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SELEC i ME■i S •EE+'N L.
October 5, 1°9,7
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Aregular �,},,a�;� of �l�v Boardof Selectmen � wy� held Monday,
n Lr ti�.►g Y44 was on
October 5, 1397, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building,
at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mrs. Smith;
Ms. Adler, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow,
Executive Clerk, were preseilt.
Mr. EdL.aison opened a Pubic Hearing on the petition of the Boston
Gas Company to obtain permission to install 100 feet of gas main in
�• �n 's c:1=' �" Y. ; � '� Y s r Y r+ 'E n two t rs n S homes.
rT+ �
Shade Street, ne ces a �o p-o v i de se {rice t� �_ � new home -.
Mr. Spiers, 1irec for of Public Works, explained that t e work, an
etension of an e i•s sti aJ gas mainr would be done in conjunction with
water and sewer work on Shade Streetf He recommended
approval of tL
1ere being no +IY t h er comments in favor
aror or in opposition, M Y
Eddison declared the hearing closed.
Upon motion a Llv made and seconded, it was voted ts approve the
petition, plans and orders of Boston Gas Company for the purpose of
obtaining permission to install
ntall 100
eet o f 2-inch
inrh gas main
ain i Shade hadG
Street, as shown on a plan attchd.
T'� r�rss �xr+" +;r��rr}�-tr rR�� COMPANY,
k?t� rr I�� 7��rs�}•r3
BLi i i:AR:NG, 3z,.-7 Ld:t ;JAS COM• AN+ , WOOD :.r.■.EE�
The Chairman n a b1i c Hearingn thP petition of the Bloston
Sas Company to obtain ,mission to in..rtal, 453 feet of gas main in
wood Street to provide serYice to t h e Katandin
atandin Wo Apartments.
Ms. Adler noted the report of Mr. Spiers on a discrepancy between
4 � � construction,
t till•; rt _ }���-.k show 5-inch�� ;� andthe �;t t fi
the plans for cons,ir .c�+ion, �ihi�:h show a C inch main, peri don
;which references a 4-inch main and recommended adjournment o f the
hearing pending clarification.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the
Public Hearing on the petition of the Boston Gas Company to Monday,
October 19, 1937, at 7:20 p.m.
Peter Chep'n, Chairman of the Traffic Safety Committee was
present for review of his Committee's recommendations on several
traffic items, referred to the Committee by the Selectmen.
Mr. Ch alp i n reviewed the request of Joan Cordell, 75 Grassland
Street, for installation of a pedestrian signal on Waltham Street at
Brookside Avenue, which she felt was necessary for the safety of
students crossing Waltham Street enrou to to the Clarke Middle School.
M.. The Traffic Committee, in the light of a traffic/pedestrian study
conducted by the Engineering Dept. , recommended against the
installation, since none of the eight warrants to justify the light
were met. He also milted that a crossing guard is stationed there,
morning and afternoon.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it Was voted to approve the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory 7cmmittee to deny the
request for installation of a pedestrian signal at Waltham Street and
Brookside Avenue.
Mr. Cha'pin reported on the recom,,Lendation-A of the Traffic
Committee on the request of Vicky L. Schwartz and other area residents
for prohibition of parking at the entrance to the Sutherland Road
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
recom,,erdations of the Traffic Safety Advisory 7:7m'ttee ',--,r
4:1tallation of "No Paring" signs on the southeasterly side 7f
Sutherland Road, abutting on Aerial Street.
The request of Rona Cohen on behalf of the Co7-ntryside
Neighborhood Assoc. , for installation of a "Stop" sign at Peachtree
Road and App7Ptreg, Lane was reviewed. The Committee had recommended
that a "Stop" sign would not be warranted at that location, but was in
favor of constr.:otion of a channelizing island at the intersection
would be in order, to inhibit cutting the corner. mid
Upon notion fu'y m=',,dP, and seconded, it was voted to 9-..p-,:ve the
recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that a
channelizing island be installed at the intersection of Peachtree Road
and Appletree Lane. Mrs. Cohen's request for a "Stop" sign at that
location was denied.
Mr. Chalpin referred to the objections of Kevin McGrath, General
Manager of the Battle Green Motor Inn, to the "No Left Turn" regulation
for those exiting the parking garage of the Inn, as approved by the
Selectmen on March 23, 1987.
Mr. Eddison noted that he had observed improvement in traffic flow
in the Center because of the regulation.
Upon reevaluation of the restriction, the Committee had felt that
the greater good would be served by retaining it.
Upon motion :Illy made and seconded, it was voted to accept the
reoommeadation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that the "No
Left Turn" regulation remain in force.
Mr. Chalpin reviewed with the Board the request of Mr. & Mrs.
Curtis, 19 Maple Street, for installation of curbing in front of
numbers 15 and 19 Maple Street, as a safety measure.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to accept the rood
recommendation of the Traffic Committee that since there appears to be
no evidence of a traffic safety problem at that location which could be
solved or alleviated by curbing, the request should be denied.
Selectmen's Meeting -3- :ctober 5, 1997
With respect to the Committee's advice to Mr. Curtis that the
matter should be pursued with the state, he reported that he had
written to Rep. Cora: regarding the State's responsibility in the
Mr. Chalpin reported on his Committee's reconsideration of posting
of parking restrictions on Mass. Avenue at Lake Street, as approved by
the Selectmen on July 15, 1987, The Committee's recommendation was
that there be no reinstallation of a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign,
but that the restricted area be designated by painting the curbing
Mr. McSweeney questioned the need for the painting since parking
near intersections is prohibitied by e;:isting laws. He moved that
there be no yellow painting of the curbing.
The motion was seconded.
Mr. Eddison pointed out that people do park illegally and that
enforcement would be needed.
Mr. McSweeney suggested that Mr. Breslin, the proprietor of the
Market, be asked to inform his c„Istomers and delivery people of the
pomm parking restriction and amended his motion accordingly.
Motion having been made and seconded, it was vote that the
curbing on Mass. Avenue at its intersection with Lake Street remain
unpainted and that no "No Parking" signs be installed.
Mr. McSweeney offered to request that Mr. Breslin inform his
customers/delivery people of the restriction.
Ms. Adler's request for evaluation by the Traffic Committee of the
need for additional speed control signs on Prospect Hill Road was
discussed. This work, if approved, would be done in conjunction with
installation of a sidewalk on Prospect Hill. Mr. Chalpin reported the
Committee's recommendation against additional signage at this time. He
added that if a crosswalk is planned, alert signs would be
appropriately placed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that no
additional signs will be installed on Prospect Hill Road at this time,
hut that ongoing increased Police enforcement will be maintained. It
was also voted that when a decision on a crosswalk is being considered,
the Traffic Committee work with the DPW to locate the crosswalk and to
recommend on appropriate signage. The Principal of the Bridge School
will be consulted on the matter.
mm, Mr. Chalpin reviewed the recommendation of the Lexington Center
Committee and the Traffic Safety Committee on Mr. Eddison's suggestion
for installation of a crosswalk on Waltham Street, possibly at Vine
Brook Road.
Both Committees recommended favorably on the proposal and agreed
that the Vine Brook Road area would be appropriate.
, -
- ,
it was noted that this location is heavily used by parkers in the
municipal parking lot, and that no removal of Waltham Street parking
spaces would be necessary.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
installation of a crosswalk on Waltham street at Vine Brook Road.
Robert Ossman, member of the Lexington Center Committee will be asked
for input on design of the crosswalk.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute
Chapter 90 Reimbursement Request Forms and Chapter 90 Final Report
Forms to tP filed with the Masc. 'PW for reimbursements in the total
amount of $235, 47.02.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Town of
Lexington Town Manager is authorized to act on behalf of the Town as
its agent in performing any and all other actions necessary to secure
for the Town such grants and grant payments for the design and _
construction of sewage treatment facilities as may be available to the
Town, pursuant to the provisions of the Mass. Clean Waters Act, or
other special Act of the General Court, for the construction of the mim4
fc: low'ng facilities: Design of Wastewater C-l'eotion System
Mr. Eddison opened the adjourned Public Hearing on the selection
of the FY89 residential tax factor.
Mr. Leone, Mr. Hays and Mr. Foster, Board of Assessors, were
introduced by David Stusse, Town Assessor. Ms. Adler reviewed the
findings of the Assessors, as presented in a memo dated October 2,
1987, showing a protected actual 1988 levy figure of $34,334,722. This
is less than projected at the end of Town Meeting and produces a levy
reserve of $442, 60.
Mr. Leone thanked the Selectmen for the opportunity to be present
and noted that his Board's task had been made easier by the groundwork
Laid by former Assessors gush and Potter and by David Stusse.
He reviewed FYE8 Levy Limit and Tax Rate Computation data and
explained calculations which 1Pd to an FY38 uniform ta:: -fate of
Mr. Leone referred to the Board's authority to shift some of the
tax burden from residents to business property owners. He reviewed a
listing of "Fiscal 1988 Tax Rate Options" showing residential factors
from 85.0329% “minimum) to ' GO% from which range the Selectmen could
choose. He explained that the selection of a specific residential
factor results in residential and commercial tax rates.
He noted that in past years the trend had been to keep the
percentage of increase in each rate equal, but felt that new
information developed by the Assessors might be cause for departure
from that course of action because of its impact on future rates of
business property owners, based on a high percentage of increase for
industry last year.
Selectmen's Meeting -5- October 5, 1987
The Selectmen discussed the policy objectives to be achieved by
selecting a factor that raised commercial tax rates by 4.4%, which
equals the increase in the consumer price index for the year. This
would mean a 3.8% increase in the residential tax rate.
There being no further statements, Mr. Eddison declared the
hearing closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a FY88
Residential Tax Factor of 36.7353%, with a Residential Ta:: Rate of
Ms. Adler asked tat her draft message to taxpayers, distributed
last night be reviewed and comments given to her in time to send it to
the printer that week.
Charles Hagenah, Architect, met with the Board for discussion of
options to improve Senior Center Heating.
Mr. Hagenah had explored the feasibility of the Xenergy and other
proposals for resolution of the heating problems in the Center.
pm. Mr. Hagenah urged replacement of the skylight as a critical item,
noting that it is feasible within the appropriation. He estimated a
figure of $3 ,3:0, for installation of an insulated translucent
skylight with good thermal properties, $25,000 for the skylight itself
and $5,0C: for demolition. The heating could be adequately improved by
installation of a system costing $25 to $20,000, which is less
expensive than that proposed by Xenergy.
His proposal, of closing off of first floor condominium corridors
as a heat saving measure, was discussed.
Mr. Hagenah recommended covering of the skylight for the coming
winter with polyethelene and installation of heat supplements i.e. wall
mounted radiant heating units which could be installed relatively soon.
Actual replacement of the skylight and installing the heating system
under it could be accomplished in the Spring.
Nicholas Kelly, attorney for the Muzzey Trustees felt Mr.Hagenah's
plan was a good one and asked Mr. Hagenah to meet with the Trustees for
further discussion.
Peter Dimatteo, Muzzey Trustee, saw problems with the durability
of the temporary polyethelene covering during the winter months and
suggested venting. Mr. Hagenah will explore different types of
Mr. McSweeney felt that Mr. Hagenah should proceed with the plan
proposed, since the Seniors had been promised better heating this
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept, in
concept, Mr. Hagenah's proposal for replacement of the skylight,
heating improvements and the closing off of the condominium corridors
from the Senior Center,
Jean Gaudet, Muzzey Trustee, asked for delay in the final vote to
allow time to thoroughly review the Hagenah proposal. Mr. Hagenah will
meet with the trustees and will inform the Selectmen of any issues
Nicholas Kelly, Attorney for the Muzzey Board of Trustees,
reported on progress with the roof repair project. He noted that only
one bid for the work had been received, with a total price of
approximately $324,000. Peter DiMatteo had met with Mr. Marsha" for
discussion of methods of funding the project and the foowing outlizA
had been discussed: Front money from the Town; outside financing from
local banks for unit owners; and an adjustment in the selling price
formula to allow owners to recoup upon resale.
Also disc.:ssed was the approach to banks for funds for other
repairs needed i.e. asbestos cleanup, as ordered by DEE, at a cost of
approximate-y $25, : . The Trustees have untl : ober 25 t:
plan to DEE for the removal.
Mr. Kelly said that a rebidding process for the rocwork will be
considered since only one bid had been received and fr.:r had been
expecte,'. The bid had been some higher than that estimated by
Simpson/3mpert, but he noted the extensive scope of work involved
which must be done in conjunction with the roof work such as masonry
and carpentry.
The next move in the process will be to decide, as soon as
possible, on reopening bidding and arriving at creative ways to finance
the project. Mr. Kelly felt sure that the Board would be able to moo
=tribute to the final plan and that the Tr- tee= would work Mr,
Marshall, with report back to the Board on progress.
Ms. Adler asked for the Board's decision on two issues: : .
payment by the Town of its proportionate share t2 %) using LexHAB
funds, and 2. modification of the Land Disposition Agreement so as to
allow owners to recoup the amount of assessment upon resale.
Mr. Dailey said he had no problem with item *1, providing front
money, but would like further exploration of item #2 and how to
implement it, before voting. Mr. Cohen noted the possibility that
action on item #2 might be a Town Meeting matter and felt that no
decision on it could be reached that night.
Mr. Kelly pointed out the need to reassure unit owners as soon as
possible that they can recoup the amount of their assessments.
Mr. 'ai'Ay and Mr. Eddison expressed support for adding the amount
of assessment to the original acquisition costs.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to indicate that
the Town will be prepared to contribute its percentage share of the
amount that will be necessary to fund roof repair work, as listed in
the specifications prepared by Simpson/Gumpert.
Ms. Adler will be kept informed by Mr. Kelly of scheduling of
meetings, so as to allow the participation and assistance of a Town
representative. It was suggested that Bill Kennedy of the Permanent
Building Committee be involved in roof repair negotiations to ensure
that the Town is investing in a worthwhile project.
Mr. Kelly also reported on landscaping items, which the Trustees
felt had not been satisfactorily completed and failure of 40 out of 70
heat pump compressors in the building. Efforts are being made to
engage an expert to explore the reasons for the breakdowns.
Mr. vddison thanked Mr. Kelly and the Muzzey Trustees for the
update a-.4 opportunity for discussion of the needed
Selectmen's Meeting -7- October 5, 1997
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
transfer from the Reserve Fund in the amount of $14,233.54 to Acct.
*01-601-102-5242, Repair and Maintenance tLibrary) , to cover costs of
replacement of a: air conditioning compressor.
Ms. Adler asked for the Board's view on informal petitions on the
acceptance of 3ibson Road and Philip Road and direction as to whether
to indicate at this time to the petitioners the likelihood of the
Board's support through the budget process.
The Town Engineer's report on Sibson Road stated that it would be
a high-cost protect as to whether to continue with the fairly extensive
work required for follow through in the petition process.
Mr . Smith questioned whether abson Road met criteria for
acceptance of streets and whether it was on the priority list.
Ms. Adler recommended that Philip Road be taken through the
process since costs for the work appear to be down since the 1995
estimate and a number of residents are interested. The Selectmen
agreed that the abutters should be bettered.
Mrs. Smith asked that the Board be informed on whether Philip Road
meets the criteria for street acceptance.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve as
presented the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on September 21,
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint
Linda W. Conrad, 16 Cedar Street, to the Lexington Housing Assistance
Board for a term of office to expire on December 5, 1990.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint
Melinda Vinton, 11 Leonard Rd. , to the Lexington Council for the Arts,
to fill the unexpired term of Deborah Kassman to September 30, 1988.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint the
following to the Transportation Advisory Committee, for terms of office
to expire on September 30, 1990:
Lili Silvera 83 Pleasant Street
Donald graham 4 Millbrook Road
Charles W. Stevens 1 Upland Road
The Board reviewed the list of assignments to Selectmen who will
serve as Liaisons to various local and State committees and agencies.
rm. All members agreed to the assignments as listed.
The Board concurred with the recommendation of the Lexington
Center Committee that the number of taxicab stands in Lexington Center
remain at three, with no removal of parking metered spaced to provide
additional spaces.
-8- vamp
The taxi companies will negotiate with owners of privately owned
commercial parking lots i .e. Stop & Shop, if the need for spillover
spaces arises. Ms. Adler pointed that this issue may need to be looked
at again if more taxis from the existing companies or from new cab
companies are licensed.
The Board reviewed the applications of Hayden Recreation Center
and the Lexington Lodge of Elks for licensing of Video Coin Machines,
now on their premises. Ms. Adler referred to two denials by the
Selectmen in previous years of such applications by a retail store and
a restaurant. She noted that current statutory requirements for
licensing allow fairly narrow grounds for denial.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
application of the Lexington Lodge of Elks *2204 for licenses for two
video games at 959 Waltham Street: 'Golf Birdie King" and 'Atari
Centipede' and of Josiah Willard Hayden Recreation Center for four
Video games at 24 Lincoln Street: "Hogans Alley' ; 'Congo Bongo" ;
'Shanghai Kid' and 'Asteroids' . The licenses were approved in the
light of use of the machines by members of a non-profit social
organization, only. The licenses will expire on December 31, 1987.
It was agreed that a new fee structure will be considered at the
time of renewal of licenses and criteria for approval established.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the
Selectmen will act as co-sponsors, with the Emerson Gardens Tenants
Association, for the October 21st meeting on Affordable Housing in
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
abatement of Cycle 9 Water Charges for the Town of Bedford, because of
an overcharge in the amount of $1,000.00
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
commitment of Street Opening Permit Fees for the month of September,
1987, in the total amount of $200.00
Ms. Adler noted the plans of the Weiss Corporation for demolition
of the burned out buildings in the Center, and the impact of the
project on parking.
The DPW will look at the options for traffic flow during the
operation, but prefers a 1-way pattern for the trucks entering Edison
Way and exiting through Depot Square. Mr. Eddison will participate in
the discussions.
2 .6
Selectmen's Meeting -q- :ctober 5, .987
Upon moti:n fuly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0 by roll
call vote; Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Emit: , Mr, McSweeney, to go
into E::ecutive Session for discussion of matter= of litigation and of
collective bargaining, wilh 'no intent to res=e open session.
Upon moti:n duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at
10:4S p.m.
A true record, Attest:
Marlon H. Snow
72::ective Clerk
p �
,N5 S
October 14, 1987
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday,
October 14, 1987, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, at 7:30 a.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey,
Mrs. Smith; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were
The minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on September 28, 1987, were
approved as presented.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
request of Robert G. Savin, General Manager, for extension of hours of
liquor service at the Sheraton Lexington Inn, 727 Marrett Road, to 1:00
a.m. on Saturday, October 17, 1987.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the •
application of Joel I. Shapiro, 12 Ivy Lane, Burlington, MA for a One
Day Auctioneer License on October 18, 1987, for an auction of Oriental
Rugs to be held at the Hayden Recreation Center between the hours of
2:00 and 5:00 p.m. , to benefit the Hayden Precision Team.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0 by roll
call vote: Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, to go
into Executive Session for discussion of matters of litigation and land
negotiations, with no intent to resume open session.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at
8:30 a.m.
A true record, Attest: f
,ion H. Show
Executive Clerk
r -
1V.,& October 19, 1987
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday,
October 19, 1987, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Smith, Mr.
McSweeney; Ms. Adler, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel;
Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Mr. Dailey joined the
meeting later.
The Chairman opened the adjourned Public Hearing on the petition
of the Boston Gas Company for permission to install gas main in Wood
Street. Mr. Spiers, Director of Public Works, explained that the
extension of the existing gas main was necessary to provide service for
Katandin Woods Apartments. He reported that the wording of the
petition has been revised and now agrees with the diameter of the pipe
as shown on the plans. He recommended approval of the petition.
There being no other comments in favor or in opposition, Mr.
Eddison declared the hearing closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
revised petition, plan and order of the Boston Gas Company to obtain
permission to install 450 feet of 6 inch gas main in Wood Street.
Mr. Dailey joined the meeting at this time.
Police Chief Paul Furdon and Patrolman Ronald Wells were present
to inform the Board of the award by the American Automobile Association
to Lexington for having had no pedestrian fatalities in the Town during
calendar year 1986.
Chief Furdon explained the work done by Patrolman Wells in the
schools and in coordination with the Lexington Center Committee to
promote pedestrian safety. Patrolman Wells explained the focus of his
talks to students, adding that he hopes to help to again bring the
award to Lexington for 1987.
Mr. Eddison asked for an explanation of figures received which
showed a high Lexington accident rate in 1984 and 1985. The Chief
explained that those figures reflected all personal injuries, including
those occurring on Rtes 128 and 2. These figures had come down in
Mr. Eddison suggested excluding those two state routes from
Lexington's safety record, because of the Town's non-involvement in
maintenance and patrolling.
Gerri Weathers, Chairman of the Fair Housing Committee was present
r.. to acquaint the Selectmen with details of the Fair Housing Action Plan
and plans for a Fair Housing Forum, to be held on December 2nd. Ms.
Weathers outlined regional and local objectives in FY87 and FY88, and
reported on the activities of her Committee during the past year.
Major objectives of the Committee are as follows: to adopt a
regional view in relation to abutting communities and urban center for
the SMSA;
to coordinate community resources in relation to current fair housing
concerns; to obtain and disseminate information to Lexington residents.
Mrs. Smith stated that the Town is fortunate to have Ms. Weathers
as Chairman, working with Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator
towards revitalization of the Fair Housing Committee's efforts. She
saw Lexington's role as bringing this whole area together to deal with
housing issues.
Ms. Adler noted that reconstruction of Philip Road will be among
items considered in the capital budget process. Per DPW, the scope of
work necessary will be substantially less than first estimated and it
was suggested that the assessment to abuttors be $26.48 per front foot,
which would be significantly less than if calculated at a 90% recovery
rate 4@$83.11/ft. ) .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a
betterment assessment of $26.48 per frontage foot for reconstruction
work on Philip Road. Mr. Marshall noted that he would not want the
lower betterment rate for the Philip Road project to in any way affect
the calculations for betterments on other streets.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
appointment by the Acting Town Manager of Joseph O'Leary to the mow
Lexington Youth Commission, for a term to expire on April 6, 1990.
Mr. Eddison reviewed his proposal for further progress with the
Selectmen's goal of expanding the stock of affordable housing in
Lexington. He asked that the Acting Town Manager be authorized to
initiate the necessary steps to form a Lexington Housing Partnership as
a means of becoming part of the Mass. Housing Partnerhip (MHP) and to
investigate the possibility of obtaining the professional services of a
housing coordinator for the Town to work under the supervision of the
Planning Director. He outlined the responsibilities of such a
Mr. Marshall saw the need for a permanent staff person, rather
than a consultant, since it appears that the need for additional
affordable housing will be ongoing. Mr. Eddison reported on
information from the Planning Director about the difficulties in hiring
a coordinator on a permanent basis at this time and that he had
recommended the engaging of a consultant as the wisest course.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the
Acting Town Manager to proceed with steps as outlined above, as a means
toward expanding the stock of affordable housing in the Town.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve as „■,
presented the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on September 16,
Selectmen's Meeting -3- October 19, 1987
George Burnell, Chairman of the North Lexington Road Improvement
Study Committee, was present for discussion of plans for improvement to
Bedford Street and the State's conditional approval of 25% design plans
for the project. He had met with the North Lexington Association who
had been unanimously opposed to the caveat regarding the potential
closing of the cut-through to Eldred Street. The Association had voted
to support a "no-build" concept for Bedford Street.
The Road Study Committee had voted 6 - 2 in opposition to
proceeding with the project, in the light of the State's condition that
the median cut-through could be closed if five or more accidents
occurred there within a year. The Committee felt that if there proves
to be a safety problem at that location, the State should install
traffic signals. A final vote of the Committee would favor cancelling
the project unless the State would agree to the signalization concept.
Iris Wheaton, Precinct 7 Town Meeting Member Chairman, had
informed her members of the Road Study Committee's position. Precinct
7 Town Meeting members had unanimously opposed pursuing the States plan
and would vote for "no-build" in preference. She requested no change
to Bedford Street, retaining the status quo.
wDeborah Kearney, reported that the North Lexington Association
opposed the State's condition and urged that the Selectmen inform the
Mass. DPW that the project be cancelled.
Larry Smith of the Traffic Improvement Committee stated that the
business community is strongly in favor of improvement of Bedford
Street and is not ready to throw in the towel. He noted that traffic
conditions have already worsened in the area and that travel time and
safety are the major problems of commuters. Mr. Dailey observed that a
traffic booth might help move traffic through more effectively.
Richard Cooke, Boston Survey Consultants, responded to a question
on impact on alternate roads if the project is cancelled. He felt that
Bedford Street would stay about the same for the next 4 - 5 years, with
use of other routes i.e. 495 likely and heavier traffic on back roads.
Mr. Marshall said he had been struck over the years by the State's
lack of concern for views of the Town and would send the State's plan
back as a broken agreement.
Mr. Eddison said he was not ready to abandon the concept of
traffic signals and felt that final decision should not be made that
night. He was in favor of again communicating with the State that
without the light, no solution seemed possible.
Sally Castleman of the Road Study Committee agreed with
suggestions for a more moderate solution and hoped that the State would
consider improvements of a lesser scope, rather than an 'all or
nothing" plan.
Motion was made that the Chairman and Town Manager prepare a draft
loam response to the State stating that the Town will accept only a plan
with signalization at Eldred Street and that would be the only basis
for agreement to the State's condition. A meeting of local and State
officials on the matter will be requested.
Mrs. Smith noted that the State would be delighted with a "no-
build" decision, but questioned whether that course of action would
endanger progress with Marrett Road.
-4- mow
Ms. Adler suggested that the letter to the State include a request
for an in-person meeting to arrive at joint understanding of the
implications of the Town's letter.
Mr. Dailey asked if it would be feasible to carry out a two-week
trial of Police control at Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street
Mr. Cooke felt that an officer at that location would make a
noticeable improvement.
Mr. Marshall amended his motion to state that a request for a
meeting, such as suggested by Ms. Adler, be included in this letter.
The motion was seconded, and it was voted that the Chairman and
the Acting Town Manager prepare a draft response to the State DPW as
described above, to include a request for a meeting of State and local
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept with
regret the resignation of Richard S. Morehouse from the Design Advisory
Committee, effective immediately.
Mr. Eddison proposed that the D.A.C. rolls be enlarged to nine
members, explaining that the business schedules of architects serving
on the committee frequently conflict with meeting schedules, resulting
in low attendance.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the mod
number of members on the Design Advisory Committee from seven to nine
as recommended by the Chairman.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint
Thomas A. Coffman, 31 Lincoln Street, to the Design Advisory Committee,
to fill the unexpired term of Richard S. Morehouse to September 30,
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint
Martin A. Gilman and William H. Sullivan as Fence Viewers, for terms to
expire on September 30, 1988.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Albert
Huang, 82 Pleasant Street, to the Fair Housing Committee for a term of
office to expire on September 30, 1988.
Mr. Eddison proposed that Diane Lund be designated as Chairman of
the Condo Conversion Board and gave her background in Town affairs and
qualifications as an attorney, for this position. He added that Mrs.
Lund is willing to Chair the Board.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to designate
Diane T. Lund as Chairman of the Lexington Condominium Board.
Selectmen's Meeting -5- October 19, 1987
Mr. Cohen referred to draft Condominium Conversion Regulations,
prepared by John Sokul of Palmer and Dodge, and questions raised by Mr.
Sokul on the precise intent of several provisions of the Condominium
Conversion By-Law. Mr. Cohen advised a meeting of a member of the
Board of Selectmen, Mrs. Lund, himself and a Palmer & Dodge colleague
to resolve these questions. Mr. Marshall agreed to participate in the
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
abatement of sewer and water charges to William Sweeney, 100
Blossomcrest Road, adjustments to final bills and abatement of sewer
charges to Allan Oppenheim, 37 Barberry Road, whose property is not
connected to Town sewer.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
commitment of Cycle 9 water charges for October in the amount of
$37,308.50 and October water charges to the Town of Lincoln in the
was amount of $740.00
Upon motion duly made and seconded,it was voted to approve
commitment of water charges for September, final bills, in the amount
of $2,096.70, and sewer charges for September, final bills, in the
amount of $2,081.60.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the
request of Patricia L. Yusah, 9 Scott Road, for a "Caution Children"
sign, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
request of the Church of Our Redeemer for permission to display
sandwich boards in Lexington Center on November 7, 1987, to publicize
its Holiday Fair.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim
November, 1987, as "National Hospice Month", as requested by J. Donald
Schumacher on behalf of Hospice West, Inc.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to eliminate the
membership on the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee of the Planning
Director, as requested by Robert A. Bowyer, Planning Director,
Mr. Bowyer had requested this action to relieve him of the
responsibilities of membership on the T.S.A.C. because of his other
Mr. Marshall reported on a proposal by the Town of Wayland, which
had the support of the Suburban Coalition, to the MMA Fiscal Polcy
Committee that every community get 2 1/2% of its tax levy as increased
state aid.
Mr. Marshall was opposed to the concept from an equity standpoint
and felt that it was poor policy. The majority of the MMA Fiscal
Policy Committee agreed with Mr. Marshall's stand.
Regarding the level of State Aid, Mr. Marshall felt that Lexington
would be faring better this year in the light of new money available.
He asked for suggestions from other Board members as to their views on
the proposal.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll
call vote, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr.
McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of
litigation and real estate negotiations, with no intent of resume open
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at
9:50 p.m.
- /
A true record, Attest: if
tifi/t/ ol -ci/1 /2w
Marion H. now
Executive Clerk
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4 October 26, 1987
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday,
October 26, 1987, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office
Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey,
Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Ms. Adler, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Cohen,
Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present.
Ms. Adler reported on a good turnout and smooth operation at the
October 24th Hazardous Household Waste Collection conducted at the DPW
Barn. Three hundred residents had brought nearly 70 barrels of waste,
including paint, chemicals and batteries for disposal and that waiting
time had been significantly shorter than last year. She noted the
cooperation of the League of Women Voters and the enthusiasm of
residents, who had requested more frequent collections. Mr. Eddison
agreed that the process had been carried out very efficiently.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
appointment by the Town Manager of Donald A. Chisholm, 166 Lincoln
Street, to the Recreation Committee.
Ms. Adler noted that Employee Recognition Day would be observed on
Thursday, October 29th when acknowledgements of long-term service to
the Town would be made. She encouraged Board members to attend.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, as
amended, the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on October 5, 1987.
Mr. Marshall, who had been absent from the meeting, abstained from
Mr. Eddison announced that Senator Kraus and Representative Doran
would be meeting with the Board on November 9th, for discussion of
current legislation and other matters of mutual interest.
Mr. Eddison's redrafted letter to the Chief Engineer of the State
DPW, reflecting the sense of the Board expressed on October 19th,
regarding the State's conditional approval of the 25% plans for Bedford
St. , was reviewed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
letter, with any editorial changes deemed necessary by the Chairman.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to revise the
Charge to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, changed to delete the
position of planning Director on the Committee, to increase the number
of citizen members to six, and to correct the title of the Director of
Public Works.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll
call vote, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr.
McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of land
negotiation, with the intention of returning to open session. Mark
Moore and his attorney, Fred Conroy, were present for the discussion.
Open session was resumed at 9:05 p.m.
Ms. Adler reported that she had filed the Mass. Housing Partnerhip
application, as requested by the Board.
She reported on issues that had arisen at her meeting with Bob
Bowyer and Bob Engler, consultant, who is proposing to work with the
Planning Director in the preparation of a housing concept plan for
presentation to the 1988 Town Meeting. Such a plan would include
selection of a Town owned site, the type of housing planned and a
preliminary financial scheme. Ms. Adler noted that Mr. Engler had been
involved in negotiations on housing projects in Lexington and other mod
communities and has considerable experience in working on developments
funded by state programs. Other applicants for the consulting work are
also being considered
The Planning staff has begun work on analysis of school sites,
which a consultant would carry on and complete. Ms. Adler asked if all
six school sites should be focussed on or if at some point,
determination can be made to eliminate the least desirable locations.
Mr. Marshall suggested a process whereby a concept plan for
development and a request to convey land would be presented to the 1988
Town Meeting, with a possible Special Town Meeting in the fall of
1988, for any rezoning necessary. Mr. Dailey referred to neighborhood
reaction when a site is selected and felt that quite specific plans for
the chosen site should be ready at that time.
Mr. Eddison doubted that the proposal would be far enough along
for the Spring Town Meeting, but felt that information on progress with
the project should be given. He noted the scope of work to prepare six
well thought out plans and said that he would prefer to have priorities
developed for one site to bring to Town Meeting. He was in favor of
site selection without full details for each site.
Mr. Eddison and Mrs. Smith felt that reconstruction of the Munroe
School should not be among the first projects considered for providing
affordable housing since it would provide a relatively small number of
apartments while displacing Arts/Lexington for which there was no other
suitable location in the Town. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Dailey felt that mod
its present rental use should not preclude consideration of housing use
at Munroe. Mr. McSweeney stated that he would be in favor of new
construction i.e. Franklin School townhouses.
Ms. Adler will explore costs and time involved in developing
information on each of the sites and what level of detail would be
necessary for the Selectmen to make a choice among them.
—' Selectmen's Meeting -3- October 26, 1987
Mr. Eddison reported on the meeting of the Emerson Gardens Tenants
Association, co-sponsored by the Selectmen. on October 21st, at which
the "McIntyre" approach to construction of affordable housing was
Condominium units, built by Mr. McIntyre on town-donated land,
could be sold for $77,000 to $89,000, or somewhat higher priced if
there were land costs. Factors in the low price structure were: free
or cheap land, low cost financing and overhead costs absorbed by the
Bricklayers Union. Units could be made available on a rental basis only
through Town purchase of condo units and subsequest rentals through a
Town agency.
Mr. Eddison felt the proposal should be given consideration when
other approaches are being entertained.
Mr. Marshall reported that the Review Committee for Feasibility
Study of Equity Sharing has organized and will be sending requests for
proposals out in a week or so. Responses will be reviewed in mid-
It was agreed that Selectmen's meetings will be held on November
2, 9, 16, and 23rd. A meeting will not be held on November 30, unless
the work load necessitates one.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the
following to the Waste Management Task Force, for terms of office to
expire on September 30, 1990:
James H. Chambers, 3 Hampton Road
Katherine G. Fricker 93 Marrett Road
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the
request of James Hilton, 2543 Mass. Avenue, for a guard rail to protect
his property from traffic exiting School Street, to the Traffic Safety
Advisory Committee for review and recommendations.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the
poll vote on October 23, 1987, to approve the application of Temple
Emunah Singles Club for a One Day Liquor License on October 24, 1987,
for a dance to be held at 9 Piper Road.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
application of W.R. Grace Company (RAEDACC) for a One Day Liquor
" License for an employee farewell party to be held at 55 Hayden Avenue
on November 2, 1987.
e' A
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll
call vote, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr.
McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of Collective
Bargaining, with no intent to resume open session.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at
10:05 P.M.
A true record, Attest: c,' //
cA/Z&II -Th
Ma ion H. Snow
).. Executive Clerk