HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-BOS-minf i SELECTMEN'S MEETING August 9, 1982 i regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in Estabroo Hall, Cary Memorial Building, on Monday, August 9, 1982 at :30 P. M& Chairman Busa, lair. Crain, Mr. Politi, fir. Sacco, Chief Furdon, Acting Town Manager.; Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager; Kiss Casey Executive Clerk were present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the bond Bond for the Assistant Town Clerk in the amount of $2,000 with the New Hampshire Asst. Tn. Insurance Group. Clerk Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the re- Guides newal of Guide Licenses as follows yoav Shorr Peter Wassarman David A. Wassarman Nathaniel Taylor Mik I ala' So aarkArF Arthur G. Slade, Jr. Philip S. Pedli in Peter Ostrow John E. iord.ahl Daniel J. McGrath James Macey James Lyons Richard John Scott Levingston Jeff Goldman David Hamburger Paul Edwards William Abernathy, Jr. Judd Levinston 5.6 Liberty Avenue 18&Waltham Street 188 Waltham Street 9 Washington Street 12 Saddle Club Road Webb Street 5 Coach Road Castle Road 31 Meriam Street 5 Reed Street 359 No. Emerson road 12 Chase Avenue 159 Brattle St., Cambridge 358 No. Emerson Road 1 Burnham Road 1 Cooke Road 96 outlook Drive to Win Road 358 No.Em r on Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, . it was voted to sign the con- tract with the Gray Line of Boston, Inc. for the commuter bus service to Boston to expire July 31, 1985. Upon motion duly -made - and seconded, it was voted to set the polling hours for the State Primary on Tuesday, September 14 from 7:00 a .m. until 8-900 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant for the State Primary on September 14. Common Car. Lic . State Primary State Prim, Warrant a - 2 - Water Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow - Abatmts. ing water abatements D. Hoadley 125 Waltham St. $69.75 Defective Meter Moh en Baligh 13 Sylvia St. 59,40 Estimate ad'- Trans. Adv. The Board discussed the expansion of the Transportation Advisory om- Com. Appts. mittee and appointment of new members which was tabled last week. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Donald M. Graham and William Mix to the Transportation Advisory Committee for a term to expire May 31, 1983. The Board discussed the expansion of the committee membership and Mr. Crain felt that the committee should be expanded to include Lance Neu - mann who has been working with the committee and giving much of his time and expertise. Mr. Crain stated that as, from time to time, members have to be out of town it would be advisable to expand the committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to expand the com- mittee membership and appoint Lance Neumann for a term to expire May 31, 1983. Street, Sewer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow - Sidewa.lk ing timetable for street acceptance submitted by the Town Engineer: Accept. September 1, 1982 Cutoff date for informal request October 1, 1982 Cutoff date for return of formal petition Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the min- utes of the Selectmen's meeting ' f July 12, 1982. Ord. Sewer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign orders of Takings Sewer Takings for Bellflower Street, Blake Road, Grant Place, James Street and Jean Road,, Ord. Sewer & Uporn motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign orders of Drain. T gs. Seger and Drain 'takings for Harbell Street and Wachusett Drive. Police Dept. Chief Furdn, as the Acting Town Manager, requested approval of the Board for the creation of an additional sergeant's title on the police force. The Chief wants to take the captains out of the court duties and replace with sergeants, providing more supervision at the station. After discussion, the Board agreed that organizational changes should be referred to the Personnel. Advisory Board for its recommendations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the request of the Police Chief for approval of an organizational change in the police department to the Personnel Advisory Board for its recommendations. State Aid Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign form HED- DPW 077, acceptance of State Aid in the amount of $2,026,639 in accordance with Chapter 81, Section 31 of the Genera. Laws. St. Resurf. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the street Contract resurfacing contract in the amount of $182,960 awarded to P. J. Keating Co. woo J U010 t r Selectmen's Meeting August 9, 198 Upon motion -duly made and seconded, it was voted to Mold a public Sherburne hearing re the petition to rename that portion of Sherburne load from Road number 52 to Sherburne Road South. The Board discussed the request of the Transportation Advisory Hudson Bus Committee that a letter be forwarded to the Hudson Bus Lines stating Lines that the Board had no objections to Hudson Bus Lines .initiating an air- port service on a route which Lexington. Mr. Musa objected to sending this letter until after the hearing on August 13 as he f elt that it would be in competition to the taxi com- pany, Gray Lines commuter service and others already providing such service. Upon motion dui. y made and seconded, it was voted to table the re- guest of Hudson Bus Lines for a letter from the Board stating it had no objections to the• bus lines initiating an airport service on a route which includes Lexington. The Chairman opened the hearing on the petition of the Adams /Russell CATV Co., Inc. for permission to install underground cables for Massachusetts Hearing Avenue from St. Brigid # s church easterly In the norther side 375' cross- ing to the south side easterly .to Clarke Street, Harrington Road from Bedford Street to the church on the west side, Lois Lane from Bedford St. to the end in both side easements, Carob, Lane from Bedford St. to the end in both side easements, 'Powers Court from Paul Revere to the end in both side easements, Conestoga Road from Wood St. to the end in both side ease - ments, Springdale Road from Bates lid. to the end in both side easements, Birch Hill Lane from Lincoln St. 43' road bore to the end in both side easements, pheasant Lane from Lincoln. St. to Birch Hill Lame in both side easements, Carmel Circle from a pole near I icherson Rd. to the end in both side ' easements , Patriots Drive from pole -to 2 Patriots Drive in the west easement, two road bores and from Dole -1 in the ease easement approximately 250' southerly, r Mr. John Castro, Director of Construction and Development for the Adams /Russell Co. and Mr. lick Perrone, President of Xcel Construction Co. explained the process to abutters present at the hearing. Concern was' expressed d regarding the placement of the "junction" boxes which serge every two homes, residents were assured by Mr. Castro that the boxes would be placed by existing pedestals now used for under - ground telephone lines or disguised by shrubs and bushes, Mr. Hall of 10 Patriots Drive commended Mr. Castro for his interest and concern for the residents' of Patriots Drive who had expressed great concern regarding damage -to old trees in the area,. He asked if there was less ostentatious box that could be installed or if one could be put underground. Mr. Castro explained that it would be unwise to .install an underground box in this area because of the severe winters and the dare - age by frost heaves. After farther discussion, the Chairman informed those present that Mr. Castro and Mr. Perrone would be happy to go over the plans further after the meeting and declared the hearing closed. a - k - Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of the Adams /Russell Co., Inc. for permission to lay underground cables in the following locations: Massachusetts Avenue: From St, Brigid' s Church easterly in the north .l ;s. .e 7 ' crossing to the south side easterly to Clarke Street (900' total) Harrington Road: From Bedford Street to the church on the west side (250' total) Lois Lane: From Bedford Street to the end in both sides ease- ments (1771' total) Carol Lane: From Bedford Street to the end in both sides ease- ment (1372 # total) Powers Court: From Pain Revere to the end in both sides ease - ments 42' Conestoga. Road: From wood Street t o the end in both sides ease - ments (1819' total) Springdale Road: From Bates to the end in both sides easements (2279 total) Birch Mill Lame: From Lincoln Street ' road bore to the end in both sides easements (2083' total) Pheasant Lame: From Lincoln Street to Birch HIM Lane in both sides easements (2967' total) Carmel Circle: From a pole near Nickerson Road to the end in both sides easements (77.5' 'total) Patriots Drive: From pole 3 to 2 Patriots ]give in the west ease- ment, two road bores and from pole 3 -1 in the ease easement approxi- mately 250' southerly (580' total) Mod The Chairman thanked Mr. Castro and fir. Perrone for the presentation and they retired from the meeting. 'N" Commuter Mr. Steve Caplan of the Gray Lime of Boston met with the Board to Bus introduce himself and address any concerns of the Board relative to the dommuter service now being provided by Gray Lines. Mr. Crain stated that he wanted to impress upon the Company how serious the Board takes the delegation of this responsibility to an agent and that the Board to .s to the Transportation Advisory Committee for surveilihnce of the project. He stated that the comments he had from riders relative to the transition from Hub Bus Limes to Gray Lines had been very favorable and was extremely professional. Mr. Caplan stated that he understood the Board's concerns relative to the service provided and realized that the success of the venture de- pended upon the comments of the riders and the Company would continue to provide dependable and consistent service and would deal with any problem promptly. Mr. Caplan thanked the Board for the opportunity to meet with them and he retired from the meeting. Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, by roll. call Session vote, Mr. Busa, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing a matter of litigation with no in- tention of resuming the open session. -- Selectmen's Meeting August 9, 1982 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8.55 ,* h true record, Attest x f E ec tive Clerk FNM SELECTMEN' MEETING I. f August 23, 1982 p . i � regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the select - men . Meeting Room, Town office Building, on Monday, August 23, 1982 at 7:30 P . M . Chairman. Bu a ' Mrs, B t t ire , Mr. Crain,, Mr P o 1 i t i and Mr. Sacco; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Coh Town Couns Miss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Chairman opened the hearing on the petition o f th e Boston Edison Company for permission. to install approximately 170 feet of conduit in Massachusetts Avenue between Grant St. and Edison Tray. Mr. - Robert L. Blake was present representing the Boston Edison Com- pany and explained that the work was necessary to improve operation con- ditions in the area. The Chairman read report of the Public Works' Department recommend- ing approval of the petition. No one speaking in favor or opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Boston Edison .company for permission to install conduit ass follows Massachusetts Avenue: approximately 32 feet west of Grant Street, a distance of about 170 feet - conduit. subj ect to the following conditions 1. Working hours shall be from 9:00 a.m. - to 3:30 p.m. 2. Maximum length of trench shall not exceed 50 feet. 3. Trench to be completely ba.o f illed including tem- porary patch before the excavation of the next 50 feet In the event that baok.filling is not practical, then the trend shall-be steel plated to insure vehicular travel. 5. Temporary patch shall be hot mix and final patch shall. be ' placed 45 days after completion of work.' Mr. Blake thanked the Board and retired from the meeting. Mr, Neal Cronin, Director of Guides, met with the Board and intro- duced the new guides. On behalf of the Board, the Chairman congratulated the new guides and pointed out to them that they were representatives of the Town and tourists. would remember Lexington from the impression , the guides gage. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue the following Guide Licenses to expire June 1, 1983: Daniel L. Alexander 66 Baskin Road David S. Hil enrath 12 Suzanne Road Arnold Lee 22 Heritage Drive Mary Patricia Mauro 112 Bertwell road Amy Lee Slade 52 Webb Street Daniel L. Albert 3 Fairfield Drive The Chairman thanked Mr. Cronin and wished the guides well and they retired from the meeting. Conduit Mass. Ave., Grant St. Bo s. Edioi Guides - 2 - Traffic The Board discussed the request of Mr. Paul Ween , Director,, Pleasant Safety Brook Pool Corporation, for a painted crosswalk between numbers 21 and 2' Mason St. Mason Street at the entrance to the neighborhood pool. The Traffic Safety Committee's report indicated that .axe - inspect ion of Mason Street showed that one of the "Slow Children'! signs was missing and that the other , .one' was overgrown as were mast of the other signs. The Com- mittee recommended that a centerline and chevrons be installed near the pool. Mr. Chalpin, Chairman of the Traffic Safety Committee, informed-the Board that a notice had been sent to the residents on Mason Street that the Town will be removing and trim ming shrubs and bushes in the area that are on the Town right -of -way commencing September 20. This project has been iniated as a. result of complaints from neighbors relative to the poor visibility in the area both for drivers and pedestrians. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recom- mendation of the Traffic Safety Committee and deny the request of Mr. Paul Weene, Director, Pleasant Brook. Pool Corporation for a painted crosswalk between numbers 21 and 23 Mason Street at the entrance to the neighborhood pool. Traffic The Board discussed the request of Mr. C harles A. W inchester for Safety additional wording "stop ahead" on the existing intersection advisory sign Hancock/ at Hancock Street and Adams Street. Adams Sts. Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recom- mendations of the Traffic Safety Conunittee that a separate and distinct sign be installed with the wording "Stop Ahead" rather than adding to the existing sign. Traffic The Beard d iscussed the request of Ms. Barbara Gryboski, 1 Mason St. Safety that the traffic conditions be reviewed in that area. mood Mason St"I Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recom- Peacock mendations of the Traffic Safety Committee and install ak curve sign be in- Farm lid. stalled on Peacock. Farm Road, before Mason Street in each direction and that the brush and overgrowth be cut back from the edge of the road. Theatre Upon emotion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the re- Lics, newal of the Weekday and Sunday Theatre Licenses for the LBXMIL Theatre, Inc. d b s Cinema I and Cinema II, 1794 Mass, Avenue and LEXMiL Theatre, Inc. d b as Cinema 111, 10 Muzzey Street. Bond Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the re- Asst. ne at of the bond for the Assistant Town Treasurer in the amount of Treas. $45,000 with the New Hampshire Insurance Company. Cary Lib. The Board discussed request of Rear, Ted R. Petteron, President, Parking Board of Trustees, Cary Memorial Library for the issuance of passe for Overtime library patrons using the library parking lot beyond the two -hour limit. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to work with the Library Director and Capt, Lima to institute an overtime pass procedure for library patrons using the parking lot be- yong the two -hour limit, P OO Selectmen's Meeting August 23, 1982 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Metropolitan Jacquelyn Smith as the Planning Board's representative on the Metropoli- Hosp . L .nd tan - o l Lard Task Force to replace Iris Wheaton who is no longer a Task Force member of the Planning Board. Appt. l7. The Board discussed-the Proakis Walsh Dog Hearing held on August Mr. Politi, Dog Hearing Officer, informed the that after con - ducting the. hearing, it was his recommendation that the dog is a nuisance by reason of running loose in violation of the Leash Law and should be removed from the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recom- mendation of the Dog. Dearing off icer and inf orm Mr. & Mrs. M. R. Walsh and order* "That this clog be removed from the legal boundaries of the Town-of Lexington ten 1 days of the date of this letter. - If at the end of the ten days the clog is not re- moved, it will be picked up by the Animal Control Officer and will be under the jurisdiction of the Leash Law-Adminis- trator." Upon motion duly mace and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's meeting of ,duly 26, as corrected. Mir. Bua informed the Board that he has received many calls from citizens complaining about resident who-put their trash out before 5:00 a.m. on the day it is to be collected. He questioned whether or not the Board could impose a fine on violato rs without going to 'down Meeting for an approval of a By -Law change or Vhether the law as it now stands covens a fine referenced in the Rules and Regulations Governing the Combined Curbside Collection of Rubbish, and Ashes. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table the issue of imposing fines for violations of the Rules and Regulations Governing the Combined Purbside Collection of Rubbish, Garbage and Ashes until the Manager investigates the legality of the impo it-ion of such fines , Upon motion duly made. and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to apply for certification of State Grant in the amount of $20,375.00 under Chapter 335 of the Acts of 1982. The Board discussed again, the request of the Chief of Police for a reorganization of the Police Department. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Police Chief for the reorganization of the-Police De- partment and create an additional sergeant's position, Proa.kis Walsh Dog Hearing Minutes Trash Pick -up Fines State Grant Police Dept. erg. Upon motion duly made and secohd.ed, it was voted to forward the Traffic request of Henry C. Howley for a review of the traffic conditions at Safety the intersection of Winter /Bedford Sts. to the Traffic Safety Com- Corn46 rmittee for a report. 1 � 4 - Mu zey The Board discussed reports from the Planning Board, Council on Aging, School. Planning Board, Human Services C ommittee, Housing Authority and the Council for the Arts requested by the Board regarding the. future use o Muzzey Ju- nior High School. The Manager addressed the Board relative to the timetable that had been set up and suggested that, after talking with the Chairman today, any comments be received from the Board . at this time or subs quest to meeting with the ad hoc group in order to e a report bac. k according the schedule. Mr. Bus.a suggested that the ad hoc committee be b as reports from the committee's have been received and appoint a member of the neighbor- hood, the Town Manager -. (o r designee) Mr. . George Harris 'of the Human Services Committee and the .Planning Board to review the reports. Ir. Crain and Mrs. . Battin felt that this ad hoc committee should not be by -passed and it would be fruitful-to have dialogue with and between the committees that had submitted reports. Mr. Politi felt that the Board would be placing a great deal of con- fid in the ad hoc committee in terms of evaluating the proposals and developing a charge to the Muzzey School C onversion Committee, but felt that different groups interested in use of the school should not be sitting on a committee developing a charge for the Board of Selectmen and come up Frith a compromise charge among the various groups that are interested in the use of the 'school. He felt that a member of the Planning Board and the Hyman Services Committee would be acceptable because-they are not inter- ested in using the building but are representing the Board of Selectmen. He suggested that an objective tive review of the recommendations that come in by having a representative of an agency that wants use the building present at meetings being given the opportunity to answer questions and further elaborate upon its report. r..r The Board agreed to this suggestion and a. committee will be formed comprising of the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Representative of the TM A, Town Manager or designee), member of the neighborhood, hair - man of the Planning Board (or designee) Chairman of Human Services Com- mittee r designee and Mr. Don Giller of the neighborhood to review the reports and draw rip. a charge for the Muzzey School Conversion Com- mittee. The I u zey Conversion Committee will be appointed on September 13 at the regular meeting. Mr. Politi stated that as there is a strong possibility that a hou ing reuse could be a priority for Muzzey, he would like Town Counsel to research for - possible mechanisms for insuring that any resale of units be limited housing that is developed on the site of the school will b moderate housing, not only for the initial purchasers, but ' for subsequent purchasers as well. He suggested that a cooperative development rather than condominium ownership might be the answer. Sewer Cont. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award sanitary #82 -6-E sewer contract #8 $650,150.63 to the J. T. Lee Construction, Inc. Soo Essex St,, Middleton, Mass. Sewer Cont. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award sanitar #8 2 -1-E sewer contract #82-1-E in the amount of $437,212.13 - to-Main Line Con- struction, Inc., 464 Elm R Walpole, Mass. 5 jV-7 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the con- Street Re- row tract for street reconstruction of Kendall Road, Rockville Avenue and const. Outlook Drive, #83-2-E, in the amount of $173,800 to warren Corporation #83-2-E 1600 Hyde Park. Avenue, Andover, Mass. All contracts awarded subject to review by Town Counsel., Mr. Walter Tonasuck, Director of DPW brought the Board up to date No. Le. relative to the design work on the North Lexington Traffic improvements. Traffic He requested the Board to execute' an agreement with Boston Survey Design Consultants for the design, work which includes advice by BSC to our En- Contract gineering Department for design of Hartwell Ave., l00% design of Marrett BS Road by BSC and Interchange to the-251 review submi lion. This would commit the Town to pay for services to the sum of $170,000 at this time, $120,000 of which is to be funded by Mass. DPW grant and $50,000 from Chapter 90 funds . A gift of $10,700 given by the Traffic Improvement Conunittee would then be given to BSC to make this agreement fully opera- tive. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute the contract with Boston Survey Consultants in the amount of $180,700 for the design work of the North Lexington Traffic, .improvements. The Manager informed the Board that-the Gray Line of-Boston, Inc, META now operating our commuter service to Boston, has extended the service Contract to Bedford and requested that this be included in .the MBTA contract with Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was .voted to include in the Lexington/MBTA contract service to Bedford by the Gray Line of Bos- ton., Inc. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Gray Line procedure of the Gray Line of Boston, ' Inc . to print ticket books con- Ticket taining 22 tickets instead of the 20 ticket book. The price for the Book 22 ticket book will be $44,00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the NE W request of the Town Manager and authorize the Chairman to execute the Extension extension of the NESWC agreement to December 1, 1982. 12/1/82 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table the Parking amendment to the parking fine schedule pending further information. Fines Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the M A request of Mrs. Battin for payment of the registration fee and meals Mrs. Baton for her attendance at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting. There was no Executive Session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. A true record, Attest i 06 E L AveC Clerk