HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-BOS-min 31 SELECTMEN'S MEETING
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March 5, 1984
1 �
A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Meeting
Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 5, 1984, at 7 :30 p.m. Chairman
Politi, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Sacco, Mr. McLaughlin; Mr. Perry, Acting Town
Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel and Mrs. Snow, Acting Executive Clerk were
The Chairman convened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Mr. Perry was asked Abatement
to report on the listing of outstanding ambulance bills, dating from 1974 Ambulance
to 1980, and deemed to be uncollectable. He noted that the Town had re- Bills
tained the services of a collection agency, gone to small claims court in
an effort to collect the bills and that the Auditors have now recommended
that the charges be abated in order to remove them from the books.
Mr. Politi noted that the collection agency had not acted on bills
dated prior to 1979 and asked if there are any explanations or reasons dis-
covered for the delinquencies after 1979. He asked that the 1980 list be
reviewed for that purpose. He also suggested publication of the 1980 list.
In the ensuing discussion, Board members indicated opposition to
abating before further attempts were made to collect f r-om recognized in-
dividuals whose names appear on the list, some repeatedly, especially on
the 1980 list. A proposal for a possible fine or surcharge for delinquency
was suggested and will be explored.
Consensus was reached that every attempt should be made for collection,
and that the newspaper be contacted with regard to any charges for pub-
lication of the list.
The Manager reported that the Town is instituting a lock box system Excise Tax
for motor vehicle excise tax payments starting with the 1984 bills. Lock-box
Enclosed with the bill will be a return envelope addressed to P. O. Box 529, Sys tem
Lawrence, Mass. Arlington Trust Company will process the payments and update
the Town's receivables. Taxpayers can, if they desire, still pay excise at
the Town Hall, in person or by mail.
The Chairman read the petition of the New England Telephone Company N.E. Tel Co.
for the purpose of maintaining four lally columns around an area terminal lally col.
pedestal in Eldred Street. The request is necessary in order to maintain Eldred St.
proper protection of the pedestal from vehicle damage. A public hearing
is not required.
Recommendation of the Director of Public Works and Engineering for
approval of the petition was noted.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was noted to approve the peti-
tion of the New England Telephone Company for the purpose of maintaining
four tally columns at the following location:
Eldred Street, on the westerly side at an existing area terminal
located approximately 130' northwesterly of Bedford Street.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify
the poll vote of March 1, 1984 granting a one-day liquor license
for March 4, 1984 to the Friends of the Massachusetts Mental Health Imo
Center, Inc.
CATV Comm. The Chairman read a letter dated February 17, 1984 from John Ward
liaison Chairman of the CATV Advisory Committee, requesting designation of a
member of the Board to act as liaison with that Committee. He pointed
out that Adams/Russell will be presenting proposals on several matters
in the coming months and the value to the Committee of having such a
liaison involved in these discussions. The Committee suggested
Mr. McLaughlin to act in that capacity, if he would be willing.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to designate
Selectman John F. McLaughlin to serve as point of liaison with Cable
Television Advisory Committee.
H.D.C. Mr. Politi summarized three vacancies on the Historic Districts
Appointments Commission and reviewed the nominations submitted:
Nominations of Linda McAulay and Ma jor ie Weer is by the Arts &
Crafts Society for full membership, replacing S. Lawrence Whipple.
Nominations of Albert T. Pitt and Betsy Molloy as Associate
Members representing the Arts & Crafts Society, replacing Linda
Nominations by the Historical Society of Walter S. Pierce and
Richard S. Morehouse for Associate Membership.
Mr. Morehouse's second term as Associate Member had expired.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint
Linda McAulay as a member of the Historic Districts Commission
representing the Arts & Crafts Society, for a term of office to ex-
pite on January 1, 1989.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint
Albert T. Pitt as Associate Member of the Historic Districts Comm-
ission, representing the Arts & Crafts Society, for a term of office
to expire on January 1, 1989.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint
Walter T. Pierce as Associate Member of the Historic Districts Comm-
ission representing the Historical Society, for a term of office to
expire on January 1, 1989.
1-day Liq. Lic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
St.Brigid's application of St. Br igid's Parish for one-day Liquor License for
March 24, 1984.
Cons. Easement Mr. Cohen presented an instrument for Conservation Easement and
Boston Prop. Restriction over land of Boston Properties. The document, prepared
by Attorney DeAngelis, Boston Properties, has been reviewed and
approved by Mr. Cohen and he requested that the Board vote to sign it.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute the docu-
ment grantingConservation Easement and Restriction over land owned
Boston Properties at 420-430 Bedford Street, Lexington, in compliance with
the Order of Conditions issued by the Lexington Conservation Commission on
March 25, 1980.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m.
A true record, Attest:
( ///1
M rion H. X(-4///01C()----
' Acting Executive Clerk
R''"`'"` March 12, 1984
A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's
Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, March 12, 1984. Mrs.
Battin, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Hutchinson --
Town Manager, Mr. Cohen - Town Counsel, Miss Adler -- Assistant to the
Town Manager and Mrs. Snow, Acting Executive Clerk.
The Acting Executive Clerk opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Election
called for nominations for Acting Chairman of the Board for a period Acting Chmn.
of one week.
Mrs. Bat tin was nominated as Acting Chairman.
There being no other nominations, Margery M. Battin was elected
as Acting Chairman until March 19, 1984. At its meeting on March 19,
with the presence of a full Board, a Chairman will be elected.
Mrs. Battin opened the Public Hearing on the petition of Lexington Public Hear-
Council No. 94 Knights of Columbus Building Association, for change of ing K. of C.
Manager from David W. Walsh to James R. Cataldo, and for approval of
request for transfer of its All Alcoholic Club License to Lexington
Knights of Columbus Members Association, Inc. at the same premises.
David W. Walsh, Manager, explained that the present non-profit
corporation holder of the license has been succeeded by Lexington
Knights of Columbus Realty Association, Inc. , whose corporate purposes
are restricted solely to the holding of real estate and, therefore, cannot
now be the holder of the liquor license in accordance with requirements
of the I.R.S.
In accordance with these requirements, a new corporation, Lexington
Knights of Columbus Members Association, Inc. has been formed, which will
take over all non-real estate operations and will manage the facilities
of the Lexington Knights of Columbus Council.
With respect to the request for change of Manager, Mr. Walsh noted
that James R. Cataldo is currently and actively involved in the day-to-day
management of the facilities.
There being no statements in favor or in opposition to the proposal,
Mrs. Battin declared the hearing closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the requests
of Lexington Council No. 94 Knights of Columbus Building Association for
approval of transfer of All Alcoholic Club License to Lexington Knights of
Columbus Members Association, Inc. and for change of Manager to James R.
Mrs. Battin informed the Board of the death of Beatrice M. Casey, Beatrice
Executive Clerk, and expressed the affection and appreciation of the Board Casey
for Bea as an employee and friend, and its sadness at this loss.
Newly elected Selectmen Paul W. Marshall and John C. Eddison were
welcomed to the membership of the Board by Mrs. Battin.
--2Breakfast Mrs. Batt in recommended that a Selectmen's Breakfast Meeting with
Meeting Board and Committee chairman be scheduled in March. The members con-
curred with a proposed agenda focussing on comments and planning for • o
proposals to Town Meeting and with suggestions for improved communications
among Boards and agencies.
The concept of "Lexington, 2,000" will be introduced at that meeting
by Selectman McLaughlin.
Assignment Town Meeting Schedule of events preceding Town Meeting was noted and
of Articles a suggested schedule of Selectmen assignments of Articles to be covered
at the March 29 TMMA Warrant Information Meeting reviewed.
Agenda - Mr. Eddison's suggestion for provision of background material & agenda
Public for Selectmen's meetings to the public was discussed. Mr. Eddison ex-
distrib. plained that he, when a spectator to Selectmen's Meetings, had felt that lack
of this material had made full understanding of issues discussed difficult.
In view of logistical problems involved with preparation of multi-copies, he
suggested that the material be made available in two sets: one for the Town
Hall and one for Cary Library.
Mrs. Rawls, Chairman of TMMA, requested that a copy also be provided
for use of her Association. There was brief discussion of possible charges
to TMMA for copying of the material.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that copies of the
Selectmen's Agenda and background information be made available in the
Office of the Town Manager, Town Office Building, and in Cary Memorial
Library. The Library copy will be delivered by the Police Department
no later than the Saturday morning preceding the meeting.
Discussion of the question of fees for provision of additional copies mow
for TMMA and other groups will be held at a future time.
Traffic Mr. Tonaszuck, Director of Public Works and Engineering, presented
Winthrop Rd. the proposal of the Center Revitalization Committee for extension of the
parking prohibition on Winthrop Road (East side) from a point 300 feet
from Massachusetts Avenue to Vinebrook Road. He noted that the roadway is
narrow (25 feet) and parking is allowed on the opposite side in this area.
Mr. Tonaszuck's recommendation was that parking be prohibited on both
sides for a distance of 500 feet from Massachusetts Avenue. He noted that
Captain of Traffic Lima concurred with this proposal. Mr. Tonaszuck pointed
out that a sight problem for cars exiting from Winthrop Road onto Mass. Avenue
could be resolved by creating a 65' Sightline "window" along Mass. Avenue
at that intersection.
Mrs. Rawls, 9 Winthrop Road expressed agreement with Mr. Tonaszuck's plan
for parking ban for 500' .
She raised a questions as to whether all Winthrop Road abuttors had been
notified of the discussion and stated that she had not received a notice.
The Town Manager will have the matter of proper notification investigated.
It was felt that, since this question of notification had arisen and could
not be answered at the time, the discussion should be continued at a later
Selectmen's Meeting March 12, 1984
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to defer dis-
cussion of the parking proposal for Winthrop Road to March 19. All abut-
tors will be notified of this schedule.
The Board reviewed the Center Revitalization Committee's proposed Traffic
signing of Massachusetts Avenue (south side) from Winthrop Road to Slocum item -
Road for improvement of sight distance from Hunt and Slocum Roads onto Hunt/Slocum
Massachusetts Avenue. The Board had previously adopted a regulation Mass. Ave.
banning parking from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. with 2-hour parking from
10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. , but the regulation had never been implemented.
The Director Lenox of the Children's Center First Baptist Church,
was present.
She noted that the Center's staff of eleven all drive to work and
park either on Mass. Ave. , or on Winthrop Road, within walking distance
of the Center. She pointed out the long waiting period for space at
the Town lot at the School Administration Building. She felt that her
workers would be forced to park on other side streets even further away
and urged proposal of a plan workable for all.
Parents of nursery school children in attendance asked for the
Board's consideration of the staff's parking needs, pointing out that the
Center in that location, is serving a vital need.
Mr. Hein, 11 Hunt Road expressed concerns about the hazards of ex-
iting from his street for either right or left turns onto Mass. Ave.
Mr. McLaughlin noted that the Police report received had listed
, •w no accidents in the Hunt/Slocum Road and that there is no immediate
evidence of a safety problem. He pointed out that if parking is banned
on Mass. Ave. , it would spill over to Hunt Road, a private way, where
parking cannot be banned.
Mr. Hein responded that the problem is a recent one which would
account for no record of accidents.
Mr. Domnitz suggested that the Selectmen not look at residental areas
for parking use at the expense of residents.
Dr. Clarke agreed with Mr. Marshall's suggestion that Mass. Ave. park-
ing be allowed on its straight sections which would impose no sight hazard.
He suggested temporary use of the Muzzey lot for parking.
In response to Mrs. Rawls' suggestion for parking on the Muzzey School
side of Mass. Ave. only, Mr. McLaughlin, noting the high accident rate
at the Woburn St. intersection, said he felt that plan would tend to inten-
sify that traffic problem.
Mrs. Battin suggested a visit to the location by Board members and
continuation of the discussion at a later meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to defer discussion
of the Mass. Avenue/Winthrop to Slocum parking ban proposal to the meeting
of March 19.
Marjorie Daggett, Michael Dohan, Mimi Dohan and Anthony Galaitsis of Lex.Youth
the Lexington Youth Soccer group, met with the Board to express that Soccer
organization's views on long term policy regarding the development, main-
tenance and use of the Town's playing fields.
4--Mrs. Daggett reviewed with the Board an informational supplement
prepared by the group covering a 1980 - 1984 projected overview of
school enrollment decline and increase in soccer activity; schedule ..
youth and adult soccer groups and community participation; report on
condition of Town playing fields; and recommendations of the Lexington
Youth Soccer group.
She expressed the group's dissatisfaction with Town Maintenance of
the fields and noted the existing problems at the Lincoln Street re-
creation area. The group supports the efforts of the Recreation Committee
to have all fields upgraded and its request for funding with respect to
the Lincoln Street and Adams School fields, but, on a short-term basis urged
better maintenance of all fields. She offered, on behalf of the Soccer group,
its expertise as well as some seed funding for improvement of the Town
Mr. Galaitsis displayed slides which he said illustrated examples of
poor conditions and lack of maintenance at Lincoln Street and the Harrington
Street fields.
Mr. Tonaszuck noted that soccer is reaching new heights of popularity
and throughout its long playing season is demanding upon playing fields,
causing extreme wear and tear. With that heavy usage, the D.P.W. is pre-
vented from effectively grassing the areas.
Mr. McLaughlin referred to the current increased popularity of soccer
as was the case in previous years with tennis and skating. He noted that
following development of additional facilities to accommodate these activities,
they had declined in popularity and suggested that the same might happen in
the case of soccer playing. He requested a projection on soccer use to
relate with the recent athletic activity projections of the School Committee
as justification for heavy outlay of Town funds. *,,,r,
Mr. Dohan pointed out the increased participation of older soccer
groups, which he said is unrelated to school population decrease and lowered
birth rate. He said the sport is growing, that players are continuing to
participate as adults and that soccer is now becoming popular among girls.
All these factors lead to stressing of the playfields. He noted that if
fencing for the High School track is approved, it will limit use of its
center field and decrease still further the Town's inventory.
Mrs. Wilson, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, thanked the group
for its input and support of the Committee's articles. She estimated that
the Lincoln Street area could accommodate two or three more soccer fields,
as well as increase capacity for other sports.
Mr. Marshall expressed support for the Recreation Committee's Improvement
Program, including the Lincoln Street Study, geared toward long-term solutions.
He will request that the Board re-open discussion and again consider the
position of the former Board on the Lincoln Street issue. He saw that facility
as usable resource of the Town and noted that with a larger inventory, rest
periods for play fields would allow opportunity for proper maintenance.
Chairman Clough, School Committee, pointed out serious problems of the
School Dept. related to fields and stressed the need for additional fields for
school activities, particularly in the light of the possible move of the ninth
grades to the High School.
Selectmen's Meeting March 12, 1984
He pointed out the benefits of improvement of the Lincoln Street
recreation area for use by the school because of its proximity to the
High School which would mean less bussing for athletic events. He saw
no decline in school related use of fields in the foreseeable future.
---- James Shimansky stated that he has not observed any maintenance work
done on a regular basis for the past five years and asked for periodic
inspection and correction of minor problems which he felt could be
accomplished easily.
Mr. Hutchinson refuted claims that no maintenance work is done to
fields and upheld the performance of the Park Department. He acknow-
ledged that design of Town fields is poor and that there is need for
improvement which could occur if monies were to be appropriated. He
also referred to over-utilization as a deterrent to effective maintenance. ,
He added that the Department does an excellent job within the financial
resources available.
He will work with the Soccer group regarding the problems raised
in an effort to evolve a coordinated plan for its activities and will
give recommendations to the Board on both long and short-term resolu-
Regarding the Selectmen/Town Manager Act, Mrs. Battin noted confusion Sel/T.Mgr.
which had arisen regarding revisions to the budget timetable vis a vis Act Revision;
the election and business timetable. She pointed out that the Board had
concurred that this timetable more properly belongs in the Town By-Law.
An excerpt from the unapproved minutes of the February 13 meeting was
read, at which time decision had been made by the Board that the budget
mem is to be finalized by January 15, and subsequent dates revised accord-
ingly; and that there will be two warrant mailings: one for the Town
election and one for the business sessions of Town Meeting to be mailed
3 weeks prior to the first session on the 1st Monday in April.
Mrs. Battin requested that the Town Manager and his staff work with
Town Counsel to prepare, in by-law language, an amended report reflecting
the proposed revisions to the schedule, to include proposed revision of
titles in Section 2, which will be submitted to the Capital Expenditure
Committee for review. The amended report is to be ready for filing with
the Town Clerk and dissemination of Town Meeting members by March 29.
The Town Manager noted correspondence from Kirk Noyes regarding tech- Muzzey -
nical amendments of the Land Disposition Agreement relating to foreclosure L. D. A.
of units in Muzzey School which are consistent with previous discussions Amendment
with the developer and are a requirement of FNMA. He recommended that the
correspondence be acknowledged and referred to Town Counsel and himself
for review and report to the Board.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the above-
mentioned matter to the Town Manager and Town Counsel for review and
recommendations on March 19.
Mr. Hutchinson noted that, in conformity with the Town's Affirmative Fair Housing
Action Plan, reactivation and appointments to the Fair Housing Committee Committee
should be implemented in the near future.
Letter from Albert Zabin, with recommendations on composition of
the Committee, was referenced by the chairman. Mr. Zabin would again be
willing to serve as chairman provided the committee would be broad based
and would include citizens termed by Mr. Zabin as "conservative", to
ensure a balance of outlooks and political persuasions. He also suggested
that a member of the Board of Selectmen serve as an active member, pre-
ferable as co-chairman.
Mr. Hutchinson noted that in addition to one new application for
membership, several other members have indicated willingness to continue
on the Committee.
There was general agreement to Selectmen involvement on the committee
as liaison, but not to Mr. Zabin's suggestion that a Board member serve
as a member or chairman. It was also agreed that a member of the Housing
Authority could contribute expertise possibly as an ex-officio member and
that competence and varied experience be considered as high ranking criteria
for appointment. Effort will be made that different backgrounds and politi-
cal persuasions be represented to form as broad-based a couatiittee as possible.
The Manager urged action on this matter within 30 days.
NESWC App t. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town
Tonaszuck Manager's reappointment of Walter J. Tonaszuck as a member of the Advisory
Board of the Northeast Solid Waste Committee.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted as requested by Town
Counsel to sign a revised Order of Construction for Meadowbrook Avenue
regarding betterments to be assessed and containing minor amendments.
Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0, Mrs. Battin,
Session Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Eddison, to go into executive session
for discussion of litigation and of real estate negotiations, with no
intent to resume open session. The Town Manager concurred. _
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at
11:07 p.m.
A true record, Attest:
Marion H. Snow
Acting Executive Clerk
k March 19, 1984
A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Meeting
Room, Town Office Building on Monday, March 19, 1984, at 7:30 p.m. Acting
Chairman Battin, Mr. Sacco, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Eddison, Mr.
Hutchinson - Town Manager, Mr. Cohen - Town Counsel, Miss Adler - Assistant
to the Town Manager and Mrs. Snow, Acting Executive Clerk were present.
The Acting Executive Clerk opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and called Election -
f or nominations for Chairman of the Board. Chairman
Mrs. Battin was nominated by Mr. Eddison and Mr. McLaughlin was nom-
inated by Mr. Sacco.
Mk. McLaughlin declined the nomination and asked that his name be with-
drawn from consideration.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 to 1 to elect Margery
M. Battin as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. Mk. Sacco cast his vote
for Mr. McLaughlin.
Mrs. Battin opened the Public Hearing on the application of David F. Gas.Storage
Eagle, KEMM Management & Development Company, for transfer of license held License
by Mrs. Edmund R. Hamel which permits underground storage of flammable KEMM
fluids on premises at 329 Massachusetts Avenue, to KEMM Realty Trust II. 329 Mass.
Mr. Eagle, who was present, submitted proof of mailing of the notice Ave.
r` of the hearing to all abuttors and stated that he plans to continue the gas-
oline service station operation as in the past.
Recommendations of Fire Chief Bergeron, Conservation Director Prentiss,
Building Commissioner DiMatteo, all in favor of the granting of the transfer,
were read by Mrs. Battin.
Recommendations of George Smith, Director of Public Health, suggesting
that a contingency plan to deal with leaks or spills be developed, was also
In answer to Mr. Eddison, Mr. Eagle stated that he will comply with all
requirements imposed regarding the contingency plan for spills, and outlined
efforts of the previous owner for improved safety conditions at the station.
There being no other comments in favor or in opposition, Mrs. Battin
declared the hearing closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the trans-
fer of the license formerly held by Mrs. Edmund R. Hamel for a gasoline
service station at 329 Mass. Ave. to KEMM Realty Trust II.
The license permits underground storage on the premises of gasoline
in two existing 3 ,000 gallon, one existing 4,000 gallon, and one existing -
5,000 gallon tank, and underground storage of waste oil in one existing,500-
gallon tank, with total capacity of 15,500 gallons.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes Minutes 1/9
of the Selectmen's Meetings on January 9, and January 11, 1984, with Mr. Mar- & 1/11/84
shall and Mr. Eddison abstaining.
L, I
Appt.Reg of Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to reappoint Reed
Kingston Taylor as Registrar of Voters, as nominated by the Lexington
Republican Town Committee, for a term of office to expire on March
31, 1987.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
Cons.Easement receipt of a Conservation Easement, at the corner of John Poulter and
J.Poulter/ Winthrop Roads, as requested by a vote of the Conservation Commission,
Winthrop Rds. for the protection of the natural and watershed resources of the Town.
Water abate- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve abate-
ment,Pierce, ment of water charges for George Pierce, 63 Valleyfield Road, in the amount
63 Valleyfield of $209.00, because of incorrect meter reading.
Cary Trustees Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to recommend to
Exec.Comm. the Cary Library Trustees, that Selectman Paul W. Marshall be appointed
Marshall to the Library Trustee Executive Committee.
MBTA Adv.Bd. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the desig--
' Eddison nation by Chairman Battin, of Selectman John C. Eddison to the Massachusetts
Bay Transit Authority Advisory Board, representing Lexington.
MBTA-Alewife Chairman of the Transportation Advisory Committee, Sally Castleman,
and Sara Arnold, Lexpress Coordinator, were present for review of draft
recommendations to the META regarding MBTA service in Lexington after
the opening of the Alewife Station. Mrs. Castleman noted that MBTA
and the consulting firm of Cambridge Systematics are currently forming
their recommendations, which will be presented in preliminary form to
the public in April. The Committee felt that in order to influence
the first phase of recommendations, any formal statement of Lexington's
needs should be submitted promptly.
The requests were listed in a memo dated 3/7/84, as follows:
Request more MBTA service on Hartwell Avenue.
Request continued service to Arlington Heights.
Request a direct line to Alewife Station.
Ask about the cost and feasibility of evening
service between Lexington Center and Alewife
Station (or between Lexington Center and
Arlington Heights.
Request that the MBTA add service to the South
Lexington industrial area (e.g. by the Waltham
bus or proposed Concord Alewife bus. )
Request that LEXPRESS be allowed to service Alewife
Station. Ask for a response about this request.
Request that non-profit carriers, e.g. Share-A-Ride
be allowed to service Alewife Station. Ask for
a response about this request.
Request that the MBTA clarify the conditions under
which they will allow private operators to service
Alewife Station.
Suggest that the MBTA contact the LEXPRESS office when
Selectmen's Meeting , (1.
March 19, 1984
"'"' they are at the scheduling stage. (Coordinating MBTA
buses with LEXPRESS service would be beneficial to the
residents) .
Mrs. Castleman added that supporting arguments for each request
will be included in the final letter to MBTA and Mr. Eddison expressed
willingness to work with the Committee in preparation of the detailed
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
recommendations of the Transportation Advisory Committee regarding a
statement of Lexington's needs for MBTA service in conjunction with the
opening of the Alewife Station.
Mrs. Castleman briefly reviewed other information in the memo rela-
tive to MBTA service to Lexington residents. Regarding low ridership on
the Waltham-Lexington bus, and the possibility for its elimination, it
was noted that several mentally retarded adults depend on that bus to get
to employment. Mrs. Battin recommended that the Human Services Committee
be alerted to this fact.
The Transportation Advisory Committee offered its recommendations CommuterBus
on the problems which have arisen due to parking related to Commuter Parking
Bus service in Lexington:0
1. Disperse cars along Worthen Road, making two bus
stops between Waltham Street and Bedford Street,
and eliminating the stop at Mer i am Street.
2. Create new parking next to the Hayden property
on Worthen Road.
3. Enlarge the existing parking area near the Res
on Marrett Road.
4. Determine the feasability of using some portion of the
land at the DPW on Bedford Street.
5. Reconsider Lincoln Street field to see if there is any
variation of the previous suggestion that would be
The Committee advised, if daytime use of St. Brigid's lot becomes a
reality, it be used as long as available to the Town.
Mrs. Castleman offered the assistance of the Committee in continued
study of any of the abovelisted sites or others suggested. The Manager
will submit his views on the TAC recommendations, and offered to work
with the Committee in its explorations.
The Chairman read a letter from George Bachrach, Senate Chairman of County Govt
the Joint Committee on Counties, informing the Board of a Committee on Charter
Counties hearing- on March 20th, on County Government's Charter Reform Reform
legislation and inviting representation from Lexington to testify. The
Committee's proposed legislation will enable the voters of each county to
elect a commission which will make a proposal to the electorate for a new
county governmental structure and, if accepted, will allow the county con-
siderable autonomy from the state legislative process.
Mrs. Miley, former Selectman and now affiliated with the State
government and Selectman McLaughlin, Middlesex County Advisory Board mort
designee, recommended Lexington testimony in support of the act which
would establish procedures for the adoption of Home Rule Charters by
The Town Manager spoke in favor of the Act, and offered staff
representation at the Hearing on March 20.
Traffic Rules The Town Manager requested that the Board vote to sign an amendment
Harding Rd. to the Traffic Rules & Orders, which would prohibit parking during the
morning commuter hours on both sides of Harding Road. The issues of
commuter bus related parking had been discussed with residents of Harding
Road at a previous meeting, in response to their complaints about obstruct-
ion and safety hazards due to the parked cars.
Mr. Eddison suggested that this step may result in merely moving the
parking problem to an adjacent street, and proposed parking on alternate
sides of Harding, or parking on alternate days. The Town Manager, who has
explored several options, recommended that, as an interim solution, the
parking ban be implemented, since that solution appeared to be supported
by the residents.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to post Harding Road
on both sides, from Fuller Road to Williams Street "No Parking from 6:00 a.m.
to 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday.
Transfer, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the
Snow Removal request of transfer of $10,000 from the Reserve Fund to Account #5500,
Snow Removal, as requested by the Town Manager. "
Sewer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to defer payment
Deferrment of sewer betterment assessment against property owned by Robert J. and
Gartside John H. Gartside 20 Loring Road, and located on Lot 28, Map 41, in the
amount of $922.71, until said land or any part thereof is built upon, sold
or until the expiration of three years from the date hereof.
Attendant The Chairman noted the report by John Oberteuf f er, submitted by the
Parking, Center Revitalization Committee on the proposal for attendant parking in
Meriam St. the Meriam Street lot. The Town Manager presented the proposal on behalf
of the Committee and outlined its features. The lot would be operated by
2 to 2 1/2 uniformed attendants for collection of fees at the exit gate for
parking of cars. An automatic ticket machine is proposed. The layout showed
an extrance from Meriam Street and an entrance and exit at Depot Square. The
lot would operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday. At other
times, the lot would be open for free parking. It was estimated that 50%
to 100% increased capacity would be realized to help meet parking demands in
the Center.
Mr. Hutchinson asked for authority to seek proposals from parking manage-
ment companies for operation of the lot. He outlined initial and ongoing
costs for the program totalling $75,000 for the first year, including capital
costs of gates. He noted that a balance of $64,722 would remain in the Park-__
ing purposes fund after previously allocated expenditures, and suggested
the Town could reduce its allocation of costs for services to get this pro-
"" -
gram underway. He pointed out that after receipt of proposals, a definitive
financial picture could be developed for presentation to Town Meeting.
oti. _5_
Selectmen='s Meeting March 19, 1984
Among remarks from the audience, Mr. Domnitz said he believed im--
F.■, plementat ion of the new parking proposal would attract new development,
thus leading to an even greater shortage of parking. He advocated passage
of Planning Board Articles 16 and 17 to limit expansion and suggested
approval of the parking plan conditional on passage of Articles 16 and 17.
In response to Mr. Cavatorta, Mrs. Battin assured him that abuttors
to the lot will be notified of procedures, if voted.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the
Town Manager to proceed with invitations for proposals for the attendant
parking operation at the Meriam Street lot.
Mrs. Battin reported on the position of the Center Revitalization Articles
Committee on Planning Board Article 16, provision of parking for new 16 & 17,
construction in the Central Business District, and Article 17 , Height C.R.C.
Restriction in the Central Business District.
The majority of the Committee had voted to oppose Article 16 by a
vote of 5 to 3. Mrs. Battin noted the Committee's concerns with addressing
problems of parking, traffic, business mix in the Center, obligation to
retailers and businesses presently in the Center as well as residents of
the Town who have indicated they like the Center as a retail convenience
Center to which they can drive and park. She added that the integrity of
abutting residential neighborhoods also has to be preserved and protected
from increased traffic and overflow parking.
She noted that the first concern of Town residents who shop in the
Center was lack of parking, and that the adverse effect of that lack was
to drive retailers out.
She expressed the view of the minority of the Committee in support of
the by-law amendment, which she said is intended to maintain and encourage
retail activity by making new office space development more difficult.
Mr. Sacco spoke on behalf of the majority; opposed to the amendment,
and stated their concerns that passage would cap growth in the Center,
cause increase in rents and drive out smaller retailers.
Mr. Wells agreed that a cap on development would cause a decline in
the Center because of need for replacement with new construction with
required parking as buildings deteriorate.
The majority of the C.R.C. had voted in favor of Article 17 , Height
Restriction, by a vote of 4 to 3.
Mrs. Battin outlined reasons of the majority for support of the
Article who felt that although it could be considered an integral part
of the Chamber of Commerce and Planning Board proposals in terms of
parking ratio and density of development, it should stand alone because
it speaks to the issue of the appearance of the Center with respect to
its size, scale, historic ambience and suburban character which the
Lexington Center Market Survey showed were valued above all else by
residents and which those who voted in favor, felt. the Article would pre-
Mr. Sacco said he could support the 30' maximum height proposed,
but was in favor of 2 1/2 stories, rather than the 2 story maximum proposed.
The Board's position on the two Planning Board articles was con-
sidered later in the meeting.
LexHAB The Manager requested that the designation of LexHAB as Muzzey
Muzzey Adm. Administrator be deferred pending the selection of the first 21 tenants
under his jurisdiction as Muzzey Administrator, was completed.
Muzzey Land He also asked that the amendment to the Muzzey Land Disposition ••r
Dispostion Agreement relating to foreclosure of units in Muzzey School, be taken
Agreement up on March 26, following legal conference for resolution of details
and preparation of the appropriate document.
Traffic Regs. Traffic regulations for banning of parking on Mass. Ave. between
Mass.Ave. fr. Hunt and Slocum Road, as discussed on March 12, was again considered.
Hunt to A letter from The Children's Center of Lexington, including a petition
Slocum signed by 46 parents of students , in opposition to complete prohibition
of parking, as stated above, was noted. In the letter, Director Lenox
and Board of Directors President France, reiterated Ms. Lenox's statement
in favor of the compromise plan, with "windows" at the Mass. Ave. ends
of Hunt and Slocum Rds. , as recommended by Mr. Tonaszuck, rather than
a total parking ban on Mass. Ave. between those two streets.
Mr. Hein, Hunt Road, brought up the hazards and time element involved
in exiting Hunt Road for a left turn onto Mass. Ave. , and felt that because
of the configuration of Mass. Ave. , the empty spaces to provide a "window"
would not be sufficient. He advocated complete banning of parking from
Hunt to Slocum Road.
Mr. Tonaszuck stated and illustrated on a map, that the five empty
spaces would provide an adequate sight line, and suggested that cars
could park on the other side of Mass. Ave. and in the Muzzey School lot
to make up for the spaces lost.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Traffic
Rules and Orders of Lexington be amended as follows:
No Parking on the south side of Mass. Avenue from Winthrop
Road, 89' easterly
No Parking on the south side of Mass. Avenue from Hunt Road
60' westerly
Parking Regs. Mr. Tonaszuck again gave his recommendations for parking prohibition
Winthrop Rd. on Winthrop Road, as presented on March 12. He recommended extending
"no Parking" on the south side for 400 feet from Mass. Ave. He noted
that there is an existing ban of parking on the west side for 500 feet.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Traffic
Rules and Orders of Lexington be amended as follows:
No Parking on the south side of Winthrop Road from Massachusetts
Avenue, 397 feet westerly
'84 Spring Mr. Eddison referred to the Spring '83 Clean-up Campaign in conjunction
Clean-up with Governor Dukakis' Proclamation and request for State-wide participation
last year, and noted that it had been an encouraging experience, but had
been initiated late in the season. He felt that it could have been even
more successful with an earlier start to allow time for organization and
publicity. He asked for the Board's reaction to a suggested Clean-up Week
from April 23 to April 28 or 29, noting that Town Department Heads are
supportive of the concept. He recommended that a group of three be de-
e-signated to plan and coordinate the effort: a member of the Board of
Slectmen, a Conservation Commissioner and one other member.
Board members concurred that Mr. Eddison, because of his experience
in 1983, be designated, if willing, to take over this project. Mr.
Eddison agreed and will return to the Board with his recommendations on
time scheduling and composition of the Clean-up Committee.
Selectmen's Meeting � March 19, 1984
With reference to amendment of the Selectmen/Town Manager Act, Set/Town
Poo the Town Manager reported that a major issue appears to have develop- Mgr. Act.
ed because of differing views on revisions to the Warrant and Budget Revisions
His recommendations and was that all changes, with the excep-
tion of the Timetable revisions be adopted, and that the timing be
experimented with next year.
An information sheet, dated March 19, 1984, outlining all proposed
changes to the Act was reviewed, and proposed revisions in Section 12
and 13, (Budget and Warrant Timetables) , discussed in detail.
The Manager noted that the Finance Committees had indicated general Budget
willingness to accept the dates for budget procedures as favored by timetable
the Selectmen and asked that the Board vote to approve these proposed
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that revisions
to Sect ions 12 and 13 of the Selectmen Town Manager Act be proposed as
Section 12
Capital requests to Town Manager - September 15
Town Manager submits capital budget - November 15
Selectmen transmit capital budget - December 15
Section 13
Operating budget requests to - At Manager's request
Town Manager
Town Manager submits operating budget - January 15
Pomo Selectmen transmit operating budget - February 15
The Warrant for the Town Meeting will be mailed at least three
weeks before the start of Town Meeting.
Mr. Hutchinson noted agreement had been reached that the Budget
Timetable should be dealt with in the By-Law and that the Charter should
reference this fact.
Regarding the language of Section 5 of the Act, the Manager referred
to wording change suggested by the Personnel Advisory Board which would
allow consideration of individuals with private sector experience as
candidates for the position of Town Manager. The Board had agreed that
the current wording, with a specific requirement for governmental service,
may not be necessary to accomplish the goal of selecting a professional
manager. The Manager concurred with this view.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that revision of Sel/Town
Section 5 of the Selectmen/Town Manager Act be proposed as follows: Mgr. Act.
" The Selectmen shall appoint, as soon as practicable, Section 5
for a term not to exceed three years, a town Manager, who
shall be a professionally qualified person of proven ability
who has had substantial involvment with municipal government
and is appropriately fitted by education, training, and by
previous full-time paid experience in a responsible adminis-
trative position to perform the duties of the office."
. ,
Cap.Exp.Comm. The Manager reported on the request of the Capital Expenditures
budget Committee that all its members be provided with complete copies of the
sheets green operating budget request sheets for all departments and agencies,
and stated that he had been unwilling to comply with this request. His ..�
refusal was based on the toll on staff time for attendance at additional
meetings which would undoubtedly result from the Committee's review of
the material and he felt it to be a needless duplication of effort for
both Finance Committees to go through the same procedures. He also
raised the point that the procedure, if implemented, could eventually
compromise the way in which the budget is prepared by him.
Mr. McCabe, Chairman of the Capital Expense Committee, stated his
view that for proper review of the budget by his Committee, all items
should be looked at in detail. He pointed out that in some cases, items
which should be considered capital expenses are included in expense budgets.
He felt that both Finance Committees should have access to operating budget
request details, but agreed that one copy would be adequate for the Capital
Expenditures Committee.
Motion was made and seconded to affirm the Town Manager's position in
the matter and it was voted 3 - 0, with Mrs. Battin and Mr. Eddison
abstaining, to do so.
The Chairman asked for a sense of direction on coming to decisions on
positions on Planning Board Article 16 (provision of parking in CBD) ,
Article 17 (Height Restriction in CBD) and Article 18 (Floor Area Ratio in
CR District) . She noted options for taking a stand on the Town Meeting
floor or starting dialogue as late as April 2 on the issues.
In the ensuing discussion, it appeared that although the Selectmen
were in favor of the general thrust of the Planning Articles, final
decision on position should be delayed pending opportunity for a more in- �...
depth review of information and details on ramifications of the proposals,
which at that point had not been made available. There was agreement that
to take positions prematurely would be unwise, but that the Planning Board
should be given a sense of direction as to the Board's view.
Consensus was reached that the Selectmen would work toward passage
of the Planning Board Articles, but would proceed to obtain more detailed
information and structure before final decisions are made.
Exec.Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll call
vote, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Sacco, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Eddison,
with the concurrence of the Town Manager, to go into Executive Session for
discussion of matters of litigation and of real estate negotiations, with
no intent to resume open session.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m.
At true record, Attest:
(/aWf-21 .
f.$ Marion H. Snow
Acting Executive Clerk
I 4
March 24, 1984
A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's
Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Saturday, March 24, 1984, at
9:00 a.m. Chairman Battin, Mr. Sacco, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Marshall,
Nr. Eddison; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager and Mrs. Snow, Acting Ex-
ecutive Clerk, were present.
Mr. Hutchinson presented an overview of FY '85 Budget & Tax Rate FY'85
figures and reviewed with the Board an update of numerical class if ica- Budget
tions under FY '85 Personal Services Budget, Expense Budgets, and Review
Capital and Articles Requests for FY '85 on a Manager by exception
He noted that payroll, including a Public Works settlement
(tentative) , is up 3.5%. There is no Fire Contract as yet.
In the expense area, he noted an increase of 6.9%, reflecting among
other factors the court judgement for school employee Nickerson.
In summary of Articles and Capital Improvements, the Manager outlined
Capital requests totalling $2,017,000, for Public Works, Equipment, Build-
ing, Housing, Land and Recreation projects and noted amounts requested
and his recommendation for each item.
Regarding Article 60, Lincoln Street Improvement Study, agreement Lincoln St.
was reached that the fencing of the track be deferred in favor of support Art. 60
for Lincoln Street.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to move indefinite
postponement of Article 49, Fence Work/Track.
Motion was made and seconded to support Article 60, Study of the Lin-
coln Street Recreation Area.
In discussion which followed, several questions were raised by members
regarding content and scope of the proposed Lincoln Street study. It was
agreed that a usable development plan, including costs as well as geodetic
study, should be included. A projection on DPW costs for development was
also requested.
Mr. McLaughlin asked for an estimate of time necessary for natural
settlement of the land and assurance that the field will be returned to
its original condition following testing.
Upon amended motion duly made and seconded., it was voted to support
Article 60, Lincoln Street Improvement Study, pending response to the
aforementioned questions raised.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support Article Haz.Househld
67 , Hazardous Household Waste Collection, as proposed by the League of Waste Art.67
Women Voters.
Discussion on Article 43, Road Machinery, was discussed. The Manager Road Mach.
asked if the Board felt comfortable with his recommendation for $150,000, Art. 43
P,.M. or would prefer to stay with the $175,000 requested. Consensus was reached
to support the request for $175,000, with the understanding that the
amount may be decreased if so decided in the future.
3b ct
Computer Sys. Mr. Hutchinson reported that the Data Processing Committee is in
Art. 52 concurrence with $150,000 requested by the Library for Computer and
recommended that the Board support Article 52.
Mr. McLaughlin, noting other financial decisions pending, felt
that the Library Computer system should be considered fairly low in ..w
priority at this point.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support Article
52, Library Computer System for the present time, subject to further
discussion if deemed necessary.
Pine Meadows The Town Manager again stated his recommendation in opposition to
Acq. Art.59 the Pine Meadow Golf Course acquisition, as proposed under Article 59.
He noted that, if decision is made to purchase the land, other options
are open, i.e. General Purposes, which would not limit it to con-
servation uses. He noted impact on the Town' s debt service and potential
impact on operating expenses and pointed out adverse effect on local aid
if the golf course should be purchased, as well as effect on the Town's
AAA rating if long-term bonding is implemented. He recommended no more
than 5-year bonding. He also urged consideration of a referendum under
the provisions of Chapter 641 that would allow exemption of the purchase
from the limits of Proposition 2 1/2.
Mrs. Batt in asked if the Board members had come to any decisions
on the proposal.
Mr. Eddison, who was in favor of the proposal, noted years of effort
of the Conservation Commission to negotiate for the parcel, and moved
to support Article 59, conditional upon approval of final purchase
Mr. McLaughlin seconded the motion for purposes of discussion.
Appropriations Committee member Michael O'Sullivan reported on his _
Committee's support of the purchase which, he said, would effect rec-
ommendations for cuts in the expense and School budgets. He thought the
Committee would suggest putting $350,000 on the levy limit and 5-year bonding
for the remaining $1,500,000.
Mr. Eddison outlined features of the proposal for clarification.
Mr. McLaughlin noted that 40 to 50% of the parcel is unbuildable
and that the purchase of 9 acres across Rte. 128 could accommodate only one
house. He requested answers on how many houses could actually be built
on the property. He noted that the Town gives up use of the land for the
50-year period for continued use as a golf course and that he had questions
on how the price was arrived at.
Mr. Marshall suggested that the presentation of Article 59 might be
delayed in the Town Meeting process to allow time for thorough review and
It was agreed that a meeting with the full Conservation Commission
or member and the Planning Board will be scheduled for April 10, for further
discussion of the proposal in detail.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 12:00
A true record, Attest:
rion H. Sno
;4 17<
Acting Executive Clerk Imo
March 26, 198 4
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select-
men's Meeting Roam, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Battin,
Mr. Sacco, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager;
Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager and
Mrs. Snow, Acting. Executive Clerk, were present.
Fire Chief John Bergeron introduced Captain Richard Sullivan and Fire Dept.
Lt. John Tobias, of the Fire Department who were present for recogni- Promotions
tion of their recent promotions. Chief Bergeron explained the process
for promotions and the training, testing and experiences involved.
Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Tobias were asked to present badges to the two
Firefighters. The Chief was thanked for sharing the ceremony with
the Board and the Lieutenant and Captain, congratulated on their
Mr. Hutchinson brought up two concerns raised by the Selectmen with Fire Dept.
regard to Fire Department budget requests for video taping equipment and Budget
fire registers, both of which he noted relate to the Board's request for
improved productivity.
Chief Bergeron spoke of the benefits of the requested video taping
equipment to improve capabilities and the training of personnel. The
equipment, which would include camera, lights and tripod and other re-
po.. lat ed equipment would be used to tape unique training programs, and to
film emergencies and the Department' s own programs.
The Manager noted that other departments, i.e. Police Department,
could use the video camera in conjunction with its own related video
Mr. McLaughlin said he did not oppose on the basis of cost for the
camera, but felt that he could not approve the use of Fire Department
staff, to act as "camera men" at emergency situations.
It was agreed by the Board that. the request for video taping equip-
ment would be left in, but the option for reconsideration would be re-
James Lambie, Chairman of the Board of Health, was present for dis- RDNA Comm.
cussion of approaches to the issue of Recombiant DNA Research at the
Kennecott Copper Building. He noted that the research is now a permitted
use under the aegis of the Board of Health and that no Board of Appeals
Special permit is required. He asked if the Selectmen wished to continue
with formation of an RDNA Study Committee, or if they preferred to leave
the matter under the jurisdiction of the Board of Health.
Mr. Hutchinson noted limited response for appointment to a committee,
but that the 4 or 5 applicants who have volunteered are highly qualified.
He suggested that the Board of Health proceed with formulation of the
committee to define issues in question and develop regulations.
Mr. Lambie, in agreement, noted that the Health Board had already
made a preliminary start to decide on strategy and are now exploring
various options. He noted need, in light of apprehensions which have
been expressed, to develop a structured approach for dealing with the
RDNA issue.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the
formation of a Recombinant DNA Study Committee to the Board of Health,
with the Committee structure as previously suggested, with recommendations
to take advantage of qualifying applications received.
Fire Dept. The Board resumed discussion of budget request of the Fire Department,
Art. 51 under Article 51, for replacement of Fire Alarm register equipment.
The Chief explained the function of Registers upon activation of street
boxes and alarm systems in many commercial and public buildings and nursing
homes. He noted that the currently used receiving system is over 30 years
old and difficult to repair. He outlined benefits of the new solid state
equipment requested and asked the Board's support for the $18,000 replacement.
Discussion continued on the unresolved issue of removal of "street boxes"
in the Town, relative to the need for new receiving equipment.
Mr. Hutchinson noted that his recommendations to remove the boxes
remain unchanged, but that the Chief has somewhat modified his view and
recommends removal by attrition. He suggested that as a new Board, the
issue should be looked at.
Chief Bergeron gave a rundown on the use of street boxes and the high
ratio of false alarms originating from them for the years 1981, 1982 and
It was agreed that decision on the removal issue would be deferred
until after Town Meeting. The staff will prepare a report on the "use mola
of street boxes" , to include financial implications and safety issues
with respect to false alarms.
In response to Mr. Sacco, Chief Bergeron stated that there were
possible future budget requests relative to the new alarm register but that
this year's expense would be a major one.
Fire Dept. Chief Bergeron presented his proposal, under Article 5, for acceptance
Art. 5 of Chapter 148, Section 26 G of the General Laws, which would require in-
stallation of automatic sprinklers in new buildings and additions to ex-
isting buildings of more than 7,500 square ft. in floor area. Residential
properties, telephone central office equipment and one-story buildings would
be excluded from the requirement.
The Chief outlined the effectiveness of reducing the likelihood of
serious fires, and pointed out that reduced insurance premiums would result
in a short pay-back period of the initial investment.
He strongly advocated the Town's adoption of the legislation.
Fire Buffs' Chief Bergeron requested parking at the Battle Green on July 12, from
Conv. approximately 10 a.m. to 12 noon, of Fire equipment to be displayed and
Battle Green photographed on the occasion of the International Fire Buffs' Conference.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request
of Fire Chief Bergeron for use of the Battle Green in connection with
activities of the International Fire Buffs' Convention.
Selectmen's Meeting March 26, 1984
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve minutes Minutes
of Selectmen's Meetings on January 17, and January 19, 1984. Mr. Eddison 1/17 &
min abstained from voting. - 1/19/84
The Chairman noted a letter from Joan Halverson, Acting Recreation Recr. Dept.
Director, requesting permission to conduct Recreation Opening Day Act- Opening Day
ivities, including a parade of youth league members, on Saturday, April 28,
from 9:30 a.m. to 11;00 a.m. Ms. Halverson also invited Board members to
attend and participate in the parade and ceremonies in the Little League
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to permit the Re-V
creation Department to conduct activities, as stated above, on Saturday,
April 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mr. Sacco and Mr. McLaughlin indicated that they would be present for
these events.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve applica- Auctioneer
tions for Annual Auctioneer Licenses to expire on March 31, 1985, for the Licenses
Robert N. Cann 5 Castle Road
Allen C. Lannom 35 Webster Road
William Sennott 10 Doublas Road
Mrs. Battin noted the request of the Lexington Elblem Club for ac- Emblem Club
knowledgement of the visit to the club of its Supreme President, on the
occasion of installation of its slate of officers to be held at the
Lexington Lodge of Elks.
Upon motion dulymade and seconded, it was voted, in recognition of
the service of the Elks and Elblem Club to the community, that a letter
will be sent to the President of the Supreme Emblem Club of the United
States, welcoming her to the Town and conveying the good wishes of the
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Comptroller
Richard M. Perry as Town Comptroller, for a term of office to expire on Reappt.
March 31, 1987.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request L.W.V.
of the League of Women Voters for permission to distribute free Town Meeting Literature
Member lists and to sell for the TMMA a booklet, "Town Meeting" in the lobby Cary Hall
of Cary Hall on April 2 and April 4. The League's publication "Know Your
Town" will also be for sale. Mr. Sacco abstained from voting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request MinuteMen
of the Lexington Minute Men, Inc. for use of the Battle Green on Sunday, Battle Green
April 1, 1984, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for rehearsal of the reenactment
of the Battle of Lexington, and on Monday, April 16, 1984, to perform the
reenactment at 6:00 a.m.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to defer designation LexHAB
of LexHAB as the Muzzey Administrator to April 4. Kirk Noyes and LexHAB
,M•.. will be present at that meeting for discussion of amendments to the Land
Disposition Agreement.
Transfer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve transfer
Acct. #1900 from the Reserve Fund of $3,000 to the Selectmen's Election Account #1900,
as recommended by the Town Manager. The funds were needed to cover amounts ras0
unbudgeted for postage, printing and Police Details for the 1984 Pre-
sidential Primary.
Exec.Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -- 0 by roll call
vote, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Sacco, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Eddison, to go into
Executive Session for purposes of discussion of Collective Bargaining
Strategy, with no intent to resume open session.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at
9:10 p.m.
A true record, Attest:
Marion H. Snow
Acting Executive Clerk