HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-16-REC-min`JS mop X775 w 2 rev APR] L 1g"' CIN I [� F DeAngelis, Cha irman Richard Thtima, Vice Ch airman W Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Voge RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 16, 2009 Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 Members ear Present: R ich DeAngelis (Ch ai rman), Wen Rudner, Sandra Shaw, Richard Thuma (Vice Chairman) Staff Present: I .area Simmons The ' meeting of the Recreation Committee came to order at 7.00 PM in Room G-15 of the Town office Building. The following items were topics of discussion. 1. Citizens and Other Boards: No citizens or other board were present. 2 . Meeting Minutes `r r June 17, 2009 an Ju ly 15,2009: Fick DeAngelis made, and Sandra Shaw seconded, a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of Jane 17, 2009 and ,duly 15, 2009 as written. There was no discussion. The motion was unanimously approved. 3 . Recreation 5 - Year Ca pital Flan: A n updated FY 2011 — FY 2015 draft 5. -year Capital Plan was presented by Ms, Simmons. The only change from the Flo 1 — FY 2014 5 -year Capital Plan was the reduction of Center Pool Complex capital items in FY2011 from $170,000 to $75,000 due to Town -wide fiscal constraints. Ms. Simmons noted that in FY2009 approximately $5,000 had been expended to replace a failed pump on the main filtration system at the Center Pool Complex and so far in FY20 10, approximately $1,800 had been expended to replace a failed pump on the wading pool filtration system. Where was a discussion about postponing capital projects to be funded from the Recreation Enterprise Fund and from the Tax Levy until FY2012 or beyond. Mr. Thuma made, and Mr. DeAngelis seconded, a motion to postpone Center Pool Complex Renovation ($75,000) and Park Improvements ($50,000) to FY2012. Ms. Simmons commented that the ventilation improvements to the bathhouse could not wait until FY2012 and that she would make a separate request to the Town Manager for a Program Improvement of $10,000 to pay for the v entilation upgrade in FY2 11. After discussion of the issues surrounding the projects, the motion was amended to postpone the FY201 i Center Pool Complex capital project until FY2012 and to increase the budget from $75,000 to $160,000 and to postpone the FY2011 Park Improvement from FY2011 to F'Y201 (thereby increasing the FY2013 Park Improvement capital budget from $50,000 to $100,000, The motion was not approved; the members present voting 2 in support and 2 in opposition. After continued discussion Mr. DeAngelis made, and Ms. Shaw seconded, a motion to reduce the FY2011 Center Pool Complex capital budget to $25,000 and to increase the FY201 . Center Pool Complex capital budget to 150,000 and to postpone the FY 01 I Park I.tnprovement budget to FY201 . Ms. Shaw commented that it should be made clear that the adjustments were only being made because the Recreation Committee recognized the difficulty that the current fiscal conditions placed on the Town. The motion was approved; the embers present voting 3 in support and 1 in opposition. Town of Lexington Recreation Committee 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE # LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Ms. Simmons indicated that she would distribute a revised FY2011 — FY2015 Capital Plan to the members of the Recreation Committee and would submit it to the Tbwn Manager on its behalf, 4, Center Playground Bird Houses: Leslie Ghorbani, a Lexington Resident, wrote a letter to the Recreation Department requesting permission to install birdhouses at Center Playground. The Recreation Committee was not supportive of the idea. Mr. Thurna commented that he had worked on projects where many thousands of dollars had been expended to relocate bird nests as well as the much - publicized impact of nesting birds on recreational activities near Monornoy Island in Chatham, MA. He suggested that conservation land in Lexington would be a better location for birdhouses, as they would not impact active recreation activities there. It was also suggested that the boardwalk area of Lincoln Park, adjacent to Worthen Road might be a suitable location. Ms. Simmons will respond to Ms. horbani's letter. 5 . Scholarship Poli'de : Ms. Simmons distributed an update to the April 21, 1 993 Lexington Recreation Department Scholarship Aid Policy. Mr. Thuma asked if there was a similar policy that was used by the School Department for similar requests. After some discussion Ms. Shaw made, and Ms Rudner seconded, a motion to amend the Lexington Recreation Department Scholarship Aid Policy as presented. The motion was unanimously approved. 6 . p ark Report: Dave Pinsonneault, of the Department of Public 'works, was not present due to a conflict with department training. No Park Report was made. 7 . Recreation Report: Ms. Sinubons reported the following: • Wes worth, a landscape architect engaged by the Lincoln Park Subcommittee, wrote e - o August 14, alleging that drainage from Lincoln Park fields is causing erosion to the stone -dust path near Field 1 and Lincoln Street. The e-mail was widely distributed to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee, other citizens of Lexington, and some Lexington elected officials. Ms. Simmons does not believe that the erosion is being caused by field drainage, as the area of erosion is not near any field drainage outflow. She also commented that the Lincoln Parr Subcommittee using an un- stabilized stone dust, which. is not the correct material,' had repaired the stone -dust path. The Recreation Committee unanimously encouraged Ms. Simmons to respond to Mr. worth's allegations in a manner that made all recipients of his original -mail aware of her view and the facts, as she knows them. • The Methane barrier at Lincoln Street is complete. During the project, soils from the excavation were allowed to contaminate the gravel -pave parking area adjacent to the entrance driveway to the Lincoln Park central parking area. Ms, Simmons and Mr. Pinsonneault will meet with the Town E ngineer, John Livsey, to learn what mitigation measures will be undertaken to correct the situation. • The contra repainted the Center Basketball Court and the Valley Street Tennis Courts without additional cost to the Town. In addition, without cost to the Town, the warranty for the work was extended from June 2009 to June 2011 through the contractor's bonding company. +� An RFQ to reconstruct a sand bunker on Hole 7 and to reshape the 8'. Green at Pine Meadows is closed on 9/16109. The submissions are currently being evaluated. The work the 'h gre n must begin no later then October 1 t in order to s alvage the sod. The work on the bunker should begin by the end of October. • An IFP for the Pine Meadows drainage project, approved at 2009 Annual Town Meeting, is being prepared with the support of the Engineering Department. • The l usa Farm Preliminary Site Assessment showed c hemical levels above the 1 EP reporting thresholds. The closing has been postponed, • Karen jama.a, Recreation Department Clerk, has retired and been replaced by Cherie Robinson, The next meeting of the Recreation Committee is scheduled for 7 at Room G-15 of the Town office Building on Wednesday, October 21, 200 9* The September 16, 2009 meeting of the recreation Committee adjourned at 9:00 PM. Leslie A. Ghorbani 3 j uniper Place Lexin MA 02420 (781) 861-6525 Email: --------------- I - - - -- June 21, 2009 Karen SU'UMons,, Recreation Department 1625 Massaebusetts Avenue LeXm MA 02420 RE- Lexin2ton Center Plaveround Birdhouses Dear E,_aren. Pursuant to oiar recent telephone conversation, I am writin to inform y ou that I have twelve (1 2) birdhouses I'd l to donate to be installed on various trees throu the Center Pla I have tried to download a map of the pla via Go Satellite Taps, but havebeen unsuccessful. I would be happ to meet with someone at the park- to discuss various locations for the houses to be placed. I am re that the be maintained b the tovai, which would involve an annual cleanout. These birdhouses have hin allowin for eas cleanin which is usuall done M' the fall. I am happ to work iAi� Dave Pinsoimeatilt to appropriatel place these homes Mn the trees. I am an enthusiastic walker around the track and reco the vibrant munber of birds M' the area. Unfortunatel some have had -to make their homes in unseernl and dan spots, like the electric box next to the water fountain. The future of this famil of birds is in pejil once the carnival comes to town, unless somethin can be clone to redirect the energy needed for the event. I know these homes WIR add beaut to the pla and provide interest and dwellin for man birds to raise families. Please feel free to contact me to let me know where I can brin the birdhouses. I a happ to help out in an wa to see this throu Thzutk y oti, in advance, for y our consideration and time Mn this re S incerel y incerel r�e� 01i b LAGA c Ux, CY