HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-BOS-min r ff - ') ti SELECTME ' MEETING fk- June 7, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 7, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Politi; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager, Mr, Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town Mana- ger and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Board met with Dr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Peter Crofts, and Mr. William Nei VoTec Churchill of the Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School relative School to the proposal that the school include fast foodmmanagement training in its curriculum. Mr. Cohen stated that he would not participate in the discussion due to the fact that he represents both the Town and the School. Dr. Fitzgerald explained that the School Committee had voted to begin cooperative planning with Lexington Town Officials and begin negotiating a detailed contract with the McDonald's Corporation. He stated that the school is presently operating food service from breakfast through evening adult education. The proposal would be that McDonald T s would furnish all equipment for a restaurant and the students would manage the restaurant under supervision dealing in all aspects of fast food management. The pro- pow j ected hours of operation would be 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. , Monday through Saturday to accommodate the public. Dr. Fitzgerald stated that he saw no problem with continuing the Fed- erally subsidized lunch option for students who desired it. The Chairman thanked Dr. Fitzgerald for the presentation and expressed approval and good wishes of the Board on the project. Dr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Crofts and Mr. Churchill thanked the Board for the opportunity to explain the project and they retired from the meeting. As there was no representation from the Boston Edison Company for the Hearing hearing scheduled for 7:45 p.m. , the Chairman requested that the matter be Bos. Ed. tabled. Conduit Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table the hearing Lowell St, scheduled for 7:45 p.m. on the application of the Boston Edison Company for permission to install conduit in Lowell Street for the Harrington Park Of- fice Condominium. The Board met with Mr. Cornelius P. Cronin, Adjutant, and Mr. Diran Am. Leg. M. Semonian, Treasurer of the Stanley Hill Post, No. 38, American Legion Trust Fnd who presented a check to the Town in the amount of $2,000. Mr. Cronin ex- plained that authorization for acceptance of the gift to establish a trust fund, interest of which is to be used to help defray expenses for Patriots' Day, Memorial Day and Veterans' Day celebrations, was voted under Article 47 of the 1982 Annual Town Meeting. The Chairman, on behalf of the Town, accepted the check and expressed appreciation to the Stanley Hill Post for the gift and the community spirit shown through the years. Mr. Cronin and Mr. Semonian retired from the meeting. - - f LEXPRESS The Transportation Committee met with the Board to request approval of Rates an increase in LEXPRESS pass rates for 1982-83. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow- ing LEXP E S pass rates for 1982-83: mod Regular Senior Through June 30 $55.00 $30.00 Six Months 35.00 1,5.o0 Three Months 25.00 10.00 One month Otay & June only) 10.00 5.00 Family Maximum 175.00 Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table approval of the minutes of the Selectmen's meeting of April 12 until Mr. Crain's return. Boy Scouts The Board discussed the request from Mr. Albert H. Gottschalk, Scout- master, Minuteman Council Boy Scouts of America, that a gift be sent to the Boy Scout Troup of Westerham, Kent, England on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of world scouting. Robert Hynes of 5 Whipple Road will be among the special troup of American scouts attending the celebration. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to inform Mr, Gottschalk that the Town would send a gift with Robert Hynes to be presented to the Boy Scout Troup of Westerham, Kent, England with greetings from the Town of Lex- ington. Water Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow- Abatements ing water abatements: J. McDevitt 17 Hamilton Road $45.00 Incorrect meter reading D. Garvin 15 Smith Avenue 90.00 Incorrect meter reading J. Casello 82 Ward Street 33.75 Estimate adjusted B. Collier 13 Cutler Farm Rd. 45.00 Incorrect reading/customer Taxicab Lic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to renew the following taxicab licenses for Arlex Taxi Corporation: Registration #4212 4213 4214 Hanscom Field The Chairman informed the Board that Massport will be holding a public Noise Rules hearing at Estabrook Hall on June 14 to discuss the affect of the Special Hearing Rules and Regulations for Hanscom Field on the noise environment. Mrs. Smith has offered to represent the Town and read the letter from the Board to Mass- port which was approved by the Board on May 17. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to have Mrs. Smith represent the Board and read the Board's letter to Massport relative to the Noise Rules & Regulations at Hanscom at the public hearing on June 17 in Estabrook Hall. - 3 - Selectmen's Meeting June 7, 1982 The Manager informed the Board that he had received notification Bedford St.) of a State grant for up to $120,000 for engineering services for the de- Marrett Rd. sign of the Bedford Street/Marrett Road project and requested that the Board sign the application forms. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the appli- cation forms for the State grant in the amount of $120,000 for engineering services for the design of the Bedford Street/Marrett Road project. The Manager reported that a grant in the amount of $450,000 has Sewer been received from the State for use in the Town's sanitary sewer pro- Grant jects. As previously authorized by the Board, he has executed the agree- ment with the State. Capt. Lima requested approval of an amendment to the Traffic Rules Parking Finn and Orders to authorize the Parking Clerk to add a surcharge of $5.00 to Surcharge each unpaid parking fine after 21 days, but before notifying the Regis- trar of Motor Vehicles. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to amend the Park- ing Rules and Orders under Article X, section 3, to authorize the Parking Clerk to add a surcharge of $5.00 to each unpaid parking fine after 21 days, but before notifying the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. ram The Manager requested the Board to sign the agreement to have Arthur Annual Andersen conduct the annual audit of the Town's financial statements. He Audit explained that this is the second year of a two year bid in the amount of $12,200.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the agree- ment with Arthur Andersen & Co. to conduct the annual audit of the Town's financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1982. The Manager informed the Board that Mr. Zehner had received four bids Bond for the bond anticipation loan to finance the Potter Pond pumping station Potter Pond and recommended acceptance of the Shawnut County Bank bid. Pumping Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve accept- Station ance of the Sha nut County bid at 6.80% for the $65,000 band anticipation loan to finance the Potter Pond Pumping Station for the sewer project on Chadbourne Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Mana- Committee ger's appointment of Charles Price to the Conservation Commission for a Appts. three year term expiring on April 1, 1985 and the appointment of Bart Carr to the Recreation Committee for a three year term expiring on April 30, 1985. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a trans- Transfer fer of $3,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Police and Mire Medical Accunt #1125. x -- 4 Chapter 90 The Manager requested the Board's sugn .tur s on the Chapter 90 Project Request form and Chapter 90 Environmental Punch list necessary for resurfacing which was approved by Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Chapter 90 Project Reuqest form and Chapter 90 Environmental Punch list for the Re- surfacing Contract #83-1 Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 3-0, by roll call Session vote, Mr. Busa, Mrs. Battin and Mr. Politi to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters of litigation with no intention of resuming the open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: t � Executive Clerk + 1 .110 tir I SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 14, 1982 ti A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Meeting Room, Town Office building, on Monday, June 14, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi, Mr. Sacco: Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel, Miss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Board met with the Muzzey School Conversion Committee, members Muzzey Sch. of the Planning Board and Mrs. Margaret Rawls, to discuss a proposed sub- Substitute stitute motion under Article 52, to be introduced by Mrs. Rawls if Article Motion 53 if defeated as follows: I 1. That an Interagency Committee be formed within 3 weeks of acceptance of this motion, to plan the best use of the Muzzey School and/or school site and, based on its find- ings, to prepare a new charge for the Muzzey School Con- version Committee; 2. That said Interagency Committee consist of a member of the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, Housing Authority, Human Services Committee, Council on Aging, Recreation Committee, and TMA Executive Committee, each of which shall appoint their own representative, the Committee to choose its own chairman; 3. That the new charge be based on the following premises, to be further refined in the interest of presenting de- velopers with a clear definition of preferred and accept- able uses; a) Only non-commercial uses will be considered; b) Achievement of the objectives of affordable housing, congregate housing for the elderly; and other needed housing not now being ad- equately provided in Lexington; the meeting of recognized human service needs; and the appropriateness of the proposed development to an established residential neighborhood will be given priority over financial return to the Town; c) A Senior Center will be recommended as a possible use, to be presented to the Town Meeting as an option; d) Any non-residential uses proposed will be ex- clusively to meet recognized human service needs of residents of Lexington, and must be compatible with a residential development in a residential area; e) The present soccer field will remain open and Town ownership; { - 2 - f) Developers will be given the option of , razing the building so long as the above criteria are met; g) variety of ownership and leasing arrange mod - ments, or combinations of both will be explored. 11 1. That the Charge be prepared before September 1, 1982, and given to a Conversion Committee appointed by the Board of Selectmen to seek new proposals for the disposition and use of the school and/or school site; 2. That at least 2 members of the Conversion Committee be neighborhood representatives chosen from a list of nom- inees to be submitted to the Selectmen by the Chairmen of Precincts 4 and 5; 3. That the Conversion Committee, after reviewing submitted proposals, present at least 3 alternatives to the Board of Selectmen, who will make the final choice of the proposal to be presented to Town Meeting; 4. That if there are significant differences between finalists 2 or more proposals will be brought before the Town Meeting; TII That at the time the prefereed proposal (s) is (are) pre- sented for Town Meeting approval, the Town Meeting will also be given the option of razing the building and keeping the site open and in Town ownership. Mrs. Rawls explained that her motion was drafted to offer a "positive message" to assist the converion committee plan something that is acceptable to all for next year's Town Meeting, if the commercial proposal is turned "`. down. Mr. Busa, Mr. Politi and Mr. Crain all expressed opposition to the term "preferred non-commercial" use and the fact of the process of forming an interagency committee and then a conversion committee because it was too time consuming. Dr. Martin White, member of the Muzzey Conversion Committee felt that the substitute motion was too vague. Mrs. Nichols of the Planning Board stated that she feels that any new conversion committee should contain a member of the Planning Board as the present committee missed some of the planning issues. Mr. Busa disagreed with Mrs. Nichols stating that when specific plan- ning expertise was needed it could be obtained from the Town Manager, his assistant or the Planning Director and this had been done. Mr. Crain stated that as he looked at the charge and thought through the implications of it, he did not think that they had a soluble approach to the problem as indications are that there will be no State funds for anything. He expressed concern that the Selectmen had a hugh building on their hands and the longer it is left unoccupied the more threat there will be of problems with it. He also stated that he was troubled with the use of words "preferred non-commercial" because there might not be a solution under that provisio. Mr. Politi expressed concern that the Board had just been presented the substitute motion at this meeting and that many Town Meeting members will see it for the first time when they are asked to vote on it Wednesday. ,,,, He stated that he was not sure that, when a group that large is handed something on the night of the vote, that whatever vote results from that decision making process is as carefully reasoned as it should be. He stated I q - 3 - Selectmen's Meeting June 14, 1982 0114 that while he understood the intent of Mrs. Rawls' substitute motion, he feels the method was not an appropriate one. He expressed concern that by presenting a very narrow and confined version as to what Lexington will accept and by doing that may be living up to the responsibilities to the neighborhood butnot living up to responsibilities to the community as a whole. He felt that there were no guarantees, or minimum assurances, that a developer will come forth with a proposal that is going to meet the narrow guidelines. He pointed out that Federal and State funds are drying up in terms of subsidized housing and conventional financing at a very high in- terest rate are also a deterent to the original developer in deciding what he is able to do with the building, but also if housing is to be considered a realistic option, a developer will be wondering how he is going to mar- ket the units when they are ready for sale. He stated that he felt that it was inappropriate to rule out any commercial development. He felt that the Town at large should have the option of allowing some low-level commercial use if it became a necessity in order to help finance other uses of the building. He stated that he objected strongly to a proposal that Town Meet- ing would identify for the Board a mandate for representation on an initial study committee and the Board would then appoint a committee according to that charge which the Board itself had not developed. He pointed out that the Board would be responsible for the work of the committee, good or bad, and, therefore, should develop the charge also. Mr, Crain stated that he agreed with Mr. Politi and took exception F to the suggestion that the Board needed Town Meeting or any group of citi- zens to design a charge that is the Board's responsibility. Mr. Giller, member of the Muzzey Conversion Committee, stated that he felt that the Board should think seriously of involving representatives of other boards should a new committee be formed. The Chairman thanked Mrs. Rawls for coming to the meeting and explain- ing her substitute motion and expressed hope that the discussion would help move the debate at Town Meeting more smoothly. Mrs. Rawls and members of the Planning Board and Muzzey School Conversion Committee retired from the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Senate Chairman to write to Senator Rotondi and Representative Doran expressing Bill opposition to the earmarking of funds for any special interest group, No. 1900 including education, as funding responsibility should remain with Town Meeting and not earmarked for special interest groups. Transfer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize a transfer of $7,000 from Article 40 - 1981 Town Meeting -- Salary Settle- ment -- to Account 7500 - Cary Library Personal Services. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize a Transfer transfer of $1300 from the Reserve Fund to Account #2940 -- Metered Mail. - } - Executive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, by roll ali Session vote, Mr. Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco, to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters of litigation, Emig with no intention of resuming the Open Session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. A true record, Attest: Executive Clerk { f. SELECTMEN'S MEETING Pr P June 16, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday, June 16, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Manager informed the Board that the developer for the Muzzey Muzzey School had come in today and filed a revised land use plan based on corn- School ments from the Planning Board. Because of concern about parking they have reduced 4,000 sq. ft. of office space now leaving 58,000 sq. ft. They have also made minor adjustments to the parking spaces and feel that they now meet the standard that applies to commercial zoning. CB does not technically have a standard which was one of the issues within the Planning Board report. They did not change the economic proposal for the Town. Mr. Hutchinson explained that there is over $40,000 in the exist- ing Muzzey School article and if it was necessary to heat the building during the coming winter it may be necessary to request a transfer from within the maintenance account. The Chairman referred the Board to its copies of a revised sub- stitute motion from Mrs. Rawls for Muzzey School as follows: That the subject matter of Article 52, and the entire matter of the disposal and use of the Muzzey School and/or school site be referred back to the Selectmen to draft a new charge for the Muzzey School Conversion Committee. That in drafting the charge, the Selectmen shall confer with, at least, the Planning Board, Human Services Committee and Council on Aging. That the revised charge will be based on the following premises, to be further refined in the interest of presenting developers with a clear definition of preferred and acceptable uses; a) Only non-commercial uses will be considered; b) Achievement of some of the objectives of moderate priced housing, congregate housing for the elderly, and other needed housing not now being adequately provided in Lexington; the meeting of recognized human service needs of residents of Lexington; and the appropriateness of the use to an established residential neighborhood will be considered Town priorities; c) A Senior Center may be recommended as a possible use, to be presented to the Town Meeting as an option; - 2 - d Any non-residential uses proposed will be exclusively to meet the needs of Lexington residents, and must be compatible with a primarily residential use in a residential area; •' e) The present soccer field will remain open and in Town ownership; f) Developers will be given the option of razing all or part of the building; g) A variety of ownership and leasing arrangements, or combinations of both will be explored. Mr. William Spencer of the Housing Authority addressed the Board and stated that if Mrs. Rawls motion becomes the main motion, he would move to amend by inserting at the beginning of her motion "that the Selectmen would be authorized to transfer the building to the Housing Authority" so that they could state in funding requests that they have a proposed building which would allow them a 6 month period to search for funding. If funding is not forthcoming within the 6 month period, the building would then re- vert back to what Mrs. Rawls put forth in her substitute motion. Mr. Spencer informed the Board that the Housing Authority had not taken any action on this proposal. The Chairman and the Board stated they had no problems with the proposal. There was no Executive Session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. mod A true record, Attest: fj JF 1 Executive Clerk ff S" ti {' f (\ jet.-- SELECTMEN GOAL SETTING MEETING 1004 y June 18, 1982 Sheraton Lexington Inn The meeting commenced at 11:30 A.M. Present: Alfred Busa, Chairman, Margery Battin, James Crain, Stephen Politi, Robert Sacco and Robert Hutchinson, Town Manager. Chairman Busa called the meeting to order. Board members reviewed the status of goals for this year. It was agreed that: r Center Revitalization Plan under the leadership of Selectmen Battin and Sacco must remain a primary goal of the Board with a number of components to be completes such as the economic survey. Specific components to be completed with deadline dates will be provided by Mrs. Battin and Mr. Sacco to the Mana- ger for the Board to review. Financial Plannin Five Year Tax Rate - The Manager advised the Board that he would file with them a five year estimated tax rate by October 1, 1982. Expanded Revenue Sources - Selectmen agreed that a committee to increase the tax base will be appointed by October 1, 1982 and that a solicitation of names will take place during the summer of 1982. It was felt that a report should be ready by February 1, 1983 for the Selectmen so that a full presentation could be made to the Town Meeting, Intra Town Communications - Agencies and Committees - It was agreed that quarterly meetings or more would take place with Town Board and Agency chairmen and Selectmen Advisory Committees. Muzzey Conversion The Board agreed that Muzzey School must be expedited with intent to have a Special Town Meeting to deal with this in the late fall. Mir. Busa agreed to work on a charge consistent with the resolution adopted by Town Meeting. Appropriate interest groups will be contacted so that the charge is complied with. School Committee/Board Relations The Board agreed that positive relation- ship should continue and that a joint meeting with the School Committee should be scheduled for the fall. Selectmen/Town Meeting Relations The Board felt that this should be a major area of concern recognizing that Board groups should work to expedite Town Meet- ing process. Selectman Sacco emphasized that a goal should be to shorten Town Meeting as it will certainly discourage people from serving because not enough discipline has been exercised within the organization. Mr. Crain and Mr. Busa pointed out that the information sessions were self- defeating if the Town Meeting was not going to be able to use the information to move forward. Mrs. Bat tin pointed out that the information meetings were scheduled quite differently in the past adhering firmly to a predetermined timetable and 2 - 1 Goal Setting Minutes June 18, 1982 .� singling out only the most important, complex and controversial arti // SELECTMEN'S GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FISCAL YEAR 1983 s f GOALS f OBJECTIVES DEADLINE A. Center Revitalization 1, Surve Residents August 31, 1982 .Report to CRC Decision Research/Cormier .Discussion iwth Selectmen, Planning Board, TMM Eecu- Fa1.1 tive Committee based on written report by Decision Research 2. MAPC Economic Analysis .Review & staff analysis August 31, 1982 3. Traffic Survey: .Results/recommendations for corrective measures Fall 4. E'l-E.UP& .Permit parking reviewed July, 1982 .Review rules/regulations- Meriam/Oakland Street August 31, 1982 .Increasing parking stock (look at school admin. , parking garage, others) October, 1982 .Other Town Meeting actions re parking October, 1982 5. Urban Design/Beautification .Report of subcommittee September, 1982 6. Land Use .Report of subcommittee September, 1982 7 . Review CRC Goals, Work Plan, Timetable November, 1982 (Any other proposed Town Meeting actions that we may decide to recommend will be determined at October meeting. B. Financial Planning I. Town Manager submission of a five year projected tax rate.October 1, 1982 2. Board to solicit names and October 1, 1982 appoint committee to recom- mend measures to increase tax base. Committee to file a report February 1, 1983 to Selectmen. i k GOALS OBJECTIVES IVES DEADLINE C. Selectmen Committees 1. Schedule quarterly Fall 1982 meetings of more with mot Town board and agency chairmen and Selectmen Advisory ommi t tee s 2. Town Manager to file a August, 1982 report with Board con- cerning oncerning feasibility of combined school and town maintenance. . Muzzey School conversion Summer, early Fall, _process should be expedited 1982 consistent with Town Meet- ing resolution. 4. Board to meet with School Committee on mutual areas of concern Fall, 1982 5. Board to schedule meeting with Town Meeting Execu- tive Committee concerning scheduling of information sessions . Specific objec- tive to shorten the length of Town Meeting and informa- tion sessions . ...d . Subcommittee of Board of Selectmen prepare proposed rules regulating the Green. November 1, 1982 r ' ' : :J'1 tl/: ' ' ' _'� t1 F- , 'Js‘ ;)_ I SELECTMEN'S MEETING fift June 21, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 21, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi, Mr. Sacco; Mr, Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Executive Clerk convened the meeting and called for nominations Reorg. of for Chairman of the Board the Board Mr. Crain nominated Mr. Alfred Busa for Chairman of the Board No other nominations were made and Mr. Politi moved that nominations be closed and that the Clerk cast one ballot for Mr. Busa for Chairman. The Clerk cast one ballot for Mr. Alfred Busa for Chairman for the ensuing year and turned the meeting over to him. Mr. Busa thanked the Board for the cooperation extended to him dur- ing the past year and for the confidence in him by reelecting him Chair- man for the coming year and expressed his anticipation for a successful year ahead. The Chairman opened the hearing on the application of the Howard Lig, Lic. Johnson Co. for an All Alcoholic Beverages License for its restaurant lo- App. Howard cated on Route #128 in Lexington. Johnson's The Chairman stated that the hearing had been advertised in the Lex- ington Minuteman and all abutters had been notified. Attorney Howard Gaynor, representing the Howard Johnson Co. informed the Board that approximately 600 of their restaurants, including the Red Coach Grills and Ground Round, have liquor licenses and that they would like to offer the same service at the #128 location. The Board expressed concern that this service was not being offered in conjunction with motel services, but from a free-standing restaurant on a major highway and questioned just how many free-standing restaurants did have liquor licenses. The Chairman read a report from the Police Chief indicating his op- position to the granting of the liquor license at this location. His re- port listed the following reasons: 1. Most of the consumers are transients driving north on Route 128, needing food, coffee, etc. telephone, but not alcoholic beverages. 2. Police problems would most likely multiply at that lo- cation,. especially around closing time. . Pheasant Lane and other residents would be affected even more than in the past. The police have, from time to time, received complaints of noise and improper be- havior behind Howard Johnson's. A resident from Pheasant Lane and one from Birchill Road spoke in opposition to the granting of the license. A letter in opposition from Dr. Jerome Roberts, 6 Pheasant Lane was read by the Chairman. - 2 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table the appli- cation of the Howard Johnson Company for an All Alcoholic Beverages License pending further information from Attorney Gaynor relative to how many free- standing restaurants owned by the Howard Johnson Company located on major highways now have liquor licenses. Mr. Gaynor thanked the Board and retired from the meeting stating that he would furnish the requested information. Conduit The Chairman opened the hearing on the application of the N. E. Tel & Concord Ave. Tel. for permission to install approximately 50 feet of conduit on Concord N.E. Tel. Avenue necessary due to additional service requirements in Kitson Park. Drive. Notices of the hearing had been sent to all abutters. The Chairman read a report from the Director of Public Works/Engineering recommending approval of the petition. Mr. Leonard Scott represented the N. E. Tel. & Tel. No one speaking in favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, Mr. Crain abstain- ing, to grant permission to the N. E. Tel & Tel to install conduit in the following location: Concord Avenue: on the southerly side approximately 842' westerly of Scott Road at existing pole 21/10 northerly approximately 50' of con- duit to private property. Conduit The Chairman opened the hearing on the application of the Boston Edi- Bos. Ed. son for permission to install approximately 5 feet of conduit in Lowell St. Lowell St. which had been tabled on June 7. The work is necessary to provide electric service to Harrington Park Office Condominium. Notices of the hearing had been sent to all abutters. The Chairman read a report from the Director of Public Works/Engineering recommending approval of the petition. Mr. Ed. Kelley represented Boston Edison Co. No one speaking in favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to the Boston Edison Company to install conduit in the following location: Lowell Street: westerly, approximately 185 feet southeast of Woburn Street, a distance of about 5 feet conduit. Conduit The Chairman opened the hearing on the application of the Boston Edi- Bos. Ed. son for permission to install approximately 25 feet of conduit in Woburn Woburn St. Street necessary to provide service to Housing for the Elderly and a Community Building. Notices of the hearing had been sent to all abutters. The Chairman read a report from the Director of Public Works/Engineering recommending approval of the petition. Mr. Ed. Kelley represented Boston Edison Co. No one speaking in favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to the Boston Edison Company to install conduit in the following location: Woburn Street: approximately 335 feet west of Lowell Street, thence turning and running southwesterly, a distance of about 25 feet - conduit. q/ - - Selectmen's Meeting June 21, 1982 f.. Dr. Ronald Fitzgerald, Superintendent/Director of the Minuteman Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School and Mr. John Wilson, Chairman of VoTec the Regional School Committee met with the Board to summarize the pro- McDonald's posal presented at the June 7 meeting. Dr. Fitzgerald stated that clearance has been received from the School Lunch Department, have filed a curriculum change with the State 1Dpartment of Education and the people involved in the school lunch pro- gram under Federal regulation have been assigned to work with them by Commissioner Lawson and it would be under control of the Minuteman School Committee. He stated that he felt that it would not have a det- rimental affect on the Town of Lexington. He pointed out that all the necessary license applications have been filed and hoped that the work of remodeling could be done during the summer in order to have a mini- mum impact on their other operations. Dr. Fitzgerald explained that some revenue would go to the school and some to McDonald Corp. and the funds the school will receive will relieve some pressure on the school's service and machinery and will start to build a capital fund to renew its capital equipment for its regular food service operation for educational training. The McDonald fund would go toward the culinary arts training of the students. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend the encouragement of the Board of Selectmen to the Minuteman Vocational Technical School in this new project. rma Mr. Politi reviewed the minutes of the Pellegrini/Kim dog hearing Pellegrini/ held on June 9 and informed the Board that it was the recommendation of Kim Dog himself, as Dog Hearing Officer, and the Director of Public Health that Hearing the Kim's be required to install a run on their property within ten days and if not done at the end of that time the dog be removed from the Town of Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the recommendation of the Dog Hearing Officer and Director of Public Health as follows: That this dog is to be confined on a run which is to be in stalled on the Kim property within ten days. The dog is to be kept on this run or on a leash at all times when outside the Kim home. If at the end of ten days of the date of no- tification, the run has not been installed, the dog will be removed by the Animal Control Officer from the legal bound- aries of the Town of Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue a One One Day Day Liquor License to RAEDACC of W. R. Grace & Co. for June 22, 1982. Lig. Lie. Mr. Politi abstained from voting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue a One One Day Day Liquor License to the Lexington Rotary Club/Lexington School Com- Lig. Lic. mittee for June 23 for a reception for Dr. David Clune at the Museum of our National Heritage, Marrett Road. Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco r.. abstained from voting. 4 4 I , CATV The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Page, Chairman of the CATV Committee was ill and would be unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Page's secretary informed Mr. Busa that Adams/Russell have assured Mr. Page that they would be responsible for any interference and would accept the responsibility for correction. Mr. Busa will request that the Adams/Russell company state this in writing for the Board. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's meetings of April 14, April 20, April 26 and April 28. Water Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow- Abatements ing water abatements: B. Richardson 14 Blossom St. $45.00 Incorrect reading A. Winston 18 Winchester Dr. 47.25 Incorrect reading/ customer S. Neale 137 Reed Street 41.95 Incorrect reading M. Clickstein 318 Lincoln St. 45.00 Estimate adjusted G. Raponi 329 Marrett Rd. 56.25 Incorrect reading One Day Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the Lig. Lie. telephone poll vote of Mr. Busa, Mrs. Battin and Mr. Sacco for the issuance of a One Day Liquor License for the Landmark School, Hale St. , Beverly, MA for a dinner dance on June 4 to be held at Kielty Hall, St. Brigid's Church. Resig. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resig- Arts Coun. nation of Donald Gillespie from the Lexington Council for the Arts. Town Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Palmer Counsel & Dodge with Norman Cohen as Town Counsel for a three-year term. Exec. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Clerk Beatrice M. Casey as Executive Clerk for the Board of Selectmen for a one year term. Hanscom Fid. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Joan Adv. Com. Crothers, representing CAPA, to the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission for Appt. a three-year term. Hanscom Fid. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Adv. Com. following appointments to the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission: Appts, Norman Adrian - representing Carlisle John Griffin - representing East Coast Aerotech Benjamin Obear - representing General Aviation Organization John Haggerty - representing North Lincoln Association Jane Farmer - representing League of Women Voters of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln and Bedford 1982 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to make committee Committee appointments per the attached sheet. Appts. Sewer Adv. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to disband the Com. Disband Sewer Advisory Committee, but inform the members that the Board would like to keep them "on call". ftwO /o / 1982 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE/BOARD/INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS EXP. DATE TERM Town Celebrations Committee `'. Dawn E. Irrencilick 48 Lincoln Street 6/30/85 3 years Karen Gaughan 32 Liberty Avenue 6/30/85 3' years Paul W. Jenkins 19 Childs Road 6/30/85 3 years Board of Appeals Thomas G. Taylort 64 Marrett Road 5/31/87 5 years Board of Appeals Associates William C. Hays 39 Locust Avenue 5/31/83 1F year Eric T. Clarke 29 Moon Hill Road 5/31/83 1 year Clarence D. Turner 21 Lawrence Lane 5/31/83 1 year Anne R. Scigliano 3 Augustus Road 5/31/83 1 year Jonathan P. Doran 153 Grant Street 5/31/83 1 year ` Trustees of ubL ,_ Tr L Frank T. Parrish, Jr. 5 Juniper Place 5/31/88 6 years Bridge Charitable Fund r Frank T. Parrish, Jr. 5 Juniper Place 5/31/85 3 year Gammel Legacy Income Trust Leona W. Martin 468 Lowell Street 5/31/83 1 year Elizabeth M. Flynn 310 Concord Avenue 5/31/83 1 year Energy Conservation Committee David Harwood 14 Whittier Road 5/31/85 3 years Jerome J. Green 28 Winchester Dr. 5/31/85 3 years Eric M. Olson 3 Brigham Road 5/31/85 3 years Personnel Advisory Board W. Neil Chapman 6 Patriots Drive 5/31/85 3 years Frank Hazel 1 White Pine Lane 5/31/85 3 years Police Manual Policy Committee James F. Crain 68 Asbury Street 5/31/83 1 year William C. Hays 39 Locust Avenue 5/31/83 1 year Alexander J. Cella 235 Worthen Road 5/31/83 1 year Hugh M. Chapin 3 Juniper Place 5/31/83 1 year Irving H. Mabee 5 Tavern Lane 5/31/83 1 year Gerald L. McLeod 71 Spring Street 5/31/83 . 1 year Town Report Commit tee r. Erna Greene25 Bridge Street 5/31/83 1 year Robert Morrison 73 Blake Road 5/31/83 1 year r Elaine F. Ermolovich 30 Spring Street 5/31/83 1 year Donald R. Ciller 11 Highland Avenue 5/31/83 1 year Jon Hill 159 Burlington St. 5/31/83 1 year Ruth Karpinski 24 Wyman Road 5/31/83 1 year Louis A. Zehner, Emeritus 6 Fair Oaks Drive 5/31/83 1 year �s r 1982 Annual Appointments -2- 6 .22 .82 COMMITTEE/BOARD/INDIVIDUAL ADDRESS EXP. DATE TERM Lexington Council for the Arts ummi Tina Nemiccolo Forbes 19 Wheeler Road 5/31/84 2 years Natalie Warshawer 11 Tower Road 5/31/84 2 years Donald J. Cohen 6 Elena Road 5/31/84 2 years Peter Kovner 7 Theresa Avenue 5/31/84 2 years Carol Siegel 30 Turning Mill Rd.5 31./84 2 years Molly Nye 1932 Mass. Ave. 10/1/82 to Oct.l, 1982 Nancy Gordon 10 Fiske Rd. 10/1/82 to Oct.1, 1982 Judi Ozuransky 95 Woburn Street 10/1/82 to Oct.1, 1982 Yvette Kaplan P.O. Box 584 10/1/82 to Oct. .., 1982 Fence Viewers Louis A. ehner 6 Fair Oaks Drive 5/31/83 1 year William H. Sullivan 14 Milk Street 5/31/83 1 year Hansom Field Advisory Commission Joan P. Crothers 130 Emerson Gardens 1985 3 years - 5 Selectmen's Meeting June 21, 1982 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Marrett Rd. Chairman to sign the agreement with Boston Survey Consultants relative BSC agreement to the preliminary engineering service, which includes the preparation of the necessary environmental documentation needed to take Federal park land for roadway improvements, for the Marrett Road improvements in the amount of $13,500. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Recreation Recreation Department to set up a gift account with the provision that Dept. Gift the details be worked out with the Comptroller and Town Counsel. Account Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following transfers from the Reserve Account: $1800.00 to Account #3000 - Assessors' Expenses Transfers 4900.00 to Account #2525 - Treasurer & Collector Expenses 850.00 to Account #1080 - Office Furniture & Fixtures 7000.00 to Account #1800 - Law Expenses 17000.00 to Account #1775 - Law Fees Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Pay Plan F pay plan submitted by the Town Manager indicating increases of 5% in the Management range and 7% in the office clerical range for non- bargaining personnel of the Town. Increases for individuals fall within the 0 to 12% range based upon department head recommendations. The Manager informed the Board that the low bid for the roofing Roofing and flashing contract for the DPW building on Bedford Street did not pro- Contract vide an acceptable equal to the system specified (laminated membrane) and 82-7-E recommended that the Board award the contract to N. E. Weatherproofing Corp. the second low bidder. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the con- tract for roofing and flashing, Contract #82-7-E, for the DPW building on 201 Bedford Street, to New England Weatherproofing Corp. in the amount of $19,880, subject to review by Town Counsel. There was no Executive Session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:15 P.M. A true record, Attest: (4.24.„(14. t k pms Executive Clerk � Y SELECTMEN'S MEETING J4) - June 28, 1982 r.. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 28, 1982 at 7:30 P.I . Chairman Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi, Mr. Sacco; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and informed those present Police that the main order of business for the evening was the swearing in of the Chief new Police Chief, Paul E. Furdon. He extended a welcome to friends and relatives present for the ceremony and congratulated the new chief on be- half of the Board. He then turned the meeting over to the Town Manager, as the appointing authority. The Manager informed those present that Chief Furdon has set a high standard of excellence in his 30 years on the police force and was the only one of six local candidates who passed the test for the position with a grade of 87. He stated that the new chief was appoinged patrol- man in 1952 and advanced to sergeant in 1955, made lieutenant in 1962, lieutenant inspector in 1965 and was promoted to captain in 1966. He is a graduate of the State Police Academy in 1954 and the F.B.I. National fir•• Academy in 1963 and has taken coerces in law enforcement and police ad- ministration at Suffolk University and Middlesex Community College. Miss McDonough, Town Clerk, administered the oath of office and Chief Furdon's wife, Ann, fastened his new badge onto his uniform. Chief Furdon thanked everyone for their good wishes and introdu- ced Superior Court Judge Robert Barton who was ,in attendance. He stated that he wanted everyone to know that he was proud to serve the Town of Lexington as Chief of Police and all of the people of Lexington. Chief Furdon and guests retired from the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer to the Traffic Traffic Safety Committee for its recommendations a request from resi- Safety dents of the Fiske School area for speed control at the Fiske School. Fiske Schoo: Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Water following water abatement: Abatement J. White 24 Balfour Street $45.00 Incorrect reading Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Minutes minutes of the Selectmen's meetings of May 3, May 5, Nay 19 and May 12. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Sunday application of Dean & Flynn, Inc. for a Sunday Entertainment License Entertain- in connection with the Lions Club carnival. ment Lic. - ----_►M - - - - 2 - k Coin. Appts. The Board agreed to postpone committee appointments until the July 12 meeting. uri Solid Waste The Manager informed the Board that UOP has agreed to pick up the Agreement shortfall in tonnage committed in the original agreement with a modest change in energy component after the plant runs to capacity. He requested that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with UOP, subject to review of Town Counsel. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with I E W , subject to review of Town Counsel. Center Play- The Manager informed the Board that, because of very favorable bids ground on repairing tennis courts, that it will be possible to complete resurfac- Tennis ing all of the tennis courts under the contract to E. B. Rotondi & Sons, Inc. Courts if approval is granted to amend the contract under the 1981 appropriation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the ex- tension of the contract to E. B. Rotondi & Sons, Inc. (Contract 82-5-E) in the amount of $4,986.68 to resurface courts 3,4,5 and 6 of the Center Playground not included in the original contract. Bedford t, Mr. Larry Smith of Nolan, Norton and Dr. Julian Bussgang of Signa- Hartwell tron, representing the Chamber of Commerce Traffic Improvement Committee, Ave. presented the Selectmen with a check in the amount of $16,500 to be used in connection with the Hartwell Avenue/Bedford Street/Marrett Road project. This money was the second check presented to the Board from pledges of the businesses in the Hartwell Avenue area as a contribution to the Town to help defray the expenses in connection with the project. mei The Chairman expressed the appreciation of the Board and the Town to those who contributed to the project. Mr. Hutchinson gave an update on the progress of the project and Dr. Bussgang and Mr. Smith retired from the meeting. There was no Executive Session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: aspake)7,2 Executive Clem 1