HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-BOS-mind F f 7 C I' i f. �. � y d? .7 SELECTMEN'S MEETING ,June 1, 1887 A regular meeting -df thie Board of Selectman was held on Monday, June 1, 1887, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, -Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Ms. Adler, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. PUBLIC HEARING MOBIL OIL 853 LOWELL STREET -Mr. Eddison read the notice of Public- Hearing on the petition of Mobil Gil Corporation for permission to remove three ex isting underground gasoline storage tanks with a -total capacity of 23,000 gallons and to install one 12 - ,000 gallon and two 10,400 gallon fiberglass tanks with a total capacity of 32, -444, at its service station at 853 Street, Edward Gallagher, representing Mobil Gil, explained Mobil's proposal to replace existing steel tanks and piping which were impacted by the spring rains, with fiberglass tanks and to increase storage capacity at the station by -3,444 gallons. He pointed out that the increase would result in fewer deliveries to the station. Mr. Frasier, Precinct 5, commetded Mobil for its cooperation with abuttors in the past and during the current procedures. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4 - 4, with Mr. Dailey abstaining because of previous association with Mobil Gil, to approve the application of Edward J. Gallagher for Mobil Gil Corporation for permission and license to remove three underground gasoline storage tanks on the premises of the Mobil Service Station at 653 Lowell Street, consisting of one 14,444 --, one 8,444 -, and one - 5 r O44 -- gallon tanks with a total capacity of 23,000 gallons and to install three fiberglass underground storage tanks: one 13,444 - gallon and two 14 -- gallon tanks, with a total capacity of 32,444 gallons. Permission was granted subject to on- -site inspection of procedures by the Lexington Fire Department at the time the existing tanks are being removed and implementation of a full cleanup as required by Town Agencies and /or the Dept. of Environmental Quality Engineering, REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD The Executive Clerk asked for nominations for Chairman of the Board.. Mr. Eddison was nominated. There were no other nominations and nominations were declared closed.. It was unanimously voted to reelect Mr. Eddison as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for the ensuing year. PETITION OF M? DDLESEX RACQUET & SWIM- - CLUB David Allan Fitch, attorney for the Middlesex Racquet & Swint Club dfbla The Lexington Club, introduced Keith Callahan, new Manager of the club under its Club Liquor License and explained the Club's application for approval of change of off icers and i petition for Change of Manager. -ow 2- Mr. Eddison asked for any statements in favor or in opposition. There were none, nor were there any questions from Board members on the prop -osed changes. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve application of the Middlesex Racquet and Swim Club dlhja The Lexington Club, 475 Bedford Street, for approval of Change of Officers, as stated in the application, and for Change of Manager to Keith Callahan, TOWN REPORT COMMITTEE Erna Greene, Chairman, and Robert Morrison, of the Town Report Committee, were present to discuss the Commi- ttee's proposal to revise the content and structure of the Annual Town Deport. Mr. Morrison, reviewed the Committee's proposal to begin each agency's report with financial summary, followed by an operations summary, major expenditures, major action, decisions, and to enhance. each summary with additional data to show expenditure changes and expenditures as a proposition of total town budget. Mr. Morrison and Mrs. Greene said that they felt that such chang$s could help make the town report a more useful working document as well as an historical document. Mrs. agreed as to the benefits of giving departments and committees assistance with- structure and content of reports but hoped that there would be a balance between financial information and reports of activities and accomplishments. Mr. Eddison noted that in the case of many volunteer committees the measure of activities is not closely related to finances with respect to the value of their services. Mr. Morrison said that the Committee would not want to preclude reports of committees who do not require funding. Mr. McSweeney said that he enjoyed the current structure of the report and would not want to see reports start with financial information. Mr. Eddison said he felt the sense of the Board was to think highly of the report as traditionally published but would encourage the Town Report Committee to give guidelines as to its format= Mr. Marshall encouraged th,O Committee to place stress on what is being done for the Town by committees and on any future plans. He also expressed pride in the report, but felt that the activities of committees are of more general interest than a report which features financial information. Mr. Dailey agreed, adding that if the report is too structured it may not be as enjoyable. Discussion followed on qualifications and possible sources of candidates to fill two upcoming vacancies on the Report Committee, The Chairman again complemented the Committee on its fine work in the production of the Town Report and offered the assistance of the Board if, it is needed. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes of Selectmen's Meetings on May 5, and May 11, +997, as presented. ray �; , .. - � •ae: - ^� z �''.': Selectmen's Meeting -3- June 1, 1987 TAXI LICENSES DIAMOND TAXI Mr Edd i son referred t the applicati by Arlington /Le Diamond Taxi Company for six new taxicab licenses. These, in addition to the existing Diamond license would bring the total for that company to seven. He noted the intention of Arlex Ta -xi to request three more taxi licenses in addition to the eight current licenses Arlex holds and that - concerns have arisen as to the adequacy of the number of existing cab stands in the future for use by 18 taxicabs. Mr. Marshall pointed out that cabs are usually on the road and moving and would not all be stationary, Mr. Herman, owner of Diamond Taxi, suggested that his cabs could be stationed in the Arlington Heights MBTA parking lot or that he could arrange with the Stop & Shop for use of spaces, if the Manager is willing to allow, Mrs Marshall recommended that the cab stand issue should be - explored, but - proposed proceeding with action on the Diamond Cab licenses. With- respect to the Police report on inspections of the cabs, he said he was discouraged at the number of repairs and corrections which had been needed. Mr. Bonney, owner of Arlex Taxi, was present. He had written a letter to the Board citing alleged violations by Diamond Cab in the recent past Mrs. Smith stated-that she was in favor of approval of the licenses based on assurance that the taxi stand issue would be explored. She asked that the Police Dept. -be asked to investigate the allegations by Arlex Taxi. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application by Arlington /Lexington Diamond Cab Company for licenses for the following vehicles for the ensuing year: Taxi # Description Registration 958 1981 Ford LTD Sedan Taxi 182B 922 1983 Chevrolet Sedan Taxi 158B 304 1980 Ford LTD Sedan Taxi 157B 973 1982 Chevrolet Wagon Taxi 543B 190 1987 Chevrolet Sedan Taxi 4898 958 1883 Ford LTD Sedan Taxi 181B Mr. Dailey asked that the Town Manager report to the Board on June 22nd on the taxi stand capacity issue; the need for quarterly inspections; and changes in the Taxi Rules and Regulations to require fines for re i nspect i on of vehicles which had fai i n the first inspection by the Police Dept. TOWN MANAGER RECRUITMENT Mr. Edd +son updated the Board on progress with Town Manager recruitment and reported on a meeting held on May 28 at which procedures were discussed and agreed to. He will report further as the June 12th deadline for applications approaches. He referred to the Town Manager Selection Procedures/ Schedule and asked for suggestions as to timing of the screening process. Mr= Dailey said he was uncomfortable with item #7 "Search Committee Screening", which would narrow the applicants to five sem i -f i nal i sts and three finalists before Selectmen involvement -4_ He suggested that the Committee submit 15 to 20 final applications to the Selectmen, without numbering as to grade, but with qualifyin comments, Mr. Marshall preferred that the Committee get down to 15 - applicants and do some interviewing. When the Zest is down to 9 - 5. he would want public interviews. Mrs. Smith suggested that when the Search Committee has narrowed applicants to 15 or 20, Selectmen who wished to do so could sit with the Committee as participants or observers. She saw need for dialogue between the agencies involved in the screening to ensure that all are seeking the same qualifications in a Town Manager. It decided that-the chairmen of the P . A . B . , the-Search Committee and the Board of Selectmen meet for discussion of the process set forth in item *7, with further report to the Board if other questions arise. Questions to be asked of the final 15 - 20 applicants i cants t pP o get a common basis for comparing approaches, were discussed. Mr. Marshall suggested that questions concerning collective bargaining, labor relations in the private sector and binding arbitration be added fist appearing in the 1978 application form, Mrs. Smith felt that a question concerning affirmative action should also be added Mfr. Cohen will explore the possibility of f?e�ibility in compensation beyond straight - Salary , for assistance with housing, RESIGNATION COLWELL LEA HAB Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Ronald W. Colwell from the Lexington Housing Assistance Board, effective as of May 27, 1987. WATq QmAm11a Mr. McSweeney reported on the status of the Hanscom Area Traffic Study Committee and reviewed procedures he had observed during the one year period he has been attending Meetings. He added that Bob Nash, National Park Service also attends and keeps HATS up to date on happening at the Minute Man National Park. He referred to the recent resignation of representatives of Bedford, who had expressed no hope for improvement in the traffic situation, but said he would be willing to continue to participate if the Board wishes. Mr. Eddison felt that HATS should be maintained as a cooperative relationship of the Towns, the Mass. DPW, and the National Park. MWRA rri 5 BREAKFAST MEETING -- -- Mrs. Smith reported on the May 28th Breakfast meeting held b y the Mass. Water Resources Authority which she, Mr. Eddison and Mr. McSweeney had attended. MWPA projects such as plans for a third harbor tunnel and a s�.ud e g management facility had been discussed and progress reports on other MWRA programs reviewed. 3r Selectmen's Meeting �5- June 1, 198' Mr. Spiers, DPI Director, spoke of local efforts towards water conservation. He noted that the yearly water display in Emery Park had been discontinued in 1988 and that the emphasis had been on educational programs in the schools. During the week of June 9, 1987, the Emery Park display was resumed, in addition to contact in the schools. Mr.. Spiers also reported on sewer problems at Hanscom because of a break last week under Route 128 which Caused an overflow into North Lexington Brook. He felt that repairs would be Lexington's responsibility and stated that work would be started the next day. He will, however, investigate the extent to which Hanscom is at fault for the break. COLLECTION. BOSTON FOOD -BANK ■ r, r mr.i riinnin nrr.rrin.rii.mrrrrf - _ Mr. Eddison reported that Howard Smith has launched a canned food drive to aid the homeless and undernourished in the Boston area. He urged donations of canned food which can be taken to a trailer in the Stop & Shop parking l ot and commended Dr. Smith for his initiative. POLICE BOOTH Mr. Eddison referenced fund raising efforts by Representative Doran and the Martignetti family to finance the construct of a new Police in Lexington Centers He noted that his understanding had been that the Martignetti family would be assuming all financial responsibility for the project until he had become aware of a Mailing to the business community, requesting contributions. Mr. Eddison. recommended that the proposal be resubmitted in the light of this new development. Ms. Adler will explore the original offer by the Martignetti's as to its status as a gift. Mr. Eddison will contact the Martignetti family to clarify whether their offer needs supplementary funds. Mr. Coscia, DPW, will be instructed not to proceed with the project at this time. A11 agreed that the Selectmen's approval to go forward with the project was based on the belief that construction costs would be completely covered by the Martignetti family. CONSENT AGENDA - EAST STREET TREE REMOVAL Mr. Eddison removed the East Consent Agenda, and asked that it all deta of what is proposed. meandering sidewalk layout which large trees on East Street. Street Tree .Removal item from the be deferred pending a report giving A plan will be prepared showing a would allow for retention of several. PROCLAMATION HATER CONSERVATION_ WEEK +r.r+wrrfww.w+rw f Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim June 7 to June 18, 1987, as "Water Conservation Week" in LeXin8ton. PROCLAMATION MAKE IT CLICK CHALLENGE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim the period from May 25, to September y, 1987 to be the "Make It Click Challenge ". . 6_ COFFEE CONNECTION Upon - motion duly made -and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Stephen L. Ziff,: General Manager of The Coffee Connection, for Common Victualler License for The Coffee Connection 1729 Massachusetts Avenue. The license will become effective notification by the Building Commissioner and the Director of Public Health that their final approvals have been given. LIMOUSINE L.ICENSE SHPILNER Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to- approve the application of Marc Shpilner d /b /a Limousine Eighteen, 19 Fairland Street for-renewal of Limousine License for one vehicle, TRAFFIC ITEM MICHELON REQUEST Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of Richard Michelson, 1790 Mass. Avenue, for widening of sidewalk at the rear of his shop, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendations. SEWER CHARGES, 4 DEWEY ROAD Upon motion duly -made and seconded, it was voted to approve Sewer Charge in Lieu of Betterment, in the amount of $706 -09, for property at 4 Dewey Road, by Robert Rance, as recommended by Francis X. Fields, Town Engineer, TRANSFER FROM RESERVE FUND Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a transfer from the Reserve Fund to Town Manager's Acct, #01-004-102, in the amount of $1,599.00: TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PROSPECT HILL ROAD Mr, Eddison noted the request of the Town Engineer that the Board vote the intent to take temporary construction easements for sidewalks on Prospect Hill Road and that some abuttors are opposed to the project. He pointed out that the recent school redistricting could lessen the need for sidewalks and that the original request had been based on danger to school children using Prospect Hill Road. A public information session on the proposal will be scheduled for June 22. The vote on the intent to take easements was def erred pending that session. LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lexington Lions Club to conduct the annual July 4th Carnival at Parker Field on July 2, 9 4, and 5, 19971 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was =noted to approve the request of the Lexington Lions Club to conduct its annual July 4th Carnival at Parker Field on Sunday, July 5, 11997, and to approve a License for Entertainment on Sunday, for that date. a ?s a C� Selectmen's Meeting -7-- June 1, 1337 APPOINTMENT'S ACTING TOWN MANAGERS - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the appointment by the Town Manager of Susan Adler as Acting Town Manager from May 34 through June 6, 1387; to approve the Town Manager appointment of John J. Ryan as Acting Town Manager from June 23, through July 12, 13$7; and the Town Manager's appointment of Susan Adler as Acting Town Manager starting July 13, 1387 TRAFFIC LIGHT INSTALLATION CONTRACT - Upon motion duly made and - seconded, it was voted to execute Contract #87 - 6-E Traffic Signal Installation at Bedford /Hill /Revere Streets, in the amount of $63,040. The contract was awarded on May 11, 1387. EXECUTIVE SESSION ."' Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - D by roll call vote, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mfrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, 'to go into Executive Session for discussion of real estate negotiations, no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 14:35 p.m. A true record, Attest; lar n Sn ow Executive Clerk VO I D , 7? SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 8, 1987 F &' A A regular meeting zf the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 8, 1987 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building}, at 7:30-p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall., Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Hutchinson, - Town Manager; Mrs Cohen, Town Counsel, Ms. Adler. Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present.. PUBLIC HEARINGs MOBIL SERVICE STATION The Chairman opened a Public Hearing on the petition of Mobil Oiy Corporation for permission to replace three steel underground gasoline and oi_1 storage tanks with four fiberglass tanks with increased capacity. Attorney Donald Cooper of Hutchins and Wheeler, and Michael Carroll, representing -Mobil Oil, were present. - Mr. Carroll explained. Mobil's proposal to replace the tanks and all piping with fiberglass for safety and economic reasons, adding that with increased storage capacity there will be fewer deliveries and less impact of truck traffic, In response to Mrs. Smith's question, Mr. Carroll stated that the service station is -not being expanded. In answer -to a question from Mrs. Chen, 332 Marrett Road, an abuttor, he explained that .a disposal company will take care of waste oil properly when needed. - Upon- motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 to 4 to approve the petition of Michael T. Carroll for Mobil Oil Corp, for permission and license to remove existing underground gasoline storage tanks with a total capacity of 26,444 gallons on the premises of the Mobil Service Station, 39+6 Waltham Street, and to install four 14,440 gallon gasoline tanks, one 1,444 gallon fuel oil tank, and one 1,444 gallon waste oil tank, with a total capacity of 42,848 gallons. Mr. Dailey abstained from voting because of a previous legal association with Mobil Oil Corporation. MINUTES - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, as corrected, minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on May 13, 1987. APPOINTMENT TO HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Mr. Eddison noted that there were two candidates for appointment as an Associate Member, representing the Cary Library Trustees, of the Historic Districts Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Walter H. Bergler, Jr., 23 Hancock Street, as an Associate member of the Historic Districts Commission, representing the Cary Library Trustees, to fill the unexpired term of Stephen B. Cripps, to January 1, 1988. ,A � s i 400 2— LICENSE AGREEMENT, BIKEWAY' ���1 IA NMI - 11 1149IINNNNIIN9Irrl� The Chairman referred to a revised draft License Agreement on the Commuter Bikeway, between the MBTA and Lexington and asked for authorization to sign it on behalf of the Town, Motion was made and seconded to authorize Mrs Eddison to sign the Mass. Bay Transportation Authority License Agreement Lexington Branch Segment - Town of Lexington. Mr. Dailey noted that Lexington would be responsible for all maintenance and would be absorbing liability for damages incurred on the bikeway. He felt that the Selectmen should be aware of that aspect and asked for assurance that the Town has adequate liability coverage. The motion previously made was amended, and it was voted to authorize Mr. Eddison to sign the Agreement document, subJect to exploration of the amount of the Town's liability coverage and assurance that it is adequate to cover damages incurred on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway,.Lexington Branch Segment. TOWN MANAGER RECRUITMENT ww�ww� Mr. Eddison -referred to the June 12th deadline for appl ications for the Town Manager position, and plans to inform applicants in the "C" category of their rejection as soon as possible after the 13th. He said that any Selectman who wished to review the "C" applicants should be aware of schedule. ,N CONSENT-AGENDA COMMITMENT OF STREET OPENING PERMITS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve commitment of Street Opening Permits for the month of May, 133 7, in the total amount of $225.04. ABATEMENT OF SEWER CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of sewer revenue in the total amount of $144.34 for properties not connected to sewer and therefore exempt from the sewer user fee. T RAFFIC ITEMS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the following requests to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendation: Neighborhood request for "No Parking" zone, Sutherland Park access. Request for installation of traf f i c light, Waltham St. at Brookside Ave. Request for installation of "Stop" sign, Peachtree Rd. f Appietree Lane. It was a? so voted to refer the complaint of Kevin McGrath., General.. Manager of the Battle Green Motor ;nn, on the recently instal +ed "Right Turn Only" posting at the e.. i st from the Inn, Selectmen's Meeting -9- June 8, 1987 ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE ARMENIAN SISTERS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Armenian Sisters' Academy for one Day Liquor License on June 21, 1987, for a School Picnic to be held on the school grounds, - COMMITMENT of WATER SEWER CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Commitment of Water Charges, cycle 9 bills, in the total amount of $49,080.88; Final Bills, May, 1987, in the total amount of $1,552.40; and commitment of Final. Bills for sewer charges for May, 1987, in the total amount of $1,499.08: CDMMoN.VICTUALLER LICENSE STEVE'S Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to rescind-the transfer of Common Victualler License from J & J Ice Cream of Lexington_, Inc. djbja Steve's to Frozen Treats, Inc., -djbja Steve's, 1749 Mass. - Avenue which had been approved by the Board of Selectmen on May 6, 19871? LINCOLN STREET FIELD No PARKING Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Recreation Committee for installation of "No Parking" signs on the soft-ball field side of the driveway entering the Lincoln Street Pl ayf i el d . EAST STREET TREE REMOVAL Mr.- Hutchinson recommended that the Board vote to approve the removal of trees on East Street, which had been tabled on June 1. He reported on review of the matter with the Public Works Department regarding rerouting the proposed sidewalk which would avoid taking of most trees but would bring the sidewalk closer to the homes. He noted that almost all involved homeowners had authorized, and even requested removal of the trees in question. The wishes of two residents who wished trees to remain had been accommodated. Mr. Marshall saw an exposed sidewalk due to removal of trees as a safety hazard. He favored a meandering sidewalk as preferred by Town Meeting - and said he was not prepared to vote to take trees down. A plan showing two options for sidewalk design was examined, one of which would require removal of one tree, while the other required more extensive tree removal. Mr. Hutchinson suggested bringing in abuttors before making a decision on taking the trees. Mr. Marshal.l felt that area residents should be invited as well. Mr. Eddison felt that broader discussion was needed and that the issue was important to more than Just the abuttors. Mrs. Smith felt that no justification existed to remove the trees when the sidewalk could be closer to the homes still leaving an adequate front yard. CE It was agreed that an information session will be s6heduled for June 22nd with notice to residents of Precinct 5, Mr. Spiers, Director of Public Works will attend and will provide information on the health of the trees in question, TRASH COLLECTION The Town Manager reported that he -had converred with GSA /Laidlaw, on.problems with curbside collections of trash. Under their new procedures and efforts to adhere to scheduling, the situation has improved. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roil call vote, Mr. Edd i son -, Mr. Marshall , Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of real estate negotiations, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. A true record, Attest: M rion H. Snow Executive Clerk a� JOINT MEETING BOARD OF SELECTMEN TOWN MANAGER SEARCH COMMITTEE 0 June 16, 1987, Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, 8 :00 p.m. PRESENT John Eddison, Chairman, Board of Selectmen; William Dailey, Jacqueline Smith, Paul Marshall, Leo McSweeney, Members, Board of Selectmen; Susan Beck, Chairman, Town Manager Search Committee; Margery Battin, Francis Hazel, Sophia Ho, William Kennedy, Robert Leone, John McLaughlin, John McWeeney, Natalie Riffin, Member, Town Manger Search Committee; Elmer Guilmartin, Chairman,. Personnel Advisory Board, Sara Arnold, Town Manager Search - Coordinator; Liz Banks. staff, Lexington Minuteman. AGENDA: Town Manager Search LExPRESS pass rates MINUTES Mr. Eddison called the meeting to order at 8 :10. Those present received copies of the Selectmen's charge to the Search Committee, a job description for the position of Town Manager, and a questionnaire to be sent to top candidates. Mr. Eddison said that the job description had been reviewed by the Town Manager, and that the questions had been developed by -the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Eddison reported that the Personnel Advisory Board (PAB) had started reviewing the applications for Town Manager and were covering approximately 44 per evening. They have already covered 60, putting about one half into the A (top) and B (middle) categories. Since 130 applications have been received, it is estimated that eventually 50-60 applications will end up in the A or B categories - . Mr. Eddison requested that the Search Committee select 15 ca P ca ndidates and resent a list - of the top 10 to the Board of Selectmen, including pros and. cons of each but with- no further innumeration. He asked if this could be completed by August 21. Mr. McLaughlin expressed concern that there might not be a large enough pool of qualified candidates. Mr. Marshall felt there might be a self-selection process because of Mr. Hutchinson's strengths. Ms Beck did not feel that this was the r consideri case idin the PAB's reaction thus far. Mr. Eddison said that, if necessary. the Town could reopen the search. Later in the meeting Mr. Guilmartin stated that the PAB developed their criteria as they began the reviewing process, To date, the primary emphasis has been on "screening out" candidates. They will review all the A and B applications again and expect that most of the B applications will be added to the C (reject) category. He estimated that the PAB will ultimately turn over 17 or 18 A applications to the Search Committee. Currently, Mr. Guilmartin sees the B category growing. Discussion followed reg arding a "hold" position for the B applications. Ms. Beck requested that the B applications be sent to her committee, especially if there aren't too many of them. She requested that comments be included, explaining how the PAB reached the decision for those applications. She expressed an interest in reviewing all the B candidates. Ms. Battin expressed particular concern that the pool of candidates include women. Mr. Guilmartin reported that to date the PAB had only reviewed one application from a woman, and she was clearly not qualified. Later in the meeting Mr. Eddison again raised the question of those candidates in the B category --- particularly a couple that he had reviewed. Mr. Guilmartin expressed that he will encourage the PAB to err on the side of keeping those in - the B pile, Mr. Hazel said that the questionnaire can be used to help narrow the field. Mr. Marshall urged the committees to "keep the numbers down a bit." a e� Mr. Eddison said that some of the Selectmen may attend some of the Search Committee's meetings, and he encouraged the members to communicate with the Selectmen, Mr, Marshall said that he did not want the top ten candidates ranked, but he would like the committee's comments. He also would be interested Mod in receiving each person's "unvarnished" judgment, Mr. Marshall also expressed interest in getting a list of the best three or four candidates in different categories, i.e, the best three or four who have a particularly strong financial and budget background, the best three or four who show strong leadership qualities, etc. Ms. Riffin commented that this was not the way it was done when she was on the Search Committee in 1975, but she felt it,had its merits. Mr. Kennedy expressed some concern about the holding pile and hoped that the target date of August 21 was flexible. He agreed that communication was important, and that individuals should express their opinions. Later in the meeting Ms. Beck asked Mr. Guilmartin to estimate the timetable for the PAB. Mr. Guilmartin felt that the PAB would have to meet both June 17 and June 24 to complete their review process. Ms: Beck asked - if a PAB member could attend the Search Committee's meeting scheduled for June in order to receive a final report from them. Mr. Leone asked why the Town wasn't conducting a professional search. Mr. Eddison stated that citizens had conducted a successful search before and there was no reason it couldn't be done again. Mr. Marshall explained that the citizens a representative of what the Town wants, and that professional groups are not as "wise." Ms. Battin questioned whether a professional group would understand the Town Meeting form of government. mud Ms. Beck asked about sending out the questionnaire to the candidates who are in the A category, and whether the Search Committee should restrict.themselves to 15 who receive this request for further information. She also asked about controlling the return time. Mr. Marshall recommended starting the process. Mr. Hazel recommended allowing to days after the mailing date. Mr. McLaughlin expressed concern that some of the candidates may be away on vacation when they receive this request for additional information. Mr. Marshall urged that there be flexibility. Ms. Beck felt that candidates can work around the problem by asking for an extension of time if they need it. Mr. McSweeney asked about the issue of confidentiality. He was concerned that this could create a self - screening situation for some candidates. Earlier in the meeting it had been stated that the semi - finalists' names become public information. There is a release statement included with the questionnaire that allows the Town to contact references other than the candidates current employer. Mr. Leone asked how the questions for the questionnaire were developed. Mr. Eddison explained that some came from a questionnaire sent out during the 1975 search; others were added by the Selectmen. Mr. Marshall encouraged additional input. Mr. Hazel felt there should be a question regarding a candidate's achievements and one asking about the candidate's "most serious problem." Mr. Eddison reminded those attending that any question not included on the questionnaire could be included as an oral question during the interview 30C?- process. In order to avoid slowing down the process of getting the questionnaire to the candidates, it was decided that those interested in rewording any questions would meet briefly at the end of the meeting. It was decided to delegate that authority to Ms. Beck and Mr. Hazel and that the F questionnares would be sent out as soon as possible. Ms. Beck asked whether a packet of material should be sent to the candidates who receive the questionnaire. Mr. Marshall referenced an excellent article in the The Town Repo written by Mr. Eddison, which covers the issue of Proposition, 2�0 It was decided that a packet uld inclu a Town Emort, and The Selectmen -Town Manager Act At t nd if t me ng it was decided that a recent copy of the Lexington Minuteman should also be enclosed. Ms. Beck will write and sign a cover letter Mr. Marshall raised the question of the costs involved in bringing people to - Lexington for interviews. Mr. Eddison said that audio- visuals have been used in the past but he felt that the candidates were stiff, and that if an unsatisfactory answer were given it was frustrating to be unable to pursue it. Mr. Leone said that they can be a useful tool. There was some discussion of using an interview room and having a conference call that included video. Mr. McLaughlin reported that this is exceptionally expensive. Mr. Marshall said he would prefer to bring people in for interviews. Mr. Dailey said that an audio -- visual tape can -be_ useful but he prefers to see a candidate. Mr. Eddison reported that there is some money available. Mr. Marshall raised the issue of requiring the candidate to be a Lexington resident within one year. He feels that the Town may need to look at a creative compensation package in regard to housing. Mr. Cohen has been asked to look F into -the law regarding this issue. This will be p ursued by Mr. Marshall and Mr. g g p Dailey. Ms. Beck reviewed the procedures that will take place and will make the final decision regarding the package that is sent out candidates. After the Search Committee and Mr. Guilmartin left, Mr. Eddison brought to the floor the request of the Transportation Advisory Committee to increase the cost of Senior LExPRESS passes, as follows: a six month pass to increase from $18 to $20 and a three month pass to increase from $12 to $15. Mr. Dailey moved to approve the recommendation, Mr. Marshall seconded it, and it was passed unanimously. •Mr. Marshall moved to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Mr. Dailey and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10 :02 p.m. A true Record Attest: Sara Arnold Town Manager Search Coordinator VO I D F SELECTMEN'S MEETING t June 22, 1887 F ,A A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 22, 1987, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7 :30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr, Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr, McSweeney; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms, Adler, Asstt to the Town Manager; - Mrs. Snow, 'xecutive Clerk, were present. - INFORMATION SESSION PROSPECT HILL SIDEWALK Mr. Hutchinson recapped background information on the Prospect Hill sidewalk Proposal, for which funding had been appropriated by the 1387 Town Meeting, The request had been prompted by concerns for the safety of children walking to school, Peter Ohalpin, Asst. Town - Engineer, displayed a plan of the current proposal, which would require the removal of four trees. He noted.the possibility of saving the larger of the trees by a relocation of the sidewalk. The original request had been made by Mr. & Mrs. Brown 1 Fair Oaks Drive, and was supported by the School. Deptu because of 18 area children using the route. Because of school redistricting, it was projected that now 7 children will use the route to reach the Clarke Middle School. .r. James Maclnnes, Director of Business Services, School System, reported on the walking routes of area children and described the route of the school. bus. In discussion of relocating the sidewalk to the other side of Prospect Hill Rd., comparisons were made of work involved, resultant damages and factors, including safety Mr. Dailey noted the positions of three large oak - trees and the families concerned. He added that the sidewalk would require retaining walls of 3 to 4 feet in height, which he felt would cause a major impact to those residents, Mrs Eddison referred to the Sidewalk Master Plan, in which Prospect Hill Rd. had not been listed as a priority project. He asked the Manager if the plan is being followed since some streets with high priorities have nct had sidewalks built. The Manager pointed out that no sidewalks have been built in the past several years, but that the Master Plan is st i 1 in effect* Mr. Puopolo, 35 Prospect Hill Rd., voiced opposition to sidewalk on either side because he felt the usage would not be high enough to warrant it. Another Prospect Hill Rd. resident felt the expenditure of $140,000 was not necessary when the cost of transporting children by taxi would be nominal. Opposition to the removal of trees was stated by a Prospect Hill resident. He felt that the question of whether there really is a saf ety problem should be explored further. POW Dennis Brown, 18 Fair Oaks Drive noted add.tional area children and expanded adult use of the road and felt the sidewalk to be necessary= ;john Lancaster 33 Prospect Hill Rd,, was concerned about the loss of 4 trees. He f e . t that there was no safety problem involved . i -2- Mrs* Kaplan, gg Prospect Hill Rd,, d: eputed that a red cedar elated for removal was diseased an � . � _ der d ��.. ct ncerr €ed about po tenti al damage to tree root systems on her property, Mr. Stone, 25 Prospect Hill Rd. was opposed to the si dewalk, little use of it and felt that t � � saw w ere no h az ards to walker His daughter disagreed, f e e l i n g that sidewalks would be helpful f u 1 e' speeding cars. F because f In respo t o Mr Edd i so n , the Manager s a i d enforcement of ..peed laws would c o n t i n u e , but that continued surveillance would n practice _ �t to Mrs. Keetler, 9 Prospect Hill expressed concerns with w alkin g wi w e a L her . Mrs GatLk,e, 7 F rus.pect Hill Rd., saw l i t t l e use by children � sidewalk and was posed. � c � Idrer€ _�f � op posed. Stone, 25 Prospect Hill Rd., was opposed to the aide {•calk, because of the remo of t rees. M rs. Brown, 14 Fair Oaks Drive, favored a sidewalk are d felt it necessary because -o f haZ err ds to children, John Davies, I g Prospect 11 F� d H� Rd., said h e was reluctantllj in } a . 3 o r of a s but poi n ted o th one la o ak co , sa ,J g c��: _� old to _ed b }j creative sidewalk design. Mr s. Smith s a i d he had heard r e s i d e n t s - " concerns expresc re . the saf et �j fit wa as in a numbe of s t'� � e'e't - i Town. S h e saw a need f a M as ter Pl wh ich add ee s es t he safet fact r Re garding the impact on vegetation. she felt that a plan should be dev whi cau *, he i ees ab t a b u s e t o t e A s a lea€ a. l k } "" are not e, r. Edd i so n acknowledged that in winter , e i dei ial k s i beca se t he h of w i n t e r we condi ti Csr€ S , but had doubts that - fat a more severe s ts1 t actor ex on � of � a nu mber �'t; e r other r 'I s .L i !own t - r e e t s , 3 t h o td t Prospect Hill Rd. than sidew Mr . Mar fe that there should be a }ryay to design s . without the removal of the t� €vee t � - r - a si dewalk de��alk trees. . He _.atrr t s i det , ,lal k as n eeded but w - ould .vote agai the current "'aljou t Mr. H u t c h i n s n said a revised plan, with sidewalk on the other t �r side o t ro w ill tie submitte to t B oa rd. N eig h bo rs f � w ill �e informed when the new l av o u t is dev el o p.ed . ASSE POT TER , GR SH n ack no wledged t ser t o the Tow of W i I l ar d grush and William Potter, membe of the Board � Assess � - • 5 �� �f n _� e _. e ��� - � #'fi � and 20 years resp i ue ;a . He note th at t�r F men had Lt � lFen s ev eral ; n v o l y ed i n L reevaluatio p roces ses which had been ac con i p Z i - �.h €ed w i ■ P t h a m nimurn num o f ap p e al s , He compl �.1 I f �� l � ... � � `r a r � r � 1 d 1 M L n the �; J r dedi cated, * i nje ( and per sconal at ter. # 4 0n tz, residents � add 0. that f {ev will be sorte1v missed r� * :e Board. _ _ - ,�r €gr �.. - }, ed � ��que_ r�e, P t both in ver i t i on of their corf t? A Abu 1 ` o €s . Mr, Edd i = o n thank ed t heir on be`:aI f o f t he Boar- ± {, r the i n v a €J a bl e ser t o t t o Tow € • k i I owa Selectmen's Meeting -3- June 22, 1987 EAST STREET TREE REMOVAL SIDEWALK The Chairman opened a public information session on the East Street sidewalk proposal and tree removal issue. Peter Chalpin displayed the original plan, requiring 10 tree takings, and a revised plan which would mean the - loss of 3 trees. The aesthetic and financial impacts of both plans were discussed. Mr. Kelley noted that the sidewalk proposal had been initiated to ensure the safety of and was in favor of it* Mr. Hamburger, 13 Cooke Fed =, agreed and noted that at the tree hearings no opposition had been voiced by neighbors. He pointed out that the trees caused a visual obstruction for driver and recommended removing at least one of three trees at #351 East Street to improve sight d i stance . Mrs. Davison, 36 Spring Street, disagreed saying that the presence of trees acts as a deterrent to speeding. Mr. Levine, President of the C.L.C. commented on the need for a plan for additional tree planting in the Town, and felt that trees are a renewable resources Mr. Eddison asked for the Board's view on the 3 -tree removal option with the removal of one tree at #251 for improved vision= Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize proceeding with the plan as outlined by Mr. Eddison. APPOINTMENTS TO COUNCIL ON AGING p on motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve appointments by the Town Manager of -Ruth M. Butler and Connie Foster _ to the Council on Ajg i ng .for terms of three. years . FY88 PAS' PLAN Upon motion duly made and seconded, FY$3 Salary Plan for non -union employees, Manager, allowing for a 4X adjustment in increases of 4% to 6%0 ARTS & CRAFTS BANNER Mr. Eddison referred to the request by the Arts & Crafts Society for display of a banner over Waltham Street, on a twice -a -year basis to publicize the Society's fund raising sales. He recommended, that if approval is given, it be subject to DPW review of the proposal and exploration of safety aspects. Mrs. Smith noted that no criteria on street -wide banners have been developed and with the exception of the LWV's "Vote Today" banner, no banners have been requested: She felt that the scope of work by the Town should be explored, and that all costs be assumed by Arts & Crafts Mr. Dailey was more concerned with the potential for frequent banners than with the cost elements u e was opposed to favorable response to frequent banner requests. Mr. McSweeney shared Mr. Dailey's sentiments regarding setting a precedent. Mr. Marshall said he would vote against such displays. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was Noted to deny the request of the Arts & Crafts Society for display of a banner across Waltham Streetf, it was voted to approve the as proposed by the Town salary ranges and general �A -4- WATER AU LIT LEAS DETECTION PROJECT CRANE' "No Upon moti duly made and Tows, Manager to fiUI seconded,_it was voted to author for a �35,4�� matchin grant 3�e the leak detection project an g nt for a water audit d to execute the Resolution nd n so stating. ROTARY DONATION LE INCTON Mr. Hu CENTER - Hut chinso n nson asked that the Rotary Club's donation of replacement shruLbe has als ry in Lex i ngton Center he ack expressed an interest in m nowledged. The Club improvement, H fel ak i ng a further donation to t that Rotary should be thanked enter to work with the Town nked f coming n forwar his public project. d - on t Mrs McSweeney hoped that Rotary's generosity would for other organizations � n��ations and su set an example '� ��ested that the LLexingtonCente 1 st would supply projects worth r Committee's wish 1 Mr Eddison agreed that R of support. contribution and Rotary should he commended for - thanked for its support of L , r � is Center. C. projects in the CHALLENGE GRANT HCSING Mfr. Hutchinson announced th at the Challenge Grant i 'own had been awards n the amount of $ for d a strategies for the deelo men a study of innovative de of more affordable housing, He also noted that at the bass= Housing Partnership Conference achievement award for Cutstandin Lan r the Town was l iven an Planning to Support Afford d use able Housing. EMERSON GARDENS PROPOSAL - . �ahin, speaking on b �r - di scus r i on at eh alf with Town of Emerson 'Gardens to a June Srd meeting wi Hants, recapped. Meeting members, fir. Eddiso and the owners of Emerson C a proposal to provide affordable housing for those to be d3s had indicate - r willingness to wo placed at the apartment complex* d their p3e�a. The owners creation of housing, work with donation he 'own toward the � fir• cabin felt th +s would be on of land by the Town, I- a fe possible, with explore farms of housing l t i t important to move u . szng such _ as rental or condominium � i ck3 y to the Selectmen appoint an a minium and asked that d hoc committee to stud t. suggested that the committee be y he concept. He LeHAB, the Housing Ruth co mprised of representation fr Representative ority, the Emerson Gardens T Doran. Tenants Assoc., and Mrs Eddison stated that } creation of rent she hoard 3s primarily n develop � y inter taI units, not i me � y inter ested in My Marshal? pointed out p n ., o� condominiums. ownership that experience has shown th p does not work well and tha at own condo snits in control of the would want lowrtoderate the Town. t rental soon as Possible He few that action should 4. p ble on the rental un t co be s warted as Mrs lab i n f e? t that aI = ncept s month time frave options should be explored w ' 44 for a report to the Board t.. a to Hr. Eddison noted the :� by t;e Committee. unrealistic to 4 need to hear from alI sides an ant, c�pate such fast acts o � d felt � t Selectmen are required i ed t r no n • ..e noted that t: mown land o to L avor a m of any one grow when e r buildings, p cons+dering us Selectmen's Meeting -5- June 22, 1987 . Mr. Marshall recommended that LexHAB or the Housing Authority be commissioned to address the situation and was opposed to the creation of another housing committee. Ruth Nablo, Housing Authority member, saw need for interaction of the Authority with LexHAB and the Planning Board. _ Nathan Becker, Chairman of the Everson Gardens Tenants Assoc., reported on the possibility that the Emerson Gardens owners may have to revert to rental of the units because of difficulties. He estimated that rents could run from $1,440 to $1 which could el ad to evictions for non-payment non - payment by tenants. He felt that th condominium approach would be the cleanest solution and urged the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee. Mrs. Smith noted costs for donation of land or buildings which would have to be horn by the Town and pointed out that the Board lacks the statutory power-to single out a single group- in - such cases. She saw the possibility of expanding LexHAB's charge to allow it to deal, with the -Emerson Gardens issue, but felt it unrealistic to pin hope on a short term solution. Richard - Eaton reported that Raytheon Company has expressed willingness to provide counsel and assistance in helping to solve the current problem. Mr. Eddison said that it was his sense that LexHAB was the Town's • primary instrument.in dealing with affordable housine. He acknowledged that Muzzey had - taken much of that Board's time and attention but felt that the Selectmen should confer as to how soon LexHAB can take leadership in -the Emerson Gardens matter. - Mr. Marshall, as liaison to LexHAB agreed that it would be the proper way to focus effort toward having a meaningful article ready for the 1999 Town Meeting. Mrs. Zabin noted the need to focus on urgency for some people in Emerson Gardens who will be displaced before that time. Mrs. Smith said that the Board is unanimously sensitive to the problem but felt it would be quicker to move with an agency already in place and to enlarge its scope of work, if necessary. Mr. McSweeney urged publicity on the accessory apartment to encourage owners of large Mouses to consider such conversion. Mr. Eddison thanked those in attendance for the initiatives taken and reminders of the need to go forward. A consultation with LexHAB and other Town housing agencies will be scheduled in the near future. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Se- 1ectmen's Meeting on May 18, 199 as presented. REAPPOINTMENT f E ECUTILWE CLERK . +—i i r.rrr_i�rir rirmn. nr.n — — �.+rirn..in .rnr. inirrrrr Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Marion H. Snow as Executive Clerk , for a termof office to e�; p: re on May 31, 1 999 . . Q LEXINGTGNOPCLY USE OF BATTLE GREEN The Board reviewed the request of Hayden Precision Teams for permission to photograph the Minuteman Statue in connection with marketing a game of Lexingtonopoly as a fund -raiser. Also proposed was the selling of balloons, labeled Lexingtonopoly, on the Battle Green. Upon motion duly mane and seconded, it was voted to allow Hayden Precision Teams to arrange -for aer i.al photography of the Minuteman statue with 588 ± - people gathered at the base of the statue, on Friday, July 8, 1887, at 4:80 p.m. It was voted to deny permission to sell balloons on the Green. Emery Park will be suggested as a more appropriate location for that activity. PLEDGE of STOCK CORY'S RESTAURANT Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the poll vote of June 1 -7 , 1887, -to approve the request - of Cory's of _ Lexington, Inc. to pledge all issued stock and liquor license to the United States Trust Co., Court Sq. The amount of the pledge is $750,808, replacing a pledge to Capital Bank & Trust Co., for $858,840. ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE W. R, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of W.R. Grace & Co. RAEDACC for one Day Liquor License for June 25, 1887, on the occasion of a farewell party for an employee. COMMITMENT SEWER WATER CHARGES Upon mot -ion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Commitment of Sewer Charges, June, 1987 Townw i de Bills in the Iota -1 amount - of $458,248.88; and to approve the - Commitment of Water Charges, Junek 1887 Townwide Bills, in the total amount of $588,182.84. SEWER WATER ABATEMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of Water Charges in the amount of $82.18 and Sewer Charges in the amount of $87.28, for Chad -Ping Ong, 18 Homestead Street, because of incorrect meter reading. SUMMER MEETING SCHEDULE It was agreed that Selectmen's Meetings will be scheduled for July 8, July 24, August 8, August 17, August 81, September 14 1887_ Ms. Adler reported that she and the Town Manager had observed no congestion at the Depot Square 8- -space taxi stand. The issue of the adequacy of the number of tax stands in T own i the light of additional toy. i operation will be addressed on July E. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ad,ourn at 1 0 : 0 , 5 ; P.M. • A true record, Atte �t . . rion H. now E ecu t Clerk er