HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-BOS-minr� I pow SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 1, 1991 A regular meeting of the Hoard of Selectmen was held on Monday, April 1, 1991, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel, Ms. Radway, Assistant Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Mr. Dailey and Mr. Marshall joined the meeting later. Open session was resumed at 7.1z) p.m., with Mr. Marshall in attendance. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -- 0, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of litigation, the discussion of which might adversely affect the interests of the Town, and with the intent to resume open session following the discussion. CONSENT AGENDA 1. --DAY LIQUOR LICENSE* MONTESSORI SCHOOL Puma Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Lexington Montessori School, Inc. for One Day Liquor License to permit the sale of wine and been at a fund raising auction to be held at 130 Pleasant Street, on April 27, 1991 from 7 to 10 p.m. TRAFFIC ITEMS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the fallowing traffic related requests to the Traffic Safety _'dvisory Committee for review and recommendation: Worthen Road /Waltham Street traffic lights, request of Pat Doherty Meriam /fork Sts., request of Cathy England. ABATEMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of water Charges in the amount of $400.00 and of Sewer Charges $793.25. FAIR HOUSING .NiCNTH Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was � -oted to proclaim the month of April, 1991, as Lexington Fair Housing Month, as requested by the Fair Housing Committee. In conjunction with this observance, the Fair Housing Committee has asked for permission to display posters by Fiske P� School students in the lobby of Cary Hall during the week of April 7 - 12. Permission was given for the display, but it was pointed out that there was doubt as to whether the Town 'Meeting may have adjourned until the end of April or May at that time. ` -; _ PPO I NTMEN T OF REGISTRAR OF VOTERS pon motion dull- made and seconded, it was - \, - oted to reappoint Mary Abegg , 2 0^1 Waltham Street, as Registrar of Voters, representing the Democratic Party ~, for a term of office to expire on March 0 1994. RESOLUTION U.S. SERVICE PERSONNEL The Board .revieived the revised Resolution in tribute to U.S. Service Personnel who participated in Operation Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf. Further rev i s ions , suggested by Mr. Marshall, were supported by Board members, Mr. Marshall agreed to read the Resolution under Article ? at that eveninct's session of the Town Meet inc, . Later in the meeting , upon mot ion dull- made a,nd seconded it was voted to approve the Resolution as rep* i sed . FILMING OAT B A TTLE GREEN Mfr. White referred to a request from David \:ormand of Katsu Enterprises for permission to film segments of a traz-elocrue video - .Lt the L:exin lton Green for Japan Airlines. He asked for the Board's authority to negotiate with Mr. Normand on a donation to the Lexincfton Center Park Bench Fund if permission is granted for this activity. Upon mot ion duly made and seconded, it was Noted to approve the Town Manager' proposal with respect to the request of Ratsu Enterprises and to permit filming on the Battle Green, as described above, on the afternoon of either April 11 , 1 8, or 19, 1991. SCHEDULING, TOWN ` *IEETI N_G SESS_IONS Mr. White reported on the �-iews of the Mass. '%Iunic %ssoc iat ion , Senator Havern and other members of - he L egislature hat b1- raid -May, there should be a. strong indication of the level of State funding and assessments to be expected for FY9 He suggested that if the Town Meeting has completed all non -tax levy articles by April 3, - Lt :-ould be adjourned to Monday _�Iay 9 0 , which would allow for receipt and the anal,%Tsis of information necessary for action on financial articles. Mr. Marshall advised that a statement be made to Town Meet c lari f v inc the reasons Lor postponing action on budget articles. Board members acreed with the sug.g e s t ions by the 'Manager and Mr. Marshall, SENATOR HAVERN Senator Robert ilavern met with the Board for discussion of the outlook for Local Aid and State Assessments. The Senator reported that $891,602 would be L exington' share of funds made available in the Chapter 90 section of the Transportation Bond Issue which l ie felt sure would be signed by Goy-. Weld in the next 2 weeks. This amount would cover 100% fundin for road construction and improvements durincy a '- -gear "no program. ) -� -1 Selectmen's Meeting -3- April 1, 1991 He felt that the Local Aid issue was less clear and informed the Board of his proposal that the Governor provide for level funding and give municipalities at least a 6 -month lead time if that amount, were to be diminished. He added that he is not sure of the outcome of his proposal and spoke of the real possibility of a 10 cut in Local Aid, as well as a decrease in federal funding. He is working toward gaining support for his initiative of other members of the Senate. He expressed doubt that, at this time, Leg were as aware as they should be of the adverse impact on Towns' budgets of a 19% cut but felt they would be learning as the process goes on. He stressed the importance of communication by local officials to their Legislators of specifics on areas which would necessarily suffer cutbacks if the cut is implemented. Discussion continued on various issues such as the Teachers: Pension Fund bill, which the Senator doubted will pass. The Jet Fuel Bill is again up for consideration and the Senator will ;heck on its status. Regarding possible revision of Prop. 2 1/,22, no flexibility is seen at this time on the Governor's firm apposition. The Senator felt that in 2 or 3 months, when the financial needs of towns become more evident, effort will be made to allow towns more latitude in local taxing to offset State and Federal cuts. Mr . Dailey j oined the meeting at thi time. Mr. white felt optimistic that the Equal Percentage Bill will pass, resulting in a savings to the Town in Health Insurance costs of $234,900. He referred to a proposed adjustment in the depreciation schedule upon which E xcise Tax is calculated. This measure could increase car values by 25 to 35J% meaning an additional 8490, 090 in additional car �,Yalues for Lexington. 'ors. Smith expressed the Board's appreciation to Senator Havern for the information he had provided on current matters and what might be expected to happen in the next few months. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was rated to adjourn at 1:55 p.m. A true record, Attest .arion H. now Executive Clerk SELECTMEN'S MEETING April S, 1991 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, April 8, 1991, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:39 p.m. Acting chairman Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. white, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. PUBLIC HEARING EDISON MINUTEMAN LANE Mr. Eddison opened a public hearing. on the petition of the Boston Edison Company for permission to i- nstall conduit in Minute Man Lane. Edward Chisholm, representing the Edison Company, explained that the need for the work was to ser-%Tice new homes. The installation will be in a private way, with no digging up of paved areas. Hearing no comments in favor or in opposit Mr. Eddison declared the hearing closed. He noted the favorable recommendation of the Director of Public works on the petition, Upon motion dul made and seconded, it was gated to approve the petition, plans and orders of the Boston Edison Company for a grant of location for approximately nine feet of conduit to be installed in Minute Man Lane, northeasterly at Battle Green Road. V TNT T T 9" V Q Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was ti *oted to approve as presented, the minutes of the Board of Selectmen in Executive Session on March 4, ? 991 , and the minutes of the meeting on March 18, '1991. MIDDLESEX COUN HOSPITAL LAND Mr. McSweeney, Lexington's representative on the Middlesex: County .ydvisory Board, reported on the recommendations of the M.C.�' Land Use Committee on the future use and disposition of the Middlesex County Hospital land, on the Waltham /Lexington line. Mr. McSweeney noted that the Land Use Committee, at a meeting on April 4, had voted to adopt the recommendations, to be proposed to the County Commi ssioners if all parties are agreeable to the terms presented. The 65-acre portion of the Land located in Lexington, designated as Parcel "C" on an accompanying 7.-nap, would be given over to the Town of Lexington for use in a manner consistent with character of the Town, as determined by the Board of Selectmen. Within Parcel "C ", a soccer field, developed by the City of Waltham, was designated Parcel "J ". It was recommended that Lexington will allow the continued use of the field by Waltham. The remaining portion of the land., Parcel "A", will remain in the custody of the Middlesex County Hospital. I ?� -9- Mr. -McSweeney asked for the Board's N7 i ems- on the recommendat ions . Mention uas made of outstanding l it i c'at yon inv olving the soccer field and the order of the Conservation Commission that illegal fill be removed from the wetlands in Parcel of J" . Mr . McSweeney said that that aspect had no bearing on the issue at hand. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manacyer to inform the County Commissioners that the Board of Selectmen endorses the transfer of land under the terms proposed by the Land Use Committee and 1 c request the opportunity to confer with the commissioners on issues of mutual concern relative to the transfer. C'OMMO VTCTUALLER L ICENSE t - STEVE'S I.Ton motion duly made and seconded, it iti as rated to approve she application of Lexington Creamery, Inc., for Common �}'ictualler License for Steve' s , 1749 Mass. Avenge , to e xpire on December 31, 1991. The applicant, John Hunter, wi be urged to keep the front and rear outside areas free of litter and other windblown trash and to provide suitable rubbish receptacles for the use of his customers. CONSENT AGENDA TRAFFI T TEM , WO BL RN STREET Upon motion duly made and seconded, was �-oted to refer the Planning Board's safety concerns regarding Woburn Street traffic to the Traffic Safety Advisorr Committee for review and recommendations. B�T'E�EiT SEWER .CHARGES Upon motion d uly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Commitment of Street Opening Permit Fees in the amount of 5150.00. LEX INGTON TOWN CAR LIMO LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was - %-oted to approve uhe application of Paul E. Keane, 17 Woodcliffe Road, for 1 .1- imousine License for one "Lexington Town Car" x�ehicle. SEWER MORATORIUM Mr. White reported on the potential effects of the sewer moratorium ordered by United States District Court Judge A. David #azzone on March 4, 1991. He referred to a memo from Steven Frederickson, Building Commiss in which Mr Frederickson had reported on his assessment as to which pro jects under construction and proposed subdivisions would be impacted by the moratorium. Francis Fields, Town Engineer, had responded with an opinion that the moratorium should only cover subdivisions that are still under subdivision control and should not cover completed and released C-1 h .a rt z- i c i n rt c_ Ji .selectmen' s Meetin -3- pri y ii�gl Mr Whi noted that Town counsel is working can interpretat ion of the new regulations which are not and which could subject the Town to possible legal acticn. RESERVE FUND TRANSFERS Mr. white informed the Board of the probable need for reserve fund action for personal services and expenses of the Eire and Police Departments* The Fire chief had explained the need for additional funds .1n, the amount of 26, f �0, for Personal Serer ices due to unforeseen circumstances resulting from delayed payments by the State and to fulfill a deficiency clue to col lec t i - v e barcgaininc� and non -union ncreases . Some of the $26,650 will be covered through Article 5 transfers, but a. Reser-�-e Fund transfer xlv-ill also be necessary. Chief Bergeron had also told of a forthcoming; t r ansfer request for his expense budget to cover repairs zo the aerial ladder. The cost of this work is estimated Cat -.,_L5,000 and a w , Q0� transfer will be necessary to meet this e�;pense . Mr. White noted that a Reserve Fund Transfer will also be needed for Legal E penses /Services . He will keep the Board updated on these matters. REPAIRS , W ATERTGWN L GROVE STREETS BRIDGES i Richard Spiers , Director of Public Works /Eng sneer lncy , reported to the Board on plans of the State Dept. of Public Works to be .n repairs on the Watertown Street and Grove Street brides. Re�ardin , the Watertown Street bridge, the vest bound lane ^f Rte . ' will be closed and automobile traffic will be detoured onto Watertown Street to Pleasant Street, then bac Rte. 9. '7 traffic will be intercepted at Rte. 16 in Cambridge and Detoured onto Mass. Avenue, Arlington, then t hrough Le�� in ;ton to Fite. 128 Work on this project is scheduled to begin at 11:00 p.m. to 6 :00 a.m., on both April 1 7 1 and Apr 18. A different contractor will begin work on the Grcve Street bride on kpril 12 and April 13, between the hours 3f 116 P-1110 and 6: a.m. The south bound lane of Rte. 1. w ill be closed .end southbound traffic detoured onto Rte,. 3 North to Rte . 62 , ' hroucrh Burlington and Bedford onto Rtes 4/225 and b��ck onto Rte. 1W On behalf a f the Town, Mr. . Spiers has pro i ced strong opposition to both these plans. The Selectmen indicated their support of the staff recommendations, particularly with respect to the plans invclVi.n:cy Watertown Street, which it was felt would generate .si�nif scant traffic problems. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manazer to inform the Mass. Dept. of Public corks of the Board's opposition to the detouring plans, as presented. - 4 - APPOINTMENT TO CONSERVATION COMMISSION Mr. white informed the Board of his decision to appoint, with the Board's approval, Dr. Robert C. Stewart to fill an unexpired term on the Conservation Commission. He Felt that Dr. Stewart's qualifications for the position were high and that he would provide an added dimension to the Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted o approve the appointment by the Town Manager of Robert C . Stewart , 19 Turning Mill Road as a member of the Conservation Commission to fill the unexpired term of William L. Lahey to 1992. Upon moti duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn � - I t is i r p.m. ,-A true record, :attest : 4 - 4 V ari on H . E.N e c u L iti . e Snow Clerk 0 Y n r SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 22, 1991 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, April 22, 1991, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. white, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. CONSENT AGENDA ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE ELKS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted ratify the poll vote on April 11, 1991, approving the application of Lexington Lodge 12204, BPO Elks, for One Day Liquor License on Sunday, April 21, 1991, at 959 Waltham St., for a Reunion Party from 2 p.m. to 0 p.m. PROCLAMATION OF EARTH -DAY Upon motion duly made ands" seconded, it was gated to ratify the poll vote on April 11, 1991, proclaiming Sunday, April 22, 1991, as Earth Day in Lexington. TRAFFIC ITEMS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the following traffic related concerns to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendation: The request of Robert K. Dunbar, 98 Bedford Street, trimming of shrubbery and installation of a STOP sign on Cedar Street at its intersection with Paul Revere Road. Traffic safety concerns of Julie Beauchamp, 100 North Street and other area residents regarding additional parking and traffic on Northgate Circle. The concerns about traffic and parking at the Bruce Road /Hillside Avenue intersection, relative to the construction of a Rotary club /Minuteman VoTech scattered site house at 7 Bruce Road. ONE DAY AUCTIONEER LICENSE, Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Joel Greenstein, 3 Wallis Court, for One Day Auctioneer License, to conduct a real estate foreclosure auction at 594 Marrett Road on May 23, 1991, at 10 a.m. LIMOUSINE LICENSE PARKS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Charles E. Parks for renewal of Limousine License for Parks Limousine Service, 10 Hawthorne Road, for one vehicle. e., OM COMMITMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the commitment of April Cycle 9 Water Charges, 856,286.64; and of April Sewer Service Rental Charges, $759.00 ABATEMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of Sewer Charges for Supreme Council Hdgtrs., 33 Marrett Road, $2,566.89; and for Robert Pooler, 7 Greenwood Road, 8103.47, M T NTT T'T V C Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was z to approve, as presented, the minutes of Selectmen's Meetings on March 25, and April 1, 19910 HATS II MAPC CONTRACT EXTENSION Mr. Eddison, who represents the Board on HATS II, reported on an offer by MAPC to continue its services to HATS for another year, at a cost of $1,000 from each of the four HATS towns. The funding will come from the unspent balances remaining in the existing HATS /MAPC contract which are more than adequate to cover the expenditure. Under the extended contract, MAPC will be represented at all HATS meetings to take minutes, will assist with mailings and organizational matters, will continue to work no on traffic issues and help in the implementation of the HATS Study II of January 1991. Mr. Eddison noted that the work performed under the existing contract with MAPC has been most satisfactory. At the April 18 HATS meeting, the four town representatives had voted to endorse the proposed contract extension, subject to the approval of their respective Boards of Selectmen and requested that Lexington's Town Manager continue to administer the funds. He asked the Board's approval of the proposal. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support the extension of the HATS /MAPC for a one -year period, subject to review and possible continuation in future years. RESTRUCTURING OF HATS Mr. Eddison updated the Board on the proposed interlocal agreement among the four HATS town to reorganize the structure of HATS so as to qualify for funding for traffic problem alleviation. MAPC had proposed a method by which the change can be accomplished. Representation of the four towns would remain unchanged but membership would be increased to include representatives from MAPC and the Air Force. The Concord Town Counsel will prepare a draft agreement for pre sentat i on at the next HATS meeting. Selectmen's Meeting -3- April 22, 1991 AIRPORT NOISE ACT Mr. Eddison reported on progress with the Airport Noise Act. The law f irm of Cutler & Stanf ield , engaged by the four HATS towns for monitoring the progress of the Part 150 Noise Study, has drafted an amendment to the legislation which would designate Hanscom Airport as a "general" airport not as a commercial airport as it is categorized in the Act. RESIGNATION, ARTS COUNCIL Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Elizabeth Parsons from the Lexington Council for the Arts. APPOINTMENT TO ARTS COUNCIL Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Stephanie Reich as a member of the Lexington Council for the arts to fill the unexpired term of Elizabeth Parsons to September, 30, 1992. RESOLUTION MSGR, KEILTY Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Resolution in acknowledgement of the retirement of Monsignor John P. Keilty, pastor of St. Brigid's Church for the past 20 years. AMBULA ABATEM Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of ambulance bills in the amount of $1,905.39, unpaid for reasons such as Medicaid patient, death, hardship, and bills returned with no forwarding address. WATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT, RESOLUTION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to act on behalf of the Town of Lexington, as its agent, in filing the applications for, executing agreements regarding, and performing any and all other actions necessary to secure for the Town of Lexington such loans and /or grants for the planning, design, and construction of 'dater Pollution Abatement Facilities as may be made available to the Town pursuant to the provisions of the Massachusetts Clean waters Act (M.G.L. c.21, sections 27 -33E, inclusive, as amended) and the Water Pollution Abatement Revolving Loan Program (M.G.L& c.29c) for the following project: The North Lexington Main Pumping Station and Force Main Replacement. , SUNDAY A . M . OPENINGS Mr. White reported on Sunday "Blue Laws" to allow stores on Sunday morningso for decisions on requests f direction from the Board be the status of proposed change to the the operation of certain retail The Police Chief, who is responsible or Sunday Openings, had asked for fore taking any action. �d — 4 - Although Chief Furdon and the Town Manager had originally been in favor of the amendment, it had become such a, controversial issue that Chief Furdon advised waiting for further clarification before decision is made. Mr. White felt that the matter would be coming up again in the near future. It was agreed that the Chamber of Commerce and the Lexington Center Committee will be asked for their views on the issue. COMMITTEE APPOINTMEN TOWN MANAGER COUNCIL ON AGING - L3-year terms to 6/1/94) Edmund Grant Robert Borshay BOARD OF HEALTH ( 3-year term to 4/30/94) Donald Goldmann BIOSAFETY COMMITTEE (3 --year term to 2/1/94) CONSTABLES (? -year terms to 4/30/93) Roy Murphy William Young George Anderson HISTORICAL COMMISSION (3-year terms to 4/1/94) Virginia Nicholson Maureen Phillips PERMANENT BUILDING COMM I TTEE ( 3 - year terms t o 4/30 James J. Scanlon Theodore M. Edson YO COMMISSION (3-gear terms to 4/30/94) Mark Bellino Lynda W i k AAA RATING, MOODY'S Mrs. Smith expressed the deep appreciation of the Board to the Town Manager -. or obtaining for the Town a AAA rating from Moody's Investors Service, especially in view of the financial stress now being faced by all Mass. cities and town. She pointed out the benefits that the high rating will provide such as considerable savings because of lower interest rates. All Board members joined in congratulating Mr. White and the Town Counsel reported on the excellence of the Manager's presentation to Moody's when they visited the Town. BRUCE ROA _SCATTERED S ITE HOUSING A public information hearing was held on the proposal by mw' LexHAB and the Rotary Club for construction by Minuteman VoTech students of a single family, scattered site house on a Town owned lot at #7 Bruce Road. Selectmen's Meeting -a- April 22, 1991 LexHAB members Marshall Derby, Chairman, David Eagle, Lynda Wik, William Hays, Donald Wilson and Gerald Howell, and approximately 35 residents of the Bruce Road area, were present. Mrs. Smith turned the meeting over to Mr. McSweeney who briefly recapped previous successful projects under this arrangement and complimented Town staff for their cooperation and assistance. He noted that the Selectmen depend on LexHAB for its expertise in tenant selection and management of these homes, with the support of the Town Manager. Mr. McSweeney acknowledged the significant contribution of time and talents by Rotary Club members Mark Moore and David Eagle who, with himself, comprise the Club's Housing Committee. As the third component of the team, fir. McSweeney noted the skilled student workers and staff from the Minuteman VoTech School who have worked on the Rotary LexHAB houses located on Emerald Street, Skyview Road, Stedman Road, and Waltham Street. Marshall Derby announced that tenants had been selected for the Waltham Street /Park Drive house now under construction. From many applicants, LexHAB, in cooperation with the Human Services Committee, had chosen four your developmentally delayed adults. Mr. Derby said that the design of the Bruce Road house will be basically the same as the Waltham Street house, but not f identical. Plans will be submitted to the Historic Districts Commission on May 1st. Mrs. Smith explained to the audience the purpose of the meeting and the procedures to be followed, w ith questions from the Board following the presentation and then comments and questions from the Bruce Road residents. She thanked the Bruce Road Association for a memo listing neighbors' concerns, including their request for a plan to deal with traffic and parking issues at the Bruce /Hillside intersection. Mrs. Smith noted that that item had been referred to the Selectmen's Traffic Safety Advisory Committee earlier in the meeting. In response to Mr. Eddison, 1.1r.. Derby said that LexHAB doesn't anticipate the need for a mortgage to cover the construction costs of $83,000 ±, which can be paid for out of LexHAB's cash flow. Gregory Levendusky, 488 Mass. Avenue, asked for clarification of the procedures whereby the Bruce Road lot was selected. Mr. Derby explained that among the vacant town- -owned lots listed as possible building sites by the Planning Board, and the Bruce Road lot had been the most appropriate and suitable, requiring no rezoning, being a legal building lot with existing sewer available, and having the least impact on the neighborhood. LexHAB had then recommended it to the Selectmen as the next Ohm project in the scattered site program. Mr. Eddi.son referred to the Town Meeting's directive that scattered site housing was preferred to concentrating units in one area. Mr. Levendusky asked i.f all sites on the list will be used and how citizens can participate in the choice of sites. �a z .. wee Mr. white explained that, based on its findings, LexHAB had determined the Bruce Road lot to be the easiest and best on the list for its purpose Regarding the possible use of other sites, Mr. white was not assured that all sites were appropriate for LexHAB's use. John Rice, 7 Bruce Road, asked for neighborhood participation in the planning and construction process and the opportunity to state concerns, if the Selectmen had already reached a decision to approve the Bruce Road site. Mrs. Smith felt that neighborhood participation was an excellent idea but stressed that the representative chosen must be prepared to speak for the group, even if his or her views differ from the majority's. Mr. Derby noted the need for the spokesman to be available at all times for meetings on the project. Mr. Eddison suggested that an alternate representati be also selected to ensure consistent attendance. Regarding the responsibility for maintenance of the property, Mr. Dailey referred to the original 17 scattered site houses, which are modular, built to the specifications of the Federal Government, and well maintained by the Housing Authority. In the case of the LexHAB houses, the Selectmen have much more latitude in design and material and can be more responsive to neighborhood concerns. A Emily Allen, 4$0 Mass. . Avenue , whose property abuts the rear- �..r of 7 Bruce Road, noted that Hillside Avenue is %. ery steep and that when the house at 9 Bruce Road had been built, drainage had been badly impacted. She felt that construction of an additional house and removal of natural growth at i Bruce Road would exacerbate the problem. She also asked for assurance that the Town will be insured for damages from blasting. Mr. White asked Frank Fields, Town Engineer, to explore the current drainage situation and explained the Town's processes to ensure that run-off from impervious surfaces drains property. He said that at this time, there appears to be no need for any blasting, but if s❑, it will be insured. Donna Bosco, 410 Mass. Avenue, noted the small size of the lot and asked it if was "grandfathered" and a legal lot . She spoke of parking and other problems caused by residents of a three-family house nearby on Mass. Avenue and asked if the number of fire hydrants in the area would be sufficient to serve the additional house. Ms. Bosco felt that the neighbors were being asked for input when the planning process was well advanced. Mrs. Smith stated that the meeting that evening was the earliest state in the planning process. In response to Ms. Bosco's statement that decisions had already been made by officials, Mr. white apologized for any misstatements which would lead the neighbors to that conclusion, noting that the notices of the information meeting had been sent in ample time when the project was first proposed.' Mr. Dailey said that all lots on the Planning Board's Master List are legal .lots and that others have been added since it was prepared. r Selectmen's 'Meeting -- - _Apr• i i ' � , i 1 Marshall Derby, in response to the question on whether the lot is grandfathe red, said that the building site is comprised of two grandfathered lots. Mr. Cohen added that almost all of the lots in the neighborhood are similarly grandfathered. With reference to the Association's concerns on traffic and parking, Mrs. Smith again pointed out that the matter had been referred to the Traffic Safety committee whose recommendations on the issues raised will be considered by the Selectmen. Relative to the impact of the parking of additional cars, she noted that the LexHAB house will have a driveway large enough to accommodate the tenant's cars, with no need for on- street parking. Donald Wilson of LexHAB said that 13 years ago, the 17 scattered site houses were built with Federal money, on Town owned land. The federal government had made all decisions on the number of houses and their design and the Town and the neighbors had had basically no control over these aspects. The Selectmen and the Town Meeting had seen the need for more sensitivity to neighbor's concerns and had created LexHAB under State legislation. Because of the change in the source of funding, the Town can now work with the neighborhoods and get helpful input. Will iam Welch, Precinct 2 Town Meeting Member who was present expressed his support as an abutter to the scattered site house and saw the need for the neighbors and the Town to work together for its successful completion. Mark Moore, Builder, commented on the excellent materials to be used in the house, which are the same as he uses in his business, and the high level of expertise and technical services donated.. Donna Rice, t Bruce Road, asked if a slab house will be built if ledge is found on the lot. She was concerned that, with no basement storage area, the tenants' possessions would be strewn around the property and look unsightly. Mr. Derby repeated that the plans call for a full basement and if ledge is found they will be adapted. Ann Schofield, 0 Bruce Road, asked about the daily work schedule of the students and of safety issues for children while the work is going on. She noted the many existing trees on the lot and asked if effort will be made to preserve them. Mr. McSweeney said that it is hoped that the house will be completed in one academic year, With the foundation in and capped by June '91 and with working hours from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be no work during July and August. The construction will take a bit longer because of shorter working hours, per day. He added that no complaints have been made by neighbors Burin; the Waltham Street construction and that as far as greenery is concerned, the minimum will be taken down. a Mr. McSweeney explained that the house is super-insulated and designed for heat conservation, with high efficiency windows being installed. Edward Dooks, 5 Mohawk Drive, asked if i Bruce Road had been approved by the Board as the construction site. Mrs. Smith said that it had been approved as a site for LexHAB and the Selectmen to consider, which was the purpose of the meeting that evening. In response to Mr. Rice's concerns about congestion in Bruce Road during construction, Mr. Eagle said that the 10 - students, who will work each day, will be driven in a van which will be parked, in the driveway, Mr. Levendusky asked who so many affordable housing units had been built in his area, noting the units for families with handicapped members was at the foot of Oak Street. Mrs. Smith listed the other scattered -site houses, which were located throughout the Town with no concentration in any one area. Mr. Eddison advised Mr. Levendusky to read a copy of the Affordable Housing Options Committee's report for information on other potential sites in the Master List. Environmental concerns and loss of open space were discussed. Mr. Cohen noted that many lots on Hillside .avenue have been bought for Conservation in addition to the west Farm on Oak Street. Mr. white responded to Ms. Bosco's question about the adequacy of fire hydrants in the neighborhood. He reported that hydrants are installed under the quota regulations of the National Fire Protection Institute. David Nuss , 6 Bruce Road, questioned clean-up procedures f oi� nails and scrap wood which might injure children. Mr. Derby said that clean --up will be done as needed and at the end of the day when the students go home. Mrs. Smith thanked the neighbors for their comments and for airing their concerns. She hoped that they had been given a sense of assurance in Town staff and LexHAB, who are committed to building quality hous ing. Mrs. Smith again cautioned the residents that the representative and alternate chosen must understand the importance of transmitting the neighbors' concerns to LexHAB and must be available for any meetings called. She felt that all would be happy with the end product. Karen Dooks invited the Association to present the subject to the East Lexington Community Association at its meeting on Ap ril 28 at 7:30 p.m. The residents were also invited to visit the Minuteman School and the other Rotary /LexHAB projects. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the proposal of the Lexington Housing Assistance Board to construct a scattered site house at #7 Bruce Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:35 p.m. A true record, Attest. Marion H. ow V-% renr4 -1t 4 - 4 Tr � Z- SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 26, 1991 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, on Friday, April 26, 1991, at 8:00 a.m. Chairman Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. white, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk were present. MULTIPLE PURPOSE LOAN SALE OF BONDS Mr. white reported that bids had been received bids from seven institutions on the sale of the $5,000.000. General Obligation Bond :Issue covering the Pine Meadows balance, School Renovations, Water and Sewer Lines, and the North Lexington Pumping Station Design. Dean 'fitter Reynolds, Inc. & Associates was the lowest bidder at a rate of 5.419, for a term of 8 years. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that pursuant to G . L . c . 44 , s . 21A the town is hereby authorized to issue $1,350,000 bonds for the purpose of paying an equal portion of the $1,500,000 Land Acquisition Temporary Bond of the town dated. January 25, 1991 and payable August 1, 1991; It was further voted that the sale of the $5,000 Municipal Purpose Loan of 1991 bonds of the Town dated May 1, 1991, to Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. & Associates at 100.02444 and accrued interest is hereby confirmed. The bonds shall be payable on May 1 of the years and in the principal amounts and bear interest at the respective rates, as follows: Interest Interest Fear Amount Rate Year Amount Rate 1992 $650,000 51909 1996 $600,000 5.309 1993 650 5190 1997 600,000 5.40 1994 650,000 5.00 1998 600,000 5150 1995 650,000 5.15 1991 600,000 5.55 It was further voted that the consent dated April 23, 1991 to the certifying bank bidding for the bonds is hereby confirmed. CONTRACT AWARD CLEANING WATER MAINS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award Contract 91-6, Cleaning and Lining Existing water Mains, to W. Walsh Company, Inc., 32 Walton Street, Attleboro, MA, lowest qualified bidder, in the amount of $224,904.30. CONTRACT AWARD STREET RESURFACING Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award Contract 91 -1, Street Resurfacing, to Lorusso Corporation, 3 .AI, F 3 - 2 - Frank Fields, Town Eng ineer, explained the recycling process - to he used for resurfacing, rather than the fabric process. The recycling process is said to produce cheaper and more attractive results. Upon mot ion dull- made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 8:15 a.m. A true record, Attest: . a n now Ex:�Icut ive Clerk I I