HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-02-WALKS-min Members present: Jerry van Hook (chair). Suzie Barry, Judy Crocker, Lucy Fletcher-Jones, Francine Stieglitz Liaison: Jeanne Krieger (Selectman) The meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m. The minutes of the November 2009 meeting were approved. Update on the Office of Transportation project for Bowman School . Lucy reported that the project has received unofficial verbal confirmation that the project is going ahead but no official letter has yet been received The EOT also sent out surveyors to the Follen area back in October. Wayne Brooks is involved in the project as is John Livsey. Jeanne said that that stakeholders would be notified, but she thought it was unlikely that there would be much opposition to the recommendations and hopeful that any concerns could be answered. Sidewalk constriction on School Street near Roosevelt Road . Wayne Brooks was unable to attend the meeting to report on what he and John Livsey had found after looking at the area. Spring Street . Jerry reported that sideline striping was needed on Spring Street because pedestrians must walk along the road in places to reach crosswalks where one can cross safely to the new sidewalk. Narrowing the vehicular travel lane width to less than 11 ft was one suggestion made by the Bicycle Committee to improve safety for both bicyclists and pedestrians on Spring Street. Report on the Safe Mass. Ave. Committee activities . Lucinda Duncan, Minister at Follen Church, spoke at the League of Women Voters meeting on Friday, December 4. The SMAC at their December 2 meeting had concluded that the use of crosswalk crossing flags should be limited to East Lexington during this experimental period and should be confined to the three locations (Independence Avenue, Ellen Dana Court, and Charles Street) where the green flags have been placed. At the December 4 meeting, Selectman George Burnell wondered whether flags should be given to those in wheelchairs for their use at any street crossings in Lexington. Francine said that she'd bring George's suggestion up for discussion with the Commission on Disability. SWC members reinforced the idea that there must be an educational phase to the project for pedestrians and motorists alike being encouraged see the flags as a safety measure. Report on Safe Routes to School Activities . Estabrook, Hastings, and Bowman are planning their monthly walk on Wednesday, but the weather looks iffy. There are plans to translate the notices being sent home so that non-English-speaking parents will better understand the activity. Judy said she had received requests to add two locations for sidewalk improvements in the Estabrook School neighborhood. Jerry suggested that a sidewalk on one side of upper Burlington St would be desirable, it being a narrow curving road with no sidewalks presently. As there was no new business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:20. The next meting will be on January 4, 2010.