HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-07-BOS-mine . f z � n� V SELECTMEN'S MEETING ^, July 6, 1987 A regular meet g of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 6 1987, in th Set- ectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7 :30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Ryan, Act Town - Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. PUBLIC HEARING BOSTON EDISON WALNUT ST. CONDUIT The Chairman opened a Public Hearing on the petition of the Boston Edison Company for approval of the installation of conduit in Walnut Street. Edward Chisholm, representing the Edison Company, was present to explain the need for the work to service 4 new houses. He pointed out the locations-of the houses on a map of the site. There being no statements in favor or in opposition to the proposal, Mr. Eddison declared the hearing - closed. - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and orders of Boston Edison Company to obtain a grant of location to install conduit to provide electrical service for 4 houses in the following location: Walnut Street - northwesterly approximately 1,124 feet southwest of Concord Avenue, a distance of about 30 feet, The vote was subject to the condition, as recommended by the Dept. � Of Pub-1 i c Works, that one half of the - roadway be kept open at all time_ s during the installation work. LEXHAB MUZZEY CONDO BOARD of TRUSTEES William Hays, Chairman, and LexHAB members Jean Gaudet and Dav Eagle, members of the Muzzey Condominium Bd. of Trustees, and Attorney Nicholas Kelley, representing the Trustees, were present for discussion of construction defaults at Muzzey. Mr. Kelley listed defects which are affecting the residents such as roof leaks, faulty windows, sewage backup, and the recently discovered presence of asbestos. It was noted that the asbestos seems to he limited to 2 common areas but that the question of whether residue is falling near air ducts is being explored. Mr. Kelley referred to problems with the HVAC system which could be caused by lack of insulation and lack of weather tightness. The system is being studied in an effort to resolve the problem of inadequate heat and air conditioning. He listed optio =ns for remedying the heating problems in the Senior Center such as installation of a false skylight and gave solutions suggested in the Simpson, Gumpers report for resolution of the window and screen malfunctions. Regarding funding for the construction repairs, Mr. Kelley presented alternatives, if residents are to be responsible for the co =t of the work. He noted the financial burdens to moderate income families of assessments or borrowing, adding that litigation against the developer has been considered but would be a long term procedure. He felt that the roof and heating improvements should be addressed as quickly as possible. Y He saw the Town as a source of financial relief and assistance to unit owners, and pointed out the existing cap on resale prices which would not allow owners to pass along such expenses. Mr. Marshall asked for current data on the - incomes of unit owners. He saw a need for clarification of the scope of assistance and exactly what LexHAB wants from the Town. He felt that units owners, i ncluding the Town, should assume financial responsibility but did not see the Town in the role of a banker, loaning the necessary funds. Mr. Kelley said that Kirk Noyes is aware of the problems - listed, but feels that he has no further responsibility in their resolution. Mr. Dailey felt that at this point, litigation is not an answer to the roof and window problems which need attention before the winter season. He felt that the Trustees should go out for bids now. In addition to the Town's portion of expenses, he saw a figure of $3.00,000, which would mean a payment of $5,000 per unit. He suggested a payment schedule amortized offer 10 or 20 years , resulting i n a f a i r? y - low cost per year to owners and which he was within reason. He asked if this - could be managed by the owners. Mr. Kelley said that some could handle a nominal payment easily but that others would be severely impacted. He pointed out that the units had been offered to moderate income purchasers as affordable housing in the fairly recent past. Mr. Marshall agreed with Mr. Dailey regarding timing of repayment of a $5,000 loan to cause as little hardship as possible. He also 'saw the possibility of - adjustments to allow for recovery at resale. He felt that the Town should assume its fair share but pointed out that the residents are there on an ownership basis and saw no_ob .1igation for the Town to assume the complete cost. He also saw litigation as worthy of pursuit and agreed that bids should go out now for the work. Mrs. Smith strongly concurred. Mr. Eddison suggested that information be gathered as to which specific are severely affected by problems and saw the possibility of spot repairs to those particular units. Mr. Hays spoke for LexHAB as Muzzey administrators which feels that the Town does have a degree of financial responsibility in the situation. In response to Mr. Marshall's comment that $500/year would not break owners, he said that it would cause great hardship for some. He saw the need for financial aid from the Town., Mr. Edd i son asked that L e�: HAB develop specific information on what is wanted from the Town and scheduled f urt] discussion of the matter at the July 20th meeting, LEXHABIAFFORDABLE HOUSING LesHAB's role in progress with provision of af fordable housing was discussed. Mr. Edd i son noted the formation of are advocacy group in Precinct 1, including Emerson Gardens tenants, which has requested the formation of a new housing committee to deal with the conversion /eviction problem at Emerson Gardens. He noted that it is the Board's stand that Lei: �'.AB is the appropriate agency to act in that capacity. Selectmen's Meeting -B- July 16 1 987 Mr. Hays said that at this point, LexHAB is not equipped or `"' s taffed to handle an assi gnment of that nature. Staffin up h as been d ' s • and t he tentative conclusion reached was that it wo uld be � dt _ cU _ e necessary to know the type of housing being considered bef the le vel and ki of s t a f f i n g can b e established Mr. Ha di a memo to the Board listing 5 alternative approaches for construct i on /renovat ion of housing, pointing out that #B is preferred by his Board with LexHAS engaging both an archi sect and a developer/consultant and-then proceeding- either item #1 or *2. Under *1, LexHAB wo-u l d act as own developer, retaining an a r c h i t e c t and sub-contracting the various parts of the project. Under *2, LexHAB would engage an architect but places all of t i re wo rk, i the h ands of a single main contractor. He said that hi Board would be pleased to return on Ju 20 for further discussion of the matter. Mr. Marshall referred to the presence of as best os at e fu z z e�) a nd the degree of publicity its d i sco v er V had generated. . He hoped that the successful resolution of the problem and the fact that the situation is much better than originally feared would be given equal coverage bu the Minute Mrs. Smith asked for further in f o rmation o n t Man r .. u nit, which had been menti e a r l i e r . Mrs. Bau de t said t it i owned h f: the Co ndo Association but that th ere i question as to whether that unit, intended to house the Manager, is restricted or unrestricted. The possibility of using the unit as collateral for a loan had been consi dered. 'i cou b e sold for $?0,000, but now is used for income. THE COFFEE CONNECTION SIDEWALK- FOOD S ERVICE Stephen L i f f, sGieneral Manager o f t C o f tee C t p re selm i t t r e qu est p e � m i s io n f o ut - of doors food service at 1729 Mass. Avenue. He info the Bo ard t t Ju 1 t' 3rd opening had been successful but say Diu tdoor .eating as a P op ti o n for hi custorrrers. He proposed moving a number of tables and chairs outdoors, w eather perry =i t t i ng, during the summer months, keeping at least., two tables in -side at all times. Mr. Ryan n oted r espo n ses from the Healt and Public W or ks s depar tmen t s . The Health Director had expressed concern with l i t t e r and recommended t acceptable receptacles b e p laced o u t s i de w it h a ti schedule for emptying and cleaning them. Application for a Board of Health permi must al be submi tted. Mr . Ryan informed Mr, . L i f f that the Town mu st be list ed as co- insurer on the Coffee Connect ` 1 Liability insurance po 1 i cy to cover an V i n j u r i e s o a pub s i d e w a l k . T rental fee w i ll be $- 75. on t `ir 3 Whe t r e a l i s ted r eq u i r er`: i s ha been m e t a p e rm i t f t fse u se of the si dewal k co be i ssued . Upon m o t i o n d u l v m ade a nd seco i t was v to a� p r o z; e the reques of Stephen L i f f for the Coffee Connect I or_, to pevrni t service of f = {od on the _ i de €a1k. i n front of his es tabl i s�'r�r�en t at 1 X2'9 Mass, Avenue. App t of v i subj to the condi tions, and - T - estrictions. as r outlined by My. Rvare. f J y ` O g ti � 4 - Mrs. Smith rioted that the activity proposed by Mr, Li f f is in keeping with what had been intended by the or iginal Lexington Center Design Gr INNO T&V T �TAKMC Mr Ryan referred to a memorandum from Susan Adler, dated June 22, i whi were listed p¢eei hle locations for taxi stands, in addition to those at Depot Square and Mass. _Avenue at Charles Street. He had no further recommendations. Mr. Eddi son rioted that Ms. Adler had suggested that the matter 'he referred to the L e x i n g t o n Center Committee * or review and recommendations and proposed that the matter be deferred pending receipt of that repor TA's I L I DENS ES 4 AR L E Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Tax License application of Ronald Eonnel for Arley; Ta}, i Corporation for three additional vehicles, described as follows Tax i #63 - 1 98 1 Ford Granada Cedar€ , Ta xi, 9814 Taxi #10 - 1 961 Mer cury Cougar Sedan Taxi 981.2 Tax i #74 - 1 For € TD Wagon Tax 981 RESU FACING CONTRACT Upo motio duly m ade a seconded, it was v t award Con t r act #88 in the amo of $611 ,465.75 1 t o Hiway Paving, Inc. 241 Treb Cove Road, N. Si ller i ca, MA, lowest bidder, for Street Resurfacing, subject to the approval of Town Counsel as to bid form. EXECUTIVE SESSI CN Upon m o t i o n duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 L,V rol. call vote, My, Eddi =_•on ,_ Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey Mrs. Smith, Mr . McSweeney to So i Executive Sessi f or discussion of matters of l i t i g a t i o n , with the intent tos resu=ne open session, Open session was resumed at 10:02 p.m. CENTRAL AMERICAN SOLIDARITY ASS GG I AT I ON Mr . -Ryan reported o the requ of the Central America So 1 i dar i t y Association to distribute literature at Depot Square on Ju.1 V 17th or 18th. - He asked that he be authorized to approve the request, subject to strict con tro]. of l i t t e r , LEX I GTONOPGLY PHOTO/MINUTE MAN Mr. M referred t o � t die pho t o Sr a%p h V which took fit:. ao: e at. the Battle Green on July Srd, in conjunction with the marketing of L i ng t: t H P r e c - i si on T e ams , an d r epor ted th he h o heer v d rr €a r, c lh ri 1 dr h c i r € b 'd on t t, the tatue =.; �+ t �", c .. =e Pictures t,3ere bei tak en. we felt th such a di i n napro 4 r r i ate end asked that the orgarf 3 z-ers be spoken to abo;; t i t . ���r IP } i ! 7�i l 4 . i i # touch s e) i t �i Mr 1 w a � E �{ �� � � ' �! Sftil �� �e L: s� d � � r1 }J 1=� C t �r � �t � r r�� � L L 7 �'. �� f -t - - r i r f qtr t h e pho t ogr app f` • �1 Selectmen's Meeting -5- July 8, 1987 APPOI NTMENTS, TOWN _REPORT COMMITTEE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Harthur H. Kalil, 40 Preston Rd., and Winifred Friedman, 178 Grove Street, anal to reappoint Etna S. Greene, 25 Bridge (treet , Ruth Karpinski, 24 Wyman Road, Wert:Morrison, 73 Blake Road, Elaine Sullivan, 31 Chase Avenue, and Stephen W. Wade, 524 Concord Avenue, to the Town Report Committee for terms of office to expire on June 30, 1988: STATE LOCAL LEGAL CENTER Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize payment of $ 5 0 0. 0 0 in support of the State and Local Legal Center, as recommended by James Segel, Executive Director, MAMA. GARRITY HOUSE Hr. Eddison noted the request of the Garr ity House Committee Chairman, Anne Grady, for transfer of monitoring of the Preservation Agreement for the Garrity House to the Historic Districts Commission, since the renovation of the house has been completed. The Garrity House Committee will issue a Certificate of Completion on July 14th, The Garrity House Committee had been conditionally dissolved in 1984, .Pon" to become final and effective upon completion of the renovation work. -Upon motion duly -made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the Historic Districts Commission as the permanent Administering Authority of the Preservation Agreement for the Garrity House, effective as of July 15, 19874 COMMITMENT OF WATER SEWER CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Commitment of Water Charges for the month of June, 1987, in the amount of $1,323.78; and Commitment of Sewer Charges for the month of June, 198 in the amount of $1,395.80. LOT _8 _ HILL STREET Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute a Deed conveying Lot f, Hill Street, to the Lexington Housing Authority for the sum of $1.00. Approval was subject to review by Town Counsel. Upon motion d l. y made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at : 15 p.m. A true record, Attest . ar U H . S no 1 w E., ecuti ve C.Lerk Pow ,f VOID .,..E , r a SELECTMEN'S MEETING duly 20, 1987 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen _was he? d on Monday, July 20, 1997, the SelOctmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:90 p Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr, Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; ifs. Adler, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, ElXecutive Clerk, were present. Mrs. Smith Joined the meeting later, 1998 NOISE EXPOSURE LEVELS HANSCOM FIELD The Chairman explained that Mrs. Smith would not be present for discussion of Ha scorn Noise Exposure Level, because of her involvement with Massport. Joyce Hals of Massport introduced Robert H of Harris Miller ±filler & Hanson, Inc. Consultants, to review the firm's findings as presented in its report "1986 Noise Exposure Levels at�L.C. Hanscom Field ", Mr. Miller distributed informational. material. entitled "Metrics Used to describe the Noise Environment at Hanscom Field" and a series of charts showing average daily departures over 12 month intervals 1994 - 1998; average daily EX. for all aircraft 1994 - 1996; and annual changes to EXP (average da i ? y noise exposure) from 1978 - 1986 and rev the data wi th the Bard . He defined terms such as L ma x (maximum level), EEL (sound exposure level) Ldn (day night average sound level, and EXP (average daily -noise exposure) and reported on methods of tracking noise and estimating noise exposure and on efforts to keep track of changes in L DN contours; He explained the administrative difficulties in keeping track of and including small aircraft operations in the noise data and the means now being used to estimate the impact of these departures and landings. He pointed out a decrease in larger than single engine aircraft operations in the period from December 1994 to December 1986, adding that there has been a reduction of noise by military aircraft but that ci noise exposure had stayed fairly level. He referred t EXP trends from year to year since formal Passport tracking had begun j.n 1979, which showed that the combined EXP, including estimates for single engine aircraft, was down in 1995 because of the reduction in m i l i tar y f In that overall period, however, there had been a sl i gilt l nLorea r This year, to arrive at a better wa of dealing with noise from small e'ng ne l r raft and In response to citizen concerns , Massport l i s c0nduckingan actual count of small engine a 4 .6 rCraf t 1Jh !. s summer carri out by interns hired for that purpose. Mr. Willer explained noise mojlitoring systems used in other airports and procedure= for implementing noise control i.e. use restrictions. } F'et Barker, Le,,x i ngton representative on the Hanscom Advisory I Commission, disagreed with Masspor theoretical approach to no �. se control vs a utual monitoring. He noted that the sample moni Poring referred to +s being carried on during a low act ivity month. H also disagreed abort me th ods used for measuring a+ t. rude . -2- He objected to the results of the report which, he said, do not address expressed prob?ems relative to increase in late night operations, and increase in iet operations which generate more noise. He stated the H,F.A.C's position which is to urge actual monitoring to produce hard data. Joyce Hals acknowledged that during the last few months, noise complaints had increased, probably due to more late afternoon and late evening flights. She noted the need to explore casts of actual monitoring before embarking on such a program. Mr. Eddison thanked Mr. Mi11er, Ms. Hals and Mr. Barker for their attendance and for the information provided . BOSTON EDl SON t WALTHAM ETREET_ The Chairman opened a public hearing on the petition of Boston Edison Company for permission to install conduit in Waltham Street. Edward Ch i shL7 +m , representing the Edison Company, e p i a i ne the need for the work to service a new home on Waltham Street. There being no statements i n favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion du made and seconded, it was voted to a pprove the petition, plans, and orders of Boston Edison Company with a hearing for the purpose.of obtaining a grant of to install conduit to provide electrical service for a new house in the following location: .. Waltham Street -- easterly approximately 198 feet north of B1 ossomcrest Road, a distance of about five _feet Mrs. Smith joined the meeting at this time. MUZZEY CONDO BOARD OF TRUSTEES DEXHAB Peter DiMatteo and James O'Leary, Murzey Board of Trustees and their Attorney, Nicholas Kel +ey; and - William Hays, Jean Gaudette, David Eagle, Donald Filson, members of DexHAB, were present for discussion of progress with resolution of construction defaults at Muzzey and of DexHAB's -role in the provision of other affordable housing. M4.9 Kelley reported that a luestionnaire had been distributed to unit owners for information as to whether they have the means to pay an assessment to cover costs for the repair work on the roof and drainage. Preparation of bids for the work (at a cost of X15,000) is being pursued. DEQE has ordered the developer and the co tractor to remove asbestos found on the premise= Mr. Marshall spoke of a meeting with Mr. Kel +ey that afternoon f o r discussion of the Town's role in response to the Trust request for fi�:anuial assistan e. He said he wanted to make it clear that the Huard was not prepared t -PD request an appropriat +on from Town Meeting and that the Selectmen do not have access to funds from which to draw . He felt that M ore inns vati ve wars to resolve the prob :ems must- be sought and that steps should be taken to finish th a pro = ect now. �:e saw progress with resolution of tie roof and heating problems but stressed the need to complete that work bef or a the w i :ter season arrives. Mr. Wilson agreed that suc : an appropriation request to Town Meeting would no doubt be defeated. �r r Selectmen's Meeting -3_ July 20, 1937 Mr. Eddison said that it was apparent that no decisions could be made pending receipt of more information. He suggested that Mr. Marshall, as a Liaison, stay in touch with the Trustees regarding progress with the - hid procedures, -and that another meeting be scheduled when costs f -or the work has been established. - Mr. Marshall asked Mr. Cohen t€s - explore ways of modifying the deed restriction to allow for recovery by unit owners upon resale of an assessment for construction costs. r ijEXHAB, AFFORDABLE HCUS1NG Mr. Edd i son referred to the hiring of professional staff to assist LexHAL to enlarge its role in the provision of affordable housing. He felt that at this point, short term help on a consultant basis would be appropriate. Mr. Hays offered to again review with the Board LexHAB's V mytri memo ? i st + ng alternative approaches for construction/renovation of housing, to establish the type and /or location of housing to be pursued. He felt that this step should be taken before the h i r i ng of staff. Mr. days referred to the need to move swiftly on the matter but noted affordability as an important aspect. He pointed out that LexHAE takes not only income, but assets into consideration in tenant " selection and .felt that some who are looking for housing may be disappointed because their assets exceed the allowable levees He reported on offers of assistance and inquiries LexHAE is receiving: - Choate /Symmes, inquiring as to how best discharge its responsibilities in conjunction with affordable housing; a request from The Lexington Committee on Special Needs, to assist younger, special needs people; a letter from a tenant of Emerson Gardens, offering her assistance to LexHAE: Mr. Hays spoke of a meeting scheduled with the Planning Board's Housing Needs Advisory Committee and a meeting held with Steve Baran, Human Services Coordinator, and the in =itiator of the "Cushman" proposa]" for equity sharing. Mrs. Smith noted that initially, LexHA*B had been formed to deal with the Muzzey development, but that she felt its real role would be to see itself as developer and manager of all public housing in 1 with the exception of the Housing Authority's facilities. She suggested the appointment i ntmen t of a :Hogs i ng Administrator to act as a coordinator for all efforts now being made by mown agencies and private organ+ zat i ons .} a urged the h i r i ng of professional help for Le �. HAE now* Mr. i son saw the need for informal couf erences with Le �, GAB Ord " procedures and cth er points raised before its ne.. t appo i n tmenr t with the Selectmen. Mrs. Gaude - asked f the criteria used for Muzzey se1e1._%.ti3O sh ou .d be used with other pro eots. Mr. Mars?;ali responded that he saw no reed to change the guidelines used for Muzzey and Frank+ i n , we saw the need for a def +nit:. on of the term "af f ordabi e" and fell= that asset tests would he needed. Mr. Smith agreed that thn same criteria should be app.ied to a1.1 Town housing devei opment"s . M4C Mr. Eddison said that although it wouyd require Town Meeting action to release schoo�. sites, he felt that exploration of sites should be proceeded with now. Mr. Marshall was in favor of including Munroe School in those to- be considered.. Mr. Dailey requested LexHAE to inform the Selectmen if it was felt that its charge needs-to be broadened. Mr. Edd i son asked Mrs t Smith and Mr. Marshall to work informally with LexHA$ on moving "staffing" along= Mrs. Smith referred to the Planning Director's memo of July g, +n which steps to be taken by the Planning Board were outlined, for site identification and selection for low /moderate or mixed income housing, as required under Article 50, 1987 ATM. She urged that the Selectmen engage in similar efforts and thought processes to complv w i th the directive of Town Meeting. TRAFFIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS BENFANTE FOREST STREET Peter Chal p in , Chairman of the Traffic Safety Committee was present for review of a report of his Committee on the request of Vincent Eenfante for improvement in the availability of parking near his home at 18 Forest Street and restrictions to prevent the blockage of-Forest Court. Upon motion duly rude and seconded, it was vo ted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety A dvisory Committee that " Parking" signs be insta:..ed on Forest Street at Muzzey Street and Forest Court, indicating no parking within twenty feet of the int LANDAU MARRET ROAD LINCOLN SCHOOL STS. Mr. Ohalpin reported on the concerns eXpressed by Richard Landau regarding traffic safety at the intersections of Marrett Road, Li ncoln Street and School Street. The Traff Commi agreed that the location is a confusing one and noted that it has been a high accident area for the past four years. I'he Committee concurred with Mr. Landau that traffic improvements are needed but felt that because of the complexity of the intersecti a detai traff engi study should be performed before any actin= , on improvements is taken, Ms. Adler estimated a cost of $20,000 for the study. Mr. Marshal]. asked if funds were ava i 1 ab ].e fur the study before the 1588 'down Meeting since the intersection is a high- accident location and shou:.d be attended to as quickly as possible. Mr . Landau, who was present, agreed with the need for the study and "noted a recent L'car accident, which had prompted his letter. Ms. Adler will e x pi ore sources of funding for the st ud v to allow for faster impiemeLltati.on including investigation as to other demands on the prof e ss i onal Services Acct, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the i ra f i c Safety Advisory C` omm i ttee , as descr i bed above, including suggestions for 4 mDrovement and cost est i mates. Selectmen's Meeting -5_ July 20, 1987 BRESLIN RE UEST RE: NO PARKING MASS. AVENUE The request of Mr. & Mrs, Breslin for removal of a "No Parking" sign recently installed near their store at 22?9 Mass. Avenue, was reviewed. The restriction was posted in response to concerns of motorists exiting Lake Street, to improve sight distance. Mr. Marshall felt the matter should be discussed with all concerned, including the Breslins, and asked that no vote be taken that night. Upon motion duly made and seconded_, it was voted to refer the request of Edward and Rita Breslin, as noted above, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendations. The sign will be removed in the interim. CURTI S- REQUEST MAPLE STREET SIDEWALK Mr. Eddisoh read a letter from Louise Curtis, ;9 M - aple Street, requesting installation of curbing in front of #1 and #19 Maple Street for reasons of pedestr saf Sh pointed out that when Maple Street sidewalk had been constructed previously, those two areas had been omitted. Ms. Adler reported that the DPW is not strongl y in favor of the installation and f eels that hazards to pedestrians are minimal. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of Louise Curtis, 19 Maple Street, for install , ati on of sidewalk to the Traffic Safety Comm for review and recommendations STREET - ACCEPTANCE PROCESS Upon motion duly made and seconded -, i was voted to approve a time sequence for FY89 Street Acceptance as proposed by Francis X. Fields, Town Engineer and to publish a notice in the Lexington Minute -man that petitions for Sewer, Street and Sidewalk Acceptance must be filed in the Selectmen's Office no later than September 15, 19878 SEWER SYSTEM IN Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to act on behalf of the Town of Lex ington , as i agent in filing applications for, executing agreements regarding, and performing any and all other actions necessary, to secure for the Town of Lex i.ngton such grans is and grant payments for the design and const of sewage treatment facilit as may be made ava 3 ?able to t':e Town, pursua t to the provisions of the Mass. Cs.ean hat ers Act section 26 -53, inclusive, as amended), or other special Act of the Genera+ Court, for the constr:icti on of th e f o l? owl rr facil =ties: I/I Rehabilitation Construction. STREET R ESURFACI N S CCN TRACT Upon motion duly Meade an. Contract #88 -1, in the amount Inc. , for Street Resurfacing, MWRA SE ER PERMI d seconded, it was voted to execute of�11,. ?�, with highway Paying, as awarded on Duly 6, 198''. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Eddison, as Chalrma::, to execute the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Municipa' Permit Application for Lei.ington, pursuant to 31^ CMR +0.4009 3 N� -6_ LINCOLN STREET SOCCER SOFTBALL FIELD Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award'Contra�t #33 -7 -E in the amount of $133,560.04 to Cataldo Corporation, P.O. Boy: 337, Littleton, MA for construction of Lincoln Street Soccer Field and Softball Field, Phase II. DORAN SEWER BETTERMENT DEFERRED Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was to approve the request of Muth E. Doran for extension for three years of deferment of the sewer betterment on Lot 23, Map 62 (Lot A2) Holmes Road in the amount of $1,454.17. MINUTES Upon motion duly made -and seconded, it was voted to approve as presented the minutes of Sel a r.-itmen ` s Meeting on June 22, and. Jul y 6, .1987 SPECIAL , SPEED RECULA1`T I HARTWELL A.rI11111 N Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table action for a Special Speed Reguyation, of 44- and 30-mph on Hartwell Avenue, pending further exploration of the speed limit set by the State DPI' The matter had.been initiated by a request by the Town for a 3O speed limit, in response to concerns of Minuteman Homecare -Ine. now APPO NTMENTT LEXHAI? y �� ■� I •Illlrll Pl Upon .motion du.y made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Marshall J. Derby, 23 Suzanne Road, to the Lexington Housing Assistance B yard to f i 11 the unexpired term of Ronald W. Co wael , to Dec. 5 1333. WARRANT � UNLICENSED DOGS rlwn..rl..r.l..l - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant to the Dog Officer, Kathy P. Foy:, for 556 unlicensed dogs in the Town of Lexington as of July G, 1337. SRT CHINMOY PEACE RUN Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was vo ted to approve the request for Kr - .1 pa Seel -Doyle f or a Pol :1 c e escort fir a Pease Run, conducted by Sri. Ch i nmo y Oneness -Home , sch�ed pled to arrive in Lei. ; n ton on August 5th at 6:45 a-m. The B!Oard did not appro the request for presenta i i o:& by the Se +ectmenl of a P± . C. .arnat i on of the event upu n th e arrival of the runners. CONSENT AGENDA ABATEMENT OF SEWER WATER C'HARGE'"- U pon motion A ul y made and seconded, i i t was v oted to approve abatement of water charges in the tota+ amount �f � +4E.36 and $2,048,10, because Of adj us tme +t to es ti rate and yn A. t meter readings; and of sewer charges in the a.mou is of $1 , aand $1,889,36, because Of estimate adjustments, i n u�rre� t meter read i n "s and for properties not connected to Tow sewer P� Select Meeting �7 July 20, 1997 TRANSFER OF COMMON 'VICTUALLER LICENSE • STEVE S Capon motion duly made and seconded it was transfer of the Common Vi � voted t� approve License for J & J Ise Cream Inc dlh/a Steve's, 1749 Mass. �,� � because of th �� r t� Frozen Treats, Inc. ddb f a Steve's ' sale f the usiness. CCN SERVATI CN RESTRICTION Upon motion d��y made - and seconded it � Conservation Restriction On T was vested ,� ap a �t�t ., Pheasant Brook Estates, as requested by Charles D. Wyman, Conservation Administrator, Upon motion duly made and seconded it Was q 4- _ j .L:,& lii r �.� LT L t ed to ad 4 ourn at A true record, Attests n s, E ' ecut i ve C,I erg€ VOID M"