HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-14-minAM AOG s 1 73 , � J3 Thu y r i 4day g ar�'p 4y5 P K i , g ,t TAr� p t �M 3T�TF NAL `REFUSE DrSIKiSA$. MIA I+1 rBf AltD; " wane' e ®t� ng, „anardo % v . CLLR -a a„ P� T I OW 4'X t a The Board voted to accept as members the;tour 4# of Acton, Bedford, Burlington and Carlisle.,.. • yr k Minutes will ,in the future be sent •to.. member town. and c 1 rks The following procedures were votedi unanimously: rN 3/5 quorum, one vote per- towp, simple ,majority x , to accept a'voice vote unless a poll is: requested .by any member r not to vote any mayor p licy'or expenditures without prior notification at future`me9tings, to limit participation by nonmembers to written questions to delay the next Board' meeting until Sept 13,,P t subcoimmittees to meet. The legal" subcommittee will prese�at,recommended by -laws; to be voted at the Sept 13 meeting, i House Bill 6643 concerning the state °s solid wapte' disposal plans` was 'referred to the legal subcommittee for study and recommendation, MINUTES The meeting was convened at $:14 P.M. Tony Sorrenti introduced two people (Arthur C. Fitz, Ja%es J'r Allan) from the Maynard landfill operation. The towns of,Acton, Bedford, Burlington and'Carlisle -were accepted as new members, Weston indicated intention to join when committee fully staffed. llh°s . Thornton reminded us of the problem we tackle' nd „Q:oair goals; - In '1972,,the U.S. produced 360 million tone of trash. The E.P.A`, calculates ..that 7b of the world:”, population, used f of its natural resources. -'phis Board hopes to encourage resources rocovery and recycling and to up -date collection and disposal techniques - was reemphasized that the,site committee will;stu4y.,ot1* sites in' addition to the Correctional Institution land.- It was. noted that before t is I)i,striet constructs any; hing,, an environmental impact statement must be filed. -This Board will probably lave collection techniques to'leach'tow, n's own discretion. -The current emphasis will be on site and technical investigations. It is hoped to find a practical, solution more °sophis,tYcated, Oarn; landfill and with , a strong emphasis on resources recovery} Members were reminded that ,a major problem is to become well known in each town. Much ublic awareness must be ned before,,we ask P �a for serious planning', money at next spring'gntown> meeting. Each use o mittee must o b fore :its town hoa rds fit unntl gog o e, P, q m g p q b �' them informed. T46 minutes were read and accepted Tt was recommended that they "town ' clerk of each .town receive a copy. of the to file for use ofa future newly appointed members.` .Also' the selectmen of will. receive a copy. , 4 rtasmbved that the vatic} praedure be one vote" per tawn. It was reiterated that if'onlylone, from a given town attends a meeting, that 'member shou'140 ° able t 5 ,vote for that town. This is,especially true as the pu6iiapxed a dgenda will allow absent members to express their . to that, representative in' advance . The moti.wn• was accepted unanimously., The question of alternates, raised and Veferred to the steering committee. ,- It,was voted to accept a`voice " vote unless a poll of tbektowns is re uested by any merr►ber q , It was asked if 'a committee, can .,vote to spend ,•mc qey withoult,, going back to the town for approval• _.,I't ' iwas noted that the committees are empowered by law to spend their appropriated money.. It was� that after th@ Junes 14th meetiW, participation by, non-members be limited tcs writtek questions recognI at the discretion of the chair. I wash noted that' amoxig' the 'invited towns, only Weston and Sudbury a still undecided. LLexington, ' >. y , Wilmington, Hudson and B`lton,,o } os no j o in .-, to Cain. . Wa land has no enabling Mr. &long raised the problem of new members' Joining aft er significant y t pay had b een expended. I.' was.'�eug mone gested that .if a new town joins it repo m u st pro - rata share ai d, the other towns wi ll' receive v n The new town might even need to Supply extra money fox expanding the study to include' itself Final rdetermination will,., probably be' delayed till the situation appears i.mminert. It was recommended that'the legal subcommittee present sugg:osted' by -laws in the fall for apprOval°;by the Board. The motion'was unanimously pproyed It was a.leo appro ved that ' the ;next 'meeting be Sept l 3 in Stow, I ` It was recommended that the ®esriCng' comm • ittee request; reports' fxom each subcommittee chairman before the next 'meeting , and °then draw up.. the addenda''' Mrs. Haydock a new member 'of the Weston committee F3 , a . � pa • pr�1Fb�,�ed . r briefl,y House Bill 66 3 con erni�g the state's solid wAste'�plan�. The bill calls for mandatory regions With 22 regional.,dispQsal Sites of l ®0+ acres, awned ^bud, not ruzi by the state. 4 The.Regic�� rial Planning agencies gill re the ( sites . T'he' ;citie s and ' tpi14s'r will° contral their collect an''a`nid 'transfer stations, v r' city' and town will be assessed for - .capital costs;. The opera tipn, osts, will,be assessed on a user fse basis,,= The state °coumit d to csamprehenstve resources `r'ecav all, oal be p p to accept separated materials act lo 1 si;tss, The time table calls for regional, site re o -iionm by 'Jan `74, districts assigned by July ' 7t" , "one ^urban an .one rural r0 gipna� operation by DecY '76;'and'fl>ll� ilmplementition . by :198Q. There was considerable congern,as to�vhether this bill, if voted would render useless our ef ,We hop�g t ^ hey' woralet us as one of their districts. We are'= keeping.in „,close touc.ka with the M.A.P.C. which is our• rog'ional planning agency. The legal subcom,mittee., was asked to study* the bill anal recammend: whether we should „support it or tales ether action. ' AUG ` 1 f 13`AM f A r II' 12 w 10 %2 , 6