HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-03-09-BOH-min Lexington Board of Health Meeting, March 9, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. Cary Hall, Estabrook Hall 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Attendees: Sharon MacKenzie, Chair; Deborah Thompson; Burt Perlmutter; Judith Feldman Health Department Attendee: Gerard F. Cody, Health Director; Ann Belliveau, Health Clerk MacKenzie called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Board reviewed the minutes of February 9, 2009. Perlmutter motioned to accept the minutes with corrections. Thompson seconded. All approved. The Board reviewed the Community Health Updates prepared by the Public Health Nurse, David Neylon. Cody explained that Neylon is attending a 2009 Strategic National Stockpile Training Summit in Atlanta, GA from March 10-12, 2009. Food Code Compliance Program – Teppanyaki Update – Sam Wong informed the Board that during the second inspection last weekend, he observed considerable improvement. There were no critical violations but there were some non-critical violations from probably bad habits. Wong said the staff seems eager to do the best they can. Cody recommended continuing with a few more inspections and work on the HACCP Plan which needs to be reviewed and approved by the Board of Health. Wong said the Sushi Chef is doing what he needs to do so now is the time to revise the HACCP Plan which will be easier to do. MacKenzie asked if the reports are being faxed to Cody. Cody has received one report so far and the others will be faxed to him. Cody asked Wong if he has noticed any physical problems with establishment, such as stained ceiling tiles because of water coming in from the roof. Mr. Wong had no comment at this time. The Board reviewed the February food inspections. Housing Code Compliance Program Update – 437 Waltham Street Since no one is living at the house, Cody cannot enter the house to conduct an inspection. Cody said he was given permission from the neighbor next door to make observations from their property. Since a dead raccoon was visible, Cody hired a contractor to remove the animal and the invoice amount will be attached as a lien on the property. A neighbor, Mr. Kachadoorian has keys to the property and wishes to make all the repairs at no charge. He probably will be attending the April meeting. He stores some of his property in the garage and has assumed a custodial role. Cody said the home could be condemned at this meeting or next month based on outside observations. Cody feels Mr. Kachadoorian will plead not to condemn but he has no legal entity to the property. Critter Control has provided a quote to do further boarding up of the building and Cody is waiting on two other quotes. Cody advised the Board of a recent dumpster complaint behind 1734 Massachusetts Avenue. The snow had been plowed around the dumpster causing the debris around the dumpster to be frozen. An order letter was sent to the owner of the property along with a fine. The owner of the property left a message that he received the letter. While Cody was away, Fox received a housing complaint at 9 Hibbert Street. Fox conducted an inspection at this location and an order to correct letter was sent to the owner of the property. The Board reviewed the Environmental Health Report. Neylon and Fox attended an EPI refresher course on communicable diseases and a certified pool operator training class. Fox needed to get recertified and Neylon needed to get certified. The Board had a fee schedule discussion. Cody had prepared charts to indicating the estimated cost to issue the permits based on the hourly rates of the Health Clerk, Health Agent and Health Director as well as the current fees. The Board reviewed a fee comparison for other cities and towns. Before the Board institutes new fees, a legal notice will need to be placed in the newspaper for two weeks indicating the fee hearing. MacKenzie would like to see the fee schedule review at the May meeting. The Board discussed a revision to Article IV to include hazardous materials. A draft revision was presented to the Board for their review. Cody said it would go along with the existing Article IX, Groundwater and Water Supply Protection. Cody said it would be for research laboratories, swimming pools, funeral homes, dry cleaners, retail businesses, commercial painting businesses, paint supply shops to mention a few. Further discussions will take place at upcoming meetings. Emergency Preparedness – Region 4A has hired a company to consult on the revising the existing emergency plans in the cities and towns in Region 4A to come up with a more universal plan which would be interchangeable within the various cities and towns. Feldman motioned to adjourn. Perlmutter seconded. All approved.