HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-BOS-min3 36'* OWA Al` SELECTMEN'S-MEETING November 13, 1989 e A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, November 13, 1989, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7:30 p.m. Acting Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive Clerk, were present. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK Members of the School Committee, Supt. Geiger, and Teachers of the Year, Sara Brookes and Kevin McCarthy, were in attendance for presentation to the Selectmen of a flag to be flown in acknowledgement of American Education Week in Lexington during the subsequent week. Ms. Brookes and Mr. McCarthy explained the symbolism depicted on the flag and Mrs. Woodworth, Chairman of the School Committee, presented the flag to Mr. Eddison, A Resolution, declaring the period from November 12 to November 18 1989, as American Education Week in Lexington, was read by the Chairman who thanked the Committee, the Superintendent and the teachers for their presentation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the American Education flag be flown from the flag pole at Cary Memorial Hall for a period of one week, in recognition of American Education Week in Lexington. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING SKYVIEW ROAD SCATTERED SITE HOUSING Mr. White recapped circumstances of the offer of Peter Kelley, developer, to give the Town a 3- bedroom ranch style house to be moved to an appropriate.Town owned lot and added to the Town stock of affordable rental housing. Two possible sites for the house had been located and it had been determined that land at 31 Skyview Road was more ideally suited for the purpose than the other lot which is on Rangeway. Research into zoning aspects for the lot had presented no hindrance as the lot is a grandfathered building lot and it was found that the actual moving of the house for 500 feet could be accomplished with little difficulty. Easy access to water and sewer lines is also possible with removal of only two or three trees necessary. Some trees on the lot would have to be removed to construct a driveway. Total costs for the moving, renovation, connections for water /sewer and for driveway construction were estimated to be $44,000, or about one quarter �••• of the cost of building a similar house from scratch. Mr. White noted that all area residents had been invited to the Information Session by personal notification and that an ad had been published in the Lexington Minute -Man, informing the general public of the meeting. David Eagle, LexHAB member, reported that the $44,000 could be taken from LexHAB funds to be paid back by the subsidized rents collected and that LexHAB strongly supports the project. Mr. McSweeney commented on the excellent teamwork among those involved in the preparation of information relative to the project and complimented the Town Manager, Town Counsel, Engineering and Building Departments and LexHAB members for establishing procedures in such short order. 40 2- Mr. Eagle projected 'ected that the house could be in place and firmed up on a ,] foundation in about one month �' r of the Affordable Housing options Committee, commented William Spence g that the movie and reuse of the house represents one of the options to provide affordable housing which his committee is developing: that of existin modest housing within the Town. He reminded those preserving g� present of the Public Meeting sponsored by his committee With the Town Meeting Members Association on November 30, and urged their attendance. Spencer of the Affordable Housing options Committees commented William P that the moving and reuse of the house represen one of the options to provide affordable housing, which his committee is developing: that of. preserving reservin existing, modest housing within the 'town. He reminded those present of the Public meeting sponsored by his committee with the Town Meeting Members Association on November 30, in Estabrook Hall, and invited their M m attendance. Eli ot Schwartz representing Richard Schwartz, 33 Skyview Road, asked for consideration of his brother's request to be granted an easement over a por tion of the land at #31, for off - street parking of his three vehicles. _ Mr. White read a letter received on November 7, 1959, in which Mr. Schwartz expresses his strong opposition to the placement of low income housing next to his home, because of his fear that it would devalue his %N ow property his brother in which he asked Eliot Schwartz read another letter from that the lot on Rangeway be used for siting the house, and claiming that the Town taking of the Skyview lot for non payment of taxes had been defective* Mr. Cohen noted that in 1979, when federal and state funds had been received by the Housing Authority for the construction of 25 scattered site homes the Skyview lot had been one of those under consideration but, at that time the title to it could not be certified to the Housing Authority. The .lot has been listed as a town owned lot in the Assessors office since 1936. Mr. Cohen proposed that an article to take the lot by eminent domain be inserted in the Warrant for the 1990 Town Meeting to clear -up any title problems. Unlike the 1979 need to certify title to the Housing Authority, the Town does not need such certification. Mr. White said that the Rangeway lot is larger but is on a private way, which would involve high costs for upgrading of the road to Town standards. He added that the Skyview lot, which is identical to #33 Skyview, is clearly the better op tion for the siting of the house and that its construction is similar to others in the neighborhood. Elaine Marcus, 32 Skyview Road, expressed concerns about the visual imp act of a rental home on the neighborhood if the grounds and exterior are poorly maintained. Mr. Spencer reported that scattered site residents are made aware tha the y are responsible for the upkeep of property* and that the system seems b be working successfully. Mr. Eddison added that it has been the experience of the Town with f e4mw exceptions that scattered site housing lots have been maintained very well. Mrs. Marcus was also concerned with the number of cars the tenants might own and asked that consideration be given to Mr. Schwartz's request for an easement. Marcia Mitchell, 21 Skyview, asked about blasting during construction and Mr. Eagle responded that none is exDecteds 3 3r opeft Selectmen' Meeting -3-- 'November 13, 1989 Mr. White noted that due to the publicity about the proposed house :roving, the Town has had a number of other similar offers, which will be investigated. Mr. Dailey asked that neighbors be given assurance that their concerns will be recognized and suggested that any trees which have to be removed on the lot be replaced. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the offer to the Town by Peter Kelley of the 3-bedroom ranch style home, to be moved from its present location on Volunteer dray to Lot 82 on Skyview Road. Mr. Kelley was thanked for his thoughtfulness in giving the house to the Town. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept as presented the minutes of the meeting of the Selectmen on October 30, 1989, and the Executive Session meeting on October 16, 1959. 1990 ANNUAL 'TOWN MEETING Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call the 1990 Annual Town Meeting (Election Day) on Monday, March 5, 1990, and to close the Warrant for the 1990 Town Meeting on Thursday, December.25, 1989, at 4:30 p.m. APPOINTMENTS, CATV _ADVISORY COMMITTEE i+ Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Julian J. Bussgang and Frank P. DiGiammarino as members of the Cable Television and Communications Advisory Committee for terms of office to expire on September 30, 1992. .APPOINTMENTS TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint the fallowing to the Town Celebrations Committee Subcommittee, for terms to expire on June 30, 1990: Adrienne Della Penna 25 Mason Street John R. Holt 735 Mass. Avenue and to appoint the following to the Town Celebrations Committee Subcommittee for terms to expire on June 30, 1990: Walter Ellis 3 Hill Street Eric Carlson 40 Wood Street CONSENT AGENDA COMMITMENT of CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Commitment of the following Charges: Street Opening Permits, $450.00; Final Sewer Bills,, October $1,306.29: Final Water Bills, October, $1,205.87; Cycle 9 Water Bills, November onft $82 CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following Conservation Restrictions, as requested by the Conservation Commission: -4- To be granted by Murry A. & Pamela M. Awrach, I Lothrop Circle, Pheasant Brook subdivision, as shown on an accompanying plan. To be granted by Robert E. Phelan, Trustee of Diamond West Realty Trust, 152 Reed Street, as shown on an accompanying plan. ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application for one Day Liquor License of Knights of Columbus Members Association for a Minuteman Technical School Class of 1979 Reunion, on November 22, 1989. REPORTS OF TRAFFIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Peter Chalpin and Eric Clarke of ;Ahe Traffic Safety Advisory Committee were present for review of traffic requests of the Committees recommendations on each item. PLEASANT STREET CONCORD AVENUE CROSSWALK Mr. Chalpin reported on the request of the Director of Public works. Richard Spiers, for correction of a dangerous pedestrian situation at the intersection of Concord Avenue and Pleasant Street by the installation of a "Stop" sign and crosswalk. fto Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that a "Stop" sign be installed on Pleasant Street near its intersection with Concord Avenue (at house #159 Pleasant Street) and a crosswalk be painted across Pleasant Street, at its entrance to Concord Avenue. Mr. Chalpin noted two requests from the Lexington Police Department for traffic safety improvements at Lowell Street /Westminster Avenue and at Tyler Road /Winchester Drive. LOWELL STREET AT WESTMINSTER AVENUE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee the yellow center line at Lowell Street at its ,joining with Westminster Avenue be repainted without. a gap at Westminster Avenue, to designate the configuration of the two road, and that a sign alerting motorists to the "Y" shaped road design be installed. TYLER ROAD AT_WIN DRIVE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee that shrubs in front of #6 and #38 Winchester Drive, located on the Town right --of- -way be removed and that trees on the right-of-way be trimmed to improve the sight distance Tyler Road at both of its intersections with Winchester Drive, CLARKE STREETZPARK DRIVE ECCLES RE UEST Mr. Chalpin reviewed the request of Anne Eccles, 49 Parker Street for improvements in parking arrangements and traffic conditions in her neighborhood, to offset the impact of the heavy usage of the new Center Playground. Selectmen's Meeting -5-- November 13, 1939 Joan Halverson, Recreation Director, and Judith Marshall, chairman of the Recreation Committee, were present and stated the support of the Committee for clearly defined parking provisions near the pathway to the playground. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendations of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee, as follows: A "Stop" sign will be installed on Park Drive at Clarke Street; "No Parking" will be posted for 20 feet prior to the pathway entrance; A "Handicapped Parking" space will be created immediately after the Pathway entrance to the Playground. The Town Manager was requested to arrange to have plans developed for a defined parking area adjacent to the playground, for presentation to the Selectmen within the next few months, as requested by the Recreation Committee. CROSSWALK AT 55 MASS. AVENUE BERMAN REQUEST Mr. Chalpin read the request of Joel Herman for installation of a crosswalk to ensure safe crossing of Mass. Avenue in the vicinity of his store at 55 Mass, Avenue. He noted that the nearest crosswalks are several hundred feet away and that his Committee considered Mr. Berman's request to be a valid one. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory committee that a crosswalk be installed on Mass. Avenue between #55 Mass. Avenue and Sylvia Street. Mr. Berman will be asked to urge his patrons, when using the crosswalk, to do so with the caution necessary to ensure their safety. FOLLEN ROAD, STONE REQUEST Mr. Chalpin reviewed the request of Philip Stone for additional Police enforcement and signage on Follen Road, based on his concerns for the safety of children in the area. Mr. Chalpin noted the fact that four such signs are in place in that neighborhood and reported that his committee had recommended that no additional signs be installed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory committee to deny the request of Philip Stone, tog Follen Road, for installation of signs on Follen Road. It was noted that the Police Department has indicated that enforcement of the 30mph speed limit is ongoing and that the D >P >W> has been requested to trim any branches obstructing the existing signs. LOWELL STREETAI LLI AN ROAD, VOLANTE„ REQUEST The request of Joseph Volante for installation of a "Stop" sign at the entrance of Lillian Road to Lowell Street was reviewed. Mr. Chalpin indicated that his Committee had concurred with Mr.. Volante's assessment of the hazards at that intersection, due to speeding automobiles. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the recommendation of the Traffic Safety Advisory committee for installation of a "Stop on Lillian Road at its entrance to Lowell Street and that strict Police enforcement of Traffic Laws by the Police Department be continued. �11 r6c BATTLE GREEN ISLAND Mr. Chalpin referred to various schemes which had been developed and explored in response to the Board's request for temporary installation of a c:hannelizing island on Mass. Avenue near the Minute -Man Statue. Sketch plans prepared by Mr. Dssman of the L.C.C. and Mr. Ch of the T.5.A.C. were noted. Mr. Eddison stressed the temporary nature of the installation and that the construction and removal costs should be kept as low as possible. lie recapped the aims of the trial channelization, as outlined in the Lexington Center Committee memo of March 31, 1959: General traffic slowdown; Force a 90 degree left turn from Mass. Avenue going westbound and prov a left turn lane for that turn; AD Create a sate space for pedestrians to stand for photographing the statue; . Discourage left turns from Clarke Street; . Narrow traffic to one lane at Bedford Street entering Mass. Ave . Minimize obtrusive traffic signs that block the view of the statue; . The amount of space allocated to pedestrians should be maximized anc' the amount of space for moving traffic minimized. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the installation, on a trial basis. of a traffic island to be constructed with ' berm, and painted yellow, as shown on a concept plan presented by the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. Appropriate directional signs also shown on the plan, are to be installed. :AMBULANCE ABATEMENTS Mr. white referred to three requests totalling $1,880 for ambulance abatements. Two of the requests, each for $20.00, cited financial hardship, the larger request for $1,840 was for abatement of bills deemed uncollectible because they were undeliverable. Of the larger listing, it was thought that further effort could be directed toward locating two persons who had given addresses of Days Inn and wild Acre Inn. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of Ambulance Charges for: Anthony J. Buda $20.00 Angelo DiPietro $20.00 Of the charges representing bills considered to be uncollectible, it was voted to abate charges totalling $1,840.00, as shown on a listing provided by the Fire Department, and to request that further effort be made to trace Ruby McAfee, c/o Days Inn, Bedford Street, Lexington, and Betsy white, 'o Percy Road, (Wild Acre Inn), Lexington and to collect the outstanding amounts. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 - 0 by roll call vote; fir. Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, to go into vow Executive Session for discussion of real estate acquisition, the disclosure o.f which might adversely affect the interests of the Town. E� r- Selectmen's Meeting a 7-- Upon motion duly made and seconded, A true record, Attest: A true record, Attest: November 13, 1989 it was voted to adjourn at 9:20 p.m. Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk Oak Selectmen's Meeting November 27, 1989 9 �_, 4 a �� R, • F Z A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, November 27, 1989, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town office Building, at 7 :30 p.m. Acting Chairman Eddison, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Ms. Radway, Asst. to the Town Manager; Mrs. Snow, Executive clerk, were present. PUBLIC HEARING LEDGEMONT LABS GASOLINE STORAGE The Public Hearing on an application for gasoline storage at Ledgemont Research Park, scheduled for 7:30 p.m., was delayed pending the arrival of the petitioner. APPOINTMENTS,-. ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Eddison reported on the backgrounds and qualifications of Barbara Hulsizer, Field & Garden Club President, and John Vinton, Architect, as candidates for membership on the Design Advisory Committee, and expressed strong support for their appointment. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following to the Design Advisory Committee for terms of office to expire on September 30, 1990: Barbara Hulsizer 2 Battle Green Circle John J. Vinton 11 Leonard Road RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the applications for renewal of Liquor Licenses for 1990, as follows: PACKAGE STORES III ' s market,, inc. 55 Mass. Avenue Busa Br o s. aquors, Inc. 55 Bedford Street Lexington Liquor Mart, Inc. 58 Bedford street 1775 Wine & Spirit Shop 27 Depot Square Vinebrook Corporation d/b /a Vinebrook Bottle Shop 131 Mass. Avenue CLUBS Lexington Lodge #2204 B.P.O. Elks 959 lKlaltham Street Lexington Knights of Columbus Members Assoc . , Inc. 177 Bedford Street EN -VvA 6 !: ► Nt Arty's Restaurant 177 Mass. Avenue Hartwell H ouse ,, Inc. 94 Hartwell Avenue LeBellecour Restaurant 10 Muzzey Street Peking Gardens,, Inc. 27-31 Waltham Street Versailles Restaurant,, Inc. 1777 Mass. Avenue Yangtze River Restaurant 21 -23 -25 Depot Square Bel Canto Restaurant 1709 Mass, Avenue Cory's of Lexington 20 Waltham Street 3� . 2- C T r% (C onit.' inued j Middlesex Racquet &Swim Club d/b /a The LexingtOn Club 475 Bedford Street Lexington Golf Club 55 Hill Street 11011 M. • r a Thanes J. Flatley d/b /a Tara Sheraton /Lexington 727 Marrett Road REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF HOURS,_ ELKS ^� Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the B >P >O >Elks #2204 to extend hours of operation on Saturdays by opening at 12 Noon rather than at 1:00 p.m., through 12 Midnight. RENEWALS - COMMON VICTUALLER ENTERTAINMENT2 INNKEEPER LICENSES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve applications for renewal of the following licenses for 1990: Camwn Victualler Renewals - 1990 Arty s Restaurant 177 Mass, Ave. '"'■w' Chadwick's 903 Waltham street The Coffee Connection, Inc 1729 Mass. Avenue Lex ington Donuts f Inc. 373 Waltham Street Lex. Lodge of Elks. #2204 959 Waltham Street Le Bellecour 10 -12 Muzzey Street Lexing House of Pizza 399 Lowell Street Mario ' s 1733 Mass. Avenue Peking Gardens 27 -31 Waltham Street �q-+ OM% Selectmen's Meeting _3_ Common Victualler (Con P Pot 1714 Mass Ave. Putnam Pantry 1665 Mass, Avenue Steve's Ice Cream 1749 Mass. Avenue Sheraton /Lexington Tara 727 Marrett Road Versailles Restaurant 1777 Mass. Avenue Yangtze River Restaurant 21 -23 -25 Depot Square 00ft CONSENT AGENDA November 27, 1989 Entertainment License Tara Lexington /Sheraton 727 Marrett Road Innkee er Tara Lexington /Sheraton 727 Marrett Road SHERATON LEXINGTON - RE VESTS FOR EXTENSIONS Of the items listed on the Consent Agenda, Mr. Dailey and Mr. Marshall noted the request by the Sheraton Lexington Inn for extension of hours of service of liquor on four occasions, in addition to New Years Eve, during the month of December. Since no reasons were given for the requests, the item was removed from the Consent Agenda, for discussion. It was agreed that more information as to the need for the extensions will be required, but that the two earliest dates would be allowed since the Board will not be meeting until December 11. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Sheraton Lexington Inn for extension of hours on Saturday, December 2, 1989, and on Friday, December 8, 1959, until 1:40 a.m., subject to provision of reasons for the requests. Requests for December 14, and December 18, were tabled until the Selectmen's meeting on December 11, pending receipt of additional information. ABATEMENT,,---SEWER CHARGES CONSENT AGENDA ABATEMENT OF SEWER CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the abatement of Sewer Charges at 658 Lowell Street, in the amount of $268.24, SPECIAL MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to designate members of the Heavy Equipment Noise Committee as Special Municipal Employees. ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Sons of Italy for one Day Liquor License for an Arlex oil Company Christmas Party on December 9, 1989, at 133 Bedford Street. :E ONE DAY AUCTIONEER LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the VW application of Richard Bradley or One Day Auctioneer License for an antique auction to be held at the Lexington Lodge of Elks on November 29, 1989. ARMENIAN SISTERS BEANO LICENSE Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application for renewal of a Beano License by the Armenian Sisters Academy, for Beano games to be held at the Lexington Lodge of Elks, to expire on September 30, 1990. CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Conservation Restriction to be granted to the Town by Donna and Norbert Unger, and Norbert Unger, 1303 Mass. Avenue, Eleutherios and Phyllis Houvouras; Mic Michael and Carol Sonduck, Gladys M. Moore, Takashi and Fay Takebayashi of Hollow Lane as recommended by the Conservation Commission. ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSES BPO ELKS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks, 959 Waltham Street, for One Day Liquor Licenses, on the following dates: December 1, December 2, December 9, December 14, December 15, December 15, December 17, (6:30 p.m. to 12 Midnight), December 29, and December 30, 1989. DECEMBER MEETING SCHEDULE It was agreed that Selectmen's Meetings will be scheduled for Decembe 11 and December 18, with no meetings during the holiday weeks. vow SUBSTANCE ABUSE COMMITTEE RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN Alice Klein, Co- Chairman of the PTA Council Substance Abuse Committee, was present to request the Board's support of her Committee's participation in the 2nd Annual MADD Red Ribbon Campaign, to be carried out during the holiday season. Mr. White explained the proposal of the Committee that all Town vehicles display red ribbons as a symbol of the campaign against drunk drivers and that the ribbons be made available in the Town office Building for personnel and citizens who wish to participate. Mrs. Klein distributed ribbons to Board members and others in attendance. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize display of MADD Red Ribbons on all Police, Fire, DPW, and LEXPRESS vehicles during the holiday season. Mr. Eddison thanked Mrs. Klein for the initiative regarding the project as well as for all its effort to address the problems of substance abuse and wished her success with the Campaign. RESERVE FUND TRANSFER HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE Mr. White recapped the financing of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day on October 29, for which $32,000 was appropriated to meet expenses. He reported that participation remained fairly constant, however the volume of materials collected increased by 60 %, and because of this increase costs were higher. He requested approval of a transfer from the Reserve Fund of $15,950, to cover these additional costs. Mr. Marshall suggested that exploration of collection of hazardous waste on a regional basis be made. 3 46 roll Selectmen's Meeting -5- November 37, 1989 Mr, White referred to a Lexington /Lincoln effort which resulted in high participation by Lexington citizens but lower use by Lincoln residents, because the collection site was in Lexington. Based on that ratio, Lincoln had felt that the shares of expenses should be adjusted proportionately. George Smith, Health Director, will be looking into a possible State sponsored regional collection at a site on Route 128. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the transfer of $15,950 from the Reserve Fund to Household Hazardous Waste Acct, 01 -5 -586 (Article 5 of 1989), as recommended by the Town Manager. POTE NTIAL TRANSFER REQUESTS Mr. White reported on possible needs to request further transfers from the Reserve Fund because of unexpected increases in Lexington's self insurance assessment for Workers' Compensation Insurance of $28,857; and the unanticipated need for rehabilitation of the hydraulic systems of the Fire Dept.'s ladder truck, which has severely impacted the Department's operating Budget. VOTE OF INTENT TO LAYOUT STREETS Mr. White reviewed the Time Sequence for FY91 Street Acceptance, and """� pointed out the scheduled vote of intent to layout FY91 streets to be taken that evening. He read the list of nine subdivision streets on which no betterment would be assessed or Town appropriation required. Of that list, three streets still have minor pending construction issues which the developer is working on to satisfy Town standards. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the intent to layout the following subdivision streets was voted; Philbrook Terrace, 651' + from Grassland Street southerly to the end. Solomon Pierce Road, 5404' + , from Maple Street to Woburn Street, Joseph Comee Road, 955' ±, from Solomon Pierce Road to Butterfield Road. Lathrop Circle, 517' + , from Joseph Comee Road westerly to the end. Butterfield Road, 550', from Solomon Pierce Road easterly to Joseph Comee Rd. East Emerson Road, 3350' + , from south of Maureen Road to Ridge Road. Jonas Stone Circle, 553' ±, from East Emerson Road southerly to the end. Tidd Circle, 630' + , from Grove Street easterly to the end. North Emerson Road, 140' +, from Diamond Road westerly to the end. FY91 BUDGET UPDATE Mr. White reported that he had reviewed FY91 budget requests with Department Heads and had found them all to be sensitive and responsive to the Town's fiscal problems. O••• He noted that Robert Ebersole, Revenue officer, has in the past six months collected a record amount of back taxes totalling about one half a million dollars and congratulated his for his hard work and initiative. A "Fiscal Year 1991 Budget Projection ", dated 11/24/89, was reviewed with the Board. The chart gave data from FY88 on Total Appropriations; Gross Amount to be Raised by Taxes; Net Amount to be Raised by Taxes. Mr. White stated that he intends to present a balanced budget, which will mean cutbacks in municipal services and programs. . 6- He referred to several projects which he will exclude from his budget such as the Lincoln Street restrooms, Library Computer proposal and others. He noted however, that if the School Department's FY91 request exceec a 4 to 5 1/2% increase, the budget can not be balanced and he reported on pli to meet with Supt. of Schools Geiger during the next week to discuss that matter* vow PUBLIC HEARING LEDGEMONT RESEARCH PARK GASOLINE STORAGE Mr. Eddison opened, and immediately adjourned, due to the absence of the applicant, a scheduled Public Hearing on the petition of the Beal Companies on behalf of Ledgemont Research Park, 128 Spring Street, for license to store gasoline in a parking - garage on the premises. The hearing was adjourned to January S, 1990, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it A true record, Attest. was voted to adjourn at 8:42 p.m. Marion Sn w Executive Clerk