HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-BOS-min�f F ( " SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 4, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Mond ay , November 4, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7 :30 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr . Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr . Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table action on the Minutes minutes of the October 21',. 1,985 meeting, pending clarification of portions 10/21/85 of the discussion with Senator Krauss at that time. The Board reviewed the report of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Traf f is on the request of Mrs. Ruth M* Ladd for paved sidewalks on Bedford Street Rept . , Ladd in conjunction with planned road improvements in that area. Dr. Clarke re Bedford St. sensed the Committee and reported on its-recommendations. It was noted by the s idewalk Town Manager that installation of sidewalks requested by Mrs. Ladd on Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street is proposed up to the jug handle and is included in the existing construction project plans . These current plans do not show side- - walk from Winter Street t o the Town line. Upon motion duly made and seconded,. -it was voted to accept the recommenda- tions of the committee that installation of sidewalk from Winter Street to the Bedford /Lexington town line will be included in the list of projects to be con- sidered in the FY'87 budget process. `` The request of Ms . Lorraine E. Miller for pedestrian safety improvements Traf f is on Maguire Road 'at the Itek facility and the Traf fic Safety Committee's report rept. , on the matter were reviewed, Itek Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommend a crosswalk dons of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee as follows: Two existing crosswalks will be removed and replaced with one crosswalk located at approximately the center of the front of the Itek building. The existing crosswalk signs, . in addition to new crosswalk alert signs, will be installed to serve the new crosswalk. once in place, the crosswalk will be • monitored by the Police Dept. It is understood that Itek will construct a sidewalk, subject to Town per- -. mi t, along its Maguire Road frontage and will install floodlighting for the crosswalk, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant for Warrant the December 2, 1985 Special Town Meeting. Sp . TownMtg Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted ing to the Police Manual Policy Committee for terms of September 30, 1986: John F . ,McLaughlin Gerald L. McLeod Edith E. Flynn William C. Hays OMM Paul E. Furdon, Chief of Police o reappoint the follow- Ap p t s. one year to expire on Police Manual Policy Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following App is . Haz to the Hazardous Substance System Review Committee as directed under Article 7 Subst. of the 1985 Annual Town Meeting: Committee a�3 Lynn Knight James Cber Louis Arin Christopher R. Anderson 24 Tarbell Avenue 187 Grove Street 118 Grove Street 39 Sherburne Road It was noted that, - including the previous appointment of Alan Lazarus., the 5- member committee is now complete.. Sick -leave Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request for ext... 30 -day extension of sick leave for Firefighter David Savage, as recommended by Savage the Town Manager, NSEM Adv. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that Lexington join the. Life Sup- North Suburban Emergency Medical Consortium Advanced Life Support System, recom- port Syst. mended by the Fire Chief and the Town Manager as a means of' expanding the Town's emergency medical capability. Traffic The report of the Center Revitalization Committee on the request of Dr. Paul item: Vinger for extension of parking meter.limit to two hours on Waltham Street was re- Vinger, viewed. The committee recommended that the request be denied, but suggested that Waltham St.use of spaces to the rear of 99 Waltham Street be utilized by patients, and that employees park in the Mer iam Street lot. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted t.o accept the recommenda tions of the Center Revitalization Committee to deny the request of Dr. Paul Vinger, Lexington Eye Associates, for extension of parking limit from one- to two - hours, for the benefit of.his patients. The decision was based on the Commit- tees view -that the current one -hour parking limit best serves the Town's objec- tive for customer parking access. Traf f is The Board reviewed the report of the Center Revitalization Committee on the item: request of Dr. Zangara, 19 Muzzey Street, for relocation of the existing handi -- Zangara capped parking space'on Muzzey Street at Mass. Avenue to Muzzey Street. The Muzzey St. Committee voiced approval of this change which would result in no decrease in the number of parking; spaces and, it was f elt, would result in better utilization of the handicapped space., It was suggested that input from the Enablement Committee would be helpful in this case. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommenda- tions of the Center Revitalization Committee to relocate a handicapped parking space located at Muzzey Street /Mass. Avenue to a location in front of 19 Muzzey Street, subject to review - and recommendations of the Enablement Committee, Town Clerk Mr. Hutchinson reported that Mary McDonough, Town Clerk, has indicated her retirem, intention to retire on.June 30, 1986, after 44 years of service to the Town. Regarding replacement procedures and the existing requirement for Town residency of the Town Clerk who is also a Registrar of Voters, the Town Manager was asked to explore possible legislative relief which would allow recruitment from out of Town. MW Transfer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve transfer from the Reserve Fund to Acct. #02- 113 - 534 -5832, Microfilming, Art. 44, 1984, in the amount of $5,700. Selectmen's Meeting November 4, 1985 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ref er the request. of Traffic residents of Laconia Street for lowering of ' the speed limit to the Traffic item, Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendation. I Laconia St, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept on behalf of Gift, Ameri the Town a gif t of an American f lag f rom Mrs. Marilyn Briggs which had been can Flag presented to her by :the U . S . Army on the occasion of the death of her father, John oltmans. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was.voted to approve a sewer Sewer Chg. charge in lieu of. betterment in the amount of $2,369.49, for property at Lieu of #82 Pleasant Street. This action was requested by the Town Engineer in order Btrmt to complete the internal process involved in abatement of this charge, which was approved by the Board on April 29, 1985. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and execute Conservation Restriction documents, as requested by the Conservation Commis- sion for the following: • West Farm, oak Street - a restriction over 1.03 acres, to protect the integrity of the Town's holdings. • Cranberry Hill, Marrett Road - a restriction over 4.1 acres for pro - tection of. the on- -site wetlands and the forest that buffers the Cranberry Hill office building from Marrett Road • Mediplex Nursing - Home, Lowell Street - a restriction over slightly less than 3 acres which includes a portion of the Munroe Brook, which is part of the Commission's ongoing efforts to protect this stretch of Munroe Brook. . Hartwood Ltd. Partnership (Signatron), Hartwell Avenue - a restriction over approximately 2.3 acres comprising the wetlands and floodplain adjacent to their new office building, including a walking easement to existing:conservation land, in the interest of protection of the Tophet - Swamp. It was agreed that a Breakfast Meeting with Committee Chairmen will be scheduled for Friday., November 22, at 7:30 a.m. Cons.Restr, Breakfast Meeting Upon motion duly -made and seconded, it was voted to approve and execute D.C.Heath a resolution,, acknowledging and offering congratulations to the D. C. Heath loath anniv Company on its loath anniversary. Mr. Eddison will represent the Board at a symposium to be held at the Museum of our National Heritage on November 8th and will present the resolution to company officials at that time. Co- Chairmen and Edmonds and members of the Congregate Housing Study Congr.Hsg. Committee met with the Board to inform the Board of progress with its report, Committee scheduled for completion by December. Ms. Edmonds reported on issues which will be addressed in the report such as possible change in terminology from ''congregate" housing to ''supportive" housing, which is thought to be more appropriate; need for zoning amendments to allow for conversions to small facilities and other types which are now not -4- covered. She reported on investigations as to what now exists throughout the State and conclusions reached on four different levels of congregate housing: small facilities for - 4 or 5 persons;. slightly larger for 10-to 12; accommoda- Now . tions for 50 to bo and :continuing life care facilities. The Committee had met with the Council on Aging, Planning. Board and the Housing Authority to gain their input and recommended that the Planning Board's Housing Advisory Committee also be given a role in the procedures. Mr. Hays gave a more detailed description and existing or proposed examples of -_the f o.ur models: In addition to. the above, the report will also offer recommendations on implementation procedures such as dealing with development. any zoning amendments and establishing the basis for policy. They would rely on assistance in zoning matters from the Planning staff and, in dealing with policy aspects, from the Housing Advisory Committee. Mr . Hays asked for cons ideration : o f funding for a consultant for the purpose of gathering material and the writing of the report, In response to questions from the Board, Mr. Hays, with reference to the Dana Home which is consideredamode1 for the 10 to 12 person facility, said he felt development costs and charges for this type of building would be prohibi- tive but felt that there should be some mechanism to allow for possible imple- mentation. Mr. Hutchinson will explore the Committee's request for assistance by a con- sultant and staff and.will report to the Board on the matter. Mr. Spencer distributed a summary of the Housing Planning Questionnaire sponsored by the Council on Aging and compilation-of answers received from 952 individuals on housing needs and desires and current living situations of persons over 60 years of age. Mr. Marshall expressed the appreciation of the Board to the Committee for „ its hard work.in fulfilling its Charge and said that investigation of ways to offer assistance to the Committee will be made. Minuteman Mr. Eddison stated that based on conversation with members of the Board he Commuter had gained an informal sense of what he felt to be consensus of at least four Bikepath members in approval of the bikepath concept. He read a draft statement to that effect prepared by him. Motion was made and seconded to adopt the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway State- ment as policy of the Board. Mr. Dailey stated concern about the expenditure of State funds for this pur- pose and felt that if Town funds were to be used, the bikepath would not gain approval. He said he was not willing to assume future capital costs and ques- tioned the figure estimated for yearly maintenance costs. He noted reports of modest use of the bikepath and pointed out that there are other areas for such activities as hiking, cross country skiing, etc. He also referred to concerns raised by abuttors.' He stated that he'did not share the concept and could not support I t .Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Battin and Mr. Marshall spoke in support of the bike- path. With regard to problems foreseen by abuttors, Mr. McLaughlin felt that they probably would not be as serious as now envisioned but should be addressed up front. He saw possible need for, lighting and fencing in some areas. He saw the path as an asset to the Town and as good use of the land. MW Selectmen's Meeting November 4, 19 8 5 Mrs. Battin reiterated her previous position in favor of the bikeway. concept. She said she respects the concerns of abuttors, adding hat the lementation g y well be addressed by the Bikepath.Im F Committee. Mr. Marshall stated that he would vote for the concept seem i increased access within the Town He disa P ' g t as greed with Mr. Dailey' S view on expen- diture of State funds pointing out that.such money s available ' y e within. the State's transportation budget for such projects and would be ' directed. elsewhere if not to Lexington. He would support the concept and deal with ' solutions to problems through the Implementation Committee. Mr. Eddison said he f elt that the path will j ustify its ar as ose ur a transportation corridor and saw increased P F part of use far transportation, recreation and as a linear park. He noted the useful input at the October 28 public infor- mation meeting and felt that problems gxpressj d can be resolved. - Motion having been made and seconLl e it was voted 4 1 with Mr. Dailey voting in the negative, to approve the Policy Statement on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway, as follows; The Board of Selectmen approves the concept of a aved bikeway right-of-way p_ through Lex ington along the ri g way of the former Lexington Branch of the Boston and Maine Railroad. This 5.5 mile stretch will be- ar p t of the 11 mile regional Minute Man Commuter Bikeway extending from South Road in Bedford to the Alewife Station of the MBTA in Cambridge. Funding for the design and construct provided b t g i of the entire bikeway will be F y he Commonwealth of Massachusetts through its Dept. of Public Works. In approving the bikeway concept now., the Board reserves the • e fight to review and approve detailed design and construction plans at later stages, as g , appropri- ate in such a project. Responsibility for detailed planning of the bikeway ew y ha s been delegated to the four concerned towns by the Secretary f Trans the Commonwealth. y Transportation of The Board has taken note of a number*of issues that have been raised by abutters anal other ,concerned citizens. These have included uestions o paved surface, q f the appropriate width of the P r ace, of the adequacy of drainage of the right - of --way, of safety at road crossings and of the security f users a We believe that the issues of a y and abutters. pavement width, drainage and crossing safety are best handled_ through engineering design. We are ' conf ident that matter ' - s of secure ty can and will be dealt with effectively through constraints on access for motor- ized vehicles combined with surveillance by users and abutters and uick o q police e response to any infractions. To assist the Board in guiding and monitoring he design, gn, construction and initial operation of the Lexington section of the bikewa we are establishing ya a Bikeway Implementation Committee as an advisory committee to the. Board.. Th is committee will include representatives of concerned Town Committees Planni � ng, Conservation, Recreation and Transportation) , of abutters and of It will be chaired by Selectman John Eddison who p users. will also serve as Lexington's representative in dealing with officials of the Commonwealth and of the neigh- boring towns on bikeway matters, g We believe that the bikeway, 'when constructed will serve •- � e not only its pr1 mary function as an alternative transportation corridor for areas serve d by the right -of -way, but it will also turn out to be a major recreational and aesthetic asset to Lexington. Ml• nu t eMan A d g raft Charge to the Implementation Committee and a list of potential Comm.Bike- members was presented by Mr. Eddison for review. „ow path Motion was made and seconded that the five citizen appointments to the Charge & Committee and app roval of the Charge take place at the meeting on November 18. Appts. Mr. g . Dailey, noting the candidates proposed, felt that in light of the expressed ppsit ions in favor of the bikepath of all ex- officio members and of a majority P ro of the osed citizen members, the committee would not be evenly P balanced. Mrs. B attin noted that the Committee's role -would not be to give approvals P but to use its expertise in implementation procedures and mutually shared con - terns. Mr. McLaughlin said he would.like to see the official representation cut down with a stronger abutter presence. Mr, M arshall noted that a group is being sought who, after decision by the Board to approve the concept, will explore ways to make the bikepath the best possible. Motion having been made and seconded, it was voted to table action on appointments and the Charge to the Bikepath Implementation'Committee to Novem- . .ber 18, 19850 Franklin Mr. Cohen submitted a second revised draft of the Special Permit for the School conversion of the Franklin School which included input from Mr. Hutchinson, . Special Ms. Adler, Mr. Bowyer, Planning Director and Greater Boston Community Develop - Permit ment, Inc. (GBCD), the developer. He pointed out areas which would be more specifically defined, clarified or changed and asked the Board's approval of the P �' permit, incorporating those changes. Mr. McLaughlin saw the need of ascertaining that abuttors have the oppor- moo tunity to review a detailed landscaping plan, regardless of whether it is to be included in the Special Permit. Louise Elving of GBCD stated that her firm would make the commitment to meet with neighbors within the next six weeks on that issue and saw no need, based on that assurance, to reference the matter in the permit. The complaints of abuttors on the window style shown on the plans for building #3, the new building which overlooks Allen Street, were noted. Mrs. Why and Mrs. Gaudet also voiced objections to scattered window boxes and the institutional appearance of such a visible building. Discussion continued as t:o methods to ensure continuing dialogue and cooper- ation between the developer and neighbors and the opportunity for review and 'in- put ut on detailed plans as a definite part of procedures.. Board members and the Town Manager, as well as the developer, were in favor of avoiding delay with the project if possible. The Town Manager noted other instances in which agreements have been reached after the signing of the Special Permit. Mr . Cohen referenced provisions of the draft permit relative to performance bond P rocedures (Para.9, p.6) whereby the Town Manager would have the authority to approve release of the bond following completion of landscaping in conformance with the Site Plan. Mr. Cohen also suggested that a list of specific plans, with their filing dates, be included in the document. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abovestated amendment to Para. 9, p.6. on Page 4. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted unanimously, 5 - to approve the Special Permit for the conversion of the Franklin School. 1� - . \ S -7- Pon Selectmen's Meeting November 4, 1985 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - D by roll call vote, Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to g o into Executive Session for discussion of land negotiations, with the intent to resume open session.. Open session was resumed at 10:45 p.m. Vii Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve an order of Intention to Take, under Chapter 80A, Section 3 of the General Laws, the Pine Meadow Golf Course and adjacent 6.2 acres for golf course, recreation, road and other municipal purposes. Mr. Marshall explained that the basis for the Board's decision to take this step was to bring about agreement with the owners on a fair purchase price for the land. Upon motion duly made and seconded, A true record, Attest: f� it was voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. � rion H. Snow Executive Clerk POM mod Ivoio f SELECTMEN'S 'MEETING November 18, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday Novem -- ber 18, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, t 7:30 hlin P.M. Chairman Marshall, Mr. McLaughlin, Eddi g� g � son, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchin- son, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel.; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. The first order of business was a tribute to David Williams, member and D.Willia ms former chairman of the Conservation Commission. Mr. Marshall read a state - honored ment prepared -by the Commission, in appreciation of Mr. Williams service to the Town and:his contributions and efforts with regard to the Commission's Land Acquisition Program, Mr. Eddison read an acknowledgement of Mr. William's accomplishments as a Commission member by Governor Dukakis. John Andrews vice President ent o f Citizens for.Lexington Conservation and member of the Stewardship Committee presented a painting of the West Farm, a conservation acquisition. Mrs. Fallick of the Commission's staff presented a gift cookie jar, commemora- ting "David's Cookies ", referring to the many small arcels also a' P _ cquired the efforts of Mr o Williams.. Mr. Williams expressed his appreciation for the tributes aid p him and for the opportunity to.serve on the Commission. The Town Manager gave a brief progress report on the School Administra- Sch. Adm. tion Parking Lot landscaping project. Parkin g Lot Elmer Gulmartin,'Chairman of the Personnel Advisory Board, and member Personnel Kendall Wright, were p- resent for discussion of issues which they felt should Adv. Bd. be pursued by both'Boards. He pointed out the lack of coordinated personnel activity between the School Committee's management and Town management, which in his Board's view .is stalemating progress at stemming the creeping escalation in labor costs because of lack of communications with respect to negotiation strateg and wage rate schedules. The Personnel Advisory Board proposed that thought be given to establishment of an integrated human resource system for the Town which would involve the School Committee as well as the Selectmen. It was felt that such a system would not only serve to hold down wa g e /labor rates but would provide all employees with a well articulated human resource olio . of health P Y Other advantages would include addressing care cyst containment, re duction of lost time, the establishment of appropriate, fair and equitable dis- ciplinary policies, a unified posting system for opportunities within the Town an appeals mechanism, and a staff development and growth program to encourage and promote hard -- working performance- oriented employees, Mr. Guilmartin noted the initial efforts last year toward planning for the year 2,000, and referenced his Board's response to the Selectmen outlin- ing topics felt to be worthy of pursuit. a. Formation of a Communication Advisory Board to promote communication n among disparate groups, boards, and committees; b. Employee involvement and means for structuring to give employees more voice; 2 C. The impact of technology and the need to focus attention of employ - ees on the mission of their jobs and not only the computer or other machine. d. Consideration of the aging population relative to raising the retire - ment age in the light of longer productive years of workers. e. Recognition of longterm service by rewards to employees other than by increased salaries. f. Rethinking of the current complex sick leave policy. g Mr. Marshall acknowledged the Personnel Board's responsiveness to the Selectmen's request for identification of issues to be considered as the year 2,000 grows near. He thanked the Board for its cooperation and promised pursuit, by both Boards, of the topics listed. Mr. Eddison said he saw the need to start now to plan and to explore the issues raised and suggested going ahead at full speed. Mr. Guilmartin said he felt his Board could contribute heavily in this endeavor and would welcome the opportunity to work with'th.e Selectmen on it. Mr. Marshall suggested that the School Committee and the Selectmen should confer with the Personnel Advisory Board before the next School Committee labor negotiations take place in 19870 Mr. O'Sullivan, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, noted that his committee has been suggesting an agency to deal with such issues for many years. He su ested immediate contact with the School Committee, however, since prelimi -- gg nar y considerations of wage scale issues occur each year.in the Fall. Mr. Guilmartin outlined the year's agenda for his Board as follows: . review of annual salary survey and recommendations on adjustments review of and participation in staffing procedures and recruitment process review of health insurance program costs review and revision of Personnel Policies and Procedures He asked for communication from the Selectmen as to direction. Mr. Eddison said- that all p.o�nts b.raught up :.wake well 'taken and that he would -want to work.with the Personnel Advisory Board more closely than in the past. Mr. McLaughlin added his thanks, noting the benefits to the Town from the efforts of the Board. Arlex Taxi Mr. Hutchinson informed the Board of a rate hike request by Arlex Taxi P rate hike Co proration, and recommended it it be granted, noting that the new rates would not be excessive and would be consistent with those for taxi companies in other nearby towns. Upon motion duly.made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Arlex Taxi Corporation for increase in taxicab meter rates as follows: $ 1. 40 drop for the first 1/8th of one mile $ .20 for each 1/8 of a mile thereafter $14.00 per hour waiting time. Maher William Maher was present for discussion of his request for abatement or deterral deferrment of sewer betterment for his property at 50 Allen Street. Mr Hutchin son recommended against deferral as being inconsistent with Town policy, which has been to defer only those sewer betterments that have been made against large parcels of unimproved open land in order not to force development. Mr. Maher s now i 3 - Selectmen's Meeting November 18, 1985 land is improved with a dwelling on it which. can be sewered by reasonable means. Mr. Maher explained that as he approaches retirement, he is assessing his assets and 'is becoming aware of the need to conserve funds where P ossible. Since he feels that hi -s septic system is adequate, he said he does not wish to connect to sewer. He asked for at least a 5 -year deferral, at which time he may be selling his property, Mr. Dailey pointed � out that there is provision for deferral . of real estate tax fbr those over 65, with certain income limits, and suggested that a similar policy might. be.developed for sewer betterments. Mr. Hutchinson will provide information on that - procedure for the Board.. �Mr. McLaughlin said a precedent would be set if the request were to be approved and felt that it would be poor public policy to restructure Town pro cedures for each such request. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it 'was voted to deny the request of William P. Maher for deferral of sewer betterment charges for property at 50 Allen Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Town of Sewer Art. Arlington to - include a Lexington Sewer Connection - Article in the Warrant for Arlington the 1986 Arlington Town Meeting, Town Mtg, The purpose of the article would be to give permission to Lexington to connect sewer proposed for Golden Avenue and Bowman Street, Lexington, to nearby sewers in Arlington and to ensure eligibility for a 50% State Collection Sewer Grant for the construction of those sewers. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to , approve transfer Transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Town Manager's Expense Acct. #1065, in the amount T..Mgr's. of $5,000 to accommodate heavy recruitment expenses. Expense Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Franklin Manager to sign the application to the Planning Board for subdivision of the School Franklin School property. Mr. Hutchinson reviewed information presented- in a memo from Town Engin- Street eer Fields on Street Acceptance Betterment Assessments, Betterm. The present street and sidewalk betterment and interest rates, with 20- Policy year payment:, periods were outlined. Mr. Hutchinson recommended elimination of the sidewalk betterment policy in order to encourage extension of sidewalks where needed.. Mr. Fields recommended changing the street betterment rate system so that the Town a percentage greater than the initial 66 213% of the average street reconstruction over the last three years of construction, in order to increase the amount of final actual recovery above 40 %. A table of possible betterment rates for FY87 was reviewed. The table showed the proposed betterment rates for the existing 66 2/3% initial recovery and for higher initial recoveries with the intention of having actual recover- ies higher than 40 %.., Mr...Fields noted that total betterment cost to an abut- ter under the present recovery System with 100 ft. of frontage at a rate of f t i rd _ $45.071ft. would be $4,507. Changes from the present 66 2/3% to 70%; 80% 90% and 100% were outlined Mr. Fields also proposed elimination of the existing sidewalk better- ment rate due to its low recovery and questionable benefit to the abutters. Mr. Marshall suggested scheduling a presentation of the proposed changes at a public , inf ormation meeting .for further discussion and action. There was brief discussion of the proposed elimination of sidewalk betterment rates and construction methods. Mr. Marshall noted that no side- wlaks , other .than . in new subdivisions, had been installed in the Town for several years, due to the constraints of Proposition 2 1 /2, and that they did not seem to be a priority item.. Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison and Mr. Dailey supported the Town Engineer's view on elimination of the sidewalk rates. Mr '"McLaughlin pointed out that petitioners for street acceptance often request that sidewalks be omitted. Min Man Mr. Eddison reviewed with Board his memo on the Minute Man Commuter Bikewa y a- Bikeway, revised as to citizen cndidatesfor membership on the Bikeway Imple -- mentation Committee. He listed the proposed- member.. representing Selectmen, Planning Board, Recreation Committee and Transportation Advisory Committee, and_ citizen candidates, all of whom had indicated willingness to serve. Mr. Dailey said he was still concerned about the weighted composition in favor of the bikeway of . the committee if all ex-- officio members listed were to be appointed. Mr. McLaughlin, who had shared Mr. Dailey's view on that aspect, acknow- ledged Mr. Eddison's efforts toward a more balanced committee and felt the group would work toward resolution of mutual concerns. - Mr. Marshall said he felt comfortable with the membership as proposed and that the abutters appeared to-be well represented. He.suggested that the Finance Committees deisgnate liaisons to. attend meeting as was done in the case of the Pine Meadows Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Charge to the Minute Man Commuter Bikeway - Implementation Committee, as presented by Mr. Eddi -- son. o f f ive ex- officio Motion was made and seconded to approve appointments and five citizen members to the Minute Man Commuter Bikeway Implementation Com- mittee. Mr. Dailey said he would vote in the negative not because of opposition to any candidate proposed, but on the basis that the Committee will lack balance. James Nilson, one of citizen nominees who was present agreed with Mr. Dailey that more abutter presence was needed. He was encouraged by Board members to serve on the Committee, about which he said he had mixed feelings. Mr. Bergler and another abutter present voiced complaints about the im- pact of the Millbrook Valley Relief Sewer construction on drainage in the area. Motion having been duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 to 1, with Mr. Dailey voting in the negative, to appoint the following as members of the Minute Man Commuter Bikeway Implementation Committee: Elizabeth C. Hughes 13 Maple Street Robert L. 0ssman 35A Wachusett Drive Jerrold H. VanHook 89 Meriam Street James S. Wilson 17 Spencer Street Claire L. Dean 19 Lois Lane -5- Pam Selectmen's Meeting November 18, 1985 John C. Eddison, ex- officio, representing the Board of Selectmen Judith Uhrig, ex-officio, representing the Planning Board Min Man Angela Frick, ex-of f icio , representing the Conservation. Commission Bikeway Robert Eby, ex- officio, representing the Recreation Committee Impl.Comm, .Webb Sussman, ex- officio, representing the Transportation Adv. Committee No length of term was designated, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes of Selectmen's Meetings on October 21, October 23, and October 28, 1985 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to -accept with regret the resignation of Francis P. Hazel, Jr. from the Personnel Advisory Board, Minutes 10121,10/ 23 10128 Hazel,res, P.A.B. Upon motion duly made and secon.ded,.i,t was voted to appoint the follow- P.A.B. ing to the Personnel Advisory Board for terms to expire on September 30, 1988: appts. Isabel G. Besecker 8 Eastern Avenue Charlotte H. Evans 36 Vaille Avenue Deborah R. Myers 71.Freemont Street An additional appointment will be made in the near future. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, to approve applications Liq. Lic. for renewal for the year 1986 . of the following All Alcoholic Beverages Licenses :1986 Lexington.Golf Club Vinebrook Corporation Lexington Knights of Columbus Arty's Restaurant Middlesex Racquet & Swim Club Versailles Restaurant, Inc. 1775 wine & Spirit Shop. Yangtze River Restaurant Berman's Market, Inc.. LeBellecour Busa Liquors, Inc. Peking Gardens The Hartwell House Upon motion duly made and for renewal for the year 1986 of Arty's Restaurant Dunkin Donuts Mario ' s McDonald's Corporation Pewter Pot Sheraton /Lexington Motor Yangtze River Restaurant seconded, it was voted to approve applications Common the following Common Victualler Licenses: Vict.Lic. Bellino's Bakery Le Bellecour Steve's Peking Gardens Brigham's an One Meriam The Hartwell House Upon motion duly made and se it was voted to approve application Entert. for renewal for. the year 1986 of Entertainment License for Dunf ey Hotels Corp, License d /b /a Sheraton Lexington Motor Inn. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it for renewal of Innkeeper License for the year tion d /b /a Sheraton Lexington Motor Inn. was voted t -o approve application Innkeeper 1986 f or Dunf ey Hotels Corpora -:` Lic . - 6 - Common Upon motion -duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve application for Carrier renewal of Common Carrier license for the year 1986 for Dee Bus Service, Lic. 54 Orchard Street, West Concord, MA Class. Ill Upon motion duly made and seconded,. it was voted to approve application Lic. for renewal of Class III License for John Carroll Company, Inc., 31 Allen. Street. Class I Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve application Lic. for renewal of Class I License for Auto Engineering, Inc., 436 Marrett Road. Sewer Upon motion duly made and seconded,.it was voted.to approve abatement Abatements of sewer charges for Raytheon Research Division, 131 Spring Street, in the amounts of $11,602.26 and.$63,870. Overcharges were due to defect on outside meters. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to abate sewer user charges in the total amount of $237.79, for accounts not connected to Town sewer therefore exempt from sewer user charges. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to abate water charges for property at 9 Oakland Street, in the amount of $25,30, due to incorrect reading. Limo.Lic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica -- tion of Robert J. Bates, Rinn.Corporation d /b /a Avanti Limousine Service for an additional vehicle., MA Reg. #231-0590 Antic. Upon- motion duly made and seconded, it was voted -to approve award of Notes. Notes in Anticipation of State Grant for Water Pollution Control to Bank of "no Boston, Northern Division, in the amount of $18,851, dated November 22, 1985 and due on November 21, 19860 Traffic Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of item, E. E. Blake for installation of short term parking meter limits on Waltham Street, Blake near the Colonial Pharmacy, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it w s voted to adjourn at 9:35 p.m. It C> ,i A true record, Attest: 1 n o Executive Clerk L._J . SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 25, 1985 Pon A regular meeting of Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, November y N ve ber 25, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chair- man Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. Hutchin- son, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. The Board reviewed the petition submitted -by - Mr . &Mrs . Bruce Lynn, 33 Maple, Traffic and 80 other residents -of the area for lowering of the speed limits on Maple, item, Summer and Lowell Strees and the Traffic Safety Committee's recommendations Maple Lowel on the request. Summer Sts Mr.& Mrs-Lynn and. several other area residents were present for discussion of the matter. Mr .. - Chal_pin represented the Traffic Committee* Mrs. Lynn listed concerns of the signers of the petition, pointing out that Harrington School students use both Maple and Lowell Sts, and that there are day care centers in the area. She noted that other State roads have lower speed limits and that there have been a number of accidents on Maple and Lowell Sts. She added that Senator Kraus and Repr. Doran were asked for assistance with re- gard to determination of the speed limit by the State and, upon inquiry, were told by State DPW officials that the speed limit might remain the same or be lowered but not necessarily raised in the face of strong local opposition. The Traffic Committee had reported that involvement and investigation by the State, if requested to lower the speed limit, might result in a higher rate. This opinion was based on the results of Lexington Police Dept,, radar studies. The Committee recommended. that no action be taken on the matter. Mr. Chalpin felt that the State DPW, which has jurisdiction, would abide by its regulations despite efforts by the Legislators. Hugh McLaughlin who was present, informed the Board of the recent death of his son, who had been struck by an auto near his Lowell Street home. He referred to data on stopping distances for .30 -., 40 -, and 50 -mph and urged that the speed on Lowell , . Map l.e and Summer S.t s . be moved back to 35-mph. James McCarthy, 29 Maple Street, pointed out that there is no buffer between sidewa.l:.ks and streets which imposes danger to walking children. He claimed that motorists ignore the change from 40-- to 25 --mph near. the bridge on Maple Street which, he felt, is an especially hazardous blind spot. Mrs. Battin suggested that the Town Manager confer with State officials on the matter in view of the conflicting DPW answers given our State Legislators and the Traffic Safety Committee and to make clear our strong opposition to rais- ing the limits, Mr. Eddison said he found the basis of the request persuasive and moved to request a lowering of the speed limits on Maple, Lowell and Summer Streets. Mrs. Battin seconded the motion. Mr. McLaughlin pointed out the possibility of an even higher speed limit if the request is made and said he would prefer to ask the Manager to explore the matter with the State. Upon motion duly.made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Mana- ger to request that a study of the designated speed limits on Maple, Lowell and Summer Streets be conducted by the Massachusetts DPW to ascertain whether, under the State's regulations for its roads, speed limits can be lowered. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes of -Minutes the Selectmen's Meeting on November 4, 1985, as presented. 11/4/85 :w -2- Rambo appt Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted.to reappoint Lewis M. P . A. B. Rambo as a member of the Personnel Advisory Board for a term of office to expire on September 30, 1988, Resign, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resigna- C.C.Chao, tion of C. C. Chao from the Human Services Committee, effective immediately. H.S.C. Resign, Pat Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation Swanson of Patricia Swanson from the Energy Conservation Committee, effective immedi- Energy Cam. ately. 12/2 S,T,M, A preliminary assignment listing of Articles for the December 2nd Special Articles Town Meeting, prepared by the Town Manager, was reviewed and accepted by the Board. Arts.2,3,4 Unanimous support was expressed for Article 2, Education Statute; Article 3, Motel /Hotel Tax Statute; and Article 4, Supplementary Appropriations. Article 5 Regarding Article 4, Handicapped Ramp at Cary Hall, the Manager reported that construction costs have doubled since the original appropriation of $60,000 by the 1984 Town Meeting. The possibility of alternative designs or relocation to the rear of the Hall as a means of cost reduction were discussed, The Town Manager will arrange to have the architect, Charles Hagenah, meet with the Board on December 2. There was a suggestion that the Article be delayed until the March 1986 Town Meeting after exploration with the Permanent Building Committee and im- plementation of a new bidding process. Mr. McLaughlin spoke in favor of the proposal. Mrs. Battin asked that the Enablement Committee be present when the Article is being presented to give support. Mr. Marshall said that CAry Hall is an important building, considering all functions held there, and should have access. He noted the commitment made to provide this access and suggested that further discussion be deferred to December 2nd, with more information on points raised to be provided by the Town Manager at that time. Article 6 All members were in favor of Article 6, Architectural Study, School Build- ings. Article 7 Under Article 7, Pine Meadows Golf Course, it will be reported that at this time, there is nothing substantive upon which to act. Article 8 All were in favor of Article 8, Morrow Crossing.. Article 9 It was noted that the Planning Board will be recommending indefinite post- ponement of Article 9, Footway, Dunback Meadow Conservation Land. Article 10 All were in favor of Article lo, Emerald. Street lots. Article 11 It will be recommended that Article 11, Dissolving Committees, specifically the Energy Conservation Committee, be indefinitely postponed because of the interest of committee members in keeping the committee active. Article 12 There was a sense that the Board would oppose citizens Article 12, Franklin School, but final decision on position was deferred until December 2, when the draft Land Disposition Agreement for Franklin School will be submitted for review rMn 1. -3_ Selectmen's Meeting November 25, 1985 Capital Expenditures Committee Chairman McCabe I and members Arlan, Michel- Capital son and Spector were 'present for discussion of Special Town Meeting Articles. Exp.Comm. The Committee was in agreement with the positions of,the Selectmen on all Articles but had questions and suggestions on several issues. Regarding Article 4, Supplementary Appropriations for Town. Off ice Build- ing Maintenance; Fire Dept . Expenses; Prof ess.ional Services, the Committee asked to be informed as the -se situations arise so as to be able to make adjustments in the capital budget. There were a number of questions on Article 5, Handicapped Ramp, Cary Hall. Mr. Marshall noted that there had been some exploration of the viability of alternative plans for the location and design of the ramp. Final decision on position, or on possible postponement to the March -'86 Town Meeting will be made on December 2. Mr. Michelson raised points -about the proposed design with no railing on the platform and the Town's liability if accidents occur as a result. He also questioned the safety factor involved in the surface of the ramp, noting that granite could be more slippery than concrete. The Town Manager was asked to respond to these two concerns. Mr. McCabe suggested going ahead with the handicapped toilet facilities with funds already approp.ria-ted Jor that purpose. The Enablement Committee will be asked to be present on December 2 to pro - vide input on the construction,plans. The Capital Expenditures Committee is working with the School. Committee to ascertain amounts of State reimbursement to be expected relative to the archi- tectural study of school buildings requested under Article 6. Regarding Article'lo, Emerald Street Lots, Mr. Cohen explained that it had. been inserted in the warrant ias.- a technical correction for title purposes only and that there - were no financial implications. Mr. McCabe asked that the total package for street construction and other projects related to Emerald Street be presented to. Town Meeting. The Chairman thanked the Capital Expenditures Committee for its attendance and the opportunity for the informal question and answer session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of Traffic Nancy Coda, 7 Fletcher Avenue, for installation of a "deaf child" sign on item: Fletcher Avenue to the Traff is Safety Advisory Committee for review and recom- Coda, mendation.s. Fletcher Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement Abatement of sewer lien, FY'86 Real Estate Taxes, for property not connected to Town sewer sewer at 80 westview Street, in the amount of $46.01. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Ext.of of Sheraton Lexington Inn for extension of hours under its Innholder Liquor hours, License on December 6 and December 31, 1985, to 1:00 a -.m. Lex; -Inn ,- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve applications License for renewal of licenses for the year 1986, as follows:,, renewals -4- License Liquor Licenses renewals 1986 Cory's of Lexington Lexington Liquor Mart, Inc. Bel Canto Restaurant Common Victualler Licenses Friendly Ice Cream Corp. 60 Bedford Street Middlesex. Racquet and Swim Club 475 Bedford Street Versailles Restaurant 1777 Mass, Avenue Chadwick's 903 Waltham Street Cory's 20 Waltham Street Lexington Lodge of Elks #2204 959 Waltham Street Common Carrier Licenses - James H. McCarty Limousine Service, Inc. 694 Mechanics .Street, Leominster Lodgin& House License Wild Acre Inn 50 Percy Road Innkeeper License Battle Green Motor.Inn 1720 Mass. Avenue Class I License Street Bet- terment Assessment Policy Sheraton /Lexington Motor Inn Lexington Lodge of ,Elks, #2204 Lexington Toyota Sales, USA 409 Mass. Avenue Mr. Hutchinson presented examples of street betterment assessments for a 100 ft. lot based on a 3 -year average, at recovery rates of 66 2/3%, 80% and 90% and with the same percentages for a proposed 2 -year average. He in- formed the Board that he is moving ahead with the 90% assessment formula - r� Selectmen Meeting November 25 1985 --5- OMW based upon a 2 -year construction average and asked the Boards approval of this amendment to the Street Betterment Assessment Policy and elimination. of the Sidewalk Assessment policy. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to amend the Street and Sidewalk Betterment Assessment Policy by increasing the betterment recovery to 90 %, based on a 2 -year average. It was also voted to eliminate the Sidewalk Assessment policy, as recom- mended by the Town Manager. Mr. Hutchinson reported that the Special Committee on Dispute Resolution Binding has reported favorably on legislation that would restore binding arbitration Arb. Bill for police and fire labor disputes. He requested that the Board communicate its opposition to this legislation to the Legislators and the Public Safety Committee. A hearing on the Bill will be held in the State House on November 26. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to express opposition to restoration of Binding Arbitration in letters to Senator Kraus, Repr. Doran and to the Public' Safety Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve transfer from Transfer, the Reserve Fund to Account 01-- 551 --154, Veterans Aid & Expenses, in the amountRes. Fund of $8,000, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Disaster Manager to apply for Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Relief Act for damages sustained from hurricane "Gloria ". Applic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize relocation Commuter of commuter parking from Worthen Road to the Pool parking. lot at the Center parking Playground, beginning December 2, 198541 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5- 0, Mr. Marshall, Exec.Sess. Mrs, Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go into Executive Session for purposes of discussion of land acquisition, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:03 p.m. A true record, Attest: R � H. Snow Executive Clerk -_- VO 1 D ki MW