HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-02-17-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING February 17, 2010 Town Office Building Room 207 Members Present: Rick DeAngelis (Chairman), Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, Howard Vogel, and Dick Thuma (Vice Chairman) Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts and David Pinsonneault Others Present: Dennis Rourke, President Lexington United Soccer Club The meeting of the Recreation Committee came to order at 7:02 PM. The following items were topics of discussion: 1. Citizens and Other Boards: No citizens or other boards were present. 2. Meeting Minutes from January 12, 2010: Dick Thuma noted that on page two, paragraph two, line three the word “regarding” should be changed to “regrading”. The sentence should now read: “Mr. Holmes reported that Meg Buczynski had reviewed Mr. Thuma’s concerns and the work needed in Phase One of the project to comply with regrading ADA standards consists of constructing and/or accessible walkways.” Dick Thuma made, and Sandra Shaw seconded a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of January 12, 2010, as The motion was approved (4 – 0). amended. There was no discussion. 3. Liaison Reports Wendy Rudner, Recreation Committee liaison to the Lincoln Park Sub Committee reported that the LPSC does not meet during the winter months, and there are no issues or meeting notes to present. The LPSC will resume monthly meetings in the spring. Karen Simmons told the Committee that there were some questions relative to the recent drainage problems on Field 1 at Lincoln Park, which could possibly be attributed to the path work done by the Lincoln Park Subcommittee last summer and fall. The town is considering using a camera to investigate the drain lines running from the field towards the path. Dick Thuma suggested that the LPSC be put on notice that they may have damaged the drain lines. If the Town spends money to investigate and such damage is found to have occurred the LPSC should pay for the cost of the camera work and repairs. Dave Pinsonneault will investigate this issue and try to determine the reason why water is standing on field #1 and why the drainage is not working efficiently. The drainage problem began around the time the LPSC added drainage to the path last summer. Sandra Shaw asked if the stanchions that were removed at the Worthen Road end of the path to allow trucks 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 bringing new trees into the park would be reinstalled. Dave Pinsonneault told Ms. Shaw that he would check to make sure the work was completed and make sure the stanchions were reinstalled. Sandra Shaw, Committee liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, reported that the CPC had approved the Minuteman Bikeway expenditures. Ms. Shaw again expressed her appreciation of the work that John Livsey, Town Engineer, has done for the Minuteman Bikeway Project. Ms. Shaw also told the Recreation Committee that the plowing of the bikeway by a private contractor was going very well. Mr. Vogel asked who was paying for the winter plowing. Ms. Shaw said that the money for the private contractor was coming from the Bikeway Committee. Mr. Thuma asked if the money being requested through the CPC was for repaving the bikeway. Ms. Shaw and Mr. Pinsonneault explained that the money is to address four spots along the bikeway that have drainage and root issues. Naturally if the bikeway work disrupts the existing paving, patches will be put down. Mr. Pinsonneault also noted that money to repave the bikeway was approved at a previous Town Meeting. Mr. Thuma commented that he hoped that the Town would inspect any paving prior to acceptance of projects. His concern arises from the recent reconstruction and repaving of both Woburn Street and Wood Street, during which he believes that the asphalt was too cold when paving work was done. 4. Dennis Rourke – Lexington United Soccer Club Karen Simmons introduced Dennis Rourke, Lexington United Soccer Club President. Mr. Rourke gave the Recreation Committee an update on the youth soccer program in Lexington. Approximately 1,300 children participated in the fall 2009 soccer program with a somewhat lower number of participants in the spring program. LUSC has 230 – 250 parent volunteer coaches and one paid position, that of Director of Coaching. Recently LUSC has begun some new initiatives for the soccer community. They have institutionalized their clinics, program and supports for participants and coaches. They have made strides in improving player development, and in 2008 begun a TOPS program for children with disabilities. The program has over 30 athletes and over 30 volunteers who work 1on 1 with the athletes. Most recently they have begun a player development academy to offer more serious programs for children who are not interested in or able to affiliate themselves with a club soccer team. Mr. Rourke told the Recreation Committee that all of their programs have contributed to LUSC’s good financial stability. The LUSC Board of Directors is comprised of 15 members (5 each in rotating three-year terms) and a 5 member Executive Board. Currently the LUSC board is working to find the right balance of programs, teams and levels of competition between those who wish only to compete at a recreational level and those who lean towards a more advanced level of training and play. In response to questions by Mr. Vogel and Ms. Shaw, Mr. Rourke told the committee that the programs are open to all Lexington residents. The majority of participants are in grades K – 8, but there is a small high school program. There is an even split between boys and girls, but the coaches are primarily male. LUSC has enjoyed a very good working relationship with the Recreation Department. Mr. Rourke noted that there is always the challenge of field use needs and field use allotment, owing to the numerous youth groups who have field needs in the fall and spring. During the spring season, lacrosse, soccer, baseball and softball compete for field space. He believes that all kids should have equal access to fields regardless of the sport. He also said that they tend to use the Lincoln fields for the older players and for larger clinics because they do more damage to the natural grass fields. He commented that the grass fields are not in great shape and heavily used. Sandra Shaw told Mr. Rourke and members of the Recreation Committee that she was finishing an Op Ed piece for the Minuteman and Colonial Times papers about the potential use of the recently acquired Busa Farm property. She hopes that Lexington United Soccer Club will come out in support of constructing a multi purpose field on a portion of the land. She asked if LUSC could get parents to write letters of support. Mr. Rourke indicated that the LUSC Executive Board had not taken a position yet and that the matter would be discussed at the March 8, 2010 LUSC Board Meeting. Mr. Rourke asked who LUSC parents should write to. Ms Shaw said that letters or emails should be sent to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Thuma suggested writing not only to the Board of Selectmen but also submitting “letters to the editor” of the Minuteman and Colonial Times, and contacting their Town Meeting Members. Mr. DeAngelis concurred, noting that “timing is everything”. He asked if there was a difference of opinion about the use of the Busa property. Mr. Rourke indicated that there was. The Recreation Committee as a group suggested that the project needed a broad based support. Ms. Shaw noted that the group advocating for using the property only as a farm was well-organized and proactive. Mr. Thuma told Mr. Rourke that the LUSC board does not need to provide the Board of Selectmen with detailed information. Rather it is important for the Board of Selectmen, the Recreation Committee and residents to know whether the Lexington soccer community supports the construction of a field. A support letter would be helpful, and absence of such would be detrimental. Mr. Thuma asked if LUSC was involved in the Lexington Youth Sports Advisory Council. Mr. Rourke indicated that they were, and that Len Heinrich, was the LUSC representative to the council. Ms. Shaw asked how much interaction there was between LUSC and the high school. Mr. Rourke said that interaction was limited. Karen Simmons distributed copies of the Youth Sports Summit flyer that will be held this March. Rick DeAngelis expressed his opinion that this was a very important program, and that he was disappointed that there had been so few registrations. He asked that LUSC support this program. Mr. Rourke explained that they had posted the information on their web site and sent out the flyer to all LUSC participants via email. Mr. Thuma thanked Mr. Rourke for coming to the Recreation Committee meeting. He noted that soccer is near and dear to the Lexington Recreation Department as they began the program many years before Lexington Youth Soccer, Lexington Independent Soccer Club and now Lexington United Soccer Club began. 5. Capital Articles Karen Simmons reminded members of the Recreation Committee of the Capital Articles being presented at the upcoming Town Meeting by the Recreation Committee. Mr. DeAngelis and Mr. Vogel volunteered to present the Phase One of the Center Pool renovation project, and Reconstruction of the playing field at the Hastings School. Sandra Shaw will present the CPC approved articles requesting funds for Phase Two of the Old Reservoir Stormwater Management Project, and Phase One of the Center Field Drainage Project. Ms. Simmons told the Committee that they should let the Recreation Department know of any information needed as they prepare their presentations. Dick Thuma told Mr. DeAngelis and Mr. Vogel that he would email them a copy of past presentations, which they could use as a template. 6. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault reported the following:  The bid for replacing the Fiske backstop has been sent out. Bids should be received by the end of the month. The Town was able to secure $15,000 to purchase the new backstop. When the school and field were renovated the contractor installed the wrong size backstop on the field closest to the school.  Dave Pinsonneault and Peter Coleman met with Pat Maguire of Stantec at Lincoln Park to examine the wear on the infill synthetic turf fields. Mr. Maguire has also spoken with the manufacturer, Field Turf, and it is the collective opinion that the fields will remain in playable condition throughout the warranty. The warranty expires in 2013. Mr. Maguire has proposed that the Town contract to have an additional grooming of the fields to rejuvenate the synthetic turf. He is working with Northeast Turf, who installed the fields, to secure cost estimates. Currently, Northeast Turf grooms the fields twice each year as part of an agreement with the Town. Mr. Thuma, Mr. Vogel and Mr. DeAngelis all stated that money spent to “rejuvenate” the fields would be well spent, as we may be able to extend the use times prior to the need to replace the turf.  Mr. Pinsonneault has met with Naomi Martin, LHS Athletic Director regarding a new preliminary proposal by members of the LHS Booster Club to install infill synthetic turf on the football field. Mr. Pinsonneault has explained the proposed phased drainage project at the Center fields to Ms. Martin, and the steps the Booster Club must take and standards they must follow in going forward with their proposal. Mr. Thuma suggested that Mr. Pinsonneault speak with Pat Maguire about what impact converting to synthetic turf might have on the Phased drainage project. Mr. Pinsonneault also informed Ms. Martin that the Town has standards that must be met and the group needs to work with the Director of Recreation, Superintendent of Public Grounds and the Recreation Committee. Karen Simmons reminded the Recreation Committee that the Booster Club has come forward every other year to discuss the renovations of the football field for the past 6 years. 7. Recreation Report Karen Simmons provided the members of the Recreation Committee with the following information:  The Department will be moving to an Online Program Registration System within the next month or two. Peak Software will be installing the software and training staff on February 24 and 25. The online registration should be fully implemented by April 1, at the latest.  The Spring and Summer Recreation Program Brochure is at the printer and should be mailed to all households early next week.  The Town Pool and Old Reservoir will open for the summer on June 5.  Ms. Simmons has been in contact with bob Kent about the Irving H. Mabee Town Pool Complex dedication. The dedication will take place in April or May, prior to the opening of the facility since Mrs. Mabee leaves the area for the summer months.  There was a problem with the skylights at the pool building during the late December snow storm. The wind caused damage to the skylights allowing snow to accumulate inside the pool. Dave Pinsonneault worked with the Facilities Department to secure a contractor to repair the skylights and vents.  Pine Meadows Golf Club should open by the end of March if there are no more large snow nd events. There was another beaver problem at the course, causing water to back-up on the 2 fairway. A trapper was hired and the issue has been resolved. 8. New Business Dick Thuma asked if there was any new information about the proposed bathroom facility at Lincoln Park. Karen Simmons reported that Town Counsel was developing a contract between the Town and the Lions Club. She also told the committee that once built the bathroom building would be maintained by the Facilities Department. Recreation will pay for the bathroom water and sewer. Mr. Thuma asked if the Recreation Committee was going to be able to see the final plans. The Recreation Committee members all expressed their desire to see the plans prior to any contract being signed. Wendy Rudner asked the Recreation Committee members if they had any objection to her sending Parker Hirtle, Lincoln Park Subcommittee member, a sympathy card on the recent loss of his wife, on behalf of the entire committee. No objection was raised and members thanked Ms. Rudner for doing this. 6:15 PM The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for in Room 201 (Recreation Office) of the Town Office Building on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Rick DeAngelis moved and Dick Thuma seconded adjournment of the meeting. The February 17, 2010 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8:36 p.m.