HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-BOS-minAugust 3, 337 A regular meet ffr of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 3, 1387, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, fir. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Ms. Adler, Acting Town Manager; Mrs, Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. T c� SELECTMEN'S MEETING PUBLi� HEARINS ELISDN HAYDEN AVENUE CONDUIT Mr. Eddison opened the public hearing on the petition of Boston Edison Company for permission to install conduit in Hayden Avenue. Edward Chisholm, representing Boston Edison Company, e x pl ained th need for the work to provide backup service to W. R. Grace Company, 55 Hayden Avenue. There being no comments i of a vor or in opposi the �h a i rma n declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve th petition, plan and orders of Boston Edison Company for the purpose of obtaining a grant of location for approximately 40 feet of conduit to be placed in Hayden Avenue as follows; Hayden Avenue - approximately 2,287 feet east of Spring Street thence turning and running northerly, a distance of about 32 feet. PUBLIC HEARING EDISDN WOOD STREET CO NDUT The Cha irman opened the public hearing on the pet. .6 of Boston Edison Company for permission to install conduit in Wood Street. Mr. Chisholm expla the need for the work t increase the electri service to MIT Lincoln Lab., 238 Wood Street, There being no comments in favor or in opposition, Mr. Eddison declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plan and orders of Boston Edison Company for the purpose of obtaining a grant of location for approximately 3 feet of conduit to be placed in Wood Street as f ol? ows Wood Street - southerly approximately 150 feet southeast of Hartwell Avenue, a distance of about 3 feet. WI L L i AM P . HADLE' 3+iiATER 3r SEWER SUPT. Ms. Adler i ntroduced W Hadley, newl promoted to the position of Water & Sewer Superintendent. She informed the Board of his background and experience as a Town Employee for 11 years, noting his plans to pursue a master's degree in management. She expressed confidence in his ab i 1 i ty to fulfi the responsi b i t i t i es of his new job. Mr.Hadl,ey's wife and two children were introduced. Mr = Eddison wel domed Mr. Hadley to his new position, a dding that the Board looks forward to hav ing the benefit of his services. CONSERVATION RESTR 1"CTS0N HANSOCK STREET, ROBI,SON LAND Charles Wyman, conservation Administrator, was present to request approval of a conservation restriction covering 4,200 sq. feet of wetland at 76 Hancock Street, adjacent to the Parker Meadow conservation area. L r - 2 - He explained the need to expedite the signing of the restriction document, to allow for the sale of the property. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept and execute a Conservation Restriction of 0.099 acres, a portion of the prem being conveyed by Rowena H Rob -i nson , at Hancock Street, STATE FORM, HEL -077 . - A A r4 rlrlr r�lllr .lam X11 .rrr AA.r Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to eXecute State Form HEL -077, Notification in Writing, stating the Town's intent to expend $9,99,927 during FY99, for constructing, maintaining and policing of the Town streets or roads, in accordance with Ch. 91, Sec. 31 of the General Laws. . #T.AT # -r L1'.�L STREET FECREAT t Upon motion on duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute Contract #99--7 for Construct i on of Lincoln Street Soccer Field and Softball Field, Phase II, in the amount of $139,5 with the Cataldo �.ompany, Littleton, MA, awarded by the Board of Selectmen on July 20, 1997. HARTWELL AVENUE SPECIAL SPEED REGULATION IM Ms. Adler referred to a form, sent by the State DPW in response to the Town's request for a posted 90 mph speed limit on Hartwell Avenge. The form, Special Speed Regulation No. 741'2 , would establish posted mod speed of 40 mph for most of Hartwe? .I. Avenue, with a 30 Mph l i m i t Et either end. Ms. Adler explained that if the form were to be returned unsigned, Hartwell. Avenue would be covered by the fundamental speed limit of 90 mph , but with no posting. She requested authorization to return the document unsigned. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, to authorize the Acting Town Manager to return unsigned the Special Speed Regulation amending speed limits as described above to the Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development of the State Dept. of Public Works, MARLIN REQUEST - WATER ABATEMENT IA.n.n.nr +r rr iiir it nrA�r�nnilrrnrrrrr .ter- ....rrf Ms. Adler recapped the background of the May request by Lois Marlin, 54 Grant Street, for abatement of water charges which she claims were excessive per the June, 1 ,4996, bill because of a faulty meter. Ms. Adler recommended that the request for abatement be denied. Mr. Spiers' 9/20 memo stated that the Marlin meter had been changed in 996 at the recommendation of a plumber who, Mr. Spiers felt was probabl at the Marlin hone to fix a leak. He judged a leak to be the cause of high water consumption and charges, not a overregistering meter. He recommended that Mrs. Marlin be advised to pay her two most recent water bills, now overdue. Upon motion duly Made and seconded, it was vowed to deny the request by Lois Marlin, 54 Grant Street, for abatement of water charges in the amount of $100-948 Selectmen's Meeting -3- August 3, .987 It was noted that this decision was consistent with past action of the Board relative to requests for abatements of charges resulting from leaks. PROSPECT HILL SIDEWALK Ms. Adler reviewed the status of the proposal for construction of sidewalk on Prospect Hill Road, funding for which was approved by the 1 .987 Town Meeting, She referred to the sidewalk design presented at the Selectmen's Meeting on June 22, 19 8 7 , which proposed a sidewalk from Outlook to Marrett Road on the even side, and required the taking of a number of trees. It had been felt that, because of decreased numbers of schoolchildren in the area, an installation of that length was not necessary and that the safety problem would be best addressed by construct =on of a sidewalk of less length, on the odd numbered side of the street. A modif plan with a 5 ft. w+ de walk from Lout =look to Wachusett Drive only, was displayed. This plan would requ a retraining wall, but would necessitate no tree takings. Mr. Field, Town Engineer, requested a vote for the taking of temporary construction easements. Mr. Eddison referred to a plan prepared by Robert Dssman, area resident and member of the Lexington Center Committee, showing a 4 ft wade sidewalk on the even numbered side, taking two small trees. He pointed out the Town standard for 5 ft. sidewalks, to accommodate snow plowing which would be necessary for winter -time safety of children. Mr. Eddison expressed the Eoard' s Brat+ tud e for the time a d of + ort spent by Mr. Dssman on this volunteer project. David Wells, 58 Prospect Hill Road, questioned the need for any sidewalk for reasons of safety, adding that the new plan would require two street crossings by children. He felt that a sidewalk, if needed should be located on the even- numbered side to avoid the additional.. crossing. He saw the benefits of the installation as marginal and found it hard to justify the expenditure for the few children involved. Mr. McSweeney responded that the project was approved in response to a request by area residents and was supported by the School Department and the League of Women Voters, Mr. Marshall saw the new plan as a compromise, intended to address the concerns of neighborhood parents as well as the opposition of other residents with respect to tree and land takings . He also felt that the favorable recommendations of the Sch Department should be recognized. Charles D'Rei41y, 2.1. Prospect Hill Rd., expressed opposition to the stopping of the walk at Wachusett Drive. Ronald Gatrke, 75 Prospect Hill Rd., also questioned the need for the ex pond i t t:re . He asked for consideration of the removal of the grass strip between the road and sidewalk and a narrower pavement width. Question was ra by a Prospect Hil+ resident as to exactly how ,■.■ many children would he using the sidewalk to wal t o the Bridge Sch Mir. Eddison responded that the numbers have changed since the origin al request, but that efforts - will be � � to provide that data w� made. Mr. Marshall suggested that a subsequent meeting be scheduled at which all differing views on the project could be heard. ZC In response to Mrs. Kaplan's question on further delay, he said he felt that explorat +on of installation on the even - numbered side, which he favors, should be made. He felt that the trees which would be sacrificed were not significant enough to be a loss and cou =d be replaced. Mfr. Fields estimated an additional $5,000 would be needed for construction on the even - numbered side with the loss of several 6" -- 1 0" dia. trees. !fir. McSweeney, in reference to the proposed el im i nation of the grass strip, saw the need to retain it for the snow plowed from walks and the road. Mrs. Gatzke and Mr. Kerama +y pointed out the practice of the DPW to deposit plowed snow at the corner of Outlook Road, which, Mr. Spiers said is the case but would he cleared if sidewalk were to b installed. Mr. McSweeney and Mr. Marshall requested firm data on t numbers of current and potential student walkers in the area who would use the walk to get to Bridge School. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that an ad hoc neighborhood committee, with one Selectman participating, be set up to exPlore i nf ormati on to be provided, and that decisi on the Prospect Hill sideway€ be tabled. Mrs. Smith noted the need now for the Selectmen to look into the general question of sidewalk criteria, as had been done with streets, to be applied to future sidewalk requests. She felt that the issue is ■ now becoming Crit with more cars on the road . Sh e �ompi mentred t residents in attendance for their thoughtf ul input. Mrs. Collins asked for improvements in sidewalk plowing and more attention to icy sidewalk surfaces. Mr. Eddison acknowledged that hazard but pointed out that there seems to be no way to effectively sand walks. Mfrs. Smith added that that aspect should also be addressed during sidewalk criteria discussions. CENTER BASKETBALL C OURTS Joan Halverson, Recreation Director, and Lynn Wilson, Robert Eby and Brian Adley were present for discussion of the Recreation Committee's desire to respond to the petition of basketball players and supporters of the Summer Basketball program requesting replacement or adjustment of existing basketbal� supports wh h y rt } ; t t ==e fees are creme ��ng a safety hazard to players. Funding of $27,000 for reconstruction of the two courts, removal of curbing and the addition of six feet of berm, was appropriated under Article 32, 1 987 mown Meeting. The Committee recognizes the petitioners' concern and the potential hazards because of the location of the uprights and is in favor of replacing and relocating them two feet outside the playing area to eliminate the risk of injury. Cost estimates for six improvement packages and design features at the various levels were reviewed. The Committee had preferred option #4 which would include reconstruction of the two courts and the replacement and relocation of the four existing standards at a cost of $35,283, but is now proposing development of a package coming within the $27,000 which would still address the safety problems. Sel ectmen' s Meet -5- A ug ust 3 198 Mr. Bailey reported that based on his conversation w" z t wo ►�,l DPW/Engineering, d b wi th a possible to do so with some modifications to achieve savings. The Board concurred with Mr. Dailey's suggestion that and Public Works work with �� at '�s . Adl Ms. Halverson on preparation of options for the Board's consideration which would deal with the issue but woul ose F F _ s costly wa ro yew costly t o standard " safety address the improvement of the surfaces of the courts i.e. repaving nstead of ation in s � reconstruction. BPS participation some aspects of the work is to be considered. ZINCQLN STREET SUB COMMITTEE Mrs. W+lson reported on plans for fund raisin for or co�.str uct i on of an Ex erci se Course , i n the T i L incoln Street Recreation area, ben formulated b t.h e i of col n Street SubComm I ttee . The s t installed in coordination with the course ; �`� be bike path and �:'ayden will allow use of a portion of is. and f or the purpose, Mr. Eddisou thanked Mrs. Wilson for alerting t. A - ", the subcommittee success with �- Y Boar r� ;4%" w♦ shed th the fund raising. I s i ng , MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded it was v=otes -- presented, the:inutes of the Selectmen' �o approve, a� 5 Meeting on �uyy 20, 1987, EI EC TION WORKI:' S Upon motion duly made and seconded, i t was voted ; - � " � r A with C; Ch 4k �tir.a...�e apter4, Section 1, to appoint as electionrorkers enrolled members of the -ft P arty, and 49 enroi.Ied members of the Republican Party, as recommended b the Chaff m � n y r .en of the �emocrat i c and Republican gown Committees. ACTING CHATRMEN 'pon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted William �'. Baffle Jr. as to appoint y� Acting Chairman of the Board from August 9 to August 16, 1987; and Paul W. Marshall as Actin Ch s August 29, to September I 0 ? 9B? Chairman from , during periods of absence of the Chairman. CONSENT ASENB'A CCMMT VENT WA '"ER SO4ER CwHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Commitment of Water Ch to approve the arges for the mon - h of July, 1987, in the amount of $63 * 84; and the Commitment of Sewer Charges for amount of $E7,80, duly, 1 ,987, in she I MOORE RE'2UESm FOR SEWER ABATEMENT mmrim irnnnnnri .i�r�r���w ^irwr.r ^r.irrr�i - urr -- Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted t4 approve abatement of the sewer assessment on Lot 47, Map 69, Lot 6A, Emerson Road in the amount of $370.43, as recommended by Francis X. Fields, Town Engineer. EXECUTIVE SESS? ON Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -- 0 by roll call vote, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr, Daile Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session f discussion of matters of litigation, wi th no intent to resume open session. ',upon motion duj y made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. A true record, Attest: Marion H. Snow Pr i n i pai C1 erk } �Ww A 5 a 7 l Pon w �w a3 ■.s + • w . +.a + s 9 Q r 7 � A re�,ar meet of tLear ofe ectmen was he_ can nay August +? , = 987 , in t� Se M eet - i ng Room, m own Off ice Puildinz r a t �:3� p.m. rN0hairman E #sin, fir, arshalZ, fir, aile'i ' s. Ad .er, Acting ?gown Manager; Mr. Cohen, 70 /wn Co u nse1 ; Mrs. Snow, E u ecu - i ve ? erk , were presen Mr. McSweeney 4 o i ned th a mee t i ng +at er . �i HEAK N E DISO � WOOD STR Mr, Edd i s n opened the p ubl i c h ear i ng on a petition of Boston Ed i son Company f or perm l ss i on to i Instal con d i t i n rood S treet f or s erv ice -I to new de e.. ' DMen FJ '�f+ f Wood f�✓ i} f E�war ^ - 1 + � :� +m , repre se } iii he s ?n ompan y , e,1�m i t red a s y ; gh , t revision of the 4in� i.�a �� �►�� t pans and eXD.iai ieA v�a� }� �� 41 mod y f I wou Ld require only one, instead of two cuts across the S tr ee t. M r. Spie is, i tfor of :�::+�..: +� t �:LT1,. no cii f ecL+i to Jre }:an e, mL ere tj e i &n a no s ta temen is favor or i n o ppos:. " on , t h e Ch airman eyare the hearing close; Upon motion d my made and see,rsond e d , it was voted. to appr olf e t e pet i t i on , rev plan aAnd or ti ers of t hie B oston Ed i son ;�ompany f ',�r - 1 , e purpose o obtai ni ng a , Tr a - 21 4f +oca ion f or appr x ima te1 y .12 f eet of C.n.�uit to p±a�e 34" street Appr 0 =: +ma rely � , 950 feet north of w ton Road, th en �e turning an" running easterly a distance of about 69 feet =; hp- � :r:;er .y , appr x �.ma`� LEel y 3 , 9 v2 r eet laid r ilia WA. a'4`�k. M.fL�wi i1i..1ad d i stance of ab —a 50 feet. MT" Lj . T � HEAR r NG ,, � � "' ^-RD A�� N om ' 46 w A puhiiy hearing on the petition of Boston Edison company for permission to insta�-1 conduit in 1 Concord Avenue was opened by the Chairman, Mr. Chisholm e:plained, that the work was necessary in order to increase the el e qtr i cal sery i me to the Krebtis 1 ocate r of f "Oncord Avenue, There being no further comments, Y.r. Edison declared the hearing closed. T motion Amy made and seconded, it was voted to approve the pet � t �L an , plan and orders of the Eost on Edison Company f or the purpose of obtaining a grant of l ocat i �nn for appr x ima rely feet Of n u i t, t be p.1 a Ceti i n Concord. Av en;le , Northerly approh imately 547 feet east of far berry Road., a 2 i s }ante c4f about 3 feet= Th Board noted the request of ',Lynn Fisher , 22 Nickerson Road., f �r permission to conduct an outdoor festivay to raise funds to assist detainees in Central America by providing money for bail bonds. :ors. Fisher proposed to hold the event on the day of Octoberfest, Iota tee around nd the Battle Green. Mr. Eddison reported that Mrs. Fisher had decided to request the Now use of -"ary Ha11 for the fast; val , rather than IV-he 33reen , and that sh e i i1 request the mown 'fan alter' s office for perm i ss i cn 4- 0 d o So. T f 4h e activity planned is acceptable under the terms of the Cary Ms . Ad -ler saw no prob -em permitting the use of that f . y TQCD �:�A .DE E GRAN T S . Adler requested that the Board author her to s+ r! a contract wi th the Economic Office of Community Development for t,h e cha" enye grant of $3 ,_300 rel at; to the fedsibi 1t T of e }pit v � sharing to preserve affordable housing when rental units are converted vo 0,on'om i n i ums . u pon mot y ma' a a seconded, � } . ryas vc - .� � to a =.i vh Or 4 Ze vh e Acting Towz. Manager t o execute the con w the �:��� a 'Aswr,� be ' above, N VOT....NG . .�..,.1. -&I +.. Ms . Adler e., pl a i ned th a need - tio request the r enewa of from vovi n access bi? + �* at axri ; t� school . h e re orve13 t :at th e jM -F p ra'i'n t] p lanned f or net. .. � year at arring tou as pare �; .r.to Schohs. re. ova t : on s . s ti ed into ot work at that t iMe . mhe pro ec ,., is expected to be completed early in the summer of ' ,38 . U pon mot ;stn tiuly made and secon ed, it was voted to au±hcr.ze the hair:an to sign the app.ication to the Director of Elect ions f cr renewal of exemption of polling pace access�bi].it y r_quirez:e.; ts a � ���e �..� t `idrr i n v c h4 0o 2. A U + r ARY FOI,'' CE KKE �'a s. A + ti e r i t i a]] t ,i Li i V r f 1 s � 1.A Li s h. d orov of �`�� + � � � p. i del i nes ; or the establishment and procedures of an Auxi'iary Pol ce Force, The draft outline covered Db jec t i ves Ev ampl es of Duti es; Criteria for Appointment; Training E i rear:s EJF p enses . Mr. Marshall asked the requ remen t of periodic review, ever two to four years be added to the u i del i ne �. � , ,- - - 7 �� s to ensure t l.+�e A { z dry � Q+ f ice r s continue to be qua" i f i ed . Mr. Eddison suggested that a Selectman be designated as Diaison to monitor procedures. Mr. Dailey agreed to assume that respons bi:.it . y !fir. Da ;ley asked that female crossing guards be amcnr,,? thse considered for appointment to the au.. i l i ary f oroe► . The draft wily be revised accordingly for future action by the Board, F 7 +..r T lar• R E BARKER � Hs+ rA a C* �.rri �,r rirr_rrnr_ nir�nin�r_nn�ir�^ I'eter Barker, Dexington Representative to the SHanscom Fi .I Advisory Commission, was present for a report on current conditions and future plans for Hanscom Field, He distributed layouts showing six ma or and two secondary flight track patterns, He saw increased use of the secondary f�.ight paths in the future and pointed out the areas to be most impacted. roc selectmen' Mee ting -3-- A 1 7, � 9g7 The functions of the H . F.A.C. and its sub -oomm i ttees were recapped, Mr, Barker spoke of efforts to improve communications i oa t i on s between Massport, the four Towns, and the Commission. He asked that the Commission be adv ised of any meetings of Massport w t�: t.: e Selectmen to a :l for i::put . He reported on land use topics such as the plans for a Note ;, which have been put on .ho?d; the Redford and purchase, which is under negotiation the ra spur, w�; i ch Massport wi shes to purchase to ale. ow access to a portion of the airfield ; and the :and swap with in �n 111aa 3 Lyra w ill .�.� o through with :.e ions. Drawi deve'.oped by Greiner En g i neer i n g reflecting airport changes and showing 1- to 5 -;year and` 5- t o 10 expansion were rev ewed . Mr. Barker reported on H . E . A . C . ob 4 eo t i ons to Massports s tatem.ent ghat imp? emen tati on of the p- .a:nned oh:anges will be demand n m F' " s Lard � * �1 C L { �31S a 1 � �irp r LP Lls� :�i � L`� �i � 'vim a j W - v.. ppL'� � rye ti �+ Gre ner plan . He f el t th f �e tr r Iv 4 4 . em :w s era} t nee A " �r n �� _ fir or i n Y o` vea�'en t O.I . 'J11e T- owAn. t JH m � T i L ' �t L i A n c0 s'.• d e ed r ,. �.�3 ;tea ■ �.� !yl1s�'9: :. ,. +�� ,�' Z� regarding the ^onol us ions of the eg i } +} al A . r port Btudv , he sa i d it appears that Hanscom is not a major candy date, h l t fe . t sh ou1 d continue }0 keep an eye on that puss i b i 1 ty. . Mrs Barker report =ed on the Jet ATE i at i on f ::e spill , wh i ^h i s � � Cleaned up . � + t su The Commission ss i on � s rev �+ ng procedures for situations, such as at Logan, and continued status reports. we felt that Jet Aviation ;will be a ma f or aspect in the future of the field, noting its large in- vestments for expansion of facilities, ?,s t he -mn se and r" t v areas, he re ' �� ' . ' .f e � � , L �+ t r !+! } ri� J. ;i V a i ii �.d �. as Xi 1 i �/ 4 '.+ x V " W 1 a S.3 i, a'J S 1.r Sr M a s exemplary safety record, Regard:. ng .-Io i se, he noted the concerns . f the Towns and f el t t a t per the Cre i ner p n no i s t o Lie ex pest ed : ;':e re POP ap ed telephoned noise complaints by residents resulting from additional night/ opera t ons. The Commission's ?poise Subcommittee feels tha t noise abatement measures now practiced are ineffective +.e. surcharges for nighttime disturbances. He advised that Massport be urged to form a comprehensive plan for improved, noise abatement, as carried out a; other airfields, Mr. Eddison referred to the H.F.A.C, emphasis on Massport act and i abotlt th focus on A Fo rce ac Mr Barker reported on Air Force Comm un i oat i on and cooperation with IV-he Commission. The Ch a i rman thanked Mr. Barker for his report and the information provided. Mr. McSweeney also expressed apprec i at +on for his work and said he locked forward to involvement of th f our Toti,Tns through HA''S TT ? i If"r Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept, as presented, the minutes of the meeting of the Sep. ec amen on August 3, POM 19872 CENTRAL AMERICA SISTER CITY COMMITTEE A memo from Mr. Eaddison, suggesting 7 appointees to the Central America Sister City Committee, was reviewed. -4— r t had a1 so been recommended t4:a t an ass�c . a �� group , ccn�pr i set of others wh had ex pressed interest in bei ng appointed, he i nv i ted to attend the camm i ttee' s meetings and enccurageL to he associ a ted i t`.: 4ts acti Upon motion du..y made and seconded, i t w as voted vc a ppoi nt - the f of cw i ng as members of the Central America Sister C w ith one year terms of office to expire on September 30, 1903- J ohn &ack ton 8' i to P ine Lane Martin Riskin 20' '92.cssom Street Q a cquelyn War� 15 Robinson Road Howard gmith +E Chy1ds Road Peter Hunt Meek 23 Hancock Street vaughan K. Bogosion 640 Lowe'11 Street J csepr Ste i nkrauss 19 Smith A en ue 7'he .ist of interested citizenrs IV oorMp rb. =se the AssC.Itciate p as f c` 1 cws Elaine Engelherg Marth ur Ka.1 i 1 Rob ert S -ewart M arcia BlUtman Sara H ale S am Si lv erman Water e Utz E? ena MacDonald 40 Preston Roar. Clarke Street 8 Wh -i to 'P � s i ne a � 209 a thaw Stree } 1 8 7 .es +ue RoaA 36er twe.1 Roala 25 S lossom street AS.SPORT . LAND USE 4FROPOSAILS , HANSCO J-F tar � : `ar a"�e.�+ cf Masspov - t was . n }ro —Ced by :: cyce wa ;� n t he m-.,:t "nme of t h e czt -z, -* r t-F R, ^ A= a rper ts, �.�,�- at1 e � } , +,. w r J si A a %.d %of J i a &a V L.c ir. ! r a + � y..l � � } +..r tir �� i_: .w v . v L explore the potential for new air se.rvi'Ce iu New E. ng 1an d. From a surf ey of wravelers, the s tuAy showed that sma11 airports ;packing ava i 2. a i ty cf rath f . i ��: is are not f avared . Han s cvom i s not i n c,yu42� i n wh i s f i r5 s v u x i ce: :, �. s �� ' or ::ester rat �' an VE, Manchester, N.H. and Providen' R+ as He saw a yon term potential for increased commuter servioe at Hanscom, however. With reference to the growth rate at ran,e saw the pcssile need f a secondary airport and 1 i' steel cr ter i a for such a f ac -i i ty as: a 1 arge area, removed from dense�.y pop lilt a ted areas or parkland and w ith good access Via a hr ighway system. Hanscom we I d not any of th;e qua1 i f i ca t i cns so teat he : e'd t divers ors from AIogan to Hanscom w � .0 ]tj e un1 i ke1 y . ? n respo se to a question :From. 'fir . Mr. Faramel 1 d that a small percentage of activity at Hanscom i s from charter bus+ nesses and that very 1 ittle increase is to he expected . Mrs. Halls referred to concerns ex pressed by resid re noise and the steps which have been taken to address them. Phe and an A . C . mem w x.11 visit other a to i nvest i ga to n abatement procedures. Sh reported on late night surcharges and charges assessed for large, noisy aircraft. z3� Se ectmen's Meeting -5- August ',7, 1337 Ades Foz of ?passport, wi th reference to the Greiner Plan, stated that the plan had been developed to accommodate a future arge increase in business, if that should occur. He introduced Mike Steir of Greiner Engineering who reviewed a site development plan and "Gu i del i nes for Development of a Gi vi I Terminal Area" . Mr. Ste i r in ormed the Board that the Gre i ner Plan "A Master PI an for Hanscom F e� d " h t ak e" i nto cons i derat i on current i ea -Ang arrangements; current and proposed plans; aviation trends; existing f unctions and pr oposa? s pending. These aspects were looked at in term= of to 5 year and 5 -o 10 year i ncrements and how hest to accommodate they: i f the need arises Layouts for these two time periods were L ra D-0 ri. n e d d M r. S �i i i. s►. o W i� -l ocations .. Y :� e �, , „ of ramps, par's _ 1. C � � areas and a viation related C'�r V i. Lr and uses. A 2 to 5% gr r t }i rate i . s pr o i el for the I to 5 year periods 'fir. ., di so n asked for clari'f icati o aho i t Massp0 -, ms's in men - rear d . n i mplemen at i on of the plans . Mrs . Hai. s noted the need to upgrade utilities and } =hat p a ns to expand the fac: I i ty are theoretical because of lack of f unds : M r. Foz added tL f i n ano:.a" Y, Ha nscom i now a l os i n g proposition and that Massport hes i to Des to i n 'Jest money � on that bas +s. A representative of Greiner explained the ob i ec t , ves of Development Gu = a e . i nes which appear in the study : efficient use of Jh, e site; coordinated design; .1andscapin"g., to preserve and '�••• expand existing screen n g ; strengthening of the sense of s.ymmet ry and a cons i step t sign system to attain wl ar i ty, , cony *en i eu^e and a sense of calmness. Mr. Marshals stressed that the Towns have a responsibility to . involved in monitoring growth and capital p= ann n g at Han a.. 1.+e applauded asspor+ or th :. n i n y ahead i th i s ma A. . Mr. Edd i s o n thanked Mrs. Hays and her colleagues from Massport and Gre +ner nor the input provided at this stage of the planning process and looked forward to continuing communications. GGNSENT AGENDA Co KI TM EN T OF J ULY WATER f SE E G:` AEGES -- __ iri.nrrr.irnrr..�rrr.rrrrirrri .i nii.i rim r.rrini.rrt.rri rr_r_ Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve tke commitment of f i nal Water Charges f or July in the amo tint of. $ 3"41 0.8 3 amd of final Sewer Charles f or July in the amount of $ , 011.20 , (7_O'�� I. T^ MEN m OF S?�REET OPEN 7 N N P ERM" T FEES Upon motio: dtiiy made and seconded, it was voted to approve the comm of L Free t Op eni ng Perm Fees for e m r6a t of � f,31 V in the amotin t of $370.0o . SE W '' R /WATER A?�ATE i S Upon motion dl1v made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of Sewer Charges +n the total amount of $333.53, for mom. properties not connected to Town sewer; incorrect meter readings and adjustments of estimates; and to approve abatement of Water Charges n the total amotin t of $359.84 because of i ncorrect meter readi and adjustments to estimates, x' :1 NATIONAL ORGA I.ZATTON ON DISAB" ITY ..Mr Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint David Fnman , 17 Prescott Road, as Liaison to the }►gat i o nal Organ i z at i cn on Disabilitl RENEWAL of THFATR.' �I L,F �F 'upon mot.on duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the renewal for the en su i n g year of mown o �e , i ngt weekday and Sunday i tenses, and �ommourweal. th of Massachusetts Sunday Fnterta i nmen t aJa.lwen -.f fo A. . and I I , 1794 Mass . Avenue. CO!� %FRVA & ..LON � "Aw -�:� � 'I �N6 s KI .; N pR00K V U pon .got i on du-. made and seconded , it was voted to approve onservat:.�� Rest tion g ran ted dry Du pree Associ over tw parcel s '~� d t�.► a the K++ brook V deve�op±Le nt one to pry tec t V. ?+tetr and a f food s tora a areas surrounding the si to + ne:� i n � t �n , and the second o prote V a ad a/, e nt E - afire wood a d a2l ` : the S1i awsh een River in 44 'Pedf ord YY "4 ; he 'l w - -. o Be+�.'►f ord 4�cJ" co - gra - fee E 10- N GT0N0P %0 " ' AID the request of � i an a M onaco , the Bloaxd rev + ewed des i , ns proposed for use o.n the ho,x cover and hoard of tee,. ±�: touopoly dames wh Hayden Precision Teams will be selling to raise funds for tra"-spo.rtation to competitions. Mr. Cohen was asked' if there would be any legal restri on the use of a f acsimi .e o th :`ow seal f or SU-C-04 a p Urpose . Board member -s. no objections to tL.e use of the design pro if not Pro +e ga ? i f s y "• nQ z venom Mr. Marshall ref erenced the report of the U.S. Surgeon General on ATDCZ , recen t1 y publ i s e by t�: e U. S. 'ept . of Hea-I th H uma n Sary i �e s r and felt the pamphlet should have Town- -�r +da distr+ ��tir Ms. Adler was asked to work i n coor d i nat i o n wi th the Board of Health in e.. pl or i ng costs and possible ways to disseminate the information to citizens. BEDFORD STREET 2 PrANS Ms . Ad +er ref erred to the Angus t 12th Ietter from Robert Johnson, &fate DPW Chief. Eng concerni the revised 25% p -lans for Ee df ord Street improvemen is . Mr. Johnson requested response with 21 days stating the 'Iowa ' s concurrence with a stipu�.a tion that the median --break at Eldred S tree t w i 11 to closed if problems result. Ms, Ad.1er was authorized to write to the Mate DPW to request an extension of time, to a1 +ow for review of the proposed contin by the forth r euiAA ton Road Improvement ^ommittee It was noted that the BSC report on the "no- build" alternative and estimates of the extent of "self -help" by industry in the area i , e. van po^1 had not been received, as promised. It was felt that the J. of ormat y on i n these two reports could have an effect on the Board's acceptance of the stipulation. Select eetin -�- August +7, 4987 Upon mot 1 -n du made and seconded, it was voted 4 - ►j by r o1 ca.& vote to go into e x ecst : ve session for d ? scuss l on �. n� intent to resume open less �. On . i t i fat + on , w + t Upon motion duly made anra seconded, it was voted to a A j o �:rn at 10:40 p.m$ CI- f A true record, Attest: s Mares -on H. Snow E`X.,ecutive C,ierk z NOW VO I D a• SELECTMEN'S MEET TNG 7� 4 kSAugust 81, 1887 ti i r A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 8?, 1887, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p . m . Acting Chairman :harsh all , Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, Ms. Adger, Acting Town 'tanager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. PUBLIC HEARING, NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE WALTHAM STREET Mr. Marshall opened a puIDy hearing on the petition of t�`: II Engl and Telephone Company for permission to iodate 1 .35 feet of conduit in Waltham Street in con with the installat o f a servi area terminal, wh +oh wou+d be placed near the intersection of Forest and Waltham Streets. Mr. Philip Daley, representing the Telephone Company, e:: pl a i ned the need for the work to upgrade service in th e a ea . Mr. & Mrs. Julian Bussgang and Mr. Robert abut tors, were also present. Mr. Eussgang requested relocation of the 68" terminal because of it v impact on his home and suggested that i t be m', ve d closer to the N.E. Telephone facility on Waltham Street or inside the building. #r. pale r exp I Atha - from an engineering standpoint, and for t':e convenience of the Telephone Company, the proposed site would be the best Iocat.io -= and owls afll ord access not possible from with; in the facility. Mfr. Marshall asked about p? ans for other such insta.1.1ations in Town , and for a written e�: plana t i on for t&":e nee to i nstaZl the terminal near the building. He also asked for consideration of remodeling of the terminal to make it less obtrusive than the current 88H x 12" design. He asked for a motion tc adjourn the hearing pending provision of this information by the Telephone Company. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the pub -lic hearing on the petition of New England Telephone Company for ns tallat i on of conduit and a sere; ce terminal on Waltham c tree t near Forest and Park Streets, to Monday, September 14, 1887, at 7:80 p.m. Mr. Dailey joined the meeting at this time. PUBLIC HEARTNS N, E, TELEPHONE i15. WALTHAI ST. /WTNTHRCP ROAD Mr. Marsh a +? opened a publ + c hearing on the pet .. t i on of N ew England Telephone Company for permission to place conduit in 'Waltham Street. Mr. 'ala?ey of New England Telephone Company explained that this plan was for conduit inst allation only. There being no statements in favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, i t was voted to approve th petition, plans and orders of New England Telephone Company for obtaining a grant of location for installation of conduit in the f loca Waltham Street - on the northeasterly side of existing pole 185/18 located approx ima tely 45' northerly of Win throp Road northwesterly approximately 40' of conduit to the intersection of conduit, to a proposed manhole. ... • �. At proposed manhoIa ..orated on the wester..y side appro.. imately 35' northerly of Winthrop Road, easterly then southerly appro.x imate..I 55 o condu to th interesecti of Winthrop Road. W +nthrop Road - on the easterly side at proposed conduit located a' fm %-/ the intersect on of Wa ltham Street, souther]Lv approx imatel y of conduit to existing pole 113/23, M I'TE� 81'7 ',Jpon motion duly rude and seconded, it was v st ed to approve as presented the minutes of the gelectmen's Meeting on August -17, Z s jrs , �" i t h , r��o d a d be en. absent f r o: t h at meet :red f r =m v , t i n g WASTE MANAGEMENT' TASK F CRCE Now Mrs. Smith ref erred t o her drat t r:sarge to the tiaste Ufa Lai Task Force wh ich hard been distributed to B oard members. Sh had re �e ; ved no. suggesti for changes t o th draft Mrs. Smith recommended appointment of the mask Force for eXploration and monitoring of hazardous household waste disposa procedures and a-.l forms of waste management; recycl i ng; compost i ng i education; and financial aspects. She asked that staffing continue as it. is e Me Adler, Mr Pmi th, and Mr. �niers, Ex p ress i C)ns of interest in members: l p on the a i'ask Forc , receive from f our appl i L an is were noted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the f ollow i ng as members of the Wa= to Management Task Force , for terms of off ; . /..",e to ex pire on September 1, 1.990, unless 4 he committee is d ved pr ior to that date or an extension i Voted by the Select en Robert E. Fantasia +80 Grant Street V ud i th B. Marsha +l 6 Chandler Street Mary W. Miley 29 Robinson Road Jacquelyn H. Ward 15 Robinson Road Mr. Fantasia was designated as Chairman of the Task Force, PROCLAMATION, STAT, UE OF FRATERN MEAUX FRANCE Upon motion duly made an seconded, it was voted to e ndorse a proclamation on to the rededication of the Statue of Fraternitv n Meaux, Frame to tape pl ace on September .13, 1 - 97 r as requested by K i ngst on L. Toward , iTi."a � �J ►A i I MAL ONEY, 1� • s • r Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept with regret the resignation of John W. Maloney from the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, effective immedi'atelys Mrs. Smith noted that it was a loss to no longer have Mr. Maloney's services on the Committee, but requested that women '.�. candidates to fill the vacancy, be sought, TCWN MANAGER SEARCH Mr. Marshall recapped the status of the search for a mown Manager and the procedures being f o-I.I owed by the Screening Cumin * ttee , Sel Meeting + Aug�►s ,� 31, 1987 It was suggested that the public interview finali sahedu? ed for Monday, September z ew � , September �5 wit of f i •jam .& sts e y� p �_r �� and �ednesda;�g formal dec i s i on and ann o 'Un cement of the ,� ..h a glace on September 28. Board s f 3 rst uh o f ce to take He asked for discussion of a - format to interview process, T he followed :n the p �t wa_ agreed that standard questions ��? of each :and i date by the Chairman 1 + � _ _ � l .. a asked period of t L � �� � � minutes) � fo? lowed by a en minutes of questioning of each candidate b individual member of the 'Board, y each The Search Committee will check reference • A0 some screening een i n and will + _ ; es of the candidate, will ascer ♦ n w hether candidates are w il3 in go public it Mfr , Edd � son and Mr. Da Z e wi l? � to candidate chosen to ne of Y meet informally with the ate a salary agreement. SEFTE�MSER MEETINC3 SEUE Tt was agreed that Selectmen's Meetings ; Monday, September � � �edn - * � �� r w � i. i. he sahedu �. ed for September r esd�J, Sept ember ��, September �� Monday, St and Monday, �.eptember 28. A�FOINmMENTS TOWN '" COMMITTE . -_ E Upon motion duly made and seconded it w d � following as members of the � : as vote �o appo�n t the . own C elebrations comm�.ttee, for terms of Of f ice to expire on June f , 1 990 . Nancy M. Cannalonga, 120 Kendall Road }Sera. a �agert { La to i n Parker er Arms, Apt, 23 It was also voted t o appo Marion H. S wh + as a Snow +. ter: regular member had expired, as an Associate M + Cel ehra t i. on s ►,O ,e mber of th Town ima 7111 ittee. Q NSENT AGENDA Mr Cohen referred to Item 12 �f on the request of Mr. Wellman for t ransfer of C onsent Agenda: the a portion of a sewer easement over his property to accommodate proposed enlargement Baskin Road, Mr. Field P argea�ent of his home at �� s and Mrs Splers had recommended favorabl on the request for 6' of the 30' wide easement y ent, which would not impair any necessary work on the sewer line. Mr. Cohen advised that Town#eetin actin firma' ire the r��cedure h„ that g n would �e necessary to is p but hat the Board could vote that a yenin + approve the con^ep t and to support the re q =, i..est g Jo . SEA ER NA E'ER CHA R jE ABATEMEN mz Upon motion duly made and seconded it w f � � as voted to approve the abatement of Water Charges � or property a� amount of 9 Marren Rd in the 2.2 0, and Sewer Charges in the amount representing adjustments to f; of $24.00V ��nal hills, ... TRAFFIC ITEM TOP - URL I NGTON STREET ' Upon mot ion duly made and seconded it was as voted to refer the request of George and Elaine Toper, 105 Burlington Street for installation of warn� Ing signs and posting f p ¢% speed 1 ire z t signs, to the Traffic Safety y Advisory Committee for review and recommendations, . 4 COMMITMENT of WATER SEWER CHARGES [upon motion duly rude and seconded, it Commitment of final sewer b i y 1 s for the :non amount of $588.00; of final water bills for the total amount of $528.50; and of Cycle 8 1887, in the total amo lnt of $55,556.43. was voted to approve the e 7 IVh of Jury, A.8'! , in the the Month of July, 1987, in Water Charges for August, B+ rN t - -- H . 90 STREET I FROVEMEN T NOTE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the b ;d of Boston Safe d /b /a Boston and Company for a note of Street Improvement, Ch. 80, as recommended by Jame. R. Kane, Revenue officer. m� �SERVATIGN RESTRIC,' m ION FHEASANT BROGK Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Conservat Res tr 3. c t i- cn of Lot 66, Pheasant Brook Estates, as a na tural buffer be tween th house on th e lo t an � wet... and c . RE LEST FOR TRANSFER GF SEW.ER EASENEN r N • � - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the concept of the request of Jay Hellman for transfer to him of a a f t . portion of a 80 ft. sewer easement across his property to allow for redesign and enlargement of his home at 88 Baskin Road. Forma izati0 of the request wi it require approval by the . 888 A:� +yual 'Own Meet i n g . BATTLE GREED G IDES Uuon motion duly rude and seconded, it was voted to appoint the fol;owiu+g as Battle Green Gu for a period to e on June 80, 1888: Elizabeth L. Rabkin Rohit Sakhujar Kit Harris and to reappoint the following Daniel Alpert -Mark Bickison Steven Ford Jordan Goldman Andrea Saks Sandor Zapolin SmRSEm BETTER RATE as Senior G 8 18 4 , 48 40 Wyman Road 5G l'urn�.ng Mill Road 18 Woodiand Road sides to ,rune 84, 1888: Fairfield Drive iddleby Road Grove Street Brent Road Brake Road Asbury Street Ms. Adler referred to the calculations by Frank Fields, Town Engineer to develop a Street Betterment Rate for FY88, with a recovery rate of 80 %2 wIpon motion duly made and seconded, it was ;,noted to adopt a Street Betterment Rate for FY8 8 of $83.11 per foot of frontal tf .ono Selectmen's Meeting -5- August 31, 1 06931 7 TAXI INSPECT Ms. Adler informed the Board of Ch Fur don's request for decision on the number of taxi inspections by his department to be required each year, and approval by the Board of a $50.00 fee for each re- inspect m ade necessary by failed initial i nspecti ons . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt as policy the requirement that Arle:: Taxi Corporation and Arl i ngton/ Lei, i ng ton Diamond Cab company taxicabs be inspected three times yearly per schedule to be estab.l i sh ed by the Lexington Poi i ce Department. It was also voted to approve the imposition of a $50.00 fee for each re-inspection. rnA T+T.r f A F i i RZ I Ayi14 r i J .. OUS NO O ROG RAM A1.1 members of the Planning Board, Planning Director. Robert Bowyer and Asst. Planner Jenny Rawsk i were present for a review of steps taken to ,-.eve op %or i ter i a for sites for al f ordab-le , sousing . Mr. Bowyer i de It i f i ed photos of ex i st i ng affordable housing f acil as shown on a payout and referred to an award received from Mass. Housing Partnership for the Town's past efforts i n that area. He outlined a 1987-1.9,88 Work Program developed to f ulf i 7 1 the requirements of the Resolution on Rental Housing, as approved by the 1 9 8 " To Meeting and e� panded on t f os..ow3 ng �. encouragement of private RD development, 28 den t i f i cat i o of pubs. i cl += oT 11 sd sites and struct 3. Review of Accessory Apartment zoning regulations. 4. Support of the initiatives of Le r: HAB and the C . o A. to expand the availab►i ity of Accessory apartments. 5. 'Support of the acquisition by the Housing Author i ty or of rental units. Also reviewed were work elements involved in items not mentioned in the 1987 Resolution such as application to glass. Housing Partnership; development of other zoning /land use regulations and other program initiatives to promote affordable housing; research of the use of investment of endowment fund i.e. pension funds and the possibility of investments by corporations and institutions for affordable housing; staffing for the Housing Program; analysis of an equity sharing concept under an EOCD grant; and evaluation of past efforts and recommendations for new initiatives, un der a Strategic Planning Grant. _ Mr. Bowy reported on the work of Jenny Rawsk in gathering rel information on school sites f a prelim; nar v analysis regarding zoning, wetlands, vegetation and contours. He listed six sites, stressing that the P2.anning Board's ana.2ysi in no way constituted recommendations on any of the sites: 18 i \2 acres off Marrett Road; 1.2 acres, off Young Street; the Meaghery i lle School site near Pine Meadows, 35 to 43 acres; Munroe Schoo.1, 1 , 1 \2 acres and the Harrington School. site, 27 =l2 acres; and land at the end. of Sutherland Road, 25 acres. A similar analysis of privatel owned land is now in process= P �6 - Mr. Bowyer was thanked by done and noted the requirement 1993 Town Meeting on progress ava L iabi l lty of renta.1 housing peop.1. e . Mr. Marshall for the input -:�n work being in the Resolution for a report to the towards the goal of increasing the for elderly and low income 3ED70RD STREET "CIO BUILDI OPTION Mr. Marshall referred to a report submitted by BSC Engineering on future road co i Nort Le:: i i g on if the proposed"-' improvement plans are not implemented. He saw the need for a more detailed and in-depth enginaari ng s �::�v 5o as to pr eiiva+5 that o i n' u iu, ink trai + ii. i mpa Cts on Route 1 2 8 and other �r2onnect i ng routes. He felt that there was sent i ent among some area reside: for no ace ti on and requested Ms Adler t o find out if the August 14th report is al that can be expected for ESC`. it was suggested that relevant inf ormat+ on wou +d now be avai .able from STPS Mr. Marshall suggested a meeting with BSC, of Ms. Adler, one or } w ut Selectmen, Serge Burnell and others from the North Lei ingtin ��aad lMprovement Study Committee; and representation from the Traffic Improvement Committee to be held in the Tow =n Manager's of f i ce for further discussion of the matter, .w.r Mrs. Smith :eft the meeting at t h s time and did not par± i o i gat e in she d iscu ss i o n and vote of I V - he next agenda item. EJTUPE DEVELOPMENT HANS�0M FIELD Mr. Eddison had requested the Board's concurrence on distribution of his proposal entitled "On Influencing T uture De ve- opment of the Hanscom Field Area" , dated August 26, 198 7 , to Board of Selectmen and other Town agencies in Bedford, Linco n, and Concord; Lei;ington planning Board and Conservation Commission, Peter Barker, John Taylor, Sen. Amick, Repr. Doran, Sen. Kraus, Massport, Robert Nash, and SIPS: Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize distribution of the report to those listed above. Upon motion duly rude and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:55 p.m. A true re zord , Attest: 1 J e Executive C�. erg€ y 7 R S i