HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-BOS-mini k e P SELECTMEN'S MEETING w April 2, 1990' A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, April 2 1990 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at '1:00 .m. ? Chairman Eddison Mr. .g p Marshall, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. ARTICLE 31 SCHOOL CAPITAL REQUEST Mr. White introduced Bruce Storm and John Moynihan -who represented the School Department and who reported on details of the School Committee's capital request for $1,200 for various building improvements, equipment purchases and maintenance projects. Mr. Moynihan presented an explanatory summary of the following items: Reroofing of Fiske Elementary School, $192 Reroofing of the Estabrook Elementary School, $294 Repair and /or Replacement of Covered Walkways at the High School $100 HVAC Repairs at the High School $ 50 Replacement of Lockers, Boys' Locker Room at the High School $ 50 Emergency Generator at Diamond Middle School $ 35 Asbestos Abatement /Radon Abatement /Lead Contamination Removal Systemwide $225 Reopening of Hastings School $299,5009 Mr. Storm reported on the item relating to Planning & Commuter Services ( phase one of a five --year plan ) , with a request for $48,170, MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve as presented the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on March 12, 1990. APPOINTMENT T.C.C. SUBCOMMITTEE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint John B. Graham, Jr. as a member of the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a term of office to expire on June 30, 1990. CAMBRIDGE WATERSHED PROTECTION PLAN David Williams, Planning Board member, Was present to report on a meeting on March 9 on the Cambridge Watershed Protection Plan. He referred to a Memorandum of Understanding which the chief elected officials of Lexington, Lincoln, Weston, Cambridge and Waltham w g were asked to review and endorse as having a common interest in protecting the Cambridge Watershed. It is proposed that a regional committee, similar to HATS II, be formed with representation from the five communities. Mr. Eddison, as chief elected official of Lexington, had been n asked to attend an April 12 meeting in Weston at which the comments of all communities on the MOU Would be discussed. Mrs. Smith agreed to represent Lexington i n Mr. Eddison's stead. g No suggestions for revision of the MOU were made and it was agreed that when it has been g prepared in final form, Mr. Eddison be authorized to sign the Memorandum on behalf of the Board. 2 - CONSENT AGENDA PROCLAMATION LWV SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim the month of April 1990, as League of Women Voters Month. RECREATION DEPT. OPENING DAY Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request P y P of the Recreation Department for permission to conduct a parage to start the season's activities on Saturday, April 28, 1990, at 9:30 a.m. from Muzzey P , P Park, and to hold opening day exercises at the Little League field immediately following the parade. SUNRISE SERVICE BATTLE GREEN Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Reverend Brian S. Dixon, First Baptist Church of Lexington, for permission to hold a Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday, April 15, 1990, at 6:30 a.m. ONE- -DAY LIQUOR LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following applications for One Day Liquor Licenses: B.F.O. Elks, 959 Waltham Street, Wedding Reception on April 7, 1990 B.P.O. Elks, 959 Waltham Street, Social Night on April 21, 1990 ..wr B.P.O. Elks, 959 Waltham Street, Wedding Shower on April 29, 1990 Sons of Italy, 177 Bedford Street, Pizza Party on April 28, 1990 ABATEMENTS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of Demand Charges in the amount of $50.00 and of Sewer Charges in the amount of $501.580 COMMON VICTUALLER LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Pine Meadows Golf Course for Common Victualler License to operate a food establishment at Pine Meadows Golf Course, 255 Cedar Street, seven days, from 7;00 a.m. until dark. GARAGE SALE POLiY The Chairman referred to the restriction on Sunday Yard and Garage Sales, which is stated as item #1 in the Selectmen's Garage and Yard Sales Policy Statement ". Questions from residents have arisen about this prohibition in view of the changes in the Blue Laws relative to Sunday and holiday commercial operations and from those residents whose sabbath is observed on Saturdays. Following brief discussion, it was agreed that decision on the issue will. be deferred pending exploration to clarify the legal requirements under current law. Q UARTERLY TAX BILLS ARTICLE 46 Mr. White presented details of the financial benefits to the Town of quarterly uarterl payments of Real Estate taxes rather than semi - annual payment which is the current practice. Selectmen's Meeting -3- April 2, 1990 The additional costs involved, such as two more mailings, lock box costs, software reprogramming and advertising totalling $28,000., were estimated. Mr. White projected a financial gain for the Town of $335,519., because of improved cash flow and increased interest income. Mr. Marshall noted that there would be political costs involved with requiring quarterly payments and asked that information be provided on the level of tax payments out of escrow accounts and the percentage paid directly by property owners so as to know the ratio of losses to banks and to residents. Decision on the Board's position on Article 46 was deferred until all members present. STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY Board Members agreed with Mr. White's recommendation that Student Government Day be conducted on Wednesday, April 11. He explained that student officers will be identified by the High School staff to represent various Town officials for the day. Mr. White asked the Board's endorsement of a Proclamation of April 11, as Student Government Day. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to proclaim April 11, 1990, as Student Government Day in Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7•.55 p.m. A true record, Attest, Marion H. Snow ExeC(ItivFe clerk VOID "No e i SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 4, 1990 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, April 4, 1990, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7 :00 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive clerk, were present. Mr. White, Town Manager, joined the meeting later. ARTICLE REVIEW ARTICLE 31. It was noted that the final amount requested by the School Committee for projects listed under Article 31 appears to be $1,252,000. The matter of bonding of some of the expenditures was discussed. It was agreed that reroofing proposals totalling $768,000 could be seen as capital requests but that proposals for replacing lockers, repairing equipment and painting buildings should be considered as operational expenses. and should be covered in the operating budget. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support the reroofing of the Fiske, Estabrook, Hastings and the Senior High Schools and that authority to bond these expenditures be requested. ARTICLE 23 THROUGH 32 It was agreed that the 28, 29 30 31 32. Support approved by a 3 - 2 majority voting in the negative. Mr. accomplished without an over Board will support Articles 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, of Article 29, old Res. Weed Control, was of the Board with Mr. Dailey and Mr. McSweeney Dailey added that if that project could be ride, he would support it. ART T rr.R ii In view of the Town's financial condition, it was agreed that this year would not be an appropriate one in which to fund a traffic study at Five Forks, as proposed under Article 33. CONSERVATION PLANNING ARTICLES The Board saw no problem with Articles 35 through 39: Conservation and Planning Board proposals. ARTICLE 40,TMMA The Board will make no recommendation on the proposal of the TMMA for changes in procedures at Town Meeting, but expressed preference for a time limit less that 30 minutes for debates on subsidiary motions. ARTICLES 41 THROUGH 46 No opposition to Articles 41 through 44 was expressed. Regarding Article 45, Unpaid Ambulance Bills /Liens of Property, Indefinite Postponement will be moved. It was agreed to support Article 46, Quarterly Tax Bills. MR> Marshall again requested statistics on the percentage of payments from escrow accounts and directly from homeowners. Mr. McSweeney noted that there would be some opposition to the proposal because of loss of interest income. It was suggested that exploration be made as to whether the State Statute would allow for semi- annual payments by the elderly. �2- ARTICLES 47 THROUGH 54 Articles 47 through 50 were supported Regarding Article 51, School Bus Capacity /Operation, decision will be made when the recommendations of the School Committee are available. There was no problem with Article 52, Leighton Avenue lots by Eminent Domain. It was agreed that no position as a Board would be taken on Article 53, Cut in Military Spending. Article 54, Equal Educational Opportunity Grants, was supported. ARTT r-T.T 99 Report by the Pine Meadows /Meagherville Site Plan Development Committee will be distributed by the week of April 16th with a recommendation favoring Community Builders of Boston, Inc. for development of affordable housing at the Pine Meadows/Meagherville site. Mr. Eddison informed the Board that the report of the Affordable Housing Options Committee will be presented to the Selectmen on April 23, and on that same evening to Town Meeting under Article 2. COMMON VICTUALLER LICENSE, EDDIE'S Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Eddie's of Lexington, Inc. for Common victualler License for Eddie's of Lexington, 20 Waltham Street, Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it A true record, Attest was voted to adjourn at 7:55 p.m vow Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 11, 1990 A regular meeting of the Board of selectmen was held on Wednesday, April 11 1990, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building at 7:00 p -6. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk were present. r MINUTES The minutes of Selectmen's Meetings on March 19, 28 and 28, 1990, were approved as presented. N.E. TELEPHONE /BOSTON EDISON, MT. TABOR ROAD } Mr. Eddison read the petition of Boston Edison and New England Telephone Companies for permission to relocate six jointly owned utility poles at Mt. Tabor Road and Route 2. No Public Hearing was required. The work is necessary to accommodate the widening of Route 2 at that location. He noted the recommendation of the Director of Public Works in favor of approval. There were no comments in favor or in opposition. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans, and orders of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone Company for permission to relocate six poles in Route 2 at Mt. Tabor Road, as shown on accompanying plans. N.E. TELEPHONE BOSTON EDISON ALLEN STREET Mr. Eddison read the petition of Boston Edison and New England Telephone Companies for permission to relocate a jointly owned utility pole on Allen Street to accommodate the moving of a house from Clematis Road to Stedman Road. A Public Hearing was not required. Mr. Eddison asked for comments in favor or in opposition and noted the favorable report of the D.P.W. on the plan. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and orders of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone Company for permission to relocate one jointly owned utility pole to the easterly side of Allen Street approximately 66 feet from existing pole #24/20. LOCAL OFFICIAL BONDS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to endorse a Local Officials Bond in the amount of $180,a00 for Robert J. Ebersole, Tax Collector and a Bond in the amount of $190,000 for Robert J. Ebersole, Treasurer. ARTICLE REVIEW ARTICLE 32 No positi6n had been taken by the Selectmen at that time on Article 32, Computer Catalogue System, Cary Library. Paul Hamburger, V. Chairman of the Capital Expenditures Committee, stated that his committee was making no decision on the issue before listening to the Selectmen's point of view. They plan then to caucus at Town Meeting to form their recommendation. x a APTTrT.r 11 Mr. white suggested that Article 31, School Improvements, also be discussed relative to bonding costs to be incurred in FY91 (one time interest costs of $26,250 to $42,000 depending upon how much appropriated and how much bonded). He felt that this aspect could have some affect upon strategy on Article 32, The Selectmen's position was based on an appropriation of $750,000 for reroofing of schools. Mr. Hamburger noted that, the Permanent Building Committee sees it as necessary to appropriate another $35,000 for renovations at the Hastings School in addition to reroofing, and. suggested that $886,000., rounded off to $900,000, be proposed. There was discussion of whether items such as locker replacement and painting, listed for the renovation of the Hastings School should be considered capital or expense requests. Nicholas Cannolonga, Capital Expenditures Committee, acknowledged that the items in question appeared to be expense items but felt that due to the fact that Hastings has not been used as a public school for 10 or more years, expenses related to its renovation should be treated as those for a new school. Mrs. Smith agreed that the items listed would not ordinarily be perceived as capital items, but that in view of past years of neglect and the effort of the School Administration in the last two or three years toward better maintenance of buildings, she felt that extraordinary measures were low called for. The recommendations of the Capital Expenditures Committee were for $100,000 for the High School Walkway; $192,095 for the Fiske reroofing; $294,000 for the Estabrook reroofing; and $299,000 for the renovation of Hastings, included reroofing. These items totalled $888,595, to be rounded off to $900,000. Mr. Hamburger said that the Appropriation Committee is tending to agree with the capital Expenditures Committee's recommendation. It was felt that a firm statement on the date for reopening Hastings should be made by the School Committee and that if it is not to open in 1992, the renovations should be delayed. Based on a 1992 opening, Mr. Dailey was not in favor of paying for the painting of Hastings this year. Mr. Eddison recapped the request of the School Committee for $938,000, 'the recommendation of the Capital Expenditures Committee for $900,000 and the Selectmen's recommendation for $750,000. Mr. Eddison and Mrs. Smith said they would favor the $900,000 proposed by the Capital Expenditures Committee. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Dailey felt that the Board should stay with $750,000. Motion was made and seconded to support a recommendation of $750,000 for Article 31, Mrs. Dooks suggested that a compromise position be considered. The motion was revised to support an appropriation of $850,000, excluding the painting at the Hastings School. Motion having been made and seconded, it was voted to support a recommendation of $850,000 for capital improvements as proposed under Article 31. Selectmen's Meeting --3- April 11, 1990 ARTICLE 32a LIBRARY Mr. Hamburger stated that the Appropriation Committee agrees with the position of the Capital Expenditures committee in recommending that $30,400 of the $150,000 requested by the Library under Article 32 be taken from the tax levy. Mr. Dailey was in favor of taking the entire $150,000 from the Stabilization Fund, as the motion originally proposed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support funding of the Library computer Catalogue System, in the amount of $150,00, and that it be taken from the Stabilization Fund. ARTICLE 55, PINE MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT Mr. Marshall noted that the meeting of major boards with the Selectmen for discussion of proposed site development plans for Pine Meadows is scheduled for April 24, which is one day before it was scheduled to come up at Town Meeting. He said he intended to request the Moderator to delay its presentation for a week. Upon motion duly made and seconded, A true record, Attest. 0 it was voted to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. Marion H. now Executive Clerk VOID moo voo t 3 p Ir � S• d SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 23, 1990 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7 :00 p. m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE ARMENIAN SISTERS Mr. Eddison referred to the application of the Armenian Sisters Academy for One Day Liquor License on April 28, and their request for a time of 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. for service of alcohol. He pointed out that such licenses are usually approved only to 12 midnight and that it was especially important to do so in this case because of the location of the Academy in a residential neighborhood. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Armenian Sisters Academy for One Day Liquor License on April 28, 1990, from 7:00 p.m. to 12 Midnight for a cocktail party and dance to be held at 20 Pelham Road, CONSENT AGENDA CONSERVATION RESTRICTION PHEASANT BROOD{ Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Conservation Restriction granted to the Town by Donald & Phyllis Brick, 39 Solomon Pierce Road, over a portion of their lot, as shown on accompanying plans. BOND ANTICIPATION NOT ES. PINE MEADOWS & WOOD STREET WATER LINE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award to Baybank Harvard, lowest bidder, of Temporary Bond Anticipation Notes in the amount of $1,420,000 for the Wood Street Water Line Project, and of $1,500,000 for the roll over of Bank Anticipation Notes for the Pine Meadows purchase. COMMITMENT OF CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Commitment of Cycle 9 April Water Bills in the amount of $83,173.45; of April (1st Quarter) Cycle 9 Sewer Bills in the amount of $750,000. AFFORDABLE HOUSIN OPTIONS COMMITTEE Mr. Eddison, Co-- Chairman of the Affordable Housing Options Committee, noted that he would be formally submitting his Committee's "Report to the 1994 Town Meeting, Lexington, Mass." under Article 2 at that night's session of Town Meeting and summarized the committee's findings for the Board. He said that the report was a consensus document, developed by members with diverse views and thanked each member for their dedicated work over the past year, especially Bill Spencer, Cathy Abbott, Ellie Klauminzer, Robert Bowyer and the Town Manager, He asked that he be authorized to express the Board's appreciation for their contributions. Mr. Eddison reviewed the Selectmen's Charge to the options Committee and gave highlights of the report including a rundown on the affordable housing situation in Lexington; suggested policies and procedures; and identification of promising or possible Town owned sites for development. el —2— Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Chairman to write letters of appreciation on behalf of the Board to members of the Affordable Housing options committee and all others who had participated for the past year in the development of the report. SENIOR CENTER AWARD Mr. Eddison congratulated Dorothy Boggia, Chairman of the Council. on Aging, and Linda Vine, Director of the council, for the award to the Lexington Senior Center of the Veronica B. Smith Award for excellence. Criteria included standards of excellence in purpose, organization, community relations, program, administration and personnel, fiscal management, recordkeeping and reporting, facility and evaluation procedures. Mr. Eddison complimented both Mrs. Vine and Mrs. Boggia for their team work which has produced the high standards evident at the Center. Mrs. Vine said that when she had accepted the award on April 18th by the Mass. Association of council on Aging and Senior center Directors, she had commented on how fortunate she was to work in a Town whose officials lent such support to the CoA. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve, as presented, the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on April 2, 1990. wow APPOINTMENTS L.C.C. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint F. David Wells as a member of the Lexington Center Committee for a term to expire on September 30, 1992. It was also voted to appoint as L.C.C. members, Judith Uhrig, 15 Wine Brook Road for a term to expire on September 30, 1992 and Margret Read, 33 Barberry Road, to fill the unexpired term of Norma Bogen to September 30, 1991. 4 MAY MEETING SCHEDULE It was agreed that Selectmen's Meetings will be scheduled for May 2, May 7, May 14, and May 21, with the option of cancelling any which do not seem necessary. LIONS CLUB JULY 4TH CARNIVAL Mr. White reported on receipt of a request from the Lions club of Lexington for permission to use the center Field to conduct their annual July 4th carnival and said that he plans to approve the request unless directed otherwise by the Board. The Selectmen had no objections to the approval. ARTICLE 55. PINE MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT Mr. Marshall outlined procedures he plans to follow in view of the apparent opposition of the Planning Board and Conservation commission to the proposal for development of Pine Meadows land for affordable housing by Community Builders of Boston, Inc. He felt that several issues had to be addressed at the Board's meeting on April 24 with those two Boards: whether to go ahead with presentation of the proposal; to seek advice from Town Meeting on what design plan would be considered acceptable in a proposal; or to seek indefinite postponement, of Article 55. Selectmen's Meeting -3- April 23, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING GASOLINE STORAGE 80 HAYDEN AVENUE Mr. Eddison opened a Public Hearing on the application of 80 Hayden Avenue Ltd. Partnership for permission to store gasoline in automobile gas tanks in an under -- building garage at 80 Hayden Avenue. Varney Hintlian, representing the Partnership, explained that the license is being sought, as advised by the Fire Chief, for an existing office building, built on stilts, to allow for parking of employees' cars under the building. Mr. Eddison noted the recommendation of George Smith, Health Director that a contingency plan to deal with accidental spills be developed. Mr. Hintlian said that he will provide such a plan which is already in place and had been followed at the time of a previous accident. The nearby pond had been cleaned at that time by Clean Harbors and was pronounced free of contaminants from the spill. There being no comments in favor or in opposition, the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Varney J. Hintlian on behalf of 80 Hayden Avenue Ltd. Partnership for permission and license to store a maximum of 660 gallons of gasoline in the tanks of 33 automobiles kept in an under - building parking garage at 80 Hayden Avenue. The approval was subject to the provision of a contingency plan for spill containment be submitted to Mr. Smith with copies to Fire Chief Bergeron, and the Conservation Commission, CATV COMMITTEE A meeting with the Cable TV and Communications Committee will be scheduled for May 7, as requested by the Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. A true record, Attest: Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk now VO I D Now r 4 A 1, e IY . t SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 24, 1990 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, April 24, 1990, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 8 :00 p.m. chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr, White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. Also in attendance were members of the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Pine Meadows/Meagherville Site Plan Development Committee, Affordable Housing options Committee, Housing Authority, LexHAB, Fair Housing Committee and interested citizens. PINE MEADOWS MEAGHERVILLE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Mr. Eddison turned the meeting over to Mr. Marshall, Chairman of the PM /M Site Plan Development Committee, who explained that there had been a change in the agenda planned for that evening due to the fact that two major boards had expressed opposition to the development plan proposed for the Pine Meadows land. It had seemed necessary to explore the basis of the opposition and Mr. Marshall requested advice from the Planning Board, Conservation roft Commission and other Town Committees present to help the Selectmen consolidate procedures to be followed in presentation of Article 55 to Town Meeting. The report of the Site Development Committee was summarized by Mr. Marshall, including the committee's recommendation that the development plan of Community Builders of Boston, Inc. be selected with 40 units of affordable housing and a through road connecting Garfield and Cedar Streets. It had also been recommended that the most economical method of raising the equity needed to finance the affordable housing construction would be t sell up to 11 building lots for sale to six, it was proposed that LexHAB contribute $500,000 of its funds toward the construction of the affordable housing units. Mr. Marshall read. the Selectmen's Charge to the Site Development Committee, which, it was felt, would be best fulfilled by the selection of Community Builders as the recommended developer. He introduced the members of his committee present and recapped their activities and the procedures followed over the past year. There had been six responses to the committee's request for proposals and of the four best, Community Builders' proposal had been chosen for recommendation by a majority. There were no questions from the Selectmen at that time. James McLaughlin, Precinct 8, said he felt that there was too much of a concentration of the Town's affordable housing in his area and suggested that the 40 units be placed in 2 or 3 locations in the Town. Mr. Marshall responded that locations for scattered site housing will still be pursued, Mr. Marshall reviewed the capacity of other potential sites which are comparatively small and felt that in view of the Town's goal of 150 affordable housing units within five years, construction of a significant number of them at Pine Meadows would be necessary. Martha Wood, Chairman of the Planning Board, presented the view of the majority of her Board in opposition to the selection of the community Builders' plan. Although the agreed that Pine Meadows is an appropriate site for development, the majority of the Planners preferred an RD plan with more units and with as sale , o f lots. - - Mr. Mars he 1, pointed out that 1OZ more units Id moire even more subsidy a4 that � funding � be � � �r ° 1� the sale of l°tm ...... -- - - 2 - David Williams, Planning Board member said he was opposed to the plan, not the site, and to the proposal to use so much of LexHAB's money. He felt that the number of units was too small, he disliked the through road was opposed to the separate areas for the two levels of housing: affordable and market rate_. He favored a loop road off Garfield or possible Fremont Street and preferred the plan submitted by Woodhaven Realty', 'from a planning point of view. L._ _7 Mr. Marshall reported that the intent of the Selectmen was now to go to Town Meeting with three questions: what level of density would be appropriate? what is the feeling about a cut through road? and, would the sale of lots be acceptable? to get a sense of direction from the outcome of the vote on those issues. Joyce Miller, Chairman of the conservation commission, distributed a memo stating the commission's views on the matter. Six of the seven members were opposed to any development on the Pine Meadows site. If it is impossible to retain the site as open space, the majority of the commission prefers the plan with the least impact on the land which they felt was the neighborhood plan for 20 units with no sale of market rate lots and no through road. The next preference would be for the Woodhaven plan, with community Builders' plan ranking third. Mrs. Miller invited those present to participate in a walk over the Pir Meadows site on April 28. Joel Adler, commissioner, stated that his view was that the site shout be developed and with even more units than the 40 proposed and did not suppo:- the Commission's position. Ne felt that the number of acres left open in the Community Builders plan (90% of the site) was sufficient. .Robert Pressman, Fair Housing committee, said he disagreed with the approach on Article 55 as outlined by Mr. Marshall. He felt that since Town Meeting had previously made the decision that a site plan be provided, the Community Builders proposal should be presented as a reasonable plan. Mr. Marshall should explain the merits of the plan and if Town Meeting voted it down, so be it. Lisa Baci, conservation Commissioner, thought the timing was wrong for development. She pointed out that when Town Meeting voted for affordable housing on Pine Meadows, it had appeared to be the only potential site for such development. She noted that the Affordable Housing options committee has shown that there are other sites with a total area equal to Pine Meadows, the use of which should be explored as an alternative. Marshall Derby, chairman of LexHAB, said that his Board had reached no position on the proposed development at that time, however he asked that LexHAB funds not be depleted so that there would be funds available for other opportunities as they arise i.e. moving of donated houses to scattered site lots or possible purchase of Emerson Gardens condo units. Mr. White noted that there are 32 units available at Emerson Gardens at $130,900.00 for 2 bedroom and $125,000 for 1 bedroom units. Despite the lowered prices of the units, he felt that rehabilitated buildings or building from the ground up represents better value. Donald Wilson, LexHAB member, said he preferred the Woodhaven Realty plan to that of community Builders. With reference to Emerson Gardens, he said that LexHAB could probably afford to buy 6 units if allowed to keep its funds. i r, Selectmen's Meeting -3- April 24, 1990 Leona Martin, Housing #ut.)iority representative on the Site Plan Development Committee, said that it would be taking a step backwards not to fulfill the committee's Charge and felt that Community Builders was a good plan to, present to Town Meeting. Mr. Dailey said that the positions of the Planning Board and Conservation commission appear to be firm and thus to go ahead with presentation of plans at this time would surely result in disapproval by Town Meeting. He noted that Mr. Marshall was trying to get a clear signal as to how to proceed and hoped that the Boards would vote as their true feelings on the questions of density, road design and sale of lots so as to get an indication of where to go f rom here. Kay Tiffany felt that little consideration had been given to the neighborhood plan and hoped that the Selectmen would take a serious look at its Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the presentation to Town Meeting of the following Resolution: "Town Meeting endorses the following guidelines for the Pine Meadows School Site development: 1. Forty units of affordable rental housing should be built; 2. A,road connecting Cedar Street and Garfield Street should be constructed as part of the development; 3. The sale of up to 12 lots to private developers for single family housing should be the primary form of financing the development. If Town Meeting approves that concept, as Special Town Meeting will be called in the fall of 1990, with a developer selected before that time, Mr. Marshall said he would present two alternative plans to Town Meeting that evening to illustrate the concept of 40 lots on the land. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 - 0 by roll call vote to go into Executive Session for discussion of matters of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the Town, with no intent to resume open session. p .m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:49 Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk A true record, Attest: OOMW VO I D MW SEWER CHARGE LIEU C .. _BETTERMENT , MCL I NA Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Sewer Charge in Lieu of Betterment in the amount of $2,962.55 for property owned by Mario & Luisa Molina 8 Clematis Road, based on the current sewer betterment rate and practice. CROSSWALK,_ CLA RKE STREET /MASS, AVENUE Peter Chalpin, Chairman of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, was present for discussion of the request of Elizabeth Whitman that an existing ,~ r. o sswal k on Mass. Avenue at Clarke Street be relocated in the interests of safety and higher use. 'fir. Chalpin reported that his committee I - lad recommended that the walk he installed from the corner of Meriam Street, across Mass. Avenue to the Cary Libr.ary entrance and distributed a sketch plan :.11ustrating this change, which would move the crosswalk 80 feet easterly. To accommodate this adjustment, the bus stop would be moved for a short distance :tnd one i)arking space would be eliminated can the Meriam Street side. Mr. Eddison noted that Mrs. Whitman had urged the relocation and voiced his support of the proposal. Mr. McSweeney questioned the need for a crosswalk in that area. Mr. Chalpin responded that that point seems to be heavily used for crossing Mass. Avenue. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that the crosswalk on Mass. avenue from the corner of Clarke Street be moved 80 feet easterly to a point on the corner of Meriam Street and extending to the corner of Clarke Street near the entrance to the Cary Memorial Library. Handicapped access ramps will be installed at either end of the crosswalk as soon as possible. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes 0 0 ft of Selectmen's Meetings of April 4, and April 11, 19906 WARRANT, JUNE 11 . SPECIAL ELECTION The Board reviewed a draft Warrant for the June 11, 1990 Special Election, prepared by Town Counsel. F SELECTMEN'S MEETING A. April 30, 1990 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen - was held on Monday, April 30, 1990, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:00 p.m. Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mrs. Smith, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs, Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. TRANSFERS RESERVE FUND Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the transfer from the Reserve Fund of $14,205 to Account #6310, Veterans Benefits, to rul f i. l l the Town's obligations for FY 19900 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the transfer from the Reserve Fund of S74,315 to DPW Personal Services to Wover expenses for snow operations. SEWER CHARGE LIEU C .. _BETTERMENT , MCL I NA Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Sewer Charge in Lieu of Betterment in the amount of $2,962.55 for property owned by Mario & Luisa Molina 8 Clematis Road, based on the current sewer betterment rate and practice. CROSSWALK,_ CLA RKE STREET /MASS, AVENUE Peter Chalpin, Chairman of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, was present for discussion of the request of Elizabeth Whitman that an existing ,~ r. o sswal k on Mass. Avenue at Clarke Street be relocated in the interests of safety and higher use. 'fir. Chalpin reported that his committee I - lad recommended that the walk he installed from the corner of Meriam Street, across Mass. Avenue to the Cary Libr.ary entrance and distributed a sketch plan :.11ustrating this change, which would move the crosswalk 80 feet easterly. To accommodate this adjustment, the bus stop would be moved for a short distance :tnd one i)arking space would be eliminated can the Meriam Street side. Mr. Eddison noted that Mrs. Whitman had urged the relocation and voiced his support of the proposal. Mr. McSweeney questioned the need for a crosswalk in that area. Mr. Chalpin responded that that point seems to be heavily used for crossing Mass. Avenue. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that the crosswalk on Mass. avenue from the corner of Clarke Street be moved 80 feet easterly to a point on the corner of Meriam Street and extending to the corner of Clarke Street near the entrance to the Cary Memorial Library. Handicapped access ramps will be installed at either end of the crosswalk as soon as possible. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes 0 0 ft of Selectmen's Meetings of April 4, and April 11, 19906 WARRANT, JUNE 11 . SPECIAL ELECTION The Board reviewed a draft Warrant for the June 11, 1990 Special Election, prepared by Town Counsel. r� It was agreed that reference to "Sunday" with respect to hours of operation at Now the Library, would be eliminated. Mr. McSweeney and Mr. Dailey questioned the inclusion of the East Lexington Fire Station funding with other items listed in the Warrant and suggested that each should be presented as a separate question. Mr. Dailey said he preferred to allow the Fire Chief flexibility to deal with the shortage of funds in other ways which might prove to be possible so as to avoid closing of the East Lexington Station during the summer months, should the referendum fail. Mr. Marshall and Mr. Eddison were in favor of staying with the Fire Chief's first decision to meet the $78,000 shortfall in his budget by closing the station for the summer months. They felt that the Chief had had ample opportunity to present other ways of addressing the shortage and had not done So. Mr. McSweeney moved that each of the eight items listed in the Warrant for the June 11th Special Election relating to additional funding for the Schoo D epartment; the Fire Department; the Po Department; the Librarv; the Recreation Department and weed control at the Old Res; LExPRESS, and the provision of service to youth be presented as separate questions. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dailey but did not carry, with Mr. Eddison, Mr. Marshall and firs. Smith voting in the negative. Motion was made and seconded that the draft warrant be approved as amended, by the elimination of the word "Sundays' with reference to hours of Operation o f the L ibrary and was carried with Mr. Eddison, Mr. 'M and Mrs. Smith voting in the affirmative and Mr. Dailey and Mr. McSweeney vot inu' :.n the negative, "NO It, was ..;reed that the Selectmen's Meeting that evening would be adjourned and be continued in Cary Hall, following the completion of the Town Meeting, when the final total amount for an override had been determined. + .:'1 �� l l L i.1tI1� l • .ai 1 . << i:►r.:�t t 4 r . Fdd i .:can o er ecI ��e :� rb 1 i c; dear i rl g uTl . ii __ .i . i .�:i .arnes z3 3 ��� {� - f � r Lass iL i ����r se .c� germ i L i m . � -r i :iec::onti l� zed c t rs � t .� -' .a.s ;achusetts ;'venue. �3c.,sep i far rn_� • )n ...�, �.ni or �.ement Officer had concurred ed �� i th Mr. Ia,t, It - 11 i s :i ;)n -r:on forming use is pre - eN i st ing, rt,ind had been y , � .�:� �- i ed on on a con t: rn l z�as i_ s s incP 1 84D . Bec.a.use fir. Sh i manskv vv i l t �t.�� i.. .L! ir�re than t o c ars for sale, at a time, Mr. Marino felt the iss:�lance of a. ass 11 License wou not adversely affect the ,)& opertv' :gun - - r; forming Mr. Sh i ma,nsky stated that hew state re(,u lot ions auto auc t ions; . lid i nsurance pools brad made i t necessary for him to aDviv for t 11e ;.. icense . i ri 1.r•der to c on tinue i h i s 5t 1neS5. L poll Motion cirl i. v made :_.nd seconded, it was voted f:O : D rOV e the :I DP t i. cat. i can of James Sh _i mansky for Class 11 L i certse to ope- 3rmate a . -ar rena.i r .Alsiness and sell ecorid (land automobiles at Mass. kventle• ;eXingtori. rk,ore than two cars for sale Zit one time wi be al lowed. ,kt 7:43 p. m. , the meeti was adjourned -inti 1 the end of that even ina' s Session of the 'Town Meeting when the Board will reassemble in Cary Hall. At l i = Q5 p. m. , the Selectmen's meeting was resumed. OWFK M _� -- � -- : inr i 1 30, 1990 :; ' iectnen s Meet I II,., 4. kR C) to s i s n nora motion duly made and seconded, it was vot 0 -- Warrant for the June 1 1990 Special Town Meeting. T ' T acid seconded, it ryas voted to ad,j ourn at 11:1 k. 7pon motion du l made r ". m, A true_ r ecoArd, Attest: ar i on H. snow EN.ecuti� clerk soft VO I D ��