HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-BOS-minP � SELECTMEN MEETING April 5 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men Meeting Room, Town O Building, on Monday, April 5, 1982 a t oo P , M. Chairman Bu a, Mrs. Ba.tt in , I r . Crain, I r . Politi and it . S acco , Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen., Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assist - ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clergy, were present. The Chairman convened the meeting and read a request from Howard Johnson, Co., Route #128 in Lexington to license two electronic games on the premises. Mr. Crain stated that he wondered if,, in light of the increasing number of requests for licensing electronic games, some responsibility on the part of the Board to- consider a policy so that businesses will under- s tand that it is within that framework-that the Board operates. Mr. Cohen advised that each application must be considered on its own merits and reviewed accordingly. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny the request of the Howard .Johnson Company to license and operate two electronic game machines in Howard Johnson's Restaurant, route #128, Lexington, on the grounds that the general good, order and welfare of Lexington requires such denial and that it is the opinion of the Board that the operation of such devices at that location would allow use by minors and would en- courage minors to congregate in inappropriate surroundings. Electronic Came Machines Howard Johnson's The Board discussed the request and motion, which was seconded by Selectmen Mr. Sacco, that the Selectmen appoint a committee to review the Selectmen/ Tn. Mgr. Town Manager Act with the following charge: Act review The Committee shall review the Selectmen /Town Manager Act and Committee shall recommend appropriate changes and/or revisions to be con- sidered by the Selectmen and Town Meeting. The Committee's report shall be submitted to the Selectmen no later than November 2, 1982. Reconsideration of whether Lexington should continue with a. Selectmen /Town Manager fora of government is not within the purvue of the Committee's charge. Mr. Crain stated that the Act that exists was an outgrowth of a committee appointed by Town Meeting and felt that the Board should recommend to Town Meeting that a committee ' be formed to make this review and be, appointed by them. Mr. Politi stated that he saw little, if any difference-between the Selectmen /Town Manager Act and the General By -Laws as they also impact the Board of Selectmen as well as other agencies of the Town, and the By-Laws were reviewed by a. Selectmen appointed committee. He felt that the Board should also appoint the committee to review the Selectmen /Town Manager Act. Firs. Battin stated the difference is that the By -Laws Committee was a committee authorized, established and charge developed by Town Meeting and reported back to them. She felt that the Town Mana Act is, in essence, the charter of the Town, and Town Meeting will have to vote any changes and mod they should determine whether it needs study and what should be studied. She pointed out that the original committee was appointed by the Town Moderator. Ir. Busa stated that he felt that present and former members of the Board of Selectmen would be the people to have a real understanding of the Act having been directly involved with it. He felt that no member of the present Board should be represented on the committee, but that former mem- bers of the Board and also members of the T MMA who have been involved for many years should be represented on the committee. Mr. Politi pointed out that any recommendations made by the committee and adopted. icy the Board would have to go before Town Meeting and then to the State Legislature, thus involving Town Meeting in the process, Mrs. Battin stated that she felt that the time -table was not realistic in that the committee would have to interview the chief administrative officials and various boards to got their sense of how the Act is working, both in the mode of selection, powers of the Manager and Board of Selectmen. It was voted 3-2, Mrs. Battin and Mr. Crain in the negative, that the Selectmen appoint a committee to review the Selectmen /Town Manager Act' and adopt the charge as presented by Ir. Politi. Mr. Crain stated that he felt that it would be very difficult to build the constituency, which he thought "was very sensitive and important" with five people and he asked for reconsideration of the number of people to be appointed to the committee. Mr. Politi pointed out that under the mules of order followed by the Board and according to its axles of procedure, a motion for reconsideration can be made only a member who voted on the mod y ' prevailing side of the issue. The Chairman requested a motion for reconsideration. No motion was forthcoming and the 3-2 vote prevailed, Minuteman Mr. Sacco addressed the Board and stated that he continues to receive Commuter calls on the bike path, both for and against, and he stated that it was his Blk.epath understanding the concept had been approved by the Board on Larch 1 and the Town of Arlington so notified. He also stated that it was his understanding . that no money commitment had been made. He made a motion to hold a public hearing to continue the analysis of the impact of the bake path. Mr. Politi seconded the motion and expressed his concerns that the vote approving the concept had been taken on election night and felt that, due to a full agenda, people's. concerns were not fully listened to and ques- tions had not been answered. He suggested that the hearing be held and then decide if a committee is necessary. Mr. Crain stated that he felt that, consistent with procedures, a com- mittee carefully constructed to represent various constituencies should be appointed by the Board to work on the project on a continui,ng basis and re- port back to the Board. Mrs, Battin agreed with Mr. Crain that a committee should be formed, including those who proposed the bikepath and understand the technicalities, to report back to the Board. She stated the process always has been to have a full hearing before the vote and once the project is underway, work, with sub-committees or advisory committees to work things out. She felt that in this case the process had been followed and the March 1 hearing, plus the NOW previous hearing, provided sufficient time for citizen reaction O �x Selectmen's Meeting - 3 - ,.pril. 5 1982 Mr. Crain stated that he felt that there should be are orderly pro - cedure to ensure that people who have the time, commitment and interest should be on the committee so that the Board could have the benefit of aL well conceived and thought out reaction. He felt that a hearing before this committee would be more productive than if just conducted before the Board. He pointed out that this had been the procedure with the rehab- ilit of closed schools. Mr. Busa stated that he wanted to make it very clear that this was not to reconsider any previous vote. He felt that the people's concerns should be heard and then appoint a committee to address them. He stated that he felt that of a committee was first appointed, it would look as if the Board was "trying to pass the buck and let someone else hear the complaints. Mr. Polite stated that he saw no departure from the procedure in that there had been a meeting to solicit neighborhood input and vote on the bi ep .th concept. He felt that this debate was limited -due to a busy agenda and town elections and that questions had been asked that had not received full answers. He stated that because of this, he felt that it had not been a full hearing and another opportunity should be given to the people to be heard. Mr. Crain d iagreed with lair. Politi and felt that the amount of tim available gage "full opportunity for ventilation" and that election evening had nothing to do with it, He felt that holding another hearing would do no more than escalate ventilation and preferred to follow past procedures. Mr. Crain proposed an amendment to Mr. Sacco' s motion that a committee be formed to continue the analysis of the impact of the biepath. Mrs. attire seconded the emotion and it was voted 3- Mr, Sacco and Mr. Politi voting in the negative, that a committee of seven be formed to study the im- pact of the biepath concept. Upon motion duly made and seconded., it was voted 4 -1, Mr. Politi voting in the negative, that a committee of seven be formed., including two members of the Board of Selectmen to be a liaison committee, the first order of business to be the conducting of a public hearing; interface with public administrators and report to the Board of-Selectmen. The Capital Expenditures Committee and Appropriation Committee met Cap. Exp. with the Board to discuss the differences in budget items to be presented to. To Meeting. ppropria- ir. Ba.rnert stated that they were in agreement with the Selectmen tion Corms. with the exception of the Traffic Study and Road Machinery items. Mr. Dailey stated that the dif ferences' were in the area of the Water Study and that they had eliminated one vehicle in the equipment area in the amount of $18,000. Other items discussed were the Barking Implem- entation and the placement of the $70,000 for the track the Board had agreed not to fund, Mai. Crain informed the Board that he had met with two people, one of mystic whom had spent a great deal of time with Mystic V alley as liaison, and he valley stated that he came away from the meeting feeling that the Town now had the - 4 - best linkage ever and that he felt that he mmend d funding the $10,000 for Mystic valley as the Town is getting that amount of services. Mr. Busa informed the Board that he had met with the Chairman of Mystic Valley and he the $10,000 should be earmarked to make sure that the Town gets a service for that amount. Mr. Crain stated that the Human Services Committee would have a recom- mendation for it, Mr. Politi stated that he would support the request only with the under- standing that the Human Services Committee report back to the Board and iden- tify the program that is being targeted for the money and have the program subject to approval, by the Board of Selectmen. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appropriate $10,000 for Mystic valley Mental Health with the understanding that it be earmarked for a particular service approved by the Board of Selectmen. Article 24 The Board discussed the appropriation for Article 24 -.Energy orrittee Energy request - and agreed to support it. Upon. motion duly made and seconded it was voted to support the request for $20,000 under Article 24. There was no Executive Session, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: 1 Executive Clerk S ELEC TMEI ' S MEETING Ap ril 12, 1 r A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select - men � Meeting Room, Town off ice Building, on Monday, Apri � , 1 at 7 :00 P . M . Chairman Busa., Mrs. Batt in, Mr. Crain, Mr. Polio and Mr, Sacco; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assist - ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. PM, Mr. Tory Ha.rakan, Agent for. the Advanced Mobile Phone Service, Mr. Joseph Moffitt, Project Engineer and Mr. John F. Rooney, Real Estate Agent for AMPS met with the Board and abutters relative to the application of AMPS to erect a telecommunication antenna at the rear of the Public Works Building on Bedford Street. Mr. Harakan explained that the AMPS Corp. is a. wholly owned sub- sidiary of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. It is fully ruled and regulated by FCC rules and regulations for public utilites . Mr. Ha.ra- kan explained the system and reason that this particular location is the only one in the area. available to make the system function which is done by electronic pattern and design, Mr. Moffitt answered questions of the ab tterrs relative to the size, shape, color and composition of the proposed 40 X 50 foot building in addition to the antenna. Concern for interf with television recep- . tion and Mr. Moffitt stated that, as part of the agreement, any report of interference would be investigated and corrected if it was due to the antenna system. Mr. Crain refrained from any discussion or decision on the matter. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - to table a decision in the matter until Wednesday* Mr. Paul Newman, Chairman of the By -Laws Committee met with the Board to review the proposed changes in the B Mr. Pol.iti expressed concerns relative to the proposed changes with respect to 'the use of the Battle Green, the placement an removal of loam and civil defense. He stated that he objected to the mandating of a Civil Defense Advis- ory Committee as the current law requires th at the Director of civil defense make recommendations as to whether or not to accept civil defense aid or gifts with - proval � of the Board of Selectmen. He preferred that the ex- i practice be followed. After discussion, the By-Law Committee agreed to accept the recom- mendations of Mr. Polio and withdrew their proposed changes to Article XXX Loam, Sand and Gravel - Removal. The C hairman called for separate motions on each issue. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, - to delete the proposed maendments to Article XXX - Loam, Sand and ravel.. - Removal* Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, - Mrs. Bat t in voting in the negative, to reject the recommendation of the By-Law Com- mittee to amend Article XX - Section 25 - Protection of the Battle Greer. AMPS Tele. Antenna By -Law Amendments = 2 _ { a Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted -2, Mrs, Battin and Mr. Crain voting in the negative, to delete the provision calling for a Civil Defense Advisory Council and to leave unchanged the current recommenda- tion and acceptance provision relating to gifts and services and other civil defense utters under Article XIX Section 3. Approp. The Board met with the Appropriation Committee to discuss differences Committee in budget items to b .presented to Town Meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to accept the recommendation of the Appropriation Committee that the request for $150,000 for D.P.W. equipment be reduced to $132,000. Gift Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Dishes -of Mr. Fred .. Benkley, 'Jr. , President of the Sister City Corporation, to Sister City designate the disposition of the set of dishes from Sister City Dolores Hid - algo to the Lexington Sister City Committee. Batty Green The suspension of the license for the Battle Green Motor Inn, due to Motor Inn collapse of the central courtyard because of heavy snow, was discussed. The Lic . Board agreed to a temporary suspension, pending reinspoctions by the Build- Suspension ing Commissioner and Board of Health, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voters to temporarily suspend the Innkeeper License for the Battle Green Motor Inn pending reinspections by the Building Commissioners and Board of Health. One Day Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue a one Darr L1q, Lic. Liquor License to the Lexington Friends Community Residence for May 14 for fund raising benefit at Kielty Hall. Mr. Politi abstained from voting. One Day Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue a one Day Auctioneer Auctioneer License to Charles W. Stevens for May 14 for. fund raising benefit Lic. at Kielty Hall, Hennessey Upon motion, duly made and seconded, it was-voted to grant permission to Field the -H Pony Patriots for use of Hennessey Field for Horse Show on April. subject to approval of Superintendent of Parks, s, MrF. Paul Mazerall. Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting of March 15 as corrected. There was no Executive Session, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: 5 F - JJI Executive Clerk owd WV SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 14, 1982 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was .held in the Select- men Meeting Room, Town office Building, on Wednesday,. April 1, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Bu a, Mrs, Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Politi and Mr. Sacco; Mr, Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Board met with Mr. Myron Rosenblum and members of the Lexington Nuclear Nuclear Weapons Freeze Committee to discuss Article 39 of the Warrant. Weapons Mr, Rosenblum explained to the Board how the requested $3,000 would Committee be used if appropriated by Town Meeting. The Manager explainers that there was some money in the Civil Defense budget and that $300.00 of that could be designated for use by the Committee. He suggested that donations be solicited from citizens as the postage would be high. The Board agreed with the Manager to limit expenditure to $300.00. The request for a Town appointed committee to review the State evacua- tion plan and work with the Civil Defense Director to investigate the im- plications of a nuclear attack on the Town was discussed.. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to have the Manager appoint a committee of seven to work with the Civil Defense Director to in- vestigate,, through research and expert testimony, the limpliciations of a nuclear attack on the Town and that the citizens be informed of these find- ings by November 30. Mr. Joseph Rooney, Chairman of the Lexington Housing Authority met Lex . Hons. with the Board to explain the request for $7500 under Article 28. He ex- Authority plained that the Housing Authority Attorney has had to attend meetings with regard to the seven housing units at the Parker School which was mandated by Town Meeting. He stated that this was only the second time since 1962 that the Authority has come to the Town for assistance. The Manager is to review the request with the Housing Authority attorney and report back to the Board before Town Meeting concludes. The Recreation Committee met with the Board relative to Article 34 -- Replacement of Backstop - and Article 35 -- - Purchase and Construction of All Weather Track. The Board agreed to support Article 34 but not Article 35 due to the $70,000 cost and budget restraints. Recrea- t ion ommitteE Mr. John Rooney, real estate representative of AMPS, met with the AMPS Board to discuss the possible lease of land behind the Town DPW facility Lease on Bedford Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Crain abstaining, it was voted to .approve the leasing of a portion of land behind the Town DPW facility on Bedford Street to Advance Mobile Phone Service for the installation of a. small building and antenna, conditions of the lease to be drawn up by the Manager. - - 2 - Hist. Dist. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr. Roland Appt, Greeley, 1359 Massachusetts Avenue, to the Historic Districts Commission for a term to ire January 1, 1987. Battle Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request Green of Rev. John P, Streit, Jr,, Church of Our Redeemer, for the use of the Battle Green on April 28 from 12:00 Noon until 1;00 P.M. to conduct a peace service subject to coordination with the Town Manager and Mr. Ma eral.l. Abatements Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the follow- Water ing water abatement Dorothy Philips 66 Fifer Lane $71.55 Data conversion error Robert Bailey 53 Westview St. 191.70 Account adjustment Bedford t, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the contract Hartwell with the Mate under the provisions of Chapter 732 of the Acts of 1981 Ave. (Chapter 90 ) in the amount of $133,714 for roadway improvements and/or en- Oh. 90 gineering; $66,857 to be used for engineering design ofthe North Lexington Traffic Project. Transfer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Town Manager for a transfer from the Reserve Fund to Account #5500 -- now Removal - in the amount of $17,000 to cover expenses of the recent snow storm. There was no Executive Session. Upon Motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at P.M. A true record, Attest: Executive Clerk SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 20, 1982 A. regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmens Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, April 30, 1982 at P.M. Chairman Busa, Mrs. Battin, Mr. Po.iti, Mr. Sacco; r. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Miss Adler, Assistant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Manager reported to the. Board that the developer f or the Parker School has completed the interior of the structure to building code but there is outside work still, unfinished. He requested authorization to re- quire the contractor to post a Performance Bond in the amount of $50,000 to insure that the landscaping and paving be completed to the Town's satis- faction on schedule. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to require the developer of Parker School to post a Performance Bond in the amount of $50,.000 for completion of the landscaping and paving to Town pecif icat,ions . Parker School Bond The Manager informed the Board that from the State a notification of Water a. grant for .the water leak detection program and ' requested authorization Leal to sign the grant application. Det. Grnt Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the 4 Town Manager to sign the grant application from the State for the water leak detection program in the amount of $15,000. The Manager informed the Board that he had been informed that the Town D.P.W. of Easton has approved an article Fin its town warrant to purchase the Bomag Bomag for $30,000. He will report back to the Board with further information at a. later date, The Manager requested approval of the Board to insert in the tax bills Tax a letter outlining the overall budget indicating where the money comes from Bills and how expended as he had done last 'yeas. He also informed the Board that he had received information from the Department of Revenue indicating that the Town must provide, consistent with the idea of revaluation, a statement informing tax payers what their rights are relative to abatements, hearings, etc. He expects that the tax bills will be going out this weed.. The Board approved moth concepts. The Board and the Manager discussed articles for presentation to the T .M. Town Meeting and it was decided to have the Board of Assessors and the Trans ArticleE portation Advisory Committee meet with the Board to review their articles before presentation to Town Meeting. a r Committee Committee appointments was discussed and it was decided that all App is . appointments would be made after Town Meeting adjourned. It was also de- cided that committee chairmen would be notified and requested for their recommendations relative to reappointments and new appointments. Notices will be prat in the Minute Sian requesting interested citizens to apply for appointment to committees, 'there was no Executive Session, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 5:05 P,M9 true record, Attest Executive Clerk SELECTMEN MEETING i $ April 26, 1982 regular meet'Ing of the Board -of Selectmen was held in the elect - men's Meeting Room, Town office Building, on Monday, April 26, 1982 at 7:0 P.M. Chairman Bsa, Mrs, Battin, Mr. Crain, Mr. Polio and Mr. Sacco; Mr. Hutchinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Kiss Adler, Assist- ant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk were present. The Chairman convened the meeting and presented an application for Auctioneer renewal of an auctioneer license, License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the re- newal of the Auctioneer License for William G. Marley,, 22 Phinney Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, Mr. Politi abstain- one Darr ing, to issue a One Day Liquor License for the Lexington Bicentennial Band, Liq, Lic. Inc. for May 7 for its annual fund raking dance at Kielty Mall. Upon motion duly made and seconded,. it was -voted to approve a Transfer transfer from the Reserve Account in the amount of $5,00: to the Fire Police Medical Account #1125. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to table the request Pole Loc. of_ Mark Moore, Jr. of Moore Homes, Inc. for a temporary grant of location Boston to Boston Faison for connection of wires to pole #67 at 394 Lowell Street Edison pending submission of plans from. Boston Edison. Upon motion dull' made and seconded, it was voted, Mr. Sacco abstain -- Chamber of ing, to grant the request of the Chamber of Commerce to place a. sign in Commerce Emery Park. for "Discovery in Lexington" days subject to coordination with Sign the Public Works Department. The Board and the Imager discussed articles for the Warrant and Article 44 voted -2, Mg's. Ba.ttin and Mr. Crain voting in the negative, to support Plan. Bd. Article 44 amending the term of Planning Board members from five gears to Term three, The Board of Assessors met with the Board to discuss and answer any Article 46 questions relative to Article 46. The Assessors' report indicated that C1. 17C of Section 5 of Chapter 59 of the General Laws -- tax exemptions for certain elder. y persons, surviving spouses and minors -- will be amended by replacing the $20,000 cap with a $40,000 cap. The provision makes no provision for State reimbursement of abatements to the Town. After further discussion, the Chairman thanked the Assessors for their report and they retired from the meeting. "M - There was no Executive session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, I.t was voted to adjourn at P.M. A true record, Attest tit Let, Executive Clerk. �J i 'JL' SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 28, 1982 r FM A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Select- men Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday, April 28, 1982 at oo P.M. Chairman Busa , Mrs. Batt in , Mr. Crain and Mr. Po l it i , Mr. Hut- chinson, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Miss.Adl r, Assistant to the Town Manager and Miss Casey, Executive Clerk,were present. The Transportation Advisory Committee met with the Board to discuss Trans. the Committee's annual report and revisment of .the Article in the Warrant. Adv. . Com. The Committee has been considering the possibility of purchasing vehicle's and having them operated by a eontraotor.or have the Town lease vehicles to be operated by a contractor. The Committee requested that in- stead of the $176,000 appropriation in the Motion, that . 19, o be for- warded from this year l s - budget and add an additional $6,000 (from the tax rate) which would equal $25,000, the approximate cost of a new vehicle so that the money would be available for the purchase of a vehicle if it was determined that this would be the right direction in which'to proceed. Mr. Bu a expressed concern relative to lack of information regarding costs of leasing, operating, and maintenance of busses. He felt that the Town should not get involved in the transportation, business. The Manager pointed out that it has not been decided whether or not LEXPRESS is going to be a. permanent part of the Town and that there are too many areas needing clarification before implementing this concept. He ex- pressed concern about adding a. vehicle to the ' .own fleet and perhaps in the next year end up with no Town transportation system. He recommended stay- ing with the current appropriation, in the - motion. Mr. Crain stated that he was inclined to approve the recommendation of the Transportation Advisory Committee in this matter. He felt that it would give time to explore the proposal and would not necessarily mean that the money would be spent. It was agreed that the Committee would consult with Mr. - Cohen rela- tive to chang.ing the present motion and also pursue the legislation allowing for multi - year contracts by municipalities and report back to the Board, The Appropriation Committee met with the Board and Mr. Ba.rnert ex- Approp. plained five options to the Board for the acquisition of a. new ladder truck Committee for the Fire Department. Questions from the Board were answered by r, - Barnert and the Chair- man expressed appreciation for the information stating that the Board would look into the matter farther. Mr. Barnert and the Committee retired from the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a tempor- Boston ry grant of location to the Boston Edison Company to - install 16 feet + of Edison conduit and necessary wires in Dowell Street to provide service to the Har- Lowell rington park Office Condominium, This temporary grant of Location is granted with the stipulation that the public hearing required will be scheduled no later than 30 days from today. _ 2 - Abatements Upon motion duly rude and seconded, it was voted to grant the follow - water ing water abatements.; Marshall Dean 85 Blake Road $11,25 Estimate adjusted mod Peter Walsh - 12 Lee A venue 45,00 Incorrect reading One Darr Li.q. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, Mr. Politi abstaining, Lic . to issue a One Darr Liquor License to Hanscom A.F.B. for June 12 at the Lex- ington National Guard Armory. om. Car. Upon motion duly made and seconded,. it was voted to approve the renewal. Lic. of two Common Carrier Licenses for 'Transportation Management Corporation. There was no Executive Session* Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:55 P.M. true record, Attest { k V - 4 i I I Executive Clerk mod