HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-03-TREE-min Lexington Tree Committee Minutes, Town of Lexington, MA December 3, 2009 Members Present: John Frey, Chairman, David Pinsonneault, Tree Warden. Members: Jewel Kuljian, Anne Senning, Nell Walker, Jim Wood, Karen Longeteig, Gerry Paul. Friends of Trees, Jane Beswick, Alexandra Kahn, Barbara Kent. Emeritus member, Susan Solomon. Karen Longeteig was appointed scribe. The minutes of November 12, 2009, were approved as corrected; to wit: Paragraph 2.3.a: “Velcova: to “Zelkova”. Para 2.4: delete all language after “Bittersweet removal” and substitute: ‘The project is on hold and we will re-submit it next year.” In two places: “Omart” to “Ohmart”. Tree Warden’s report: a.1. Bylaw tree removal applications and activity: Total calls: 662 Total Closed: 542 Total to Plant: 1984 Total planted: 1301 Total to remove: 822 Total removed: 641 Total inches removed: 1491 Fees collected: $14,910 a.2. David Pinsonneault brought up a new subject, discussing two sections of the Bylaw that he felt should be altered by Town Meeting next spring. They were Sections 120-8 c.3. and 120-9.C. The purpose of the first would be to tighten overly broad language about “enhancing landscapes” and of the second section, to make Norway Maple removal subject to the same mitigation/replanting requirements as other trees. John suggested a subcommittee be formed to come up with some language. Anne & Karen volunteered to meet with David at the DPW on Friday, December 11, at 10:00 a.m. b. Inventory: the Inventory should supply us with identified sites for tree planting, which will then be reviewed ‘on the ground’ by DPW staff. Priority will be to plant out trees ready from our nursery. Jim and Anne will arrange to identify these. They will meet, along with a DPW rep, Nell and Karen, on th Monday, Dec. 7, at 9:30 a.m., weather permitting. c. Status of Street tree planting: David outlined that, out of the $24,000 committed for 2009, we planted 35 in the spring, and all but 8 or 10 of the remained in the fall. These 8-10 trees couldn’t be planted due to site insufficiencies of one sort or another, and were heeled in for the winter. The status of trees funded by the $14,000 in last year's budget was less clear but David said we would research it. The remaining two trees from the Lexington Field and Garden Club donation were planted; a Sourwood at Emery Park and a London Plane in front of the White House. Jewel reported that one of the Sourwoods on Meriam Street has been snapped off, apparently in an accident. David said we would re-plant it. d. Off-berm planting contract: We are still waiting for legal counsel Bill Lahey to come up with some slight changes; it has been approved in principle. e. Commemorative trees: We are waiting for input from the Haus family, and the Mayo family has paid for two more commemorative trees. The Mandel family submitted their wishes for language on the plaque. f. The grant application for bittersweet removal on the bikepath was derailed by inability to obtain a definite bid from contractors – the problem seeming to be one of definition of area of work, whether it would be a defined, measured area along the bike path or a more generic “per running foot” bid that would apply to any portion of the bikepath. David said he would define a certain portion and contact a number of contractors to get bids. Nell suggested consulting with Bill Brumbach of New England Wild Flower Society, who has carried out a number of such projects. g. Native Species list: Jim felt that it is too comprehensive and such a long list will be ignored by contractors. He thought a short list of 10 trees & 5 shrubs, targeted for a specific year, would make more of an impact. While this list will be strictly advisory in any case, it was suggested that we develop such a target list in addition to the exhaustive one. Battle Green tree planting advisory paper: David said that, for the record, he was in favor of keeping the trees now present on the Battle Green and replacing them as they fail, but keeping the interior open. He would approve either a double row or a staggered single row. The Buckman Tavern grounds should be kept more thickly planted. But both these areas are now ‘on hold’ while the Selectmen wait for the final advisory committee report, and re-planting needs to occur on regular basis. Jim presented a packet of papers and maps on the Battle Green for discussion and amendment, with the goal being approval of the paper as the official position of the Tree Committee. Jim advised that he had taken a broad view of the Battle Green and included points on usage, sidewalk material, etc. The committee began going through his draft line by line, making it through 2 ½ of the 3 sections before the clock ran out. The rest of the discussion was tabled for a work group meeting set for December 10, 8:00 a.m. at the DPW. Recommendations will be madeto the next full Tree Committee meeting on January 14, 2010. Respectfully submitted, Karen R. Longeteig