HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-18-HFA-min Minutes of the Meeting Hanscom Field Advisory Commission March 18, 1986 1 . Minutes The Minutes of the January 21 meeting were approved . 2. Annual Noise Report The 1985 Annual Noise Report was discussed by Bob Miller of Harris Miller Miller & Hanson. He summarized the report , indicat-ng the EXP trend is shifting ; the civilian component is decreasing and the military component increasing. Jim Mereages remarked that the military increase was probably indirectly related to the fact that both Fort Devens and Pease Air Force Base were closed during part of 1985 and aircraft were diverted to Hanscom. He asn.ed that reports make a note of any unusual occurances . Discussion also centered on the fact that the EXP number does not include operations of single engine aircraft . Both Fred Marcus and Rich Theriault expressed concerned that the annoyance factor of these operations are not counted. Bob Miller explained that it would take a significant number of single operations to change EXP or move the contour lines Norm Redkin stated that the report , as submitted , was what has been requested and that if the noise subcommittee wants different data , they should reouest it . 3. GEIR Subcommittee Report Jane Farmer reviewed the results of the February 4 meeting between the Committee and Massport . The major decisions concerned the choices to use 1985 as a base year, as well as a 2% and 5% growth factor. The consensus report summarizing decisions reached was discussed and distributed . A draft will be ready for the June meeting. 4 . Beechcraft Proposal for Air Center One John Wragg distributed a draft ENF describing plans to build a new transient facilit7 at Hanscom. The formal Draft presentation will be made at the April meeting. The location, final configuration of the ramp and taxi lanes will be worked out with Massport . A meeting to discuss the operational issues was agreed upon and will be held on April 3 . Notices will be sent to all HFAC members ' - P 1 DRAFT APPENDIX A — - - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 0rONMENTAL NOTIFICATION FORM _ r� SUMMARY A. Project Identification ' Boston Air]ioet 1 Project Name Bo a s `~ Scheduled Helicopter Service 2. ProjectBoston Xirlino` Inc.Proponent Hanscom Field, Bedford,, MA B. Project Description. HCityv,Dmwm(s) Lincoln/Bedford and East Boston. MA � Location within city/town or streeaddress B0nsrnm Field and LugiaD Airport 2. Est. Commencement Date' July 1986 Est.Completion Date. On going Approx. Cost $ N/A Current Status of Project Design: 100 %Complete C. Narrative Summary of Project Describe project and give a description of the general project boundaries and the present use of the project area. (U necessary, use back of this page to complete summary). ---- Boeton Airlines, Inc. proposes to conduct scheduled helicopter service for the general public between Logan Airport and Hanscom Field utilizing 18 passenger Sikorsky S-58T helicopters. Aircraft will have a two man flight crew and be flown in Visual Flight operations only. The aircraft are powered by Pratt & Whitney, PT-6, twin-pack engines. The rotor system is a four bladed, single rotor system wnich significantly reduces noise signatures. Hanscom - Logan Service The proposed schedule would be conducted during the normal operational hours (7am -11pm) for Hanscom Field. The initial schedule for the Hanscom - Logan service would consist of four (4) daily roundtrips increasing to a maximum of thirteen (13) roundtrips daily (Enclosure 1). This schedule equates to 28 flights weekly increasing to a maximum of 91 flights weekly within 18 months, depending on market demand. The flight profile will, due to proposed location of landing areas at both airports, allow descent and climb to be conducted within the airport enviroos. Enroute, to and from Logan, aircraft will join the current helicopter corridor along Rte 128 Ibl , profile will minimize impact on the surrounding communties (Enclosure 2) It is expected that Lbe addition of this service will offer offsetting reductions in commuter traffic in and through the local communties traveling to and from Boston At a maximum of thirteen trips daily this service will offer 468 seats Details concerning aircraft impact on noise, energy, and pollution are provided in the following sections Copes of this may be obtained from. Name, Wayne 8,»deroo» Firm/Agency. Boston Ai rl � Tar Address: Civil Terminal Hanscom al d , Berl ^ MA Phone No. 274-611'' 01730 1979 THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTICE. COMMENT PERIOD IS LIMITED �-- ,-,-_--^'-- _., 1"1.11 `", =nno &0E AL AUDIT I " r 3 . “ Part 1 - Hanscom Field Project Proponent Boston Airlines, Inc. r This environmental audit, prepared by Massport, is intended to supplement ' 1 the information on the noise, air quality, traffic and parking impacts attributable to the proposed service. Since the proposed service affects both Hanscom Field and Logan Airport, the audit has been prepared in two parts in order to separately address the potential impacts of the project on each airport. I. Proposed Service Boston Airlines, Inc. has submitted an Environmental Notification Form (ENF) to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs proposing scheduled helicopter service between Hanscom Field in Bedford, downtown Boston and Tncan International Airport. The ENF will be published in the Environmental Monitor, on or about May 7th, 1986. Table I-General Information Aircraft Type. . . . . . . . -S8T helicopter Fine Type. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ptatt Et Whitney PT-6 twin-pack, four-blade, single-rotor engine Passenger Seats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . —18 Maximum Gross Takeoff Weigh . . . 13,000 lbs. Maximum Gross Landing Weiaht. . .13,000 lbs. Terminal Space. . . . . . . . . , . . . —Hanscom- Civil Terminal Logan- Terminal A or B Downtown Boston- Nashua Street Heliport or a to-be-determined site Schedule - present proposed . . . .4 roundtrips daily (Hanscom- Logan service) - maximum. . . . . . . . .13 roundtrips daily (Hanscom- Tngan service) II. Environmental Tmoacts A. Existing Conditions/Growth In 1985 there was a total of 247,469 aircraft operations at Hanscom Field. Of these, approximately 7015 were conducted in helicopters. Helicopters represent a relatively small component of total operations at Hanscom. The present operations are principally attributable to two corporate operators, Digital Equipment and Millipore Corporation, both based at Hanscom. Hanscom helicopter operations data for 1981-1985 are shown below: Year Total Aircraft Total Helicopter Helicopter Operations Operations Operations 1981 213,96 7611 3.7 1982 215,984 6132 2 8 1983 219,406 8614 3.9 1984 229,130 6351 2.8 1985 247,496 7015 2 8 At its potential maximum level of service, Boston Airlines operations would add 9464 operations annually to helicopter operations at Hanscom. This represents a 3.8% increase in the Hanscom 1985 operations total. /Y- 301 CMR: EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Appendix F Fo os of Notice DRAFT NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUBMIT ENVIRONMENTAL NOTIFICATION FORM Beech Holdings, Inc hereby gives no : ice •••SIE. proponent) ------- that on or about February 28, 1986 an Environmental Notification .ate)____ Form (ENF) will be submitted to the Secretary of Enviro . ental Affairs under the provisions of MPA, M.G.L. , Ch. 30, ss . 62 to 621-1, inclusive for the Beechcraft Air Center 1 Executive Terminal cbrief—discriptiofi—of pr6fect) at Hanscom Field Bedford MA --(1-6-6-11—FJ--ffoject 6F—itreet—i—daress , city or ttiaj Copies of this ENF will be available from Edwards and Kelcey, Inc name an addliess where 286 Congress Street, Boston, MA 02210 proponent This ENF will be available for public inspection during business hours at the MEPA Unit , Executive Office of Environmental Affairs , 100 Cambridge Street , 20th Floor , Boston , Massachusetts 02202 and also at Beechcraft East located at Hanscom Field, Bedford, MA Public Notice of the filing of this ENP will be published by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs in the Environmental Monitor. A twenty day period for submission of public comments wiil follow the publication of notice in the Monitor . Please write or call the MEPA Unit at 727 S830 for info: ', ation on public co tent periods and how to subscribe to the Moni.tor . By Beech Holdin91, (proponefitT •