HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-09-BOS-mins . s SELECTMEN' MEETING September 9, 1986 A regular meeting of the Boar �of Selectmen was held on Tuesday September 9, 1988, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs, Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms, Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrss, Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. . BOSTON EDISON HEARING .. HAYDEN AVENUE The Chairman opened the public hearing on the petition of Boston Edison Company for permission to install 14 utility poles on Hayden Avenue. Stephen Kane, Boston Ed i son Right of way Agent, was present and explained that the purpose of the new installations would be to provide a back-up an an - circuit for W. R . Grace Company f d other commercial users �.n the area, in the event of power outages. In response to Mr. 'Eddison,, Mr. Kane said he had been unaware of the Town's policy to keep such utilities underground and noted the high costs of underground installations. Mr. Barry, W. R. Grace Company, referred to past power failures when his company was the last to have service restored. Mrs. Smith pointed out that underground installations are required in 1 new subdivisions and felt that this policy should also apply to petitions such as the one being heard. Regarding the frequent outages from storms referred to, she noted that this would be much more likely to occur with overhead wires, Both she and Mr. Marshall stated that they could not support ai roval. FF FF There being no further comments in favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny the petition of Boston Edison Company for permission to install 14 aboveground utility poles on Hayden Avenge, southwesterly side from a point approximately 2,314 feet southeast of Spring Street, with guy wires and anchors on the last 12th, 13th and 14th poles. BOSTON EDISON NEW ENGLAND TEL. & TEL. CO. HEARING EMERALD STREET The Chairman opened the public hearing on the petition of New England Telephone Company and Boston Edison Company for permission to install a Joint -owned pole on Emerald Street. William McCarty, representing the Telephone Company, explained the need for installation to service the 'Minute Man VoTech /Rotary Club' house, now being constructed. Mr. Hutchinson will explore the possibility of -a light fixture on the new pole. There being no further statements in favor or in opposition, Mr. Eddison declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and orders of New England Telephone Company and Boston Edison Company for installation of one joint- -owned pole on the southerly side of Emerald Street at Station 3. tl �24W NUT, ES - AUGUST 26 1986 Upon motion duly made and seconded, i t was voted to approve the OWN# minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on August 26, 1986, as presented. Mr . Edd i so n and Mr. Marshall abstained from voting due to their absence at that meeting, Gr„E1_EPDRT e, ANSCOM The Chairman suggested review by the Board of the comments o f - t h e Planning Board and Conservation Commission o n . the General Environmental Impact Report for Hanscom Field, to be discussed on September 2r d . Masspor t representatives will attend that meeting. MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Eddi son reported on a meeting arranged by Rep. Mary Jane Gibson at Alewife Station on September 5th for an announcement that the State is agreeable to funding of engineering and design casts of the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway. Consultant selection and design processes will be handled by the Dept. of Environmental Management, with input from the communities. The State DPW will . fund the design. He noted that the Lexington Bikeway Committee will continue to be involved and that progress reports will be made to the Board on developments. Regarding the abandonment process for the META right-of-way he ' expects Sidney Weinberg of the META legal office to _ send a request for affidavits, relative to usages, during the coming week. Mr. Eddi son will try, through the Bikeway Implementation Committee which includes several b i k ep a t h abu t t o r s from the Towns, to keep the Town informed. Mr. Dailey painted out that neighbors were to have been involved and given an opportunity to react to plans as they are developed. Mr. Eddi son replied that it is his intention to keep all concerned persons i of or4med and represented through the Committee and asked Board members to keep him apprised of any areas of concern raised to them. USE OF BATTLE GREEN The Chairman noted the request for use of the Battle Green for a silent vigil by citizens concerned about U.S. Policy in Central America and read a letter from Sara Sue Pennell, 6 Upland Rd., asking permission on behalf of members of Pledge of Resistance groups to permit this activity, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was vo ted to approve the request of Sara Sue Pennell that members of Pledge of Resistance Groups be permitted to hold a silent vigil on the Lexington Battle Green on Saturday, September 20, 1986. Approval was subject to assurance that there will' be no more than 50 participants, and that details of the plans for the vigil be coordinated with the Chief of Police and the Director of Public Works. Puft PORK Selectmen's Meeting September 9. 1986 .3� PROCLAM ON CO Sn UEK ir L Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim September 20 through October 13, 1986 as COASTWEEK, as requested by the Lexington League of Women Voters, PRO TIONt LEXINGTON D.A. Upon action duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim September 17 through September 23, 2986, as Constitution Week, as requested by the Daughters of the American Revolution, Lexington Chapter. PROCLAMATION EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEKs MASS. DEEZ OF PUBLIC HEALTH Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim the week of September 21, through September 27, 1996 as Emergency Medical Services Week, as requested by the Mass. Dept. of Public Health and the American College of Emergency Physicians, street betterment assessments as Sunny Knoll Avenue in the total amount of $17,791.00 Garfield Street in the total amount of $34,447a63 Emerald Street in the total amount of $16,643966 BEANO LI CENSE f ELKS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the B.P.O. Elks #2204, for renewal of its Beano License for the ensuing year. STREET BETTERMENT ASSESSMENTS. FY'86 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to certify FY I 86 ABATEMENTs SEWER CHARGES, ROBINSON 27 REVERE STREET Upon Motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute a certificate of abatement of sewer Charges in Lieu of Betterment against property owned by Rowena Robinson at 27 Revere Street, in the amount of $2,260.94, as approved by the Board of Selectmen on August 26, 198641 ABATEMENT _ WAT.RL_SEw CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of Water Charges in the amount of $110.00, for property at 128 Simonds Rd., (incorrect customer readingf and of Sewer User Charges in the total amount of $180.60, for property at 128 Simonds Rd. (incorrect customer reading) and 4 Redcoat Lane (not connected to sewer). r H . R . CRA CUM U.T.O. LO SE RYLT I QR F U Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept a gift of $1 to be deposited in the Conservation Fund. This money will be used to cover costs of materials for the construction of a boardwalk across a swampy area on the main trail at the Hayden moods conservation. area. LAND DEVELOPMENT LAW COURSE. MIDDLESEX COMMUNITY COLLEG Mr. Eddison referred to a course on Land Development Law being offered at the Middlesex Community College, which he may attend and asked if other members were interested i e The tuition is $50/person. Mr. Hutchinson added that it would be the type of activity that the Town supports. BREAKFAST MEETIN[ The agenda for the September Chairmen, and assignment of items members agreed to their assigned Marshall's items, who will not be APPOINTMENT TO COUNC ON AGING 12 Breakfast Meeting with Committee to Board members were discussed. All topics, including reassignment of Mr. present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the appointment by the Town Manager of George Doughty to the Council on Aging for a term of office to expire in June, 1988. MOORE REOUEST FOR DRAIEASEMENT Mr. Hutchinson referred to a memo from Francis Fields, Tern Engineer, recommending approval of the request of Moore Homes, Inc. for release of a portion of a drain easement located on the property at 1303 Mass. Avenue. In exchange for this release, Moore Homes, Inc. would reroute the existing drain with modern materials at no cost to the Town. The Town Manager also recommended favorable action on the request. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Moore Homes, Inc. for release of a portion of a drain easement held by the Town of Lexington located on the property at 1303 Mass. Avenue. Approval is subject to review by the Planning Board and Conservation Commission. REEVALUATION PROCESS The Town Manager outlined a tentative schedule submitted by John Ryan, Comptroller, for completion of the reevaluation process, re- certification, classif ication tax rate approval and issuance of FY' 87 tax bills. Public meetings will be scheduled for provision of information on the reason for reevaluation and matters relevant to the tax rate and printed information will be sent to residents with their tar bills. memo Selectmen's Meeting September 9, 1986 own PUBLIC HEARING - SHERATON LEXINGTON MOTOR IN Mr. Eddison opened a public hearing on the application of Dunfey- Lexington Corporation for change of corporate name only from Dunfey Hotels Corporation to Dunfey-- Lexington Corporation. Stuart Liss, Esquire was present to explain the proposal for rearrangment of the corporation's structure in anticipation of the forthcoming transfer of the Sheraton/ Lexington Motor Inn to Thomas Flatley. He requested on behalf of his client that the Innkeeper Liquor License, Common Victualler License Entertainment License and Innkeeper License be transferred to Dunfey- Lexington Corporation. The day-to-day operation of the facility will not change. There being no comments in favor or opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Dunfey- Lexington Corporation for transfer of Innholder License to sell all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises of the Sheraton/Lexington Motor I ran , 727 Marrett Road, Lexington, from Dunfey Hotels Corporation to Dunfey- Lexington Corporation. The description of the premises will not change. It was also voted to transfer Innkeeper License, Common Victualler License and Entertainment License from Dunfey Hotels Corporation to Dunfey- Lexington Corporation dlb Sheraton / Lexington Motor Inn, 727 Marrett Road, Lexington. 10" SACK TAXES Mr. Hutchinson referred to a memo from James Kane, Town Treasurer, reporting that an advertisement for taking approximately 47 parcels of fiscal 1989 property representing- $48,000 in tax receivables and listing delinquent tax payers will be published in the Lexington Minute -man: POLICE CONTRACT SETTLED Mr. Hutchinson reported that the Police Union agreed to a new two year contract. He briefly outlined the terms of the settlement. L.N.V. WATER CONSERVATION AWARENESS PROGRAM Mr. Marshall referred to plans of the League of Women Voters for a water conservation awareness program, to include a display to he provided by the Mass. Water Resources Authority. The MWRA material will not be available for early fall, as hoped, and the League felt that a display in the lobby of Cary Hall, during Town Meeting, would be preferred to a mid- winter set -up. The League will be informed that the Selectmen have no objections to the Spring display in Cary Hall and will be advised to make arrangements with MWRA. M M A FRANKLIN S PROGRESS REPORT Lisa Al Bergh i n i , Janice Macl nne and Muriel Khazam of Greater Boston Community Development, Inc. were present to * a progress report on p *00 construction and rant -up of the Franklin School, Sixteen units in the original building are nearly complete and will be occupied in approximately 3 weeks. The rentals will take place in Z hases with the Town Houses read for cccu anc p Y P Y at the end of November and mid - December, Ms. Alberghini reported on vandalism at the school amounting to $23,000 noting that GBCD is moving ► � o zng as quickly as possible to tenant the building to avoid other incidents. There is now on -site security, Y Ms. Khazam gave information on characteristics of the Franklin School tenants with respect to number of units for low income; moderate income; and handicapped persons, racial information, age of head- of households fami Y size and number of low income certificates were also outlined. Ms. Maclnnes said GBCD is pleased with the successful rent -up and described the outreach program implemented to inform various agencies and individuals of the availability of units. Ms. Alberghini noted that there had been 163 applicants for units. Not all had qualified because of either too high, too low incomes or asset restrictions. She reported that deposits have been received from all future tenants and felt confident that the drop -out rate would be low. She will provide the Board with an up -date on that matter when final figures are known. She pointed out that the greatest unmet need had been for 2- and 3- bedroom units. _ A part -time maintenance person for the site is now being sought. That position will become full- -time when all 38 units are occupied and Ms. Khazam will be the on -site Manager of the development. Now Mr. Eddison thanked the GBCD representatives for their attendance and the information provided. Mr. Marshall asked that a more effective barrier be installed at the driveway to the Clarke Jr. High School to deter use of it by area residents. The Manager will explore the matter. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll call vote: Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of the transfer of real estate and matters of litigation, with no intent to resume open session. LexHAB Chairman William Hays and member David Eagle were requested to participate in the discussion. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:34 p.m. A true record, Attests /� ^� � e-7 Marion H. Snow. Executive Clerk `s SELECTMEN'S MEETING September 23, 1988 A regular meeting of thy - Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, September 23, 1988, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. PUBLIC HEARING BOSTON EDISON WORTHEN RD. PLEASANT ST. CONDUIT The Chairman opened the Public Hearing on the petition of Boston Edison Company for installation of conduit on Pleasant Street and Worthen Road to service the Graystone Development located off Pleasant Street. Since no representative of the Edison Company was in attendance to present the petition, Mr. Eddi declared the hearing adjourned to October 7, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING NEW ENGLAND TEL. CO. WINCHESTER DRIVE „ Mr. Eddison opened the Public Hearing on the petition of the New England Telephone Company for permission to place an area terminal and conduit in Winchester Drive to provide additional service to the area. Mr. William McCarthy, representing the telephone company, was present to explain that the existing equipment would be replaced by an above ground terminal to service Maple St. /Blueberry Lane and Whipple Road. Haul Sidman, 2 Winchester Drive, asked for the specific location of the proposed installation and whether it would be on his property. Mr. McCarthy said it would be on the 7 -foot Town owned right -of -way at the side of the roadway. Because of Mr. Sidman's question regarding the 7- -foot figure, the Town Manager recommended that Manny Coscia of the Public Works Dept. be requested to explore the matter. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the hearing to October 7, 1988, pending resolution of the question of placement of the Telephone Company equipment. RESOLUTION -W JAMES W. LAMBI E Mr. Eddison expressed the appreciation of the Board for the lengthy service to the Town of James Lambie as an active member of the Board of Health and as Chairman of that Board since 1981. He read a Resolution which listed many issues addressed by the Health Board during Mr. Lambie's tenure. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Resolution in acknowledgement of the Board's appreciation of the long and outstanding service of James W. Lambie. �-M: �2- MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 9 19 Of! Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, p , as amended, the minutes of the open meeting of the Selectmen on September 9 1986. p The minutes of the Executive Session of September 9, were ap subject to a correction to be made in Executive Session, ABANDONMENT /DISMANTLEMENT. LE}{INGTON BRANCH LINE OF RAILROAD Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve an affidavit and certif of the resolution of the Board reflecting its support of a motion to the United States District Court to amend its memorandum and order to permit the abandonment and dismantlement of the Lexington Branch line of railroad. Mr. Eddison was authorized to sign the affidavit on behalf of the Board, LWVIHAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION FEES Mr. Eddison referred to a memorandum from Judith Marshall, Chairman of the League of Women Voters, concerning waiver of the user fee charged in the past for the annual collection of hazardous household wastes. Mrs. Marshall had noted the joint Lincoln /Lexington collection planned for this ear, and y , the fact that Lincoln will not be charging its residents for the service. In order to avoid confusion at the joint site and resentment of Lexington residents, she asked that the fee be waived. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, as requested by the League of Women Voter, to waive the fee of $4.00 per pound /gallon in excess of 5 pounds /gallons of hazardous waste as previously charged at the waste site. It was also voted that containers for donations to offset costs. , be installed at the collection site. MEETING SCHEDULE Tuesday, October 7, 1986 Tuesday, October 21, 1986 Tuesday, October 28, 1986 Tuesday, November 4, 1986 The October 28th meeting will be posted, but will be cancelled if the Selectmen's work load allows. RESIGNATION - MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Judith Uhrig as representative of the Planning Board on the Minuteman Bikeway Implementation Committee. lili Selectmen's Meeting COMMITTEES DISSOLVED _3- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to dissolve the following committees whose charges have been fulfilled: Franklin School Conversion Committee Congregate Housing Study Committee Franklin School Selection Criteria Committee Minuteman Commuter Bikeway Committee Mr. Eddison noted that he had contacted chairmen of the committees and all agreed that the committees should be disbanded. Letters of appreciation will be sent to all former members. ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES Mr. Eddison referred to a list of committees whose members' terms will expire on September 30th and who are willing to continue to serve. He noted that Mrs. Smith had indicated no opposition to making these reappointments in her absence. The Chairman read the list of proposed reappointments to be made. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint the following to their respective committees for terms of office to become effective on September 38, 1988: Di :�•'� September 33, 1988 Robert M. Gary Board of Appeals ( 5 yr. . 1991 Board of Appeals Assoc. 1987 " It r ' 1987 r it r ' 198 n n 1987 It tr of 19 n to " 19 Trustees of the Public 1992 Trust ( f7 yrs Bridge Charitable Fund (3 yrs.) Gamme Legacy Trust Of K n Fair' Housing Conznittee It 11 n Elizabeth M. Flynn 1987 Robert Pressman fir, r. rr Fred D. Rosenberg 1987 William T. Spencer n n n � p n Villiam C. Hays Eric T, C ke Susan Beck Mary Miley Robert V. Whitman John J. N b%be.ney Alan S. Fields 1989 Alan S. Fields 198? Leona W. Marti 1987 Elizabeth M. Flynn 1987 Robert Pressman 1987 IsQn►a Martin 1987 Fred D. Rosenberg 1987 William T. Spencer 1987 Vidya Bhatia 1987 F lc rernce Batur in 1987 Janes R. Brannon ADDRESS 29 Highland Avenue 39 Locus Avenue 29 Mom Hill Road 17 patriots Drive 29 Robinson Road 9 Demar Rmd 503 Ccncord Avenue 10 Marshall Road 10 Mars Road 19 Thoreau Road 310 Ccnccrd Avenue 22 Locust Avenue 19 Thoreau Road 165 Wod Street 32 Hancock Street 8 Nickerson Road 11 Al+catt Road 380 Lowell Street M C Se.rVices Cmmittee 1989 Hobert Cushman 13 Smith Avenue (3 yrs Personnel Advisory Board 1989 Kendall Wright 13 %bodland Pced (3 yrs. ) Fence Viewers. 1987 TA illiam H, Sullivan 14 Milk street Police 1 Policy Can, 19 8 7 Wi -- I's ley,, Jr. 1 Busbnell Drive n n n n 1987 Chief Paul E, F urdan Pol.i.ve Dept, n n 1987 E. Flynn 32 Watertown street 1987 Gerald L. 71 Spring street n r n 1987 Wi.lZ C, Hays 39 Locust Avenue Traffic saf ety Advisory 1987 Peter M. Chalpin 1 Prescott W , Woburn 1987 Robert Trask 217 Waltham Street 1987 Jckn W. Malcney 157 Emerson Gardens n " 1987 Eric T. Clarke 29 Nbon Hill Road 1987 Chief Paul E. F%3rd jexing Police De Pt , � � n 10 1987 Wi lliam F. b6 15 3 G ro re Street 1987 Sgt, RA=t Raposa Tex Police Dept, 1987 Rcbert Bowyer 7 Woodc].if f e Road Transportation Advisory 1989 Sally Castleman 7 Mountain Road Commm ' ttee � 3 yr s , .) 19 8 9 William Mix 153 gave stmt „ i }! 1989 laurence P, Chait 25 Fairlawn Lane APPOINTMENT OF FENCE VIEWER The Chairman noted that Louis Zehner had written to the Board statin that he did not wish to be reappointed a Pp s a Fence viewer and recommended that Martin Oilman be appointed in that capacity. Mr. Eddison added that Joseph A. Campbell had also expressed interest in that appointment. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Martin Gilman as a Fence Viewer for a term of office to become effective on September 34, 1988 and to expire on September 30, 19876 LETTER OF WELCOME TO FRANKLIN SCHOOL RESIDENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the letter drafted by Mr and Mr. Marshall to tenants of the Franklin School Apartments, which will be included in a packet to be sent by Greater Boston Community Development Inc. to the new residents. TRAFFIC ITEM: CEDAR STREET SPEED - CHAMBERLAIN REQUEST Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of Neal E. Chamberlain for a traffic study including review of current speeds and a corrective action program to reduce the speeds on Cedar Street between Denver and Balfour Streets, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations. TRAFFIC ITEM: HIDDEN DRIVEWAY SIGN -- WOLFE RE UEST Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of George Wolf for a Hidden Driveway sign to be installed between No. 38 and No. 40 Peacock Farm Road, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations. t� _ J 0 Selectmen's Meeting _5_ September 28, 1988 TRAFFIC ITEM; DRIVE SLOW CHILDREN SIGN - FIVE FIELDSo INC. REQUEST Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of Five Fields, Inc. for 8 Drive Slow - Children signs to be placed in the Barberry, Stonewall and Field Roads area because of the many children who live in the area and the lack of sidewalks, number of curves, and dense vegetation, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations. LIMOUSINE LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Charles E. Parks., 14 Hawthorne Rd., for Limousine License for second vehicle. This license will expire on May 81, 19870 ST. BRIGIL'S PARISH CLUB - ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the application for One Lay Liquor License for St. Br i g i d' s Parish Club Reunion Party to be held on Oct. 17, 19889 W.R. GRACE COMPANY (RAELACC) - ONE LAY LIQUOR LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the application for One Day Liquor License by W. R. Grace (RAEDACC) for a retirement party to be held on September 25, 1988. ACTING TOWN MANAGER Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the appointment by the Town Manager of Susan Adler as Acting Town Manager during his absence from September 27 through October 4, 19889 1987 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call the 3987 Annual Town Meeting on March 2, 1987 (Election Lay), with the first deliberative session to be held on March SO, 1957, Subsequent sessions were scheduled for April 11, April 8, and April 8, 19874 GEI REPORT, HANSCOM FIELD Joyce Hals, Norman Faramell.i of Massport, and Ted Baldwin, Consultant, of Miller & Harris, were present for review of the General Environmental Impact Report on Hanscom Field. Mr. Faramelli explained that the purpose of the GEIR was to develop an overall picture of past and present activities at Hanscom Field, noting that the study is still in draft form. ffec With respect to the impact of air field operations, Mrs. Hale added that the major impact on Lexington is }round traffic and noise. Since drainage from the field is into the Shawsheen River, that is not a robl P em for Lexington. Regarding ground traffic, it was reported that the level 1 of service is at level L, but that AM and PM peak hours are not seriously period of heaviest affected. The P traffic appears to be �:�� p.m, Development of office space on either side, however, would mean significant � cant impact, Mr. Baldwin gave an explanation as to how the noise analysis had been arrived at and promised Massport's response to concerns expressed. He reviewed by means of a flip chart noise data developed mathematical) and explained, using 878 as a reference Y 3 point, that a maximum �� increase in operations projected for the field would not bring the noise level beyond the "threshold of significance ". Beyond that level, the situation would warrant exploration and evaluation. Mr. Baldwin noted that the noise from single engine aircraft had not been taken into account in the draft study but will be included in the final report and that noise contours will be developed annually. PUBLIC HEARING - SHERATON LEXINGTON MOTOR INN LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Mr. Eddison requested that the Massport presentation be adjourned to %=NO allow for a Public Hearing sheduled for 8:30 p.m. Stuart Liss, Esquire, and James O'Neil, representing Thomas J. Flatley, were present for the public hearing on the application for transfer of Innkeeper Liquor License from Dunfey- Lexington Corp. d /b /a Sheraton Lexington Motor Inn, 727 Marrett Rd., to Thomas J. Flatley d /b /a Tara Lexington, The Chairman opened the hearing with the reading of the duly advertised legal notice. Mr. Liss recapped the } r =red Yes involved i n the sale of the Motor Inn including a previous hearing} before the Board on September 8th, to all for changes within the corporate structure of the Dunf ey Corporation. He distributed brochures giving a general description of Flatley operations in other areas such as Braintree and Framingham. The Inn will be operated similarly, and will retain its current management and configuration, with some up- grading and improvements. Applications had also been made for transfer of Common Victualler, Entertainment and Innkeeper Licenses. There being no comments in favor or in opposition, Mr. Eddison declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Thomas J. Flatley for transfer of Innkeeper All Alcoholic Beverages License, from Lunfey-- Lexington Corporation d /b /a Sheraton Lexington Motor Inn, 727 Marrett Rd., to Thomas Js Flatley dlb /a Para Lexington, 727 Marrett Rd. It was also voted to approve the transfer of Compton Victualler License, Innkeeper License, and Entertainment License for the Sheraton Lexington Motor Inn to Thomas J. Flatley dlbfa Tara Lexington. Selectmen's Meeting -7- September 23, 1985 GEI REPORT, HANSCOM FIELD Presentation on the GEIR, Hanscom, was resumed. Mr. Baldwin showed data from 1375 through 1985 on total usage by civil and military aircraft at Hanscom, which he said was slightly down due to restriction of noisier jets, plus charges for nighttime operations. A chart with estimated degrees of growth to 1990 was also displayed. Mr. Marshall noted tha an analysis by Robert Domnitz had shown that single- engine planes add significantly to levels of noise, data on which had not been previously factored into the study. Mr. Baldwin stated that collecting data on single- engine planes is very difficult and time consuming. It had not been included in the study because original records indicated that the figures did not vary from year to year. Reginald Murphy, 40 Harding Road, compared the noise generated from a single flight to driving 40 mph on the highway. He reported difficulty in hearing a radio or television and reported that, at times, planes fly so low that windows rattle. He suggested that flights be limited at times when noise levels are high. He also asked if seasonality had been taken into consideration referring to summertime when people are out of doors and windows are open. Mr. Baldwin said it would be done. A Carlisle resident, Edward Farnsworth, expressed concern with Massport's perception of the aggravation caused by noise, as addressed in the study. He said that those living in the affected communities are directly disturbed by the increasing number of single- engine flights. Joyce Miller, chairman of the Conservation Commission, and Jere Frick, MAPC representative, were in attendance for the discussion. Mrs. Frick is prepared to gather information for comments on the study. Mrs. Miller referred to written comments by the conservation.commission on the report. She questioned why water and sewer use at Hanscom is not metered. Mr. Tonaszuck responded that Lexington water to the Air Force is metered at a lower rate and that Massport pays a flat charge to the Air Force. It is expected that the Air Force will be taken off the Lexington sewer system in the future. Mrs. Miller also noted the commission's concern regarding the age of infrastructure pipes and recommended that inflow /infiltration should be corrected before any future expansion is planned. Discussion continued on the regional concern with non - aviation related development and its impact on traffic. Mr. Faramelli said that Massport is. committed to compatible uses and is guided by contiguous land uses. Peter Barker, 17 Fuller Rd., expressed concern that safety issues had not been addressed in the study. He reported that on four occasions, he had reported late night flights and upon calling was told by Massport that there P was no record of such operations. Mrs. Hals will investigate the matter, but thought it possible that bad weather had prevented the planes from actually landing which would explain why Massport had no record. . 8_ Regarding Massport's statement that there are few complaints about noise, Mr. Barker felt that callers may be dissatisfied with resp onses and theref stop calling. He disputed the measurement of noi se on an averag adding that it is intense at tines i.e. Sun days. He felt the low charge assessed for night operations is no deterrent. In response to questions as to the reason for the stud if no expansion is planned Mr. Faramelli said it Y p � had been done upon the advice of the Hanscom Field Commission. Massport is concerned with being a good neighbor and does display sensitivity to no In addition, comp atibility-with contiguous land uses is a continuing concern of Massport. 'The stud had been conducted to ascertain that this s zs the case and to develop a standard upon which cond can be j udg ed from year to year. Mr. Marshall commented that Massport had been responsive by conducting the study. Logan Barbara Colby referred to the Lo A' Y � Airport flight pattern and the impact it had in increasing the number of single engine planes usin Hanscom. Mrs. Hals noted the efforts of passport to keep Logan an p lanes at a higher altitudes The Chairman thanked Mrs. Hals and Mr. Faramell for their attendance at th meeting and the opportunity for residents to comment on the study Y GOAL SETTING MEETING MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes "N of the Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting on July 2, 1986, as submitted b Mr. Hutchinson. y MEETING WITH LEGISLATORS It was agreed that a meeting with Senator Kraus and Representative Doran for discussion of current legislation will be arranged for October 21st. UNPAVED UNACCEPTED STREETS Mr. Hutchinson reported on the status of the program of repairing unpaved,, unaccepted streets and referred to a fee schedule of payment by abuttors for these improvements. He noted that of 12 owners on the 9 streets to be worked on, 6 have not responded, but that work will commence the next week on Blake, Davis, Dee Roads, Sheridan Street and Tavern Lane. The remaining owners will again be contacted as to their willingness to participate: DRUG/ALCOHOL CONCERNS Mr. McSweeney reported on his meeting with the Town Manager, Police Chief, Supt. of Schools and Steve Baran, to review his concerns about dru and alcohol abuse in the Town as a whole and particularly as it relates to young people. His memo reporting to the Board on measures now being taken i.e. prevention; enforcement; and rehabilitation was briefly recapped. Mr. McSweeney asked that the report be reviewed for further discussion at a later date. Sel ectmen's Meet -g-- September 23, 1986 He felt that the meeting had been beneficial and that all agreed that more can be done in the three categories mentioned above. He suggested that a group be formed consisting of himself, a member of the Human Services Committee, representative of the School Administration /Committee, Police Department and possibly the PTA, for pursuit of more effective ways to expand existing programs to combat these abuses. POLICE CADET LEGISLATION Mr. Hutchinson reported to the Board on Police Cadet Legislation, supported by the Police Chief, which would give preference to the appointment of Cadets to the police force and would allow recruitment of Cadets from outside, as well as from within, the community. He felt that there is merit in the concept 'in that it would facilitate meeting affirmative action goals by attracting more minorities. He suggested that the legislation by pursued. It would require town meeting action and a special act of the Legislature. As appointing authority, the Manager would have greater flexibility in the hiring process. Mr. Dailey was troubled by the process of bringing in outside cadets and then having them leave the Town after having invested heavily in their training. He said he would be more comfortable with reaching down on the Civil Service list to get a qualified applicant from within the Town. Mr. Marshall said that based on the feature of the legislation which would aid in meeting minority goals, he could support it. The Manager will proceed with drafting of a warrant article, following which, the matter will again be discussed. FUNDING - SOLID WASTE PROGRAM ��irr ■r..m.ni .r�rrrri. . r r ■ �. rri. uiunnn .nrr_rrrni..n.n��i.ini..nirir The Manager informed the Board of a problem with funding of the solid waste program which may necessitate a Special Town Meeting. Because the tipping fee is higher than anticipated, and there is more tonnage going to the plant than originally estimated, additional.monies will have to be sought. Mr. Hutchinson will be meeting with the haulers and will come back to the Board for discussion of the timing of a Special Town Meeting this fall Discussion continued on the possibility of avoiding a fall flown Meeting by partial payment now from other sources and holding a Special Town Meeting within the 1987 Town Meeting. . EXTRA WORD{ ORDER #f - HARTWELL AVENUE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Extra Work Order #1, in an amount not to exceed $6,OOO, under the current contract with Trimount Bituminous Products Co for sealing of cracks in Hartwell Avenue "'" from the railroad tracks to the Hanscom gate, r �a - 10- - EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - a by r o l l call vote, Mr . Edd i so n , Mr* Marshall, Mr. D a i l e y , Mr. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of mat of l i t i g a t i o n , with no intent to resume open session, Upon motion duly made and seconded, i t was voted to adjourn at 11:00 P.M. r true record, Attest: I n _` Executive Clerk VMW