Minutes of the Meeting
January 21, 1986
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In attendance were :
Dee Shepard Massport
Michael Dye Jet Aviation
Paul Ardizzoni Jet Aviation
Ed Trautman Lexington
Neal Schwartz Massport
Robin Ellis Massport
Hugh Willis WCH Industries
JoRita Jordan Carlisle
Tom Brougham NBAA
Burt Nichols Lexington
Scott Cooledge Lexington
John Griffin East Coast Aero Tech
Jim Merageas FAA
Carol Blair MAPC
Louis Edmonds Lexington
Sherry Edmonds Lexington
Joyce Hals Massport
John Wraga Beechcraft
Norm Faramelli Massport
Rick Hill Concord
Lt. Ralph R. Williams HAFB
Jane L. Farmer LWV
Robert Domnitz Meriam Hill Assoc. -Lexington
Norm Fredkin Raytheon Co.
Ben Obear A.O.P.A.
Rick Theriault Lincoln
Alan Lazarus Meriam Hill Assoc.
Michelle Matteo Bedford
Bill Johansen Lexington
Mike Goulian Executive Flyers
1. Minutes
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The minutes were approved
2. Hanscom Field Business Plan -1985
William Coleman, Director of Aviation opened the
discussion of the Business Plan by reviewing its
history, 1985 accomplishments and plans for 1986.
The status of Hanscom' s financial status was
reviewed - Revenues , particularly from rentals
rose in FY85 , due to increased rents rather than
new property coming on line.
In response to questions, Bill Coleman stated
that Massport will be looking at ways to increase revenues
in 1986, especially from user fees - He further stated
that the majority of monies spent at Hanscom are from
revenue bonds, and that Hanscom receives minimal funds
from the Airport Improvement Program. He promised to
follow up on requests for faster progress on the
Transition Zone Study, and provide more detailed
financial information for the members. The Plan was
summarized as having no surprises for the Commission
and stating that Massoort ' s policy, as stated in the
Master Plan will be reviewed in 1986.
3 . GEIR Update
Hugh Willis, project manager from WCH Industries introduced
himself and advised that other sub-contractors for the
Project will be : IEP (water) , Fay, Spofford, Thorndike
(airports , HMMH (noise) and CTPS (traffic. Massport
will provide the air quality input.
He stated that 1985 has been chosen as the base line
year, although 1983 had been designated originally.
The change was made because 1985 data is more complete
and the 5 year projection will go from there. A retro-
spective analysis going back to 1978 will also be done.
The final product will have a chapter for each task, as
outlined in the draft distributed at the meeting.
Norm Farmamelli described an outline of scenarios Massport
will use for the GEIR. They are based on the MEPA
Scope of Work and will be estimates of possible activity,
since forecasting at a general aviation airport is difficult .
Work will be held up until the Greiner Engineering work
in the Civil Terminal Area is under way. Massport and
the Air Force will talk to tenants and the National Guard
to determine future projected flight activity.
4. Fuel Tax
Sandy Sanford distributed a report summarizing the Sub
Committee meeting held on January 16th. A follow up meeting
has been planned with Town officials on Friday, January 23rd
at 4 :30 P.M.
5. Statistics & Planning
Joyce Hals distributed the 1985, 12 months EXP statistics,
which will be slightly revised before a final "Noise Report"
will be presented by HMMH in March. She stated that it appears
that 1985 noise levels were no higher than in 1984 in spite
of increased flight activity.
6. Other
It was announced that Alan Lazarus will retire from his
position representing the Meriam Hill Association. Bob
Domnitz has been nominated to replace him. Joyce Hals,
in behalf of Massport, thanked Alan for his years of service.
John Wraga requested an opportunity to present the preliminary
plans for the proposed new Beechcraft facility.