HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-BOS-minr � a UP 35�+^ SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 5, 1988 A regular meeting of fhe Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 5 1988 in the Select Meeting y � Selectmen's M � Room, Town Office Building at 7.3� p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr, Hutchinson, Town Manager; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. CAPT. KILMARTIN L.P.L. Paul Furdon, Chief of Police, introduced James Kilmartin, who had received a promotion to the rank of Captain and recapped his background and qualifications. Captain Kilmartin's wife was asked to present his badge, following his swearing in by Mary McDonough, Town Clerk. On behalf of the Board, Chairman Marshall offered congratulations and best wishes to the new Captain, who was given a standing round of applause. MINUTES . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, as presented, the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on April 28, 19$89 MINUTE MAN TECH - BILL H-4730 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to express to Governor Dukakis, President Bulger, Speaker Keverian, Senator Kraus and Rep. Doran as requested by the Minute Man VoTech School Committee, support of bill H -4730 which would increase vocational school aid, perm vocational - technical schools to accept tuition students from non-- member towns and allow these schools to continue charging reasonable tuitions. The Town Manager will draft these letters to be signed by the Chairman. RESIGNATION OF COMPTROLLER RICHARD M PERRY Upon motion duly made seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Richard M. Perry as Town Comptroller, effective April 30, 1988. Mr. Perry will be commended for his service to the Town by a letter of appreciation. FRANKLIN SCHOOL SELECTION CRITERIA COMMITTEE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following to the Franklin School Selection Criteria Committee. Paul W. Marshall, Board of Selectmen Martha C. Wood, Planning Board Leona Martin, Fair Committee Sherry Edmonds, LexHAB John F. McLaughlin, original Franklin School Committee member Mary Neumeier, neighborhood representative SUBURBAN D1 D TAXI„ INC. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Paul Bradford, President of Suburban Diamond Taxi, Inc. d / b f a 1 Diamond Taxi, for Taxi License for a 1982 Plymouth Reliant, Registration #6704, and for use of a taxi stand for the vehicle either at Depot Square or on Wass. Avenue, near Charles Street. Mrs. Smith expressed her pleasure that an additional taxi service will be available in Town, noting unfavorable experiences in the past with the existing cab company. ARLEX TAXI - RENEWAL OF TAXI LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Arlex Taxi Corporation d /b/a/ 'fellow Cab Associated for renewal of Taxi Licenses for the ensuing year as follows Taxi # Descri tion Resist ton 4 1981 Ford Fairmont Taxi 4248 12 1981 Ford Fairmont Taxi 4218 18 1981 Ford Fairmont Taxi 4289 22 1881 Ford Fairmont Taxi 4 211 24 1981 Ford Fairmont Taxi 4204 8 1981 Ford Fairmont Taxi 4 221 10 1988 Plymouth Wagon Taxi 4285 1 - DAY AUCTIONEER LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Albert Balyorian for One Day Auctioneer License on May 10, 1988, for sale of oriental rugs at the State Armory, 459 Bedford Street, to benefit St. Nicholas Greek Church. Upon motion duly made.and seconded,it was voted to approve the application of Joan F: Caddigan for One Day Auctioneer License on May 10, 1988 for the sale of personal property of the Estate of Dorothy Duggleby at 33 Hill Street. USE OF BATTLE GREEN Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Colonel James Ps Hassett, MIT ROTC Program, for use of the Battle Green on Ma y 29, 1988, for a commissioning ceremony, and for permission to serve wine at a reception in the Lexingto n Visitors Center, following the ceremony. saw MW Selec Meeting _3_ May 5 , 1986 PETITI OF NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND BOSTON ECG I GCN CCMPANI E a POLE RELOCATI Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petiti plans and orders of the New England Telephone Company and Boston Edi Company for relocating one joint owned pole in Parker Street, necessary for the installation of a new driveway at 17 Barker Street ABATEMENT OF WATER RECEIVABLES 3 SEWER i��r REVENUE rin�rr�rr�rrrrrr.rr...i i n i n rrrrl r. rr. r. mmiirrrrrriri�rrwr. nnrrrrrririq�rr�... r.wwr.r ^miinnrr.r+wrrr^rrru Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of water receivables to adjust estimated and to correct readings, in the total amount of $155s650 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of sewer charges for customers not connected to sewer; for incorrect readings; and for adjusted estimates in the total amount of $233.49 C "ON CARRI LICENSE .rrrrr_ii i i i nrir . rnrr_ rrrrrwrwrriririiiu .n.��i.�iiinuu - - - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of A Yankee Line, Inc. for Common Carrier License to operate a bus service from the Lincoln - Lexington town line, over Rte 2 to the intersection of Rte 2 and Rte 128/Interstate Rte 95; thence over Rte 128 /Inter state Rte 95 to the Lexington-Waltham town line; and return, RESOLUTION - TOWN CLERK MARY MCDONQUGH .The Board reviewed a draft Resolution in acknowledgement of the services to the Town for 45 years of Nary R. McDonough, Town Clerk, and her outstanding performance in that capacity. Mr. Eddi son expressed his support of this acknowledgement but felt that the document should be expanded and volunteered to revise it to include additional commendations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve presentation of a Resolution by the Board to Mary R. McDonough, upon the occasion of the last session of the Town Meeting at which she will serve as Town Clerk, FAIR HOUSING REPORT Mr. Hutchinson summarized a draft of the Report on the fair Housing Resolution to be filed with the Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the report subject to an editorial inclusion in i tem #G - Katandin Woods. M RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS Mr. Hu tchinson reported that a request for transf from the Reserve Fund for work on the Bridge School may not be necessary and asked that the item be deferred. He is working with the insurance company on reimbursement procedures. CONTRACT CLEANING AND LINING EX I ST I MG WATER MAIMS Upon motion du made and seconded, it was voted t o execute Contract #86-5 -E Cleaning & Lining Existing Water Mains, with Si szko Contracting Corp., 20 Development St., Fal. l River in the amount of $174,750.00 as approved on April 28, 1986. SCHOOL RENOVATION PROGRAM ARTICLE 35 Mr. Hutchinson presented material summarizing the impact of a $10,070,000 bond issue for the School Renovation Project and Land Acquisition, for terms of 10 15 and 20 years, as requested by the Board in addition to the data on a $12,220 funding prey i ously distributed. This reflected in general Mr. Da i 1 ey' s su gSes t i o n as apposed to the full program proposed by the School Committee. Mr. Marshall asked for discussion as to what level of spending the Board was ready to support. Mr. McSweeney said, in the light of letters from Bridge School parents, that he would propose an O p t i o n SA which would i r: �:lude all safety code related items, plus roof work, handicapped accessibility projects, removal of asbestos and replacement of Lexan with glass. He felt other items could be deferred, such as energy conservation measures, the educational program and i n t e r i o r and exterior carpeting. He estimated that funding of $5,000,000 would be needed for this option, Mrs. Smith spoke in support of the full program, excluding the Administration Building project, as proposed by the School Committee in order to maintain quality of education. Mr. Dailey was in favor of a $10,000,000 progrmri, which would provide for on-going maintenance by two permanent 2-man crews to avoid the need for such extensive repairs at one time in future years. Discussion followed on the pros and cons of an increased maintenance staff to accomplish the needed improvements vs, con tract i ng the work out. Mr. Clough stated that effort has been consistently made to keep the schools in good condition. Regarding the issue of spr i nkler i ng the schools, at a total cast of $1,000,000, Mr. McSweeney requested the recommendations of the Fire Chief and the Town Manager on the safety aspect. Mr. Hutchinson responded t ha t the proposed smoke detector system is geared to the safety of individuals, He added that the Chief would not recommend against sp r i n k l er i n g , but that smoke detector installation is supported by all. Mr. Eddi son expressed his support of the total $12 million package, but felt that the School Administration Building was not of high enough priority to be included. Selectmen's Meeting May 59 1986 ... He noted that on the tour of schools, lack of code safety items had been evident and advocated all improvements in that area. He felt that items under 'Educational Program" were also of high priority f. Mr. Marshall also supported the entire proposal, but including improvements to the School Administration Building in accordance with the recommendations of the School C o m m i t t e e and the Permanent Building Committee. He again noted that if in two or three years, financing proved to be difficult within the limits of 2 112, the referendum process could be implemented at that time. He said he would vote against spr i nkler i ng in favor of smoke detectors, noting that the detectors provided protection to students while spr i nkler i ng sy*temik protect property, Mr. McSweeney said he was i n favo of` financing a $5 million project within the limits of 2 1/22 Mr, Newman pointed out the risk, if so many i t ems are dropped, of losing State reimbursement. He feared that funding r ay be more difficult to obtain if the project is done in phases, referring to an anticipated crunch in two years. Mr. Marshall asked for a motion on the Selectmen's position on A r t i c l e Syr Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted S - 2, with Mr. Dailey and Mr. McSweeney voting in the negative, to support the proposal of the School Committee under Article 35, excluding improvements to the School Administration Building, to be funded in the amount of $12,000,000. Mr. Dailey and Mrs McSweeney stated their support for exclusion of the School Administration Building improvements. Mr. Marshall noted that there was general agreement to a term of financing of 15 years. p .m r Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:35 A true record, Attest: F 1 Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk mom t E 1 �9 M1 i SELECTMEN'S MEETING f May 7, 1986 A regular meet ing of Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, May 7 1986, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Off Building, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mr. Eddi Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms.Adler, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. REPORT OF THE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SYSTEM REVIEW COMMITTEE Alan Lazarus was present to submit the Report of the Hazardous Substance System Review Committee to the Board prior to the filing of the report at Town Meeting, The report covered definition of hazardous materials; federal and State regulations; current systems for information gather assessment, and monitoring; and procedures in response to a hazardous materials accident. Mr. Lazarus reported that while risk of an accident occurring in town is probably low, eff should be speeded up to obtain an inventory of all hazardous materials used by Lexington firms, adding that only 2 of the Town's 248 firms had responded to legal notices published last summer seeking detailed chemical inventories under the State's "right -to -know" law. He noted that while there are no Lexington industrial facilities which use or store large quantities of hazardous substances, there was some concern regarding research labs that use relatively small quantities of these materials and the many trucks travelling on Routes 2 and 128 which could pose possible sources of accidents. Mr. Lazarus expressed the appreciation of his committee for the assistance and cooperation of Fire Chief Bergeron and George Smith, Health Director. -� He further reported that the Town has in place an adequate framework of a comprehensive system for dealing with hazardous materials and outlined the current response network which includes fire, health, police and public works departments and the Mown Manager. Fire whistles would be sounded to alert residents of any catastrophe requiring mobilization, and emergency shelters and food supply arrangements, he stated, have been put in place. The Committee recommended continued support for annual hazardous household waste collection; enforcement of landfill regulat town / Conservation Commission effort to monitor underground storage of fuels; and town monitoring} of the frequency of air and water sampling and test resul Plans f a public meeting on the matter were discussed briefly. Mr. Marshall asked that the Committee work with the Town Manager and Fire Chief �•• as to who should receive formal notice of that meeting. The Chairman expressed the appreciation of the Board for the Committee's efforts and the quality of the report. 5� � 2 - J FAIR HOUSING REPORT Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to sign the revised Report of the Board of Selectmen to the 1986 Annual Town Meeting on the Fair Housing Resolution. RESOLUTION, TOWN CLERK Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the revised Resolution i n acknowledgement of th serv to the Town of Town Clerk, Mary R. McDonough, to be introduced under Article 2 at the evening's session of Town Meeting. TOWN MEETING pRCCEDURES � ir..i.rnn. nor. The Board and Manager discussed procedures and strategy for the Town Meeting session that evening. Regarding Article 35, School Renovation, Mr. Dailey asked if reimbursement of 60% of the cost by SBAB to the Town is assured. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Selectmen will not approve the bond issue to fund school renovation before assurance is obtained that reimbursement from SBAB will be forthcoming. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ad journ at 7:55 p. ms A true record, Attest: s a r Mar H S now Executive Clerk a" Faft T 'L SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 12, 1986 e A regular meeting of --the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 12, 1986 at 7:0O p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building. Chairman Marshall, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Deshler, Principal Clerk were present. LEXINGTON GOLF CLUB /CHANGE OF MANAGER The Board reviewed the petition of Lexington Gulf Club for change of manager from Daniel Martinez to James J. Tully. Mr. Al Busa, representative of the club, addressed the Board in endorsement of the candidate. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Lexington Golf Club for a change of manager. MINUTES - APRIL 26 1986 Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the minutes A••• of the Selectmen's Meeting of April 26, 1986, as presented. Mrs. -Smith abstained from voting. RESIGNATION/ HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to accept the resignation of Roland Greeley from the Historic Districts Commission. APPOINTMENT /HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to appoint Richard S. Morehouse, 37 boon Hill Road, as the Selectmen's appointment to the Historic Districts Commission to fill the unexpired term of Roland Greeley whose term would have expired on December 31, 1986. EXEMPLARY TEACHER AWARDS Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the Resolution commending Catherine F. Boyd and George O. Southwick, as recipients of the Battle Green Chapter, Order of Demolay, 1986 Exemplary Teacher Awards. TOWN MANAGER REQUEST OF TRANSFER OF FUNDS Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve Transfer Po* from the Reserve Fund to the following accounts: GW2- Account Amount 2944 Metered Mail $ 5,644 4944 DPW Collective Bargaining 24,4DG 9764 Police Personal Services 25,444 9774 Police Collective Brgnq 7 1775 Leal Fees 96,444 2454 Board of Registrars 1 4154 Fire Expenses 14 TRAFFIC ITEMS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the following items to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations. . The request of G. Richard Beamon of the Heritage Realty Trust, 1 1 Militia Drive, for No Parking signs to be installed on the first 25--44 ft. along the entrance to Militia Drive. . Petition of 49 residents to change the speed limit covering the section of Mass. Avenue beginning at the east end of Tower Park to beyond Pleasant Street to 25 stiles per hour. BATTLE GREEN /REQUEST OF BPOE FOR FLAG DAY CEREMONY Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the request of the BPOE Elks Lodge #2244 for use of the Battle Green on June 11, 1966 at 7 : 44 ' p. m = for the Annual Flag Day ceremonies. RECOGNITION WEEKEND REPRESENTATIVE /WILLIAM FITZGERALD Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to authorize William P. Fitzgerald to represent the Town of Lexington at Recognition Weekend to be held at U. bass. /Amherst on Saturday, July 19, 19968 ORDERS OF TAKING /TEMPORARY CONSTRUCfiiOti EASEMENfiS /HAHCDCK STREET Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to sign Orders of Taking for temporary construction easements on Hancock Street as recommended by Walter J. Tonasxuck, Director DPW /Engineering. SEWER CHARGE IN LIEU OF BETTERMENT /389 WOBURN ST REET wow Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Sewer Charles in Lieu of Betterment for John E. Lyons, 9$9 Woburn Street in the P amount of $1454.19 to be aid over a ten year period at 5% interest charge as recommended by Walter J. Tonaszuck, Director DPW/Engineering. Sel ec tmen f s Meeting May 12 1986 raft PUBLIC HEARING / NEWT ENGLAND TELEPHONE At 7:30 p.m. Mr. Marshall opened the Public Hearing on the petition of the New England Telephone Company for the purpose of installing conduit in Marrett Street and Airport Street to p upgrade facilities 31 � t � es t o Hanscom Field. Mr. John Drury, representing NET explained the need for the installation, There being no statements in favor or in opposition the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the petition, plan and order of New England Telephone Company for the purpose of installing conduit in garret Street and Airport Street to upgrade f a c i l i t i e s to Hanscom Field, BOW STREET ABATEMENTS Mr. Cohen reported on discussion with Mark Moore Homes, Inc. regarding n S S the Bow Street and South R i n dge Ave. subdivision. The l i e n certificate had indicated that all betterments had been discharged. In fact, upon review of the records the sewer betterment had been abated. A compromise position has been reached whereby Mr. Moore agreed to pay the sewer charges in Lieu of betterments for Lots 1 to 4. An abatement has been requested for Lots 5 and 6. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the petition for abatement of sewer connection charges of $2 962.9$ for Lot 5 and $2,463.07 for Lot 6 of the Bow Street subdivision which have been connected to a sewer in South pi ndge Avenue, installed by the developer, Moore Homes, Inc. at their expense. TOW MEETING ARTICLE 35 Mr. Hutchinson offered some alternative funding options relative to the possible passage of Article 35 - Schools Renovation Program, at the Town Meeting to be held that evening, EXECUTIVE SESS I Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0 by roll call vote, Mr. Marshall, Mr.- Eodi son , Mr. Dailey and Mrs. Smith, to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of l i t i g a t i o n with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at .55 p.m. A true record, Attest: &- X&'A' Au � Deshler �= Y Principal Clerk r ll J . . Lk SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 19 1 986 A regular mee t i n S of t he Board o f Selectm was held on Monday, May 19, 1 9BE, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town O f f i c e Building, at 7:30 p . m . Chairman Mar Mr. Edd i so n , Mr. D a i l e y , Mrs. Sm ith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager, Mr, Cohen, Town Counsel, Mrs., Sn Executive Clerk, were p r e s e n t , REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD The meeti was o pened by the Executive Clerk who called for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Mr. Edd i so n was nominated by Mr. Marshall. There being no further nominations, the Executive Clerk declared nomi closed. John C. Eddi son was elected by u nanimous vote as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. As his first order o f business, Mr. Eddi son expressed his thanks to the Board for the honor accorded to him, and hi appreciati for the learnin ex perience gained as a Bel ec tman , especially to Mr. Marshall an Mrs. Ba t t i n, the two previous chairmen . SEAT BELT AWARENESS PROGRAM - PROCLAMATION Officer Thomas R abo i n and Health Director, George Smi th, local coordinators of a State -wide program, were present to request observance of a 101 -Day Seat Belt Awareness Program from Memorial tray to Labor Day 1986. Officer Rabo i n noted that that period represents the time of the year when injuries a nd deat from motor accidents occur most frequently. He and Mr. Smith's requested proclamation of a "Make It Click Challenge" as the fi rst step i n efforts toward a Town wide educational program to stimulate goad attitudes toward seat belt use. Mr . Sni th repor ted on the work of hi s staf f , i n cooperat i on wi th the P o l i c e Chief , to promote seat belt use and, in response to questi f r olfi the Board, Of f i cer Rabo i n ou t1 i ned aspects of the pry :gram pl anned f or students and for the general public to encourage this preventive measure, including the use of seat belts and child restraint systems. Officer R abo i n read a 'letter to Chief Fu r do n from Karen Hr u by , relati a recent accident exper i n v o l v i n g her and her son and crediting use of seat belts with saving them from serious injury. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to p rocl ai m observance of the "Make It Click Challenge" to promote seat belt use in Lexingto fr May 24, 1986 through September 1, 1986 AD HOC YOUTH STUDY COMMITTEE Rachel Rosenblum and William Blou t , Director of RePl ace, met with the �.■. Board t o present a proposal f or a survey of studen by questionnaire to determine whether or not a drug problem exists in the T own and to gain insight on other concerns and problems of youth. moi Mrs. Rosenblum distributed a 7 -page questionnaires prepared by the Youth Sy tud Committee with the involvement of the School Committee, which she hoped could be made available to all students. She asked for the endorsement of the need for the study and for suggestions for sources of funding. Although genera a reement with the concept of the Committee's efforts was exp ressed b Board members, it was felt that input from other agencies P Y such as the Human Services Committee and Youth Commission and contact with parents was necessary before final decision could be made. It was also suggested that the length of the questionnaire might discourage response by many. Mrs. Smith noted the availability of professionals who could design short easier to answer questionnaires and urged the Committee to consider this procedure. In answer to questions about response from the School Administration, M rs. Rosenblum said that there had been only informal contact but that the school officials would not be administering or processing the q uestionnaires. She felt that the project would be an important Human Services effort and would want the Human Services Committee to have custody of all data when collected. Mr. Eddison acknowleded the Board's support of the concept presented but said more evidence of coordination with the other agencies previously mentioned was wanted. He invited the Committee to return to the Board when mow this has been accomplished. CLEAN WATER ACTION PROJECT Ms. Ratcliffe and Mr. Hubley of the Clean Water Action Pro were � present to r e q uest the Board's support of a Resolution on plans to supplement the water sup plies distributed by the mass. Water Resources Authority { MWRA } . The resolution would oppo5e the diversion of the Hill #rs Merr�mack • r Sudbury or Connecticut Rivers into the HLC water system and would f leaks water conservation m�easures better watershed recommend the repair o : managment and local watershed protection meat uses as ways to increase the IBC water supply. he Board was that more Mr. Eddison stated that he felt the sense of t • on exactly what is being information was needed Y proposed than was provi at that time. He and the other members strongly suppo rted industrial and residential conservation of water but were unwilling to sign the resolution without further study, . With reference to saving of money by implementing leak detection pros , procedures, he questioned why all towns have not taken such stepse res onded that some towns have done so but that in some Hr. Hubley P • - inhibited that process= Efforts have been made oases, the initial oust has h the Le i sl ature and the MWRA to assist with funding. . He gave throng g reports of successful efforts of industries at conservation: Hr. Marshall felt it made sense to encourage conservati and further vor of si ning the study of the non-diversion issue but was not i n f a g resolution in its present f S el. ectmen' s Meet M a y 19, 1986 _3_ Mrs. Conklin, State L.W.V., expressed the supp of the League FF for conservation and non - diversion and urged the Board's support of both. Mr. Dailey said he was in favor of conservation with funding to cover costs of needed work but � � T owns was uneasy about supporting non- - diversion. He offered a motion that after consultation with representative o th James Reilly, Lexington's re F n the MWRA Advisory Board, a letter be written to MWRA stating that every conservation effort would be made, He added that a second letter could be written after more information is gained, includin costs, about the non -- diversion issue. It was agreed that Dr. Reilly will be asked to attend the June end meeting of the Board to get the benefit of his views, following which if there is no change in the Board's view a letter will ! conservation measures in be written supporting writt n � � c ' .luding leak detection. A Later letter will be n t o a noD- � vers on i s ue of to . more i known ab t its wit, d its. y ew is motion pen c F g on�ere�.ce w I ��t �r . ��rr Rellf . TRAFFIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORTS Y . William Mix, representing the Traff Safety Committee, was resent for review of the Committee's recommendations on was p resent traffic items. E. LEXINGTON COMMUNITY ASSOCO MASS. AVENUE The requests of the East Lexington Community Association, based on a report by the Traffi and Safety Committee, were outlined. The Association � requested improvement of the function of the l i brary crossing l i ght, improvement of driver awareness of ex crosswalks and the crosswalk law; and installation of traffi lights at Pleasant /Wass. Avenue and at Maple /Mass. Avenue, or traffic officers to ease congestion and provide gaps to facilitate access for side streets. Mr. Eddi read the recommendations of the Town Traffic Safety Committee that as a first step, police enforcement be increased. Regarding the other items, the Committee will investigate the problems stated and will again discuss the matter at its June Meeting, Myla Kahat -Zinn further reported on difficulties in crossing Mass. Avenue at the Follen Church lights because drivers are not aware of the lights at that point and do not stop. Mrs. mall, Taft Avenue, recommended Police presence at that location, adding that it was equally difficult to cross Mass. Avenue at Taft. Mr. Mix said that the . Traffic Safety Committee is aware of the problems and will consider how the light at Follen Church can be made more effective. Mr. Smith asked if warrants would be suff icient to make that light a permanent light and suggested that overhead lights be considered'. Mr. Marshall said he would support upgrading the lights to provide at least one safe spot to cross the avenue. im-1 -4 Mrs, Ase t t a , Mass. Avenue, noted the dangers encountered in ex i tin S side streets and asked for some means of slowing dawn motorists. Mr. Mix referred to increased Police enforcement, which had already been implemen ted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the procedures recommended by the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for increased Police presence and enforcement on Mass. Avenue from Tower Park to the Arlington line; Regarding other suggested actions, the Committee w i l l investigate the problem= cited and confer with State officials on upgrading the traffic light at the East Lexington Library to provide breaks in traffic flow and ensure pedestrian safety. At Mr. Da i l ey' s s u g g e s t i o n , the Committee will contact District 4 D94 for assistance. Residents will be informed of the next scheduled discussion of the matter. ADAMS STREET ESL I ND DRIVEWAY S I FRS . SAC I GALUPC now The request of Mrs. Gloria Bacigalupo, Sg Adams Street, f o r installation of a "Blind ar i veway" sign at the corner of East and Adams Streets was reviewed. The Chairman read the recommendations of the T r a f f i c Safety Committee that two such signs be installed and that overgrowing trees and shrubs believed to be on Town property at #79 Adams Street be cut back by the DPW. Upon m o t i o n duly made and seco n ded , it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that two signs be installed on Adams. Street % one between #78 and #79, and one between #85 and #87, and that visually obstructive trees and shrubs at #79 Adams Street be trimmed. LOWELL STREET /WESTMINSTER AVENUE, L. P a D s RE T Mr. Eddi son noted the report of Patrolman Sirwri ins, L s P. D. , that a dangerous situation exists at the junction of Westminster and Lowell Street, because of street light locations which lead motorists travelling east on Lowell St. to believe that Westminster is a continuation of Lowell. He also pointed out that the painted l i n e indicating the curve on Lowell Street is faded, He recommended that an advisory sign warning of the intersection and a freshly painted yellow l i n e , indicating the road configuration, be installed. The Traffic Safety Committee concurred with these r ecornmen da t i o n s and further r ecommen ded that the street lights be evaluated for possible upgrading. Upon m o t i o n duly made and seconded, it was }noted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee as stated above. M04 Selectmen's Meeting -5- May 19, 1986 BEDFORD STREET CLUB OFFICER CURAZZIMI L.F.U. The Board r Officer Co r az z i n i f s suggestion for banning left turns into the Middlesex Swim and Racquet Club off Bedford Street, travelling south. Officer Co r az z i n i referred to hazards created and resultant accidents, noting that the existing double yellow line at that location legally prohibits these turns: Mr. Mix reported that the Traffic Safety C o m m i t t e e had agreed the left turn ban might improve safety conditions but that it was felt that motorists would then attempt U -turns further down on Bedford Street which would create an even greater problem, and thus elected to leave the situation as it is. Regarding the double yellow l i n e which should prohibit left turns, Mrs, h felt the line should be broken at that paint if left turns are to be allowed. Mr. Marshall advocated strong enforcement and prosecution o f motorists who crass the line. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to i n d e f i n i t e l y postpone the request for prohibition of left turns at the Racquet Club on Bedford Street. LUMBERYARD REALTY TRUST CAMELLIA PLACE MR, BUSA Alfred Bu sa , Tr., L umber y ar d Realty Trust, was present for review of his request for a driveway connection to Camellia Place. The purpose of the easement requested would be to allow southbound exiting traffic to enter Bedford Street at the Camellia Place traffic lights. Th e Traffic Safety Committee had recoffcrrended that a traffic study be conducted in order to evaluate the impact of the proposal. Mr. Busa distributed plans, profile and layout of the proposed Lumberyard f a c i l i t y . He concurred with the need for a traffic study and indicated willingness to complete a previous BSC study on turning movements for the Church Court O f f i c e Condominiums, which then represent a full report on traffic in that area. He will contact the Board as soon as the traffic study is completed and ask for a decision as soon as possible after that time. Mrs. Smith complimented the Traffic Safety Adv isory Conyrt i t t ee on its work and its reports which are so helpful to the Board in making decisi on traffic i tems. RESOLUTION FR, MARTIN U, MC CABE ■�r� � inr w. nninrnr�rrri�rr .riinnnnonr..rrrrrrr rr.� Michael O'Sullivan was present for the Board's action on a r e s o l u t i o n in acknowledgement of Father Martin U. McCabe" s retirement as Pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart. Mr. Eddi son read the Resolution which stated that Fr. McCabe had served in that capacity for twenty years and expressed the Town's appreciation for his contributions to the community. The Resolution will be presented at a testimonial dinner to be held later in the week. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to the Resolution on behalf of Fr. McCabe on the occasion of his r e t i r e m e n t , . 6- CONTRACT #8610, GALL FIELD LIGHTING Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute Contract MONO #8610, with Levan g i e E l e c t r i c Company for Center Field L ighting , in the amount of $68,300. The contract had been awarded at the Selectmen's Meeting on April g, 1986 and was subject to the approval of Town Counsel as to farm. COUNTY CORRECT I "L SYSTEM Mr. Hutchinson noted receipt of information f roar John B. Wilson, Director of the Suburban Coalition, asking an expression of support for a plan of the Administration, for take over of the county's correctional system. He asked for authorization to contact Senator Kraus and Repr. . Doran to press for favorable action on the plan.. Upon motion duly grade and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to urge our Legislators to vote favorably on a plan for State Take over of the County Correctional System. ASTIE,LLG REgUEST_ SIDEWALK SERVICE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, on an experimental basis, the request of Alexander Cas t i el l o for outside seating for his restaurant at 1721 Mass. Avenue for the summer months. Indoor seating will be decreased by the number of sidewalk seats allowed. FRAN KLIN SCHOOL HOUSING The Manager informed the Board of progress with the Franklin School apartment complex. He distributed an ad which has been mailed to those interested, which stated times designated for application and the schedule for completion HEALTH INSURANCE CHANGE Mr. Hutchinson reported that the Town's Blue Cross Blue Shield Master Medical Plan will be changed on September 1st to GC/BS Master Medical Plus. He explained the choice was made to convert to Master Health Plus because of the benefits and costs savings it offers. MEETING SCHEDULE The Board considered its suwner meeting schedule. I t was agreed to go b i --week 1 ' schedule and, as discussed previously, t o hold meetings t o a o nT u esday evenings after the June 2nd meeting. The schedule is subject to change if it conflicts w i t h members' summer p 1 an s ■.d 1 y Selectmen' Meeting mo. 7 _ MINUTES M a y 19, 1986 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on April 90, 1966, as presented. MINUTEMAN COMMUTER BIKEWAY REPORT Mr. Eddison summarized a progress report he had prepared on the Mi nuteman Comm uter Bikeway, noting that some delays and obstacles have been encountered. He reported on his May 5th meeting of bikeway prepresentatives from Lexington, Arlington and Bedford with officials of the Transportation Dept. to begin negotiations between the META and the towns for lease of the ROW. At that meeting it was learned that D.O.T. Secretary Salvucci has reservations about state funding of design costs of the bikeway. It was agreed that letters would be written to the Secretary by the Towns urging him to agree to state funding and that assistance should be sought from the Legislators. Other problems involving selection and negotiation processes regarding the design contractor; official abandonment of the ROW and the drafting of a lease; and misuse of the ROW were noted, Mr. Eddison submitted a draft letter to Secretary Salvucci outlining the problems and asking him to agree to State funding of the design costs and to inform the DPW of his interest in getting the project mov ing. Regarding the misuse of the ROW by motorized vehicles, the Town Manager reported on efforts to block accesses at certain points for the sake of abuttors and responding to their complaints of abuse. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve as presented the letter to Secretary Salvucci, as described above. Copies will be sent to Senator Kraus, Representative Doran, Representative Gibson, and bikeway committee representatives of the three towns. ABATEMENT OF SEWER USER CHARGES Upon motion duly rude and seconded, it was voted to abate sewer user charg in the amount of $165.55 f property at 16 Nichols Rd., which is not connected to Town sewer and therefore exempt from sewer user charges. EXECUTIVE SESSION upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -- 0 by roll call Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, to vote, Mr. on � matters of litigation, with no into Executive Session for discussion of intent to resume open session. _a_ Upon motion dul made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:14 p.m. A true record, Attest: Marion . 4�v Snow Executive Clerk low