HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-09-19-SP-Results (Warrant for State Primary— See WARRANT FILE) STATE PRIMARY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town of Lexington on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 7:00 a.m. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One, Harrington School; Precinct Two, Bowman School; Precinct Three, Clarke Middle School; Precinct Four, Bridge School; Precinct Five, Fiske School; Precinct Six, Diamond Middle School; Precinct Seven, Estabrook School, Precinct Eight, Fire Headquarters Building; Precinct Nine, Hastings School. The election officers and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct One Precinct Two U Judith Marcus Warden D Gerald Abegg D Margaret Blouin Clerk U Dorothy Bond D Robert Blouin Inspector D Donna Alexson - am U Bessie Ezekiel -pm Inspector D Rebecca Fagan -pm U Margaret Kelly Inspector R Nicholas Hay U Lillian MacArthur - am Inspector U Donna Keane - am D Eileen McAlduff-pm Inspector D Thomas Montanari - am U Doris Pemberton Inspector U Marjorie McNicholas U Richard Pemberton Inspector U Clifford Pehrson U Martha Shurtleff Inspector D Priscilla Winter D Bernice Weiss - am Inspector Precinct Three Precinct Four U Marjorie Modoono Warden D Gulli Kula U/R Alice Hopkins/David Kanter pm Clerk R Richard Crawford D Rita Casey Inspector R Doris Berkstresser U Lillian Drury Inspector U Mary Devoe U Marcia Flint Inspector U Elizabeth Fleming - am D M.Elinor Greenway Inspector R Raymond Flynn -pm D Katherine Marotto -pm Inspector R Marilyn Ford - am D Elizabeth McLaughlin Inspector D Judith O'Leary - am D Robert Tracey - am Inspector R Marian Powell - am U Laura Welby -pm Inspector R Dana Regillo Inspector U Eleanor Smith Inspector R Gladys Snyder -pm Precinct Five Precinct Six D Eric Kula Warden R Dorothy Boggia U Grace Ayers Clerk D Mary Casey R Hazel Allison - am Inspector R Shirley Bullock D Henry Beerman -pm Inspector U Francis Coscia U Faith Fenske Inspector U Alla Fedus R Dorothy Gauthier -pm Inspector D Katherine Geanacopulos R Alice Jones - am Inspector U Harriet Morrison D Cecil Jones - am Inspector R Barbara Simmons D George McCormack-pm Inspector R William Simmons D Elizabeth Patrician - am Inspector R Burton Smith D Martha Zani Inspector September 19, 2000 State Primary, cont..... Precinct Seven Precinct Eight U A. Estelle Szalajeski Warden U Leo Chudigian U Bernice Gerrig Clerk R Judith Chudigian D Mary Ayvazian Inspector U Claire Abernathy R Isabelle Bennett Inspector R Elinor Bettencourt D Mildred Collentro Inspector D Catherine Jones R Robert Edwards Inspector D Donald Lund - am R Robert Foster-am Inspector U Kenneth MacWilliams D Hazel Graham Inspector D Mary Ann McKenna -pm D Robert Greenway Inspector D Phyllis Richardson - am D Edna Holloran Inspector R E. Ashley Rooney - am R Paula Power-pm Inspector Precinct Nine U Clark Schuler Warden R Carole Scalise Clerk D Carole Butler Inspector D Catherine Rego R Shirley Knox Inspector D Robert Ryan R Janet Lowther Inspector U Judith Schuler D Edith Paster -pm Inspector U Anne Taylor - am D Althea Phillips Inspector The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven o'clock A.M. and remained open until eight o'clock P.M., at which time, after due notice, the polls were declared closed. The total number of registered voters in each precinct eligible to vote as of August 30, 2000 is as follows: Precinct Registered Democrat Libertarian Republican Unenrolled Other Voters 1 1957 776 2 316 859 4 2 2334 1091 1 295 943 4 3 2505 973 - 422 1107 3 4 2450 1031 1 364 1053 1 5 2361 911 4 492 952 2 6 2504 1046 6 434 1014 4 7 2235 923 1 370 936 5 8 2355 920 3 416 1015 1 9 2149 791 8 319 1030 1 Totals 20850 8462 26 3428 8909 25 P.1-4 Inter. 3R Party; P.2—3 Inter. 3R Party, 1 Reform; P.3 — 1 Inter. 3R Party, 2 Socialist; P.4— 1 Inter. 3R1 Party;P.5—1 Inter. 3rd Party,1 Reform;P.6— 1 Inter. 3rd Party, 2 Socialist, 1 Reform;P.7— 1 Green Party USA, 2 Inter. 3rd Party, 1 Reform, 1 Rainbow Coalition;P.8— 1 Green Party USA;P.9 - 1 Green Party USA Recap sheets were delivered to the Town Clerk at the Town Office Building. 8.8% of the registered voters cast their vote. The Town Clerk canvassed the results: Precinct Democrat Libertarian Republican Total Voted 1 129 2 37 168 2 206 0 21 227 3 192 1 45 238 4 171 0 36 207 5 134 1 42 177 6 169 4 62 235 7 162 2 31 195 8 181 0 47 228 9 130 1 39 170 Totals 1474 11 360 1845 September 19, 2000 State Primary, cont..... ABSENTEE BALLOT BREAKDOWN Precinct Applications Processed Ballots Ballots Ballots Ballots Counted Timely Returned Rejected Returned Late DEM LIB REP DEM LIB REP 1 5 0 2 3 1 0 3 0 0 2 15 0 2 12 0 0 11 0 1 3 22 0 14 19 0 0 14 0 5 4 36 0 15 17 1 0 15 0 2 5 5 0 6 8 0 0 3 0 5 6 24 0 5 13 2 0 11 0 2 7 6 0 9 4 0 0 3 0 1 8 18 0 5 14 0 0 10 0 4 9 8 0 1 4 1 0 4 0 0 Totals 198 0 59 94 5 0 74 0 20 DEMOCRATIC PARTY BALLOT Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL Total Registered Voters 1957 2334 2505 2450 2361 2504 2235 2355 2149 20850 Total Votes Cast 129 206 192 171 134 169 162 181 130 1474 Percent .07 .09 .08 .07 .06 .07 .07 .08 .06 .07 Total Registered Democrats 776 1091 973 1031 911 1046 923 920 791 8462 Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL SENATOR IN CONGRESS EDWARD M KENNEDY 114 184 170 156 120 147 148 155 116 1310 CARLA HOWELL 1 1 EDWARD KING 1 1 DAVE NEE 1 1 ALL OTHERS 2 1 1 4 BLANKS 13 21 22 14 14 21 12 26 14 157 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS-7`h Dist. EDWARD J MARKEY 112 181 170 152 112 145 144 150 115 1281 CARL HOWELL 1 1 ALL OTHERS 1 3 1 1 6 BLANKS 16 25 22 16 22 23 16 31 15 186 COUNCILLOR Sixth District(1,5,6,7) MICHAEL J. 90 91 100 103 384 CALLAHAN DOROTHY KELLY GAY 1 1 RUTH NEMZOFF 1 1 ALL OTHERS 1 1 2 BLANKS 38 42 69 57 206 COUNCILLOR Third District (2,3,4,8.9) MARILYN M. PETITTO 78 59 63 74 47 321 DEVANEY RUTH E NEMZOFF 80 87 67 64 61 359 BLANKS 48 46 41 43 22 200 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT Fourth Middlesex/1,5,_,7) ROBERT A. HAVERN III 104 100 123 119 446 LANA FREEDMAN 1 1 2 JAY KAUFMAN 2 2 ALL OTHERS 1 2 3 BLANKS 23 34 41 43 141 September 19, 2000 State Primary cont..... Pct 1 'Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5' Pet 6' Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT Fifth Middlesex(2,3,4,8,9) SUSAN C. FA 173 165 149 154 108 749 DORIS GooDwiN 1 1 JAY KAUFMAN 1 1 BLANKS 31 27 22 27 22 129 REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT Fifteenth Middlesex District JAY R KA RS 99 176 167 150 104 143 136 149 115 1239 ALL OTHERS 2 2 3 2 1 1 11 BLANKS 28 28 22 21 30 24 25 31 15 224 CLERK OF COURTS EDWARD J. SULLIVAN 74 102 94 83 65 84 80 98 54 734 DENNIS MICHAEL 24 48 42 45 35 42 43 44 43 366 SULLIVAN ALL OTHERS 1 1 2 1 5 BLANKS 31 55 55 41 34 43 38 39 33 369 REGISTER OF DEEDS EUGENE C. BRUNE 88 129 114 112 89 109 104 117 88 950 ALL OTHERS 1 1 1 3 BLANKS 40 77 77 59 45 59 58 64 42 521 REGISTER OF PROBATE DEAN J. BRUNO 4 3 5 2 3 2 0 5 5 29 JOHN R. BUONOMO 15 14 19 13 10 5 16 9 6 107 THOMAS B. 19 33 38 28 19 38 35 29 20 259 CONCANNON, JR. TARA 11 9 15 16 11 8 9 13 11 103 DECHRISTOFARO FRANCIS X. 32 32 23 22 19 26 25 28 26 233 FLAHERTY MELISSA J. HURLEY 13 40 26 33 26 39 28 26 20 251 ROBERT WESLEY 1 3 4 1 4 3 3 8 5 32 KEOUGH L. PAUL LU- L. 3 5 6 5 4 5 6 9 5 48 ED MCMAHON 3 13 3 3 5 2 1 2 4 36 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 BLANKS 27 54 52 48 31 41 39 52 28 372 LIBERTARIAN PARTY BALLOT Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL Total Registered Voters 1957 2334 2505 2450 2361 2504 2235 2355 2149 20850 Total Votes Cast 2 0 1 0 1 4 2 0 1 11 Percent .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Total Registered Libertarians 2 1 0 1 4 6 1 3 8 26 Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL SENATOR IN CONGRESS CARLA A. HOWELL 2 1 1 4 2 1 11 BLANKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS-7`h Dist. ALL OTHERS 1 1 BLANKS 2 1 1 4 1 1 10 September 19, 2000 State Primary cont..... Pct 1 Pct 2 pet 3 Pct 4' Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 pc 8 Pct 9 'TOTAL COUNCILLOR Sixth District(1,5,6,7) BLANKS 2 1 4 2 9 COUNCILLOR Third District (2,3,4,8.9) BLANKS 1 1 2 SENATOR -.-,•,-GENERAL COURT Fourth Middlesex(1,5,6'7) ILANA FREEDMAN 2 1 3 1 7 BLANKS 0 0 1 1 2 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT Fifth Middlesex(2,3,4,8,9) BLANKS 1 1 2 REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT Fifteenth Middlesex District BLANKS 2 1 1 4 2 1 11 CLERK OF COURTS ED SULLIVAN 1 1 BLANKS 2 0 1 4 2 1 10 REGISTER OF DEEDS GENE BRUME 1 1 BLANKS 2 0 1 4 2 1 10 REGISTER OF PROBATE THOMASCONCANNON 1 1 BLANKS 2 0 1 4 2 1 10 REPUBLICAN PARTY BALLOT Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL Total Registered Voters 1957 2334 2505 2450 2361 2504 2235 2355 2149 20850 Total Votes Cast 37 21 45 36 42 62 31 47 39 360 Percent .02 .01 .02 .01 .02 .02 .01 .02 .02 .02 Total Registered Republicans 316 295 422 364 492 434 370 416 319 3428 Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL SENATOR IN CONGRESS JACK E. ROBINSON 21 15 25 24 31 32 13 27 27 215 EDWARD KENNEDY 1 1 2 CARL HOWELL 1 3 1 2 7 ALL OTHERS 3 3 BLANKS 16 6 19 12 11 26 15 19 9 133 September 19 2000 State Primary, cont..... Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS -7`h Dist. ALL OTHERS 1 1 1 1 2 6 BLANKS 36 21 44 36 42 61 31 46 37 354 COUNCILLOR Sixth District(1,5,6,7) BLANKS 37 42 62 31 172 COUNCILLOR Third District (2,3,4,8.9) RUTH NEMZOFF 1 1 ALL OTHERS 1 2 3 BLANKS 21 44 34 47 38 184 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT Fourth Middlesex(1,5,6,7) BLANKS 37 42 62 31 172 SENATOR IN ENERAL COURT Fifth Middlesex(2,3,4,8,9) ANDREW B. PRYOR 19 39 33 38 32 161 BLANKS 2 6 3 9 7 27 G REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT Fifteenth Middlesex District ALL OTHERS 1 2 3 BLANKS 37 21 45 36 42 61 31 47 37 357 CLERK OF COURTS ALL OTHERS 2 1 3 BLANKS 37 21 43 36 42 62 31 47 38 357 REGISTER OF DEEDS ALL OTHERS 1 1 BLANKS 37 21 44 36 42 62 31 47 39 359 REGISTER OF PROBATE LEE JOHNSON 31 17 38 28 32 42 23 40 30 281 ALL OTHERS 1 1 BLANKS 6 4 6 8 10 20 8 7 9 78 A true copy. Attest: Donna M. Hooper, Town Clerk