HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-BOS-minBOARD OF SELECTMEN GOAL SETTING MEETING �3 Present: Monday, Ju 1, 1985 Harvard Club of Boston One Federal Street, Boston k Selectmen Marshall, Hutchinson Batti n , McLaughlin, Eddi son , Dailey, Town Manager Chairman Marshall called the meeting to order at 10:10 A.M. pointing out that Selectmen Edd i son and Dailey would be arriving shortly because of schedule conflicts. It was agreed to address issues not needing-full Board at this time. Mrs. Batti n i.n d4:cated 'that she would l i k e to attend the Mass. Municipal Association Conference on October 25 to October 27 and encouraged other Board Members to do so. The Board approved Mrs. Batti n' s request and that of any other member who wished to represent the Town as this is an important opportunity for elected and appointed officials and State officials to exchange information. Chairman Marshall asked the Manager if values of vehicles were established by the Town understanding that the value of vehicles is substantially greater today and should this not be a potential source of additional revenue recognizing that the rate was changed with the adoption of Proposition 2J. The Manager responded that values are established by the State from a prepared "Blue Book" and the Town does not have any say in the establishment of those values. He did point out that this is a question that has been raised by the Municipal Association and certain professional groups as the values seem to be somewhat unrealistic. The Manager said he would talk to our Assessors about this and get the most current information relating to tax policy for vehicles, Chairman Marshall asked the Manager if he had any administrative matters to report to the Board. The Manager said that he was in the process of making appointments to the Building Committee which has been indicated by the Selectmen as a major committee responsible for all public buildings with specific focus on repair and maintenance or retrofitting. The Selectmen instructed the Manager to focus on technical knowledge and diversity within the community. The Manager indicated that the School Committee would be appointing two members in the near future to represent their concerns. It was further pointed out that Town Meeting had appropriated money that the Selectmen and the Manager had requested for supporting technical services to the Committee. The Board indicated that they would expect to see a report for the 1986 Town Meeting. Staffing - Selectmen/Manager Areas �w~wr•r+.. A. Selectmen Chairman Marshall pointed out that he had discussed with the Town Manager the idea of operating with a one and one -half time f u l l time equivalent (f.t.e.) vs . the current two person Selectmen's office. with appropriate supporting equipment for word processing and the like, they should be able to effectively support the operation of the office. The Manager said that he would arrange for the appropriate supporting equipment and a report will be made to the Board during the budgeting process on this experiment. s DAL SETTING MINUTES - - G � Jul 1, 1985 A B, Mana er Town Manager's office - The Manager told the Board that he would be experimenting with a part -time management analyst position in the fall as an experiment to be able to answer the explosion of demands for information on his WNW office. Selectman McLaughlin pointed out that a person trained in modern systems and technology would be helpful in updating management systems throughout the Town. Selectman Marshall said that this could be helpful to the Manager and the Board particularly with the transition of the Comptroller. In short, this person could be a good linkage with Comptroller's office so that detailed data would not totally fall on the Town Manager's office. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Selectmen Eddi son and D a i l e y arrived at 10:50 A, M, and were given a brief update of matters addressed by the Board. 1. Board /Town Manager Appointments The Selectmen asked that we review the dissemination of the committee handbook that Selectman Eddi son had worked on with the administration in order to insure wider citizen participation. They further asked the Manager to check on the appointing mechanism for the committee established by the 1985 Town Meeting to. study the current system for identifying and dealing with present and potential hazardous substances in Lexington. 2e DPI The Selectmen indicated that they wanted to adopt a final set of standards for "No acceptance of streets and repair and maintenance of streets both accepted and unaccepted as well as addressing the petitioning process for said streets. The Board felt that it should not be necessary for streets that the Town intends to do to be continually submitted through the petitioning process, Streets that have been rejected would continue to be subject to that process. Selectman Eddi son asked that the Manager bring in a review of the street betterment process as part of the final adoption of street acceptance guidelines, The Board members further asked the Manager to refine life cycle requests of streets into ten, twenty and thirty year categories vs. the average of twenty to twenty-five. It was agreed that this would be addressed in early Fall to be used as a formal process for reviewing budget decisions. 3. Traffic The Board indicated continuing concern about traffic and speeding and asked the Manager to continue to review with the Police Department on more agress i ve measures in this area. Selectman Batti n asked about the scheduling of meetings of the Traffic Safety Committee so that they are convenient for citizens who would l i k e to appear before them. The Board indicated that it would review the operating procedures of the Traffic Safety Committee in view of CRC suggestion that there be established a Traffic/Parking Conmi ttee to anticipate and plan for resolution of potential as well as current traffic problems, Review of 1985 Goals I . Environmental - Acquisition of Pine Meadows Golf Course - Board actions completed. In process of acquisition. COAL SETTING MINUTES -3- July 1, 1985 Ii" Fiscal Planning - Infrastructure Review 1) Unaccepted streets - streets toured, acceptance standards reviewed, in process of updating guidelines for unaccepted streets. 2) . Accepted streets - Review value of asset, level of maintenance, investigate financial options for expanded maintenance. -- Complete 3) water - Review Master Plan, schedule short - term /long -term improvements. - Complete III. Strategic Planning - Convene elected boards, evolve process for Lexington 2000. Under review. IV. Review changing appointments date where appropriate - complete. V. Board Administration a. Board meetings - Maintain expeditious handling of issues while balancing citizen participation. - ongoing. b. Review sound system and acoustics of Meeting Room. - Complete. VI. Priority Setting - Reduce workload - ongoing. VII. Other Boards and Agencies - Schedule Fall meeting with School Committee, interact with TMMA, review financial picture and discuss financial targeting. - Complete. VIII, Housing - Review current efforts through zoning for affordable housing, schedule joint meeting with Planning Board and relative agencies, - Complete. Selectmen Relationship with other Pol i c _. Making Boards 1. School Committee The Board agreed it should have an early Fall meeting with the School Committee to focus on the subject of budget targeting and areas of mutual concern so that the Town can realistically plan financially for the future. Chairman Marshall stated that it was important that we get a definitive head count from the schools because their numbers of personnel can be somewhat confusing when looking at program budgets. The Manager suggested that this would be an opportunity to address possible consolidation efforts in the areas of building maintenance, health, personnel systems and the like. Certainly it would be an opportunity to address areas where the schools and Town diverge from one another. 2. Planning-Board The Board said that it wanted to arrange a meeting with the Planning Board so 0"`` that there is an appropriate coordination of priorities. Selectman Batti n noted that during the last fiscal year the Selectmen had identified certain priorities such as the Center that were not as high as other Planning Board priorities which posed some demand on staff and some conflict between the two agencies. COAL SETTING MINUTES -4- July 1, 1985 3, Housin Authorit The Selectmen instructed the Manager to get an update on housing efforts that the Board has supported working with the Housing Authority, LexHAB and other groups such as GBCD. Selectman Marshall asked that the GBCD proposal have an updated time schedule submitted so that all items could be accomplished in an expeditious fashion, The Board also wanted to find out the status of the H i l l Street proposal for retarded adults, 4. CATV Selectman McLaughlin suggested that the charge, purpose and operating role of the CATV Committee be reviewed for update as now with cable in place, new problems and new directions seem to be appropriate. Selectmen Marshall and Eddison suggested that the mechanical support for this be reviewed. They indicated that far many more people than expected had been watching Selectmen Meetings and Town Meeting and felt that we should try to accomodate and build upon that level of interest. Selectman McLaughlin referenced the fact that the schools had extensive commitments in this area and this was a possible joint area for cooperation. The Selectmen asked the Manager to work with Selectman McLaughlin and appropriate groups on building on the CATV system. 5. Town Meeting Board members unanimously raised concerns about the length of Town Meeting and the fact that it could be driving out interested citizens because of the considerable length of time that seems to be dominated by several individuals. The Board suggested that a number of strategies should be considered for reducing the length of Town Meeting so that citizen interest can be maintained while maintaining the democratic process. Specifically, they suggested that all citizens' articles be taken up at the end of the meeting and that a meeting take place with the TMMA, Moderator and others to look at revision of rules relating to debate on the Town Meeting floor. It was suggested that reconsideration should require a two- thirds vote, total discussion should be limited to twenty minutes and no reconsiderations be taken up until the end of the meeting. Selectman Marshall suggested that the information sessions appear to be a waste of time as the same questions are asked on the Town Meeting floor and the Board agreed that it would discuss with the TMMA the abolishment of the information sessions but continuing to encourage the preparation of the Warrant Information Booklet so that questions can be expedited on the Town Meeting floor. The Board told the Manager to submit the financial articles in the budget at the beginning as they felt that even though some financial information may not be available i t was better to get on with the business of the meeting particularly since so many citizens' articles seem to need supplemental information, It was suggested that microphones be set up for pro and con issues and a limitation on debate. wao rn GOAL SETTING MINUTES July 1, 1985 $oft 69 Relationshi with Financial Committees Selectman Dailey mentioned that he felt a more positive relationship with f i na nc i a l committees had been established within recent years and would like to build on that with the Moderator and the Chairmen of these respective committees, Board members emphasized that ,i it was important to have the diversity of the community reflected on the Appropriation and Capital Expenditures Committees with particular emphasis on financial acumen. 7. Comptroller Recruitment The Town Manager reported to the Board that Dick Perry would be retiring at the end of May or the beginning of June after twenty years of service with the Town, Board members instructed the Manager to set up administrative procedures for a blue ribbon panel to be established for Dick Perry' s replacement. The Board wanted to emphasize financial management training and experience with a . speci fi c emphasis on management information systems and automation to build on the current system efforts that the Town has underway. The Board said it would prefer to see perhaps a thirty day overlap period understanding that they and the Manager wi l 1 be involved in Town Meeting to allow for some familiarization with the system. The Board members, the Manager and appropriate groups such as the Personnel Advisory Board w i l l be submitting recommended guidelines for the screening committee with the intent that four to five f i na 1 i sts would be submitted to the Selectmen. Ohm 8. Golf Club Ac ui s i ti on and Development The Board stated that it wanted to put two committees together to facilitate the acqu i s i ti on , operation and development of Pine Meadows Golf Course. Bill Dailey agreed to chair a committee that would work with the Manager and the administration on lease guidelines for the operation of the golf course. Selectmen Eddi son and Marshall said they would work on the development and design of the golf course a l l o w i n g for appropriate options for development to be submitted to Town 9. Hartwell Avenue /Bedford Street The Board instructed the Manager to receive an appropriate consultant proposal addressing concerns raised by its citizens committee in order that alternates raised by the citizens groups could be considered for integration into the plan if possible. The Board stated that it wanted to bring this issue to a conclusion in the sense of ultimate design and implementation by December 31 of 1985. Selectman.. Eddi son w i l l be working with the Committee and the administration to expedite this matter. It was agreed that appropriate political support from our Representative and Senator as well as the Department of Transportation would be necessary. 10. Route 2A/Marrett Road /Minuteman Park Chairman Marshall reviewed his meeting with the National Park Service stating that certain accomodati ons would have to be made to get additional modifications of the Route 2A solution. He said that he would work with the Manager and the administration and the Park Service to review options so that ultimate solution can be completed in this area. GOAL SETTING MINUTES -xy -6- Ju ly 1 1985 11. Management Pay Plan Town Manager Hutchinson outlined the proposed plan that would cost approximately $141,000 producing an average 6.9% increase for management personnel and an average 7.5% increase for clerical and 7.0% for special. The Personnel Advisory Board had recommended an adjustment in the ranges of 4.0% for Management 'and 7.0% for clerical and 6.0% for special. The Manager pointed out that increases proposed by him range from zero in several cases to as high as 12.5%. He noted that our plan is geared to performance, that we do not provide for automatic steps, early retirement, sick leave buy -back, longevity and the like, - Selectman McLaughlin moved and Mrs. Battin seconded that the Pay Plan be adopted as presented. The Chairman asked the Manager to leave the room while the Board discussed his performance. The Board voted to establish the salary of the Town Manager at $62,7ZO recognizing the responsibilities of the position and performance of the incumbent. The meeting concluded at 8:15 P.M, and the Manager was instructed to bring back a summary of goals and minutes for ratification at a subsequent Selectmen's Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Robert M. Hutchinson, Jr. Town Manager i m m m J z n � Q ❑ r co � cn z �v n m 9 ■ ■ � r c v �n �v CL J. C) . CU a C 3E (M was code "0 J■ m .r. cm c+ C+ w■i. ...�. tti.i■ r I. n 3 C+ J. cn m cv vv a n ov CM) m a Cv ca � c+ m m �v 0 m sv C1. Oj ❑ C+ 00 •... (D a r+ o G ❑ m t'r m ❑ o m = < a. < ❑ = -ao C+ < I = J. Jr C+ c+ - a n Jr m - 1 Cr m CD zz J■ C+ . (0 .. C+ (A ...A. m -+• m c+ .�. m W m cn m try �, Z: +n ' X m n c+ (n X a+ a = to u+ o o �. J. w ter` o J. ❑ r+ n J. 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N a� a a 41 x H -r! w 41 to 43 Rd 4) 43 W in -H to 0 4) - r r-I r-4 3 4J a 44 � w � o a 0 -H a (d � -r4 44 a+ 41 >44 �44J > 00 to to 44 s : bl �4 cU •n 4) blpml to to Ss -r! 4J U) -rl W ►- i ry t , +--t a �D CD 0% r1 CT i4 -� G4 b ON cc :3 0 *♦ 0 � a x H H x H H H r wo - I j VO I D "no IN � 4 SELECTMEN'S MEETING July 15, 1985 f A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 15, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Acting Chairman Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison,. Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchin- son, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms -. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present - . The first order of business was election of the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Marshall's name was placed in nomination by Mr. Eddison. There Election of being no further nominations, nominations were declared closed. Chairman Paul W. Marshall was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for the ensuing year. . Minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on May 15, 1985, were approved as Minutes amended and minutes of the meeting of May 29, 1985, were approved as -pre- sented. Minutes of meetings on May 13, and June 3, 1985, were tabled pending clarification. Mrs. Battin opened the Public Heari.ng.on the petition of New England N, E. Tel Telephone Company for permission to, lay and maintain conduit in Concord Concord Avg Avenue. John Drury, representing the Telephone. Company, explained the need conduit pan for the installation to serve six new houses being constructed in Hampton Road, Mrs. Battin noted that notice of the hearing had been advertised and sent to abuttors as required and referred to the favorable recommendation of the D.P.W. There were no questions from the Board or those in the audi- ence . There being no ! offered in favor or in opposition, the hear- ing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the peti- tion, plan and orders of the New England Telephone Company for installation of approximately sixty feet of conduit in the following location: Concord Avenue: On the southerly side at the easterly sideline of Hampton Road northerly approximately 60' of conduit to existing Pole #63. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept with regret Resignatior the resignation of Karsten Sorensen from the Center Revitalization Commit -- Sorensen tee, effective June 20, 1985. Mrs. Battin, as Chairman of the Center CRC Revitalization, asked that the Committee's appreciation be expressed to Mr. Sorensen for his contributions as a member, as well as that of the Board of Selectmen. Mrs. Battin noted the recommendations of Erna Green for reappointments Appts. and a new appointment to the Town Report Committee and Mrs. Greene's re- ':Town Rep't quest that, due to the work load of the Committee during the late summer Committee months, appointments be made on June 30, rather than September 30. -Z- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Hermon Swartz, 19 Highland Avenue, and to reappoint Erna S. Green, Ruth Karpin- mow ski, Robert Morrison, Elaine Sullivan, Fred Wischhusen and Louis A. Zehner, Emeritus, to the Town Report Committee for terms of one year. It was also voted to make subsequent annual appointments to the Town Report Committee on June 30, as requested by Mrs. Greene, Hartwell Mrs. Battin opened the Public Hearing on the application of Laurence L. House Tropeano for a Restaurant Liquor License for The Hartwell House, now under Liquor Lic, construction at 94 Hartwell Avenue. uomm. Vic . Alfred P. Tropeano, Esquire, representing Mr. Tropeano, was present and License submitted return receipts as evidence, of a certified mailing to all abuttors. He introduced James C. Newell, who will be engaged as Manager of the restaurant. Mr. Tropeano reported that construction is 40% complete - and that all require- ments of the Conservation Commission have been complied with. He described the premises which will house five dining areas plus a patio for eeasonal out- door dining and-showed a drawing of the front elevation of the building. The, restaurant is,scheduled for opening in mid - November. He requested approval of the application conditional upon final certifications of compliance with Fire, Health and Building Department regulations and requirements; issuance by the Dept. of Revenue of a Certificate of Good Financial Standing; and final approval by the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. There being no questions from the Board or those in the audience, and no statements offered in favor or in opposition, the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica- tion of Lauence L. Tropeano for Common Victualler All Alcoholic Beverages =mo License for The Hartwell House, Inc. d /b /a The Hartwell House, 94 Hartwell Avenue, subject to final approvals of the Fire Department and Board of Health; issuance of a Certificate of occupancy by the Building Commissioner; provision of a Certificate of Good Financial Standing and the approval- of the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve hours of opera- tion of The Hartwell House from.11:30 a.m, to 12:00 midnight, seven days a week. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Laurence L. Tropeano for Common Victualler License to operate a food estab- lishment for The Hartwell House, Inc. d /b /a The Hartwell House, 94 Hartwell Avenue, with hours of operation of 11 :30 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, seven days a week. Human Svs. Mrs. Battin referred to a memo dated June 25, 1985, from the Human Services Comm. Committee, listing recommended reappointments; appointments of two new members; appts, requesting 3 -year, rather than 2 -year terms; and, for 1985 annual appointments, requesting appointments on a staggered basis, so as to allow continuity on the Committee. The Committee had also requested that annual appointments be made now, to be effective as.of September 30, so that new appointees will be aware of their pending involvement and can begin to attend meetings. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Sheldon A. Spec- tor, 27 Columbus Street and Harvey D. Lowell, 47 Wachusett Drive, to the Human Services Committee for terms of office of 3 years, to become effective as of -3- Selectmen's Meeting July 15, 1985 September 30, 1985, and to expire on September 30, 19880 It was also voted t -o reappoint the following -as members, effective on September 30, 1985: Stan Finkels for a term Judith Zabin for a term Mar ion Shepp for a term t e iwn: ' 9 Drummer Boy Way to expire on September 30, 1986 1 Page Road to expire on September 30, 1986 68 Shade Street to expire on September 30, 1987 The terms of Leonora Zola and Sheila Martin, will both expire in 1987, rather than in 1986, as originally designated. Mr. Hutchinson referred. - to Precinct boundary changes proposed by the Town Local Clerk reflecting data from the 1985 State census, as required under State law. Redistrict Maps showing suggested changes to Precincts 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 had been pre- ing viously submitted to the Board for review. The Manager recommended that a Public Hearing /Information Session be scheduled, noting that although there is no legal requirement to so, he felt that the and especially Town Meeting members, should be given opportunity to participate in the process. He suggested holding the hearing on July 29th and recommended adoption of the proposed revised- precinct map at that time. * There was general agreement that all Town Meeting members, rather than just those whose precincts are affected by changes, be notified of the hearing and supplied with the redistricting information. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to schedule a Public Information Session /Public Hearing for July 29, to be held during a regular Selectmen's Meeting, Shirley Byrne -, resident of Precinct 3, raised a question as to why pre - . cinct boundaries are defined by lines down the middle of streets, placing neighborhoods in differenct precincts in some cases. She suggested that the lines be drawn through Conservation land where possible. Mr. Hutchinson informed her that by State statute, the lines must be drawn in that manner. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the poll vote 1 -day Liq. of June 18, 1985, approving the application of the Armenian Sisters' Academy Lice for one Day Liquor License on June 23, 1985. Armenian Sisters Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica- Limo.Lic. tion of Charles E. Parks for Limousine License for one vehicle, Registration Parks #CP ---7, for a limousine service at 10 Hawthorne Road, Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of Traffic Ruth M. Ladd, 15 Pine Knoll Road, that installation of sidewalks on both sides. item, Ladd of Bedford Street and Hartwell Avenue be included in the North Lexington Road sidewalks Improvement Plans, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for its review and recommendations. i . f, -4- Gray Line Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica -- Common tion of the Gray Line of Boston, Inc., for Common Carrier License for express Carrier commuter bus service between Lexington and Boston, to'exp ite on July 31, 19860 Contract Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve award of Con- - 86-2-E tract #86-2 -E, Street Resurfacing, to Starrett Paving Corporation, Marlboro, Starrett Mass., in-the amount of $839,335.13, for resvrfaciAg of existing streets at various locations in the Town. Approval is subject to approval of Town Counsel as to bid form. Contract Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute Contract #86- #86 --1- -E 1--E in the amount of $35,100, for Chip-Sealing, awarded by the Town Manager on Mystic behalf of the Board of Selectmen to Mystic Bituminous Products, Inc. Franklin Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the extension School of the lease of the Assemblies of God Christian Center in the Franklin School lease to the end of September, 1985, as requested by Harvey J. Meppelink, Pastor. Antony, Mr. Hutchinson noted correspondence received from Supt. of Schools Pier- France, son regarding a proposed sister city relationship with the City of Antony, Sister France. Dr. Pierson stated that the relationship would be primarily symbolic, City but could provide opportunities for exchanges, visits, and increased awareness of another country and He noted that the only formal action required would be a letter to the Mayor of Antony expressing interest in such a relation- ship, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the proposal of Supt. of Schools Pierson for establishing a sister city relationship with the City of Antony, France, Comm. Mr. Hutchinson briefly reviewed appointments to Committees and Boards app t s . , which he will be making, some o f . , .which are subject to the Board's approval. He intends to submit a listing of all Committees and Boards to the Press, and in that way, also publicize the new Committee Directory. He will provide his recommendations for appointments on July 29th. Street The Manager reported on a request from the Boston GlAe to permit place- ment of "street hawkers" at intersections in Lexington on weekdays in summer, Monday through Friday, from 6 to 7:30 a.m. Locations being proposed are Bedford Street /Worthen Road; Bedford Street /Hartwell Avenue; Mass. Avenue /Worthen Road; Marrett Road /Waltham Street; Concord Avenue /Waltham Street; and Woburn Street/ Lowell Street. It was noted that according to the Town By=law, permissio cannot be denied if no safety hazards exist" Mr. McLaughlin said he disapproved of this practice as an impediment to traffic and as a safety hazard-and moved to deny the request. The motion was seconded. Other newspaper companies have indicated intent to request similar permis- sion and it was pointed out that if this request were to be granted, subsequent requests could not be denied. Mr. Dailey agreed that the request should be denied for safety reasons and added that he would support a blanket denial of all future requests, rather than on a one -by -one basis. NNW Selectmen's Meeting July 15, 1985 �Ap Y -5- Motion having of The Boston Globe tions in Lexington. practice. been made and seconded, it was voted to deny the request for placement of "street hawkers" at various intersec- Denial was based on safely hazards involved in this The Town Manager asked that the Board acknowledge his referral of the request of Mr. Maclnnes of the School Dept... for a Gross --walk on Worthen Rd. to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendations. Under Information Items, Mr. Hutchinson reviewed a course of action proposed regarding the North Lexington Road Improvement Study Committee's suggested alternative plan for that area. He and Mr. Eddison are doing some technical work which will lead to a subsequent meeting with the Committee and the Selectmen so that appropriate response can be made to the alternatives to the current Hartwell Ave/Bedford Street plan. He suggested a meeting with BSC Engineering, consultant, to insure that additional work to be performed meets what the Town and the citizens com- mittee are looking for. Following that, a technical meeting of Mr. Eddison, himself, Mr. Tonaszuck, Mr. Fields, The Committee Chairman Mr. Burnell, BSC Engineering and State and Federal Highway people would be held. Finally, there would be a meeting of the full Committee, the Board of Selectmen and the same interest groups to make a presentation of any revised options. Mr. Eddison added that he will make every effort to press for quick resolution of the issues. Mr. Hutchinson noted the report of Police Chief Furdon relative to Arlington Selectmen's request that the Lexington Police Dept. enforce prohi- bition of trail bikes in the Meadows. Chief Furdon acknowledged the ongoing problem and difficulties in effectively responding to complaints from abuttors and pointed out that Lexington Conservation Regulations are not enforceable within the Meadow, since it is owned by Arlington. The Chief promised con- tinuing efforts to curtail the bikes using motor vehicle trespass Laws as a basis for action. Mr. Eddison requested Town Counsel to explore new legislation to permit enforcement of Conservation Regulations. Worthen Rd. crosswalk J.Maclnnes N.Lex. Rd. Imprvment plans Great Meadows/ trail bikeE . Mr. Hutchinson noted the request of the Lexington Golf Club for purchase Lex.Ga of a Town owned parcel of land on Hill Street, which the Club would use for Club - off - off- street parking. Parking problems and congestion caused by illegal parking street by Club members on Hill Street were pointed out. parking In a memo on the subject from Chief Furdon to the Manager, the Chief stated that he would welcome any effort to provide additional off - street park- ing spaces and acknowledged that problems do exist on Hill Street. The request is now being reviewed by other Town departments. Mr. Dailey reported that. the Youth Commission will be sponsoring an Alcohol and Drug Awareness Week in October and will be requesting the support of the Alcohol & Board in this effort. Drug Aware- ness Week '0 1 -6- Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - D by roll call vote, Session Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin,'Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go into Executive .r* Session for discussion of matters of litigation and of real estate negotia- tions, with no intent to resume open session. A Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:44 p.m. A true record, Attest: r S ..' r i on H. no Executive Clerk Ono A ` SELECTMEN'S MEETING . f , � July 29, 1985 0 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, July 29, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Eddison; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Action on the minutes of Selectmen's meetings on May 13, June 3, June 17, and July 15, 1985, was tabled because of the absence of the members who had Minutes been present at some of those meetings. tabled Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant to Warrant - the Animal Control Officer for 1050 unlicensed dogs in the Town of Lexington. unlicensed Mr. Eddison referred to the list of owners of these dogs, noting that dogs prior to the signing of the Warrant authorizing the Dog off icer to pick up the dogs, no notif ication is sent to alert to the expiration of licenses. He suggested that the Town Manager consider, for future years, a process whereby a reminder is sent prior to the expiration date. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that notices will be sent to dog owners reminding them of the renewal date of licenses. This pro- cess, to be.developed by next year, will be explored by the Town Manager with the Animal Control Officer. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept, with reluct- Spector ance, the resignation of Sheldon A. Spector from the Human Services Committee, resign. effective as of July 23, 19850 -It was noted that Mr. Spector had been Human Svs. appointed to the Capital Expenditures Committee, therefore could not serve Committee on the Human Services Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, to appoint Sylvia Perlman Perlman, 14 Minola Road, to the Human Services Committee for a three -year Appt. to period to expire on September 30, 19880 Human Svs. Upon motion. duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Stephen B. Cripps Cripps, 43 Forest Street, to the Center Revitalization Committee for a. term appt. to to expire on September 30, 1985.. Mr. Cripps, as recommended by the Planning C.R.C. Board, will fill the unexpired term of Karsten Sorensen, and will represent that Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the following Traffic requests to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommenda- items t ion: . the request of Mr. Yeghiayan for "left turns allowed" at Spring St. Rte. 2 exit ramp. the request of Itek Corporation f or crosswlak installation on Maguire "�"� Road. 9 the request of the Lexington Eye Associates for increased parking meter limit on Waltham Street, 1 -day Liq. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica -- Lic . , Museum Lion of the Ladies Committee of the Museum of Fine Arts for a one -day Liquor. of Fine License for service of wine in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building, on Arts September 26, 1985. Lex.Golf Upon motion duly made and seconded, 'it was voted to approve the request Club of the Lexington Golf Club for permission to serve alcoholic beverages on the grounds of the Club on Sunday, August 4, 1985, on the occasion of a major club tournament. Mr. Eddison asked for information on the extent and methods of enforce- ment regarding the crosswalk law, having noticed frequent violations by motor- ists. Mr. Hutchinson reported on ongoing efforts in that area by the Police Department, which has issued 61 citations to date, and conference with the Chief of Police and members of the business community regarding plans'for in- creased methods of enforcement. Mrs. Battin added that the Center Revitalization Committee has reviewed the Pedestrian Crossing issue with respect to jaywalking and fines, and will bring recommendations on those aspects, as well as the enforcement issue to the Board on August 12. Local Re- At 7:45 p.m., a Public Information Session on the proposed Local Redis- districting tricting plan, was opened. plan Mr. Marshall explained the State requirement for review and revision if now necessary of precinct districting maps every ten years following each State census. Redistricting is called for if the population of a precinct is not within 10% of the average precinct population. He noted that all Town Meeting members had been notified of the Information Meeting being held that evening. Mrs. Battin reported on a suggestion by Fred Rosenberg, Precinct 9, that Maguire Road and Westview Street be included in Precinct 7, rather than in Precinct 9 to allow the six houses located there to be included in a residen- tial, rather than a commercial precinct. Erna Greene, Town. Meeting member, Precinct 3, suggested that Worthen Road East and Barrett Road be kept in Precinct 2, rather than moved to Precinct 3. She felt that the line drawn isolated those streets from the neighborhood. Julie'Triessl referred to Eph Weiss' suggestion that the end of Lowell and North Streets be kept in Precinct 5 rather than Precinct 6. He felt that issues affecting that neighborhood could be best addressed by keeping all of Lowell Street in one precinct. These proposed changes will be explored with the Town Clerk as to their effect on the population counts in each precinct. The Town Manager suggested that a vote be taken on the matter on August 12, Muzzey Mr. Hutchinson requested the Board's approval of borrowing by LexHAB of Sr. Center $250,000 to purchase the ten rental units at Muzzey. He noted that amoung & rental quotes from a number of banks, the bid received from Depositors Trust offering units 9.5% plus one point, for 90 days, had offered the most favorable rate. Because now � I of the delay in receipt of - the funds to be realized from the Potter Pond units which were to be used for this purpose, the loan is needed to close on the units during the coming and allow tenants to occupy. . - r Upon motion duly made and seconded, i.t - was - voted, in accordance with Chapter 521 of the Acts of 1 to approve: (1) the purchase by the Lexington Housing.Assi4stance Board, Inc. (:LexHAB) of ten Condominium. units (the 'Units "), -being Unit numbers 104, 106, 109, 116, 221, 224, 226, 347, 349 and 358, in the Muzzey High Condominium, Lexington, Massachusetts; (2) the borrowing by LexHAB of money in an amount not to exceed $250,000 from Depositors Trust Company,-for the purpose of financing a portion of the purchase price of.the Units, and the execution by LexHAB of notes therefor, which shall not be deemed to be debts or obligations of the Town of Lexington; -(3) as security for the repayment such borrowing, the grant- ing by LexHAB of mortgages to Depositors Trust Company covering the Units; (4) the leasing of the Units by LexHAB, and the fixing and revising from time to time, and the charging and collecting of rentals and other charges by LexHAB for or in connection with the leasing of the Units; and (5) the taking by LexHAB of such actions, and the execution by LexHAB of all notes, mortgages, leases, and other instruments, as be necessary or convenient in connection with the foregoing transactions, all upon such terms and con- ditions as LexHAB may deem proper. It was also voted to approve and execute a Discharge of Mortgage, given by the developer to secure completion of the Senior Center, The Town Mana- ger reported on inspection of the Senior Center and informed the Board that a line of credit will be posted by the developer relating to items of unfin- ished work. It was also voted to authorize the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Completion and Release of Conditions, pertaining to the development. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow -- Appts. to ing appointments made by the Town Manager: Joel Adler and Joyce Miller, reappointed to the Conservation Commission Cons. Comm, Dr. Donald Goldman,.reappointed to the Board of Health Bd /Health Carolyn Wilson and Sam Nablo, reappointed to the Recreation Committee Recr.Comm. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute State Aid State Aid Highways Chapter 81 Form HED -077, certifying the amount expected to be in- Highway curred during the fiscal year for constructing, maintaining and policing the Costs,Ch.81 Town streets.'' Anticipated highway related costs for FY86 are $4,160,894. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the appoint- Acting Towr ment by the Town Manager of Susan Adler as Acting Town Manager, during the Mgr. absence of Mr. Hutchinson from August 2 through 18, 19850 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table acceptance of Street acc. the Time Sequence for the FU87 Street Acceptance process as proposed by the schedule Town Engineer. Pon Mr. Hutchinson reported on his discussion with Otis Brown, President of Lex. Golf the Lexington Golf Club, regarding the Club's request to purchase Town owned- Club -- off land on Hill Street for off- street parking. The Board agreed with his street suggestion that there be a. meeting of Club officials and Hill Street area parking residents at the Selectmen's meeting on August 12. Permanent Mr. Hutchinson reported on an organizational meeting with the Permanent Bldg.Comm. Building Committee. The Committee will be developing a,report-on Town building-maintenance and repairs anticipated. loom C. o A. The Town Manager informed the Board of the appointment, for the first Director time, of a Council on Aging Director. He gave the background and experience of Linda Crew .Vine, which well qualifies her for the position and explained the recruiting process by the Manager's office and the Screening Committee. Based on the quantity and quality of he gave Ms. Vine great credit for attaining the number one position.as a candidate. N. Lex. The Manager reported that he had received a proposal from BSC Engineering Road Impr. for a fee of $15,000 for provision of an alternate plan to address concerns plans raised by North Lexington residents regarding the road improvement plans for that area. Mr. Smith, Chairman of TIP, stated that that organization would support whatever plan was decided upon, but urged that the improvements be expedited. He added that if a whole new plan was deemed necessary, TIP did not wish to be asked for more funding.. %I Mr. Marshall noted the clear intent of the Town to move the plans through the planning process, noting - that in order to gain Precinct 7 residents' acceptance, it was evident that some changes must be considered. FY86 tax A tentative schedule of procedures leading to- issuance of FY86 tax bills, bill pro- prepared by the Town Assessor, was reviewed. It is anticipated that a Public cedures Meeting of the Assessors and the Selectmen will be held on August 26 dealing with classification and selection of the residential factor. .. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:55 p.m. A true record, Attest: Marion H. Snow -� Executive Clerk WMW