HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-BOS-mini SELECTMEN'S MEETING August 6, 1930 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August S, 1990, in the selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 Pon* Chairman Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Ms. Radway, Acting Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. LEXINGTON I -MAN DONATION Jon Towne, Manager Editor of the Lexington Minute --Man, was present to present a check for $100.00 to the Town on behalf of Fred Karten, Editor, and Beacon Communications Inc. Mr. Towne told of his firm's participation in the State Lottery in an attempt to win a substantial amount of money to donate to the towns within the readership of his paper. Since the plan did not succeed, it had been deQided that a token donation of $100.00 would be given to each community for charitable use. A new fund has been established through the Trustees of the Public Trusts to assist those in need of emergency funds and will be administered by Stephen Baran, Human Services Coordinator. The $100 donation will be applied to this fund. Mrs. Smith thanked Mr. Towne on behalf of the Trustees of the Public Trust and the Town for the newspaper's thoughtful gesture of goodwill. NEW POLI PERSONNEL Chief Furdon was present to introduce new Police recruits Kathleen Desmond and Susan Doyle, and Bigelow Moore, Parking Control Officer, The Chief explained the duties of Mr. Moore as the Town's civilian "meter minder" and the status of Police Academy training of Patrol Officers Desmond and Doyle and complimented all on their performances. Mr. Dailey noted that the officers had been recruited into an excellent force and said that he was sure they will be a credit to the Department. NOISE CONTROL HANSCOM FIELD Mrs. Smith left the meeting at this time to avoid the appearance of conflict of interest because of her involvement with Massport . She req*&sted that Mr. Eddi son take over Chairmanship of the Board during discussion and any decisions relative to Hanscom Field. Maya Ruettger- Cruciana, Bedford resident, Patrice Hurley, Chairman of the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission and John Taylor, Lexingon's H.F.A.C. representative, were present to share their experiences involved with the Part 250 Noisy: Study being conducted at Hanscom Field. Also present were concerned citizens of Lexington. Ms. Ruettger- Cruciana noted that materials on the study had been made available to the Selectmen, with a draft agreement among the Towns of Bedford, Concord, Lexington and Lincoln regarding the hiring of legal counsel to assist in reviewing and monitoring the conclusions of the study, as it is being conducted. She felt that the Towns have an important opportunity to participate to the study procedures. She proposed that serious use be made of that opportunity by seeing that ways of interpreting the impact of noise are redefined and by providing input on mitigating measures. �2- s r i Ms. Ruettger- Cruciana urged the Board's favorable consideration of agreeing to acquire the services of Attorney Eliot Cutler, whose extensive experience is this field would well qualify his to assist the four Towns in approaching Massport on the Study in a planned and comprehensive fashion. She stressed the need for the Towns to have a voice in forming Massport policies on noise issues impacting the surrounding communities, noting that the decisions made based on the conclusions of the study would be in effect for at least the next ten years. Ms. Ruettger-Cruciana outlined the phases of the 150 Study, which was started in February and will be completed in a year. Mr. Eddison noted that Mr. Cutler is Florida based and may not be as effective in Massachusetts because of his lack of awareness of the strong resistance of Mass. communities to previous Airport proposals, such as the current Continental Express commuter service proposal. He questioned the use of an attorney who is not familiar with the attitudes of this area. Ms. Ruettger- Cruciana felt that Mr. Cutler's work Would not be affected by local circumstances and differences and that the important factor would be his expertise in understanding the Part 150 study processes. She explained that the study had been initiated by Massport, with the F.A.A. underwriting most of the costs. F.A.A. will also fund amelioration measures if the study receives its approval and is accepted. Patrice Hurley agreed that it is vitally important that the Towns be involved in the process and saw the need for legal assistance. John Taylor expanded on the definition and scope of the Part 150 Stud, Mr. Eddison felt that HATS II would be the appropriate agency to deal with the matter on behalf of the four Towns involved, as is reflected in the HATS II 4-Town Memorandum of Agreement. He reported that the other Towns appear to be receptive to the proposal to hiring legal counsel but had requested more information before making a solid commitment. Mr. Dailey agreed with Mr. Eddison's view regarding HATS II's role and felt that the $5,000 asked of each Town was a nominal sun when dealing with the Federal Government. Mr. McSweeney concurred but was concerned with possible delay in engaging Mr. Cutler. He was in favor of proceeding as soon as possible. Since the Part 150 Study Group will meet on September 28, it was pointed out that any technical and legal assistance should be in place by that time. Mr. Dailey asked that information on the positions of the four towns be available by the Board's meeting on September 10. Frank Sandy, Lexington's representative on the Hanscom Field FAR Part 150 working Committee, urged the Selectmen to act favorably on engaging legal counsel. Kay Tiffany noted that Part 150 studies can either hurt or help communities, depending upon interpretations and felt that the Town faoed a real opportunity as well as danger in the process. She felt it mould be well worth the money to get top people to work in the Town's behalf. Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to work through HATS II in procuring the services of legal counsel for assistance and guidance with responses to the Part 150 Noise Study and that Mr. Eddison be the catalyst in dealing with the Towns of Bedford, Concord and Lincoln in this effort. Mrs. smith joined the meeting at this time. l Selectmen's Meeting -3- August 6, 1990 FY90 WATERISEWER RATES William Hadley, Director of water & Sewer, and Richard Spier,, Director of Public works, were present for a preliminary review and analysis of three proposed water and sewer rate structures. Spread sheets showing structures based on varying percentages of increase for four levels of consumption were reviewed. Mr. Hadley proposed that block rate structure "C ", which would cover all water and sewer expenses, be accepted. A comparison with water /sewer rates in other MWRA communities showed Lexington, with adoption of Structure "C", to be among the lowest. Mr. Hadley was complimented by Board members on his excellent provision of information. A Public Hearing on water and sewer rates will be scheduled for late August or early September. CONSENT AGENDA POLL VOTES OF JULY Zia 24 Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify poll votes of July 23 & 24, as follows: TRANSFER !3F LOTS 3 LEI GHTON_ AVE IE Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign documents for transfer of Lot two, Leighton Avenue to abettors Steven R. and Jessie L. Foster and Lot four, Leighton Avenue, to abettors Anthony M. and Karen M. Marques. COMMON CARRIER LICENSES- _ SHARE -A -RIDE Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applications of Share -Aw -Ride, Inc. for Common Carrier Licenses for LLEXPRESS along routes as outlined by the Town, to expire no later than December 31, 1994. ONE . DAY - L 191 OR L I CEN.SES.e DEO.. ELKS Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve applications by the Elks Lodge, #2304, for One Day Liquor Licenses for a wedding reception to be held on August 11, 1990, and a social to be held on August 17, 1990, at 959 Waltham Street. UNLICENSED , DOGS WARRANT Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a warrant for 586 unlicensed dogs in the Town of Lexington, for transmittal to the Animal Control. officer, Kathy P. Fox. BATTLE GREEN GUIDE LICENSES Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve applications for Battle Green Guide Licenses for: Julie Anne DeMatteo Joshua L. McCarthy Sandor Zapolin Elizabeth Perlman Kenneth M. Smith Masha Wasilewsky Christopher A. Harris Steven Ford Daniel Marx To expire on June 31, 1991. J � 4 - ABATEMENTS SEWER DEMAND CHARGES Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of charges, as follows: Water, $606.59; Sewer, $613.34; Demand, $5.00 - water, $132.23; Sewer, $131.40 - water, $1,594.95; Sewer, $1,464.20 -- and abatements for freeze up adjustments: water, $1,723.40; Sewer, $1,634.37; and Remand, $5.00. COMM I TMEN�'s Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Commitment of May /June final water Bills, $857.10; and May/June final Seger Bills, $979.04. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING TOWN MANAGER Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the poll vote of July 23, 1990, appointing Deborah Radway as Acting Town Manager, from August 6 through August 10 during the absence of Richard J. White, Town Manager, CH. 81 Be 31 FORMS STATE HIGHwAY FUNDS Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to ratify the poll vote of July 23, 1990, to approve and execute Chapter 81, s.31 state Highway Forms (HED-077) for construction work during fiscal year 1991, in the amount of $2,428,377.00 COMMITMENTS SEWER .-STREET OPENING FEES Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Commitment of Sewer Charges, July final bills, $928.44; and Street Opening Fees, $407.50. ABATEMENTS WATER SEWER DEMAND CHARGES Upon notion duly Meade and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of water Charges, $324.91; Sewer Charges, $257,82; and Demand Charges, $5.00 July 24, 1990, -- and abatement of water Charges, $866.32; Sewer Charges $751.66; and Demand Charges, $105.00, July 31, 1930. MINUTES., JULY .,_9 �AND MAY 21, 1990 Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, as presented, minutes of selectmen's Meetings on July 9, 1990, and May 21, 1990. APPOINTMENTS TO TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the reappointment of the following to the Transportation Advisory Committee for terms of office to expire on September 30, 1992: William Mix, Sally Castleman, and Lawrence Chait. and the appointment of the following. Nicholas D. Santosuosso, 2 Washington Street, to fill the unexpired term of Charles Stevens to September 30, 1990. Elizabeth W. Andrews, 22 Kendall Road, to fill the unexpired term of Elaine Dratch to September 30, 1991, and Carol O. Sonduck, 3 Hollow Lane, to fill the unexpired term of Eugene Lee to September 30, 1991. ""'�' Selectmen's Meeting -5_ August 6, 1990 APPOINTMENT CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION BOARD Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Diane T. Lund, 23 Nickerson Road, as a member of the Condominium Conversion Board for a term of office to expire on September 30, 1992. MAPC REVIEW CONTACT PERSON Mrs. Smith noted the request of MAPC for designation of a contact person, other than the Town's MAPC representative to respond to ENFs /EIRs, in order to expand the scope of regional reviews by MAPC and to ensure than the reports are more comprehensive and in keeping with MetroPlan 2 It was felt by the Selectmen that Myla Kabat -Zinn, Lexington's representative to MAPC who has been responding to the ENFs /EIRs, was doing a competent job, but that to comply with MAPC's request for a staff contact person, Deborah Radway, Assistant Town Manager, can be listed with Mrs. KAabat- Zinn in this capacity. Mrs. Kabat -Zinn will continue to be the primary responder, but if the need for Town staff, such as the Planning Director or Town Engineer is needed, she can work through Ms. Radway to obtain their assistance. Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to designate Deborah Radway, Assistant Town Manager, to be listed with Myla Kabat -Zinn as contact persons for MAPC Environmental Reviews. ELECTION WORKERS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint sixty -one Democratic and thirty -eight Republican Election Workers for terms of office to expire on September 1, 1991, as recommended by the Chairmen of the Democratic and Republican Town Co®umittees. WARRANT. 1990 STATE i� ArnnA PMIMARY ELECTION r An Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant for the 1990 State Primary Election, to be held on Tuesday, September 18, 1990. STATE _ = = A I,I H I OHWAYS . CH b 81 FORMS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and execute Chapter 81 State Aid Highway Forms in the amount of $33,242, as requested by Town Engineer Francis Fields. MARRETT ROAD FINAL ADVISORY RE M T CH. 90 FUNDS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and execute the Final Advisory Report for design work by B.S.C. Engineering on Marrett Road, 75% and 100% Design, EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0 by roll call vote: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the Town, With no intent to resume open session. r 11� Upon notion duly Meade and seconded, it A true record, Attest: VMMW was voted to adjourn at 9: p, a . M`ar i on ri Executive Clerk %No I� SELECTMEN'S MEETI NG August 20, 1994 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, August 20 1990 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Smith, Mr. Marshall, Mr Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Lahey, Town Counsel, Ms. Radway, Asst. Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. TRIBUTE TO LLOYD GILSON Mrs. Smith acknowledged the service to the Tc ;m of Lloyd Gilson, who had died in a boating accident the previous week. His involvement in Town government had included six terms as Town Meeting member from Precinct 7, membership and recently the Chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee. Mrs. Smith, on behalf of the Board, paid tribute to Mr. Gilson's excellent performance in those capacities, as well as his devotion to his family and Temple, adding that she felt he exemplified the spirit of volunteerism in Lexington. NORTHWEST CENTER FACILITY MAIL PROCESSING CENTER Mrs. Smith outlined the proposal of the U . S . Postal service for construction of a large regional facility on a 36-acre site on smith Street, Walthan, approximately 1,000 yards from the Lexington /Waltham lime. Despite its proximity to the site, the impacts on Lexington had not been included in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Postal Service earlier in the year. The Town Manager had written to Ted Tarantino, Real Estate Specialist of the Postal Service at that time, outlining the Town's concerns and asking that they be addressed before a siting decision is made by the U.S. Postal Board of Governors in early Septe mber. To date, there has been no response to this request. Mr. White had prepared a draft letter to Anthony Frank, Postmaster General, asking that the Board of Governors delay any siting decision until all Lexington concerns have been addressed and the community has been provided with ample time for review and comment on the Postal Service's assessment of the issues. He asked for the Selectmen's approval of the draft. Richard Canale, President of the South Lexington Civic Association, updated the Board on reports from the Waltham News Tribune that Senator Kerry is aiding in efforts to bring Lexington's and Waltham's concerns to the attention of the Board of Governors. He has stated that the Board's decision on siting has now been delayed until its October meeting, Mr. Canale also noted the extensive work of the South Lexington Association and similar Waltham groups in bringing the potential traffic and environmental impacts and loss of tax revenues to the communitiez to the attention of the Board of Governors. He urged the Selectmen to continue to support residents' efforts in demanding that the proposal be subjected to full environmental processes. Mr. Canale told the Selectmen of the promise of the Postal Service for provision of the requested environmental information by August 24. Mrs. Smith complimented the South Lexington group on its work in pursuit of the cooperation of the Postal Service. She advised that if the promised information has not been received by August 24 strategy for further procedures should be planned by the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -- 0 with Mr. Marshall moo abstaining due to his absence from the meeting, to approve as presented the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on August 8, 1990. MEETING SCHE U It was agreed that Selectmen's Meetings will be scheduled for September 10, and September 24, in addition to a special Breakfast Meeting with Committee Chairmen, on September 21. CONSENT AGENDA JAYNL3j9V TRAFFIC SIGNAL Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee the request of John Jayne, 823 Mass. Avenue, for installation of a traffic signal on Mass. Avenue at Pleasant Street because of the difficulties encountered by motorists when entering onto Mass. Avenue. The Traffic Committee will be requested to explore the traffic situation in the area in a broader context, taking into consideration all factors contributing to the problem. BATTLE G REEN GUIDES Upon motion duly wade and seconded, it was voted to approve the following applications for Licenses for Battle Green Guides, as recommended I- Cornelius Cronin, Director: Conan L. Hom 175 Grove Street David M. Frohman 12 Todd Road to expire in June 30, 1991. USE OF BATTLE GREEN Upon motion duly Made and seconded, it was voted to approve requests of the Lexington Minute Men for permission to conduct an installation ceremony on the Battle Green on Sunday, September 30, 1990, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. It was also voted to approve the request of the Best of Boston, Ltd. that a performance of the Creative Generation Musical Theatre be permitted on the Battle Green on Thursday, June 28, 1991, in the forenoon. THEATRE L I LENSES ,_,,, C I NEMA I„ A II Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve licenses for weekday and Sunday operation of Cinema I and cinema II, 1794 Massachusetts Avenue, and the applications of Marble Rock Cinema Corp. d /b/a Cinema I and Cinema II to the Mass. Commissioner of Public Safety for License for Public Entertainment on Sunday. ABATEMENT of CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abate- ment of water Charges in the amount of $3,244.55; Sewer Charges, $3,458.98; and Demand Charges, $80.00, as requested by the Director of Public Works, EXTENSION OF PREMISES �rr..rr r r.. nnr�.rrirri.r.mi�r. r rr Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Extension of i P remises on Sunday, September 9, 1990 from 12 Noon to 7:00 p.m. for an Annual •.. Family Picnic, as requested by the Lexington Lodge of Elks, #2204, 959 Waltham Street. /g Selectmen's Meeting 3- August 20, 1990 COMM I TMENT OF CHARGES Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Commitment of the following Charges: Water Charges, final bills, July $ 835.28 Sewer Charges, final bills, July $ 1,365.36 Water Charges, final bills, July $ 1 Water Charges, July Cycle 9 bills $63 Water Charges, August Cycle 9 bills $70,142.77 Sewer Charges, July Cycle 9 bills $ 750.00 ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSES Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve application of the Lexington Lodge of Elks, #2204, 959 Waltham street, for one Day Liquor Licenses, as follows. Sept. 1, 1990 Wedding 7 p.m. to 12 Mid. Sept. 8, 1990, Wedding 3 p.m. to 9 p. m. Sept. 15 1990 social 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sept. 16, 1990 Social 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Sept. 22, 1990 Wedding 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sept. 23, 1990 Social 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sept. 29, 1990 Wedding 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. P"'' CONTRACT 90 -9 BUTTERFI LD POND D Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the award of Contract #90 -9, Repair of Butterfield Pond Dam, to the lowest bidder, Tasco Construction Company, 92 Strangbrook Road, Belmont, in the amount of $49,081.25, as recommended by Richard Spiers, Director of Public Works. It was noted that the original estimate of $40 had not been high enough to fund repair of the extensive damages discovered and that the cost of an animal wildlife assessment had not been taken into consideration. DIRECTORY OF PUBLICATIONS The Town Manager referred to recently published Publications Directory, as discussed at the Selectmen's Goal Setting Meeting. Complete sets of publications, and the Directory will be provided to the Libraries -- i - - the near future, the Directory will be distributed to all Town Ices to aid in assistance to the public. TEMPORARY BORROWING, NORTH LEXINGTON PUMP STATION Upon notion duly wade and seconded, it was voted to approve and execute Bond Anticipation notes #3987 and #3988 in the amount of $214,000.00 payable at Shawmut Bank, NA for work on the North Lexington Pump Station Replacement project as authorized under Article 24 of 1990, with permanent financing to be arranged in the fall. CURBSIDE COLLECTION REGULATIOJIS Richard Spiers, Director of Public Works, was present for brief review of the "Regulations Governing the Curbside Collection of Lexington Waste" as developed by the Waste Management Task Force. The document, which reflects rules previously adopted by the Selectmen, is a correlation of several separate documents. Mr. Spiers noted the efforts of the Task Force in compilation of a useful aid to residents. t q 4 - Mrs. Smith, as the Selectmen's Liaison to the Task Force, particularly complimented Gina Blaber for her expert work in preparing a readable and comprehensive set of rules. The thanked Ms. Blaber and Mr. Spiers and the entire committee for their efforts. Mrs. Smith, who had prepared a draft "Charge to the Waste Management Committee" asked for direction from the Board as to whether the work of the Task Force should be carried on by a waste Management Committee, to be appointed by the Selectmen. Regarding distribution of the new Regulations for waste collection, Mr. McSweeney suggested that the newspaper might be willing to publish them as a service to the Town. GOALS SETTING MINUTES Mr. White had distributed draft copies of minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on Goal Setting and asked that he be informed of any comments or corrections. He intends to submit the minutes for acceptance by the Board on September 10. EMPLOYEE BARBECUE The Manager informed the Board of plans for the second Annual Employee and Family Barbecue, sponsored by the Management Team, to be held at the Adams School Playground in September 12. He hoped for good weather and, as last year, urged the Selectmen to attend, if possible. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTEMAN YOTECH AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT two A Public Information Meeting was held on the proposal of the Minuteman VoTech School for construction of a house at Waltham Street and Park Drive. The Town would pay only for materials used to build the house on a Town owned lot and LexHAB has offered to underwrite those costs and assume ownership and management of the house, thus increasing the number of scattered site affordable houses in Town. Residents of the neighborhood were invited to attend the meeting and were informed that representatives from LexHAB and the Rotary Club would be present. ^�— A four bedroom cape style house was proposed for the 10,000+ sq. ft. lot 1 a.�u w i 11 be t cans f e rred temporarily to the Rotary Club, to be secured by a mortgage at a later date, which will allow for substantial labor and insurance savings. It is hoped that construction can begin this fall. Mr. White noted the fine teamwork of Rotary, the School and the Town as had been the case in the successful Emerald Street project. Marshall Derby, Chairman of LexHAB, estimated the total costs for the house at $84,000, with developer Mark Moore of the Rotary Club, and LexHAB Rotary member David Eagle overseeing the work. Mr. Moore felt that the house, when completed will be valued at about $285,000 and said he was pleased to be involved in the effort. Julian Bussgang, 2 Forest Street, said he had no problem with the use of the land but questioned where cars would be parked and if access would be from Park Drive. There will be off- street parking on a driveway off Park Drive. .Mr. Bussgang was also informed that the one existing tree on the lot will be saved. Selectmen's Meeting -5- August 20, 1990 E Dan McCabe, 188 Waltham Street, spoke of his support as a member of the VoTech Advisory Group as well as a neighbor, and suggested access to the house from the front. He offered, as a local businessman, to supply the materials for the access. . Mr. White requested authorization from the Board to go forward with preparation of documents to transfer the lot to the Rotary Club, to be transferred back to LexHAB upon completion of the house. Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager, with the assistance of the Town Counsel, to proceed with preparation of necessary documents to transfer ownership of Lot 23, Map 49, Waltham Street, to the Lexington Rotary Club, with the intent that the land be transferred after completion of the house to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board. LEXINGTON RIDGE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Robert Engler of Stockard & Engler, Inc., coordinators of the Lexington Ridge Housing Development proposal was present with his associates Mr. Tarrell, Engineer, Mr. Kruse, Sr. Associate, and Mr. Winslow of Winslow Design, for review of plans for a 198 unit apartment complex with 2 & 3 bedroom units, similar to Katandin Woods, proposed for an 18 acre site on Waltham Street at the Lexington/Waltham line. Market rate and affordable rental units are proposed. The Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on the application for Comprehensive Permit on September 13. Mr. Winslow presented the plan developed, which he felt addressed the topography by keeping units away from the site's highest point, from Waltham Street and from wetlands. A medium density of 3 and 4 -story buildings is planned. Mr. Winslow pointed out the circulation system, with a loop road accessing onto Waltham Street. Mr. Engler noted that buffering of Waltham residents by plantings of large trees is included in the landscaping plans. The complex will contain a recreation /community building with an indoor pool. Mrs. Smith referred to the draft recomendations prepared by the Planning Board, for submission to the Board of Appeals, prior to its Sept. 13 hearing. Mr. Marshall reviewed the list of 11 Planning Board recommendations on all aspects of the plan and expressed support of all, with the exception of Conditions #3 and #9. He felt that Item #3, recommending at least Sox of the total units as subsidized housing was in need of more discussion, since the developer is proposing 25%, as at Katandin Woods. Regarding Item #9, which requires that where there are more qualified applicants than the number of available units, preference shall be given to those households who have the lower income, he felt it wouldn't be a major problem, if stated only as a preference or policy. Mr. Dailey saw it as a threat to the eligibility of town employees who are to be given equal consideration in Item #8. Board members agreed with Mr. White's suggestion that Item #9 be dropped. Regarding Item #3 Mr. Engler said that a higher number of affordable units to be dedicated would be an economic issue for the developer, noting that, as requested by the Town, the total number of units proposed had been reduced from 222, as originally proposed, to 198. 2� GM6- He also pointed out the possibility that there say not be enough certified low income applicants to fill 30% (or 58 units) . The Town Manager suggested a negotiating clause to downgrade the 30% to 25E if this should prove to be the case. Mr. Engler agreed that the change sight be acceptable to the developer. Mr. White will meet with the developer to try to reach agreement. Upon notion duly made and seconded, it Was voted to adopt the position of the Planning Board as amended by the elimination of Item #9, and with the caveat, as out 1 ined above on Item *39 . CHANCE OF MANNER LEX I NCTON GOLF CLUB Mrs. Smith noted the application of the Lexington Golf Club for approval of Change of Manager, under its Club Liquor License, from James J. Tully to Peter E. Norton and the favorable report from the Lexington Police Department on Mr. Norton's character and suitability for that position. Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Lexington Golf Club, 55 Hill Street, for Change of Manager from Janes J. Tally to Peter N. Norton, 63 Martin Road, Milton, NA. Upon sot i on duly made and seconded, it was voted.. to adjourn ..apt 9:34 p.m ' f A true record, Attest =" ' 1 arion H. S ow Executive Clerk