HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-BOS-mins f SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 1, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, on Monday, November 1, 1982, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Buss., Mrs Battin, Mr. :Crain, Mr.' Politi, Mr. Sacco..;. Mr .- , Hutchinson, 'fawn Ma pager - -M s Ad 1 ,.:Assistant to :the .Town Manager ; ­Mr Cohen, Town :Coun -� sel , and , iMrs . ,.' Snow, 1.Pr incip.al Z lerk,: , were present, Chairman Busa convened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Zehner, Town Treasurer, introduced Mrs. Ilda Forbush who, in res- Ilda Forbush ponse to Mr.. Zehner S request for early payment of property tax, was the taxpayer first Lexington citizen . to do so. Mr. Zehner explained that such. payment in advance of the due date would help avoid the need for Town borrowing of funds in anticipation of tax revenues. Mrs. Forbush was thanked by the chairman for her cooperation and good citizenship in this matter. It was noted that Mr. Zehner was second and that Mrs. Doris Barclay, also present was third to pay the first installment of the FY83 Real Estate Tax. Mr. Busa and other Board members stated their intentions to follow suit. Mr. Nyles Barnert, Chairman of the Capital Expenditures Committee, was Capital Exp . present to request a future work session meeting with the Selectmen, Town Committee Manager, Appropriations Committee, Town Treasurer and the Director of Pub - lic works and Engineering to consider priorities for D.P.W. programs, now that the Towns sewer installation program is nearing completion. Among the project s listed for consideration by Mr. Barnert were water system - improve- ment, maintenance /reconstruction of existing. streets, drainage improvement, acceptance of new streets and sidewalk /curbing installation. The Board concurred. with Mr. Barnert' s suggestion that the aforementioned meeting- be scheduled Within a month . The Board reviewed recommendations of the Traffic Safety Committee in Winter/Bed- its memo dated 10/14/82, on the request of Henry C. Howley, 107 Fifer Lane, ford Sts. regarding hazardous traffic conditions at the intersection of Winter and Howley Bedford. Streets due to poor sight distance and speed of cars on Bedford St. He requested that traffic approaching from Bedford be alerted to the upcom- ing intersections by moving the intersection warning sign nearer the Bedford Town line, which he felt would alleviate problems with exiting from Winter to Bedf ord Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept: the recommen- dation of the Traffic Safety Committee that the intersection symbol sign at Winter and Bedford Streets be relocated 200 f eet toward the Lexington /Bedf ord Town line. Regarding an additional concern of Mr. Howley's, it was reported that the "No. Right Turn" sign at the Bedf ord Street jughandle will be replaced in the near future by the Mass. D.P.W. Mr . Busa read the recommendations of the Traf f is Saf ety Committee in its East St . memo dated 10/14/82, on the petition from residents of East Street request- Stennes ing exclusion of trucks on the portion of East Street from Lowell Street to the Woburn line. --2- Mr. John Stennes and several other East Street residents were present and Mr. Stennes, acting as spokesperson, explained that the basis of the request was the hazardous situation created by truck traffic on that por- tion of East Street, which he noted is only 17- to 19 feet wide. A later request for removal by the Town of two trees at #251 East St. � which narrow the roadway to 17 feet at that point, was noted. Since report by the Traffic Safety Committee indicated that the truck exclusion request would be denied under Mass. D.P.W. regulations, Mr. Stennes said that the tree removal would, in effect, make the street a uniform 19 feet wide, alle- viating the hazards to some degree. Mr. Stennes noted defeat of an article to widen East Street at a pre- vious Town Meeting and discussion regarding procedures to again bring the matter to Town Meeting ensued. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommen- dation of the Traffic Safety Committee to deny the request contained in the petition by East Street residents to exclude trucks from East Street from Lowell Street to the Woburn line, based on the fact that an alternative truck route within Lexington could not be provided, as required under Massachusetts D.P.W regulations. The Board concurred that there is merit to the concept proposed by the Traffic Safety Committee for removal of trees at #251 East Street, as requested by Mrs. Beatrice A. Baldwin. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize proceedings for scheduling of public hearings on the proposal to remove two trees at _ #251 East Street. The Board will give its final decision on the removal of the trees after the hearings have been held and an appropriate report is filed with the Board. Pleasant St. The Chairman read the report of the Traffic Safety Committee, dated Octo -- Youell ber 13, 1982, on the request by Mr. W.R. Youell, 145 Pleasant Street, for in- stallation of speed signs on 'Pleasant Street, between Rte. .2 and Concord Avenue. The Traffic Safety Committee report on the same issue, dated 912182, recommended that speed could be controlled more effectively at that point on Pleasant Street by strict enforcement under the "Fundamental Speed Law". The Police Department has given assurance that this :enf oranc ement will be implemented. The Committee recommended that the request for speed signs be denied. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommenda- tion of the Traffic Safety Committee to deny the request of W.R. Youell for posted speed signs on Pleasant Street, between Concord Avenue and Route 2. Crosby Rd. Mr. Busa read the report of the Traffic Safety Committee dated 10/14/82 Stupp on the request of Christy Foote -Smith and Robert W. Stupp, to Crosby Road, for installation of traffic control devices such as speed bumps on Crosby Road or the 'blocking of the Wilson Road entrance to the Maria Hastings School property. In its report, the Committee could identify no traffic problem on-Crosby Road and, based upon that conclusion, recommended that no action be taken by the Board on the matter. James Maclnnes' memo dated 1016182, stating School Dept. opposition to these measures was noted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommen- dation of the Traffic Safety Committee that no action by the Board of Selectmen be taken on the request by Christy Foote -Smith and Robert W. Stupp for installa- tion of traffic control devices on Crosby Road. It will be recommended to the petioners that they pursue their request " with the Lexington School Committee. Selectmen's Meeting -3- November 1, 1982 The Chairman read a memo from the Traffic Safety Committee, noting Allen St. receipt of a memo from James 'Maclnnes, School Department, in which he re- school bus quested recommendations from] Committee on safety conditions on Allen transpor ta- Street between Blossomcrest Road and the Franklin School, tion Mr. Maclnnes was present for the discussion and informed. the Board of the request of residents of Allen Street /Blossomcrest Road for school bus transportati on f or their children. The petioners feel that Allen Street, because, of its narrowness, lack of sidewalks and adequate sight distances for motorists poses a dangerous situation for walkers to Franklin School. Upon motion duly made and.seconded, it was voted to accept the recom- mendation of the Traffic Safety Committee that, from a traffic safety aspect, Allen Street, between Blossomcrest Road and the Franklin School, cannot be identified . as being "unsafe and dannerous" . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call the Annual Town Meeting Town Meeting (Election Day) for Monday, March 7, 198 , with polling hours March 7 ,1983 of 7:00 a.m. to 8 :00 p.m. ' Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to close the warrant Close of for the 1983 Annual Town Meeting on Wednesday, December 29, 1982, at 4:30 warrant P.M. Dec . 29 ,19 82 Setting of the date for the first business session of the 1983 Annual Towri Meeting was deferred. Mr. Hutchinson will confer with Mr.. 'Cohen and will suggest dates for the Board's consideration at a meeting later in Novem --- ber. Minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting of October 25 were reviewed. Mrs. Minutes -- Battin submitted an amendment to the report in the minutes on the Board's 10/25/82 appointment of membership to the Advisory Committee for Alternative Tax Revenues to include her proposal that the committee be comprised of eight, rather than seven members so as to include representation of the T MMA . Mrs. Battin had nominated Ron Levy in this capacity. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on October 25, 1982, as amended by Mrs. Battin. Due to his absence at the October 25th, meeting, Mr. Crain abstained from voting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Judi ArtsCouncil Ozuransky, 95 Woburn Street, to the Lexington Council for the Arts, for a appt'. term of office to expire on May 31, 1983. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the gift Gift of flag of an 8' 12' American flag from Bartley B. Nourse, Jr. of Milton, Mass. The flag, originally from the National Executive Institute of the Boy Scouts of America, will be raised over the Battle Green during the Veter- ans Day ceremonies on November 11, and Mr. Nourse' s gift will be publicly acknowledged at that time. Letter from Home_ r J. Hagedorn, Chairman of the Selectmen /Town Manager Sel /T . Mgr . Act Review Committee, requesting an extension of the time p o-r iod stated in Act Review the Charge to the Committee from November 2, 1982, for approximately six Committee weeks to allow additional time for preparation of the Committee's report to the Selectmen, F -4- Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend the terms of office of the membership of the Selectmen /Town Manager Act Review Com- mittee, and the time by which it must submit its report to the Selectmen to December 31, 1982. Historical Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve- the Commission appointment by the Town Manager of David R. Kelland, 884 Massachusetts Ke lland Avenue, to . the Historical Commission for a term of office to expire 6.n April 1, 1984, to f ill the unexpired term of Edward Connolly. Camellia Mr. Hutchinson referred to a proposal by Mark Moore, Jr., Moore Homes, Place Inc. to widen and resurface Camellia Place, a paved private right-of-way through the Central Fire station property, adjunct to his abutting office condominium development. This work would be done by Moore Homes, Inc., at no .expense to the Town.. All Town departments have expressed support of the project and Mr. Hutchinson recommended approval by the Board Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recom- mendations of the Town Manager tha Camellia Place be widened by four feet on the northerly side and resurfaced from Bedford Street to the wes terly end of the parking lot, at the expense of Moore Homes Inc. CRC Survey, Mrs, Battin reported that the presentation by warren Cormier, Decision Lex. Center Research Corp., of the results of the Center Revitalization Committees' sur- vey on Lexington Center had been rescheduled from the Selectmen's Meeting on November 8 to November 22, at 8:15 p.m. Town Meeting members, Chamber of Commerce Directors.. and Planning Board are to be invited to attend this meet- ing. Discussion arose on cost of postage involved in direct mailing of invi- tations to all members of Town Meeting and alternate methods of communicat- ing the „ inf ormation were suggested. It was agreed, as proposed by Mrs. Battin, that the three officers in each precinct will be notified by mail of this meeting and will be requested to transmit the Center Revitalization Committee's invitation to all Town Meeting members in their precincts. Compulsory Mrs. Battin related information redeived from the Massachusetts Muni Binding cipal Association regarding an effort in the Legislature to reinstate com- Arbitration pulsory and binding arbitration. Position statements on this matter are to be submitted b.y November 8. Mr. Hutchinson was requested to register the oppo- sition of the Board with Senator Kraus and Representative Doran, who will be invited to attend the November 8th Selectmen's Meeting for further discussion of the topic. R. E. Tax Mr. Hutchinson reported on discussion at the Mass. Municipal Association exemption meeting of new property tax exemptions under Proposition 2- for the blind, He for blind briefly reviewed the details of the new provisions, if accepted by the 1983 Town Meeting, as outlined in a memo from Susan Adler, dated 10/14/82. The Board of Assessors will be requested to report on the number of legally blind in Lexington who would be qualified for these exemptions and a cost impact study will be prepared. This matter will also be discussed with Rep. Doran and Senator Kraus on November 8. Mr. Sacco expressed appreciation of the Rotary Club for the use of Muzzey . Jr. High School on Hallowe'en for the "Haunted House” project, and thanked the •.•� F �, Board for its support of the succesful endeavor. -5 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint James F. Acting Crain as Acting Chairman during the g g absence of Mr. Busa from November 3 Chairman to November 15, 1952. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted by roll call vote, Exec-Session Mr. Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi, Mr. Sacco, to go into Execu- tive Session for the purposes of discussing matters of litigation, with no intention of resuming the open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:18 p.m. A true record, Attest: / J&i o�ii "H. " S ow Principal Clerk i' FAii, r� a SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 8, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Meeting Room, Town office Building, on Monday, 8, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Acting Chairman Crain, Mrs, Battin, Mr, Politi, Mr. Sacco; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager, Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. Acting Chairman Crain opened the hearing on the application of the Hearing Versailles Restaurant for an All Alcoholic Beverages License on the prem- All Alco- ises of 177 Massachusetts Avenue, holic Bev. Mr. Crain explained that this hearing was a rescheduling of the hear- Versailles ing held on October 18 due, to the applicant's failure to produce evidence Rest. of certified mailing of hearing notices to abutters. Mr. Sidman, President of Versailles, presented certified mail re- ceipts of hearing notices to all abutters. No one spoke in favor or in opposition of granting the license and Mr. Crain declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Politi abstaining, it was voted to grant an All Alcoholic to Versailles Restaurant, 1777 Massachusetts Avenue. .Upon, motion.duly made.and seconded, it was voted to grant permis- Battle sion to Mr. .Leonard Saltzman for the use of the Battle Green from Decem- Green ber 10 through December 18 for the purpose of displaying a Menorah. Permission is granted on condition that Mr. Saltzman coordinate his plans with the Town Manager. The Board and Manager discussed setting Town Meeting and it was decided to postpone a was present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it i McLaughlin Chairman of the Advisory Committee Revenues. the date to call the Annual Annual decision until a full Board Tn. Meet. was voted to appoint John Appt, Chm. for Alternative Tax Alt, Tax Rev. Cam. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Minutes minutes of the S el'ec tmen' s Meeting of October 18. The Board reviewed the request of Dr. Edwin T. Williams for a Battle flag that had been flown on the Green. Green Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the re-- quest of Dr. Edwin T. Williams, Denver, Colorado, for a flag that had been flown on the Battle Green to the Manager. The Manager requested authorization and signature of the Board for Chap. 90 Chapter 90 reimbursement request #2 resurfacing contract with P. J. Keat- ing, Inc. in the amount of $52,642.76. The Manager referred to the re- part of the Director of Public Works/Engineering indicating that Cedar Street Audubon Road,,Lincoln Street, Mass, Avenue, Harrington Road, Hill Street, Reed Street., walnut Street, Burlington Street, Grove Street, Revere Street, Lowell Street and Winthrop Road have been completed with East Street, Gra- ham Road and Watertown Street scheduled for completion in the spring. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted.to authorize and sign request #2 Chapter 90 reimbursement document for resurfacing. 2 FY 84 Budget The Manager submitted to the Board the preliminary FY 84 Capital Bud- get and Articles. The budget sheets showed departmental requests.and the Town Manager recommendations. Mr. Hutchinson explained that this is a pre- liminary budget and will be changed during the review process in December and January. He informed the Board that he will be meeting with the Capi- tal Expenditures Committee on November 18 to review the budget and pointed out that he would make it clear to the Committee that this was not the position of the Selectmen but was just a preliminary budget subject to change. DPW Street Mr. Crain opened the hearing on the DPW Street Opening Regulations Opening Regs. and explained, that while he would chair the meeting, he would not partici- pate in the discussion or vote as he pays such bills for the corporation he is employed by. Mr..Tonaszu -ck informed the Board that the hearing had been advertised and the specifications had been sent to the utility companies and to the major contractors with a notification of the hearing. Mr. Tonaszuck stated that the rules and regulations would spell out the standard rules and regulations for any contractor or utility company coming into the Town wishing to open public streets. Some of the casts of the inspection services would be covered by a proposed increase in permit fees from $5.40 to $25.00 and the license fee from $10.00 to $30,00 per year. The permit fees cover up to a 50 foot trench; beyond the 50 feet would be 15 cents per foot. The new regulations also provide for the requirement of a performance bond $5,004. The regulations spell out methods whereby traffic is.protected with barricade signs; police detail when it is needed; Town and private property is protected and . pedestrian traffic is protected. It also spells out what is expected from the exca- vation for the contractor to backf illing procedures and temporary and final patching so that the town would get quality patching that is consistent with all agencies. He stated that the Boston Edison had no objections to the new regula- tions and that the N. E. Telephone Co. had sent a letter from its legal department with questions. Mr. Stephen Pollack, representing Adams - Russell Cablevision Co, stated that his company had. objections to the new rules and regulations. Mr. Hutchinson suggested that no action be taken relative to approval and adoption until questions raised by contractors and the telephone com- pany had been answered. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table a decision on the approval and adoption of the new street opening rules and regulations. -3- Selectmen's Meeting November 8, 1982 Mr. Crain extended a welcome to Senator Elect Kraus and Rep res en- Legislators tative, :Doran and congratulated Senator Elect Kraus . on his recent elec- Kraus and tion. Both Legislators met with the Board to give an update on current Doran legislation. Representative Doran informed the Board that it appears that three pieces of legislation will be dealt with within the next couple of - months by the "lame duck" session of the Legislature and requested the Board's views before the filing :deadline which is December 1, The legis- lation is as follows Enabling legislation for cities and towns to control condo- minium conversion. Currently, cities and towns do not have this opportunity. Community residence siting bill ---- this is now in the House Ways and Means Committee. The bill gives some local con- trol-but not a veto over the siting .of community residences and also provides reimbursement for lost property tax rev- enue if reported favorably by Human Services Committee Abolition of the "Blue Laws". Representative Doran informed the Board that there will be an aggressive attempt by-various public safety units to reinstate binding arbitation before the end of the 1982 session. He stated that he felt that the record of the Joint Labor Manage- ment Committee has been excellent and settlement of cases has been reduced from about 18 months to about 9 months. He pointed out that the present law does give unions the ability to negotiate for binding arbi- tration as part of the contract, He informed the Board that he will vote against reinstatement of binding arbitration which is consistent with the views of the Manager and the Board, The Local Aid Formula was discussed and the Manager pointed out that Lexington has always supported money for poorer communities. He pointed out that the problem is that there are a number of communities that have not completed revaluation who are politically avoiding their responsibilities in order to "look good and ask for more local aid". He felt that this was unfair to communities such as Lexington who have closed schools, reduced work forces and instituted other cut -backs under the constraints of Proposition 2,- He- felt that everyone should work with the Municipal Association to come up with a formula that effectively pro- vides a concern for communities that- are hard pressed but does not penalize those that have made hard managerial decisions relative to closing schools, reduced work forces etc. -4- Mrs. Battin, who is on the Tax Policy Committee, stated that the Local Aid Municipal Association is supporting the position that at least 40% of the growth taxes be dedicated to local aid and is concentrating on , distribution formula right now. Rep. Doran stated that he would oppose a local aid formula that included Proposition 2 revenue losses as a substantial indgredient . The question of clarifying eligibility for veterans retirement Veterans' benefits under Section 60 of Chapter 32 of the General Laws was dis- Retirement cussed. Mr. Crain stated that he felt that the unfunded liability was another vital point and the approach of paying out of current expreses by the Commonwealth and municipalities will result in a wave that is "going to engulf someone downstream". He stated that the real costs of today's services incorporate the overhead costs in addition to salaries and must be remedied. Palmer & Dodge will be drawing up an amendment to Section 60 of Chapter 32 amending the third paragraph indicating that "service for which payment is made directly by the U.S. Government or any agency or instrumentality thereof shall not be deemed to be employment for the pur- poses of section fifty -six to sixty . inc.lusive of this chapter regardless of whether such work is performed at the direction or under the super- vision of the Commonwealth or of any county, city, town district or hous- ing authority or redevelopment authority." Mr. Perry will be submitting the amendment to Representative Doran for filing. Exemption Clause 17C and Clauses 37 and 37A were discussed. The Manager pointed out that there are hardship provisions that allow for any interest group to address the Board of Assessors to be exempt. He stated that the Le g is l.a ture has determined that towns that want to have these kinds of exemptions may do so, but will no longer be reimbursed by the State, Town Meeting had voted these in over the objections of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Politi requested the Legislators to look into the statutes and push for some reimbursement from the State. Mr. Crain extended the appreciation of the Board to the Legislators for taking the time out from their busy schedules to come before the Board and discuss the current issues. Senator Elect Kraus. and Representative Doran expressed their inter- est and willingness to meet regularly with the Board and will keep the Board informed of any items of interest to Lexington. They retired from the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8: P.M* A true record, Attest: i r� $ ir • e �-i �. Executive Clerk Mod SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 22, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, on Monday, November 22, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Busa, Mrs, Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr, Politi, Mr, Sacco; Mr, Hutchinson, Town Manager, Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Coun- sel and Miss'Casey, Executive Clerk were present. Mr. Zehner, Town Treasurer, met with the Board to request approval Treasurer of a $50,000 sewer loan as authorized under Article 19, of the 1978 Sewer Loan Annual Town Meeting, He explained that the note will be dated Novem- ber 26, 1982 and will be due June 16, 1983. He recommended approval of the old Colony.Bank of Burlington bid at 4.09 %, the lowest bidder. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the re- quest of the Town Treasurer of a $50,000 sewer loan, authorized under Article 19, of the 197.8 Annual Town Meeting from the old Colony Bank of Burlington at 4.09 %; note to be dated November 26, 1982 and become due June 16, 1983. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the re-- Traffic quest of Robin Jacobsen, 10 winter Street for a "Slow / Children" sign to Saf. Comm. the Traffic Safety Committee. The Board met with Mr. William P. Fitzgerald to discuss his request Renaming of to rename the Lexington High School football field in honor of the late LHS football Dr. Crumb, field in Mr. Fitzgerald addressed the Board and stated. that many former honor of athletes of Lexington High School and members of the 1982 team requested Dr. Crumb that the field be renamed The Dr, Crumb Memorial Feild" as a timely trib- ute to Dr. Crumb who served the needs of the school, athletes for forty- eight years. Mr. Fitzgerald explained that intent was to place a plac q ue made up and placed underneath the broadcasting booth at no expense to the Town. He requested permission to have the dedication take place on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, at the scheduled football game. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to rename the LHS football field, the exact wording to be discussed with Mrs. Crumb, and the dedication ceremony to take place on Thanksgiving Day, November 25 at the scheduled football game. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Minutes minutes of the Selectmen's Meetings of November 1 and November 8, 1982. Upon motion made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Knights of request of the Knights of Columbus for an extension of hours under its Columbus Club Liquor License to 12:00 Midnight on December 9 and to 1:00 A.M. Ext. of Hrs. on December 4, 19820 Club Lic, _ 2 �. s� S Upon motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Busa and Mr. Politi abstaining, it was voted to approve renewal of the following liquor licenses: Packasze Goods Sto Vinebrook Corporation Busa Bros, Liquors, Inc. 1775 Wine & Spirit Shop Berman's Market, Inc. Lexington Liquor Mart Co mmon Victualler LeBellecour Peking Gardens Bora-Borg Bel Canto Cory's Yangtze River Restaurant Guenther's Restaurant Sheraton - Lexington Inn Innholder Club Street opening Regulations The Board discussed the Rules and Specifications Regulating Street _ P_1_� Knights of Columbus Lexington Golf Club Elks Lodge #2204 Middlesex Racquet & Swim Club Lex. Hous. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman Section 8 to sign Contract No. B -1218 Section 8 for the Lexington Housing Authority. Battle Green Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the rec- Inn ommendations of the Building Commissioner to fully reinstate the Innkeepers L i c ense for the Battle Green Inn with the proviso that should a critical ... situation arise, the Commissioner would have the right to cease occupancy. Town Meetin g The Board discussed setting the date for the Annual Town Meeting. The Manager stated that he preferred starting two weeks after the .Town Election and deal with non - financial articles and then recess until after school vacation in April. He stated that there should be a full under- standing that after - the recess, all that will be dealt with is the budget. ' Mr. Busa stated that he has always felt that starting Town Meeting two weeks after election did not provide enough time for newly elected Town Meeting Members or members of major boards and committees to be fully informed relative to articles in the warrant. He stated that he felt that the last week in March was a more realistic date to start Town Meeting. Mrs. Battin made a motion to commence Town Meeting on March 21. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -2, Mr. Busa, Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco voting in the negative, not to set the date for Town Meeting on March 21. The Chairman called for another motion and Mr. Politi made the motion to call Town Meeting on March 28. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted unanimously to call Town Meeting on March 28, subject to reconsideration after hearing reaction of the TMMA Executive Committee. Street opening Regulations The Board discussed the Rules and Specifications Regulating Street _ P_1_� 3 .. Selectmen's Meeting - 3 November 22, 1982 Excavations previously submitted to the Board. Mr. Tonaszuck informed the Board that he had responded to the Telephone Company relative to questions submitted and his response had been accepted. He stated that he had very few ob j ec t ions - to the new r egulat ions , . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the new Rules and Specifications Regulating Street. Excavations as submitted by the Director of Public works /Engineering. Mr. Crain abstained from voting, The Manager brought up the subject of the condition of many of the Unaccepted unaccepted streets -in the Town and pointed out that equipment has been Streets damaged due to the poor condition of�the streets. He pointed out that he would like to upgrade certain unaccepted streets and notify property P y owners that they are responsible for the maintenance of the streets and would be billed by the Town if they are not maintained. Mr. Politi pointed out that he felt that many of the people now living on unaccepted streets are not aware of their responsibility for the maintenance o.f these streets and should be so .notif ied . The Manager is to draw up a list of streets for upgrading and a list of abutters for notif ication to be brought before the Board at the next meeting. Mr. Crain reported to the Board that a meeting between himself, Personnel Ms, Jean Gaudet, Dr. James Beck and Mr. Politi had taken place on Adv. Bd, November 18 to discuss the August 20, 1981 letter from the PAB relative to the apparent disparity of salaries of the Town and School Department's top management positions. He that this sub - committee had reached an agreement that the P.A.B. should be asked to analyze town /school jobs from two dimensions: comparability to one another for skills required and job content and in turn testing what comparable jobs are P aid in other school systems and towns. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Personnel Advisory Board to analyze town /school jobs from two dimensions: comparability to one another for skills required and job content and in town testing what comparable jobs are paid in other school systems and towns. �M_j The Board met with the Center Revitalization Committee, chaired by C . R .C. Mrs, Battin; Decision Research Corp,; Chamber of.Commerce Directors and Survey the Planning Board relative to the citizen survey conducted by the Com- mittee. The six page survey eliciting residents' thoughts and comments about revitalizing Lexington Center was designed and analyzed and re- ported by Mr. warren Cormier and Mr. John Nelson of Desision Research, Inc. of the 2,268 questionnaires sent out, 707 were returned. The survey was part of the completion of the charge to the Committee to devise a plan for the Center responsive to the needs of residents, merchants, shoppers and those who work in the Town. The hour and one --half report was presented by Mr. Cormier and - 4 - L' y Mr. Nelson and indicated that the Center was perceived as a safe, clean shopping area with.courteous salespeople in an attractive setting. Mr. Cormier noted that the clear need for more parking in the Center could change some of the characteristics that make it so desirable for shop- - g in should the construction of a high rise parking garage be implemented. At the close of the presentation by Mr. Cormier and Mr. Nelson, Mrs. Battin informed those present that a Center traffic study in also being implemented. A large-scale effort to interview out-of-town cus- tomers to have been conducted by MAPC was cancelled due to reductions in its staff. The results of a local merchants' survey conducted by MAPC are still.forthcoming. Mrs. Battin informed those present that all the work related to the survey was donated to the Town as follows: Review and design of the questionnaire, analysis of results, preparation of the report, computer analysis, consultation and technical assistance by Decision Research by Mr. Warren Cormier and Mr. John Nelson; Printing of the survey and accompanying letter by Mr. Robert Sacco of Lexington Press; Key punching by Mr. Tom Dyer of Thomas -K. Dyer, Inc.; Suggestions from residents with marketing research expertise, including Mr. Charles Collaz zo , professor of marketing, North - eastern.University and Mr. Leonard Schatz of J.L. Schatz Re-- search, Inc.; P Selection of random sample and mailing by the League of Women Voters. Mrs. Battin expressed the sincere appreciation of the Board for the time consuming efforts so generously given by all and stated that the complete tape of the presentation will be on permanent file in the Plan- e P ning Board Office for those wishing to review in its entirety. Participants in the survey.expressed their willingness to serve the Town again through the process of the revitalization of the Center and they retired from the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -D by roll call =' P Mr. Crain Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco, to go vote, Mrs Busa, Mrs. Battin, a- into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a matter of liti g tion with no intention of resuming the open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 1D :15 P.M. A true record, Attest: 4 l i Ex ve Clerk --n