation at the U S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated. `Currentl` new drugs marketed in the United States must be approved b` FDA based on demonstrated safet\ and efficac` This closed regulators system has been vers. successful in preventing unapproved, adulterated or misbranded drug products from entering the U S stream of commerce Legislation that would establish other distribution routes for drug products, particularl` where those routes routinel` transverse a U S border creates a wide inlet for counterfeit drugs and other dangerous products that can be injunous to the public health and a threat to the secunts of our nation s drug suppl` Similar concerns have been echoed b` former Bush administration Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tomm` Thompson and former Clinton Administration HHS Secretar\ Donna Shalala. Representatives of the Canadian government have recentl` clanfied their position b` stating that the\ could not guarantee the safet\ and effectiveness of drugs exported from their country This is especiall` troublesome as counterfeit drugs entenng the U S pose genuine nsks both in lack of efficac` and in adulteration with unknown substances There are also mans who claim that the safet\ issue is just a was to politicall` protect pharmaceutical profits Eventuall` mechanisms ma` be put in place to protect US consumers from the nsks stated above At that point,the remaining question will be whether discounts will remain in Canada should the amount of drugs reimported become much larger At some point, it is likel` that the discounts available to US consumers will disappear most likel` from a combination of efforts from pharmaceutical companies and the Canadian government itself. Pharmaceutical manufacturers,who sell their products to the Canadian government at lower costs,have a direct economic incentive either to limit an` surplus sold to Canada or to stop selling their products to Canada altogether There does not seem to be an reason whs. Canada should put its own discounts at nsk to suppl` customers in the US The probabilrt` of sustaining discounts might increase should Congress look beyond Canada to enable the reimportation of drugs from larger European nations For a number of reasons this seems unlikel` at this time Therefore while there ma` be some short-term savings available from Canadian drug reimportation, it is likel` that reimportation will not lead to intermediate or long term discounts and would always face the possibilit\ of being cut off suddenl` b` Canada, the drug manufacturers or the FDA. 1.2. Strengthen Claims and Enrollment Audits A significant cost containment opportunrt` lies in making sure that the Town pays onl` for services provided to those who should be covered b` the Town and that all claims are legitimate and for services that are covered. First the Town needs to be extremel` timel` in reporting changes in status This includes monitoring dependent coverage tracking dates of death and birth, requesting substantiation Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 2J for students who fall outside of the age limits, and promptl` terminating former employees and their dependents In addition to the internal monitoring,the Town should consider engaging an independent firm to review the claims on a periodic basis,probabl` quarterl` The\ would review the data base of employee and dependent information and carefull` monitor cut off information to make sure that an claims paid subsequent to a termination are the result of services performed prior to the end of the coverage period. The\ would also review all large claims paid to make sure that there were no overcharges and that the services were appropnatel` covered (i e not excluded services) It is also important that covered services be full\ understood and monitored carefull` The auditor would also review significant claims for a dependent spouse to make sure that no other coverage was available from another source to pa` for these services Note that Express Scripts has support for this kind of work for pharmaceutical costs 1.3 Review Premium Structure and Plan Design We need to understand how much flexibilit\ there is in determining plan design. For example if Lexington requests a different benefit structure than the standard programs offered b\ Blue Cross or Harvard Pilgnm in order to influence participant behavior will Blue Cross or Harvard Pilgnm be able to administer that program') Some design decisions are tied to other issues for example some vendors ma` refuse to offer high deductible programs with Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) if the Blue Choice program is also a plan option. The current structure with two Blue Cross alternatives and one Harvard Pilgnm alternative for non-Medicare enrollees,was established in 1994 and participants selected plans at that time There has not been significant movement between plans since that date because at the time of the changes,enrollment was frozen for 3-4 years and people were required to move off the HPHC plan into the BCBS plan to pool risk,most enrollment changes since that time have been due to new employees selecting plans and eligible employees who had not previousl` enrolled later choosing to get benefits through the town. It is possible that a different premium or benefit structure would result in significant changes in the distribution between plans There is a two-tier structure for medical coverage (individual and famil`) and three-tier structure for dental coverage (individual, individual plus one and famil`) We understand that a three-tier structure was considered for medical coverage and rejected because the famil` premium would be too high. This should be reviewed each year The committee was not provided with information as to how the current premium structure was developed. For the medical programs,the ratio of the famil` premium to the individual premium vanes b\ plan between 2 40—2.59 This weighting should be reviewed to determine if it is appropriate It ma` be more appropriate to use the same ratio for all three plans After reviewing long term cost projections for each Plan,the Town should determine whether there is an reason to provide incentives to employees to select one plan over another and, if so to develop a premium structure which encourages movement towards that plan. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 26 1.3.1 Increase non pharmaceutical co pays There ma` be an opportunrt` to significantl` change behavior b\ changing plan design. Under the current structure with $5 copays for most services,there is limited consumensm. Participants do not have the information to make choices based on cost because the amounts the` are paving do not relate to the true cost of the services The cost to the participant of using a high cost or inefficient provider is the same as the cost of using a more efficient provider There is no incentive for example to avoid high cost teaching hospitals for routine tests and services which could be performed more efficientl` and with equal quaht\ in a communrt\ setting The optimum plan structure would include rewards for wise behavior as a health care consumer 1.3.2. Institute Explanation of Benefits forms Participants generall` do not receive explanation of benefits forms from Blue Cross Blue Shield when claims are paid, so the` are totall` isolated from the real cost of medical care 1.3.3. A structure with participants paying a percentage of the discounted cost per visit might encourage more cost-effective behavior 1.3.4 The$5/$10/$25 copay structure for prescription drugs is also somewhat low Once again,there is no incentive to compare pnces charged b\ participating pharmacies or to compare the costs of different genencs 1.3.5. Change the ratio of Premium Contributions The Town currentl` pays 80%of the total cost for Blue Choice Medex, and HPHC First Seniont` 85%for HPHC 88%for Network Blue 80%for Managed Blue Seniors, and 50%for all dental plans One option to consider is to have the Town contribute the same dollar amount(one dollar amount for individual coverage and one for famil` coverage) whichever Plan the employee elects and have the employee pa` the remaining percent of premium. Another wa` to reduce costs would be to make the Lexington benefits less attractive b\ reducing benefit levels or increasing employee premiums enough so that those with working spouses will elect to participate in those plans instead of the plans offered b\ the Town. This could detract from the town s abilrt` to attract new employees Employee contributions could also van based on pa` with those over a certain salan contributing more to their own health care When the Committee examined the salan structure of the Town, it did not seem that this would result in an` significant savings The committee discussed the possibilih of recommending that part time employees pa` a higher pro rata share of the premium, in order to encourage those with working spouses to get their medical coverage from the spouse s plan. If legal,this could save Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 27 the Town as much as $1M annuall` according to one estimate It appears that this ma` not be legal under the laws governing municipal benefit plans Furthermore an increase in premiums could make it difficult to fill some part time positions as access to health care is a major hinng incentive In addition,the Committee was told that mans part time jobs within the schools don t work well as full time positions There has been some effort to keep as man` part time jobs as possible below the 20 hours that qualifies the individuals for benefits, but that often is not feasible For mans the availabilit` of the Town s health care program is the reason the\ are willing to take the jobs at relativel` low wage levels The Committee also discussed whether or not it would be possible to charge higher premiums to smokers or other high-nsk groups, as is done with life insurance The consensus was that this would be too difficult to administer and would not be permissible under Mass General Law 32B and HIPPA. How would the Town treat a famil` where the employee did not smoke but the spouse or dependent child did9 How would the Town obtain the information and ensure its confidentialrt` 1 4 Consider Separate Plan for Out-of-state Enrollees Because the Blue Choice Plan is the onl` one allowing participants to go out of the network for services, it ma` be the onl` one appropnate for retirees not eligible for Medicare who live outside Massachusetts (42 individuals and 18 families) and families with dependents in college out of state Therefore the Plan cannot be eliminated unless another plan appropriate for this population is added. As the cost of coverage for out-of-state retirees is higher a higher retiree share ma` be appropriate It is also possible that the Town can find an insurer that could provide coverage to this group separatel` from the rest of the enrollees If this were the case the Town could eliminate the Blue Choice option which is the most expensive However there are mans other potential problems with eliminating Blue Choice In addition to the need to collectivel` bargain over this,there is the fact that Blue Choice enrollees pa` more but ma` not use more expensive services This is because few actuall` do go out of network for services Thus, if Blue Choice were eliminated,premium contributions would decrease possibl` without an accompanying decrease in costs 1.5. Expand health promotion and disease prevention locally There is little systematic attention currentl` being paid to health promotion and disease prevention activities within the Lexington employee and dependents population. Health promotion encourages the adoption of health` practices in areas such as diet, exercise and stress reduction. Disease prevention involves the identification of specific nsks and the taking of steps to reduce those risks Treatment of individuals shown to be at nsk for osteoporosis aimed at preventing future fractures is an example of disease prevention. Earl` detection, while often included in disease prevention is not prevention but is important for the future health of the individual and the cost of health care Mammograms and PSA testing for prostate cancer are examples of earl` detection. Earl` detection and disease prevention,because the\ more clearl` fall within the scope of practice of medical practitioners, are more likel` to be done than is health promotion. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 28 Neither Blue Cross nor HPHC appear to be offering significant health promotion and disease prevention activities to Lexington enrollees While such services are available e g Weight Watchers or fitness centers, often at reduced costs,there does not seem to be a concerted effort to involve Lexington s employees,retirees and dependents While it is tempting to hope that health promotion activities could provide near-term savings in health costs for the Town,this is unlikel` for a number of reasons • The Town does not have information about vanous risks that exist within the covered group • Obtaining data about nsks that could or should be addressed will be costl` and require the cooperation of Town employees This is beyond the current scope and capacit\ of Town government. • Within the employee population,there are likel\ to be individuals at high nsk and broad-based programs aimed at the general population ma` not reach them. High-nsk individuals pose a particular threat to health care expenses because of their effect on the communit\ experience and future costs Methods b\ which an employer ma` identify and reach these individuals so as to reduce nsk are onl\ just being developed and ma` be difficult to implement,particularl` with HIPAA (the Health Information Portabilit\ and Accountabilit\ Act) in place • Effective health promotion and disease prevention activities will entail costs now for savings that might be realized in the future Savings would come in the medium-and long-term and almost certaml` would not be identifiable as deriving from such efforts Simpl` talking about health promotion and making it available to employees at reduced rates is not sufficient to change much behavior More aggressive action would be required. One example will suffice It can be assumed that some Town employees and dependents smoke Smoking affects not onl\ the health of the individual but of his or her famil\ as well The effects of second hand smoke on household incidence of lung cancer upper respirator\ infections and asthma, for example have been documented. However we do not know how man` Town employees smoke We also do not know whether those who smoke are interested in stopping And,we do not know how effective a Town-organized program would be in reducing the incidence of smoking. The Town would benefit also from improved reporting on claims made for particular health conditions for our population(diabetes, smoking-related or obesit\-related illnesses in particular) in order to gauge how effective increased health-promotion efforts could be in decreasing claims However as noted elsewhere in this report, our claims are actuall\ lower than the rest of Blue Cross/Blue Shield s book of business Because the data and participation needed for an health promotion and disease prevention programs can onl\ come from the employees themselves,gains can onl\ be made b\ a combined effort of the Town and its employees A health nsk assessment of Town employees (and possibl` of dependents as well)would provide much needed data and might help to build support within Town government and the employee population for needed programs in these areas This would require funding from the Town. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 29 1.6. Develop a Clear Strategy to Expand Case and Disease Management There is little data available to the Committee that would enable it to draw an` conclusions about savings that more aggressive case management might provide to the Town. Case management activities are generall` focused on two sets of individuals The first group includes those who are in acute episodes For these case management concentrates on getting an individual out of expensive care such as hospitals into less expensive services such as rehabilitation facilities or home care Although Blue Cross and HPHC have little financial incentive to provide these services to Town employees and dependents who are not insured b\ them, it is likel` that the` do because the` provide such services for those the\ insure There is evidence however that Town staff provide consumer education and certain case management services when the\ can. The number of cases in which the reinsurance floor is reached indicates that there are several cases within the Lexington insured group for whom acute episodes are costl` Aggressive case management might lower costs for these individuals Generali` however the most substantial savings are realized for cases where the annual claims level is in the $10 000 to $50 000 range Disease management is usuall` focused on those with chronic conditions who are not in a health facilrt` and ma` still be working Although these individuals ma` have acute episodes,their care is generall` on an outpatient or ambulator basis and drugs are usuall` the most expensive part of such treatment. Conditions included in this group include asthma, diabetes, coronar arter disease heart failure hypertension, and high cholesterol It is likel` that some forms of case management for these individuals are done b\ the practitioners who treat them, however there are no incentives for this The evidence on savings from disease management for chronic conditions is not encouraging, although it is clear that case management can result in better qualrt\ services and improved patient satisfaction. Few entities providing case management report significant savings One positive example is Asheville NC which has a program for cit` employees that concentrates on diabetes, asthma,hypertension, and high cholesterol This program,which is currentl` being tried in a few other places,uses speciall` trained pharmacists to monitor participants It was reported that the cit\ has saved four dollars for even one dollar it invested in the program,mostl` in reduced hospital costs There is,unfortunatel` little data to estimate how much case or disease management is being done for those with chronic conditions or whether savings can be attained. What is clear is that the incentives are probabl` not aligned in ways that encourage aggressive management of the chronic conditions of those Lexington covers Express Scnpts has some features which would support case management of pharmaceutical use but these are probabl` not being applied aggressivel` to Lexington enrollees at this time Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 30 1 7 Continue to Consider Alternative Insurance Providers, Stop-loss Levels and Insurance vs. Self-insurance as Part of Rebidding Process 1 71. Alternative Health Plans Blue Cross/Blue Shield,Harvard Pilgrim, and Tufts Health Plans have the most extensive networks in Massachusetts Rose Ducharme has indicated that the Town has requested competitive quotes from Tufts Health Plan in the past and it was more expensive than the programs currentl` offered. This cost comparison should probabl` be repeated even three to five years Penodicall` it ma` be worthwhile to compare the networks offered b` United Health Care and CIGNA to the list of providers used b` plan participants although neither network is currentl` as extensive in Massachusetts as Blue Cross,Harvard Pilgrim, or Tufts,the\ have apparentl` taken steps to improve their coverage within the state 1 7 2. Self-Insurance versus Full Insurance Rose Ducharme has indicated that the Town requests quotes and compares self- insured and full` insured programs on an annual basis This practice should continue Self-insured and insured dental programs should also be evaluated. In the long run,the cost of coverage for a large group is the total of claims paid, administrative and claims processing costs,the cost of an` nsk transfer plus an allowance for profit for the insurer or plan administrator Insurance ma` save mone` over self-insurance in the short run, if the insurer underestimates claims or provides an artificiall` low quote to 'bus the business, on the assumption that it will recoup its first-year losses in future years In the long run, self-insurance (perhaps combined with reinsurance or stop loss coverage) is likel` to be less costl` because the profits or nsk premiums assumed b` administrators are lower than those assumed b` insurers In addition, state laws mandate certain benefits for insured plans self- insured plans are not required to offer mans state-mandated benefits 1 7 3. Limit Entry or Reduce Employer Contribution for Blue Choice Plan The out-of-state Blue Choice Plan does not require participants to have a pnman care physician. Man` believe that having a gate-keeper can help to keep medical costs down. The in-state Blue Choice Plan requires a pnman care physician,but does allow participants to go out of network if the\ choose that is when the\ utilize their out of pocket deductible If this is true the premium structure used for the Blue Choice Plan should include an employee contribution reflecting the additional cost of the program. The Town could also consider not allowing new employees to select the Blue Choice Plan. However we cannot determine from the information available whether there is adverse selection and whether or not it is costing the Town more when employees elect the Blue Choice Plan. It would be interesting to review the demographics of the employee selecting Blue Choice with those selecting HMO Blue Rose Ducharme has indicated that in the past in-state employees who selected Blue Choice do not often go out of the HMO network for care However the\ are willing to pa` a higher Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 31 premium to reserve the nght to go out of network. If providing incentives for them to move to the HMO plan does not change their utilization of health care the cost to the Town might actuall` increase since claims would remain the same and employee contributions would decrease The Town should review the rate structure each year to be sure that relative employee contributions for the Blue Choice and HMO programs reflect the perceived value of the availabilrt` of out of network care 1.8. Ensure that the Health Benefits Trust Fund is at the Recommended Level of Three Months In recent years the Town has used mone` designated for the Trust Fund for other government expenses The Trust Fund has therefore fallen below the recommended three months level The Committee believes that the Trust Fund should be allowed to accumulate up to the four-month level With the lower level,there is a larger possibilrt` that the Town might have to appropriate additional mone` during a year should unusual expenses occur and the Trust Fund run short. 1.9 Review Implementation of this report on an Ongoing,Perhaps Quarterly Basis While the HBRC has no desire to indefinitel` perpetuate itself, it does believe that there needs to be a specific group appointed b` the Selectmen,to contmuall` monitor health benefits within the Town, and to provide pressure to move forward on recommended and agreed upon changes The Committee understands that mans of its recommendations will be subject to collective bargaining However the cost of health insurance is a ver senous problem for the Town, and will become more so Therefore there needs to be a mechanism to continue to focus on the problem and to suggest actions that the Town can take 2. Longer-Term Recommendations 2.1 Consumer-Directed Healthcare; Health Savings Accounts,Flexible Spending Accounts,Medical Savings Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements The Town should consider vanous options in the implementation of consumer directed health care strategies, similar to the current trend in mans businesses Please see Appendix F for a more detailed discussion of these options 2.2. Implement strategy for expanded case management and health promotion See 2 1.5 above 2.3 Explore group purchasing in tandem with review of premium structure and plan design There are currentl` two major purchasing groups in Massachusetts—MetroWest and MIIA Lexington has participated in both groups in the past. At the time we were part of the MetroWest Group we were one of the largest Towns in the group and each entrt` had one Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 32 vote Lexington dropped out because the group elected to offer benefits that were more generous than the Town thought it could afford. With MIIA,the purchasing group did not purchase the stop-loss insurance expected and the purchasing group was required to fund several claims for Lexington employees which it had not anticipated. It ma` be worthwhile to review the two groups again to see if the operating rules or the composition of the groups have changed. Should another group be formed, Lexington should consider whether it would be advantageous to Join. Or the Town could participate in forming a new group The advantage of belonging to a group is that the wider nsk pool would reduce costs and nsk, but the disadvantage is the amount of administrative time and effort required. The committee was also asked to explore pooling with local business,but were informed that this was illegal 2.4 Begin Funding Future Obligation for Health Benefits Although this will take considerable fiscal constraint, it seems important to establish the principle that this is a future obligation of the Town. Beginning to fund this obligation soon will help to spread the burden over more years and prepare the Town for future regulators or legal requirements (such as the GASB standards) Bond-rating agencies have alread` taken it into account in reviews of other towns, and it would be good to obtain such agencies views of the how soon it is necessary to do this Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 33 Appendix E Review of Comparable Town Benefits Survey To better understand the costs of Lexington health benefits and the health benefits marketplace for eastern Massachusetts municipalities,the Committee conducted a surve` of comparable local cities and cities We selected towns used b\ unions for comparison purposes in wage agreements and selected other cities and towns with similar demographics and financial status A surve` instrument was developed and modified based upon feedback from town staff and committee members Twent\ nine towns were contacted b\ phone the surve` was faxed and phone follow up was conducted as needed. Twent\ four towns responded with most of the requested information. Information included health plans offered,benefit levels, employee premiums, and questions about other benefits offered, including dental benefits, chiropractic coverage and pharmac` benefits We appreciate the respondents' collaboration and will be sending copies of the report to them. Disclaimer the data in these charts, although venfied b\ each town,has not been independentl` verified,misunderstandings and differences in accounting practices among towns ma` lead to inconsistencies in the responses Survey Results The detailed findings of the surve` are contained in the charts below and the table that follows Lexington offers a generall` similar set of traditional health plans as most of the towns Blue Choice HMO Blue and Harvard Pilgrim were the most frequentl` offered plans The Metro Suburban Health Purchasing Collaborative also offers Tufts PPO Tufts POS and Fallon and a NAA (Out of Area)plan. For Medicare supplement retiree plans,virtuall` all towns offered Medex and most also offered HPHC s First Seniont\ product, a much less costl` Medicare HMO product with expanded benefit. Eighteen towns, including Lexington, offered$5 co-pays for physician and ambulator\ services Three towns have co-pays of$10 per visit; one town has an$8 co-pa` and the remainder are mixed in their benefits Eleven towns have $25 Emergenc` Room co-pays Five towns have $50 ER co-pays five have $25-$50 co-pays and the remainder are mixed. With the exception of Brookline and Sudbury Lexington and six other towns had the next lowest levels of pharmac` co-pays - $5 genenc/$10 brand/and$25 formulary Mail order rates for Lexington were similar but generall` for a 90 da` suppl` Seven towns had similar rates Of the 24 respondents, seven reported Annual Limits on out of pocket employee expenses Lexington has a$1 000/$2,000 polic` one town(Newton)had a similar benefit. All others were higher—such as $2,200/$4 400 in Concord and $1 600/$3,200 in Dover Lexington offers some coverage and benefits that are not offered b\ other Towns Chiropractic services are covered b\ Lexington with a$5 co-pa` for up to 20 visits This is similar to Brookline Fourteen towns reported offering the coverage but most of them onl` offered it in certain but not all plans Woburn had a limit of 12 visits per year Twent\ towns reported offering Dental insurance but we onl` received rate sheets for thirteen. Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 34 Lexington picks up 50%of the premium for Delta Premier and Delta Care Ten of the other towns did not contribute to the Dental coverage (100%employee premiums) Sudbun and Wellesle` contributed 25%and 47%respectivel` for DeltaCare coverage not Delta Premier Eighteen towns offer life insurance Figure 1 -Blue Choice benefits two do not. Of those that 50% - offer the benefits, Lexington 45% I I offered what appeared to be the 2 40% I I standard benefit of 50%of the t 35% I I premium for$5 000 employees are a) 30% I responsible for the premium of 25% C 20% additional insurance up to $74K. a 15% _ Three towns offered$10 000 E 10% illfl • '� II policies -onh one of those 5% reported optional additional 0% oF c°j P ;a y 6 coverage (Wellesle`) Lexington was the onl` Town that Towns reported having used an Opt-Out program,where cash benefits were Figure 2 -HMO Blue paid to employees who voluntanl` select their spouse s insurance plan. 50% Lexington s plan was one-time 45% I ;v 40% I onl` however t 35% I U) 30% As shown in Figures 1-3 ai 25% I Lexington employees contribute a 0 20% I I - different percentage of the E. 15%0premium for each of the covered W 10% ' ' iii I ' 0 05% fplans 20/o for Blue Choice 12/o° 1 1 I I o/° for HMO Blue and, 15%for a o F o,� �°. o HPHC This compares to averages � �om Booz = 0Q � sff �.�. P g m _ of 29%, 18%and 19%respectivel` Towns for the towns also offenng those plans The distributions of Figure 3 - HPHC employee shares for the three plans 50% are shown in the attached charts 45% e 40%° Total premiums for the health plans ca-c 35% I offered b` Lexington were N 30% d 25% generall` comparable to other c 20% towns (see Figures 4-6) Premiums I a 15% - 1 were slightl` higher than average E 10o% _I-E1-1--1--t for Blue Choice and HPHC and ° LE i° ail JJi111 II lower than average for HMO Blue co m'�F o0 Q o \o, . . 0 0 0 0 .,0 .. While the costs ma` be somewhat z 2 z _ . _ . _. lower the Town has pnced the Towns HMO Blue premiums so as to encourage enrollment in this plan. The premiums van significantl` Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 35 Figure 4 HMO Blue Total Premiums HMO Blue Total Premiums $1 600- ❑Individual I O Family $1 400- $1,200- Ay 40V 400 4as Asor $1000- d m" 'm' Premiums —.� $800 — — — — — — — — — — — $600- E — $400 d = s E —46 $200- — $0 :1- - - - - I Lex Ad And Brook Burl Camb Ded Dov Hing Nat Need Pea Sud Wat Way Wel Winch Wob o Individual 384 391 375 395 448 329 415 415 377 415 535 379 422 424 415 415 454 378 o Family 992 1010 1005 1058 1201 842 1119 1119 1010 1119 1528 1017 1071 1182 1119 1119 1225 1006 Towns Figure 5—Blue Choice Total Premiums Blue Choice Total Premium $1,600- $1 400- ~I $1,200- n $1 000- 6 Premiums $800- b s— F�. t $600- 1F 6 tw t,1 C i. $400- 0— c . = pft _ft,.. _ [ — oft 0 0-- $200- ft, 0 $0 ' o Individual Lex Arl Brook Camb Hing Need Sudbury West Winch ❑Family ❑Individual 551 625 423 432 520 551 509 436 523 ❑Family 1429 1564 1131 1100 1234 1429 1300 1175 1395 Towns Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 36 Of the fourteen towns reporting Medex premiums and contribution rates, Lexington had a vers. competitive premium rate at$316 overall Onl` Arlington was lower at $292 per month and Needham was the same as Lexington. Medex premiums were as high as $423 in Burlington. Most towns,with the exception of Hingham and Needham, offered at least one other plan for seniors Members of the West Suburban Health Plan offered as mans as 8 different options At 20%, Lexington was one of the lower towns for the employee share of the premium for Medex and Medicare related coverage Most towns had 25%or more of the premium being picked up b` the retiree Man required the retiree to pick up 100%of the premium Figure 6—HPHC Total Premiums HPHC Total Premium $1 600- $1 400- $1,200- 1 $1 000- .� Towns $800- . 0 Individual $600- — — — — — — - —0❑Family ::: -So L_ rl Eel Eurl 3mh !n E d E Hina Linj Flat II-d II.4 udhur sit iter 4 ell ,t Nn_h lndi dual 4 411 4_ 4` li 4 4_ 4i IE3nn1! l04_ Ir IF IFl Ir 4 L u- L 1r4 14 11'_ Premiums Other Reviews of Health Benefits Of the eleven towns tracked as comparables b` the Teachers Union for salar\ and benefit negotiations for FY'05 Lexington ranked fourth in overall health insurance benefits The total compensation level was ranked lower however The benefit is calculated based upon famil` plan premiums for HMO Blue (the most frequentl` enrolled plan) Another analysis of comparable towns was conducted b` Town staff in the fall of 2004 looking at health benefits as a percentage of total budgets In that analysis,Lexington ranked second,just behind Arlington,with 10 7%of the budget devoted to health care costs Blue Cross compared Lexington s renewal rate calculations to Blue Cross `book of business For the HMO Blue plan, Lexington s projected claims were $2,717 692 vs Blue Cross claims at $3,516 076 For the Medex plan, Lexington was $1 836,932 vs BCBS at$2,245,239 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 37 Figure 7—Lexington Health Benefits Review Committee—Survey Data uoncora also L,on-L,anose Town Lexington Andover Arlington Brookline Burlington HS Dedham Dover Hingham (Name Rose DuCharm Kathleen Golini Anne Milici Kathy McGinnis Jayne Hyde Personnel Dept. Frank Karen Jelloe Leah Bleicken Geishecker (Phone 781-861-2768 978-623-8534 781-316-3123 617-730-2117 781-270-1622 978-318-3025 781-751-9171 508-785-0032 781-804-2407 x237 (Email rducharmaaci.le kaoliniaaandoverm amiliciaatown.arlin kathy_mcginnis ihvdeaburlmass. personnelaaconoordnet.ora faeisheckeraato treasureraadover bleickenlaahinahamj xinaton.ma.us a.aov aton.ma.us a(,town.brookline.ora wn.dedham.ma. ma.ora ma.com 'Rate Sheet Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Average Co-Pays Phy/Amb $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5-$10 $5 $5 $5 'ER $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25-$50 $25 $25-$30 $25 Prescript Retail Generic $5 $10 30 day $5 30 day $5 $10 $5 $5 $5 $10 (Brand $10 $20 30 day $10 30 day $10 $20 $10-$15 $10 $10-$15 $20 Form $25 $35 30 day All charges $10 $35 $25-$35 $25 $25-$35 Prescript Generic $5 $10 90 day $5 90 day $5 $10 $10 $10 90 day $5-$10 $2 Mail Order'Brand $10 $20 90 day $10 90 day $10 $20 $20-$30 $40 90 day $10-$30 $10 JForm $25 $35 90 day All charges $10 $35 $50-105 $50 90 day $25-$105 (Annual Limits (Prescription N/a None None None n/a n/a None Inpatient N/a None None None n/a None Out-of-Pocket $1000/$2000 None None None Only wafts POS 1600 pre HPHC None $200/$400 deduct& member per $1600/$32001yr $22001$4400 max out of year POS only Tufts pocket $1500/3000/f (Other Relevant Cvg Chiro Coverage Y None N Y Y Y Y Y N Describe $5 up to 20 20 Visits/CY$5 Some plans Discount only Only Fallon Visits co-pay Dental Coverage Y Y Y N/A Y Y Y Y Y Describe Delta Premier Delta Premier Dental Blue paid BOBS Children Guardian Voluntary to Delta Dental by employee under 12&Delta School Dept only Premier Life Ins. Coverage Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Describe $5000 50%Pd- Boston Mutual Town pays 50% $5,000 term life $5,000 term life Guardian $5K 50%pd- $10,000 Boston Mutual, up to$74K sup Basic Optional policy town pay 50% other ins Basic,Voluntary& employee pd Voluntary voluntary Optional (Opt-out Program Yes No N/A No No n/a N No Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 38 uncoin-auacury Town Lexington High School Medford Natick Needham Newton Peabody Sudbury Waltham Name Rose DuCharm Kimbrely Goodwin Ellen Baglio Linda Clark Sophie Paul Deschenes Elaine Crichton Deb Greeno Brenda Capello Grintchenko Phone 781-861-2768 978-440-8818x2382 781-393-2531 508-647-6400 781-455-7530 617-796-1271 978-532-5721 978-443-8891 781-314-3355 x1439 x235 x348 Email rducharmaeci.le kim aoodwinelsrhs.ebaaliodmedford. Idarkenatickma.orsarintchenkoaatow odeschenesenewto areenodaatown.su bcapelloaecitv.walt xinaton ma us net ora q n needham ma us nma aov elaine.crichton(oeab rlbury ma us ham ma us IRate Sheet Y N Y Y Y Y Y !Average Co-Pays IPhy/Amb $5 $10 $10 $5 $5 $15 $5-$25 $5 $5 SER $25 $50 $50 $25-$30 $25-$30 $50 $25 $25 $25 Prescript Retail Generic $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5-$10 $5 (Brand $10 $10 $10/$25 $10-$15 10-$15 $20 $10-$15 $10 Form $25 $25 $10-$35 $25-$35 $30 $10 Prescript Generic $5 $10 $5 $5-$10 90 day $5-$10 $10 $5-$10 90 day $5 Mail OrderiBrand $10 $20 $10/$25 $20-$30 90 day $10-$30 $40 $10 90 day $10 Form $25 $50 $25-$105-90day $10-$105 $60 $10 (Annual Limits Prescription N/a N/A 0 n/a N/A $1,560 Max on None None durable med equip Inpatient N/a N/A 0 n/a N/A POS Plan$100 None None yr Out-of-Pocket $1000/$2000 N/A $1,200 Ind n/a N/A POS Plan None None $2,400 Fam $1,000lnd1$2,000 Family Other Relevant Cvg Chiro Coverage Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Describe $5 up to 20 Tufts Fallon only Fallon Only Tufts not HPHC Blue Care Elect Only w/Blue Tufts&BCBS Visits Choice Plan Dental Coverage Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Describe Delta Premier Fully paid by Children Adults Children except Delta Dental&Delta Preventive for Dental Blue $750 Delta Dental employee included w/Fallon Fallon:everyone in Premier Plan children-voluntary max wlTufts or Harvard family-Also Delta plan employee pd Premier dental offered Life Ins. Coverage Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Describe $5000 50%Pd- $10,000 AD&D $2K life 50/50 $5,000 for$9.45/mo Basic Life $15K 50%pd by up to$74K sup 50/50 split $56/employee city-addtl if pd by employee pd town pays other employee Bstn 1/2-Bstn Mtl Mtl (Opt-out Program Yes No No No No No No Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 39 vvayianu vvayianu Town Lexington Watertown EPOIHMO PPOIPOS Wayland SR Wellesley Weston Winchester Woburn Name Rose DuCharm Diane Ryan Donna Lemoyne Donna Lemoyne Donna Lemoyne Susan Adler Lisa Yanakakis Ellen Howard Elaine Pruyne Phone 781-861-2768 617-972-6460 508-358-3612 508-358-3612 508-358-3612 781-431-1019x240 781-893-7320x331 781-721-7116 781-932-4478 Email rducharmaci.le drvanaci.watertowmdinapoliawavlan susanaaci.welleslev.m a vanakakis.laweston ehowardaci.winchepruvneacitvofwo xinaton.ma.us n.ma.us d.ma.us .us mass.ora ester.ma.us burn.com Rate Sheet Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Average Co.Pays PhylAmb $5 $5 $5 $5 $8 $5 $5 $5 $10 ER $25 $25-$50 $25 $35 $40 $25-$30 $25-$50 $25-$50 $50 Prescript $5-$10&25%mgd Retail Generic $5 $5 $5 $5 $9 $5 $5 blue $10 (Brand $10 $10 $10 $10 $17 10-$15 $10-$15 $15-$20&50% $20 'Form $25 $25 $25 $25 $32 $25-$35 $10-$35 $35 $35 Prescript Generic $5 $5-$10 $10 $10 $14 $5-$10 $5-$10 $5-$10 $10 Mail OrderiBrand $10 $10-$20 $20 $20 $30 $10-$30 $10-$30 $20-$30 $20 Form $25 $25-$75 $60 $65 $68 $10-$105 $104105 $35-105 $35 Annual Limits Prescription Nla nla nla nla-except Medex nla None nla None $50 ded&Mgd Inpatient Nla nla nla nla-except Blue nla None nla None Care 65$900 max/stay HP F.S. $6001yr&Tufts SH $200 one time deductible Out-of-Pocket $10001$2000 nla $1,5501mem nla nla None nla None $3,1001Family Other Relevant Cvg Chiro (Coverage Y N Y Y N Y N N Y Describe $5 up to 20 Fallon Only Fallon Only 12 Visitlyr- Visits medically necessary Dental Coverage Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Describe Delta Premier DMS Dental- Children except Under 14 Blue Care 65-$50 Children except Fallon: Preventive for Preventive for Warwick,RI Fallon:everyone in colpay Fallon SR everyone in family-Also children children also family only Dental Blue offered Delta Dental Life Ins. Coverage Y Y Y Y Y N Describe $5000 50%Pd- Boston Mutual Life Active&Retiree $10K term life plus $2k state mandated- $4k basic life up to$74K sup optional(employee paid)Employee optional 50/50&up to employee pd addtl $74K optional employee pd Opt-out Program Yes No No No No No No No No Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 10 Figure 8-Lexington Health Benefits Review Committee-Review of Other Town's Rates 1 Lexington I Employee Arlington I Employee Andover Employee Belmont Employee Town Town Errp/oyee snare Town Errp/oyee Share I Employee snare Town I Employee snare `` 11ndMduall $ 440.80 $ 110.201 20% $ 469.131$ 156.361 25 % 1 (Family $ 1143.20 $ 285.80 20% $ 1172.74 $ 390.88 25% IBlue Care Elect IlndMdual !Family HMO BIuelNetvwrkBlue Individual $ 337.92 $ 46.081 12% $ 352.221$ 39.121 10° A $ 304.23 $ 70.92 19% 1 Family $ 872.96 $ 119.04 12% $ 908.97 $ 101.00 10°A $ 773.031$ 232.36 23% HPHC Individual $ 369.751$ 65.251 15% $ 372.951$ 41 441 10°A $ 384.551$ 42.73 10°A Family $ 885.70 $ 156.30 J 15% $ 985.51 J$ 106.48 10°A $ 1,045.98 J$ 116.22 1 10°A HPHC PPO Individual I I I $ 545.871$ 136.47 20% Family $ 1484.77 $ 371 19 20% Tufts PPO or EPO Individual Family Tufts POS Individual Family Fallon SdectCate Individual Family Fallon L rectCare Individual 1 1 I 1 Family BC/BS Master Health Plus Individual $$ 1 1607.081$ 386.72$ 1 Family $ 1,056.961$ 569.6 35% Master Medical Individual II I Family $ 1,056.961$ 569.6 35% [MA(Cuter-area Plan) !Individual !Family 1 INAACarveout A IlndMdual !Family 1NA carveout A&B Individual !Family 1 Retirees i Medex Individual $ 252.80 $ 63.20 20% $ 219.26 $ 73.09 25% $ 121.52 100% MgdBluefor Seniors $ 253.27 $ 63.32 $ 256.60 04 $ 42.96 100% Harvard Fist Seniority $ 153.60 $ 38A0 $ 172.800°/61 $ 144.10 $ 65.90 Medicare Complement Tufts Secure Horizons(Tufts) 1 Blue Care 65 Fallon Senior Ran FPI-IC Medicare Enhances $ 235.27 $ 157.08 Delta Premier Ind only $ 23.02 1$ 23.02 1 $ $ 38.17 $ 25.00 Deltacare Ind only $ 13.64 $ 13.64 $ 30.00 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 41 Brookline Employee Burlington Employee Cambridge I Employee I Concord Employee Town I Employee I Share I Town I Employee I Share I Town !Employee 12%I Share I Town I Employee I Share Blue Choice I ` I I Individual $ 317 041$ 105 68 I 25%1$ 595 11 I$ 595 11 1 50%1$ 379 74 1$ 51 78 12%1 I J Family $ 848 27 $ 282 76 25%,1$ 1 472 14 50%1$ 968 27 J$ 132 04 12%.1 Blue Care Elect Individual Family I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 HMO Blue/Network Blue I I FamilyIndivid $ 793 90 296 25 1$ 264 63 1 25%1$ 901 01 1$ 300 33 1 25% $ 724% $ 4106 50 1$ 10$ 105 1 12%1 I 1 HPHC I Individual $ 870 48 1$ 290 186 25% $ 768 39)$ 104 78 12.1$ 486 20)$ 397 80 I Family 45% HPHC PPO Individual I 1 I I I I $ 885 50 1$ 885 3355 (Family 0 ITufts PPO or EPO I I Individual 1 1 .1 $ 797 30 J$ 108 72 12.1$ 500 76 J$ 462 24 0 I !Family 48% Tufts POS Individual amiI 1 I I I $ 863 00 1$ 863 00 1 50% 327 00 50% (Family I Fallon SelectCare I Individual I $I I J $ 42244 50 50 J$ 42244 50 J 50% 50 50% !Family J 1 Fallon DirectCare IFamilly I 1 1 I 1 I I $ 39900 $ 399 50% I BC/BS Master Health Plus 1 1 I J 1 1 Individual (Family J !Master Medical IFamilyual I I I I I I 1 !NAA(Out--area Plan) Individual (Family, INAA Carveout A Individual (Family NAA Carveout A&B Individual II I 1 Family Retirees I Medex Individual $ 26611 $ 8871 25% $ 211 51 $ 211 51 I 50%1$ 2430 $ 270 10% Mgd Blue for Seniors $ 216 44 $ 72 15 25% $ 33 51 $ 301 63 90%1$ 255 78 $ 28 42 10% Harvard First Seniority $ 21 00 $ 189 00 90% $ 172 80 $ 19 20 10%, $ 105 00 $ 105 00 Medicare Complement Tufts $ 260 10 $ 28 90 10% $ 144 50 $ 144 50 Secure Horizons(Tufts) $ 166 50 $ 18 50 10% $ 87 50 $ 87 50 Blue Care 65 Fallon Senior Plan $ 99 00 $ 99 00 HPHC Medicare Enhances Delta Premier Ind only I I I I 1 1 1 1 Deltacare Ind only Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 42 Dedham Employee Dover I Employee Hingham I Employee Linc/Sud Reg Sch Dist Employee Town I Employee Share Town I Employee Share Town I Employee Share Town I Employee Share Blue Choice Individual I $ 62I$ 605 00 I I Family 9 20 49% Blue Care Elect Individual Family HMO Blue/Network Blue Individ Family $ 1 007 10 $ 111 90 10% $ 7833 30 $ 335 70 I 30%I$ 514 80 I$ 495 00 I 49%I HPHC I I FamilyIndivid $ 865 80 $ 96 20 0 I 10% $ 673 40 I$ 288 60 I 30%I$ 512 20 2 40 I$ 492 550 0 I 49%I$ 663 00 I$ 221 00 1 25% HPHC PPO Individual $ 30600 1$ 306 00 1 50% I I I I 1 1 Family $ 67300 1$ 67300 I 50% Tufts PPO or EPO Individual $ 346 50 1$ 38 50 1 10% $ 714 00 1$ 306 00 I 30% I I $ 276 75 I$ 92 25 25% Family $ 909 90 $ 101 10 10% $ 1 570 33 $ 673 00 I 30% $ 722 25 $ 240 75 1 25% Tufts POS FamilyIndivid $677300 $ 676 00 73001 50% $ 707 050 I$ 303301 30% I I ($ 1,294501$ 431 50 I 25% Fallon SelectCare Individ Is 240 75 $ 8 Family $ 833 40 $ 92 60 10% $ 648 20 I$ 277 80 I 30%1 > > $ 636 75 j$ 212 25 1 25% (Fallon DirectCare I !Individ 0 !Family $7770 40 $ 85 60 10% $ 599 20 I$ 256 80 I 30%I $ 598 50 $ 199 50 1 25% tBC/BS Master Health PlusI !! $ 343 12 $ 326 00 49%1 !Family I $ 81328I$ 00 49% Master Medical Individual !Family OlIInnd�ividuualt-of area Plan) $ 337 00 1$ 337 00 1 50%I 1 1 1 1 !Family $ 73500 1$ 73500 I 50% INAA Carveout A !Individual !Family NM Carveout MB Individual Family Retirees Medex Individual $ 169 00 $ 169 00 50% $ 165 00 100% $ 248 25 $ 82 75 25% Mgd Blue for Seniors $ 14136 $ 14136 50% Harvard First Seniority $ 96 00 $ 96 00 50% $ 144 00 $ 48 00 25% Medicare Complement Tufts $ 144 50 $ 144 50 50% $ 216 75 $ 72 25 25% Secure Horizons(Tufts) $ 92 50 $ 92 50 50% $ 127 50 $ 42 50 25% Blue Care 65 $ 119 80 $ 119 80 50% Fallon Senior Plan $ 118 50 $ 118 50 50% $ 177 75 $ 59 25 25% HPHC Medicare Enhances $ 185 00 $ 185 00 50% Delta Premier Ind only I I I I$ 25 00 1 100% 1 Deltacare Ind only Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 43 Natick Employee I Needham Employee I Newton Employee I Peabody Employee I Town I Employee 1 Share Town I Employee 1 Share Town I Employee 1 Share Town I Employee I Share I Blue Choice Individual $ 426 00 I$ 109 06 I 20% Family I 1 $ 1 140 00 I$ 387 60 I 25% Blue Care Elect Individual I I I $ 1 153 45 I$ 128 16 I 10% Family HMO Blue/Network Blue Individual $ 358 48 I$ 56 52 14%I$ 316 94 I$ 109 06 I 26%I I $ 340 74 I$ 37 86 I 10% Family $ 864 99 $ 254 01 23%I$ 752 40 $ 387 60 34%I $ 915 66 $ 101 74 10% HPHC I I I Individual $ 312 65 I$ 55 35 1 15%I$ 287 64 I$ 88 36 I 24%I$ 268 00 I$ 67 00 I 20%I Family $ 737 95 $ 224 05 1 23%I$ 674 82 $ 303 18 31% $ 729 24 1$ 182 31 1 20% HPHC PPO IndividFamilyua $ 673 00 6 00 I$ 673 00 506 00 I %0I$ 673 00 6 00 I$ 673 00 6 00 I 50% Tufts PPO or EPO FamilyIndivid $ 786 05 341 61 I$ 224 95 22% $ 655 23 I$ 371 77 I 36% $ 91412 $ 228 53 I 20% Tufts POS IndividFamily $ 673 00 6 00 I$ 673 00 506 00 I %I$ 673 00 6 00 I$ 673 00 6 00 I 50%I$ 1 166 64 $ 291 66 I 20% Fallon SelectCare Individual $ 307 80 I$ 34 20 I 10%1$ 261 63 I$ 80 37 I 24%I Family $ 740 80 $ 185 20 I 20%1$ 638 94 $ 287 06 31%1 Fallon DirectCare I I Individual $ 285 30 I$ 31 70 I 10%1$ 242 50 I$ 74 50 I 24%I Family $ 684 80 $ 171 20 1 20% $ 590 64 $ 265 36 31% BC/BS Master Health Plus Individual Family Master Medical Individual Family NAA(Out-of-area Plan) Individual $ 337 00 I$ 337 00 I 50% Family $ 735 50 I$ 735 50 1 50% NAA Carveout A Individual Family NAA Carveout A&B Individual Family Retirees I Medex Individual I$ 172 00 $ 172 00 50%I $ 341 86 $ 0% Mgd Blue for Seniors $ 141 36 $ 141 36 50%1$ 192 25 $ 90 47 32%I Harvard First Seniority $ 105 00 $ 105 00 50%1$ 113 40 $ 96 60 46%I $ 38 40 100%I Medicare Complement Tufts $ 144 50 $ 144 50 50% $ 196 52 $ 92 48 32% $ 63 14 100% Secure Horizons(Tufts) $ 92 50 $ 92 50 50% $ 92 50 $ 92 50 50% $ 37 00 100% Blue Care 65 $ 133 38 $ 133 38 50% $ 133 38 $ 133 38 50% $ 46 67 100% $ 445 98 $ 36 16 7% Fallon Senior Plan $ 99 00 $ 99 00 50% $ 99 00 $ 99 00 50% HPHC Medicare Enhances $ 185 00 $ 185 00 50% $ 204 00 $ 204 00 50% Delta I Delta aremier only mInd y $ I$ 25 00 100%I I I $ 13 33 I 100%1 I InLexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 44 Sudbury Employee Waltham Employee Watertown I Employee Wayland I Employee I Town I Employee Share City I Employee Share Town I Employee Share Town Employee Share Blue Choice I Individual $ 381 75I$ 12725 I 25%I I I I I I Family $ 975 00 $ 325 00 I 25% Blue Care Elect Individual I $ 874 48 I$ 874 48 I 50% Family 1 I J HMO Blue/Network Blue I I Individual $ 963 90 I$ 0710 10%1 $ 1 0118 60 a 381 50 I$$ 113 18 2 39 I 1010%I$ 74414 I$ 374 87 I 34% 27% Family $ 963 90 $ 10710 10% 0 HPHC IndividFamily $ 1 62 40 I$ 290 60 20%0I$ 1 1 4 70 $ 115 31 96%1$ 1 038 28 I$ 115 36 7 I 10%1$ 668 50 59 I$ 293 410 I 31% HPHC PPO IndiviFamilyyua I I I I $ 673 00 I$ 673 00 I 50%1 Tufts PPO or EPO 1 Individual $ 409 20 I$ 41 73 I 9% $ 384 80 I$ 42 76 I 10% $ 281 02 I$ 103 98 I 27%I Family $ 1 050 82 I$ 106 60 j 9% $ 1 001 48 I$ 111 28 I 10% $ 655 78 I$ 355 22 j 35%I Tufts POS I Individual II $ 6$ 73 00 I 6 00 $ 6$ 73 00 I 6 00 50% Family Fallon SelectCare Individual $ 248 29 $ 93 71 27% Family $ 615 79 $ 310 21 34% Fallon DirectCare Individual II $ 569 24 I$ 286 76 I 6 27% Family 34% BC/BS Master Health Plus IndiviFamillyyual $ 1 665$ 71354 I$ 135 07 I 8% Master Medical Individual I I I Family NAA(Out-of-area Plan) Individual II $ 735 50 50 I$ 735 550 0 I 50% 50 Family NAA Carveout A Individual I I $ 260 00 I$ 260 00 I 50% Family NAA Carveout A&B Individual I I $ 206 00 I$ 206 00 I 50% Family Retirees I Medex Individual $ 191 36 $ 191 36 50% $ 169 00 $ 169 00 50% Mqd Blue for Seniors $ 205 25 $ 77 47 27% Harvard First Seniority $ 105 00 $ 105 00 50% $ 157 50 $ 52 50 25% Medicare Complement Tufts $ 210 95 $ 78 05 27% Secure Horizons(Tufts) $ 135 04 $ 49 96 27% Blue Care 65 $ 193 66 $ 73 09 27% Fallon Senior Plan $ 143 75 $ 54 25 27% HPHC Medicare Enhances $ 185 00 $ 185 00 50% Delta Premier Ind only 1 I I I$ 18 00 I I$ Deltacare Ind only $ 20 02 1$ 6 68 25%I 100 0000 Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 45 Wellesley I Employee Weston I Employee I Winchester I Employee Woburn I Employee Town Employee Share Town I Employee Share Town I Employee Share City I Employee Share lue Choice I In Individual $ 391 97 $ 43 55 10%I$ 261 66 $ 261 66 50%1 Family I I $1 057 13 I$ 117 46 I 10%1$ 697 57 I$ 697 57 I 50% I I I Blue Care Elect Individual $ 54I I I$1 3220 106 $1 3220 11 I 50%I I $ 982 64 I$327 55 I 25%I Family HMO Blue/Network Blue $ 345 28 $ 69 72 17% $ 408 23 $ 45 36 10% $ 340 36 $ 37 82 10 Family $ 862 75 1$ 256 25 1 23% I 1 $ 869 54 I$ 355 16 1 29% $ 905 35 1$ 100 59 1 10%I HPHCIndividI Family $ 762 87 I$ 199 13 I 21% $1 028 57 $ 114 29 2 02 I 10%I$ 892 51 $ 209 35 I 19% I I I HPHC PPO Individual $ 306 00 I$ 306 00 I 50% Family $ 673 00 $ 673 00 50% Tufts PPO or EPO Individual $ 306 00 I$ 306 00 I 50% Family $ 673 00 $ 673 00 50%1 Tufts POS Individual $ 307 23 I$ 77 77 I 20%I Family $ 776 45 $ 234 55 I 23%I Fallon SelectCare I Individual $ 277 70 I$ 64 30 I 19%I I I I I I I I Family $ 716 72 $ 209 28 23%1 Fallon DirectCare I Individual $ 256 77 I$ 60 23 I 19%I I I I I I I Family $ 662 54 $ 193 46 23%I BC/BS Master Health Plus I Individual II $$2,318 8 Family 197 $2,31197 50% I I I Master Medical Individual I I II I I I Family NAA(Out-of-area Plan) Individual $II $1,217 97 $1,217 97 I Family 50% I I I INAA Carveout A I Individual I I1 I I I I Family NAA Carveout A&B Individual I I I I I I I I I Family Retirees I Medex Individual $ 169 00 $ 169 00 50% $ 182 65 $ 182 65 50%1$ 198 06 $ 198 06 50% $ 241 42 $ 80 47 25% Mgd Blue for Seniors $ 141 36 $ 141 36 50% 1$ 266 99 $ 29 67 10% $ 266 90 $ 29 65 10% Harvard First Seniority $ 96 00 $ 96 00 50% $ 96 00 $ 96 00 50% $ 111 30 $ 98 70 47% Medicare Complement Tufts $ 144 50 $ 144 50 50% Secure Horizons(Tufts) $ 82 50 $ 82 50 50% Blue Care 65 $ 119 80 $ 119 80 50% $ 117 17 $ 117 17 50%1 Fallon Senior Plan $ 118 50 $ 118 50 50% HPHC Medicare Enhances $ 185 00 $ 185 00 50%I Delta Premier Ind Delta are Ind only only $ 19 38 I$ 19 38 I 50%I I I $ I$ 25 00 I 100% $ I$ 25 00 I 100% Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 46 Appendix F Consumer Directed Health Plans HSAs, MSAs. HRAs and FSAs Changing Individuals from Users of Health Care to Consumers of Health Care The Town of Lexington is faced with the challenge of determining the appropnate strategies to contain the enormousl` fast growing costs of health care While such efforts are still earl` in their development,mans large employers and healthcare experts believe that it necessary to change the mindset of individuals from users of health care to consumers of health care Although this appears to be fairl` far in the future for the Town, it is necessary to begin to think about what this would mean for the Town and its employees The first step in this process has been to shift more of the burden of cost from the employer to the employee The following table provided b` Hewitt Associates, shows the trend in place with employers with more than 5 000 employees Categories 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 lyr°o 2yr°o 3yr°o HealthCare Costs $4100 $4400 $4700 $5000 $6000 $7000 $7800 11°o 30°o 56°o Employers Pet 74.7°o 75 4°o 73 8°o 74.6°o 72.0°o 70°o 67 7°o Employees(by payroll ded) 15 7°o 15 5°o 16.7°o 16.8°o 17 1°o 18.0°o 19 5°o Employees(out of pocket) 9 6°o 9 1°o 9.5°o 8.6°o 10.9°o 12.0°o 12.8°o Employers Cost $3062 $3318 $3468 $3730 $4320 $4900 $5280 8°o 22°o 41°o Employees Cost $1038 $1082 $1232 $1270 $1680 $2100 $2520 20°o 50°o 98°o While the growth in health care costs for large corporations has been 56%over the last three years (16%per year) the cost to the employer has been 41%(12%per year) This has occurred b` shifting some of the burden of health care costs to the employee from 25 4%in 2001 to 32.3% in 2004 Employees of large corporations currentl` pa` an average of 19 5%of health care costs through payroll deduction, usuall` in the form of insurance premiums, and 12 8%in out of pocket costs,usuall` as co-pays and deductibles Even with this effort,there has still been little sign of individuals acting as consumers of health care instead of users As a result, stimulated b` government policies, large corporations have started implementing the second step in the process b` shifting the perceived cost of health care to individuals in the form of large deductibles rather than monthl` premiums and small co-pays Thus a deductible of perhaps $3000 would be paid b` the employee and everything beyond that b` the employer The goal is to make the employee aware of the cost of services and encourage individuals to weigh their decisions about health care more carefull` The following analog` summanzes wh` a high deductible approach seems appealing Imagine if a compam provided a food benefit plan to employees. Each month, employees would have to pati $200 per month to the companl, and each time theti shopped, theti would have to pati $10 to the food store. This would allow a familti to purchase all the food theti needed throughout the year with the exception of certain items that were exempt from the plan In this situation, it is liken that individuals will go to the store and barb whatever theti want, doing little to search for bargains because theti don to save anything bti buying more carefulk Their costs are fixed. AIanufacturers will notice this buying pattern and do little to offer bargains. The result will be higher prices for food products. \oar imagine if the compam changes the plan and instead Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 47 requires a$2400 deductible before the food plan conies into plati The result will be a more careful shopper who will search for the better deals. Some health care experts believe that changing to high deductible plan structures will cause individuals to forego proper care so it is important that an` health insurance plan pa` for services focused on prevention and earl` detection such as blood pressure checks and mammograms and behavioral programs to help individuals quit smoking or control weight. Health Savings Accounts There are three types of Health Savings accounts (HSAs)that can be used to help fund employee health care expenses flexible spending accounts,medical savings accounts, and health reimbursement arrangements Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are high deductible plans which were part of the Medicare law which was approved b` Congress in November 2003 and became effective in Januar\ 2004 well after most employers had settled on their health care arrangements for 2004 Although the number of people currentl` enrolled in HSAs is low mans of the largest insurance companies have onl` recentl` introduced these products following enactment of the 2003 Medicare law Millions of people in government and in the private sector will be offered the opportunrt` to select a high-deductible plan with a health savings account, and the 2005 surve` b` the American Health Insurance Plans will undoubtedl` show that more individuals have chosen to take the HSA option. In a surve` recentl` conducted jointl` b` the Kaiser Famil` Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust, 6%of all companies said the\ were vers. likel` to offer some type of high- deductible plan linked to a savings account in the next two years,while 21 percent said the\ were "somewhat likely"to do so Big employers,with 5 000 or more workers,were more likel` to offer the option. 22%said vers. likel` and 28 %somewhat likel` If such plans are adopted first b` large employers, and then smaller ones,their acceptabilit` will become more widespread. The table below illustrates the finances of these high deductible health plans Description of HSA HDHP Policies Individual Market-Best Selling Product Single Famil` Average Annual Deductible $2,856 $5 425 Average Annual Out-Of-Pocket Limit $3 068 $5 781 Average Lifetime Maximum Benefit $3 8 million $3 8 mi Of the three types of HSAs onl` one Flexible Spending Accounts, is currentl` appropnate in Lexington. Flexible Spending Accounts Health care flexible spending accounts are employer-established benefit plans The employee contributes funds to the account through a salary reduction agreement and is able to withdraw the funds set aside for medical bills which are paid b` the employer from the fund as the\ are incurred. The salary reduction agreement means that an` funds set aside in a flexible spending Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 48 account escape both income tax and Social Secunt` tax. Employers ma` contribute to these accounts as well. There is no statutory limit on the amount of mone` that can be contributed to healthcare flexible spending accounts Once the amount of contribution has been designated during the open enrollment penod that occurs once each year the employee is not allowed to change the amount or drop out of the plan during the year unless he or she expenences a change of famil` status B` law the employee forfeits an` unspent funds in the account at the end of the year There have been proposals introduced in Congress to ease this "use it or lose it" rule b` allowing up to $500 to be camed over to the next year because it is thought that if individuals can save some of this deductible for a future year the\ ma` become more careful consumers Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) Medical savings accounts are available only to those who are self-insured or are employed by a firm with 50 or fewer employees Therefore, Lexington and its employees are not currently eligible for medical savings accounts Health Reimbursement Arrangements(HRAs) Health reimbursement arrangements, also known as "health reimbursement accounts" or "personal care accounts," are a type of health insurance plan that reimburses employees for qualified medical expenses Health reimbursement accounts consist of funds set aside b` employers to reimburse employees for qualified medical expenses,just as an insurance plan will reimburse covered individuals for the cost of services incurred. One of the major advantages of HRAs is that employers qualif` for preferential tax treatment of funds placed in a health reimbursement account in the same was as funding an insurance plan. This obviousl` would be of no advantage to the Town but the principles on which the\ are based ma` be useful in controlling costs Man` employers look at an HRA as a vehicle to help them reduce control and manage the costs associated with their health insurance plan. One of the most common approaches is to combine an HRA implementation with a change to a higher deductible major medical plan. The cost savings result from reduced premiums for the higher deductible program The HRA is used to give back to employees some portion of the premium savings Also the new major medical plan ma` eliminate co-pays for doctor visits,prescriptions, and other costs, so the employee has no out-of-pocket expense until the HRA balance is gone At that time the employee will incur out- of-pocket expense onl` until the deductible is reached The advantage is that mans employees will not full` utilize their HRA balance and will have no out-of-pocket expense at all For these employees, carryover of unused HRA balances can be used in the future which means the\ might have no out-of-pocket expense For employees who have higher medical expenses,their costs are limited to the corndor between their HRA balance and the established deductible In general, employers have found that this approach will provide a better health plan (less out-of-pocket costs)for a significant majont` of the workforce Also mans companies have found that the growth in health care costs from year to year is slower when a larger deductible is implemented, as employees get a sense of the cost of health care services and become more careful consumers of medical services Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 49 Appendix G Resources for the Health Benefits Review Committee Information from Lexington 1 `Group Health Insurance Funding Analysis reports from Group Benefits Strategies - spreadsheets with costs,revenues and projections Fiscal Years 2002, 2003 2004 2005 and projections for 2006 2 Plan Summanes for Healthcare Plans offered b\ Town. Blue Choice Network Blue Harvard Communit\ Health Plan, Medex 3 RFQ response report from March 2003 4 Enrollment Breakdown b\ Individual/Famil`/Total Subscribers High cost claims for Harvard Pilgrim for 2003 6 Top 25 drug prescriptions b\ dollar cost from HCHP 7 Town of Lexington—ER and Office Visit Utilization 8 Town of Lexington—Large Loss Report 9 Town of Lexington—Retail vs Mail ordenng of drugs 10 Town of Lexington—Top Therapeutic Classes 11 Municipal and School Satan. categones 12 Blue Cross/Blue Shield `Disease/Condition Report for calendar year 2004 13 Blue Cross/Blue Shield `Health Risk Issue Report for calendar year 2004 14 7/1/04 Renewal Rate Calculation note of Comparison of Blue Cross/Blue Shield book of business vs Lexington—email dated 11/30/04 from Kevin Walsh of Group Benefits Strategies to Rose Ducharm, Benefits Manager for Town of Lexington. 15 `Health Insurance Comparables memo from Kern. Evans, Management Intern, and Michael Young, Budget Officer to Linda Vine Acting Town Manager September 14 2004 16 Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Lexington and the Public Employee Bargaining Coalition of the Town of Lexington Jul` 1 2003 —June 30 2005 17 `Coalition of Town Employees Health Insurance Bargaining History provided b\ Vito LaMura, Lexington Education Association President Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 50 18 List of comparable Towns and contract language regarding methods of comparison from Teachers contract, email from Vito LaMura 12/1/04 and list of comparable Towns for other departments in email from Rose Ducharm to Richard Doughert\ 12/1/04 19 Longevrti payments, clarification, email from Rose Ducharm to Deborah Strod 12/1/04 20 Histon of health benefits Lexington Minuteman Sunda` Ma` 02, 2004b\ Richard White Town Manager 21 FY05 Comparable Towns data from Lexington Education Association Website accessed 1/19/05 22 Spreadsheet showing cost savings b\ increasing part-time employees payments for healthcare from Bill Kenneth 23 Information on School employees enrollment from Susan Bottan in email 11/19/04 24 Consultation with Kevin Walsh of Group Benefits Strategies, Januar\ 26 2005 25 Surve` carried out b\ the Health Benefits Review Committee Articles on Health Benefits 1 `Employers to shifting health costs Plans ease sting for those at lower end of pa` scale Boston Globe November 25 2004 b` Kimberl` Blanton 2 A Perspective on US Drug Reimportation Niteesh K. Choudhn MD FRCPC Allan S Detsk` MD PhD FRCPC JAMA 200 ,293 358-362 3 The nsmg cost of health care explained, Massachusetts Municipal Association, March 17 2004 B` Man DeLai, Membership Services Coordinator MIIA summan of speech b` Nanc` Turnbull of Harvard s School of Public Health,the keynote speaker at an MMA forum on health care held Feb 26 2004 4 `Total Benefits The Kitchen Smk9 Managed care-induced entitlement mentalrt\ ma` be mone` down the drain Elavne Demb` editors,«;plansponsor com,NewsDash Januar\ 5 2005 (NewsDash is a dail` on-line benefits newsletter sponsored b\ PlanSponsor com) 5 `Ruling Could Force Boston to Pa\ More for Health Care Boston Globe November 20 2004 b` Andrea Estes 6 `Drugstores Fret as Insurers Demand Pills b\ Mail Milt Freudenheim, Published. Januar\ 1 2005 New York Times 7 `Employers Unite in Effort to Curb Prescnption Costs New York Times Februan 3 2005 B` Milt Freudenheim 8 Your New Health Plan. Health savings accounts, like 401(k)s,will give employees more choices --but also a greater share of the costs Business Week,November 8 2004 9 Howard Gleckman with Lorraine Woellert Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report 51 10 When Employers Fund Retiree Health Care b` Kathleen Jenks Harm, ICMA Retirement Corporation,Washington,DC (KHarmcc,lcmarc orn) as attachment to information received from Brookline b` the Lexington 2020 Vision Budget Task Force 11 Working out at EMC—firm says getting employees to take more responsibilit\ for health, costs paying off, Boston Globe August 5 2004b\ Diane E Lewis 12 `Towns Find Insurance Savings b` Shanng Plan Boston Globe September 26 2004b\ Alexander Reid 13 40 Percent in U S Use Prescnption Drugs Associated Press Thursda\ December 2, 2004 b\ Randolph E Schmid 14 Pharmacist Oversight Cuts Cost of Chronic Disease Business Insurance Apnl 28 2003 b` Michael Pnnce Lexington Heath Benefits Review Committee Report .5?