HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-BOS-minSELECTMEN'S MEETING � . NG 4 t December 2, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Manday, Decem- ber 2, 1955, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman. Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr.. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr, Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes of Minutes the Selectmen's Meeting - on November 18, 1985. Mrs. Battin abstained from 11/18.85 voting because of absence from that meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to. approve applications License for renewal of licenses for . the year 1986, as follows: Renewals Common Victualler Licenses Lexington House of Pizza, 399 Lowell Street BelCanto, 171.5 -1719 Massachusetts Avenue Common Carrier License Boston Tours, 89 Arcadia Street, Waltham Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Ext.ofHourc- of Isaac Dray, Versailles Restaurant, 1777 Mass..Avenue, for extension of Versailles PON' hours under its Common`Victualler Liquor License to 1:00 a.m. on December 31, Rest. 1985. Mr. Hutchinson summarized the background of the proposed ramp at Cary Handicapped Hall for the.handicapped, funded under Article 56 of 1984,. and the current ramp, Cary request under Article 5, for additional funding necessary for its construction. He noted that the Selectmen in 1984 had approved a design with the entrance via ramp at the front of the building. He pointed out restraints of the His - tonic District Commission: placed on the Town, as well as the complicated bid- ding requirements that must be met under Ch, 5798 He noted the wide variance between the only two bids received on the pro- posal: $106,000 and $198,000, which he felt argued further for concerns about rebidding the project. He recommended proceeding with the design presented by Charles Hagenah, Architect, at a cost estimated by him to be $111,000, Mr. Hagenah was introduced and presented features of .a front-entrance, slip -proof granite. surfaced ramp. He felt that the front entrance, rather than sid-- entrance with a lift for use by hendicapped was preferable in many respects. He noted that the issues to be dealt with are State requirements which tend to make the project expensive, and the disinterest of constractors in such a public project. He felt the design proposed was a good one, and that it took into consideration H.D.C. requirements, trees, shrubs and compatibility with the existing building. Discussion continued on the viability and comparative expense of a side- entrance with a lift. In addition to construction costs for the lift ($70,000) Mr. Hagenah noted that by State Code, it must always be supervised when in use and would have to be opened and operated b an attendant. He again P y g stressed that a front entrance would be the most appropriate way to enter the building, which could be used by elderly and all handicapped, not only those in wheelchairs as with a lift. Mr. Michelson, Capital Expenditures Committee member, expressed concern with the safety factor of having no railing at the platform level with the door sills. Regarding the expense of staffing the lift, he felt the i -t could be monitored by Town custodians. In answer to questions to Mr. Hagenah about the cost of granite, vs. concrete for the ramp, he estimated that the slip - -proof granits would.be $4,000 more than sand- blasted concrete. He noted that although the granite is not required by the H.D.C., it would be preferred. Motion was made and seconded to support Article 5. Members of the Enablement Committee were present. Robert Harris expressed strong pref erence.. f or a front entrant -e to the Hall for purposes of voting and attendance at other functions. He felt that that concept afforded more dignity and independence and was opposed to procedures involved in access by a lift. r He could see no danger in the absence ' .of a railing 'around. the 6-foot platform at the top of the ramp. Another Committee member noted that the interior of the hall'is already accessible and also supported the front entrance. Motion having been made and seconded, it was voted to support the motion for Article -5, as presented. Article 12 The Board considered its view on Article 12, Franklin School, inserted in Franklin the Warrant at.the request of Mrs. Whyte. School The article would amend Article 23 of 1985, which authorized conveyance of the Franklin School to Greater Boston Community Development, Inc. (GBCD ),by in- sertion of language intended to protect the Town from incurring debt through the development of the Franklin School to residential use. Lisa Alberghini and Louise Elving of GBCD were present for the discussion. Mr. Cohen had submitted a revised draft Land D ispostion Agreement. It was pointed out that additions had been made to the first draft prepared by GBCD „ in order to protect the interests of the Town. Mr. Marshall said he was prepared to vote against Article 12. Mrs. Battin and Mr. Eddison also said would not support the Article. Mr. Dailey said he had not reached a decision on his view and would reserve his opinion until discussion had taken place at the Town Meeting, Mr. McLaughlin said he would like a poll of the Board on the matter at Town Meeting. Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote 5 -- 0 Session Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of land acquisition, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. A true record, Attest: M4rion H. Sno k ° xecutive Clerk C e L� c r' SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 9, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen. , was held on Monday, December 9, 19 85 , . in the Selectmen's Meeting Room,. Town office Building , at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs . Battin, Mr-. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Ms. Adler, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present, . Upon minutes- duly made and seconded, it was voted to . approve minutes Minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on November. 25, 1985, as amended, 11/25/85 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Robert M.Town Mgr, Hutchinson, Jr. as Town Manager for terra of three years, beg* nin January 1 g y 1986, and ending. on, December 31,. 19188. Reappointed All members expressed appreciation and their great satisfaction with Mr '0 Hu t chinso n' s performance as Town Manager, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted ro reappoint David F. Appts . LeXHAI Eagle and wil liam . C. Hays as members o f. the Lexington Housing Assistance Board for terms of three years to expire on December 5, 1988, The Manager referred to..the . revised draft Land Disposition Agreement for Franklin School, submitted to the Board that evening, which he felt reflects Franklin all points which had been under discussion. He suggested that it be taken School ' up on December 16., allowing time for review b the Board and b GBCD y y Regarding a request from Senator Kraus for the view o f the Board on Municipal Inspector General B arre s i' s report on municipal banking relations in the Banking Commonwealth, Mr. Marshall noted that Mr. McLaughlin had agreed to review the Relations report and give his . recomm.endations to the Board* Mr Hutchinson. will work with Mr. McLaughlin and a report will be provided'-for the December 16th meet- ing. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted-to approve applications 1- DayLiq . of St. Nicholas Greek orthodox Church for one -Day Liquor Licenses on May 9, License and May 10, 1986 for sale of liquor at a Greek Festival to be held at the National Guard Armory, 459 Bedford Street on those dates. Upon motion duly made and seconded , it was voted to approve renewal of License licenses for 1986, for the following: Renewals Innkeeper Catch Penny Chalet 440 Bedford Street Common Victualler The Kitchen 363A Mass. Avenue p ., t Friendly Ice Cream Corp. 1060 Waltham Street r.. I a .. T Lawless Mawhinney Motors, Inc. 581 Marrett Road Liu, Library Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to acknowledge the CATV Comm. appointment of Stella Liu as Library representative to the CATV Committee, as requested by Mr. Hilton, Cary Library Director* Sung, Fair Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to remove Sang M. Chung Housing from the membership of the Fair Housing Committee effective immediately, as Comm. recommend.ed by the Committee.. Mr. Chung had not attended any meeting since his appointment in March, 1985. Lex . NOW Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Battle Green of Lexington Area NOW for use of the Battle Green for a candlelight vigil on Wednesday, January 22, '1986, from 6:15 to 6:45 p.m. Traffic Item Mr. Hutchinson. summarized the request of Mr. Maclnnes, School Department, Fiske School f Q r a NO Parking regulation at the Fiske School driveway for safety reasons. The Traffic Safety Advisory Committee had reported favorably on the request. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lexington Schoo 1 Department for a No Parking regulation at the Fiske School Driveway easterly from Adams Street to Colony Ro ad . Western Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Union Cable the Western Union Telegraph Company for installation of fiber optic cable on certain telephone poles, in conjunction with similar installations for Raytheon Company, for transmission of data throughout the Western ( iUnio n network. . ■ ow Upon motion duly made and seconded, 'it was voted to approve the request of Wellington Wellington Lane Avenue residents for improved street lighting by replacing Lane Lights with 4,000 HP S lights on the existing utility poles, as recommended by g Li htin Mr. Tonaszuck, Director of Public Works / Engineer. ' now g Wellington It was also voted to. refer the request of Wellington Lane Avenue res i- Lane Traffic dents for installation of a "Caution Children" sign on that street. to the Traffic item Safety Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations. Extra Work Upon motion duly .made ' and seconded, it was voted to approve Extra Work Order #1 order #1, in the amount of $78,891.49., for extra work done by Charles & Sons, Charles Co. Inc. under Contract #84 -5, Mass. Avenue Water Main Construction. Grant, EOCD Mr. Hutchinson. informed the Board of opportunity to receive a grant of Planning Bd . $30,,000 and reviewed the mechanics of a grant ,application to be submitted by the Planning Board. A draft application to E . O . C .D . , prepared by the Planning Director, approved by ' the Planning Board and Town Manager, was noted. The Manager asked for endorsement of the Board of the Planning Board's request for funding, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the filing of an application by the Planning Board for a Strategic Planning Grant for housing. Appt . to Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the appointment C o A by the Town Manager of Dr. Ralph Freidin to the Council on Aging to f ill a vacancy, with a term to expire on June 1, 19870 As requested, Mr. Hutchinson will provide a resume of Dr. Freidin' s qualif i- catio ns . and MBTA Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager Agreement to execute an agreement with the MB TA for reimbursement of half the cost of fencing Grant St. of the Grant Street Bridge. Fooft Selectmen's Meeting December 9 , 1985 _8- Under this ,a.g reement.,, the Town will absorb 50% . o f construction costs and will be responsible for maintenance.. The Manager will draft a letter registering concern regarding failure of State agencies to maintain their properties, Mr. .Hutchinson read, a mes.sa g to Town Meeting members to be sent by Adjournment postcard, informing them of the planned procedure to adjourn the Special Spec. T . Mt g Town Meeting on December 16. Upon motion duly made and seconded, 'it was voted to inform Towm Meet- ing members of the adjournment in this manner. The Board concurred with Mr. Hutchinson's award of a contract for con-Ramp Con- struction of a ramp and toilet for the handicapped at, Cary. Memorial Hall tract to E. A. Co langel i Construction Co. in. the amount ❑ f $106,214.00, the lowest bid as reported by Mr. Tonaszuck, Director of Public wcrks -and Engineers. Colangeli The Bo and dis cussed a tax . refo rm bil 1 (Rios ty I I) draf ted by the House Ways and Means Commi t tee which would curtail , local governments' authority to issue tax exempt municipal bonds_. and notes, in some cases retroactive to September, 19 85 . The Manager noted that the f ul. l implication of this issue is not known at this time. Mass. Municipal Association's request for the Board's expression of opposition to the Tax Reform Bill was noted. Board members agreed that they would not want to see the whole tax reform bill defeated because of this one issue since the basic intent of the Bill is thought to be good. 'The Manager will inform Congr. . Markey of the Board's..position. Mr. Eddison agreed to review the pe.titi.on to the Board of Appeals of the. Beal Co. for amendment of S.pecial . P ermit to allow for conversion of an existing. laboratory f acil ity to off ice space to ascertain whether comments by the Selectmen should be provided.. Tax Reform Bill Bd/Appeals - Beals Co, SP ,Mr. Ull ian and Mr. Caspar of ' Bo s to n Investment . Development Company me t BIDC - Cos- with the Board to submit current pl ans , revised to reflect concerns of. the grove land Planning Board and Conservation Commission,. for development. of the Cosgrove 1 and. The development plans for Katandin. Woods Apartment's have been re- designed with smaller buildings housing 128 units, rather than the originally proposed 148, units. : Mr. Caspar reviewed. detai ls of design and placement of the buildings, unit breakdown layout o f ' the development and . parking provisions, There will be 'a total of 26 units reserved for low income households. A number of methods had been explored for ensuring that these units will continue to be avail able to those with law income after the expiration of the lock -in period, It was suggested by the developer that of these alternatives, the best method would be to, sell one 24- --unit building and two townhouses - to the Town or its designee such as the Lexington Housing Authority or LexHAB . The sale price would be total development cost plus any tax consequence that might result f ram the sale, unless a federal or state program is available at the time to assist in the purchase of this type of unit at a market or near market price. In that case, BIDC would assist the Town in securing such funding. If no such program exists, and the Town purchases the units, BIDC would help, if necessary, to subsidize the interest rate. BIDC would also offer to work with the Town during the "lock' in" period in the tenant selection process. -4- Mr. Caspar said that the concerns of the Conservation Commission re: the location through the center of the wetland area had been addressed by re- location of the road. Fire Chief Bergeron's requirements had also been met. It is not yet known whether the development will be condominiums or- apartments. If condominiums, the developer agreed that it would be no problem to scatter the low income units throughout the complex. A "Five Year Operating - Budget Pro-Forma", a "Draft Preliminary Appl is at io n for Mortgage Financing" and a "Summary of Estimated Project Costs' was distri- buted to the Board and reviewed. Mr. - Ullian. referred to a Traf f is Study by BSC Engineering. He noted that a traffic light at wood Street had not been recommended in that study, but that that aspect will be explored. The probable impact on Bedford Street traffic was also noted and discussed. Mr. Ullian informed the Board that the Cosgrove house will be preserved and will be moved to an adjacent lot, Joyce Miller, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, and member Joel Adler; William Spencer, Housing Authority; Ellie Kl auminzer, Housing Needs Advisory Committee were present. Mr. Spencer commented that the mix now proposed is an improvement but in the light o f the Muz zey development, L exHAB and the Housing Authority feel. that the larger units should be stressed. Mrs. Miller also saw good progress and asked if Mr. Ullian plans to meet with her Commission* He responded that he will do so when definitive plans are complete at the end of December. He will also apply to the Board of Appeals at that time. Discussion followed on such issues as the unit mix, buffers from conservation land and mina:rity .position of the Town in any condo association regarding the 26 low income units vs the 102 market rate unit owners. Mr. Hutchinson noted that the Planning Board has asked for a review of the MEN financial aspects of the development, when this information has been developed. The efforts of the developer in trying to address concerns and areas of interest of the Town was acknowledged. Mr. Ullian thanked the Board for the opportunity to present his p ropo sal . Mrs. Battin Mrs. Battin announced that she does not plan to run for reelection at the expiration of her fourth term as Selectman. Upon motion .duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:10 p .m. A true record, Attest: r t �R } Ma io n H`: Sn Executive Clerk Paw d • ] p p 4 '} _ , s SELECTMEN'S MEETING - December 16, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, December 16, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:34 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Asst, to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk,' were present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on December 3, 19850 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Be of Daman Enterprises, Inc. d /b /a BelCanto Restaurant for transfer of 32.3 ch. /stoc shares of stock to Gerard Ho Wolf , and for change of officer from Henry off Patterson, President, to Gerard Hs Wolf, President. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Stella Liu, CATV app 35 Phinney Road, to the Cable Television Advisory Committee, representing Liu the Cary Library Executive Committee, The Board reviewed correspondence from the Enablement committee regarding its request for representation on the Permanent Buildin Committee, Upon motion duly made and seconded., it was voted to request the Enablement Committee to submit the name of a candidate to be designated by the Selectmen as Liaison between the two committees. The person thus designated would represent the disabled community by attendance at meetings and participation in discussions, but would not be appointed as a regular member. Regarding an additional request of the Enablement Committee that the Board adopt a policy that all Town functions and affairs, including luncheons and gatherings, be held in commercial establishments which are accessible to the handicapped, the Town Manager was requested to confer with the Permanent Building Committee, and to report back to the Board on the matter. In discussion of the January meeting schedule, it was decided that meetings will be held on January 13, 15, 22, and 27, with the possibility of a meeting on Saturday, January 25th, if that proves necessary to complete the EY Budget review= It was noted that the Planning Board had requested the Selectmen.'s attendance at a meeting on January 8th for presentation of the Housing E ement of the Planning Board's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Hutchinson will ask if that-presentation can take place on January 6th at a regular Planning Board meeting. Enableme Comm / PAB Jan. mtg schedule Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Common V appl i cations for renewal of Common Victualler Licenses for the year 1986, as License follows: t _ Putnam Pantry 1868 Mass. Avenue Howard Johnson's Route 1288 now Lexington Golf Club 55 Hill Street Cast i ello s 1721 Mass. Avenue Pine Meadows Country Club, Inc. Cedar Street Conef edt i ons , Inc. 211 Mass. Avenue Denny's Restaurant 488 Bedford Street Alexander's Pizza 180 Bedford Street Lighting As requested by Mrs. Battin and the Center Revitalization Committee, a Meriam St. plan for improved lighting of the Meriam Street parking Lot, prepared by Mr. Parking Tonaszuck, was presented. Mr. Tonaszuck explained that the matter had been Lot raised as a means of encouraging nightime parking in the lot, rather than on streets, by those who may be reluctant to enter such a dark area as it is with the existing lighting. Mr. Tonaszuck showed the existing inventory of lights and poles, and noted planned increase in lumens to the maximum amount, addition of lights . to poles already installed and new pole to be installed. Discussion followed as to impact on residential abettors of the increased lighting. Lights will remain as they are at the farther end of the lot, near Grant Place, in consideration of the neighbors. Mr. Tonaszuck reported that the cost of the project will be approximately $15. /month additional. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize proceeding with Mr. Tonaszuck lighting plan for the Meriam Street Parking Lot, as presented. Municipal Mr. McLaughlin informed the Board of his views on Inspector General Banking Barresi's report on municipal banking relations in the Commonwealth. Mr. Relations, Barresi had advocated several safeguards which he felt were necessary to Bar resi protect the public's interests. Mr. McLaughlin felt the proposed legislation was going in the right direct -. ':Qt saw the need for discretion and avoiding overeaction. A memo from Senator Kraus had requested the Board's view on the Inspector General's legislative recommendations. Mr. McLaughlin recommended that the Manager be asked to review the report and to communicate with - Senator Kraus on the matter. Mr. Hutchinson will prepare a draft for the Board's consideration at the meeting on December 30th. S.T.M. At 7:58 p.m., upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to Adjourned temporarily adjourn the meeting for the purpose of adjournment of the Special Town Meeting which was scheduled for 8 :00 p.m. in Cary Memorial Hall. The Selectmen's Meeting was resumed at 8:05 p.m. Kerry Brandin and Barbara Crane were in attendance for presentation of details of a Lexington Visual Artists Commission Project. Mrs. Brandin Y Selectmen's Meeting December 1f , 1985 _3_ - Lexington Lex. Vi sual t i ons for Arts Lottery f and i ng by L g Arts reported on lack of applications fission a work of art by a a competition to comm - p rocedure Proj visual artists and propose felt that t Y - - To wn of Lexington. It was is p Lexington artist for the To ura a artists to make publicize the Lottery process and thereby encourage - the would p b is to the work of a local artist aad a lications; would exgos� the pu � con orar pp , Lexington p artist to the L public and would acquire quality con � p artwork for the Town. - Mrs. Brandin mentioned a site ref erence for the permanent display, - As p She outlined the Town office Building near the entry door. _ the foyer of - the coin etition by a member mechanisms for selection of the winner of p - or Kass. two art rofessionals) and application f committee {a Selectman and p Lotter funds to commission the work of art. . Arts y he need for some flexibility in designating There was discussion on the as ermanent, based on public response. Based on the notation the display p - if no p roposals seem suitable, in the proposal, stating} that it would be p P - be ma It was that possibly no stipends or final award will understood p Y agreed that the - needed flexibility was implied. e Mr. Eddison, as Selectman Liaison to the Arts Council, agreed o sere O` on the Select Comm - made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Upon mot duly ted: Lexington Visual Artists Commission Project, as presen • r the Franklin Land Dist A re vised draft of the Land Disposition Agree f o - A r eemen was noted b the Chairman. vid Hovers of School dated December � , 1985, y Da Boston Community Fr ankl i n Dodge, Lisa Alberghini and Stephen Tise of Greater school Palmer & D � ► - D (CBCD) were present for review o f the draft. that GBCD and MHFA had reached Mr. Hovers reported t d agreement on major - the MHFA closing poin in the Agreements Mr. Cohen recommended that since in Friday, it was necessary would take place on the coming Y, ssary that the Agreement be signed that evening. He pointed out the extensive work done by Mr s Rogers on the document tions of modifications p In resp onse to the Chairman ' s request for descrip - made in the Agree ment since the last review, Mr. Rogers listed the following: f - subordinated to the MHFA . The Town's rights are FA mortgage, but the Town and MHFA both have the same interests with resp to affordable housing. find moderate not e income tenants, units can be . If the Developer can - u hto rented while qualified tenants are being so � - the Town to a change or was shortened. . The time for p The Town must approve any signs to be installed, including the MHFA .�• si gns to MHFA wi ll satisfy reporting requi rements to . GBCD monthly reports aired b the Town. the Town since they are more detailed than red y - to exercise a s t oc k option, with a mechanism f . The Town has the right for that procedure rocedure to be worked out. Possibly LexHAB will be designated to exercise the option. �4 Board members questioned t 6 and ?. GBGD he right to exercise the option only in ear designated. Mr. Dailey g years 8 and 7 and 14 years a year be y recommended this right and between pears 8 and 158 ght to exercise be available e once The net worth requirement appear' ' current law, it would a ang in �hibit H was dis appear that LexHe H cussed. under both meet the r AB and the casing Authority would Ns• Alberghini ex lai ned the need fora year 54 is n p ur - ecessarp to demonstrat purchase price of $39,0oo i a that there is an actua n return, GSGD will l sale, rather than a ?ease. In the closi pay for the deed stain s ($940 - $940) at . p �iith regard to the requirement that the Town must to requests for qui material external chan react within 14 days request an additional 14 d s it was noted that the Y There w days but must give reason Town can as discussion on s for a negatipe deoiion. I procedure for selecting a It was agreed that s uccessor develope the Town has sufficien � The building will be t t control over the process, when the facility xed at a valuation set a s�. 3 z t i s completed* In by the Board of Assessor based o value. the interim, there will s - n a ��90,�0� be a payment in lieu of taxes bas Ms: Alberghini reported previously for P on a meeting with area r p r review of the planting sidents two weeks and caliper of trees an g plan which showed locatio d Choice of tppes of 1 - ns r spacing Planning Director had plants, which had a pp eare d he Planni to please the neighbors. T Deta of a lightin 1 d also reviewed the 3a �.r were Detailsd. g Plan including light output, P n. �teither the neighbors n design, placement problem with the plan as r or the Planning Director had seen any p esented Regarding the elevation of the building of which had facia Ai been of concern to the neighbors, �s. Alberghini re g lea Street, the deli n after conversation and ei g explanation, an understand- ported that reached, ng appears to have been Ms. Alberghini and fir. Ti cooperate with the are se were complemented on efforts ma de to ea residents. Upon motion duly made and - seconded, at was voted to approv Agreement with ev a and sign a Land Disposition A Greater Boston Community D to residential use of the P r Inc. relative to the conversion Franklin School negotions are hall not be delivered b T ► Provided that said agreement s e completed with respect to the own counsel anti? and Exhibit "Hp of the agreement. a terms set forth in Section 3.3 It was also voted to execute a Deed, conveying the Franklin n School Property to Greater Boston Community Development, Inc, , also subject Proviso as stated above: ubject to the Upon motion duly made and s econded, it was voted to a entitled 'Plantin rov g Plan, Franklin School A ar se e a plan Associates, dated December p tments by Tise Wilhelm an La out L - ng Plan, Franklin Soh �, 19$5, and a plan entitl N - � d y � I fighti ed Sz to Associates, dated De col Apartments by Tise i�ilhel December 9, 1995, as required u si and Sped a2 Permit for conveys i under the provisions s i fins of a of Selectmen on of the Franklin School ap p r oved by the hoard on November 4, 1985. i�F December 16, 1 �� 5 ele{�timea i s Meeti w�w 1 roll call Upon moti - , seconded, it was voted 5 -0 by Se U on ; duly made and - Mrs Edd i son , Mrs Dailey, to � Mrs* �attin, Mr. McLaughlin, M vote , Mr . Marshal , of discussion of matters of t,p go i nto Executive Session for the purpose litigation, with no intent td' resume open sessions t was voted to adjourn at 10:04 Upon i motion duly made.and seconded, p.m. Y A true record, Attest: i Marion M. Snow Executive Clerk 0" VOID omw