HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-BOS-minSELECTMEN'S M EETING June 11. 1990 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen -K a.s held on Monday, June 11, 1990, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Toi n office Building, at 7 1: 30 p. m. Acting Chairman Smith, Chairman Eddison, 'qtr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. whi Le , Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, , Assts to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. CHANGE OF MANAGER9 LKS Mrs. Smith read the petition of the Lexington Lode of Elks for Change of Manager under the Lodge's Club Liquor License from J. Raymond Arsenault to Brian M. Fraser and noted the favorable recommendation of the Chief of Police on Mr. Fraser' s suitability for the position. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the petition , or Late Lexington Ledge No. 2204 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 939 Waltham Street for Change of Manager from J. Raymond Arsenault to Brian M. Fraser. BOWMAN SCHOOL STU DENTS RECYCLING PETITION Students from the fourth grade of the Bowman School and their teacher, :inn Carothers, were present to request endorsement b1r the Selectmen of a Recycling Initiative proposed for insertion on the State Election ballot next November. The children presented a skit which illustrated the need for and benefits of r. ecycl ing, which was enthusiastically received by all present* t)e t i t. ion request i no� the Board's endorsement signed by about 2 t}up i 1 s leachers, and custodians at 'k -he Bowman School, was submitted. The decision to Pllldorse the initiative will be made af ter its intent has been c lar i f ied. F AR I ' %T CRE ASE , LEA F'RES T � [. ;hairman William Mix and Sally ('astleman of the 'ommi t tee met with the Board to request approv of a LEXPRESS, the first increase since 19850 It was noted 1.he sti•stem to six routes will probably cause a loss in o ffset any i_necease in r U pon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted cash fares and permit books for LEXPRESS, effective as follo .adults (age 19 -64) SU . r 5 Students (age 6 - 15) 0.60 Seniors 0.35) Under 6 0.15 Transfers 0115 Surcharge Ad. or Stu. 0.25 Surcharge Seniors 0. 15 TICKETS: Book of 14 t . 5)o 1.00 Adults (19 -64) FY 85,00 Adults 6 months 50,00 Students (6 -1$) FY 75.00 Students 6 months 45).00 Transport ,, : -,t ion Adv isory fare increase for that the reduction of ridership which will to approve increases in of July 1, 1990, as TICKETS (Continued) Student 5 months Senior FY Senior 6 months Senior 3 months Fami Pass FY MTXTTTTrQ 30.00 45,00 30.00 20.00 225.00 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve as presented the Executive Session minutes of the Selectmen's meeting on May 14, 1990, and the minutes of May 21, 1990. APPOINTMENT TO HANSCOM FIELD ADVISORY COMMISSION Mrs. Smith requested that Mr. Eddison chair the meeting for discussion and action on the proposed reappointment of tJohn Taylor as Lexin01ton' s representative on the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission and did not participate or vote on the matter because of tier involvement with the Massachusetts Port Authority. Upon motion duly made and seconded, 4 - 0 with Mrs. Smith abstaining, it was voted to reappoint John E. Taylor, 11 Linmoor Terrace, as Lexington's Representative on the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission, for a term of office to expire on June 30, 1993. Board members agreed that Mr. Taylor had done an outstanding ,job representing the Town during the time he has served on the Commission. Mrs. Smith resumed chairmanship of the meeting. IPPO I NTMENTS TO TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE Upon motion du made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint the xollowi_n to the Town Celebrations Committee and Town Celebrations Subcommittee, as recommended by the Commi Chairman, Nilliam Fitz erald: Town Celebrations Committee ( 3 year terms) Vol Hayden, Dawn McKenna, Marilyn Me eeney Town Celebrations Subcommittee (1 year terms) :'.dri enne De lla Penna, Walter Ellis Eric Carlson, t ohn Graham (7 I D CE �� ATFRSHED 'MEMO OF I NTDERSTANDI N Nirs. Smith reviewed the status of the Cambridge Watershed Protect project, initiated by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council., with .point participation between Cambridge, Lexington, Lincoln, Waltham and Weston. A draft. Memorandum of Understanding among the communities had been distributed for review and comment and responses had been received by MAPC from the five _inv olved communities. MAPC then asked for approval of the revised version of the MOU, which included all sua?o�ested chances. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mrs. Smi t h tlo s i n t pie Cambr i d se Watershed Advi Committee Memorandum o Understand i nd (_)n be }gal.'' of the Lexington Board of Selectmen, as follows: WHEREAS the Towns of Lexington, Lincoln, and Weston and the Cities of Cambridge and Waltham in Middlesex county, Massachusetts have certain natural resources of surface and underground waters, streams, and water courses within the watersheds of the Hobbs Brook and stony Brook and within these watersheds are located certain reservoirs and storage basins now used or with a potential use as sources of water supply, and �f a 3 �teet ina - ;3-- lone li - 19 9 0 .".P_ L�_(. tmen WHEREAS the co have a common interest in protecting such natural resou r ces to ensure the - a v a i l a b i l i t y of public water supplies in such quality and quantity as necessary, NOW, THEREFORE, the s ignatories of this memorandum of understanding E r representing the communities agree as follows. 1. To consu P 1 t to ether and coop erate in matters pertaining to natural resources of wetlands, surface and underground waters within the watershed of the Hobbs Brook and Stony Brook. 2. To cos together consult t to ether and make recommendations relative to zoning and general by-laws which may affect such resources , adopted by the 9 y . authvrit le commun under their independent home r ule y consult together and make recommendations relative to the adoption �' To co � city and and promulgation of rules and regulations of the y town bo whose official duties concern the use of land, the protection of natural resources and the present and potential sources of water supply. 4' g To work together as a mechanism for joint local action for the resolution of water quality and water resource i at the local, county and state levels. r information ormati on and notify 5. To share y the participating communities of pending applications projec for ro ' ec is i n the watersheds of the Hobbs Brook and Stony rook which require action or a decision by local agencies including the Planning ann i ng Boards , Boards of A y eal Conservation pp . Boa rds of Health and other pe granting agenc i es , and Commi ssions, Boa � • r which fall under guidelines adopted by the Cambridge Watershed Advisory Committee. ur ther ag reed that it is the intent of th memorandum of It � s f 9 understanding that local action and implementation of 1 shall be u��.� l ocal p owers = ' l�ted to t he fullest 1 l es t ex tent. For the purpose of providing public information and advice on the protection of water resources, this signatories i es ma be referred to as the Cambridge Watershed association of sag y Advisor Committee. The members of the Committee shall b y appointed by the Chief Executive Officer(s) f i cer (s) of each c y ommun i t y The Chief of Executive . each may determine the procedures f appointment ntment for Officer(s) y . The membership of the Committee shal be compr sed of three commun,ty. T P representatives to ti v es from each conmun i ty . For Lex i ng ton , L • incoln , Waltham and 1 P re f Elected Weston, the members shat be P resentatives of the Chief . the Planning i n Board and the Conservation off�c�al�s }, g Commi ss i on. For Chief Elected Cambridge, the members shall be representatives of the . the Conservation Commi The committee official, the dater Board shall functi a s an advisor y committee to the Chief Elected officials of each community, and shall report i findings and recommendations to the participating communities. s further agree It • d that this memorandum may be amended from time to time � b y agreement of the signatories. - 4 - I ,ENE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE ARMENIA SISTERS WAV The application for One Day Liquor License by the Armenian Sisters :academy for their annual picnic was discussed with respect to the disturbance to the neighborhood from their 1989 picnic. Illegal parking and the impact of no From loud music had been the cause o many complaints. Sister Alphonsa had stated that this year, the picnic activities will be relocated to an area near adequate parking on the Academy grounds and that the Disc Jockey engaged would not be using loud speakers. [Upon motion du made and seconded, it was voted to approve the appl i�..ation of the Armenian Sisters :academy for one Day Liquor License, on Sunday, June 1 1990, at 2 Pelham Road, from 12 Noon to 6: p.m. The Police Department will be asked to closely monitor the event. C- tiSENT AGENDA QNE DAY LI Q�'OR LICENSES, B. P.O. ELMS t pon motion dti ly made and seconded, it was voted to approve -:ppl icat ions bar Lexington Lodge = 2204 , B. P, O. Elks for One D ay Liquor Licenses for events to be held at the Lode Hall, 959 Waltham Street, as follows: June 15, 1990, 7 :00 p.m. to 12 Midnight, Lodge social June 16, 1900, 5 : 00 p. m. i.o 10-00 p. m . Reception June 22, 1990, 7:00 p.m. to 12 Midni Lodge Social June 29, 1990, 7:00 p.m. to 12 Midnight, Reunion June 30, 1990, 12 Noon to 5:30 p.m. Reception Upon motion dul glade and seconded, it was voted to rat i fN- the p o l l vo of June 1, 1990, approving 1 following One Day Liquor Licenses for everts 1 ;e ld a t the Elks Ladd e Hall.. J :jrae 2. ' 990, r : 00 p. m. to 12 Midni;;ht, Bridal Shower =JtYne ►, 1990, :3.00 p, m. to 8:00 p. m$ Reception :June 8 , 1990 , 7 1 .00 p.m. to 12 Midnight , Awar ds Banquet =tune 10, 1990, 2: 00 p.m. 1 i ; Ofd p. Bridal Shower ")NE DAY LIQUOR L ICENSE, o C Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was �soted to approve the application of Knights of Columbus Council 94, Lexington, for ( }ne DaNr Liquor L icense on Saturday, -June 30 , 1990, from 6:00 p.m. to 12 M idn i t , for a Lodge cookout. ONE DAY AUCTIO?tiEER LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Glynn :suctions, Inc. for one Day :auctioneer License for Charles David Glynn, 4 583, t'or an Estate Auction to be held at '5 Adams Street, can Saturday, June 1. 6, 1990, from 9:00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. 1 - 9 -4k% BIN Upon motion duly made and Seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of water Charges ($3,944.9 and Sewer Charges ($4,062-62). PnMM T T1L' VMT C Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to commi the follow Charges; water, final May bills, $403.77; June Cycle 9 bills $ 7 1 3,368.91; Final May Sewer bills, $309.04. ye t MW June Selectmen's Meetind _5_ if , ii9 L IMO LICENSE ' po n mo tion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the �; al • of Limousine Licenses for Limousine Eighteen Ltd. (3 application for rene w vehicles), as follows: ( -4--91 , 1958 Lincoln Town Car #G -?93, 1988 Ford Crown Victoria #H --9191 AWARD. RECYCLING PROGRAM � announced that Lex in�ton' s Recyc 1 ins Program i��:d received an .fir. White achievement award from the National Environmental Awards Council and will be included in the 199 "Environmental Success Index". fir. White �ave credit for this recognition of Lexington's efforts to the Director of Public Works, � Richard Spr ers , and to the Waste Management Task Force, who had worked together t o ensure the success o f the program. Mrs. Smith thanked Mr. Sp i ers o ,� for his h ard work and constant attention to the program's development and implementation. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS TOE N MANAGER Upon motion duly made ind seconded, it was voted to approve the reapp ointments by t he Town Manager of the f o 1 low= ing , for three year terms CONSERVATION COMMISSION Angela Frick, Richard Wolk and Markus Pinney BOARD OF HEALT Barbara Marshall H ISTORICAL COMMISSION Brucia Wi_tthof't, �Ia.rtin Gilman and Isabella Hageisteiti PER MANENT BU COMMITTEE ;� i l l i am P. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy R EC REA TION COMMITTEE Donald Chisholm C OUNCIL ON AGING Barbara Rubin and Kevin Grimes �I ARRETT ROAD /ROUTE _ ,A t'H . 90 PROJECT Upon motion duly grade and seconded, it was voted to approve a Chapter 90 Pro'ect Request for 100% grant reimbursement in the amount of w 3,3oo for .� q engineering eerin services in connection with the design of the Marret t Road/Route 2A project. BU ILDING DEPARTMENT USERS GUIDE `fir. white referred to a. User Guide, developed bar the B��ildir7 Commissioner mmissioner• to aid the public in understanding the complex State Buildin6 Warding procedures involved in the construction permit process. Board Cade regarding � members agreed that Stephen Frederickson, Building Commissioner, was to be commended for his fine work on the Guide. �`FG ION_A PO =T �- �L S E�RVI CE DISTRIBUTION "ENTER Ac,t .iri<j Chairman Eleanor nlauminzer and Planning Board members Dav i(i "Now ams , fi'obert Domni tz and Edmund Grant met w i t h the Board for discuss of the plans for a Regional Postal. Service Distribution Center, proposed for : - location abutting the Lexington l i n e . The Venter would 1..e bu i i t u f f Smi Street, Walt--ham, which is a continuation of Spring Street i n i.exin Review of the summary of the Site Planning Report Environment Assessment, dated May, 1990, had raised a number of concerns and questions 1 b out t< ke i mpa.c:. this lame ( 800+ e mployee) fac wou have on Lexington. rrhe Assessment appears to ire deficient in that the analysis is l i m i Led to the land located within Waltham and does riot consider Lhe impacts on land_ and Streets in Lexington. T he Pl annins Board felt that is voice alone would be in sufficient to s t rc�r� n l - express the Town i s concerns to Federal offici and asked for i nvo lti - ement, of the Board of Selectmen in this of fart. Ric: hz-j.r•d C President of the South Lexington Civic Association, : -')Ut f. i tiers is-sues to I)e addressed before (lecisions by the Postaf Ser v icf:� is '' i ttal i ;:ed c�tt Lhe proposal and stated the Association's concerns regarding 011v i rr3rI mental f'ac: tors and traffic impact on South Lexington. M Canale referred to the Environmental .assessment prepared by Ri zzo ssoc. i ates , whi does not take these matters into account. He toted that t:he :yFfec;t �jr potential .ivnd current construction, in addition to the Postal Ffac: i I i ty , had not been considered in the Statement. lie reported that the Postal Service feels no fiscal responsibili for m i ti uat inn C is problems to be generated. The South Lexington .association requested that in a ._joint effort , t Se.f ect�men and Plann in Board ur e the Postal Ser Ice to delaNr the August 1. 99 0 'c c 3 :: t3 i) Y i t: Board of Go vernors rent, i t a co mplete reg ic3na (cant i rorimental ,Issessment, Lnc.ludin6 Lexington, has been developed. T (1atue, 1 mere has been no opportun for c ,,ommurti t, iripu t: on Lli(, t� r() .j e t . A meet: i.ng of Postal Ser vice Real Estate of ' f'icials and env `gal Lham s planned For Friday, June ire addi t�'LOUI 1 0 i-1 f'�_ii }1 i.c ate= t. i r i d c }t �Irt.�e 1 I t was suggested that ei tYher qtr. Whit: c_= �.�r !fir. Bover cattend the June 1 5th mee tina , and that. contact be made with Senator Kerinedv, Congressman Markev, Governor DA - Akis and Secretary of Transport-ti i Sri 1� ucc:• i eri l i s t their support, -\ l an Wade, 5.24 Concord Avenue, noted that Concord Avenue /Spr irld Street is a. hicyh -accident location and asked about the possibility o f divert ink Post orrice trucks away from Lexington streets. It was agreed that i t is important to gaii1 the cooperation cif' the Postr.,_i i Ser on participation of Lexington and Waltham in the process and to request the assistance of high federal and state officials well t:Pfore the ;�uuus t: vote by the Board of Governors. Effort w i ll also he made to explore , lie t- Ater there ToiYri residents, such as :John McLaughlin, w i t h a degree of i nt'lUence wi the Postal Service, who would he willing to joie in this effort, .w■O . 5�? __ II r' i Selectmen's Meetino M une 11, .4 9qo A SSISTANCE To SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN AWARD Mr. Cohen reported on a telephone call- from Charles V i hon who wishes to establish a P ermanent annual prize to be awarded to a teacher or volunteer who has done outstanding work in the teaching and development of special needs children. Mr. V ikon was advised by Mr. Cohen to work with the Trustees of the Public Trust regarding the $250.00/year award. Mr. Vihon will suggest the formation of a committee to review candidates and select each year's winner. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted - to authorize Mr. Cohen to accept the ; i f t and turn it over to the Trustees of the Public Trust. LEAVE of ABSENCE MR. COHEN Mr. Cohen announced that beginning in the middle of July, he will be taking a four month leave of absence and is making arrangements with various senior associates at Palmer & Dodge for provision of legal advice and services 'Lo the Town until his return in November. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - D by roll call vote of the Board of Selectmen, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, and by a 4 - o roll call Grote of the Planning Board, Mrs. Elauminzer, Mr. Williams, Mr. Domnitz, and Mr. Grant, to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of litigation, with no intent to resume open session* Upon mot ion duly made and seconded, A true record, Attest it was Doted to adjo at 9:0 p. m. Marion N. Snow Executive Clerk VO I D SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 25, 1990 A in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 25, 1990, g five Building, at 7:30 p.m. Actin g Chairman Smith, Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager, Ms. Radway, Asste to the Town Manager; Mrs, Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel, joined the meeting later. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD The Executive Clerk called for nominations for Chairman of the Board. Mrs. Smith was nominated. There were no other nominations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, sit was voted, unanimously, to elect Jacquelyn R. Smith as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen for the ensuing year. Mrs. Smith thanked her fellow Selectmen for the support shown by her election as Chairman and looked forward to continuing to work with them for the good of the Town. PUBLIC HEARING, y I NEBROOK LIQUORS Mrs. Smith opened the public hearing on the petition of vinebrook Corporation, Inc. f or Change of Officers, Transfer of Stock and Change of Manager at its package goods store at 131 Massachusetts Avenue. Attorney Timothy McAloon representing the petitioners, explained the proposal which is based on family reorganization of the business and gave the qualifications of William Busa, which he felt showed that Mr. Busa is well qualified to take over management of the store from his uncle. Proof of mailing of the notices to abutters was submitted to the Chairman. Mrs. Smith read the favorable recommendation of Police Chief Furdon that Mr. Busa be appointed as Manager. There being no further comments or questions, Mrs. Smith declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of vinebrook Corporation Inc. for Change of officers, Transfer of Stock and Change of Manager at vinebrook Liquors Package Goods Store, 131 Mass. Avenue. PUBLIC HEARING BUSA LIQUORS Mrs. Smith opened the public hearing on the petition of Busa Brothers Liquors, Inc. for Change of officers, Transfer of Stock and Change of Manager at its Package Goods Store at 55 Bedford Street. Attorney McAloon recapped the family reorganization of the business and described Daniel Busa's business experience and involvement in Town affairs over the years. POW Mrs. Smith referred to Chief Furdon's memo in which he recommended approval of the petition proposing Mr. Busa as Manager. There being no further comments or questions, Mrs. Smith declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition of Busa Brothers Liquors, Inc. for Change of officers, Transfer of Stock and Change of Manager at Busa Liquors, 55 Bedford Street. . 2- PUBLIC HEARING EDISON VOLUNTEER WAY The Chairman opened the public hearing of the petition of Boston Edison Company for installation of conduit in Volunteer Way, Edward Chisholm, representing the Edison Company, explained the proposal and the need for the work to provide underground electrical service at the request of the resident at #19 Volunteer Way. A memorandum from Richard Spiers, Dir. of Public Works, recommending approval, was noted. There being no further comments or questions from the Board, Mrs. Smith declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and orders of the Boston Edison Company for grant of location to install approximately 15 feet of conduit in Volunteer Way, westerly opposite Heritage Drive. MI NUTEMAN PARK GMP Mr. Eddison reported that he had reviewed final draft General Management Plan for the Minute Man National Historic Park, and had found them to be in accordance with all agreed upon revisions reflecting Lexington concerns as stated in November, 1988. The interests of Hayward Pond area residents had been taken into consideration and that land had been excluded from the park plans. He saw no problem with accepting the plan as it stands. i Mrs. Smith noted the Park's suggestion that a four town committee be formed to work with the Park Service during the implementation of the GMP. Mr. Eddison suggested that Lexington's HATS II members participate with representatives from Concord and Lincoln representing the Town on such a Committee. He saw no need for creating a Federal Advisory Commission for the purpose. Board members concurred with Mr. Eddison's suggestions and the Park Service will be so informed by letter. MINUTES JUNE 11 The minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on June 11, 1990, were approved as presented. BOWMAN SCHOOL PET ITION, RECYCLING Mrs. Smith referred to the petition of Bowman School pupils and teachers nor the support of the Selectmen of a recycling initiative, an act which would promote environmentally acceptable product packaging. The proposal had been reviewed by Board members and it was agreed that in concept, it was worthy of support, but that details of how to implement the requirement and the costs involved had not been made clear in the Act. Mrs. Smith felt that the Board should urge legislation to study ways to reduce packaging but not to support the Act, which seems simplistic in its approach. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support, in Now principle, the objectives of the initiative, but not the Act, as presented. A letter will be sent to Bowman School teachers and pupils, informing them of the Board's position. Is Selectmen's Meeting -3- June 25, 1990 CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION Mr. Eddison referred to the Board's practice of thanking citizen volunteers for their service to the Town as members of boards, committees and commissions. He felt that the usual letters of appreciation are not an adequate expression of appreciation for the contributions of time and talents by these volunteers and proposed that, upon retirement or resignation, each outgoing member be given a Certificate of Appreciation, signed by Board Members. He also proposed that each year, two outstanding volunteers would be selected for enrollment on a Distinguished Service Scroll, which would be on permanent display in the Town offices, and be presented with a certificate in recognition of their exceptional contributions. These recipients would be selected by the Selectmen with the assistance of an advisory committee consisting of one Selectmen, the Town Moderator and the Town Manager. Draft designs of the Certificate and Scroll, prepared by Elaine Adler, had been distributed. Mr. Eddison asked for the Board's comments/suggestions /reactions to the proposal. All Board members generally approved of the Certificate of Appreciation for retiring committee members but saw possible pitfalls or difficulties involved in the selection of only one or two people per year for the Distinguished Service Scroll award. Mr. Dailey suggested that the Chairmen of the School Committee and TMMA serve on the selection committee rather than the Town Manager and a Selectman. Mr. Eddison pointed out that the School Committee already honors deserving teachers each year. This award would be primarily aimed at volunteer workers for the Town. He noted that the TMMA is not aware of work which has been done and that the Selectmen are close to what goes on. It was agreed that more time should be given to work out the details on the Distinguished Service award. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to endorse Mr. Edison's proposal for Certificates of Honor for retiring or resigning citizen volunteers who have served at least one year on a Town board, committee or f commission. CONSENT AGENDA ABATEMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of Water Charges, $14,097.79 and Sewer Charges, $15,477.78. LIMOUSINE LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following applications by Copley Limousine Service, Inc. for the following vehicles: .1985 Lincoln MA Reg. .1988 Lincoln MA Reg. .1988 Lincoln MA Reg. .1985 Dodge MA Reg. .1987 Lincoln MA Reg. .1988 Lincoln MA Reg. Copley Cply 3 Cply 5 Cply 7 Cply 9 Cply 11 .1988 Lincoln MA Reg. .1988 Lincoln MA Reg. .1988 Mercury MA Reg. .1985 Lincoln MA Reg. .1957 Lincoln MA Reg. .1958 Dodge MA Reg. Cply 2 Cply 4 Cply 0 Cply 8 .1987 Lincoln Cply 10 MA Reg. Cply 14 Cply 12 ~4- TRAFFIC ITEM Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the response from Peter J. Donohue, Mass. DPW, relative to the request of Aram Johnson, 203 Marrett Rd., to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendations. COMMITMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Commitment of Street opening Fees in the amount of $550.00 ONE DAY LIQUOR L ICENSES. ELKS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Benevolent & Protective order of Elks, Lodge #2204, 959 Waltham Street, for one Day Liquor Licenses, as follows: Thursday, July 5, 1990 Thursday, July 12, 1990 Friday, July 13, 1990 Saturday, July 14, 1990 Thursday, July 19, 1990 Saturday, July 21, 1990 Thursday, July 26, 1990 Saturday, July 28, 1990 PINE MEADOW MEAGHERVILLE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL Mr. Marshall, who had been Chairman of the Pine Meadows /Meagherville Site Plan Development Committee, referred to his Committee's report dated April 24, 1990, which had been distributed to Town Meeting Members. He recapped the five recommendations supported by a majority of the Committee on construction of affordable housing at the PM /M site, as presented in the report. The recommendations proposed 40 units of housing with a through road connecting Garfield and Cedar Streets; sale of up to 11 lots for private development; use of $500,000 from LexHAB to reduce the number of lots to be sold; and the awarding of the development contract to Community Builders, Inc. of Boston, to work with LexHAB on construction and management. Mr. Marshall noted the negative positions taken by Planning Board and Conservation Commission members on the April 24th proposal. The Board of Selectmen had agreed, in view of this opposition, that Town Meeting should be asked a three -point question on the matter to determine its view on development of the land. The questions (relative to the number of units, the through road and the sale of lots) were voted against the Neighborhood Plan, presented under Article 56 was also rejected. The Committee had met in July and had concluded that the developer should be designated, there should be 40 units, with a through road and that work be started to explore alternate financing of the construction. The majority of the Committee favored asking the Selectmen to designate Community Builders, Inc. of Boston, as the Developer. Community Builders and Woodhaven Realty were scheduled to present their development plans that evening. Mr. McSweeney questioned why the Planning Board and Conservation Commission had not submitted comments on the two plans and Mr. Marshall pointed out that, as in other affordable housing projects, it had not been the logo intent to solicit comments from Town Boards at that point. He noted that both Boards had been represented on his Committee and that the Planning Director had been involved when his expertise had been called for. "t Selectmen's Meeting -5-- June 25, 1990 Peter Kelley of Woodhaven Realty read a statement to the Selectmen withdrawing his company's plans from consideration because of his disagreement with the selection procedures. Lisa Alberghini, representing Community Builders, distributed outlines of her firm's proposal. Stephen Tise, Architect and Nancy Schreiber were also present. Ms. Alberghini presented an overview of the development plan for 40 units: 20 low income; 10 moderate; and 10 upper moderate income. Also described were the Financing Plans; Lexington role and Long Term Control; Design; and a summary of reasons why Community Builders proposal should be chosen. Mr. Tise described the design of the proposed layout of a linear cluster of 40 units in 2 -3 and 4 -unit buildings, and with a loop road. There would be a buffer of trees shielding. Garfield Street extension, with all units fronting on Garfield Street. Mr. Eddison noted that the number of lots to be sold had been reduced to 4 or 5 and asked the location of those lots. Ms. Alberghini said that nei1hbors input would be important but that the initial recommendation was for lots along the golf course, fronting on the road. Motion was made and seconded to endorse the recommendations of the Pine Meadows / Meagherville Site Plan Development Committee that Community Builders, Inc. of Boston be selected as the agency to develop the Pine Meadows/ Meagherville affordable housing project. Regret was expressed by Mr. Eddison that the Town could not use the talents of both Community Builders and Woodhaven. The favorable experience with Community Builders regarding the Franklin School project and their approach on financing and imaginative development skills were noted. Mr. Marshall echoed Mr. Eddison's remarks and referred to the excellence of Countryside Manor which had been developed by Woodhaven. In response to a question from Mr. Dailey, Mr. Marshall stated that the vote to select the developer did not mean commitment to any specific financing plan. Mrs. Smith said she had been saddened to see Woodhaven withdraw from the process, but would support the PM /M Committee's recommendation. she referred to Community Builder's expertise at financing and their willingness to work with the neighborhood at Franklin School. Motion having been made and seconded, it was voted 4 to 1, with Mr. McSweeney voting in the negative, to approve the selection of Community Builders, Inc. of Boston as developers of the Pine Meadows / Meagherville affordable housing project. Mr. Dailey suggested taking a position on financing as quickly as possible so as not to keep LexHAB from exercising other options by a hold on their funds. He felt that there might be alternatives to using LexHAB funds. Mr. Marshall agreed that decisions on financing should be done as soon as possible. The Site Plan Committee will continue to work with Community Builders to provide the selectmen with information in the near future. CONCERNED CITIZENS CONTINENTAL AIR Mr. Eddison took over the chairmanship of the Board and Mrs. smith abstained from discussion of the issue of the Continental Airways proposed operation at Hanscom Field, because of her involvement with Massport. n- Mr. Cohen J c fined the meet iniz at that time. Mr. i.ddison sucyvested that the matter be ciealt �ti ith at vile 111 N7 All greeting when other ilanscom matters will be addressed. He Noted that HATS i i will meet on July 10 in Concord when its position will he discussed and that there w i l l be a MEPA hear i n c on the issue on July 1"' . Mr. white noted that Palmer & Dodoe is rev iewino' the 'town' s lecal iapt. on rights to regulate the Cont inental operation and that Masspo s - Z5 r•ev iei� process includes comments from Lexington, Lincoln. Bedford and Concord, Joan Go ld mann , representing the Leacue of women Voters on the H . F . a . , -.nd Patrice Hurlev, Chairman of the H. F. A. C. , were present in opposition to Hie :ont irrent.as proposal, Ms. Goldmann read a statement urn Inc the S Aectmen' s Qllf)nOrt of res idents' efforts to demand that area impact of the ::an t i nen tal operation be addressed. Mr. . Edd i. sort sa aid }fie wou gladly communicate , inN- c i_ t. i . en t:ommen is n t the IT meeting when he sr eahs of Lexington's areas of' conce rr . Mrs. Smith resumed Chairmanship of the meet iris. (` AF' o , S, ► �F MASS. ..._-�E? -ERAL LAWS It was pointed out by the Town Engineer that our '`uture water and s. o'r {ant eligible projects would receive an additional ten poi ints if the IE accepts Ch. 40. s . 3 9I J of Mass. General Laws. [. poll motion di - made and seconded, it was voted to accept C hapter 10, _j 9J L�f 1- .17)s. �xener•ai- L _. - _T ER c Y STF N I _ REHAB i L i FAT � GRANTS porgy mot. Lo (1 1.1 i_ V m ade a nd seconded, it ;., a s v t.�� � � t ic r• t- � � �, t :�� � ::} , r� ` :err;: tier• �.: a. t. fir I: }ehz�.l f :J f` the ''.ppl icant r Tc:wn o f 1 ,ex - i �t�w'tt.n � � � �,s -iserrt.. r i l in �` P1)lic�at,a.:)rls t : {ar, f_3�'ecutinz agreements r �. 1C� perf:� r'rrlir�:: �.r��. .ric 1_ �Aher :lct. i ons ; cessary t.o secure for the Ai - )D i i can tich r {in st..em r ius .tre made 7 1Lal- l�-ble 1 0 t���_• `,it �.�' s -30 �. � �R-- he �. yct.s ::7f i 9 7 2 i [ ;�� �,n� � tf�..: �',��pect 1 ,� PPRSO %N, EL PR0(r• D1. RF '%1ANU -AL the f,xce l l en t. � o ril, of the i- th t.h assistanc-e o ' Ms. Radwav and Ms. McGuire c _) finis st1af f . � t 1 [)reparation o f .,t new Pe rsorine l Procedures Manual. H e h i g h l i g h t e d z ec t i ons rtoW i. ncli..ided in t A f j i � 'Nl an ual such as Code of 'Conduct O r i e n t a t i o n . .1 i fo rman u e p rocess, Ti , ai ni no' opportunities, Frrinloyee :?suei.�it;" <•t' t'rom, { mpi oti ee Saf eta- , Retirement Procedures, and Discharge i'(--) r~ (_ause add i_ t i on t c a tie r i es of ;append i r. es . H - ommejided the P.A.E. For its of forts in de ve Iovi in2 t.1ie�,e ri ale r': 1 t s ;r i .cad ire a readable- docl`rmen }.. - - ..1)C)I1 IriC; 1 LJri f_f L1 lilc,d f�[id ecoiided. i 1. L voted to approve ve the L 1` 90 -'{ r son neI Procedu 'lanual , as presented. Selectmen's Meet inz - i - June � .5 1 990 EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Eddicon, :fir. Dail Mr. McSweeney, , to 7o into executive Session % for discussion of Collective Bargaining issues, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, T3 . m A true record. attest: it was voted to adjourn at 11 ::15 x Mar i on 11. Snow Executi Clerk "W � I 400