HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-BOS-minSELECTMEN'S MEETING 3P � D 1989 July 1 s n of the Bard of Sel ectmen was held on Monday, A reQ�lar meeti Board Town Building at Jul 101 1989, in the Sel Meeting Room , o . July h Nor. Marshall, Mr. Eddi son , Mr. Dai 1 ey, Mr. 7:3D p.m. Chairman Smut McSweeney, Mr. • Mr. White , Town Manager; Mr . Cohen, Town Counsel; Marque s , Administrative .� • ' strati ve Intern ; Mrs. Deshler, Principal Clerk, were present. ARMENIAN SISTERS ACADEMY, BEANO LICENSE .. I�r. . Leo Kirkland, a mem ber of the Board of Trustees for the Armenian himself msel f to the Sisters Academy, was present and introduced • he was available to answer questions pertaining to Board and stated that Beano amen at applicati of the Academe for a lice 9 the app license to conduct ;buttors the school each Fri day evens ng from 7.04 p , to ID:DO p.m Mr. Why te, read t he notice that had been sent to all of them of the intent of the Board of Selectmen to the Academy notifying review the application of the Academy on July 10 19890 �r . Peter M . Chal i n , Chairman of the Traffic Safety A memo from M P Advi r Committee, was referred to at this time. The ongoing traffi sa fety issues in the Pelham Road, Eliot St., Tavern Lane area were di e y had been made b the parents of the students discussed. A request that y Qnue and for s nal i zati on at the intersecti of Mass. Av of the Academy 9 ' req for Pelham ham Road several years ago was referred to. Thi s q • denied at that time due to the s�gnal�zation was fact that the location did not meet State requirements for s i gnal i zati o n Mrs Smith read a memo from Chief of Police, Paul E. Furdon, stati the suitability of the organization for l i cens i,ng , an st 9 e Dept. on the numbers of patrons reiterating the concern of the Pol1c p that would be exiting Pelham Road at Mass. Avenue which would exacerbate the ongoing safety concern in the area. r h Abuttor, , Dr. . Edward Bird, 23 Pelham. Rd., stated that a pa.�sth oug l on property his that has been used up to now as another access to the school property would have to be closed if the Beano license was would p ut too much stress on the unfi path. approved as �t P Mr. Kenneth Nill, lb Bennington Road repres the Mu Hill • d to the Board a 45 name petition expressing their Ne , presente objection to the granting of a license for Beano games to the Armenian Sisters Academy. to the ranting of Several other abuttors voiced their objections g ranting the Beano license i because of increased speed and disruption n the residential neighborhood. e monies ' on asked for information as to how significant th Mr. Edd i s from this source wou ld bee ' n d member K irkland, r e p lied that as since he was a newly appo Mr. ` K� of the Board of Trus tees , he was not equipped to a nswer that q uestion at the momenta Mr. . McSw eene y s u g gested that holding the Beano at the Armory on .■.. Bedford St . , may be a p o s s i b i l i t y for . the Academy. stated that fund raising a ctivities to be held for Mrs. Smith non of the Town non-profit i t or ani zati ons should be held on major arte P 9 i.e. Waltham Ste, Bedford St., or Mas s. - Avenue so as to cause the least amount of disruption* - 2 - Mr. Dailey recommended that the Armenian Si • their t • � • Sisters academy consider der withdrawing petition i ion wi thou t prejudice and explore the possibili of holdin RPano games for the Academy Waltham St, Armory on Bedford St or the Ar y at e the Elks on , As Selectmen Smith, Marshall, Eddi son Daile y, McSweeney unanimously concurred that they would not approve . PP the petition on of the Armenian Si Academy to hold Beano games on Friday evenin petition on wa y gs at �o Pelham Road, the P s wi thdrawn without prejudice to allow the petitioners to explore other sites. Chairman Smith stated that a letter would be sen Selectmen to the Arm enian from the Board of menian Sist ters Academy stating their position and suggesting alternatives, PUBLIC HEARING DAN MCCABE CREATIVE CARPENTRY PROPANE oPAhE GA5 STORAGE Mr. Dan McCa P , McCabe Creative Carpentry, ex l a i n pursued prior � P ed the process he had P p to this meeting. A permit had been approved b Steve Frederickson, Building Commissioner, Chief, y for the f � with approval 1 by the Fire storage o . 1,000 gal , of propane gas on the property of M Creative Carpentry, Inc , St., P P y McCabe , 153 North After installation of the facility and landscaping, fencing, locks, etc feted Mr. � had been completed . McCabe was informed by the State Fire Marshall that license to sell had to be obtained fro the Board of c a ,,elect dents al men. Mr. Eddi son asked how close this facility es � would be to " residential . areas. Mr. McCabe responded that the area where the tank wa l ocated was commercially zoned and showed its relationship o nParb r es i dential p y property ... y Mr. Eddison questioned Fire Chief Bergeron as to safety e of propane g e .y of the storage p p e gas. Chief Bergeron stated that a certain amount of danger ' the storag an flammable 9 existed with a 9 y bl e gases . once all state regulations have been complied with he is required by law to issue ermi the gas. As all state re P ss � o n to store reg ulations and national concensus standards had been met, the Fire Chief recommended approval of license ' to distribute. Mrs. Smith inquired as to where patron parking would be particularly when the tanker was filling the stora tank. a parking pl Mr. McCabe resp onded that � g . p a an has been devised. Duri ng the filling process the full electric automatic shut off would set b calculator be . y to shut off the system. The Tanker fill would take place early a .m. or late p .m. Mr, McSweeney established that the key to the success of op l safe the a p safety of the facility i ty lay i n the hands of the person who was responsible for setti the controls inside the building to lock . the gates Mr. Patri Barbieri, 151 forth St., spoke in opposition i ti on to th that as h PP e facility stati 9 the principal use of the business was carpentr that the accessory use of the business to include barbecuing and its amenities imposed certain dangers on the neighborhood that in his opinion should not be permitted, Mr. Ephraim Weiss, 452 Lowell St., expressed his concern for t h borh ood ' s p b he ne � 9 p s l e lowered property values due to the extension of •.r the business usage. Mr. Marshall proposed extension of the hearing information until i nforma ' on on traffic impact is available-, I _3_ Jul lO, 1989 ,,,�.. Sel ectmen' s Meet Mr, Eddison st ated that as there was a distinct difference between e for internal use by the business and the sale of the storage of propane the fa � l � t was he as to-the general public. He pointed out that Y t g 9 located in a ne ighborhood hborhood business district which was designed to serve the local needs and not a wider area and that he could not support the ale of the p ropane gas at this facility at this time. retail s p Mrs. Smith Questi the f e a s i b i l i t y o f how the traffic could be routed and the public served on this small busy corner. Mr. Marshall proposed that a delay in the decisi would allow Nor. McCabe to share his marketing plan with the Board. Mr. White recommended that Mr. McCabe refer to a traffic analysis comp leted at the Crossroads intersection to help that had been recently com i p determine traffic impact at the Creative Carpentry i ntersecti o n , Upon moti Y dui made and seconded it was voted to continue the - Mr. Daniel McCabe, Creative Carpentry Storage of Publi Hearing Propane Gas to a date certain, August 7, 1989, 8:00 p APPROVAL OF MAPC CONSULTANT CONTRACT - HATS II Upon mot dui made and seconded it was voted to execute the s on y Agreement between MAPC , Bedford , Concord , Lincoln and MPmorandum of Agre Lexington to secure assistance to the four commun ities in the review of • es i n the rowth and dPvel opment of Hascam Field an to data and study 9 assist in the coordination of the traffic impact anal of Hanscom Air ort • Nation oval Park Se and Pry vote Land Development. Force Sase, Masse , NASHOBA CABLE SYSTEMS/CABLEVISION INSTALLATION OF CABLE RE Sri i am Schu . er , Genera Partner of asho a a e Systems Mr. right of way t resented the request of his company fora i g Y hrough • and p ' B with cable service by attaching a Lexington to provide Be Gated in fiber ber o ti c cable to the exi coaxial cable lo overt ash? ng p • w ill in Lexi one sect ion of cable wi . l have to be underground . . �� the Conservation Commiss on . and would need approval b,, S i ers Director of Public Works and Enai neeri ng , sta ted Mr ' Dick p � ' that the access ramp off Route � at the Belmont wou ld also need L� Wetland approval* ns b the CATV Mr. McSweeney referred to a list of nine s ugges t� o y Advisory Committee to the Board of Selectmen regarding Nashoba s request. ' on q uestioned what if any, benefit Lexington would get Mr. Edd i s q • al uabl P privil i 1 e e to the Cable company. He prop that an appropriate charge be negotiated with the company a nd stated to vote on the request until the legal that he was not prepared de termination had been completed by Town Counsel as to whether such a charge could be made by the Town. wou ld a 1 1 an d Mr. McSweeney a grQed with t h i s p o s i t i o n and Mr. Marshall • in a decision until an opinion had been received from wi thhol d making Palmer and Dodge. � shoba Cable • It was agreed to adjourn the public hearing a, N a Systems until Monday, August 7, 1989* TOWN WIDE STREET LIGHTING requested Mr. S iers to present a cost analysis b etween Mr . Wh i to eq p s odium light ht odium va or, incandescent and mercury vapor types o f s treet 9 bulbs. et lighti hti n install since 1983, i Mr. Chat pi n reviewed � the , s t e , ons s 19860 g 9 the 9 sub di install a 8J --4- Mr. white stated that due to the different strategies communi in relation t lighting, 9 s used by other .o street i t was really not fair to compare thei r methods to Lexington. Careful consideration m •"�"•''` ti ons as op mu st be g to cos t options ppos ed to specifically esthetic d e c i s i o n s . The establishment of an Ad Hoc Street Lighti Committee would u d be welcome by the staff to help implement long term strategy, and work with Boston Edison. Mr, Whi expects that it will take 2 - 5 ears tin of y before the marketing provide good l� g new lighting techniques that will be cheaper to operate an provi lighting as well P P d 9 9 . The esthetic improvements are probably 5 to years away. Mr. Peter Kovner and Ms. Myla Kabat -Zinn submitted a acke p t of long and short term lighting needs and suggestions. Mr. John Frey, DAC Chairman, informed the Board that no for vote had beer, taken a formal s yet by th e DAC on lighting ghti ng plans for Lexington Center, although esthetics would be of some concern to the ro made n 9 up. Upon motion duly and seconded it was voted to wait for HDC/LCC /DAC recommendations on the treatment of l i n Lexington Center, Upon motion by Mr. Eddison duly made and seconded it was voted to: I. Establish a Lighting committee of 5--7 eo l e to address p p � long & short term 1 i aht ' n g needs, and develop solutions that are both ener efficient and esthetically acceptable, Members may be drawn f r om Historic Districts DP y om DAC , W and concerned citizens. 2. When existing bulbs and fixtures fail, replace them P with like bulbs and fixture 3, F i l l existing requests for new street lights with h i g h pressure sodium f ixtu.res . 4. Work with developers of new subdivisions to explore ore pilot provects , e. cyst char' 9 sharing wi th Sylvania a Co. Co using the latest a v a i l a b l e technology. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on June 19, 1989 as amended, RESIGNATION /RECREATION COMMITTEE Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to accept the resignation of Brian M. Adle P y, II Roosevelt Road from the Recreation Committee, Minuteman Commuter Bikeway Implementation Committee- and th ti ons Committee e ffectiv e e Affordable Housing Options e ect� ve �mmed� ately. REAPPOINTMENTS/TOWN CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE AND SUBCOMMITTEE Upon motion du y made an s Tt was voted to reap the foll to the Town Celebra PP ati or,s Committee for a term of office to expire on June 30, 1992: William P. Fitzgerald 55 Liberty Avenue Raymond J. Flynn 310 Concord Avenue C. Jean Coates 30 Donald Street Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to reap the followi to the Town Celebrations PP e � ati ons 5ubcammi ttee for a term of office to ••� expi re on June 30, 1990: John Hayden 4 Davis Road Adrienne Della Penna 25 Mason Street 's meeting -5. July 1.0, 1989 Selectmen � CONSENT AGENDA ABATEMENTS O F SEWER & WATER CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve abatements of June 28, 1989 it the amounts of: Water $834.77 IL Sewer $1232.96 Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve p i e amounts of: abatements of June 29, 1989 in th Water $1690.31 Sewer $1626.62 t Demand $5,00 WINCHESTER DRIVE/TYLER ROAD TRAFFIC ITEM Upon motion duly made and seconded i t was voted to refer the - Upo y reQUest o 9 f the Lexington Police Department concerning poor sight distance at the intersection of Winchester Drive and Tyler Road to the Traffi Safety Advi Committee for review and recommendations Y WESTMINSTER AVE. /LOWELL ST. TRAFFIC ITEM Upon motion duly made and secorded it was voted to refer the request o 9 f the Lexington Police Department for improved traffic markings at the intersection of Westminster Ave. and Lowell St., to the Traffic Safet y Advisory Committee for review and recommendations e ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE/W.R, GRACE Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to ratify the poll f J une 23 1989 approving a one Day Liquor License for W. R, Grace vote o J PP Co., Hayden 55 Ha Avenue for a retirement party to be held on June 29 1989. ONE DAY LI UOR LICENSES/HIGASHI SCHOOL upon ,y n motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the � f. of the H ash i School for a One Day ,Liquor L' ce nse for a applic 9 � r 4:00 p.m to 10:0 Festival to be held on Sunday, July 16, 1989 from p p.m. TAXICAB LICENSE/L -MO CAB C0./MAFFUCCI Upon motion ma a and sec onded it was voted to approve the P application of Vincent Maff ucc i d/ b /a/ L -MO Cab for a Hackney Carriage License to operate out of Depot Square. COMM ITMENT OF STREET OPENING PERMIT FEES Upon motion dul made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Upo y f Street Openi Permi t Fees in the amount of $775.000 commitment o ONE DAY AUCTIONEER LICENSE/LEXINGTON ELKS /RICHARD BRADLEY m otion du made and secon a it was vote to approve a One Upon. m y 0M•• Day Auctioneer License for Richard M . Bradley, for an auction to be held on Wednesday, jul 19, 1989 at the Lexington Elks, 6:30 - 10:30 p.m. y TRANSFERS, RESERVE FUNDS m otion du made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Upon m y transfer of $30,000 from the Reserve Fund to Acct. 01-45-128, and $7,027. from the Reserve Fund to Acct. 41 -45 -102, Legal Services. & Expense Accounts. ARTICLE 5 TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO LIBRARY ACCOUNT Ripon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve Transfer of Funds from Article 5 FY8 $1 PP 9 of to the Library Account for personal services costs. AWARD, VENTILATION SYSTEM AT TOWN GARAGE CONTRACT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted its inter n award Contract #89 -11 i t to the amount of $38,575.00 to Master Mechanical Contractors, 301 Border St., East Boston, 0?19.8 for Ventilation System Improvements at the Town Garage, AWARD, MERIAM ST., PARKING LOT OPERATION CONTRACT Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted its intent to award Contract #89 -12 in the amount of $185 ,868, 00 to LAZ Parking 45 Bromfield St., 11th Fl. ' Boston, MA 02108 for the operation of the Meri am Street Parking Lot, daily from 7:00 a .m. to 8 :00 P .m e AWARD, POOL DECK JOINT SEALANT AT CENTER POOL Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted its intent to award Contract #89 -8 in the amount of $12,800.00 to Weathershield Waterproofing Co., Inc . , 2 Webster St., No. Quincy, MA 02171 for Pool Deck Joint Sealant at the Center Field Pool. FY91 STREET ACCEPTANCE TIME SEQUENCE Mr. White referred to a Public Notice to be published on August loth giving he final filing d 9 9 g ate for FY91 street petitions and a " NW schedule of the sequence for FY91 Street Acceptance rocedures prepared b the Town Engineer. P P P ed y Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Legal Notice and FY91 Street P t Acceptance time sequence schedule, as presented. EXECUTIVE SESSION Upon motion dul v made and seconded, it was voted 5 -- 0 b y roll call vote: Mrs, Smi th, Mr. rlarshal 1 , Mr. Eddi son , Mr. Dai 1 ey, Per. McSweeney, to go into Executive Session for discussion of strategy for collective bargaining and matters of litigation, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:59 p,m. A true record, Attest: Audrey E.oDeshler Principal Clerk "No SELECTMEN'S MEETING y " SE L � July 24, 1989 y x 3 A regu meeting of the Board of Sel ectmen was held on Monday, Jul y 24 1989, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 p .m. Chairman. Smith, Mr. Marshal 1 , Mr. Eddison, Mr. Dailey, Mr. Mr Snow Executive Clerk, were McSweeney , Mr. White, Town Manager; Mrs . present. EDITOR, LEXINGTON MINUTE -MAN Mrs. Smith introduce lice R. Queens, recently appointed as Editor-in-Chief of the Lexington Mi and welcomed hert to the Town on behalf of the Board. PUBLIC HEARING N.E. TELEPHONE & BOSTON EDISON,IHILL STREET The Chairman opened a Pu57ic Hearing on the petition of the New England and Tel a hone and Boston Edison companies for permission to relocate • 9 p � r au r e p resenting a utility pole on Hill l. Street . Robert Boud e p 9 the Telephone Company, was present and explained that the work was necessary to provide service to Turnburry Hill. Mrs. Smith read the report of the Director of Public Works recommending approval of the petition. t� Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the • • Tel Comp petiti , plan and orders of the New England p hone p y and Oloft Boston Edison Company to relocate Pole #47/30 approximately 25 feet south of its existing location on Hill Street.. ADJOURNED HEARING, WATER/SEWER RATES Mrs. Smith op ened the adjourned Public Hearing, scheduled for 8:00 p .m. on FY90 Water and Sewer Rates, and suggested that the Hearing be continued following discussion with the School Committee, Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee on the implications of the Governor's veto of local aid funds . LOCAL AID Mrs. Smith welcomed members of the School Committee and Finance Committees to the meeting and expressed appreciation for the hard work of Mr. Marshal and the Town Manager on material distributed to the Board on the fiscal situation and steps to be taken to address the reduction of local aid funds. Mr. White recapped the Town's experience and concerns during the ten Y ears that Proposition 2J has been in force and listed actions taken in Lexington during that period to accommodate the fiscal limitations imposed. He 9 ave a brief history of the current fiscal probl ems to be faced because of the Governor's veto of $210 mi llion in local aid funds which will result in a loss of more than $1,000,000 to Lexington. A l i s t of administrative actions taken by the Manager including freezes en all 490ft cap to l s end i n ; hiring; non-emergency overtime; and non-essential p p 9 purchases was reviewed and Mr. White encouraged the Schoo l Committee to take similar steps regarding School spending* The Manager noted cuts In other local r pro ams , in add i ti n local aid which incl g o to included education, human services and many other State programs , -and explained the f under the Govern' s allotment powers, for distribution of Local Aid which will more adversely affect r y Lexington and other 128 sub suburbs than the densely populated communities. He advised that during the next two months, all school and rams be examined t town programs o d etermine pr1 on ties and that difficult choices on cut -backs be made. He saw a need for a Special Town Meeting n September for reconsideration of F g Y90 funds as approved at the 1989 Annual Town Meeting. An overview of School/Town costs, showing that 58.05% is allocated to the School system with 41.951 for Town exp enses (excluding p Water/Sewer and Pine Meadow funding) was explained, as well as ra the Growth g phs showing wth of . School and Town Budgets from FY85 to FY90; Total School Direct and Inds Costs, Mr. White reviewed a projected Five Year Forecast to FY95, showing gross and net amou nts Total appropriations, 9 u .s to be raised by taxes and levy limit and other graphs illustrating a projection of the Town's financial position in the next five years, A listing of categories in which cuts in programs will be considered was re g ad including 1 ud i ng C a pi to 1 Budget, Fire Department, General Government, Human Services, Insurance Library, Police, and Publi Work Mr. Whi stressed that in order to deal with the current fiscal emergency, "belt-tightening" would not be sufficient. The Manager recommended that the Alternative Tax Revenue Committee which had done a very effective job in the past, be revitalized to %Now explore other sources of revenue to the Town. Mrs. Smith explained that the purpose of the meeting was to et the four g Town School, � g g 9 P o , Appropriations and Capital Expenditures Commi up to speed on the current state of f i n a n c i a l affairs. She was hopeful that the crisis will be resolved in the foreseeable future but at this point saw the need to address it by cuts in rams Supt. of Schools Philip • p g P i p Gei ger, noted that he and the School Committee had already established a l i s t of priorities during the FY90 budget preparation process He reported that about $400,000 will be saved by not filling vacant administrative positions in the School Department and estimated that it would take four to six months to look at the School's capital budget with an eye to deferring expenditures. He p saw the coming years as even more difficult because of increasing chool enrollment. g Mr. Dailey urged the School Committee to make a concerted effort to submit its budget in a timel v fashion, as has not been done i n ast. p years Mr. White and Dr. Geiger will have continued discussion on addressing the need for program cut -backs to resolve f i sca 1 robl ems . Mrs. Smith saw a need to p get many more townspeople interested it demanding that the State correct its fiscal procedures. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Town Manager to proceed with revitalizing the Alternate Tax Revenue Committee to be charged with exploration of the range of local tax options available. Mrs. Smith thanked those present for their attendance and for the %No' opportunity to exchange information and views. yO 4;�_ Selectmen's Meeting .3. July 24, 1989 NASHCBA CABLE SERVICES Discussion of the 'reaues t of Nashoba Cable Services and Adams- Russe,l 1 Cable Services for permission to install cable through to service Belmont, was continued from the of July Lexington + :4th-. Question had arisen at that time as to whet her faxes could be imposed for such use. Mr. White referred to a legal review by Peter J. Epstein, Esquire, which had stated that overhead installation would not be subject to taxation. The Manager recommended that the eleven additional recommendations co npd in Mr. Epstei n' s review be the basis of c o n d i t i o n s upon which approval of the request was granted. Mr, Dai l ev P o f nted out that Mr Epstei n' s findings had implied that u nderground round instal 1 ati on of Nashoba cable would be subject to taxation and advised that the right to do so be reserved, with regard to Nashoba or any other Cable company. Alan Davis, General Partner of Nashoba Cable Services asked that the condition relative to transfer of the Grant of Location to another company be amended by adding that permission to do so would not be p Y unreasonably withheld. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the p Y p etition of Nashoba Cable Services of Belmont Ltd. Partnership and Adams-Russell Cable Services, Inc. for grant of location for installation of transport cable by overt ashi ng onto Adams-Russell's existing coaxial cable on certain utility poles locating in Lexington and otherwise occupy rights of way in Lexington, to provide cable television service to the Town of Belmont, as set forth in a letter to the Board of Selectmen dated May 10, 1989, and shown on a map and listing proposed of ro osed l ocat i ons for i nsta 1 l ati on , attached to Mr Davis's letter. Approval ranted subject to Pleven conditions which are based pp was - 9 1989 to Norman on recommendat contained in a letter dated July 19, P Cohen Town Counsel, from Peter Epstein, Esquire. Conditions #3 and #6 were suppl as indicated by underlining, as follows: #3 The Town reserved its right to tax Nashoba's aerial plant over the ublic was when i ts ri , and if, ht to impose taxes for use o state law changes on the matter. The Town also reserves p Y• f the publi rig of way for in of underground c by Nash Cabe Service T rc . , Adams-Russell Services, Inc. or any other Cable coin an requesting such use. #b The rant of location to Nashoba Cable Servi ces , Inc, is not g b transferrable without advance written permissio y the Town, which shall not be unreasona bly withheld. Approval was also conditional with compliance by Nashoba Cable Services with commitments made in Mr. Davis's tune 15th letter to Marion H. Snow, Executive Clerk, in response to requirements listed in a memo dated June 6, 1989, from Frank DiGi ammari no, Chairman, Cable TV and Communications Advisory Committee. PUBLIC HEARING, WATER & SEWER RATES The Public Hearing on FY94 Water and Sewer Rates, opened earlier in the meeting, was continued. Mr. White reviewed with the Board five rate structure opti ons , including a flat rate structure, three inclining block rate structures, .. and generation of revenue from Cycle 9 accounts. JE He recommended that the Board approve Option #?, an i ncl i � n ni n three block structure with 881 of h g t r � dents re�:e1 v� ng a 01 Cre aSe . Mr. White reported that tentative agreement had been reached with Hanscom A.F.B. officials on increasing the rate for water supp lied to a 0 9 °� per hcf, f pp residential rate . Lt. Col. Malcolm Junki ns , H. F.A.B, who was res.en p t s aid ' that although .Hanscom offic are willing to conti discussions of a rate increase for the base, no actual agreement had as yet been reached. Mr. White pointed out that the Town has the option, if no agreement can be reached, of giving Han 9 g g scom a two - n otice that water supply from Lexington wou ld be terminated. There was d i s c u s s i o n of water consumption at condominium developments, which do not have meters for individual units and which the combined usage of several units, and thus who a high 1 evel of water consump It was p suggested that some mechanism for relief' or abatement could be developed. Mr. Marshall expressed concern about the "waterfall effect" of the proposed inclining bl ock rate structures under which users of l arg e amounts of water are charged i 9 g a t a higher gher rate for all l water, the first 100 hcf. . He felt that all consumers should pa the lower rate for usage u to the 100 y q p hcf level and asked that new structuring ng be prepared reflecting that change. y Manager of the requested additional t� ono 1 ma ter ri a l The hearing was adjourned until August 7th at 8:00 p.m., pending provision b the Town Mana . REROOFING CONTRACT, DPW BUILDING Upon motion dulv. made and seconder!, it was voted to award Contract #90-A to the l owest bidder, Titan Roofing , Inc. , 70 Orang Street, Chicopee, MA, in the amount of $54,465.00, for reroofing of the DPW Redford Street Building. MINUTES Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting on Elul v 7, 1989, as amended. The minutes of Board Meetings in Executive Session on June 11, and July 7. 1989, were approved, as presented, CONSENT AGENDA ABATEMENTS WATER, SEWER, DEMAND CHARGES Upon motion duly made and seconded, abatement of charges as follows: Water Charges $ 243.07 Sewer Charges $ 1 Demand Charges $ 5.04 Water Charges $ 40.12 Sewer Charges $ 44.23 Water Charges $ 153.93 Sewer Charges $ 165.16 it was voted to approve TRAFFIC ITEMS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the "MV following requests to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for review and recommendations: a 8� 0 .,, Selectmen's Meeting -5- July 224, 1959 Lowell Street/Lillian Road intersection, Joseph J. Vol ante request regarding speeding. Conca.rd Avenue/Pleasant Street for crosswalk . intersection, Ri chard Spi ers request COMMITMENTS Upon motion duly madeavd seconded, 't as voted to approve commitment of the fol l owi n u ece' pts Cycle 9 Water Bills $ ,783.55 Final Water Bills May/June $ 551.55 Sewer Rills $ 787.32 Sewer Cycle 9 rental $ 750.00 Water, additional commitments: Final Bills, Sewer May/June 417.84 LAND TRANSFER, KATAHDIN WOODS The Board reviewed the request of Conservation Administrator Kevin Mendi k for execution of a. Qui tclaim Deed from the developer of Katandin Woods to the Town of two parcels of land for conservation purposes, It was agreed that the matter would be tabled pending provision of a map showing the parcels in question. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute a Service Agreement for the LEXPRESS mini-bus system, for the coming year, cancellable with 30 days notice. The agreement had been approved as to form by Town Counsel: LEXPRESS CONTRACT RESIGNATION, WASTE MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was regret the resignation cf Judith B. Ma rshall as Management Task Force. The appreciation of the contribution to the work of the Task Force as a valuable member will be expressed in a letter f behalf of the Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, 10:10 p.m. A true record, Attest: voted to accept with .a member of the Waste Board for Mrs. Marshall's most knowledgeable and rom the Chairman on it was voted to adjourn at Marion H. Snow Executive Clerk