HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-BOS-minSELECTMEN'S MEETING
June 10, 1991
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on
Monday, June 10, 1991, in the selectmen's Meeting Room, Town
office Building, at 7:30 p.m. chairman Smith, Mr. Marshall, Mr.
Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. white, Town Manager; Mr.
Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. Town Manager; Mrs. Snow
Executive Clerk, were present.
Phillip Anderson, Land & Public Relations, Algonquin Gas
Transmission Company, was present to explain his company's plans
for testing its J-1 Gas Pipeline System as it runs along the
Forth side of Rte. 2. The testing procedure is accomplished by
removing the gas in the pipes and filling them with pressurized
grater to determine if any leaks exist. lie pointed out that
t-recause of c lose proximity of the pipe to Rte, 21 water flowing
from any leaks which might be detected could create a hazard for
motorists and requested permission from the Town to re -route west
bound traffic off of Rte. 2 between the hours of 10 p.m. and 3
a.m. for each of the - tests. The tests will be held for about six
nights during the month of June, exact dates as yet to be
determined. The re-- routing plan is similar that the plan
implemented by the Mass. DPW for the Watertown Street bridge
repairs which were done in April of this rear and which had
caused minimal disruption. Lexington Police details will be at
the test sites and all residents in the test areas will be
A plan, showing the re-routing was displayed and explained
by Phillip Anderson who assured the Board of plans to ensure
complete safety. Automobiles will be detoured onto Watertown
Street, to Pleasant Street and. back onto Rte. 2.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
the request of Algonquin Gas Transmission company for re- routing
of traffic for approximately six periods during the month of
June, 1991, as described above.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
minutes of Selectmen's Meetings, as follows:
May 6, 1991, approved as presented.
May 13, 1991, approved as presented, with Mr. Eddison r
abstaining because of his absence at that meeting.
May 20, 1991, approved as presented, with Mr. Eddison and
Mr. Dailey abstaining because of their absence from that meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept
with regret the resignations of vidya Bhatia and Albert Huang as
members of the Fair Dousing Committee, effective immediately.
i Letters of appreciation for Mrs. Bhatia's and Mr. Duang's service
while members of the Committee will be sent from the Board=
Upon motion duly~ made and seconded, it was voted to appoint
Peter M. Brown, 108 Page Road, Bedford, as a member of the Fair
Housing Committee for a term to expire on September 30, 1991.
Mr. Brown, vice President & Senior Loan Of ficer of the Lexington
Savings Bank, will represent the banking industry~ on the
Mrs. Smith informed the Board of the inqu of Wi lliam
Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Town Celebrations Committee, who had
asked for direction from the Selectmen as to whether they wished
to have recognition on July 4th of the return of the Desert storm
troops. Mr. Fitzgerald had reported on Celebrations and parades
being planned in several area communities which would make
obtaining participants for a parade at this late date, almost
i He felt that display of the "Welcome Home ..... "
banner over Mass. Avenue would be adequate a.cknow.l edgement on the
4 t 1h .
Mr. 'Marshall referred to the recognition given to the
�v etera.ns at the Annual Town Meeting as well as in the Patriots
Day Parade.
Mr. Dailey suggested that Veterans Day wou be an
appropriate time to honor the veterans, adding that in a Flag Day
Ceremony on June 14th the Elks Lodge wiil present to the Town a
plaque listing all Lexington Desert storm veterans .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to advise
the Town Celebrations Committee of the Board's position that
further formal recognition of the service of Desert Storrs
veterans not take place until l eterans Day, November 1 1 , 1991.
Upon moti duly made and seconded, i t was voted to approve
the application of 1�enneth Hudson, Inc. , d /b /a Hudson Bus Lines,
'10 Union Avenue, Medford for renewal of Common Carrier License
for the carriage of passengers for hire in the Town of Lexington.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
the application of the B.P.O. Elks, Lodge X2204, for one Day
Liquor Licenses during the month of June, as follows:
.June 1, 1991 12 Noon to 0 P. M. wedding
June 2, 1991 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Anniversary Party
June 29, 1991 b p.m. to 12 Midnight wedding
Upon motion duly :Wade and seconded, it was voted to refer
the following traffic related requests to the Traffic Safety
Advisory Committee for review and recommendation:
. Harding Road, Owen D. Duff, Jr.;
Selectinen' s Meeting --3- June 10, 1991
• Avenue; Minute Man
Winthrop Road /Hi ghland Avenue , .. r
statue; Hancock Terrace /Camellia Place, Joseph �.
Hill /Charles Streets. Diana Lane, Dennis Markovitz, M. D.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
the commitment of Town wide water Charges, June 1991, in the
amount of $761,140.01; Town wide Sewer C harges, 5974,338.30;
Cycle 9 Bills, June 1991, $89,21.8.96.
Mrs. r Smith read the petition of Eddie' S, of Lexington, Inc. ,
d /b /a Sweet Peppers, 20 Waltham street, for Change of Manager
under its Common Victualler Liquor License from Edward N.
Ji ?arj ian to Nancy M. Jigar,j ian.
The Chairman read Chief Furdon' s favorable r'ecommendat ion on
,he appointment of Mrs.
J igarj i.an as Manager . Where were no
questions or comments from the Board or from the audience.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
the petit ion of Eddie' s of Lexington, Inc. d/b /a Sweet Peppers,
f or change of Manager from Edward No J i gar ian to Nancy J..
T i7a.r.j ian at Sweet Peppers, '0 ��'a.l.tham Street , Lexington.
Mrs. Smith referred to the request of the South Lexington
Civic Assoc iation that the Metropolitan State Hospital Land Task
Force, an existing committee, be revitalized to gitire its
recommendations on the future use of the hospital property in the
e %rent the hospital is closed by the State, as is rumored.
Board members agreed that the Task Force should be alerted
and r. ead t -o deal with the situation, but it was felt that
efforts to come to any conclusions at this time would be
P emature .
The Association had also asked that South Lexington be
represented on the Task Force.
4Irs . Smith recommended that the Task Force be reinstated
W- i th recommendatio ~ ns on membership from the Planning Board,
Conservation Commi ss ian , and the south Lexington group .
Board members agreed with Mr. Marshall's suggestion that the
South Lexington Association be represented on the Task Farce by a
non- %7oting member and that, as with other Town committees, a
Liaison be designated to voice its views.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that -
procedures be undertaken to revitalize the Metropolitan Hospital
Land Task Force to include a non - voting representative of the
South Lexington area.
Mrs. Smith stressed the importance of bringing the views of
that area to the Task Force and of keeping the south Lexington
Association up-to-date on the issues being addressed.
Richard. Canale, President of the South Lexington group
informed the Board of Marian Reilly' s interest in � .
zng as the i
Liaison, .�.r
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was :Toted to approve
transfers from the Reserve Fund to o
the following accounts to
cover unforeseen expenses
4100-2210, Fire Dept. Expenses $13,600.00
TM 1'00 -2210 D Fire Personal Services S20
45430 veterans' Services 523
=100 --2210 52385, Police VACS Process S 2
-' 100-2111 1
Pol Personal 5e r.ys . S 8
1 5 10 kJ2301, Legal Fees S80,000.00
Upon motion duly made and seconded, .'t w s % to approve
the following Sewer Charges in Lieu of Betterment, as recommended
by Francis E. Fields, Town Engineer:
Michael Cermer & Margaret Landsman S. X06.03
4 Dewey Road
L e x ington , MA 0
Steven Coral �:�
23 Revere Street
Lexington, �.'A 02173
___ CAR'V 1 VAL
L�Ir. White - referred to the annual J4_ iy _- i_'arniti ! sponsored
by the Lexington Lions Club and held at the Center Playground.
The previous carnivals have resulted in no problems and the same
procedures for inspections by Fire and Health officials before
the opening will be followed.
The Manager reported on his intent to approve t he Lions
Club's request of use of the center Field, on the following
Tuesday, July 2, 1991 -- 6p. m. - to l 1p. m.
Wednesday, Jul 3, 1991 - 6p. to 11p.m.
Thursday, July 4, 1991 - 12 Noon to i 1 p . m .
Friday, July 5, 1991 - 6p. to 1 lp.m.
Saturday, July 6, 1991 -- 12 Noon to llp. gin.
Board members expressed no objections 'L this schedule.
[upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
the award of contracts, as follows:
: ec tmen Meet in
Contract =97 E�:.terior 1 of Town Buildings to
Golden Star Paint Company 5 16 1 493.00
..i1 Highland AN-ent.ie
Arlington, MA
Contract X91 7 , Cleaning Lining Existing Water Mains to.
W. Walsh Company, Inc. w198, 486, 60
32 Walton Street
Attleboro, MA
Mr. White reported that he plans to appoint Sandra Shaw to
the Recreation Committee to f the unexpired term of Sam Nablo
„�} - 16 cannot continue to serve because of his recent appointment to
t die Appropriation :,oinmi t t ee .
Board members discussed Mr Nablo = s notable service to the
?'nw n as m e m b e r o f f the Recreation Committee, and, in addition to
}ie Town fana.. r
' - = .t. o f np prec~iation. �V c on v ey their
_� �• +. �: antes r o Kira fur Iii s many outstanding contributions.
Mr. White T)resented draft copies of the recodi f :red. General
B; - -Laws iYh ich IS being prepared Dy Joanne Maqui re u f his off ice .
Board members were pleased with its farm and appearance and
t hanke d the Manager for arranging for this needed project.
,k\ O Tea RN ON RED
Mr. Dailey referred - to a recent traffic item regarding
t raf f is s i � nal s at Waltham Street and Worthen Road and the
..•equest to eliminate the "No Turn. ��n Red" posting at that
►_ ►-� t er'S:'c'. t -= on . . Dailey le�T aske that the Traffic Safety Advisory
- '4 ..ar,i �ittee be requested to report on L.he apprc�pl`iateness of the
"x.No Turn" requirement at all traffic signal -intersect ions in Town
;:end to x-alt� ate the possibility that some nay be el imi nated.
It w as the sense o f the 131card that Mr. WhIte should proceed
with this project.
It was the sense of the Board that fir. White should proceed
w i. th this project
Mr Dailey reported to a $25,000 grant by the MBTA in
addition to the expected $80,000 MBT_A funding for LEXPRESS. The
new er rant was allocated so that the Town can fill the service
.%-0 id caused by the el iminat ion o f the Lexington Center /Waltham
MBTA bus route by creating a new LEXPRESS route between those
Po' 4 1- n t s.
'ors,. Smith noted the meeting in Estabrook Hall of the School
Committee to be cr in formulating procedures for the search for the
new Superintendent of Schools.
1 l
-w I"Y wr
he School Committee had i_n.vited the Selectmen to a ttend the
meet i.ng that night and the two subsequent nights �. n. rde r to amain
t_,he i r input at this early stage in the process. "No
Mr. white reported can the State cuts be in t proposed by
Go - ernor weld and the House of Representat and their effect
on Lexington's FY92 budget . By his calculations, the " er
projected a shortfall of 8200 , 000 . He stressed that the State
budg �
et is not finalized but, at this time, saw no need for either
411 Spec Town Meeting or an override of proposition 2 /2 to
cover the shortfa
Representative Stephen Doran met with the Board for
'J i scuss i on of the regent budget d e c i s i o n s of the House of
Representatives. Mr. Doran said he feels strongl :, about what is
happening, or not happening at the state level.. 1�e Viso said
. t �_ t � ;���s tr�c� earl, in the bud �'et process to Male anti-
�smp.l c�n4� purl ized the House for - is lack of
fir er• - t yes � nd disregar- o3: c :onsequences in c_omi_ng to its
tieci i_cans.
"rhe Repz•esen tat, i 4-e was strongly crit i.c:ai of local aid cuts,
'i h: = -h he felt sent rn age that Towns should tax Uhemselves
1 '11`•4 O f other elements L lz the -State ❑ud�et -c Cis Human Services
grid Education, which he said have been abandoned.
Rep. Doran said that he saw the cuts in local aid being
proposed as ari accounting gimmick and t hat c� i t i e C and towns are 1
being s hortchanged b� ca lif is ia ls who are presenting a low revenue
'Dro,ject �_on for the next f. f iscal rear, woo
Regarding the I � million surcharge for r, - payer. s bein
i L
r ❑paced by the MWRA, which he i s working to f ight -
i gh , \lr. Doran
•�Por ted }hat he and _ether- le is- 1a.tors -are t.rvin� to meet with
Serlat or \ -IcGover n, Chairman of the Senate ���a� s and \leana Committee
e.ster their opp() : i . tion and to present th request that
k r t_,-__n :_ e - lens o k t.1ze budget deleted .
He is in fati or of puttinar an end to County 'Gi-o ernment s but
lie doubted that i t could be accomplished - %-ery eas i 1 y . He will
c ontinue 'L work for its abandonment,
fir. whi Lte thanked Representative Loran, whom lie considers an
understanding and informative resource and expressed his
a for the Repre sentative ' s efforts on behal f of
Mrs. Smith also thanked 'fir. Doran for all I .foes for the
T o wn as an effective and thoughtful Legis
E X E C LE 1 T V E S
Upon snot ion dulN- made and seconded, it was vc;ted 5 - by roll
call ti , fir. s . Smi th, �Ir . Marshall "Ir. . Eddi son, �Ir. . Dailey, Mr.
'ScSweene to ga into Executiv ive Secs ion for discuss of matters
of litigation, the disclosure of which could adversely affect the
best interests of the Town, and with no intent to resume open
Selectmen's Meeting
June 19, 1991
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
at 10:15 p.m*
A true record, Attest:
it was voted to adjourn
Marion H. Snow
Executive Clerk
June 24, 1991
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on
Monday, June 24, 1991., in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town
Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Smith, Mr. Marshall, Mr.
Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. white Town Manage,
r Mr.
Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. Town Manager; and Mrs.
Deshler, Principal Clerk, were present.
The Principal Clerk called for nominations for Chairman of
-he Board. Mrs. Smith was nominated.
No other nominations were made.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was toted,
unanimously, to elect Jacquelyn R. Smith as Chairman of the Board
of Selectmen for the ensuing year.
Mrs. Smith commended the dedication of her fellow Selectmen
and expressed gratitude for the opportunity, to continue in her
role as Chairman.
Mrs. Smith opened a Public Hearing on the petition of New
England Telephone and Boston Edison for permission for a grant of
relocation and location of poles on Minuteman Lane and
Battlegreen Road,
Mr. Robert Boudreau, representing the New England Telephone
Company, explained that the work is necessary due to the
development of Battlegreen Road Extension. fir. Boudreau also
stated that the problem of leaning poles would be taken care of
with this action,
Mrs. Smith read the recommendation for approval by the
Director of Public Works. Since there were no further comments
or questions, the hearing was declared closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve
the petition, plan and orders of Boston Edison Company for a
rant of location for relocation and location of poles on
Minuteman Lane and Battlegreen Road as follows:
Minuteman Lane;
Relocate pole 272/3 45' (feet) in an easterly
direction. Place new pole 272/3A 69' (feet) in an
easterly direction from existing pole 272/4. Pllace
(2) two poles, remove (1) one pole.
Battlegreen Road;
Place (1) one pole 273/0 115' (feet) in a northerly
direction from existing pole 273/1.
Mrs. Smith opened a Public Hearing on the petition of the
New England Telephone & Telegraph Company and Boston Edison for a
grant of location for location of a new pole on Bruce Road.
Mr. Robert Boudreau, representing the T elephone Company,
explained that the work is necessary to support new telephone
cable to service a new home on Bruce Road.
Mr. John J. Rice, Bruce Road Area Resident's Representative,
was present.
I.n response to Mrs. Smith's request to insure the placement
of the pole and height of the cable, Mr. white responded that he
will pursue the matter with Asst. Town Engineer, Peter Chalpin.
'ors. Smith noted the favorable recommendation of the
Director o f Public works, Richard E. Spiers, on - the petition.
Hearing no further comments in favor or in opposition, Mrs.
Smith declared the hearing closed.
Upon motion d ull- made and seconded it was vc ted to approve
ie petition, ,flans and orders o-1 the New England Telephone
Companv and Bos ton Edison for a grant of location for a new pole
on Bruce Road to be located on the northerly side of Bruce Road
approx imately 105' ( feet) east of existing pole 299/3 place (1 )
Brie new pole _
Mr. Eddison introduced to the Board Ms. Barbara Hulsizer,
�.andscape Designer and neighbor, who presented her well designed
Countryside Park plan, that was being deve 1 oped as a local
in.itiati. ,re project, including neighborhood involvement. The
developing group was not an official committee but was made up of
interested citizens representing a 4-ari eta of concerns, In
addition to Ms. Hulsizer, t1:e membership included: Mr. Richard
Spiers, Director of Public Works and Engineering, and also a
- ieighbor; John Frey, Design Advisory Committee Chairman; Dale
'%Jaasland. , S►.ipt . of' Parks and Trees-, and Selectman John C.
Edd i son , Se l ec tman Liaison to DAC . Active neighbors in the group
also include; Andrew Friedlich, Mr. & Mrs. John Vinton, and Dr.
John Butters.
Mr. Spiers suggested that the sidewalk along the edge of the
park be moved 12 feet in from the street to make the area safer
and also provide a barrier to Lo Street. He also noted that
It would be difficult to plow.
Barbara Hulsizer reported that after Dale Gaasland and his
crew installed a picnic table and benches in the area, the space
is currently being used by customers of the food establishments
located close by.
Mr. Eddison suggested that, to avo damage to the turf by
sn plows in winter, that the serpentine path in the park not be
Mrs. Smith stated that, being familiar w i. th the area, she
was happy with the project and hoped it would inspire the owners
of the asphalt covered lots on the other corners t ❑ .improve their
spaces as well.
Barbara Hulsizer commented on the selection of the Sophora
Japonica (Japanese pagoda tree) which would be planted on the
Woburn Street and Lowell Street borders of the park. She noted
Selectmen's Meeting
J une . 19 91
their salt tolerance and their nitrogen fi.�:.ing nature that
enables them to adapt well to the existing conditions. The
blooming period for this variety of tree is July and Aug
Jacqueline Davison requested the installation of more
benches, to accommodate the Countryside elderly population. she
also expressed concern over - what seemed would be eX;cessive use of
asphalt surfacing.
Mr. White interjected
reduced, l costs are
Mrs. Smith asked as to
had been informed about the
('13mmission C. hairman Miller
a g reeMerlt .
that the go for maintenance free and
important considerations for asphalt
whether the Conservat (2ommission
project. Mr. Spiers sa id that the
lead been informed and was in
14rL . Sinit.h commended the Troup on its ��ond.ert
ail accounts and Barbara Hul sizer thanked Mr. Eddison
spearheading the group's activitiese
effort on
pow T � It was agreed that Selectmen's meet ings will be scheduled
for Mondays, Ju 8, and 22, August 5 and 19, 1991. Mr. Marshall
pointed out that as Labor Day will be on Monday, September 2,
there would be a three week hiatus between August 1 and
September 9, the first scheduled meeting in September, Mrs.
Smith stated that the goal, at this time, is to schedule meetings
on a twice a month basis, unless a need arises to schedule any
additional n.eet ings .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it. was unanimously voted
to approve the request of Linda fl. Brown, President Lexington
Area National organization for women, to hold, in an orderly
fashion, a mini- Pro -- Choice rally on the Battle Green on Monday,
JL11y 9 , i 991 , from 6 : 3O p. m. to S : O0 -p.m*
Mr. Eddison reported on a meeting held that morning between
the four HATS IT Selectmen representat i %l es from Bedford, concord,
Lexington and Lincoln, with Richard Taylor, State Secretary of
Transportation and State DPW Commissioner, James J. Eerasiotes.
Betsy Anderson, HATS II Chairman and Selectman from Bedford,
read spoken on the need for the State and the communities to work
together to help ensure effectiveness for major capital
.improvement programs as i d e n t i f i e d in the HATS II Study submitted
to Secretar Taylor. The Secretary responded by urging towns to
I. coordinate priorities with the Route 128 Transportation
Management Organization.
Secretary Taylor and Commissioner Kerasiotes were
noncommittal at the time regarding potential area road projects
but the Commissioner agreed to get back to the HATS towns
regarding the projects listed as HATS II priorities.
- 4 -
As FY92 would not be a good f 1 nanc ial - rear for the S ;:ate , it was
hoped that FY93 would provide a healthier financial c~1 imate for
area road project
Secretary Taylor informed the group that the funds for the
completion of the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway project had been
approved by the State Transportat Department and were expected
to be approved by the Legislature short
Upon motion dull- made and seconded it was voted to refer the
request of the DAC for an extension of sidewalk at the Meriam
Street and Mass. avenue inter-section tc the Traffic Sa fety
dv i so r,-':rnnai_ ttee 'or r its rez� 7. ew and recoMmendat I.o�� .
- � •i i ��. E T O r CH URGES STREET OPEN I:'N PERM I T-
�'pon m o t i o n dul �- grade and seconded, it i� as vo Le to approve
the Commitment of Street Opening Permit in the amount of $322.50.
pon motion duly made and ~ seconded, it was %-sited to approve
- the Abatement of water, Sewer and Demand Charges in the amounts
Water - S10, '30.36; Sewer - S17, ; Demand - S15.00
Upon motion duly made and seconded it i- as rated to approve a
1 r.�ansfer .From x�rticle 5 in the amount of S70, to the
Department of purl is Works Personal Services account to cover the
3°0 increase that had been negotiated for all. Publ Works
Mr. White requested that the Board of Selectmen approve the
request of a transfer of funds from the Reserve Fund to Insurance
Acct #9450 in the amount of $33,526.00. Mr white explained
that this transfer was needed due to the extraordinary amount of
worker's compensation claims by school custodians and was to be
only cased toward medical benefits payments Mr. Edd i son asked if
there were any additional workers' Compensation claims pending?
!Mr. . White responded that there were none that he was aware of.
Upon motion duly made and Seconded, it was voted to approve
the request of a transfer of funds from the Reserve Fund to
Tnsuranc•e Acc - 9450 in the amount of S33,526.00
Upon motion duly made and seconded, i
- t was voted to execute
the amendment to the Traffic Rules and Regulations by adding to
Article VII, Section 1, Schedule #5 the following: Now
selectmen's Meeting -- June 0 " 4 1991
Harrington School Southeasterly 159' Northwesterly Maple St.
of Maple Street
Harrington School. Southerly Lowell Street 890
Driveways Southerly
Mr. white reported that the Joint Conference Committee
Budget was hopefully expected to be given to both houses of the
L e g i s l ature by Thursday, June 2 7 1, 19910
He expected that;
.the proposed increases in Chapter 19 and MBTA budgets would
be discussed further-,
t_he Droposed `' new lottery c'ames with an overlay reserve
exemption would also be discussed further;
.FY92 commitments for school construction would be reduced.
1 . 1 1r. White informed the Board of the Senate Bill 1993,
Section 366, 367, and 368 which would enable cities and towns to
pay, teachers on a. 1. month basis only, instead of the school year
or 12 month basis which are now the options available for the
teachers. He stated that this fiscally unsound and poor public
policy would delay financial responsibil ityY of the cities and
Lowns .
Discussion ensued regarding the vote of Senator Robert
Havern in favor of the proposed Senate version of the FY92
budget, which ensured his home community of Arlington a larger
portion of local. aid re %Venues but decreased considerably the
i.ocal aid revenues to Lexington, Burling ton and Woburn.
Mrs. Smith will draft a letter stating the Board's strong
displeasure with Senator Havern' s position on. these issues, to be
.gent to the Senator as soon as possible.
'Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously
ti-oted that a letter be sent to Senator Havern advising him of
its displeasure regarding the Senator's position on the Senate
firers ion of the FY92 budget.
Mrs. Smith left the meeting and did not participate in
discussion or vote on the Hanscom Field Advisory Committee
Appointment, to avoid the appearance of conf 1 ict of interest, due
to her involvement with Massport .
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted 4--0 to
appoint (srayfdon Wheaton, 5 Hadley Road, Lexington as North
Lexington Representative to HFAC for a three year term beginning
September 1, 1991.
Mrs. Smith rejoined the meeting at this time.
Mr. Alan wade, South Lexington Association Member, expressed
concern with a portion of a .letter that had been sent to Mr. John
B. Cervone, Assistant City Solicitor, City of Waltham from the
1 "
l own Manager Richard White, dated June 14, 1991.
'ors. Smith stated that the letter had been in keeping with
the vote of Town Meeting, 1991, to provide ample funds for
Lexington's involvement in the pending law suit of C ity of
Waltham vs. United States Postal Service's proposal to relocate
o 'oo Smith Street, Waltham, Mrs. Smith added that the letter
would help insure better accountability for the funds and
protect of Lexington's traffic and ecological. issues.
Mr.. Dailey said that the sole intent of 'the letter was to
remind Waltham of Lexington's particular problems* He added that
with Forman Cohen and Will Lahey, both of Palmer & Dodge,
monitoring the litigation process, LLe�.ington' s interests would be
ilve11 served .
'YIrs . Snit z pointed out that the Board of Select have been
ins i s to : L n ensuring that the needs of South Le:� in ;ton must be
addre and we re determined be the vote of T o�-Vn 1'- Ieeting
}_: wok place that South Lexington be represented and protected as
`a i r'_y as possible ,
t:pon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - o by
ro ll call vote : Mrs. Smith, Mr. 'Marshall, Mr. Edd i son , Mr.
Dailey , fir . \1cSi� een.ey , to go into Executive Session for
discussion of l itigation, the disclosure of which might adversely .■.�
affect the interests of the Town, with no intent t - - .o resume open
: :session,
- 1. rue rec *ord , fittest :
zdrev t Deshler
P•rincirpai Clerk