HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-08-Hanscom Area Traffic Study Committee-min TO Those Concerned FROM: J.R. Caswell SUBJECT. Minutes of the HATS Meeting on 8 January 1987 The meeting was convened by co-chairpersons Carol Goldman and Jane Farmer at the conference room in the Town Center Building in Bedford, Massachusetts, at 7:30 p.m. Each attendee introduced and identified himself. Attendance list is attached. Minutes of 6/12/86 and 10/9/86 were reviewed. Bob Nash stated that the meetings referred to in the next to the last paragraph of the 6/12/86 minutes have been moved from winter of '86 to the spring of '87. In the 10/9 minutes in the next to last paragraph it should read, "requested a seventh alternative, eighth scenario". With the above comments and corrections the minutes were accepted. Effi Pagitsas reviewed the draft report on the Hanscom Area Traffic Study, Phase 2. This report had been distributed by mail in December 1986 prior to the meeting. Larry Smith commented that the study results only cover traffic. They do not address safety. Dan Beagan answered that these were addressed in the phase 1 report. One result is that Routes 4 and 225 will only be helped by traffic engineering improvements, and not by major actions on major roads. The phase 1 study results are reinforced Dan Beagan commented that there is no great, grand solution but a lot of little things need to be done. Larry Smith indicated that hopefully, the Route 2A Marrett Road work will move beyond the 25% stage soon. Concord wanted to know where the Route 126 and Route 2 intersection work was. It is supposed to be 100% complete design at this point. Question was raised, can HATS as a group facilitate these smaller solutions such as traffic engineering improvements or should they be pursued by each town. The concensus was HATS should be at least an umbrella sponsor. It was reiterated that the model has no sensitivity to hazardous intersections. The draft report as presented covered only p.m. traffic. The a.m. portion will be written by the end of January. Mrs. Detori requested an executive summary in which conclusions are drawn. She asked if this could be a stand-alone docu- ment. CTPS answered in the affirmative. She also requested that technical Minutes of the HATS Meeting on 8 January 1987 Page 2. information such as the improvements to the model be placed in an appendix. Dan Beagan reported that the model used does work on a microcomputer. Concord is running another microcomputer model also. The base data that CTPS used can be down-loaded from CTPS to a micro. Norm Faramelli asked if the smaller improvements could be prioritized. Dan Beagan commented that while each small piece helps, the entire plan must be imple- mented in order to help the region. It was agreed that while the report would indicate that upgrading of Route 2 might eliminate the necessity for some of the changes on Route 2A, the report does not take into account the aspect of getting 2A out of the battleroad and out of the park. CTPS requested comments on the draft report in as soon as possible. They asked us not to wait until we see the morning traffic data. There was discussion on how to pursue the corridor Upgrades to the north and the south and the west of Hanscom Field. Should HATS do it or the towns alone? It was agreed that we should start with all four HATS towns working together. The DPW, John George, has stated he intends to move projects like this ahead. There was discussion as to what local actions towns could take, such as one- way streets, dead-ends, etc CTPS, unfortunately, is not a design agency nor is it capable of dealing in such local detail . Dan Beagan recommends each town get their own model with which they can work on such things. It was agreed that the draft report as presented was excellent and the Com- mittee expressed its appreciation to Dan Beagan and Effi Pagitsas. It was with regret that the Committee learned Dan Beagan is leaving CTPS to go to Stone & Webster the end of January. In other business, no one has been filling out the HATS development notifica- tion forms. It was discussed that there is a new law regarding "major subdivisions" of over 100,000 square feet or 100 housing units. Mrs. DeLori indicated that the HATS development notification form could be incorporated under this law under subdivision rules and regulations. It was tentatively agreed that there would be another HATS meeting in early March before town meeting. Mrs. DeLori will get copies of the new legislation above to all towns' planning board representatives in case they need to do anything at town meeting in order to incorporate the HATS development notifi- cation form in their by-laws. Minutes of the HATS Meeting on 8 January 1987 Page 3 Norm Faramelli asked whether we have a good feeling for the Air Force trip generation. Jane Farmer will write a letter to the Air Force regarding this For example, a thousand employees have been moved from Route 62 in Bedford to Hanscom Air Force Base. It was agreed that we would brief HATS 1 and 2 to senators and representatives. The MAPC indicated the most important thing for us to have is regional and subregional support, such as HATS. It was agreed that the towns that are involved in each corridor would try to get together on an informal basis re- garding these corridor projects prior to the March meeting. After that, we would attempt to brief the senators and representatives. It was noted that ERT is adding 75 thousand feet to their building on Virginia Road and no notification form has been filled out for them. The meeting adjourned at 10.00 p.m. HATS - January 8, 1987 Bedford Carol Goldman Co-chairman, Bedford Selectman Jane Farmer Co-chairman, Bedford Personnel Board John Hollywood Concord Personnel Board Bill Sullivan Concord Selectman Leo P. McSweeney Lexington Selectman John Caswell Lincoln Selectman Bob Sloane EOTC Robert Patneaude MDPW Dan Fortier MAPC Larry Smith Cranberry Hill Associates Terry Fenton Lincoln at large Effi Pagitsas CTPS Dan Beagan CTPS Robert Nash National Park Service Michelle -flatter rn r+--re o Bedford at large Norm Faramelli Massport Rosamond Delori Lincoln Planning Board