HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-BOS-minOaft SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 1, 1992 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 1, 1992, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Acting Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr, Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr Cohen, Town counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; and Mrs. Peters, Executive Clerk were present. 7:30 p.m. PUBLIC 45 HARTWELL AVENUE Mr. Eddison opened a public hearing on the petition of New England Telephone to install conduit on Hartwell Avenue. Robert Boudreau, representing the telephone company said the installation was to provide service at #45 Hartwell Avenue. Mr. Eddison noted the favorable recommendation from Richard Spiers, Director of Public works. There being no comments or questions, Mr. Eddison declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve OWA the petition, plan and order for a grant of location to install conduit on Hartwell Avenue for service to *45 Hartwell Avenue. 7:35 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE - BOSTON EDISC]N POLE WITH HIP GUIDE, WALTHAM STREET Mr. Eddison opened a public hearing on the petition of New England Telephone Company and Boston Edison Company for a grant of location of a pole with hip guy. Robert Boudreau, representing both New England Telephone and the Boston Edison Company, reported that the pole with hip guy will be installed on the southerly side of Waltham Street oppo- site Brookside Road. He added that the pole will be placed five feet from a student drop off area. Mr. Eddison noted the favorable recommendation from Richard Spiers, Director of Public works. There being no comments or questions, Mr. Eddison declared the hearing; closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plan and order for a grant of location of a pole with hip guy to be installed on the southerly side of Waltham Street opposite Brookside Avenue. REPORT OF THE CABLE TV NEGOTIATING SUBCOMMITTEE Mr. McSweeney presented a report of the Subcommittee's negotiation with Cablevision entitled RESOLUTIONS OF ISSUES RE LEXINGTON CATV FRANCHISE. He reported that these negotiations had truly been a team effort with members Caleb warner, Ted Mai.rson, Julian Bussgang, William Dailey and Leo McSweeney handling all the work. He noted that this resolution was not meant to constitute an amendment to the franchise or to create new obligations on the part of Cablevision beyond the scope of responsibilities already in the license documents. Minutes for the Meeting of June 1, 1992 pip Mr. McSweeney added that this agreement is based on a draft dictated by Selectman William J. Dailey, Jr. during a meeting with Marti Green, Corporate Counsel and Jay Somers of Cable- vision, and has been accepted by Cablevision. Mr. Dailey reported that consensus has been reached between Cablevision and the Committee; that they now have a working ar- rangement and have established a dollar figure ($100,000) to purchase equipment for the I -NET System; and that the School Department should know what to expect with respect to new and replacement equipment since this equipment has been identified and a time table established for its provision. Mr. Dailey added that the Town owes an extraordinary debt of gratitude to Mr. Mairson, Mr. Bussgang and Mr. warner for their hundreds of hours of work in resolving the issues. On behalf of the Board, Mr. Eddison thanked the gentlemen and commended their work. Upon review of the document, it was agreed to substitute a revised Page 3 and also to delete the words "its contractual obligation" from the revised Page 3 of the Agreement. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to ratify the agreement, as amended, and authorize Chairman Smith to sign on behalf of the Town. ACCEPT RESIGNATIONS OF WILLIAM SPENCER FROM THE FAIR HOUSING COMMITTEE AND THE LEXINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Mr. Eddison spoke of the major role Mr. Spencer played in the development of affordable housing in Lexington with his work on the Housing Options Committee, the Fair Housing Committee and the Housing Authority. He expressed the appreciation of the Board, and added that he will be sorely missed. Mr. Eddison reminded the Board of the need to schedule a J oint meeting with the Housing Authority to fill this vacancy. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept Mr. Spencer's resignation from the Fair Housing Committee and the Housing Authority with regret; to advertise the vacancy on the Housing Authority in the Minute -Man; and to schedule a joint meeting with the Housing Authority to fill the vacancy. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF STATEHOOD FOR WASHINGTON D.C. The board discussed a draft resolution presented by Thomas Stohlman from Reading, Mass. Mr. Eddison expressed his reserva- tions about the Board signing a petition this controversial. Although he did support the granting of full voting rights for Washington D.C. citizens, he felt this was not an appropriate document for the Board to endorse. Mr. Marshall thought the reasoning was flawed, since there were other ways to grant voting rights to the citizens that did not require granting statehood. ,�..,. Mr. Stohlman was present and was invited to speak to why he supported statehood for Washington D.C., and why the Board should the resolution. He gave a brief historical summary of the reasons for the disenfranchisement of District of Columbia ammi Minutes for the Meeting of June 1, 1992 residents, when all other citizens of the United States had the right to vote and had representation in Congress. The Board declined to sign the resolution. CONSENT AGENDA CGMMITTMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the commitment of water Charges in the amount of $82,850.58 for the period ending May 1992 (Cycle 9 Bills); and to approve the commitment of Sewer Charges in the amount of $750.00 for the period ending May 1992 (Hanscom use charge, first quarter). BATTLE GREEN GUIDES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Kenneth Smith for a Battle Green Guide Li- cense, to expire on June 30, 1993. 3 COMMON CARRIER LICENSE MOHAWK COACH LINES INC. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application for a Common Carrier License for Mohawk Coach Lines, Inc. to expire December 31, 19924D COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT Mr. White reported he had been asked about establishing a ' Community Reinvestment Act Committee in Lexington by Laura L. Dorfman, vice President of the Lexington Savings Bank and Ann Scigliano. It would be similar to one established in Arlington. He added that its purpose would be to assist newcomers to the low and moderate income housing market. He introduced Ms. Dorfman to speak about the work of such a committee. Ms. Dorfman reported that under the provisions of the Act, banks must make an aggressive attempt to identify the credit needs in minority and /or low income neighborhoods, as well as the needs of first time buyers. She added banks must also create services needed by these groups. Ms. Dorfman described the Arlington committee, as made up of Town committees interested in affordable housing, local banks and real estate persons, adding that has been in effect for about a year. Among the things they are doing is to sponsor a "First Time Homebuyer's Fair" and offering informational seminars on the process of buying a home. In general, she said the committee has tried to match needs with resources, adding that a lot of people in Lexington feel there is a need for this kind of service. The Board expressed. its concern with approving the formation of a committee without a written charge. In response to ques- tions, Ms. Dorfman said the committee would invite other local banks to join, and that she will prepare a charge describing the scope of the committee's work. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to endorse the concept of a Community Reinvestment Act committee and ask that a charge be prepared for such committee and brought back with supporting documents. k � ! R Minutes for the Meeting of June 1, 1992 4 CONTRACT AWARD ALL WEATHER TRACK RESURFACING - CONTRACT 92 -5 Mr. white reported that bids were opened for the resurfacing of the center field track on thursday, May 28, 1992. Four bids were received. A memorandum from Richard Spiers, Director D.P.W /Engineering, dated May 28, 1992 recommended that the Board of Selectmen vote to award the contract to the lowest and most qualified bidder, N. E. Sealcoating Company for $13,855.00 of Hingham, MA. Mr. McSweeney asked that the restrictions against bicycles and roller blades on the track be enforced on the new surface. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Board of Selectmen vote to award the contract in the amount of $13,855.00 to the lowest and most qualified bidder, N. E. Seal - coating Company of Hingham, MA. SPECIAL SPEED REGULATION FOR SHADE STREET The Board reviewed a memorandum from Richard Spiers, Director D.P.W. /Engineering reporting that in response to the request of the Town, the State has developed Special Speed Regulation #7546 setting 20 MPH and 25 MPH zones for portions of Shade Street. Mr. Spiers recommended that the Board adopt the regulation. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to adopt Special Speed Regulation #7546 setting speed limits of 20 MPH for " a distance of .11 miles from the intersection of Weston Street, and 25 MPH for a distance of . miles from Spring Street. ENTERPRISE TRASH FUND The Board gave permission to George Heine, 29 Eastern Avenue to ask what the fees would be if a Enterprise Trash Fund went into effect. Mr. White said the staff recommendation was to charge a flat fee of $120.00 per year per household, and $2,00 per bag. Mr. Eddison said the Board had not set any fees as yet. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 by roll call vote: Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey and Mr. McSweeney, to go into executive session for discussion of matters of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the town with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:17 p.m. A true record, Attest Sara I. Peters 00 Executive Clerk SELECTMEN'S MEETING .Tune 15, 1992 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 15, 1992, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7;30 p.m. Acting Chairman Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. white, Town Manager; Ms. Radway, Assistant Town Manager, and Mrs. Peters, Executive Clerk were present. 7:30 .m. CONTINUED HEARING BOSTON EDISON CO. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE,_ _WALTHAM ST Mr. Eddison reported that the applicants have not resolved the issue of the leaning poles and poor location of guy wires. (See the minutes for the meeting of May 18, 1992.) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to continue the Boston Edison /New England Telephone hearing until June 29, 1992. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes for the meetings of May 7, 18 and June 1, 1992, as written. EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes for May 18 and June 1, 1992, as written. RESIGNATIONVAPPOINTMENTS_ TO.._._.T.O CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE The Board reviewed a letter to Mrs. smith, dated June 4, from Chairman William P. Fitzgerald in which he and Raymond J. Flynn tendered their resignations from the Town Celebrations Committee. He reported that Mrs. Jean Coates will continue to serve, adding that this leaves three vacancies to be filled on the Committee. Mr. Fitzgerald recommended that Eric Carlson now serving on the Town Celebrations Sub - committee be appointed to fill the unexpired term to 1993, and that Sub-- committee members John Graham and Sondra Lucente be appointed to fill the other two vacancies to June 30, 1995. He added that the Committee would be in further contact with the Board regarding recommendations for candidates to fill the three sub-- committee vacancies. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignations of Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Flynn with regret and to send a letter of commendation to each of them, noting their long and excellent service to the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Eric Carlson to fill an unexpired term to 1993, and to appoint John Graham and Sondra Lucente to fill the other two vacancies to June 30, 1995. Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 2 791i SCHEDULE JOINT MEETING WITH HOUSING AUTHORITY TO FILL VACANCY The Board e ` r viewed a letter from the Housing Authority reporting a vacancy on the Authority due to the resignation of William Spencer. The Board noted that, in accordance with applicable statutes, a joint meeting with the Housing Authority is required to fill this vacancy until the 1993 Annual Town Election. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to invite members of the Housing Authority to meet with the Selectmen in joint session on June 29, 1992 at 8;00 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, to fill the vacancy. ENDORSE SPECIAL SPEED REGULATION # 7549 SOLOMON PIERCE ROAD The Board reviewed a letter from the Massachusetts Depart- ment of Public works, dated May 27, 1992, establishing special speed limits for Solomon Pierce Road as contained in Special Speed Regulation # 7549, presented for the Board's approval. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and to endorse Special Speed Regulation # 7549 establishing special speed limits for Solomon Pierce Road as follows: Beginning at Woburn Street, thence easterly on Solomon Pierce Road, .82 miles at 25 miles per hour; and thence easterly for .21 miles at 30 miles per hour to Maple Street. REPORT OF THE HANSCOM FIELD ADVISORY COMMISSION NOMINATING PnMM T TTRR The Board reviewed the Report of the Nominating Committee for the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission (HFAC), dated June 1992. Mr. Eddison noted that HFAC consists of 18 appointed members and includes one representative from each of the towns bordering Hanscom Field (Bedford, Concord, Lexington and Lin- coln). He added that the town representatives are appointed by the Selectmen of their respective towns. The remaining members, which are appointed by vote of a majority of the Boards of Selectmen of the four towns, include two representatives from each of the following categories: 1) Local citizen groups concerned with problems related to aviation and transportation; 2) Area -wide organizations concerned with environment, transportation planning, aircraft noise and land use development; 3) Other area towns impacted by aviation at Hanscom; 4 Businesses basing aircraft at Hanscom; 5) Aviation or aviation related business at Hanscom; and 6) One representative of a business aviation organization and one representative of a general aviation organiza- tion both of whom shall be regular users or employees of regular users of Hanscom Field. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following nominations for terms scheduled through June 1994: M. Patrice Hurley, Bedford; James Hogan, Lincoln; Thomas Wester, Carlisle; Graydon Wheaton, North Lexington Assoc,; Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 Donald Dawes, Hanscom Pilots Assoc,., and S. Jan David, Beechcraf t East, Inc. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following nominations for terms scheduled through June 1993: John Taylor, Lexington; Kenneth Klemmer, Acton; Maya Reuttger- Cruciana, HATS; Ralph Sanford, National Business Aviation Assoc.; Ralph Williams, Raytheon; Paul Roberts, Concord; William Stern, Merriam Hill Assoc., Henry Wifholm, Digital Equipment Corporation; John Earl, Jet Aviation; and Joan Goldmann, League of women Voters. Mr. Eddison also reported that the Committee's nomination for HFAC Chairperson for 1992 -3 is James Hogan, of Lincoln. USE OF LAWN IN FRONT OF VISITORS' CENTER BY U.S OLYMPIC PRIDE 3 The Board reviewed a draft letter prepared by Mrs. Smith responding to a request for permission for U. S. Olympic Pride to use the Battle Green as a "check in and assignment area ". Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to U. S. Olympic Pride to use the lawn in front of the Visitors' Center as a "check in and assignment area ". PROPOSAL TO INVITE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES TO A FALL DEBATE IN LEXINGTON - DR. HOWARD SMITH pow Dr. and Mrs. Howard Smith presented Dr. Smith's detailed proposal, entitled "Let It Begin Here ", for inviting presidential candidates to a Fall debate in Lexington. The presentation outlined why Lexington would be a good town to sponsor such a debate; Dr. Smith's credentials for the undertaking; a brief outline of the steps taken to date and how the event could be handled by the Town. He asked that the Board approve the estab- lishment of a committee to coordinate the necessary preparations. In response to questions from the Board, he reported that target dates mentioned for the debate were September 22 and 29, or October 15; that the debate would include the three current candidates; that the Town's expenses would mainly be for more police work, and the use of Cary Hall; and that he anticipated private support from interested citizens and businessmen. He added that he had already been in contact with the State and National Republican and Democratic political parties. Dr. Smith asked for some sort of preliminary approval tonight from the Selectmen. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to autho- rize Dr. Smith to make preliminary contacts with key people who need to be alerted to the Town's interest in holding such a debate; to work with the Town Manager on coordinating resources and organizing a committee; and to report back to the Selectmen at its June 29 meeting. REAPPOINTMENT OF CONNIE FOSTER AS A REGISTRAR OF VOTERS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reap- point Connie Foster to the position of Registrar of Voters. rw s� Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 4 HANSCOM FIELD - PART 150 NOISE STUDY The Board discussed a memorandum from Mr. Eddison, dated June 11, 1992 concerning Hanscom Part 150 Noise Study policy issues, and a meeting he has been asked to attend on June 17, between senior Massport off icials and representatives of the four HATS towns on the Part 150 Noise Study. He said that at issue are questions relating to the selection of sites for monitoring aircraft noise. He reported that some town representatives believe that the location of the sound monitoring should be made with their knowledge and approval, but should not be revealed to the pilots who could use that knowledge to affect the outcome of the study. He added that the aviation community strongly dis- agrees, and there is some disagreement among the representatives of the f our towns. Mr. Eddison referred to a compromise proposed in the Harris, Miller Miller, & Hanson Inc. (HMMH) June 2, 1992 memo advocated by Massport and attached to his memo. He asked the Board for its views on the compromise so he could present the Board's position at the June 17 meeting. He said that his initial reaction is to recommend that the compromise be accepted. The Board agreed they could support a compromise that would solicit potential sites from Committee members which would then be reduced to ten sites based on engineering judgement that included consideration for line -of -sight to the aircraft and different phases of flight (e.g. takeoff, approach, downwind, and so on). These specif locations would not be made publ to anyone until the completion of the monitoring program. The Board also agreed to authorize Mr. Eddison to support, on it behalf, the Massport compromise that will be discussed at the June 17 meeting between senior Massport officials and repre- sentatives of the four HATS towns. CONSENT AGENDA ABATEMENTS COMMITTMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve committment of the following abatements: Abatements 5/3/92 - water $347.16 Abatements 0/3/92 - Sewer $7'70.52 Abatements 0/3/92 - Demand $5.00 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the committment of Water charges in the amount of $935,530.71, for the period ending June 1992, and the committment of Sewer Charges in the amount of $1,253,233.10 for the period ending June 1992. C' XTRACTS Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to sign the following contracts. # 92 -1 N. Lexington Pump Station; Pam # 92--2 N. Lexington Force Main, # 92--5 All weather Track; # 92--0 Cleaning, Lining water Mains; and # 92 -11 Street Resurfacing-, Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 RESIGNATION The Board noted, with regret, the resignation of Ronald Levy from the Appropriation Committee. BATTLE GREEN GUIDES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Wesley Karger for a Battle Green Guide Li_ cense, to expire June 30, 1993. TOWN MANAGER APPOINTMENTS Mr. white reported that he planned to make the following appointments with the Board's approval: Board of Assessors Robert N. Foster (term to expire 4/30/95) (reappointment) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Robert N. Foster to the Board of Assessors. Conservation Commission Joyce Miller (term to expire 4/1/94) (reappointment) Robert Stewart (term to expire 4/1/95) (reappointment) Lisa Baci (.term to expire 4/1/95) (reappointment) Philip Hamilton (term to expire 4/1/94) (new appointment) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Joyce Miller, Robert Stewart, Lisa Baci and the appointment of Philip Hamilton, to the Conservation Commission. Council on Aging Harriet Holzman Onello (term to expire 0/1/95) (reappo intment ) Robert Cushman ( term to expire 6/1/95) ( new appointment) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Harriet Holzman onello and the appointment of Robert Cushman to the Council on Aging. Biosafe_ty Committee (Institutional) (Genetics. Institute) Charlotte Perry - Dougherty (term to expire 2/11/93) (reappointment) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Charlotte Perry - Dougherty to the Biosafety Committee. Historical Commission Brucia Witthoft (term to expire 4/1/95) (reappointment) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Brucia Witthoft to the Historical Commission. Recreation Committee Carolyn C. Wilson (term to expire 4/30/94) (reappointment) Harvey Lowell (term to expire 4/30/95) (reappointment) Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Carolyn C. Wilson and Harvey Lowell to the Recreation Committee. Youth Commission Nancy Barter (term to expire 4/30/95) (reappointment) Michael O'Connell (term to expire 4/30/93) (new appointment) Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 6 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of Nancy Barter and the appointment of Michael O'Connell to the Youth Commission. RESERVE FUND TRANSFER REQUESTS Mr. white reported that due to unexpected, unforseen expenses relating to the Legal, Unemployment Compensation, and Election budgets he is asking that the Selectmen approve Reserve Fund Transfers as follows 1) $14,000 for Elections - due to the June 15, 1992 spe- cial election, Proposition 2 1/2 override; 2 ) $26,679 f or Unemployment Compensation -- due primarily to the privatization of the school food service opera- tion. (86.2% of the total requested. -); and 3) $65,000 for Legal due to several legal issues that sur- faced, resulting in higher than expected expenditures. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Reserve Fund Transfers as requested by the Town Manager. HEAVY COMMERCIAL VEHICLE EXCLUSION The Board discussed a memo to Richard E. Spiers Director D.P.W. /Engineering from Peter M. Chalpin, Assistant Town Engi- neer, dated June 8, 1992, reporting that the three requests for Heavy Commercial Vehicle Exclusions on Spring Street and two sections of Concord Avenue met State requirements, and that the next step in the process requires that the Board of Selectmen adopt a regulation for the exclusions and alternate routes into the Traffic Rules and orders of Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted: That the Traffic Rules and Orders of Lexington, adopted by the Board of Selectmen on November 13, 1967, are hereby amended as follows: BY ADDING TO ARTICLE VIII, OPERATION OF VEHICLES, THE FOLLOWING: SECTION 26, OPERATION OF HEAVY COMMERCIAL VEHICLES 1. The use and operation of heavy commercial vehicles having a carrying capacity of more than 2 -1/2 tons, are hereby re- stricted on the named streets or parts thereof, and in the manner outlined and during the period of time set forth in Schedule #9. 2. Exemptions - Part 1 of this Section shall not apply to heavy commercial vehicles going to or coming from places upon said streets for the purpose of making deliveries of goods, mate- rials, or merchandise to or similar collections from abutting land or buildings or adjoining streets or ways to which ac- cess cannot otherwise be gained; or to vehicles used in con-- nection with the construction., maintenance and repair of said streets or public utilities therein; or to Federal, State, Municipal or public service corporation owned vehicles. Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 7 In accordance with the foregoing, the erection and maintenance of signs is authorized as provided for in Schedule #9, and said Schedule #9 is hereby specifically incorporated into this sec- tion. SCHEDULE #9 HEAVY COMMERCIAL VEHICLE EXCLUSIONS AND ALTERNATE ROUTES Exclusion 1 Spring Street, 0,78 miles from Marrett Road (Route 2A) to Hayden Avenue; 24 hours /day, 7 days /week Alternate Route lA Marrett Road (Route 2A), 0.39 miles from Spring Street to Waltham Street; Waltham Street, 0.93 miles from Marrett Road (Route 2A) to Hayden Avenue; Hayden Avenue, 1.02 miles from Waltham Street to Spring Street; Alternate Route #1A is 1.50 miles longer and is entirely within the Town of Lexington. Alternate Route* . Marrett Road ( Route 2A) , 1.14 miles, from �. Spring Street to Route 128; Route 128, 1.14 miles, from Marrett Road, Route 2A, to Route 2; Route 2, 0.75 miles, from Route 128 to Con- cord Avenue; Concord Avenue, 0.18 miles, from Route 2 to Spring Street; Spring Street, 0.28 miles, from Concord Avenue to Hayden Avenue. Alternate Route #1B is 2.70 miles longer and is entirely within the Town of Lexington Exclusion _# 2. Concord Avenue, 0.58 miles, from Waltham Street to Pleasant Street, 24 hours /day, 7 days /week Alternate Route #2: Waltham Street, 0.19 miles, from Concord Avenue to Route 2; Route 2, 0.93 miles, from Waltham Street to Pleasant Street; Pleasant Street, 0.35 miles, from Route 2 to Concord Avenue. Alternate Route 2 is 0.79 miles longer and is entirely within the Town of Lexington. Exclusion 3: Concord Avenue, 0.89 miles, from Waltham Street to the Route 2 ramps; 24 hours /day, 7 days/week Minutes for the Meeting of June 15, 1992 Alternate Route #3: Waltham Street, 0.33 miles, from Concord Avenue to Hayden Avenue; Hayden Avenue, 1.02 miles, from Waltham Street to Spring Street; Spring Street, 0.26 mi les, from Hayden Ave- nue to Concord Avenue; Concord Avenue, 0.18 miles, from Spring Street to the Route 2 ramps. Alternate Route #3 is 0.90 miles longer and is entirely within the Town of Lexington. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seco: call vote: Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey executive session for discussion of disclosure of which might adversely town, with no intent to resume open �`3 nded, it was voted 3 -0 by roll and Mr. McSweeney, to go into matters of litigation, the affect the interests of the session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9;05 p.m. A true record, Attest #aft Sara I. Peters Executive Clerk Oaft ;a SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 29, 1992 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 29, 1992, in the Selectmen's Meeting Roam, Town Office Building, at 7 :30 p.m. chairman Smith, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr, white, Town Manager; Ms. Radway, Assistant Town Manager; and Mrs. Peters, Executive Clerk, were present. ALGON UIN G S PERMISSION To RE- CUTE TRAFFIC Mr. Philip Anderson, representing Algonquin Gas Transmission Company, described the Company's request, entitled J-1 System Retest (W040.1), to re -route automobile traffic off Route 2 westbound, onto Watertown Street and Pleasant Street in Lexington for two nights during July between the hours of 10 :00 p.m. to 3 :00 a.m. He added that truck traffic would be diverted from Route 2 at Alwife circle, and would not use the Watertown/ Pleasant streets detour. The Board noted a memorandum from Richard Spiers, Director Public Works /Engineering dated June 8, 1992, recommending approvow al be granted. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to grant permission for Algonquin Gas Transmission company to re -route automobile traffic off Route 2 westbound, onto Watertown Street and Pleasant Street in Lexington for two nights during July between the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 3 :00 a.m. JOINT MEETING - _HOUSING AUTHORITY /BOARD O F_ SELECTMEN RESCHEDULING Mrs. Smith announced that the joint meeting with the Housing Authority to fill the vacancy on the Housing Authority, due to the resignation of William Spencer, has been postponed until the Selectmen's meeting on July 13, at 8:00 p.m. to give Housing Authority members an opportunity to review two applications for the vacancy that arrived just before the filing deadline, MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was vote to approve the minutes for the meeting of June 15, 1992, as written. EXECUTIVE SESSION MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes for June 15, 1992, as written. BATTLE QREEN INN RENEWAL OF INNKEEPER LICENSE The Board reviewed a memo from Building Commissioner Stephen i Frederickson's office, dated June 22, 1992, reporting that a Certificate of Use and /or Occupancy has been issued certifying that the Battle Green Inn was inspected and no areas of concern were found that compromise the safety of the general public, Minutes for the Meeting of June 34, 1992 2 Mrs. Smith noted that in December 1991, the Board had voted to approve a six month Innkeeper License, to exp.a re on June 30, 1992 if the Building Commissioner did not issue a Certificate of Inspection for the underground parking garage, based on a favor- able report from a Registered Structural Engineer. Since he has issued a Certificate of Use and /or Occupancy, the Board agreed that approving a six month Innkeeper License now would time the expiration of the license with other Innkeeper Licenses that expire December 31 each year. - Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve a six month Innkeeper License for the Battle Green Inn to expire December 31, 1992. VIDEO GAMES LICENSES - ROY ROGERS RESTAURANT Mrs. Smith reported that it had been learned that 3 video games were being operated at the Roy Rogers Restaurant on Route 128 North without licenses, and that the police had shut them down. She added that the owners have now applied to the Town for licenses, and there does not seem to be any problem about grant- ing the licenses. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application for licensing the three video machines and to ask the Town Manager to try to determine how long the machines had been operating without licenses. The Board will sign the licens- es at its next meeting. CONTINUED H ARING BOSTON EDISON CO NEW ENGLAND T LEPHONE - GUY WIRES POLES WALTHAM ST. Mr. white reported that nothing had been heard from Mr. Boudreau of New England Telephone on revised plans, and suggested that the hearing be continued until the next Selectmen's meeting on July 13. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to continue the hearing until July 13, 1992 at 7:45 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA WARRANT FOR UNLICENSED DOGS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a Warrant for transmittal to Kathy P. Fox, Animal Control Officer, for 812 Unlicensed Dogs in the Town. ,COMMITMENT OF CHAT ES Upon motion duly made and seconded, commitment of the following charges: June Water Charges (cycle 9 bills) Street Opening Permits: Boston Gas Co. N.E. Telephone it was voted to approve $78,139.00 $477.00 $87.50 POM 29 Minutes for the Meeting of June a16, 1992 K CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS 5 JOSEPH COM E ROAD AND 7 FARM R A.D Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Conservation Restrictions, accepted by the Conservation Commis- sion, as given by the owners over a portion of their lots at 5 Joseph Comee Road and 7 Farm Road. LEXINGTON CENTER COMMITTEE - N EW BENCHES IN THE CENTER Steven Hurley, member of the Design Advisory Committee, presented an update of the Committee work in the center. He reported that 16 additional benches have been proposed for the 'town center and he presented a plan showing their location, adding that funding for 14 benches have already been spoken for. He also reported that these plans have been approved by the Design Advisory Committee, the Lexington Center Committee, the Historic Districts Commission, and are now before the Board of Selectmen for its approval. Mr. Eddison commented that a lot of work has gone into this plan by Messrs. Hurley and Frey and others who worked with them, and that they make a real contribution to the attractiveness of the Town. Center. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Design Advisory Committee and the Center Committee for the placement of additional benches in the "�` Town Center, LIBRARY ENTRY LANDSCAPING Barbara Hulsizer, representing the Lexington Field and Garden Club, presented a landscape plan to upgrade the area outside the main entrance of Cary Library. The plan would replace the small grassed area that is edged with marigolds in the summer, with low growing evergreens edged with a low stone wall for a minimum maintenance type of landscaping. The existing flag pole would be removed to open the view to the Minute Man statue and Buckman Tavern . Responding to questions from the Board, Ms. Hulsizer report- ed that the plan had received the approval of the Design Advisory Committee and the Library, and they are awaiting the approval of the Historic Districts Commission, Mr. Dailey reported that the Library Committee has expressed its appreciation and enthusiasm for the plan. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the landscape plan fo r the area, subject to the approval of the Historic Districts Commission SCHOOL COMMITTEE BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITT Mr. White referred to a memorandum, dated March 27, 1992 to Members of the School Committee from Paul Lapointe, Benefits Subcommittee, on the subject of Findings and Recommendations Concerning Health Insurance, and he introduced Paul Lapointe and Bruce Collier, members of the School Committee Advisory Commit- tee, to speak to the Board on Health Insurance problems. ;Z9 Minutes for the Meeting of June 0, 1992 4 Mr. Lapointe briefly outlined the work of the Committee and explained that the report presented the costs of health insurance to both the schools and the Town, and the potential savings for 1991 -92 that would have been realized if all employees that were enrolled in Blue Cross /Blue Shield Master Health Plus had instead been enrolled in the Bay State HMO. He noted that this was a hypothetical exercise, but that it did suggest the opportunity for substantial 1992 -93 savings if both the School Committee and the Board of Selectmen gave some thought to this. Mr. Lapointe pointed out that health insurance was a key employee benefit, but that the cost of health insurance was increasing faster than inflation. He stressed the need for the School Committee and the Town to collaborate and to cooperate in joint negotiations on health insurance. He briefly reviewed the recommendations contained in the memorandum. Mr. white commented that the Committee had done a wonderful job in identifying options to be considered in dealing with the Town's rising health insurance costs, and also in identifying some stumbling blocks that might get in the way of implementing recommended changes, He added that the need to control costs must to be agreed to by both sides, and that he felt this was a community issue in which the public needed to be made aware of negotiating problems so that it can make its concerns known to all parties. Mr. Eddison questioned how the Board should proceed with a renegotiated school contract that has three more years to run, and with Bay State being taken over by Blue Cross which probably means that health care costs will rise. Mr. Marshall thought there are three steps that could be taken in approaching the problem: 1) move all restrictions as to what can and can not be done out of the discussion, 2) sit down with the School Committee and exchange positions; and 3) ask teachers, firefighters, police and DPW workers to negoti- ate with the understanding that if health insurance costs contin- ue to rise, the number of positions in Town government will be reduced because there will be less in the budget to fund them. Mr. Daily stressed the need for the School Committee and Town Government to work toward combining building maintenance efforts, and toward making a joint effort to control health service costs. Mrs. Smith spoke of the need to reaffirm that the Board considers rising health insurance costs a very high priority issue, and she hoped that the School Committee Budget Advisory Committee will be able to work with both the Board and the School Committee on health insurance funding problems. She suggested, and the Board agreed, that a joint meeting with the School pas Committee be scheduled by the Town Manager in the near future for a discussion of issues raised tonight. .01g Minutes for the Meeting of June ,8'6, 1992 4i ARTICLE 5 TRANSFER Mr. White noted that the Police collective bargaining agreement was settled at the beginning of the fiscal year, but that no Article 5 transfer was made at that time. He asked that the Board vote to transfer $18,118 from Article 5 to the Police personal Services Account to fund the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Lexington and the I.B.P.O. for FY 92* Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to transfer $18,118 from Article 5 to the Police personal Services Account to fund the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Lexington and the I.B.P.C. for FY 920 PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE TASK FORCE UPDATE Mr. White reported that he, Mr. Eddison and Mr. Cohen attended the first meeting of the Presidential Debate Task Force. He added that, unfortunately, the Bi-Partisan Commission on Debate which is in charge of all such debates, requires a $.5 million dollar fee. It was agreed that raising this amount of money might be an impossible task for Lexington. Mr. Howard Smith will continue to look for funds, but Mr. white was not optimistic. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 by roll call vote: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey and Mr. McSweeney, to go into executive session for discussion of matters of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the town, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:08 p.m. A true record, Attest ,r} r� v Sara I. Peters Executive Clerk