HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-11-17-REC-min`o JS Mop? oQ 177 hQ O A a -> =w r a s �P APRILI9 �FXI NG"s Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 17, 2009 Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Selectmen's Meeting Room Tel: (781) 862 - 0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 Members Present: Rick DeAngelis (Chairman), Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, Howard Vogel Staff Present: Karen Simmons, David Pinsonneault, Peter Coleman and Sheila Butts Others Present: Patrick Maguire and Megan Buczynski, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. The meeting of the Recreation Committee came to order at 7:03 PM. The following items were topics of discussion: 1. Citizens and Other Boards: No citizens or other boards were present. 2. Meeting Minutes from October 21, 2009: Wendy Rudner made, and Howard Vogel seconded a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of October 21, as written. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved (3 — 0). 3. Park Improvements /Athletic Field Capital Article: An updated FY 2011 Capital Project Request was distributed by Mr. Pinsonneault. He noted that the Recreation Committee voted on September 16 to move the next Athletic Field Improvement project from FY 2011 to FY 2012. The Park Improvements - Athletic Fields article had been removed by DPW and placed within their Capital Plan because he wanted to keep his Athletic Field Improvement Plan moving forward. Mr. Pinsonneault provided the Recreation Committee with some background about the Park Improvements Article, and the work recently completed on the Bowman and Bridge Fields. Mr. Pinsonneault reported that he had spoken with the Finance Director, who told him that if a project is considered important it should be brought to Town Meeting for discussion. Mr. Pinsonneault told the Committee that he does indeed believe that continuing to renovate fields throughout the Town on a yearly basis is very important. The FY2011 Article is for renovations to the Hastings field. Karen Simmons reviewed the history of the FY2011 request. Members of the Recreation Committee inquired about previous projects. Mr. Pinsonneault explained that in FY2008 $50,000 was appropriated to renovate the Bowman School field, and in FY2009 $100,000 was appropriated for the Bridge School field. Both projects have been completed. Mr. Pinsonneault requested that the Recreation Committee reconsider their September 16, 2009 vote to postpone the Park Improvements /Athletic Fields Article until 2012. Sandra Shaw moved and Howard Vogel seconded the following: 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 The Recreation Committee has reconsidered its original vote of September 16, 2009 to postpone the Park Improvements - Athletic Fields Capital Article, and will resubmit its request for $50, 000 to address the ball field at the Hastings School in FY2011. The motion passed by a vote of 4 — 0. 4. Park Report: Dave Pinsonneault provided the Recreation Committee with information on the following: • The Town has received prices for the fencing project at the Old Reservoir. Mr. Pinsonneault is waiting for the purchase Order to be finalized, and is hopeful that the project can be completed this fall. • Approval has been given to fix the new backstop at the Fiske School. The backstop was installed as part of the school building project, but was not purchased and installed according to the specifications provided by the Parks Department. Funding for the repairs and reinstallation will come from the School Project account. • Town Engineer, John Livsey has met with Bernward Hay of The Louis Berger Group, Inc. to discuss moving forward with the Old Reservoir Stormwater Management Project. Mr. Hay is submitting a proposal to the Engineering Department for completion of Phase One, which is funded by Community Preservation funds. Phase one includes work on three catch basins and the retention pond area. The Gate Structure project at the Old Reservoir has been completed. • Peter Coleman and Dave Pinsonneault are working with the adult soccer group responsible for extensive damage to the Harrington field on October 18 to assure that repairs are made. Mr. Pinsonneault provided the group with specifications for work required and materials to be used. The group has followed the specifications and aerated, slice seeded and raked the field. Dave Pinsonneault and Peter Coleman are inspecting the work on November 18 and will contact the soccer group should additional remediation be required. 5. Center Field Drainage Report — Joint Meeting with Conservation Commission The Recreation Committee joined the Conservation Commission in Room G15 for a presentation by Stantec on the Center Drainage Project. At the conclusion of the presentation the Recreation Committee reconvened in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:55 p.m. to discuss the project and have an informal question and answer period with Megan Buczynski, Project Manager and Patrick Maguire of Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. • Wendy Rudner asked about the possible camera investigation of the existing drainage system at the center playfields. Ms. Buczynski responded that she thinks it is important to the project, allowing us to see current conditions before possibly abandoning the existing system. She also noted that a camera inspection would be a proactive step prior to future meetings with the Conservation Commission. • Howard Vogel asked if there was a way to "put a metric" on how the proposed changes will affect field playability at the conclusion of the renovations. Mr. Maguire indicated that the work would most certainly decrease the downtime due to rain for all of the fields at the Center. • Dick Thuma, who was unable to attend the Recreation Committee meeting, had read the Center Playfields Drainage Study and submitted the following comments through Karen Simmons: o "Costs characterized in the report as CPC funded and non -CPC funded feels awkward and somehow inappropriate to me. I would characterize them as drainage related costs and non - drainage related costs. I don't think any of the budgets needs to change, but by changing the names, Stantec gets out of the business of suggesting to Lexington how it should fund improvements and focuses rather on what those improvements ought to be." • "The drainage improvements budget should be increased to include camera inspection and repairs to the existing field drainage system. I understand that Stantec doesn't know how much that will cost, but it's not zero and their informed opinion is as good as we'll get for now, even if it's a very qualified guess." • "The non - drainage improvement budget should be increased to include ADA compliance at fields 1 — 4 for such items as accessible bleachers (baseball & softball fields), access paths and signage. As each field is done it should be made compliant, which doesn't seem to be in the budget." Rick DeAngelis suggested that the Recreation Committee read and study the written report provided by Stantec and compile a list of questions. Karen Simmons requests that all questions and comments be submitted to her. She will then forward them to Ms. Buczynski at Stantec. 6. Recreation Report: • Karen Simmons welcomed Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, to the meeting. Mr. Coleman provided the Recreation Committee with an update on the Youth Sports Council. To date the Council has met five times. Representatives of all youth sports organizations, the LHS Athletic Director, two student representatives, Wendy Rudner (Recreation Committee Liaison), and Hank Manz (Board of Selectmen liaison) are members of the Youth Sports Council. Mr. Coleman told the Recreation Committee about plans for a Youth Sports Summit in March 2010. Parents, coaches, athletes and interested residents will be invited to attend. Included among the topics will be a session on brain injuries, CPR and First Aid training, a presentation by Bruce Brown about "character through sports" and "the role of parents in athletics ". Mr. Coleman is meeting with the LHS Athletic Director, Naomi martin on November 18 to discuss and plan the Summit. The next Youth Sports Council Meeting is scheduled for December 2. Mr. Coleman will continue to provide updates to the recreation Committee. • Rick DeAngelis suggested that an additional Youth Sports Summit topic should deal with Physical Therapy for both serious athletic injuries and the prevention of injuries. • Howard Vogel and Rick DeAngelis both complimented Peter Coleman on the excellent job he is doing with programs, leagues and fields. • Wendy Rudner and Rick DeAngelis inquired about the survey Mr. Coleman was compiling regarding field use policies on weekends. Mr. Coleman explained that he had sent a survey to approximately 15 communities, and although he had received some information back, the survey was incomplete. He will provide the results at the December Recreation Committee meeting. • Ms. Simmons reported that the Town has been notified that is did not receive the 319 Grant for the Old Reservoir. • Pine Meadows is still open reported by Karen Simmons. It should remain open for a few more weeks if the weather cooperates. • The Recreation Department is ordering more covers to protect the greens at Pine Meadows. • The newly reconstructed 8 Green is coming along very well, and should be open by May 2010. 7. New Business Rick DeAngelis requested that the Center Playfields Drainage Study be included as an agenda item for the December Recreation Committee Meeting. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for 7 PM in Room G15 of the Town Office Building on Wednesday, December 16, 2009. The November 17, 2009 meeting of the Recreation Committee adjourned at 8:27 PM.