HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-07-BOS-min SELECTMEN'S MEETING
July 11, 1983
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select-
men's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, July 11, 1983- at
7:30 P.M. Chairman Crain, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Politi, Mr. McLaughlin;
Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assis-
tant to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Prinicpal Clerk, were present.
Mr. Hutchinson briefly outlined his proposed Wage & Salary Plan for Wage &
FY'84 and requested its approval. Salary Plan
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Wage
and Salary Plan, including the salary of the Town Manager, submitted by
Mr. Hutchinson, indicatingincreases of 7% in the office clerical range
and 6% in the management range.
Increases for individuals average 6% and costs remain consistent with
the guidelines established by the Board.
Stephen Baran, chairman of the Human Service Committee was in attend- Human Svs.
ance to present the Committee's proposal for a series of public access Comm.°-Cab1eTV
cable television programs: "Coping with Crisis in Family Living", and to
request the support of the Board on the project.
The Committee proposes to present eight 11 hour programs to be spon-
sored by the Board of Selectmen through the Human Services Committee,
on the subject of daily living issues faced by Lexington families. The
series will be produced in conjunction with the Adams Russell Cablevision
Lexington, Inc. and carried out by Lexington citizens trained in public
access, Adams Russell staff, social workers, and other human service work-
ers. The Committee is also interested in recruiting local citizens to
participate in the programming. The programs will be hosted by a Select-
man or other local official of the Town.
Mr. Baran related the Town of Arlington's successful experience with
a similar porject.
He noted ongoing Human Services Committee efforts toward providing
preventative programs and saw this method of communication with the public
through Cable TV as an example which would emphasize this concept and
would illustrate ways to forestall first occurences or prevent reoccur -
ing family emergency situations. He sees a need to educate the public as to
availability services within the Town.
He reported that an Enablement Committee, formed during the past year,
comprised of a group of physically disabled people, has been working in
coordination with the Human Services Committee in carrying out an Accessi-
bility Study. This group has now been designated as an official sub-commit-
tee of the Human Services Committee.
Mrs . Battin expressed the appreciation of the Board to Mr. Baran and
the Human Services Committee, and applauded the concept of the Cable TV pro-
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support the pro-
posal of the Human Services Committee for the series of public access cable
television programs : "Coping with Crisis in Family Living".
Mr. Baran was thank by the Board for his efforts, and he retired from
the meeting.
Sewer eaten- Mr. Hutchinson requested approval of the Board of a 45' extension of
sion Wood sewer in Wood Street. It had been practical to extend the line at the
Street time of recent Wood Street sewer installation, in response to request of
Mrs. Daudeline, 275 Wood Street, whose property lies just beyond the end
of the sewer line as originally planned.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve exten-
sion of sewer line to include the property at #275 Wood Street, a distance
of 45 feet.
Ch.90 Reim- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to executive the Chap-
bursement ter 90 Reimbursement Request #4 and Final Report for FY'83 Resurfacing Con-
requests, tract #83-1 and to execute the Chapter 90 Project Request and Chapter 90
contracts, Environmental Punch List for FY'84 Resurfacing Contract #84-1.
Traffic The Town Manager requested that action on the traffic item proposing
Regs. "No Parking" on portions of Worthen Road and Forest Street be deferred to
Worthen Rd.the July 25th meeting in order that the matter be publicized for the bene-
& Forest fit of residents in that area. The Center Revitalization Committee is to
invited to participate in discussion of the matter.
Contract Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award Contract
84-2-E #84-2-E to William K. Lazarakis, Painting and General Contractor, 354
Painting Bridge St. , Salem, MA, in the amount of $10,700, for exterior painting of
Town Offices, Police Station and Cary Memorial Building.
Sewer Regs The Town Manager referenced updated Sewer Regulations, revised to
include changes and additions as required by MDC and the Mass. Division
of Water Pollution Control. He reported that these regulations had been
distributed to the Board and that copies are available at the offices of mmd
the Town Clerk and Town Manager.
Action on the newly reviwed regulations is scheduled for the July 25
Mosquito Mr. Hutchinson reported on corrective measures and response to resi-
Control dents of the Lillian Road area regarding their concerns about mosquito
Poor Farm The Board concurred with Mr. Hutchinson's recommendation that final
Lot #6 action on the request of the Lexington Housing Authority for transfer to
the Authority of Lot #6 of the "Poor Farm" property be deferred to the
July 25 meeting to which the Housing Authority and the Conservation Com-
mission will be invited. Mr. Hutchinson recommended that the lot be held
for the Authority for a potential building lot with the understanding that
there will be development costs involved.
Contract Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute Contract
83-5-E #83-5-E, for brick steps and reconstruction of sidewalks, awarded on June 20,
Sidewalks 1983, to Addonizio Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $21,227.50.
& Steps
1�I Study Mr. Hutchinson recommended award of a contract to L inenthal, Eisenberg
LEA Anderson, Inc. (LEA) for design work for the rehabilitation of the sewer
Selectmen's Meeting July 11, 1983
. r —3—
system in order to remove excessive infiltration/inflow (I/I) and for pre-
paration of a User Charge Report.
Of the $31,000 total cost for the I/I Study, State grants would cover
$22,500, with the Town funding the remaining $8,500. The total cost, of the
User Charge Report is $15,000, with State funding of $13,500 and Town cost
of $1,500.
Mr. Hutchinson also requested authorization to file grant applications
for the sewer system and to execute all necessary documents.
Mr. McLaughlin raised question regarding expenditure of funds for the
User Charge Study, which is a requirement of Lexington's MDC Permit and of
EPA Grant regulations, in the light of an existing User Charge Study which
had been previously generated inhouse.
The Town Manager was asked to investigate as to whether the existing
report would be adequate for MDC and EPA requirements and to report on the
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table action on the
contract with LEA for the I/I Study pending report by the Town Manager with4
in a month.
The Town Manager requested approval, as consistent with the Conserva- Cataldo leas
tion Commission's policy of keeping land in a tillable state, of an exten- Cons. Land
sion of an agreement with Robert Cataldo permitting him to continue to farm
on Conservation land off Marrett Road, which abuts his property, at a rental
fee of $120.00 a year.
Motion was made by Mr. McLaughlin to approve the extension of the
ems agreement through November, 1983.
The motion was not seconded.
With respect to the amount of the $120 rental fee which has been charged
by the Town for several years, Mr. Poli ti requested that the matter be looked
into to ascertain if some adjustment in the fee might be appropriate.
Mr. Hutchinson will investigateand report to the Board at a subse-
quent meeting.
Mr. Hutchinson informed the Board that Walter Tonaszuck, Director of W. Tonaszuck
Public Works/Engineering, had recently been awarded his Masters Degree from Masters Degr
Northeastern University School of Public Administration and congratulated
Mr. Tonaszuck on his accomplishment.
The Manager informed the Board that the contract with the Public Works P.W. Union
Union was settled at 6%, consistent with the wage guidelines , plus fringe Contract
bene fits including longevity, consis tent with the Police Union contract.
Following complaints on Frieday and resultant removal from service, LEXPRESS
the Manager noted that inspections of LEXPRESS buses by the Public Utili-
ties Commission had been successfully made on Monday morning, July 11, and
that all vehicles are in service.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request Traffic item
of Dennis K. Kinney, 18 Locust Avenue, for additional safety measures on Kinney,
Locust Avenue, to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for its review Locust Ave.
�""" and recommendations .
4-Green request Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request
"Stop" sign of Erna A. Green, 25 Bridge Street, for installation of a "Stop" sign at
Forest and Forest and Waltham Streets to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee f o r
Waltham Sts .its review and recommendations.
Miller re- The report of the Traffic Safety Committee on the requests of Chris-
quesis, Tr. tina G. Miller for installation of a stop sign on Hathaway Road at East
Safety Comm.Street; additional crossing guard coverage at the Adams Street intersec-
report tion and Fiske School and installation of a pedestrian crossing light on
Adams Street, was reviewed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recom-
mendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for installation of a
"Stop" sign on Hathaway Road at East Street, as requested by Christina G.
It was also voted, as recommended by the Traffic Safety Advisory
Committee, to deny Mrs. Miller's requests for additional crossing guard
coverage at Fiske School and Police coverage and installation of pedes-
trian crossing light at the Adams Street intersection.
As suggested by the Committee, arrangements will be made with Fiske
School principal for a visit of the Safety Officer to present his pro-
gram on pedestrian safety to the students. Mrs. Miller will help ri th
coordination of this presentation.
Recr.Comm. Carolyn Wilson, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, and Joan Hal-
Hours "Old vorsen, Recreation Director, were present for discussion of the Committee's
Res" request for extended hours of operation at the Town Reservoir.
An attendance data sheet was distributed by Miss Halvorsen and many
citizens' letters in favor of earlier opening and later closing of the
beach facility were noted.
Vicki Schwartz, Pre-school PTA, wasresent and read a
p petition signed
by 313 citizens, requesting favorable view of the Board on extension of
hours to 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. , for the benefit of daytime workers and others .
Carol Sacerdote, nearby resident of the Old Res, reported on wide use
and spectrum of age groups of users of the beach. She noted the dangers
involved with illegal after-hours use of the beach without attendance of
Miss Halvorsen reported that the currently posted hours at the Res are
from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. but that lifeguards start to clear the beach at
5:45 p.m.
Mr. Politi asked for information on sources of funding for the pro-
posed extension.
Mr. Hutchinson responded that the Recreation Committee could work
within its present operating budget to cover the expenses incurred and,
if later shortages of funds occur, could request additional funds under
Article 21.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request
of the Recreation Committee to increase each day's program at the Town Reser-
voir by one and one half hours for the balance of the 1983 season.
Mr. McLaughlin suggested that the Recreation Committee endeavor to
gather input on the needs and desires of citizens regarding use of the "Old
Res" as well as the Centre Pool, to ascertain whether any changes in pro-
cedures are necessary from time to time.
Carnival Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the poll mow
Licenses vote on June 23, 1983, to approve License for Public Entertainment on Sun-
day for Dean and Flynn for July 3, 1983, and for Game Licenses for July 1,
2, 3 and 4, 1983
5-Selectmen's Meeting July 11, 1983
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Abatement
01* of the Director of Public Works/Engr. for a sewer charge in leiu of better- Sewer Chg.
ment and abatement for Lot #27, Robbins Road, for Charles Bourque, 62 Old lieu/b etter-
Connectucut Path, Wayland, MA in the amount of $1,472.41, representing ment,BourquE
costs incurred by Mr. Bourque.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow- Abatements
ing water abatements: Water Chgs .
Cycle 1 Water Rates
Nedzel 4 Chadbourne Rd. $ 15.195 Estimate adjus ted
Linnell 285 Lowell St. 9 .90 Estimate adjusted
Brewer 258 Lowell St. 7.70 Estimate adjusted
Walton 27 Maple St. 55.00 Defective Meter
cycle 2 Water Rates
Blaisdell 104 Bertwell Rd. 33.00 Estimate adjusted
Scenna 68 Adams S t. 34.10 Incorrect reading
Brennan 63 Liberty Ave. 268.40 Wrong meter reading
Richter 136 Adams St. 65.35 Estimate adjusted
Furness 14 Bertwell Ave. 24.20 Incorrect reading
Campbell 95 Gleason Rd. 11.00 Incorrect reading
cycle 3 Water Rates
Ke j ikian 23 Columbus St. 11.00 Billing error
Mr. Hutchinson reques ted adoption of revised Trash Regulations , p rovid- Trash Re gs.
ing for a five-day, rather than four-day pick-up schedule to commence on
" July 18. He noted that residents have been advised of the new scheduling
by mail and that only one has expressed concern about the 5-day pickup .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the 1983
Rules and Regulations Governing the Combined Curbside Collection of Rubbish,
Garbage and Ashes, effective July 18, 1983.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted sign the warrant to Warrant to
the Animal Control Officer for 926 unlicensed dogs in Lexington. Animal Con-
trol Office
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes Minutes
of the Selectmen's Meeting on April 11, 1983, as corrected. 4/11/83
Mr. John Eddison, C-chairman of the Clean-up Committee, was present to Clean-up
give a summary of the Committee's report on the 1983 clean-up campaign and Committee
to distribute copies to the members .
He reported that plans to repeat the project in 1984 had met with enthus-
iasm, and that it was felt that with more pre-planning and a target date to
be set just before or after Patriots' Day, could be even mor successful next
year. He expressed appreciation to all organizations which has participated
in the campaign.
Mr. McLaughlin, Co-chairman of the Clean-up Committee, read a letter of
appreciation to Mr. Eddison for his work and dedication in implementing the
campaign and asked the Board's approval of the letter.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the letter
�..� of appreciation to Mr. John C. Eddison from the Board of Selectmen.
In response to the Selectmen's request for public comment on methods TMMA-Appts .
for appointment to the Board of Appeals, Mr. Eddison, Chairman of TMMA, to B d/Appea
read from a letter in which the Association endorsed the procedure for
appointment of those qualified by professional training and experience or
6-by prior service as Associate Members.
Any changes in the procedure should be openly discussed with all con-
cerned parties and should only take place after a time lag of a year or more. ....
Mr. Eddison was thanked for the response of the TMMA and its recommenda-
tions which will be taken under advisement when appointments are being made.
Sodium Mr. Nevin Weaver, 73 Highland Avenue, was present to express opP os i-
lights - tion to a street lighting pilot program for experimental installation of
Highland six 4,000 lumen high pressure sodium lights on Highland Avenue. These
Avenue lights would replace the six existing 1,000 lumen lights . He felt that
the increased lighting would adversely affect his neighborhood, would
destroy its residential quality and would impact his family by shining
directly into their home.
Mr. Hutchinson pointed out that of the thirty-three Highland Avenue
residents notified, Mr. Weaver has been the only complainant. He recom-
mended that the project go forward but that a light not be installed in
front of the Weaver home. He explained that the program was on a 6-month
experimental basis.
Mr. Weaver asked what the procedures would be at the end of the 6-
month period.
Mr. Tonaszuck responded that the lighting would be removed by Boston
Edison Company if the community did not approve. He explained that attempt
is being made to provide corridor lighting, not the present clump-effect
lighting, with better illumination for the same or less cost.
Mr. Poli ti applauded the Town Manager's efforts to deal with increased
street lighting costs, but suggested that since there was opposition by a
resident of Highland Avenue, the project could be implemented on another
Mr. McLaughlin expressed support for going ahead with the program, but
favored a survey of the residents after 3 months of use. He also felt that
a light should not be installed in front of the Weaver home.
Mrs . Battin suggested a visit to other communities participating in the
pilot program, such as Arlington and Bedford which have had such installations.
She also suggested finding one of the streets which have indicated a desire
for increased lighting and polling the residents to see if they are willing
to participate in the experiment.
Pending further investigation and resolution of issues raised, decision
on the matter was deferred. Mr. Hutchinson will prepare a report for the
Muzzey R. Kirk Noyes of Sidney Noyes Anderson, Inc., was in attendance to pre-
School sent and clarify his proposed pricing structure of units at Muzzey School
and to request approval of a $21,000 increase in total sale prices to cover
direct costs associated with the building of five 3-bedroom units instead of
the two units initially proposed. This would mean an increase of . of 1%
of original price projections .
Mr. Noyes outlined three alternatives for covering the increased direct
costs :
1. raising the average selling price of each of the 70 units by $300 .
2. lowering, by the Town, of the selling price of the school by
$21,000 (from $232,000 to $211,000)
3. increasing the cost of each of the five 3-bedroom units by $4,200.
Mt. Noyes felt that by implementing option #3, the increased price
would bring the 3-bedroom units out of affordable reach of the targetted
purchasers . He favored the first of the three options which, he said, would
raise monthly average housing costs by only $3.50 per buyer.
M±. Uhrig, speaking on behalf of the Planning ]oard, said that that
Board had no objection to the reque .sted price incr s e which is still with-
in prescribed guidelines .
The Planning Board supports the concept of distributing the increase
among the 70 units.
Mr. Noyes then outlined his proposed price distribution among the various
dwelling types and explained criteria for calculating suggested sales prices .
He presented a concept for an overall pricing structure whereby the 3-
bedroom units could be sold at a reduced cost, on a per square foot basis, at
the expense of the 1- and 2-bedroom units. He felt that the prices suggested
are consis tent with the buying power of the target buyers, are reasonable and
in keeping with the intent of Town Meeting.
Mr. Noyes said his intention is to continue to keep the Selectmen in-
formed of progress of the project on a regular basis so that most issues will
have been systematically considered prior to the hearing for Special Permit.
Completed plans for the Senior Center will be ready for Selectmen review
by August 1 and Mr. Noyes hopes to have approval of the Special Permit in
The members concurred with Mr. Crain's suggestion that decision on. the
two issues presented by Mr. Noyes be deferred until August 8, when it is
thought a full Board will be present.
Action on annual committee appointments was also deferred because of Annual Comm.
lack of a full Board. Appointments
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 by roll call
vote, Mr. Crain, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Poli ti, Mr. McLaughlin, to go into
Executive Session for the purpose of discussion of matters of litigation
and land negotiations, with no intention of resuming the open meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:12
A true record, Attest:
I/1/1/ 5i/
�� Principal Clerk
4i ff •
July� } y 2 5, 1983
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select-
men's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, July 25, 1983 at
7:30 P.M. Chairman Crain, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Politi; Mr. Hutchinson,
Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town
Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present.
The Board met with Mrs. Anne Grady, Chairman of the Garrity House Garrity
Committee relative to the rehabilitation of the Garrity House and House
Carriage House property.
Mrs. Grady informed the Board that, for personal reasons, Robert Lind
is unable to proceed with his proposal for rehabilitation of the property
and the Committee needed the direction of the Selectmen for future action.
She indicated that the present Committee members were willing to continue
should the Selectmen so desire.
The Board indicated its desire to have the present committee continue
and solicit new applicants also.
The subject of the type of proposal to be solicited came up and Mr.
.�•• Politi expressed his preference for residential only as he felt that a
broader charge was not a good approach. He felt that it was better for
the Town to set policy as to what was acceptable in the beginning and then
go on from there.
Mr. Crain stated that, due to the inability of two of the Board mem-
bers to be present, it might be well for Mrs. Grady to get her committee
started and confine their considerations for the moment to residental
considerations and at the August 8 meeting when a full Board will be
present, the matter will be discussed again.
Mr. Crain expressed the appreciation of the Board to Mrs. Grady and
her committee for their willingness to continue with the project and she
retired from the meeting.
The Board met with Mr. William F. Mix, 153 Grove Street, relative Class I
to his application for a Class I license. Lic.
Mr. Mix was represented by Attorney Conroy who explained that Mr. Mix
is in the business of selling new and used trailers under contract to
Arco Trailer Co. He explained that, due to the nature of the product,
only a sales office is required. Mr. Mix conducts his business under the
name Caromas Corp. at 21A Muzzey Street.
Lt. Detective G. W. Forten's report indicated that Mr. Mix has no
criminal record and is a proper person to engage in the business specified.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the issu-
ance of a Class I license to Caromas Corp. 21A Muzzey Street.
- 2
Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes
of the Selectmen's meeting of June 6 as corrected by Mrs. Battin,
Human Serv. The Chairman informed the Board that he had asked Mr. Politi and Mr.
Screening Baran to serve as a screening committee for applicants to serve on the '"'•••
Committee Human Services Committee. Mr. Politi will be representing the Board of Se-
lectmen and Mr. Baran will represent the Human Services Committee.
Limousine Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to renew the Limousine
Lic. Ren. License for Transportation Management Corporation.
State Aid Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize and sign
Highways 1983-84 forms for acceptance of State aid for highways in accordance with
Chapter 81, Section 31 of the General Laws.
Recreation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize an extra
Track - work order in the amount of $369.40 under Contract 83-3-E - Running Track --
Extra Wk. Starrett Paving Corp.
Painting Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the contract
Contract with William R. Lazarakis, in the amount of $10,700 - Contract #84-2-E
Town Off ices,far exterior painting of the town offices, police station and cary memorial
Police Sta. building. Authority for this work is contained in Account 5250 -- operating
Cary Hall budget of 1982 and 1983 Town Meetings.
Acting Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Mana-
Tn. Mgr. ger's appointment of Walter Tonaszuck as Acting Town Manager from July 30
to August 13 and Richard M. Perry as Acting Town Manager from August 14
through August 19.
Mural The Board discussed a suitable location for the placement of the mural
Locke Mill of Locke Mill, North Street, which Mr. Whipple had obtained for the Town
from the Savings Bank.
The Board decided that, due to the large size of the mural, it would
be unsuitable to hang it in the Town Office Building as the corridors are
too narrow.
The Manager is to contact Miriam Butts to have her evaluate the size
of the mural and suggest a suitable location for its placement.
Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3-0, by roll call vote
Session Mr. Crain, Mrs. Battin and Mr. Politi, to go into Executive Session for the
purpose of discussing matters of litigation, with no intention of resuming
the open meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:10 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
jatiAix' ;277
Executive Clerk