HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-10-LBAC-min Approved Meeting Minutes Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: December 10, 2009, 7 pm, Room 111, Town Office Building Members Present: Stew Kennedy, Mike Tabaczynski, John Frey, Jerry Van Hook, Marita Hartshorn, Abe Shenker (FoLB Chair), Sandra Shaw (Recreation Liaison), Peggy Enders (Chair), George Gagliardi, Laurel Carpenter Others Present: Margaret Stebbins, Bob Hausslein Members Absent: Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison), Hank Manz, (Selectmen’s Liaison) Minutes : The October 2009 minutes were accepted as corrected. The November 2009 minutes were accepted as unofficial, since a quorum had not been present. CPA Proposal : Peggy reported that our CPA proposal for restoration and preservation of the Minuteman Bikeway is being reviewed by town counsel. The work described in the proposal may be considered maintenance, which is not allowed by State law to qualify for CPA funding. The next meeting of the CPC is Monday, December 14 at 3:30, Rm. G15. Bikeway Plowing: The bikeway was plowed well on Tuesday. We will close the gates as requested. Peggy and Stew marked the bikeway with orange stakes from Bow St. to Season’s Four. Marita and Bob Hartshorn and Bob Hausslein will continue staking. Peggy and Abe will write a letter in the Minuteman thanking those who contributed money for plowing. It was suggested we prepare business cards to hand to people who ask about how they can help. Bike paths in the Bridge School Neighborhood : Jerry and Stew met Tom Shiple near Bridge School. He reported to the town items needing attention in this area: fence repair, a mound of sand and gravel on the path, and lack of bollards. So far the fence has been fixed. Since work is ongoing, the bollards may have to wait; however cones can be used temporarily to deter driving on the path. Bikeway Intersection Safety Meeting : George reported that in October the group set intersection improvement priorities as follows: 1) Revere Street; 2) Westview Street; 3) Hancock Street. Peggy reported that Bill Hadley will ask Town Meeting for an appropriation for Bikeway intersection improvements that may make it possible for all intersections to be upgraded. In addition, there may be a request to Town Meeting to provide a line item budget for routine maintenance on the Bikeway. We agreed to invite John Livsey to an upcoming meeting to share want he learned at the Bicycle/pedestrian Accommodation Conference. Peggy will send to Sandra Shaw some of the past correspondence about Bikeway problems and priorities so she can present our ideas to the Recreation Committee. Scenic By-Ways : Hearings on the Lincoln and Concord Sections are being held in December 2009 and hearings on the Lexington Section will take place in early 2010. It is important that the Minuteman Bikeway and the Minuteman Connector be included as part of the Scenic Byway to qualify for the federal funding. Safety Video : Peggy proposed a winter safety video and is seeking ideas and participants to make this happen. Meeting Adjourned at 8:10 PM. Record of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways discussion: Treasury: Richard Spencer was absent but we do know that our treasury is increased by at least $500 thanks to a contribution for plowing by Erik Wile. Mass Ave Safety Report. Green crossing flags are now available at three intersections in East Lexington. According to counts that have been done at those intersections, motorist compliance to stop for pedestrians has increased. Ace Hardware: Bob Cunningham of Ace Hardware on Lowell street plans to . provide a bike rack for customersThe group agreed to compile a list of retailers and business areas where bike racks are needed; Jerry will assemble that information for review at next month’s meeting. Funding for Plowing : Abe and Peggy will coordinate their efforts to seek funding for plowing the Bikeway. Employees of Lincoln Lab are big supporters of plowing as many commute via bicycle. Trail Work in Conservation Land. Mike thanked us for our many hours of hard work this past year and reported that he will devote more of next year to planning for future work. League of Women Voters: Abe wrote to the LWV suggesting that they include questions about alternative transportation in their spring candidate’s forums. There was a brief discussion about alt transportation improvements in other towns and cities, including what has been done in Manhattan. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM. Miscellaneous Announcements: …The CPC Public Hearing has been moved to January 14. More information to follow. …Next LBAC/Fob meeting is Thursday, January 14, 7:00 p.m. in Room 111. Marita Hartshorn: Recorder Peggy Enders: Editor