HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-14-WALKS-minLexington Sidewalk Committee Minutes September 14, 2009 11:00 a.m. Selectmen's Meeting Room Present: Jerry Van Hook, Suzie Barry, Elaine Celi (LPS Transporation Coordinator), Judy Crocker,Lucy Fletcher-Jones, Jeanne Krieger (Selecman Liaison) Meg Lotz, Francine Stieglitz, Guests: Kathy Hildenbrand and Marina Thompson (Five Fields Neighborhood) ................................................................................................... 1. Chairman's comments on renewed membership and committee goals. Jerry has agreed to remain as chairman for the next three years although he would like us to think about his replacement as chair before the term ends. Suzie's and John's terms expire in two years. Meg's term expires in September, but she has agreed to remain for another term. Sarah Chamberlain will resign; Victoria Campos, who is the Bridge liaison not the Sidewalk liaison, has been dropped from the list.. Sharon MacKenzie (Board of Health) will continue to receive minutes. Fiske and Harrington still have no representation on the committee. Jerry has suggested that prospective new members come to at least one or two meetings before making the decision to join. 2. The July 13th minutes were approved. Lucy will send the minutes to Candy McLaughlin for posting to the Town web site and to the members of the committee. 3. Roosevelt road. On August 31, the Board of Selectmen reversed their original decision and voted unanimously to put the sidewalk on the south side of the road. There will be a new crosswalk at Wilson. Jeanne suggested that, after the sidewalk is installed, the PTA go to TSAC with their requests for signage. But signage alone is not going to solve the problems at drop-off and pick up. The Hastings PTA, parents, and the school administration need to become involved. Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, should also be contacted. There will be no regular police presence on school grounds; the crossing guards will remain at Mass. Ave. 4. TEC Report on Bowman School. Lucy Fletcher-Jones reported that the final assessment report on the infrastructure improvements needed to support Safe Routes to School in the Bowman school district had been received. Copies have been sent to Jeanne Krieger,Wayne Brooks, John Livsey, Judy Crocker, Mary Anton(Bowman Principal) and Lucy Fletcher-Jones. The study was done by TEC in June 2008 for the State Executive Office of Transportation (EOT). The report makes 2 main recommendations: 1. To extend the sidewalk on Philip Road to Lantern Lane, Dawes Road, Buckman Drive and Locust Avenue as far as Follen Road - a total of 2,500 ft at an estimated cost of $197, 000. 2. To improve the effectiveness of the crosswalk at the intersection of Pleasant Street and Worthen Road East by installing a "flasher unit" which includes more warning signs and "passive-detection" lights. Also by putting in a new crosswalk from Worthen Road to Philip Road. The estimated cost would be $26,600. Two more secondary recommendations included extending the sidewalk on Follen Rd from Summit to Dawes Rd and adding sidewalks to Locust Rd to connect to the Minuteman bike path. Finally the report stated that there was no guarantee that Lexington would receive the funds for the recommended improvements. The funds are contingent on how effective the improvements would be in increasing walking and cycling. We are competing for the funds with 12 other Massachusetts schools. The Town and the Bowman SRTS group will meet to discuss how to answer this report. Generally, the group is very pleased with the recommendations and hope that they will get the 100% federal funding. " A question was raised about the Dunback boardwalk. It is now completed, but the path has a long stretch of gravel and parents seem reluctant to have their children use that path. 5. Safe Routes to School. Judy Crocker handed out bookmarks for Lexington's Safe Routes to school with the monthly Walking Wednesday Dates. Bowman School is still reluctant to participate. 6. SWC list of Lexington's most dangerous areas for pedestrians. Jerry handed out a revised version of the list of danger spots in town for pedestrians. The list, which was first developed at the June meeting, attempts to show these projects in various stages of development. The proposed listing places each of these major projects in one of four categories ranging from "in process" through time frames of less than 2 years, more than 5 years, to a category with no known time line. Jerry has asked the committee to offer some editorial suggestions at the next meeting. Jerry has attempted to categorize our existing Master List of smaller scale projects in this framework but could not logically do so. The Master List will continue as a priority listing for each elementary school neighborhood with no estimates for time of completion. It remains as our wish list for smaller sidewalk projects when funding is again available. 7. Safe Mass. Ave. committee activities. This committee is an East Lexington citizens group that is concerned about pedestrian safety on Mass Ave in the area near the Pleasant St intersection. Th chair is Lucinda Duncan, the Follen Church minister, and membership consists of 15 residents of the area. Jerry has joined thei group because pedestrian safety is a SWC priority. He will be updating the SWC on their meetings and plans. The Safe Mass Ave (SMA) group endorses the long-term efforts of Town Engineering to make changes in traffic flow in the area. These plans are major and will have a 5 year time line at best. The town will ask for 25% design for the area and will leverage federal and state funds to complete the work. In the interim, the SMA committee is determined to introduce shorter-term measures to enhance pedestrian safety. 8. Lexington Gardens. Negotiations are still pending. There have been no concessions from the developer except for a circular sidewalk within the development. Dick Canale will continue to see if any concessions or alternatives can be worked out. The area is residential, and there is no leverage without business. Jerry asked Judy to contact Mr. Marino once again to discuss the connectivity part because it goes close to the school. 9. Proposed sidewalk on Concord Avenue. Kathy Hildenbrand and Marina Thompson from the Five Fields neighborhood came to the meeting to ask what the process should be for having a sidewalk built in their neighborhood. On August 12th, Michael Martinetti had written to the Sidewalk committee asking about the process. The area is seeing considerable commercial expansion with the development of Ledgemont 3 and Patriot Partners. There are three schools in the area. Cut through traffic has increased. The neighborhood is hoping that developers will contribute to mitigation. There are no bicycle lanes although bicycle lanes were approved but never implemented. Jerry said that sharrows (bicycle signs painted on the bicycle lanes) seem to be more in favor at this time. There was a question about whether there would be lanes for pedestrians and lanes for bicyclists. There was no new business, and the meeting was adjourned at 12:40. The next meeting will be on Monday, October 5, at 11:00 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. Submitted by Francine Stieglitz