HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-BOS-min 1/41 I \k SELECTMEN'S MEETING fJ1 May 1, 1985 �F V A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, May 1, 1985 at 7:40 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. B attin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Co uns el; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs . Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Due to the delayed arrival of Mr. Marshall, Mrs . B a t ti n, as senior member, opened the meeting. The Town Manager referenced the Director of Public Works/Engineering memo- Extra Work randum requesting approval of an extra work order, to be ac comp dated under Order #1 Acct. 5400, for an additional 1500+ ft. ,of sidewalk resurfacing on Worthen Road Contr.85-5 beginning at Waltham Street, on e (High S cho ll si. e, and proceeding toward the center pool. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Extra Work Order #1 under Sidewalk Resurfacing Contract 85-5, with Paolini Corporation, in the amount of $6,221.60 , for work as outlined above. Mr. Marshall joined the meeting at that time. S.Lex.Traf- The South Lexington Traffic Study, proposed under Article 47, was discussed. fic Study It was felt that conduct of a study at this time, before all current development Art.47 is completed and the traffic impact stabilized, would be premature. It was agreed that the study should be conducted when the next development in that area is pima proposed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute a Deed for Lot 213, Deed, Joseph Deed Murphy 1iyMaP 72 and Lot 21 aMaP 72� conveying the lots to J. and Marjorie P . PurPhy, as authorized under Article 33, 1982 Town Meeting and Article 58, 1984 Town Meeting. Mr. Tonascuck, Director of Public Works and Engineering, reported on progress MDC with construction of the MDC sewer behind Lexington Center. The contractor wishes Sewer to begin near Grant Street on May 8, and estimates that 8 working days will be Lex Ctr needed to get through the Center area, including the Meriam Street Parking Lot. Access through the lot will be provided but approximately 30 parking spaced will affected during construction. There will be significant distruption in the vicinity of the booth and on Meriam Street. Mr. To nas zuck assured the Board that the operation will be kept as tight as possible, and stated that 3/4 of the lot will be operative at all times . An information flyer will be distributed by the Parking Attendant and Town Meeting will be told of the construction schedule. Mr. Hutchinson reported that the DPW contract had been settled that day. A DPW report of the details of the contract will be prepared for distribution to the Contract Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:58 p .m. A true record, Attest: - ta(Ajt'\ #:6-2LC Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk r\ , moil VOID ummi mod (\ 11fr\ 161 pmft SELECTMEN'S MEETING kf May 6, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 6, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. The Board discussed the scheduling of a Special Town Meeting for West & proposal of the acquisitions of the West Farm and the Chiesa land. Mr. Chiesa lands Williams, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, was present. Mr. Marshall reported that at a meeting during the past week with S.T.M. members of the Finance Committees and the Conservation Commission, it had been suggested that in light of other financial considerations, Mr. Chiesa would be asked to defer sale of his land for a year and that the West Farm acquisition be proposed, by bonding, at a Special Town Meeting. Mr. Marshall said he was ready to vote for holding a Special Town Meeting in order to give Town Meeting a chance to decide on the matter, but made no commitment to support the Article. Mrs. Battin and Mr. Eddison were in agreement with Mr. Marshall's view. Mr. Williams reported on a recent meeting with Mr. Chiesa, who has said he is not willing to wait. He presented optional methods of financing which 0101ft he said would have no impact on this year's tax rate and a minimal impact on the FY'87 tax rate. He asked that the Chiesa proposal be included in this Special Town Meeting, so as not to lose the land. He added that the Pine Meadow, as well as the West and Chiesa proposals could all be on the Special Town Meeting Warrant. Regarding inclusion of the Golf Course acquisition proposal, Mr. Dailey voiced his disagreement, and felt that there was a need for a strong signal to the owners that the Town is serious about the purchase. Mr. Marshall said he was also opposed to having the three on the Special Town Meeting Warrant. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call a Special Town Meeting for consideration of the acquisition of the West Farm land (Article 1) and the Chiesa land (Article 2) . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call a Special Town Meeting on Wednesday, May 29, 1985, at 8:00 p.m. , in Cary Hall, Cary Memorial Building. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant Warrant for the 1985 Special Town Meeting to be held on May 29, 1985. 1985 S.T.M. Action on the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on March 18, 1985, wasMinutes deferred to the meeting on May 8th. 3/8 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the requestKVCO loft of the Mystic Valley Chamber Orchestra to be allowed to serve wine in Cary 1-Day Liq. Hall on May 11, 1985, and to approve the MCVO's application for One Day License Liquor License for a "meet-the-performers" reception following a concert on that date. 0 0* Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the following Traffic requests of Erna Greene, 25 Bridge Street, to the Traffic Safety Advisory _Items: Comnmittee for its review and recommendations: Mass.Ave.; Installation of "No Bicycle Riding on Sidewalks" signs near handicap Winthrop Rd. access ramps on Mass. Avenue Worthen Rd. Removal of visual obstructions by trees, Winthrop Road/Highland Avenue Change in traffic light phasing at Worthen Road/Waltham Street, violations of "No Turn on Red" regulation. Flag Day Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Battle GR. ' of the BPO Elks Lodge #2204, for use of the Battle Green on June 14, 1985, 6/14 conduct Flag Day Ceremonies, at 7:00 p.m. Ledgemont Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Water Lab sewer Charges in Lieu of Betterment for Ledgemont Research Park Assoc. #2, c/o the charges Beal Companies, 15 Broad Street, Boston, MA in the amount of $1,607.50. Art. 23 ATM Modifications to the Franklin School proposal under Article 23, were Franklin noted. Motion for reconsideration was to be made at that evening's Town School Meeting and, in the light of amendments made by GBCD in response to concerns about the degree of Town control, it was hoped that a favorable vote would result. Exec. Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote 5 - 0, Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go into Executive Session for discussion of litigation and land acquisition, with no intent to resume open session. mow Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. A true record, Attest: )41-411-4 anion H. Snow Executive Clerk lv O \A 9\\ SELECTMEN'S MEETING p""'' Q May 8, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, May 8, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Couns el; Ms . Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Mrs. Battin outlined procedures relative to Article 7, Professional Review Board, and Article 17, amendment of the Zoning By-Law, Health Hazards. Motion will be Art. 7 & 1 made to indefinitely postpone Article 17. Health Mrs . Battin referred to her memo dated April 12, which reported on decis ions Hazards made at a meeting representativesPlanning o f of the Board and Board of Health with Town Counsel and the Building Insinctor, on Asti e 7, which she will bring up for reconsideration on Ma 13. If r onsideratio� erails, the following substitute y � P nao t io n will be offered: That the Board of Selectmen appoint a committee of five to study the current system for identifying and dealing with present and potential hazardous sub- stances ub- stances in Lexington and to report back with recommendations to the Board of Health, Board of Selectmen and the 1986 Town Meeting. Mrs. Battin noted that those at the strategy meeting that such a committee could be useful in dealing with review of structure and process which conceivably could be improved, but which does not duplicate the role of the Board of Health in actually investigating those substances . The members concurred unanimously that motion be made to indefinitely post- pone ost- pone Article 17, and that the above stated procedures be carried out with respect to Article 7. Procedures for the May 8 and May 13 sessions of Town Meeting were reviewed. Regarding Article 53, Lighting of Center #2 Softball Field, the Board reaffirmed its opposition, and restated its support of Article 54, Lincoln Street Recreation Art. 53 Area Development. Recreatioi Presentation of Article 51, Pine Meadows Golf Course, was outlined by Art. 51 Mr. Marshall. He reported on contact by newspaper reporters and his statements Pine Mead- in response to comments on the interest of Emerson College in the land. He had ow Golf told the reporters that the Board's procedures did not constitute a vote against Course the College, but rather were part of a continuing effort to culminate the work of two years to acquire the parcel for the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 by roll call vote, Exec.Sess M±. Marshall, Mrs . Battin, MT. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of land negotiations, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7.55 p.m. f 3 A true record, Attest: /U40 ‘L anion H. Snow ) Executive Clerk VOID F F SELECTMEN'S MEETING damn c) May 13, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 13, 1985 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Edd iso n, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs . Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Boston Russ e l Deutsch, Race Director of the Boston Peace Marathon, for permission to Peace route a road race through Lexington on November 24, 19 85, as recommended by the Marathon Town Manager. The vote was conditional upon agreement by the Boston Peace Marathon organization for provision of appropriate liability insurance, submittal of a detailed route and absorption of all Town costs incurred as a result of the event. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve transfer from the Transfers Reserve Fund in the amount of $9,400, to Account #4150 Fire Department Expense, Fire Dept to cover outside repairs to and maintenance of Fire Department automotive equipment. #4150 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to •approve transfer from the & Reserve Fund in -the amount of $15,000, to Acct. #4120, Fire Department Collective #4120 Bargaining Personal Services, for unanticipated overtime exp ens es. rim Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve transfer from the Transfer E Reserve Fund in the amount of $10,000. to Acct. #3770, Police Collective Bargaining, Police for unanticipated overtime expenses. #3170 Mr. Hutchinson referred to the April 26 memo received from Sara Arnold regard- Commuter ing the status of the bidding process for commuter bus service. Negative responses Bus lin from several companies were noted. The Gray Line is not interested in a 3-year contract contract, but would be willing to continue subject to price increase of about 13%, curtailing of some runs, and use of currently available eq uipment. Mr. Hutchinson will set up a June meeting with the vendor to which the public will be invited. Mr. Dailey, noting a bus ridership of about 200, said he felt that additional proposals should be actively pursued. Mr. Hutchinson also raised the question of commuter bus parking on Hartwell Avenue, which had previously been thought of as a possibility. Mrs. Arnold felt it might encourage a more positive response from the Brush Hill line if that parking was made available to them which had been one of their major concerns. The Town Manager reported on his conference with the State DPW regarding the Grove St repair schedule for the Grove Street bridge. Plansl and specifications should be bridge developed by the end of May and a contract awarded on or about July 1. repairs Mr. Hutchinson reported on procedures relative to the MDC Mill Brook Valley MDC sewer p..m relief interceptor and changes which, have been negotiated which will allow the Town to get sewer connections at a savings for the State and the Town, and which will expedite the project. y3 -2- Heney, The Manager reported on the continuing investigation of the vandalism of the Oakland Heney home on Oakland Street and measures taken by the Police Dept. for protection S t. of area residents. When additional information is received, further reports will aisti vandal- be given to the Board. ism Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and execute a Pheasant Conservation Restriction over certain land in the "Pheasant Brook Estates Sub- Brook division", in compliance with the Orders of Conditions of the Conservation Commi- subdv. sion issued on July 17, 1984. Minutes Upon mo tion duly made and seconded, it was vo ted to approve minutes of meet- 3/25 & ings of the Board of Selectmen on March 25 and March 27, 19851 3/27 Mr. Chalpin and Mr. Clarke, Traffic Safety Advisory Conuuittee members, were Traffic present for review of the Committee's reports on several items . items Upon mo ti on duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Symmes Spumes, Maini, McKee for permission to install a crosswalk on Spring Street, Maini between Hayden Avenue and Route 2. The petitioners will also be required to install McKee a handicapped access ranp on the easterly side of Spring Street as part of the sidewalk construction, as reconunended by the Traffic Safety Advisory Commit tee. No Turn With respect to Mr. Hamburger's request that the "No Right Turn on Red" on Red restriction be retained at East/Lowell Streets, Mr. Chalpin reported on the Lowell/ Committee's recommendation that the restriction be dropped, based upon Committee East Sts.member is visits to the intersection to ascertain the safety factors involved. He said all have found such a turn to be safe and not visually obstructed. mat Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that "right turns on red" with proper caution be allowed on westbound East Street at Lowell Street. The request of Geoffrey Fitzgerald for traffic safety improvements at Hancock Hancock/ and North Hancock Streets,, and the Committee's recommendations on his requests and Stop suggestions were reviewed. signs Regarding the Committee's recommendation for installation of STOP signs on North Hancock Street at Hancock Street and on Hamilton Road at Hancock Street, a resident present also noted need for attention to safety measures for children crossing at the intersection to Diamond Junior High School. Mr. Chalpin referred to plans for sidewalk installation in the Hancock Street Improvement project. Mr. Fitzgerald had also requested that blinking "SCHOOL IN SESSION" signs on Hancock Street be installed. The Committee felt that a signing arrangement, such as those at the Estabrook School, would be more appropriate. The Committee also recommended that Mr. Fitzgerald's requests for the signs and for speed bumps in the Diamond S cho of driveway be referred to the School Committee for input on peripheral issues such as crossing guards and busing. Rawson/ Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommendations Bow St. of the Traffic Safety Advisory Conuuittee that a Stop sign be installed at the inter- Stop nter-- Stop section of Bow Street and Rawson Avenue, as requested by Anne Senning and Les sign Wallers tein. Selectmen's 13,Meeting Mayn,d- 1985 -3�- ismMr. Dailey gave his recapped testimony given at the May 9 Dog Hearing on Wardwell/ the complaint of Robert Rappaport vs Jeffrey Wardwell. Mr. Dailey had chaired Rappaport the hearing which Mr. Eddison had also attended. Dog Hearin Mr. Dailey and Mr. Eddison were in agreement that, in the light of testimony presented by Mr. and Mrs. Rappaport and the Animal Control Officer concerning the behavior of the dog and violations of the Leash Law by Mr. Wardwell, the dog should be ordered from the Town, and because of his vicious tendencies, be destroyed by the Animal Control Officer if he returns . Upon mo t io n duly made and s eco nd ed, it was voted: That the male mixed breed dog owned and kept by Jeffrey Wardwell at 4 Bryant Road, Lexington, License #16927, is determined to be a nuisance by reason of running loose in violation of the Lexington Leash Law and of having a vicious disposition. Therefore it is ordered that this dog be removed from the legal boundaries of the Tawn of Lexington within ten (10) days of Mx. Wardwell's retrieval of the dog from. the Lexington Animal Shelter. If at any time in the future the dog returns or is returned to the Town, it will be picked up by the Animal Control Officer who will take steps to have the animal destroyed. Mr. Dailey reviewed the testimony given at the Dog Hearing on May 9 on the Vincent/ Plom complaint of R. Judi t . Vincent that a dog owned by Charles Donahue is running loose Donahue in violation of the Lexington Leash Law and is harassing her while she is jogging. Dog Hearing Mr. Dailey no ted Mr. Donahue's efforts, since the filing of the complaint, to keep the dog tied up and the spirit of cooperation which he had demonstrated at the hearing. He recommended that Mx. Donahue be ordered to continue to keep the dog tethered, in compliance with the Leash Law. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted: That the male Red Setter dog awned and kept by Charles Donahue at 25 Curve Street, Lexington is determined to be a nuisance by reason of running loose in violation of the Lexington Leash Law. Therefore, it is ordered that this dog is to be confined while on Mr. Donahue's property by means of a dog run, tether or chain and must be restrained at all times while off the premises by a leash. If it is found that Mx. Donahue has failed to comply with this order, the dog will be picked up by the Animal Control Officer and will be under the jurisdiction of the Leash Law Admini- strator. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Resolution Exemplary commending Mary E. Keenan and James A. Banks, recipients of the Battle Green Teachers Chapter, Order of Dema lay 1985 Exemplary Teachers Awards. The teachers will re- Award ceive documents of commendation at the May 29th session of Town Meeting to be m"" presented by Chairman Paul Newman of the School Committee. -4- Field & , Mr. Eddison referred to a proposal made several years ago for expansion Garden and plantings at the School Administration Parkin Lot, which had failed Club, largely due to the opposition of the neighborhoods to the expansion. At Sch.Adm. that time, the idea of plantings was abandoned as well. He felt that that " aw Parking lot entrance to the Center would be enhanced considerably by plantings to conceal plantings parked cars on the grounds of School Administration building. He informed the Board of the proposal of the Field and Garden Club and the Conservation Commission to fund the project, including the hiring of a landscape architect and the cost of the plantings, with labor provided by the Town's Park Dept. and asked for the support of the Board. He noted that the Garden Club has some trepidation in engaging the land- scaper before approval of the concept is given. Motion was made and seconded that the Selectmen approve a proposal to in- stall a screening of plantings along the southerly and easterly sides of the School Administration Park Lot, at a cost to be supported by the Field and Garden Club, the Conservation Commission and the Town's Park Dept. for labor. Mrs. Battin noted that the plantings had been an integral part of the pre- vious plan to expand the lot, and that at that time, it had been agreed by all that it was important to beautify that area. Mr. McLaughlin pointed out that there are substantial waiting lists for permits for that parking lot and said that his support of the landscaping would depend upon the scope of the plantings proposed and whether it would preclude future expansion of the lot. Mr. Eddison said that the question of future expansion was an issue, feeling that much of the support for the Garden Club's support for the proposal to landscape would depend on there being acceptance of the lot as it is now and that it would not be expanded into the existing green space, which the neighbor- hoods had strongly opposed before. maw Mrs. Battin reported that with the exception of one member, the Center Revitalization Committee was unanimous in its decision that well into the future, the Committee will not be proposing expansion of the lot, nor did the Committee see a chance for approval if it were to be proposed. Mr. Dailey said he wished to have a message conveyed that though the screen- ing is supported, the Board would not want to lose the ability, at some time in the future, to consider the use of that area for parking purposes if it became a viable alternative. He said he had been aware of neighborhood opposition to the previous expansion plan but would not want to be committed forever to a plan that would preclude the possibility of expansion, should it become essential. In view of strong neighborhood opposition, Mr. Marshall felt that approval of expansion could not easily be won even if wanted. He said he would like to see the lot beautified and would be supportive of the proposal. He did, however, agree with Mr. Dailey that if in future years the space was needed for parking, it would be necessary that the Board be able to consider expansion and have the planting be a deterrent. Mr. McLaughlin said that with those caveats, he would agree with Mr. Marshall. The motion having been made and seconded, it was voted to approve the pro- posal of the Lexington Field and Garden Club to install plantings at the School Administration Parking Lot. Town Mtg. Noting the schedule of Articles, Mr. Marshall saw the probability of adjourn- & Sel.Mtg ment of the Town Meeting on May 15th to May 29th. All members agreed with his schedule .. ts, -5- Selectmen's Meeting May 13, 1985 Pon suggestion to cancel the Selectmen's Meeting on May 20, with the next meeting on May 29 at 7:00 p.m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll call vote, Exec. Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go Session into Executive Session for discussion of matters of land acquisition, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. A true record, Attest: Cji/iN /<:-/124 tl(jA/d/D/ti on H. Snow Executive Clerk r w tv7 Ab i‘ L\ A SELECTMEN'S MEETING X May 15, 1985 isomm A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, May 15, 1985, with Chairman Marshall, Mrs. Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Ms. Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, ptesent. Nancy Barter, Chairman of the Youth Commission, was present and was con- Flagpole gratulated for the work of her Commission in preparing for and directing Ctr. Pool activities on Student Government Day, thought by all to be a great success. Youth Comm. Mrs. Barter informed the Board that the flagpole dedication ceremonies, in memory of Dinesh L. Rajbhandary will be held at the Center Pool in the near future and asked that the Board vote to accept the flagpole and flag. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the gifts of a flagpole and American flag, donated by the Lexington Rotary Club, to be installed at the Center Pool in memory of Dinesh L. Rajbhandary, a Lexington Soldier who died in Granada in 1983. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica- Conefection tion of Conef ections, Inc. , 122 Mass. Avenue, for Common Victualler License Common Viet for the year 1985. Approval was conditional upon final approval of the Board License of Appeals relative to parking and seating provisions. Mr. Hutchinson presented the Board of Selectmen's Report on the Fair Rep't on 1111011 Housing Resolution to the 1985 Annual Town Meeting, revised by him at the Fair Hsg. request of the Board. Resolution Robert Havern, Chairman, and other members of the Arlington Board of Min/man Selectmen, were present to give that Board's views in support of the Minute VoTech hote Man VoTech hotel/conference center proposal (Article 24) . Mr. Havern felt proposal it important to inform the Lexington Selectmen of Arlington's position before the Article came up for reconsideration at Town Meeting and noted that the two bases of opposition appear to be environmental issues and traffic problems. Position statementsof the Towns of Arlington, Belmont, Sudbury, Carlisle and Lancaster, expressing support of the proposal as members of the Minute- man VoTech community, and requesting favorable reconsideration of Article 24, were submitted by Mr. Havern. Mr. Marshall referred to the position of a majority of the Lexington Selectmen in support of the Article and stated that if reconsideration pre- vails, he would still support it, but expressed doubts that the proposal would get the 2/3 vote of Town Meeting this year which would be necessary for its success. He felt that the response of Dr. Fitzgeral following the initial vote defeating the proposal had had the effect of hardening positions of opposition. Mr. Dailey restated his support of the proposal which was based on the proviso that construction would not start prior to resolution of the Rte. 2A traffic problems. He would support reconsideration and the Article but agreed with Mr. Marshall's assessment of the prospects for success. Mr. Eddison said that altough he had supported the concept of provision 41 -2 1 of hotel/conference canter training to students, he felt the scope of the facilities was too large and that he continued to have questions regarding traffic impact of such a large operation. He said he would vote for recon- moo sideration, but would not support the Article. Mr. McLaughlin said he would support both reconsideration and the Article adding that a chance for rebuttal and clarification should be given to the proponents. He was not, however, optimistic about the success of Article 24. Mrs. Battin referred to her questions on the environmental aspects of the proposal and her concern, as well as that of HATS, regarding its impact in addition to traffic generated by industry on Rte. 2A. Mr. Marshall stated that regardless of the outcome of the vote on Article 24, he was committed to work in cooperation with VoTech officials toward imple- mentation of the education objectives of the school. He added that Lexington has accepted this regional responsibility and saw the school as an asset. He thanked the Arlington Selectmen for the presentation of their views and ex- pressed the appreciation of the Board for the opportunity for discussion. Meeting All members agreed with Mr. Marshall's suggestion, based on adjournment Schedule of the Town Meeting to May 29, that the Selectmen's Meeting scheduled for May 20 be cancelled, with the next meeting to be held on May 29. Acting Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Margery M. Chairman Battin as Acting Chairman during the absence of Mr. Marshall from May 20 to May 22, 1985. The vacation schedule of Board members was outlined, with respect to setting a date for a Goal Setting Meeting which was scheduled for July 1. Regular meetings of the Board will be held on May 29, June 3 and June 17. __ Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. A true record, Attest: .1 (Ut rion H. Snow Executive Clerk rd 1 ►' SELECTMEN'S fi;\ ,� MEETING pown May 29, 1985 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, May 29, 1985, in the Selectmen's Meeting, Town Office Building at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Marshall, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey; Mr. Hutchin- son, Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. The Chairman opened the Public Hearing on the petition of the Boston Public Edison Company, to obtain a grant of location to install conduit in Rindge Hearing Avenue. Edward Chisholm, representing the Edison Company, explained the need Edison for the work to provide a back-up service for a new housing development being Rindge Ave. constructed by Moore Homes, Inc. conduit Mr. Marshall noted a memorandum from Mr. Tonaszuck, Director of Public Works and Engineering, recommending approval of the request. No one speaking in favor or in opposition, the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of Boston Edison Company for grant of location to install approximately 29 feet of conduit in Rindge Avenue, southesterly approximately 680 feet south of Winn Avenue. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the intent to take temporary con- Vote of struction easements on the following FY86 streets was voted: intent, FY8 Sunny Knoll Avenue constructio Garfield Street streets Emerald Street The intent to take a permanent water and drain easement on Emerald Street was also voted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend the contract Gray Line for commuter bus service with the Gray Line for one year from August 1, 1985, contract through July 31, 1986, and to approve the fare increases and cut in service proposed by Gray Line, effective as of June 10, 1985, as follows: Increased from To One way fare without a ticket $ 2.50 $ 2775 One way fare with a ticket $ 2.00 $ 2.27 Book of 22 tickets $44.00 $50.00 Schedule change: Eliminate all stops in Bedford Mornings -- eliminate 2 trips (from 7 to 5) Evenings - eliminate 1 trip (from 7 to 6) Mr. Dailey, Liaison to the Transportation Advisory Committee, reported on his attendance at a T.A.G. meeting and complimented Sara Arnold and the Commit- tee on the work done on the provision of the Town's commuter bus service. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve transfer from Transfer mom the Reserve Fund in the amount of $850.00 to Acct. #7300, Veterans Benefits/ Veterans Burial Expenses, to cover State mandated burial of an indigent veteran. Benefits -2- Muzzey Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute a Partial Mortgage Release; Mortgage; and Agreement relating to the Mortgage for the Muzzey documents High Development, as requested by Kirk Noyes, Developer. moo Extra Work Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Extra Work Order #1 Order #1 for Mystic Bituminous Products Co. , Inc. , Street Chip Seal Contract Fern St. #85-4-E, in the amount of $6,750, to allow the addition of Fern Street to Chip seal the Oak Street project. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was, voted to approve minutes of Selectmen's Meetings on March 18, April 1, April 3, April 8, and April 10, 1985. Limo.Lic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the appli- Bates cation of Robert J. Bates, President of Rinn Corporation d/b/a Avanti Limou- sine Service, 12 Hayward Avenue, Lexington, for Limousine License for one vehicle, to expire on May 31, 1986. Taxi Lic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applica- Arlex tion of Arlex Taxi Corporation for Taxi #4206, which will be added to the Arlex Taxi fleet. Bond, Asst. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve New Hampshire Town Clerk Insurance Co. Local Official Bond for Barbara A. Smith, Assistant Town Clerk, in the amount of $2,000. 1,001 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request mow United of Samuel Hightower, President of One Thousand and One United, Inc. for use Battle of the Battle Green on Wednesday, June 19, 1985, for presentation of a concert Green by the New Endland Mass Choir at 7:30 p.m. Capone Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of reception Paul Newman, Chairman of the School Committee, for permission to serve wine at a reception for retiring Principal John Capone, to be held in the Jonas Clarke Jr. High School on June 18, 1985. Abatements Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abatement of sewer fee sewer charges in the total amount of $30.53, for properties not connected to Town sewer and therefore exempt from the sewer user fee. Rte.128 Due to time constraints, Mr. Eddison's report on the Rte. 128 Traffic Con- Traffic ference was postponed to the meeting on June 3, 1985. Conference Mr. Eddison referred to the Committee Directory, previously submitted to the Board in draft form, and asked approval of the document as to content and format. He noted the excellent work of Susan Adler in preparation of the Directory and proposed that her efforts be acknowledged in the Directory. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Directory of Committees in the form presented, except for an addition to the Introddction to acknowledge the efforts of Susan Adler and the Town Manager's staff in its preparation. 411 3 orm Selectmen's Meeting May 29, 1985 The Board oonsidered its positions on land acquisition Articles 2 (West Articles Farm) and 3 (Chiesa land) of the warrant for the 1985 Special Town Meeting. 2 (West) and 3 A motion to call a special town election for a referendum vote on whether (Chiesa) to remove the purchases from the provisions of Proposition 2 1/2 was discussed S. T. M. and relevant=-amendments to the motions under those articles reviewed. Mr. McLaughlin stated that he opposed the purchases but would support the referendum. He recommended that the motion for referendum be made that evening. Mr. Clough, School Committee member, was asked for his Committee's views on the Articles. He said his Committee will point out the coming financial crunch under 2 1/2 that the Town will face sooner or later and will express a prefer- ence for a referendum. The School Committee had not polled itself as to posi- tions on the proposals, but was unanimous in its decision that financial con- straint's must be anticipated and that fact brought to the attention of Town Meeting. Mr. Dailey said he would not support motions to acquire the two parcels but would commit to support of a motion for referendum. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Eddison expressed support for both Articles and for the referendum. It was agreed that Mr. Marshall would offer a motion for a referendum at that night's session of Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0 by roll call vote, s""`'"' Mr. Marshall, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to approve the motion regarding Articles 2 and 3 of the 1985 Special Town Meeting as follows: I move that if the votes under Articles 2 and 3 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting of May 29, 1985, are conditioned on an exemption from Proposition 2 1/2, so called, that a special town election be called for June 24, 1985. The question to be voted on shall read as follows: "Shall the town of Lexington be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition 2 1/2, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to acquire conservation land as described in the votes under Articles 2 and 3 of the warrant for the Special Town Meeting of May 29, 1985." Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -- 0 by roll call vote, Exec.Sess. Mr. Marshall, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of land acquisition, with no intent to return to open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:58 p.m. A true record, Attest: -- )f r ‘libak. ;47/- L/ Marion H. Snow ow` Executive Clerk VOID