HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-BOS-min� W SELECTMEN'S MEETING ions JULY 26, 19 9 3 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monde July 26, 1993, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Build- ing, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, g Mr. Town Fenn; Mr white, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Tow Manager; and Mrs. Peters, Executive Clerk, were present. 7 :30 P.M. PUBLIC FARING: NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE BOSTON EDISON WALTHAM STREET Mr. Dailey opened a public hearing on the petition of New England Telephone to relocate a pole at 125 Waltham Street. Arthur Callaghan, representing New England Telephone, said that the work was necessary because the pole had been installed on private property which is in non - compliance of Town By -Laws. Mr. Dailey noted the favorable recommendation for approval of the petition in a memorandum from Richard Spiers, Director of Public Works, dated June 22, 1993. Mr. Dailey recognized Sheila Hoadley, 125 Waltham Street on whose property the pole is presently located, who spoke in favor of the relocation. It was suggested that Mrs. Hoadley be consulted before the pole is relocated and set. There being no further comments or questions, Mr. Dailey declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the �•• petition, plan and order for a Grant of Location to relocate a pole to be owned and used in common by New England Telephone and Boston Edison at 125 Waltham Street to the westerly side of the road $3' -8" north of Forest Street, and that Mrs. Hoadley be consulted and made aware of the pole's new location before the pole is set. APPROVE COMMON VICTUALLER'S LICENSE FOR DUNKIN DONUTS The Board reviewed, an application for a Common Victuallers License from Joseph Valerio, d /b /a Dunkin Donuts, 141 Mass. Ave. to operate from 5 a.m. to 10 : 00 p. in accordance with the Board of Appeal's decision granting the special permit. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, to grant a Common Victualler License to Joseph Valerio, d /b /a Dunkin Donuts, 141 Mass. Ave. to operate from 5:30 a.m, to 10:00 P.M. APPROVE CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME - BEL CANTO RESTAURANT The Board reviewed an application to change the corporate name which appears on the current All alcoholic Beverages License of the Bel Canto Restaurant, 1709 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, from Yardarm, Inc. to Bel Canto Restaurants, Inc. In response to a question from Mr. Dailey, Stephen Napolitano, representing Bel Canto, said this was the only change proposed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a request from Bel Canto Restaurant, 1709 Massachusetts Avenue, to change its corporate name from Yardarm, Inc. to Bel Canto Restau- rants, Inc., subject to the approval of the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. At this time, Chairman Dailey recessed the Selectmen's meeting to Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Hall, to take up Item 2 on the agenda: Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 2 Review of Projected Revenue, and to reconvene in the Selectmen's Meeting Room to resume its meeting REVENUE PROJECTIONS Mr. Dailey reconvened the Selectmen's meeting in Esta . g broo k Hall, joining members of the School Committee, School Superintendent Jeffrey Young, Appropriation Committee and Capital Budget Committee members, members of the Steering Wheel Group and others interested in a discussion of projected revenue for FY95. Mr. Dailey commented that this is really the first session in which the Selectmen try to address the Resolution passed, at the 1993 Annual Town Meeting under Article 40 He reported that there have been a number of meetings, at least five or six, of a group called The Steering Wheel, that have been working on the establishment of a schedule of hearings to address the spirit of the resolution. He added that Paul Hamburger has agreed, to continue to lead this Group, that the membership of the group is expected to include Nancy Adler, George Burnell, Neal Boyle, Nancy Cannalonga, Chris Coughlin, Karen Dooks, Betty Eddison, Peter Enrich, Andy Friedlich, Donna Hooper, Jay Kaufman and Paul Hamburger; and that also attending meetings were Margery Battin, Dan Fenn, ,John oberteuffer and himself. Mr. Dailey also said that he and Mr. Hamburger had agreed that the membership of the Group should also include a clergyman, a member of one of the civic organizations and a representative from the senior citizen community. He reported that the next meeting of the Group will be held this Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m, and all are invited to attend. Mr. Dailey asked Mr. White to present an overview of the amount of revenue he projects will be available to the Town for FY95. Mr. White commented that he has been working with School Superintendent Jeffrey Young and John Ryan, and that his figures are very prelimi- nary at this point three weeks into FY95, and will probably change, but not too substantially. Mr. White discussed a report entitled "Revenue Summary" that presented revenue figures, including FY93 Estimated, FY94 Projected and Revised, FY95 Projected, and anticipated New Revenue in, FY95, He also discussed anticipated State aid, as contained in the Cherry Sheet; anticipated local receipts from school revenue, investment income, fines & forfeitures, motor vehicle excise, other excise such as hotel /motel and other fees and charges; anticipated revenue from available funds from free cash, parking meter revenue and article transfers & trusts; and anticipated revenue from the real estate tax levy. He noted there would be no available funds from free cash this year. Mr. White estimated there would be approximately $1 million in new revenue and with the school budget estimated at around $2.8 million and the town budget estimated at $2.1 million, the P relimi- nary total budget for the Town is estimated at approximately $4.9 million. He reported, that the Town is presently negotiating with leaders of collective bargaining units on health care, and he is optimistic that some changes can be made this year to lower health insurance costs. Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 3 Questions and comments focussed on the method of computing the amount of per pupil aid, the projected increase in excise taxes, ambulance fees, coalition bargaining, and what is meant by the Town getting its money's worth on health care. Mr. Ryan responded to questions on retirement benefits by saying that as of January 1993 the unfunded retirement benefit liability for the Town was approximately $18 to $19 million, and that the Town's retirement system should be fully funded by the year 2028. He said that the Town of Wellesley is the only town in the state with a fully funded retirement system. Mr. Dailey added that Lexington ranks 13 out of 137 of all State retirement systems. School Committee Chairman John Oberteuffer and Superintendent of Schools Jeffrey Young presented the School Department's FY95 Preliminary Budget Projections. Mr. Oberteuffer said the figures were preliminary, and that he would only talk in a general way. Dr. Young discussed the operating budget and reported that it is expect- ed there will be a $1.3 million increase; an approximate 4% increase in student enrollment; negotiated salary increases of 3.1 %; and more stability in the special education tutor account. In response to a question from Mr. McSweeney, Dr. Young said that the 3.16 negotiated salary increases amounted to approximately $.9 million. Dr. Young also reported that expenses relating to reopening Hastings School were: projected operating costs of $1.2 million to open the school; salaries of teachers, aids and support staff, increased transportation expenses; funds for instructional materials and supplies; and funds for utilities and fuel. Under capital needs, Dr. Young reported that approximately $1 million is needed of which roughly $.7 million has already been set aside; with other school capital needs to be identified by a school- town facilities study. Chairman Dailey thanked the Steering Wheel committee for its schedule of meetings for the "Implementation o f the Budget Process" and for the Implementation of a "Pilot Strategic Planning Initia- tive", and he added that the Board would try to adhere to them. He welcomed all interested persons to come to the meetings. At approximately 9:95 p.m. Chairman Dailey recessed the meeting in Estabrook Hall and at 3:12 p.m., reconvened the meeting in the Selectmen's Meeting Room to take up Item 3 on the Agenda. BICYCLE PATH -- PROPOSED MEMORIAL Design Review Committee Chairman John Frey asked that the Board consider approval of a proposed Memorial for Al Lester, a member of a cycling organization called the Charles River Wheelmen. Mr. Frey described the proposed memorial as a granite bench and stone marker with plaque and said it had received the approval of the Design Review Committee. He added that it was hoped the memorial could be installed by September 23, which would have been Al Lester's 33 birthday, but that delays in the completion of the Bike Path may make this impossible. John Tobin who represented the cycling organization, presented and explained the plan, which showed the location of the proposed memorial to be located next to the Bike Path near the Parker Meadow Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 4 Conservation Land. He said that Club Member Al Lester had been killed a little over a year ago by a drunk driver during a 24 hour bicycle race. In consultation with the Friends of the Bikeway, this site had been selected. Mr. Tobin invited the parents of Mr. Lester to speak if they wished. Mrs. Lester spoke of her involvement with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD); of an accident her son suffered at the age of three which prevented his ever being able to drive an automobile; of his career as an computer engineer; and of his love of bicycling. Mr. Dailey thanked Mrs. Lester for her moving remarks and comments. He mentioned the benches recently dedicated in the center of Town and said that the memories behind the dedication of those benches were extraordinary. He also thanked Mr. Frey for helping the Charles River Wheelmen and Mr. and Mrs. Lester to make this memorial possible. Upon motion duly and seconded it was voted to approve the placement and design of the Al Lester Memorial Bench at its location along the Bikeway in Lexington. Al Lester's father, Mr. Lester, added his appreciation to all who had helped to make this effort a success. Mrs. Reasonberg, a member of the Friends of the Bikeway Committee, reported that the committee is working on a master plan for the location of various benches along the Bikeway, and when this is complete, perhaps other person will wish to propose memorial benches, as was done along Massachusetts Avenue. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes for the meeting of June 14, 1993, as written. ExECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes for the executive session held on June 28, 1993. RESIGNATION APPOINTMENT - LEXINGTON CENTER COMMITTEE The Board reviewed a memorandum from Lexington Center Committee Chairman David wells, dated June 28, 1993 reporting the resignation of Committee Member Molly Nye, and recommending that Marjorie weerts, 1906 Mass. Avenue, be appointed to complete Mrs. Nye's term. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Molly Nye, and to appoint Marjorie weerts to serve on the Lexington Center Committee to complete a term of office expiring September 30, 1994. APPOINTMENT - LEXHAB The Board reviewed a memorandum from LexHAB Chairman Marshall Derby, dated July 19, 1993, recommending that Martha wood, 51 Gleason Road, be appointed, to complete the unexpired, term to Decem- ber 5, 1995 of Marion Reilly, who resigned. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to appoint Martha wood to serve on the Lexington Housing Assistance Board to complete a term of office expiring December 5, 1995. P Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 5 CONSENT AGENDA Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve commitment of the following charges. Commitment of water Charges - June 1993 $795.71 (final bills) Commitment of Sewer charges - June 1993 $1,213.57 (final bills) Commitment of water Charges - June 1993 $$9,357,99 (Cycle 9 bills) Commitment of Water Charges - July 1993 $112.065.32 (Cycle 9 bills) ABATEMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to abate the following charges. Abatement of water and Sewer Charges - Total $260.05 40 Lincoln Street $7.87 52 Bellflower $24.00 468 Lowell St. $141.00 80 Bedford St. $16.37 20 woodpark Circle $26.60 105 Fifer Lane $44.21 ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, One Day Liquor License, requested by the Columbus, for Friday, July 30, 1993, 8:0 Upon motion duly made and seconded, One Day Liquor License, requested by the Sunday, August S, 1993, 3:00 p.m. -- 8:00 it was Lexing 0 p.m. it was Boston ps me vote to approve a ton Knights of - Midnight vote to approve a Higashi School for ORDERS OF TAKING FOR EASEMENTS The Board reviewed a memo from Town Counsel Norman Cohen, date July 22, 1993, asking that the Board sign enclosed orders of taking for sidewalk easements. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign and to sign the orders of taking, for the installation of sidewalks, shown as Easement A and Easement B on a plan of land entitled "Easement Plan of Land Burlington /Grove Street, Town of Lexington ", dated May 6, 1993* TOWN MANAGER APPOINTMENTS FOR FY9 Mr. white presented a list of FY94 Town Manager appointments, whose terms expire in 1993, that he plans to reappoint /appoint with the Board's approval. He noted that Angela Frick has served on the Conservation Commission for 25 years and that he hopes she will accept reappointment for another three years. In addition, Mr. white asked that Susan Ryan, 2692 Massachu- setts Avenue, be added to this list and be appointed to the Histor- ical Commission replacing Isabella Hagelstein who resigned. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town Manager Appointments, including Ms. Ryan to the Historical Commission. r Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 5 CENTER PARKING Mr. White reported that the Traffic Safety Advisory committee, the Lexington center Committee and Public Works have all reviewed a request from Parking Enforcement Officer Bigelow Moore proposing the addition of three new metered parking spaces on Edison way at the following two locations: 1) one metered parking space opposite Craft Cleaners replacing an existing service zone; and 2} two metered parking spaces attached to the Jersey Barrier apposite Ma.mmola's Salon. Mr. McSweeney asked if the owners of craft cleaners were noti- fied that this matter would be discussed this evening, and was told they may not have been, and that they were opposed to this change. After further discussion of concerns, the Board agreed to post- pone approving the replacement of the service zone, used by custom- ers and craft Cleaners, with a parking space until the cleaners were notified and had an opportunity to speak on the proposal. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the addition of the two metered parking spaces attached to the Jersey Barrier on Edison Way opposite Mammola's Salon. Mr. Dailey thanked Mr. Moore, on behalf of the Board, for his diligence in seeking out potential new parking spaces and asked that he keep up the good work. am= STREET RESURFACING Mr. White reported that five sealed bids were received for street resurfacing on Williams Road, Gleason Road, Hillside Terrace, Ledge 1 awry. Avenue, Liberty Avenue and Hamilton Road. He noted that the streets require repaving as a result of the North Lexington Pump Station force main replacement construction done last summer. He asked that the Board vote to award a contract to Bardon Trimount, Burlington, MA, in the low bid amount of $154,255. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to award Contract 93-4, Street Resurfacing, to Bardon Trimount, Blanchard Road, Burlington MA 01893, in the amount of $164,265.00, on the basis of their being the lowest qualified bidder, subject to Town Counsel's approval as to bid form. MET STATE HOSPITAL MILS GRANT The Board discussed a memorandum from Assistant Planner Joseph Marino to Town Manager White, dated July 13, 1993, and an applica- tion package from the Executive Office of Communities and Develop- ment (EOCD) giving the procedure for applying for FY94 funding under the EOCD Municipal Incentive Grant program, which would enable MAPC to continue to assist Lexington, Belmont and Waltham in planning for the re -use of the Met State land located in their towns. The Board discussed the specific tasks which MAPC proposes to complete with the $12,990 in funding from this grant. Mr. White and Mr. McSweeney asked the Board's support for this application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted unanimously to support the application to the Metropolitan Area Planning Commis- sion, for FY94 funding under the Municipal Incentive Grant program to be used to assist the towns of Lexington, Belmont and Waltham in evaluating possible uses of the Metropolitan State Hospital site. Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 7 ASSESSORS AD -HOC COMMITTEE The Board invited Dr. Ceza Szonyi to speak on his memorandum to the Board, dated July 22, 1993. Dr. Szonyi emphasized that these remarks, about where the Committee was and the direction it should take, were his and not the Committee's. He spoke about his impres- sions of the Committee meeting held on July 14, 1993. He said that Assessor Harald Scheid gave an excellent presentation of current assessor practices and methods, but that there was not adequate time to cover all the needed details. Dr. Szonyi recommended that a Subcommittee of the Ad -Hoc Committee be formed to prepare a pamphlet or a booklet containing easily understood examples of all aspects of the abatement process. Dr. Szonyi recommended that a second Subcommittee be formed to prepare a description of the mathematical model used in deriving the assessed values for Lexington properties. He said he believed that software is either already in place or can be generated by the assessor within a reasonable time (2--4 months), and that at the same time the Subcommittee should be working to derive the appropriate documentation, which should again be in the form of a booklet or pamphlet. He believed that such booklet together with the interac- tive software would reduce abatement requests, and that every citizen could have access to a terminal where the assessed values could be easily calculated on the screen. NAM Dr. Szonyi said that when these two tasks have been completed, the Committee should address the methodology of Adaptive Estimation. He recommended a Subcommittee be formed to work closely with the assessor, and that the result would again be a pamphlet or booklet describing generally the methodology used and the findings of the Subcommittee on how this may affect the assessment model. Dr. Szonyi also recommended that, if possible, a fourth commit tee be formed which would look into the assessment practices and methodologies used by a number of towns comparable to Lexington and that the results of this research also be summarized in a booklet. He suggested Michael O'Sullivan to head this committee. The Board recognized Josepf► Volante, who referred to a package g of information he had prepared a. d delivered to the Town Manager's office on July 15, 1993. He criticized the way the Town Manager conducted the last Ad -Hoc Committee meeting, and the management of the Assessing Department. He approved the suggestions made b y Dr. Szonyi and recommended they be followed. Mr. Dailey responded that the Board wants to cooperate and welcomes the recommendations of Dr. Szonyi and Mr. Volante. He referred to the Committee charge prepared by the Town Manager ' and said that if the Committee feels it is too limited, it should be expanded. He asked that Mr. Busa and the Town. Manager respond to the Committee's concerns. Mr. Dailey also noted that the Town Manager has an obligation to support the Staff. Mr. Volante said he would be glad to work with Mr. white and Selectmen Liaison Busa who also thanked the Committee. Mr. white presented a different characterization of the July 14 meeting from that of Mr. Volante, and said he thought he had made the charge deliberately vague and included enough scope for all the proposals mentioned by Dr. Szonyi. He noted that there are 11 members on the committee, all with different concerns to deal with. Minutes for the Meeting of July 26, 1993 ki Mr. Dailey asked that Dr. Szonyi let the Board know when his recommendations have been adopted by the Ad --Hoc Committee. VIN BROOK ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT Mr. white reported that seven bids were received for the Vinebrook Road sewer replacement in which 600 feet of 6" sewer pipe will be replaced. He asked that the Board vote to award the con- tract to F.M.A. Construction Co., Inc. of Somerset, MA in the low bid amount of $45,877.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award Contract 94-2 sewer Replacement to F.M.A. Construction Co., Inc. Somerset, MA 02726, in the amount of $45,877.00, on the basis of their being the lowest qualified bidder, subject to Town Counsel's approval as to bid form. ��� STATE AID HIGHWAY CHAPTER 81 FUNDS Mr. white asked that the Board vote to sign and sign the Chapter 81, Section 31 Forms provided. He said that submittal of these forms will allow the town to receive the Chapter 81 funds, and that last year the Town received almost $60,000. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted to sign and signed the Chapter 81, Section 31 Forms. STREET ACCEPTANCE FOR FY95 'ft� The Board reviewed a proposed time sequence for FY- 9 5 Street Acceptance found in a memorandum to Town Manager white from Town Engineer Fields, dated July 14, 1993, and a draft Public Notice announcing that all petitions for Sewer, Street and Sidewalk Accep- tance must be filed in the selectmen's Office no later than Septem- ber 10, 1993. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the time sequence, as proposed, and to insert a Public Notice on Peti- tions in the Lexington Minute Man advertising the deadline for petitions for sewer, street and sidewalk acceptance HATS Mr. Fenn reported that in the matter of the request by Corpo- rate Air Service Inc. to operate a commuter service once a day between Washington DC and Hanscom Field, the four towns have re- ceived a draft letter from their Washington Attorney addressed to the Secretary of Transportation, expressing the concern of the four Towns, which each town has been asked to review and approve. Mr. Fenn said that essentially the question is whether this service is classified as a common carrier or a special carrier. He added that if it is a common carrier then there is a community involvement process in the FAA approval. He asked that the Board review the draft, make corrections if it wishes, and approve it. Mr. Fenn also reported on the issuance of the SAR (Strategic Assessment Report) prepared for the Massachusetts Aeronautical Commission by Arthur D. Little, which basicaly says that Massachu- setts policy makers have five options; 1) a no growth policy; 2) develop very high speed rail service between here to New York City and Washington DC; 3) develop some airports, of which Hanscom is strong possibility, that could handle in 3 to 8 years perhaps a Minutes for the Meeting of .duly 26, 1993 9 third of the Logan air traffic; 4) develop one of these airports in which airplanes that can go straight up in the air on take -off are used; and 5) a combination of any of the first four. Mr. Fenn added that HATs towns are concerned about the possi- bility that Hanscom Field will became a satellite airport for Logan. Airport. He also reported that, thanks to Senator Havern, the public comment period has been increased from three weeks to four weeks. BEDFORD STREET CROSSWAY Mr. Boyle expressed safety concern about the first pedestrian/ - bikeway crosswalk in Lexington on Bedford Street which is badly in need of repainting. Mr. Dailey said his concerns would be passed on to the bikeway committee and that they will be asked to report back. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 by roll call vote: Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn; to go into executive - session for discussion of matters of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the town, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at Now 10 :5D P.M. A true record, Attest: Sara I. Peters Executive Clerk